357 EasT TaMakI ROaD Join Gaze Property Partnership in their next exciting development project 357 East Tamaki Road, Auckland, New Zealand • • • • Targeted return on equity of 42% p.a. 3.4 hectares In the high demand Auckland industrial market Investment term of only 14 months A limited liability partnership structure that is tax efficient FINDING SimpLiCiTY FROM COMPLEXITY. Interior Architecture • Project & Cost Management • Property Advisory • Building Refurbishment • Procurement • Property Partnership pRimE LOCATiON 2 EXISTING SITE – AERIAL VIEW 06 DEVELOPMENT PLAN – SUBDIVISION EAST TAMAKI ROAD LOT 1 18 LOT 2 LOT 3 1,308 m2 LOT 4A 3,388 m2 2,000 m2 LOT 6 WAY E LOT 5 ASEM ENT B 1,998 m2 RIGHT OF WAY EASEMENT A 19 N 5,633 m2 LOT 4B 7,250 m2 RIGH T OF 7,256 m2 17 LOT 7 2,224 m2 LOT 4C 3,158 m2 16 1/2 M CONTOUR LINES Legend: Yield: Areas: Esplanade Reserve Subdivided Site Lot 1: Lot 2: Lot 3: Lot 4A: 1,998 m2 1,308 m2 3,388 m2 2,000 m2 Lot 4B: Lot 4C: Lot 5: Lot 6: Lot 7: 7,250 3,158 7,256 5,636 2,224 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 8 - Industrial Sites (total area: 31,986 m2) 1 - Esplanade Reserve Site (total area: 2,224 m2) Entire Site Area: 34,210 m2 FOR DISCUSSION Project: Industrial Park & Subdivision 357 EAST TAMAKI ROAD, TAMAKI East Tamaki Road Subdivision Plan Client: Manukau Operative District Plan - Business Zone 5 Controls 14/07/14 Gaze Property JOB #: DRAWING #: 14012 101 Revision: - Architecture Interiors Urban Design Workplace Solutions Project Coordination Ministry of architecture interiors Level 1 Southern Cross Building 59-67 High Street, Auckland 1010 PO Box 6068 Wellesley Street Auckland 1141 Akl +64 9 303 4794 / Chch +64 3 344 0050 E: studio@moai.net.nz web: www.moai.net.nz Ministry of architecture interiors 07 Ministry of architecture interiors Level 1 Southern Cross Building 59-67 High Street, Auckland 1010 PO Box 6068 Wellesley Street Auckland 1141 Akl +64 9 303 4794 / Chch +64 3 344 0050 E: studio@moai.net.nz web: www.moai.net.nz Map Ministry of architecture interiors LimiTED pARTNERSHip AND DiSCLOSURE STATEmENTS • Gaze property partnership Limited – led by David Gaze and Chris Jones, who will oversee the management of the Limited Partnership on behalf of the General Partner. The costs and expenses of Gaze Property Partnership establishing the partnership will be met by the Limited Partnership as well as receiving a monthly development management fee for overseeing the delivery of the project. • The General partner – The General Partner, together with the Limited Partnership, is liable for the debts of the Limited Partnership. The General Partner is the separate entity from the Limited Partnership responsible for management of the development. This creates a distinction in economic and legal terms between Limited Partners, the Limited Partnership and the General Partner as the manager. • The Limited partners – The Limited Partnership will consist of a number of Limited Partners. Their liability for the debts of the Limited Partnership will be limited to their capital contribution thus offering the same benefits as shareholders in a limited liability company. The General Partner manages the Limited Partnership and is liable with the PartnershipforthedebtsoftheEastTamakiLimitedPartnership. • Tax Efficiency – A further feature of Limited Partnerships is that the Limited Partnership is not directly taxed for gains or losses. Any taxable income passes directly to the Limited Partners. This allows the partner to deal with tax liabilities according to theirindividualtaxposition(s).Allinvestorsareadvisedtoseektheirowntaxadvicein respect of their specific position. • 013 management Structure – David Gaze is the sole director of Gaze Property Partnership LimitedandtheGeneralPartnerGaze@EastTamakiLimited.TheGeneralPartner will be managed by Gaze Property Partnership Limited strictly in accordance with the LimitedPartnershipAgreement(Appendix5).Atotallytransparentrelationshipwillexist between the General Partner and Limited Partners with regularly quarterly reporting and other updates by the General Partner to the Limited Partners on progress and any material decisions that may affect their investment. In all matters a strict code of privacy will apply to the disclosure of information. • Disclosure Statement–GazePropertyPartnershipLimitedisownedbyGazeHoldings Limited,.DavidGazeissoledirectorofbothcompanies.ThesharesinGazeHoldings Limited are owned by trustees of a trust of which David Gaze is the beneficiary. • Securities Act information–Thisinvestmentopportunityisonlyopentoaperson(s): • hoisexperiencedininvestingmoneyorinanindustryorbusinesstowhichthe W investment relates, as verified by an independent financial services provider; or • hoiswealthy(iehasnetassetsofatleastnz$2,000,000oranannualgross W incomeofatleast$200,000foreachofthelast2financialyears),ascertifiedby an independent chartered accountant; or within the meaning of the Securities Act 1978. • hisinvestmentisnotanofferingofsecuritiestothepublicandisnotopento T persons falling outside these categories. • hereisnoregisteredprospectusorinvestmentstatementrelatingtothisoffer. T It is strongly recommended that all interested investors obtain independent legal, financial and investment advice prior to making any decision in relation to this investment. • Legal Structure of Limited partnership – refer to the Limited Partnership Agreement at Appendix 5 SimpLiCiTY Is ThE Gaze Offices uLTIMaTE sOPhIsTICaTION. Auckland Head Office Leonardo Da Vinci POBox758 Shortland Street, Auckland 1140 T+6493060110 Wellington Office POBox10851 Wellington T+6444997919 Christchurch Office POBox1801 Christchurch8140 T+6434231809 Gaze Leadership David Gaze Managing Director - Gaze m+64021908888 DDi+6493060122 Edavid.gaze@gaze.co.nz Chris Jones At Gaze we believe the most elegant solution to a problem, is usually the most simple. When it comes to property, we specialise in finding simplicity from complexity. ExecutiveDirector–GazePropertyPartnerships m+6421989761 DDi+6493060116 Echris.jones@gaze.co.nz FINDING SimpLiCiTY FROM COMPLEXITY. Interior Architecture • Project & Cost Management • Property Advisory • Building Refurbishment • Procurement • Property Partnership
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