Physics 12 Lab Module #11 Half-life Module 11 4/21/2015 Name: ________________________ Group Member(s): _______________ Introduction Some substances contain radioactive elements and they have a property called half-life. Half-life is the time it takes for half of atoms in the element to decay or change into another substance. The atoms do not decay in any set order. Some radioactive elements have a half-life of 5000 years. This means that after 5000 years, only, half the remaining atoms will decay. Geologists use -half-life in radioactive dating of some rocks. They compare the amount of the radioactive element in a rock to the amount that has changed into another substance. By knowing the half-life of the element, the approximate age of the rock can be determined. For example, uranium is radioactive. Through a series of steps it breaks down to lead at a known rate. Its half-life is used to calculate the age of the rock. The half-life of uranium is the amount of time it takes half of any amount of uranium to break down to lead . By measuring the ratios between uranium and lead, we can estimate the ages of rocks that are millions of years old. The measurements are not perfect, but that have provided a time scale that is more accurate than any previous one. Similar calculations have been made using radioactive potassium and rubidium. Carbon-14 is radioactive carbon formed from nitrogen in the atmosphere. It has been used to date plant and animal remains. All living things use carbon-14 in the life processes. After death, however, the carbon-14 gradually reverts to nitrogen and disappears. The rate is its half-life which is approximately 5770 years. In another 5770 years, half of the remaining carbon-14 will disappear and so on. Organic matter younger than 1000 years has lost too little radioactive carbon for the difference to be measured. Organic matter between 1000 to 50 000 years can be dated by the amount of carbon-14 it contains. This information is extremely useful to geologists, anthropologists, and archeologists. Materials - Simulats (simulated atoms) - Shaker Procedure 1. Assemble the shaker that you have been provided. 2. Place the entire collection of simulats into the shaker. Shake the shaker covering the top with one hand and then dump the simulats onto a table or desk. 3. All of the simulats that land with their white side up should be moved to one side, and black side up to another. 4. Count the number of white simulats and record into Table 1. 5. Return the black simulats to the shaker and the process repeated, recording data into Table 1 6. This should be continued until all simulats have decayed (landed white side up!) 7. Return simulats to their bag and flatten the shaker. Return to your teacher. Physics 12 Lab Module #11 4/21/2015 Table 1 # of Tosses No. of simulats that have decayed (White) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1. Plot the data Number of Tosses Vs. White Simulats. 2. Take the square below and assume it represents a mass of carbon-14. Divide the square to represent the amount of carbon-14 left after 5700 years (Use 5700 years as the approximate halflife of carbon-14). Continue to divide the square to show the amount of carbon 14 left after 11400, 17100 22800, and 28500 years 3. What fraction of carbon-14 still remains in charcoal burned in a primitive man’s campfire approximately 28,000 years ago? You may check your answer with the divided square. ______________________________________________________________________ Physics 12 Lab Module #11 4/21/2015 4. What fraction of carbon 14 still remains in an animal frozen in a glacier 18,000 years ago. Use your graph (back page) to assist you ____________________________________________________________________________ 5. Estimate the age of pollen found in peat swamps left by a flakier from your graph. Assume that only 1/8 of the original carbon-14 remains in the pollen. (Check your answer with the square) ____________________________________________________________________________ Conclusions 6. How many simulats changed or decayed by the end of the experiment? ________________ 7. (a) Compared to the original number of simulats you started with, approximately how many were left after each shake? ___________________________________________ (b) What does this indicate about the rate at which half-life occurs? ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 8. What are some inaccuracies of this experiment in demonstrating half-life? ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 9. Will all carbon 14 in nature eventually disappear? _________ Explain your answer. ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Physics 12 Lab Module #11 4/21/2015 250 Decayed Simulats 200 150 100 50 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Number of Tosses Plot information from Table 1 in this above graph. 50000 45000 40000 Years sinceDeath 35000 30000 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 Fraction To help you with problems, and to complete this assignment, plot the fraction of C-14 remaining versus the time that has passed. The source data for this comes from question 2
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