AGENDA GREEN BAY METROPOLITAN SEWERAGE DISTRICT COMMISSION MEETING March 25, 2015 Daniel J. Alesch Training Center, 2231 N. Quincy Street 8:30 a.m. 1) Safety moment. 2) Convene in closed session under State Statute 19.85 (1) (e) for the purpose of deliberating or negotiating the purchasing of public properties, the investing of public funds, or conducting other specified public business, whenever competitive or bargaining reasons require a closed session: a) Brown County Household Hazardous Waste Facility Agreement 3) Reconvene in open session. 4) Approval of minutes of Commission meeting held February 25, 2015. 5) January financials. Click Here: Click Here: Click Here: Click Here: Click Here: 6) (Sigmund) (Diaz) Financial Memo Income Statement Income Statement Legends Statements of Net Position Statements of Net Position Legends Request Commission approval to enter into an agreement with Arcadis U.S., Inc. for a Billing Program Design Project. (Vander Loop) Click Here: Memo 7) Request Commission approval to award the 2015 Green Bay Facility Mechanical Building Roof Replacement Project to Northern Metal & Roofing Co., Inc. (Erschnig) Click Here: Memo 8) Request Commission approval to enter into an agreement with Starboard Consulting for replacement of NEW Water’s Computerized Maintenance Management System. (Erschnig) Click Here: Memo 9) Request Commission approval to close out the West Tower Drive Interceptor Relocation Project 10-621 and issue final payment of $40,574.65 to PTS Contractors, Inc. (Angoli) Click Here: Memo Click Here: Final Project Report 10) Request Commission approval of Amendment No. 12 for CH2M HILL to provide bid and award services for the Resource Recovery and Electrical Energy Project – Contract 34 Digestion and Solids Facility. (Angoli) Click Here: Memo 11) Request Commission approval of Amendment No. 13 for the additional Nutrient Recovery design services for the Resource Recovery and Electrical Energy Project. (Angoli) Click Here: Memo 12) Request Commission approval to increase the contingency amount for the Green Bay Facility Disinfection System Upgrades Project design services. (Sarau) Click Here: Memo 13) 2013 significant noncompliance summary and pretreatment update. (Oldenburg) Click Here: Memo 14) 2013 Industrial Achievement Awards. (Oldenburg) Click Here: Memo 15) Update of projects: a) Resource Recovery and Electrical Energy (R2E2) Click Here: Memo b) Primary Switchgear and Utility Relocation (R2E2 – Contract 33) Click Here: Project Report c) MCC-B1/B1A Replacement (Angoli) (Brown) (Sarau) Click Here: Project Report 16) Operation report: (Wescott) Click Here: Memo a) Effluent quality for February Click Here: Click Here: Click Here: Click Here: b) Effluent Report – Green Bay Facility Graph of Effluent Report – Green Bay Facility Effluent Report – De Pere Facility Graph of Effluent Report – De Pere Facility Air quality for February Click Here: Air Report – Green Bay Facility Click Here: Graph of Air Report – Green Bay Facility 17) Executive Director’s report: Click Here: Memo a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) April Commission meeting NR101 Fees Umbrella limits for suspended solids and phosphorus Construction air permit NACWA awards Executive Director’s approval authority for R2E2 Project Insurance coverage renewal Phosphorus Summit (Sigmund) Return to Agenda Memorandum TO: Commission Tom Sigmund FROM: Maridey Diaz DATE: March 17, 2015 SUBJECT: 2015 January Financial Statements Please find attached the Financial Statements for your review. Operating Revenues January’s operating revenues were favorable to budget by $255K or 10% due to the warmer weather causing snowmelt that led to more flows received than anticipated and other revenues from septage of the three cheese facilities. NEW Water User Fees Revenues – Comparison by Parameters January Parameters Actual Variances Compared to Budget % Compared to Budget Volume $48,002 106.9% BOD $99,308 116.7% ($28,561) 94.0% $1,469 107.4% TKN $21,290 113.3% I&I ($36) 99.8% $141,472 105.9% Suspended Solids Phosphorus Total 5.9% Note: The chart summarizes variances, in comparison to budget, of user fees from municipalities and mill waste. Operating Expenses January’s operating expenses were favorable to budget by $156K or 10% due to less expenditures than budgeted from: - No chemical purchase on polymer (based on purchase versus usage). - Natural gas and fuel oil from less gas used in heating at Green Bay Facility than projected. - Contracted services of environmental programs delay from receiving waters planning. - Maintenance interceptors due to less expenditures than budgeted. - Supplementary expenses due to less expenditures on small tools than budgeted. Green Bay Metropolitan Sewerage District 2231 North Quincy Street | Green Bay, WI 54302 | Phone (920) 432-4893 Return to Agenda January’s operating favorable expenses were offset by unfavorable results as compared to budget from maintenance plant of an unbudgeted incinerator hearth replacement of $63K. Net Income The net income for the month of January was $515K from operating income (Operating Revenues less Operating Expenses). Reporting and Information Following are the Operating Revenue and Expense graphs, and the Income Statement and Statements of Net Position Legends are attached. No Commission action is required. NEW Water 2015 Operating Revenues 4,400,000 Operating Revenues 4,000,000 3,600,000 3,200,000 2,800,000 2,400,000 2,000,000 1,600,000 1,200,000 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2015 BUDGET 2,545,612 2,366,186 2,791,484 4,197,248 2,827,313 2,615,620 2,533,227 2,513,587 2,430,138 2,638,667 2,593,605 2,506,172 2015 ACTUAL 2,800,393 % from Budget 10.0% 2015 Operating Expenses Operating Expenses 1,800,000 1,600,000 1,400,000 1,200,000 1,000,000 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2015 BUDGET 1,609,238 1,663,847 1,645,605 1,558,973 1,606,094 1,744,245 1,534,319 1,534,412 1,579,865 1,515,268 1,472,174 1,628,498 2015 ACTUAL 1,453,143 % from Budget 9.7% Return to Agenda NEW Water Green Bay Metropolitan Sewerage District INCOME STATEMENT For the Month Ending January 31, 2015 Current Month Actual 2015 Budget 2015 Year to Date Actual 2014 Budget vs. Actual Favorable/ (Unfavorable) Operating Revenues User Fees - Municipal Waste $ 2,318,948 User Fees - Mill Waste $ 92,806 Capital - Mills $ 97,072 - Other Revenues 2,460,749 $ 4,266 - 133,858 141,802 92,035 - 242,571 2,373,151 - 108,713 218,420 --------------------- ------------------------------------------ ----------------------Total Operating Revenues $ 2,545,612 $ 2,800,393 $ 254,781 $ 2,683,606 $ 578,583 $ 576,708 $ 1,875 $ 557,750 Operating Expenses Salaries Benefits 220,341 208,462 11,879 219,309 18,783 9,874 8,909 10,524 4,871 2,409 2,462 794 Power 192,671 188,881 3,790 190,979 Natural Gas & Fuel Oil 185,182 149,883 35,299 187,867 47,556 8,989 38,568 93,840 102,563 134,992 ( 32,429 ) 121,195 Employee Development Travel and Meetings Chemicals Maintenance - Plant Maintenance - Interceptors 23,727 315 23,411 10,247 121,497 93,180 28,317 104,094 Insurance 16,945 16,945 - 16,989 Solid Waste Disposal 24,590 11,855 12,735 13,781 Office Related Expenses 21,888 23,673 ( 1,786 ) 29,526 Supplementary Expenses 50,041 26,977 23,064 20,038 Contracted Services (See Legend) --------------------- ------------------------------------------ ----------------------Total Operating Expenses $ 1,609,238 $ 1,453,143 $ 156,095 $ 1,576,934 --------------------- ------------------------------------------ ----------------------Operating Income $ 936,374 $ 1,347,250 $ 410,875 $ 1,106,672 --------------------- ------------------------------------------ ----------------------Non-Operating Revenues and Expenses Investment Income $ Depreciation 45,906 $ (617,011) Gain (Loss) on Disposal of Fixed Assets - Interest Expense ( 468,045 ) 56,246 $ ( 617,011 ) 10,340 $ - - ( 568,231 ) - ( 271,051 ) 39,300 - 196,994 ( 123,596 ) --------------------- ------------------------------------------ ----------------------Total Non-Operating Revenues and Expenses $ ( 1,039,151 ) $ ( 831,816 ) $ 207,335 $ ( 652,527 ) --------------------- ------------------------------------------ ----------------------Net Income (Loss) $ ( 102,777 ) $ 515,433 $ 618,210 $ 454,144 --------------------- ------------------------------------------ ----------------------Note: Please reference attached legends by categories. Return to Agenda 1 NEW Water Green Bay Metropolitan Sewerage District Income Statement Legends per Categories Operating Revenues: User Fees - Municipal Waste: Volume, Biochemical Oxygen Demand, Suspended Solids, Phosphorus, Kjeldahl Nitrogen, Direct Charges User Fees – Mill Waste: Volume, Biochemical Oxygen Demand, Suspended Solids, Phosphorus, Kjeldahl Nitrogen Direct Charges from Procter & Gamble, and Fox River Fiber Capital and Direct Revenue Mills: Capital and Debt Service Charges. Other Revenues: Excess Capacity Rental and Exceedance Surcharges, Discounts Permit Fees, Leases and miscellaneous revenues. Operating Expenses: Salaries: Departmental, Pretreatment, Interceptor, Meter and Lift Stations (East River Lift Stations and Old Plank Lift Stations). Benefits: Health, Dental, & Life Insurances, Retirement, Social Security, Fringe and Compensated Benefits, Workers and Unemployment Compensations, Uniforms, Employee Referral Services, Long Term Disability, and Wellness. Employee Development: Registration, Conference, Seminar, Tuition Fees and Training. Travel and Meetings: Lodging, Transportation, Meals, Mileage, and Meetings (prior were included in Employee Development and Supplementary Expenses). Power: All Power related. Natural Gas & Fuel Oil: Generators, Incineration and Heating. Chemicals: Sodium, Polymer, Ferric Chloride, Muriatic Acid, Lime, etc., Interceptor Odor Control and Lab Chemicals. Maintenance Plant: Repair and Maintenance Building and Equipments, Inventories (Obsolescence, Variances), Telephones for Lift and Meter Stations, Pretreatment Programs, Inventory Obsolescence, Leases and Rental. Return to Agenda 2 NEW Water Green Bay Metropolitan Sewerage District Income Statement Legends per Categories Operating Expenses (Continued): Maintenance Interceptors: Repair and Maintenance of Interceptors, Lift Stations, and Meter Stations. Contracted Services: Contractors, Legal, Audit, Studies, Occupational Health, Custodial Services, Environmental Programs, Sponsorship, Hazardous Waste Disposal, Class and Compensation, Household Hazardous Waste Disposal, DNR Environmental Fees, In District Sustainability, Risk Based Asset Management, Watershed Based Planning, Reg/Muni Environment Service and Contingency. Insurances: Automobile, Property, Boiler and Machinery, Liability, Umbrella, Commercial Crime, and Public Officials. Solid Waste Disposal: Hickory Meadows Landfill and Veolia Environmental Services. Office Related Expenses: Supplies, Postage, Data Processing (computer software, main application, support, etc.), Publishing, Sales and Use Tax, Bank Service Charges and Employee Recognition. Supplementary Expenses: Telephones (main lines, cells), Fuel Vehicles, (New) Fuel Equipment, Small Tools, Public Information, Memberships and Dues, Publications and Subscriptions, Licenses & Permits, Freight In, Freight Out, Safety Shoes and Glasses, and Water (including Fire Protection supplemental fee). Non-Operating Revenues and Expenses: Investment Income: Interest on Investments and Interceptor Cost Recovery Interest. Depreciation Expense: Monthly Depreciation on all Fixed Assets such as Land, Land Improvements, Buildings, Vehicle, Boats & Trailers, Machinery Equipment, Furniture and Fixtures, Interceptors, Meters & Lift Stations. Gain (Loss) on Disposal of Fixed Assets: Sale, Disposal, and Transfer of Fixed Asset. Interest Expense: Debt Service and Bond Anticipation Note Interest. Return to Agenda NEW Water GREEN BAY METROPOLITAN SEWERAGE DISTRICT For the Month Ending January 31, 2015 STATEMENTS OF NET POSITION Assets Current Assets Cash and Investments Receivables Sewage Treatment Service Other Inventories Prepaid Expenses $ 11,304,446 $ 4,623,432 313,354 898,595 160,622 ---------------------------$ 17,300,449 Total Current Assets Restricted Assets Cash and Investments Accrued Interest Receivables Interceptor Cost Recovery Receivable $ 80,479,218 195,894 5,039,159 ---------------------------$ 85,714,270 Total Restricted Assets Capital Assets Wastewater Treatment Facilities Interceptor Sewers Construction in Progress $ 200,270,734 82,988,041 36,904,530 ---------------------------$ 320,163,305 Total Capital Assets Less: Accum Depreciation and Amortization Net Capital Assets Total Assets ( 121,525,244 ) ---------------------------$ 198,638,061 ---------------------------$ 301,652,781 ================ Liabilities and Equity Current Liabilities Accounts Payable Salaries Payable Other Accrued Liabilities $ 4,322,912 257,768 100,798 ---------------------------$ 4,681,478 Total Current Liabilities Liabilities Payable from Restricted Assets Accounts Payable Current Maturities of General Long-Term Debt Interest Accrued Total Liabilities Payable from Restricted Assets $ 226,423 5,446,191 764,409 ---------------------------$ 6,437,023 Long-Term Liabilities General Long-Term Debt, Less Current Maturities Compensated Absences Deferred Revenue Total Long-Term Liabilities Total Liabilities $ 86,688,780 1,571,476 2,690,553 ---------------------------$ 90,950,809 ---------------------------$ 102,069,310 ---------------------------- Net Position Net Position Invested in Capital Assets, net of Related Debt Restricted for Equipment & Interceptor Replacement Restricted for Debt Retirement Restricted for Capital Projects Unrestricted Total Net Position Note: Please reference attached legends by categories. $ 106,503,091 44,902,447 22,253,191 16,420,693 9,504,050 ---------------------------$ 199,583,471 ================ Return to Agenda 1 NEW Water Green Bay Metropolitan Sewerage District Statements of Net Position (previously Balance Sheet) Legends per Categories Assets Current Assets: Are cash and other assets that will be converted to cash or used by GBMSD in a relative short period of time, usually a year or less. Cash and Investments: Petty cash, cash in checking, general savings and investment accounts, discounts/premiums for unrestricted and restricted. Accounts Receivables: All amounts owed to GBMSD by customers. Sewage Treatment Service: Accounts receivable for sewage treatment services. Accrued Interest: accrued interest and interest received on investments. Other: Accounts receivable from septage, pretreatment, and other customers such as Procter and Gamble Paper Products, West Shore Pipeline Co, etc. Inventories: Are goods and materials held available in stock by GBMSD such as electrical, instrumentation, mechanical, hardware, janitorial, lubes & oils, fuel oils, polymer, and all other miscellaneous related products such as copy paper, gloves, respirator or filter head piece, cartridge, cleaners, towels, etc. Prepaid Expenses: Insurances that have been paid for and not yet used such as worker compensation, liability base, automotive, umbrella base, property base, boiler & machinery, commercial crime, public officials, health, dental, and fringe benefits. Restricted Assets Cash and Investments: Savings, investment and money market accounts for debt, plant and equipment replacement fund (PERF), interceptor cost recovery (ICR), bond proceeds, and unrealized gain/loss. Accrued Interest Receivable: Accrued interest and interest received periodically on restricted investments. Return to Agenda 2 NEW Water Green Bay Metropolitan Sewerage District Statements of Net Position (previously Balance Sheet) Legends per Categories Interceptor Cost Recovery Receivable: Deferred receivable from municipal customers in which the municipalities have agreed to reimburse GBMSD for the cost of interceptors owned by GBMSD whose capacity has been allocated. Capital/Fixed Assets: Capital: Are all items of property other than inventories, receivables, copy rights, certain governmental obligations, and real and depreciable property used by GBMSD (Ex: capital stocks and bonds). Fixed Assets: Are long term assets acquired by GBMSD rather than for resale. Wastewater Treatment Facilities: Land & land improvements, structures, machinery & equipment, furniture & fixtures, vehicle, boats & trailers, and amortize assets. Interceptor Sewers: Meter & lift stations and interceptors. Construction in Progress (CIP): Asset entry records the cost of construction work, which is not yet completed. A CIP item is not depreciated until the asset is placed in service. Accumulated Depreciation & Amortization: Shows the total of all depreciation and amortization recorded on the asset up through the balance sheet date (land & land improvements, structures, machinery & equipment, furniture & fixtures, vehicle, boats & trailers, and accumulated amortization). Depreciation: Is the amount of plant asset cost allocated to each accounting period benefiting from the asset’s use; it is a process of allocation, not valuation. Amortization: Is the systematic write–off of the cost of an intangible asset to expense. A portion of intangible asset cost is allocated to each accounting period in the economic (useful) life of the asset. Return to Agenda 3 NEW Water Green Bay Metropolitan Sewerage District Statements of Net Position (previously Balance Sheet) Legends per Categories Other Assets: Other Receivable: Miscellaneous receivable such as credits and adjustments received. Bond Issuance Cost: Expenditures incurred in preparing and selling a bond issue such as legal, underwriting, registration fees, etc. These deferred charges are amortized over the period the bonds are outstanding (date of issue to the maturity date). Liabilities and Equity Current Liabilities: Are debts, usually due within one year, and the payment of which normally will require the use of current assets. Accounts Payable: Are amounts owed by GBMSD to creditors for items or services purchased from them. Contains all vouchers that have been prepared and approved as proper liabilities such as accounts payable, retainage payable for projects and accounts payable accruals. Salaries Payable: Accrued salaries incurred and not yet paid. Other Accrued Liabilities: Amounts owed to employees for services rendered and for which payment has not been made at the balance sheet date such as fringe benefits payable, federal income tax payable, FICA payable, Medicare payable, life insurance, dependent care withholding, child support payment, United Way payable, and Wisconsin income tax payable. Liabilities Payable for Restrictive Assets: Accounts Payable: Contains all vouchers that have been prepared and approved as proper liabilities for restrictive assets. Current Maturity of Long Term Debt: Interest Accrued: Accrual and interest payment on debt services, Clean Water Fund loan, bond anticipation note, and Wisconsin environmental improvements. Return to Agenda 4 NEW Water Green Bay Metropolitan Sewerage District Statements of Net Position (previously Balance Sheet) Legends per Categories Long-Term Liabilities: General Long-Term Debt, Less Current Maturities: Are those debts not due for a relatively long period of time, usually more than one year. Clean Water Fund loans, general obligation notes, bond issuance, bond anticipation notes, and promissory notes. Compensated Absences: Are compensation received by employees such as accrued vacation & sick pay, severance, and paid leave conversion. Accumulated unpaid vacation and sick paid amounts are accrued when benefits vested to employees. Deferred Revenues: Involves transfer of data already recorded in asset and liability accounts to expense and revenue accounts (Ex: De Pere consolidation). Net Assets Invested in Capital Assets, Net of Related Debt: Restrictive for Equipment and Interceptor Replacement: Capital Assets net of debt such as Clean Water Fund loans, general obligation note, bond issue, bond anticipation loan, promissory note, bond issuance costs, and discount on bond issue. Plant and equipment replacement fund (PERF), interceptor cost recovery (ICR) investments, Rate Stabilization Fund and accrued interest received. Restricted for Debt Retirement: Restrictive debt investment, accrued interest received debt, and interest payable. Restricted for Capital Projects: Restrictive for capital project expenditures for the R2E2 Solids Project. Unrestricted: All other net assets that do not meet the definition of “restricted” or “invested in capital assets, net of related debt.” Return to Agenda Memorandum TO: Commission Tom Sigmund FROM: Brian Vander Loop DATE: March 10, 2015 SUBJECT: Billing Program Design Project – Consultant Recommendation Background On March 26, 2014, the Commission approved staff to enter into a contractual agreement with Arcadis U.S., Inc. (Arcadis) to conduct a Billing Methodology Development Project. The scope of the project was to review the current billing methodology, research alternative wastewater treatment service billing methodologies, engage NEW Water municipal stakeholders, compare options against the status quo, and recommend a framework for a new billing methodology. In October 2014, NEW Water staff, stakeholders, and Arcadis completed the Billing Methodology Development Project, which recommended a new Mass Loading billing alternative. This alternative was approved by NEW Water’s Commission on October 22, 2014 and communicated to all stakeholder customers. The approved Mass Loading billing alternative will be designed in 2015 and implemented within the 2016 budget. Proposed Project NEW Water staff developed a request for proposal (RFP) document to design a new customer billing program for the Commission approved new Mass Loading billing alternative. The project contains three core tasks: 1) Project Management and Quality Assurance, 2) Billing Program Design and 3) Billing Program User Guide, Documentation, Training and Testing. The new customer Billing Program is to be tested and accepted by NEW Water by December 15, 2015. The RFP document was sent to five qualified consulting firms. Three proposals were received from: WIPFLI CPAs and Consultants, Infinity Technology, and Arcadis. A qualification based selection tool was used to score and rank each firm based on: project understanding, project approach, related project experience (similar size projects), project team, and cost(s) and level of effort (value and cost of services). The qualification based scoring results are attached. NEW Water staff is recommending award of the Billing Program Design Project to Arcadis based upon the following: Project Experience – Most relevant experience: Bergen County, New Jersey – LIMS selection and implementation, New Haven, Connecticut – development of a custom application to calculate billing rates, NEW Water – Rate and Billing Methodology projects. Green Bay Metropolitan Sewerage District 2231 North Quincy Street | Green Bay, WI 54302 | Phone (920) 432-4893 Return to Agenda NEW Water Experience – Past experience with the Rate and Billing Methodology projects. These projects ultimately translate to less NEW Water administrative staff burden and continue to build off the consultant’s established relationships with staff, municipal customers, and the Commission. Project Team – A strong and familiar project manager with a technically balanced project team comprised of computer programmers and wastewater engineers who understand the wastewater business. Project Approach – A ground up computer program design approach comprised of a more robust and defined project development path and model. The approach offers innovative ideas to enhance the final program. Appropriate level of effort for the project tasks and expected deliverables. Project Understanding – Possess greater confidence as evident in Arcadis’ thorough understanding of the technical and functional project requirements. Arcadis has a clear vision of NEW Water’s expectations. Project risks –The project team and approach reduce the risk associated with a timely delivery of the new Billing Program. The Billing Program is a significant NEW Water computer program that is responsible for quantifying 95% of NEW Water’s revenue. Consulting Firm Infinity Technology Arcadis WIPFLI CPAs and Consultants * Proposal Cost $125,180 $154,530 $136,000 to $204,000 Total Score 7.56 8.01 NA* *Note: WIPFLI CPAs and Consultants’ proposal was not scored because the consultant did not follow the submittal requirements of the RFP document. Following selection of Arcadis, staff of NEW Water and Arcadis negotiated a reduction of $4,530 through agreed upon efficiencies and work planning without sacrificing work scope content or quality. Recommendation NEW Water staff recommends Commission approval to authorize the Executive Director to enter into a contractual agreement with Arcadis for NEW Water’s Billing Program Design Project in the amount of $150,000 and a 10% contingency of $15,000 to be administered under the authority of the Executive Director. Commission Action Request Commission approval to enter into an agreement with Arcadis U.S., Inc. for a Billing Program Design Project in the amount of $150,000 and a 10% contingency of $15,000 under the authority of the Executive Director for a total authorized amount of $165,000. Attachments: Scoring Qualifications Based Selection Documentation Return to Agenda Memorandum TO: Commission Tom Sigmund FROM: Mike Erschnig DATE: March 4, 2015 SUBJECT: 2015 Green Bay Facility Mechanical Building Roof Replacement Project Background NEW Water has budgeted for the replacement of the Green Bay Facility (GBF) Mechanical Building roofs in 2015. The planned roof replacement project is: 1. GBF East Mechanical Building replacement 2. GBF Center Mechanical Building replacement 3. GBF West Mechanical Building replacement All of the roofs planned for replacement are currently experiencing leaks, which creates the potential for water damage to critical electrical, sampling, and metering equipment inside the buildings. The mechanical building roofs were installed in 1975 and were constructed for a 30-year service life. Staff is recommending that the roofs be replaced before significant and more costly damage is done. The replacement project will include the removal of the existing roofing systems down to the support structures and installation of new built up roofing systems. Project proposals were prepared with the assistance of Tremco, who has been supporting NEW Water with roof condition assessments and recommendations for many years. Green Bay Metropolitan Sewerage District 2231 North Quincy Street | Green Bay, WI 54302 | Phone (920) 432-4893 Return to Agenda NEW Water sent out Requests for Proposals for the 2015 GBF Mechanical Building Roof Replacement Project. The roof replacement project was bid as a package. Proposals were received from: Northern Metal & Roofing Co., Inc.; E.D. Chase Co., Inc.; and Schaus Roofing & Mechanical Contractors, Inc. All three of the proposals were evaluated by the Maintenance Department. GBF Mechanical Buildings Project Contingency (5%) Total Project Amount Northern Metal & Roofing Co., Inc. E. D. Chase Co., Inc. Schaus Roofing & Mech. Contractors, Inc. $166,430 $184,719 $236,390 $8,322 $174,752 NEW Water has budgeted $184,000 for the 2015 GBF Mechanical Building Roof Replacement Project. Recommendation NEW Water staff requests Commission approval to award the 2015 GBF Mechanical Building Roof Replacement Project to Northern Metal & Roofing Co., Inc. in the amount of $166,430 and a 5% contingency of $8,322 under the authority of the Executive Director for a total project amount of $174,752. Commission Action Request Commission approval to award the 2015 GBF Mechanical Building Roof Replacement Project to Northern Metal & Roofing Co., Inc. in the amount of $166,430 and a 5% contingency of $8,322 under the authority of the Executive Director for a total project amount of $174,752. Return to Agenda Memorandum TO: Commission Tom Sigmund FROM: Mike Erschnig DATE: March 13, 2015 SUBJECT: Computer Maintenance Management System (CMMS) Replacement and Implementation Project Background NEW Water’s current MP2 CMMS was installed and implemented in 1999. Although this system has served NEW Water well, support and technological improvements for the product have been non-existent since 2003. The database is currently running on Windows SQL 2000, and the product will not operate on any system newer than Windows XP. As identified in the Risk Based Asset Management (RBAM) study by Arcadis in 2011, the MP2 system has been mainly utilized for plant equipment maintenance management, with no integration capability with the conveyance system assets maintained in the ArcGIS database. NEW Water staff formed a team to evaluate the current MP2 system and review the recommendation from Arcadis in the RBAM study of 2011 to determine if a CMMS replacement project was necessary. The cross functional team, which included purchasing, engineering, maintenance, treatment, information technology, and accounting, determined that NEW Water should strongly consider evaluating the existing CMMS program and determine if an upgrade of the existing system or a replacement of it would better align with the needs of the organization. NEW Water staff developed a Business Case detailing the need to strengthen the asset management program at NEW Water and provide for long-term financial planning. A new CMMS would offer technological capability to effectively manage NEW Water’s assets in the ways and means identified in the Arcadis RBAM study. The current MP2 system has limited functionality to enable a comprehensive RBAM solution. Newer technology offers tools to manage assets according to current accepted practices and standards. Condition and criticality data would provide additional support during the budget process, and assist in determining the best allocation of financial resources. Current CMMS technology exists that enables incorporating the GIS capabilities of a linear asset inventory system with the plant equipment maintenance system. A new CMMS system would provide the opportunity to combine the functionality of maintenance management, risk-based asset management, and GIS into one system. Green Bay Metropolitan Sewerage District 2231 North Quincy Street | Green Bay, WI 54302 | Phone (920) 432-4893 Return to Agenda Proposed Project In July 2014 NEW Water engaged MWH Americas, Inc. as a professional consultant to evaluate and assist in the review and selection of CMMS alternatives. As part of this effort, the team evaluated the following alternatives: maintain status quo with MP2, upgrade MP2 to the latest version, upgrade to a new stand alone application, or upgrade to a hosted application. After reviewing the benefits, costs, and risks for each alternative, NEW Water staff recommended upgrading to a new stand alone CMMS system to replace MP2. MWH Americas, Inc. assisted NEW Water in establishing the business/functional and technical requirements for a replacement CMMS application, defined the replacement application process, assisted in the development of a Request for Proposal (RFP), and participated in the evaluation of software application proposals. RFP documents were sent to six qualified CMMS software application providers. Five proposals were received from: Lucity, Inc.; Asnerlytics, LLC; EMA, Inc.; Nexgen Asset Management; and Starboard Consulting. The proposal from EMA was eliminated from the final scoring as it was one of two providers proposing the IBM Maximo product and EMA’s implementation fee was double that of the other provider. A qualification based selection tool was used to score and rank each firm based on: software functionality and product demonstration, project team staffing and experience, project approach and methodology, and the cost of software and implementation. The qualification based scoring results are attached. NEW Water staff is recommending award of the CMMS Replacement and Implementation Project to Starboard Consulting, who will implement IBM Maximo V7.6 based upon the following: Software Functionality – Maximo is recognized worldwide as one of the top CMMS software packages. By purchasing Maximo, NEW Water will receive a robust CMMS application that will allow NEW Water employees the ability to enter work requests and requisitions. Licensed users will have the additional flexibility of a mobile application included with Maximo. Software Demonstration – The software demonstration provided by Starboard showcased the functionality of its product, the demonstrated ability for Maximo to be able to successfully perform tasks using NEW Water’s organizational requirements, the flexibility of the Maximo mobile application, and its ability to integrate with NEW Water’s ESRI GIS Program. Project Team Staffing & Experience – A strong project manager with over 15 years of Maximo implementation experience and teams of functional and technical implementation specialists to ensure the success, maintainability, and sustainability of the project. The project team brings experience in implementation of Maximo at wastewater treatment facilities, utilities and municipalities across the country. Project Approach & Methodology – The primary goal of this effort is to ensure that technology systems and data are capable of supporting the most critical asset management needs and decision making, including: asset condition and criticality analysis, cost tracking, performance reporting, and capital planning efforts. The project team’s proposed solution will provide support for the goals identified in NEW Water’s RBAM Program. Return to Agenda Consulting Firm Lucity Inc.; Lucity * Asnerlytics, LLC; Infor EAM Nexgen Asset Management Starboard Consulting; Maximo Proposal Cost $211,850 $537,464 $683,400 $505,319 Total Score 4.46 7.23 7.63 9.91 *Note: Lucity Inc.’s proposal was scored, but the team was unanimous in its agreement that the software package would not meet NEW Water’s needs. Recommendation NEW Water staff recommends Commission approval to authorize the Executive Director to enter into a contractual agreement with Starboard Consulting for replacement of NEW Water’s CMMS in the amount of $505,319 and a 10% contingency of $50,500 to be administered under the authority of the Executive Director for a total authorized amount of $555,819. Commission Action Request Commission approval to enter into an agreement with Starboard Consulting for replacement of NEW Water’s CMMS in the amount of $505,319 and a 10% contingency of $50,500 under the authority of the Executive Director for a total authorized amount of $555,819. Attachments: Business Case Analysis for RBAM – Computerized Maintenance Management System Scoring Qualifications Based Selection Documentation Return to Agenda Memorandum TO: Commission Tom Sigmund FROM: Bill Angoli DATE: January 15, 2015 SUBJECT: Final Close Out of Project 10-621, West Tower Drive Relocation Background On August 22, 2012, the Commission awarded the West Tower Drive Interceptor Relocation Project to PTS Contractors, Inc. (PTS) in the amount of $6,678,202.50 with a 10% contingency of $667,820.50 for a total amount of $7,346,023.00. This work was performed to move the existing West Tower Drive Interceptor and a small portion of the Bayview Interceptor to accommodate the upgrades for State Highway 41. The contingency was increased at the March 27, 2013 Commission meeting for $1,000,000 because of difficulties encountered while jacking a 60-inch interceptor sewer pipe under Highway 41. In March 2014 it was discovered that there were serious issues with the condition of the 48-inch interceptor. At the August 27, 2014 Commission meeting the contingency was increased an additional $1,000,000 to slip-line the existing gravity sewer pipe and to address the bypass pumping costs. PTS has completed the work in accordance with the contract documents and is ready for close out and final payment. Project costs are summarized below: Original Contract Amount: Contract Change Orders: Bypass Pumping Costs (14-034): Total Project Amount: $6,678,202.50 $1,873,814.58 $ 226,833.74 $8,778,850.82 This project received 90% reimbursement from the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WDOT) for original contract work. The work performed to slip-line the pipe cost $437,087.23 and is reflected in the contract change order amount above. It has not been determined if NEW Water will receive 90% funding from the WDOT for the additional costs to address the failing pipe. If funding is not approved by the WDOT, this cost will be funded from the Interceptor Cost Recovery Reserve. Recommendation Staff recommends Commission approval to close out the West Tower Drive Interceptor Relocation Project and issue final payment to PTS Contractors, Inc. in the amount of $40,574.65. Green Bay Metropolitan Sewerage District 2231 North Quincy Street | Green Bay, WI 54302 | Phone (920) 432-4893 Return to Agenda Commission Action Request Commission approval to close out the West Tower Drive Interceptor Relocation Project 10-621 and issue final payment of $40,574.65 to PTS Contractors, Inc. Attachment cc: Nathan Qualls Return to Agenda Monthly Construction Progress Report Project Name: Project Number: Report Number: Reporting Period: Project Manager: West Tower Drive Interceptor Relocation to Accommodate Highway 41 10-621 9 - FINAL May 2013 – January 2015 William Angoli Contractor: PTS Contractors, Inc. Contract Cost (As of Last Approved Pay Request) Amount A. Original Contract Sum: $6,678,202.50 B. Net Change by Change $1,873,814.58 Orders: $8,552,017.08 C. Contract Sum to Date $8,552,017.08 (A+B): $40,574.65 D. Total Complete and $8,511,442.43 Stored to Date: $8,511,442.43 E. Retainage: $40,574.65 F. Total Earned Less Retainage (D-E): G. Previous Payments: H. Balance to Final Completion (C-G): Contract Contingency Authorized Amount: $2,667,820.50 Work Progress Contract Budget Spent (G/C): Contract Time Date Original Substantial Completion: 06/01/2013 Original Contract Completion: 07/12/2013 Revised Substantial Completion: 06/21/2013 Revised Final Completion: 11/15/2014 Actual Substantial Completion: 04/10/2013 Actual Final Completion: 11/15/2014 Contract Milestones Do milestones apply? Yes If yes, list: WTD 60-inch and 66-inch pipe to be substantially completed by March 8, 2013. Amount Used: $1,873,814.58 99% Contract Work Completed: 100% Work Accomplished During Reporting Period Completed the slip-lining of the failed Bayview Interceptor and demobilized the standby bypass pumping equipment. Agreed with contractor on final quantities of materials used for final change order to close out project. Work Scheduled for Next Reporting Period None Outstanding Issues None Issues Resolved None Return to Agenda Memorandum TO: Commission Tom Sigmund FROM: William Angoli DATE: March 11, 2015 SUBJECT: Resource Recovery and Electrical Energy (R2E2) Project – Amendment No. 12 - Bid and Award Services for Contract 34 Digestion and Solids Facility Background CH2M HILL has submitted Amendment No. 12 to the professional services agreement to provide bid and award services associated with the construction contract for Contract 34 Digestion and Solids Facility at NEW Water’s request. CH2M HILL will provide services to assist NEW Water in selection of a contractor for the R2E2 Contract 34 Digestion and Solids Facility. The services will consist of the following: Prepare and place advertisements and notices requesting bids for construction of the project. Post electronic bid documents for prospective bidders. Receive and answer bidders’ questions and request for additional information. Provide technical interpretation of the contract bid documents and prepare responses to questions and requests. Assist NEW Water in arranging and conducting a pre-bid conference with bidders for project. This will include developing an agenda, taking minutes and record all questions and respond to questions and requests from bidders. Prepare and issue addenda to bidders. Review all bids and evaluate them for responsiveness and bid amount. Verify financial and performance history documentation submitted by low bidder and second low bidder. Provide a report recommending award of the contract from CH2M HILL’s review of the bid documents. Prepare and distribute conformed contract documents to the selected contractor for signature. Review signed contract documents for completeness before owner’s signature. Post contract award services including initiating the document control system and working with contractor on initial work breakdown structure and construction schedule. Staff has reviewed the level of effort with respect to the scope of services and finds it to be reasonable for the work requested. The scope of work and level of effort is attached for reference. Recommendation Staff recommends Commission approval to authorize CH2M HILL to provide bid and award related services in the amount of $362,049. Green Bay Metropolitan Sewerage District 2231 North Quincy Street | Green Bay, WI 54302 | Phone (920) 432-4893 Return to Agenda Commission Action Request Commission approval of Amendment No. 12 for CH2M HILL to provide bid and award services for R2E2 Project – Contract 34 Digestion and Solids Facility in the amount of $362,049 for a total authorized amount of $12,111,398, which includes previously authorized contingency amount of $901,325 under the authority of the Executive Director. Attachment cc: Nathan Qualls Return to Agenda Memorandum TO: Commission Tom Sigmund FROM: William Angoli DATE: March 13, 2015 SUBJECT: Resource Recovery and Electrical Energy Project – Nutrient Recovery Design Amendment Background At the January 2104 Commission meeting, the Commission approved Amendment No. 7 to the design services agreement to include the nutrient recovery system for the Resource Recovery and Electrical Energy (R2E2) Project in the amount of $1,366,308. The nutrient recovery process recovers nutrients from the dewatering centrate and thickening filtrate to produce struvite, a solid that has a high value as a fertilizer. During design obstacles were encountered, which could not be anticipated during development of the design costs. The following is a summary of major impacts on the design of the nutrient recovery system: After an update to the R2E2 capital cost estimate, it was found that the original digestion system capital cost estimate received from the manufacturer was in error by $8 million dollars. Staff requested that the designer stop progress on the nutrient recovery system design until revisions to the R2E2 Project to reduce costs were completed. This delay, in part, led to loss of efficiency in the design effort. Design costs were based on the approach that the designer would provide a building for their equipment and the vendor would contract directly for installation. After review by NEW Water legal counsel, there was a concern that this method of equipment procurement could be considered design-build. The design approach was modified to a more traditional design-bid-construction approach and resulted in significant additional process and platform design effort by the designer. Due to the complex nature of the nutrient recovery systems and ongoing contractual relationship between NEW Water and the preselected vendor, the preselection documents were sent to the vendors for their review and comments. This resulted in several exchanges between the vendor, designer, and legal counsel before final document language was agreed upon. After receiving vendor preselection proposal documents, a vendor was considering a protest of selection based on patent infringement. The designer’s senior technologist and additional legal counsel were requested to assist in the review of the patent infringement. Final design is being completed eight months after design is substantially completed for the adjoining facilities. This required restarting of all disciplines which resulted in the loss of efficiency of a continuous design. Green Bay Metropolitan Sewerage District 2231 North Quincy Street | Green Bay, WI 54302 | Phone (920) 432-4893 Return to Agenda Unanticipated design iterations for the waste activated sludge phosphorus release process including primary sludge thickening, centrifuge thickening, and primary sludge pumping. Updating plant operation model with actual waste flow data from the mill pretreatment process. Staff and CH2M HILL have negotiated an additional amendment (Amendment No. 13 – attached) to the design services agreement to address the scope and design cost changes detailed above. Staff has determined that the additional costs are appropriate. Recommendation Staff recommends Commission approval of Amendment No. 13 for the R2E2 Project in the amount of $314,236. Commission Action Request Commission approval of Amendment No. 13 for the additional Nutrient Recovery design services for the R2E2 Project in the amount of $314,236 for a total authorized amount of $12,425,634, which includes the previously authorized contingency amount of $901,325 under the authority of the Executive Director. Attachment cc: Nathan Qualls Return to Agenda Memorandum TO: Commission Tom Sigmund FROM: Lisa Sarau DATE: March 12, 2015 SUBJECT: Request to Increase Contingency Amount for the Design Services for the Green Bay Facility Disinfection System Upgrades Project (14-040-DS) Background On October 22, 2014, the Commission approved the agreement for design services for the Green Bay Facility Disinfection System Upgrades Project to Strand Associates, Inc. (Strand) in the amount of $165,044 with a contingency of $24,756 for a total authorized amount of $189,800. The original contingency is 15% of the agreement cost. The 15% contingency was requested because the project included several unknowns that would not be discovered until further inspection was completed. Since the award, Strand has completed the code review and has made several design recommendations to address safety related issues. These design recommendations include design changes to the emergency eyewash and showers related to the disinfection system, and HVAC updates in the Dechlorination Building. Strand has recommended providing tepid water to the emergency eyewash and safety showers (EEWS). The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) has defined “tepid” as being between 60F and 100F. Currently, the EEWS related to the disinfection system are unable to meet this requirement. The existing EEWS use unheated potable water. It is recommended that employees that are exposed to harmful chemicals stand under the safety shower for 15 minutes. Providing tepid water is important to encourage users to complete the full 15 minute drench period. Strand has also recommended HVAC updates in the Dechlorination Building. The driver for these improvements is to provide year-round fire protection with the existing sprinkler system. The existing system is shut down every winter because the HVAC in the building is not adequate to provide enough heat to prevent the sprinkler system from freezing. According to the NFPA 1-2012, the sprinkler system must be maintained at all times. By shutting down the sprinkler system, NEW Water is not meeting that code. NEW Water has contacted the State of Wisconsin Fire Protection Plan Reviewer to see if it would be possible to remove the sprinkler system, but International Building Code (IBC 2009) 903.2.5.1 requires an automatic fire sprinkler system in all Hazardous occupancies. Because sodium bisulfite is stored in this area, it is considered a Hazardous occupancy; therefore, the sprinkler system cannot be removed. Both design change recommendations will result in a safer facility. Staff is recommending approval of the design changes. Green Bay Metropolitan Sewerage District 2231 North Quincy Street | Green Bay, WI 54302 | Phone (920) 432-4893 Return to Agenda The cost of the additional design services to implement these recommendations is $28,400. This exceeds the contingency that was originally requested for the project by $3,644. The contract amendment including the additional scope of services and level of effort cost breakdown is attached. Because the design has not been completed, an extra 5% contingency amount is requested to cover any additional unexpected design changes. The 5% contingency amount of the original contract price is $8,252. Recommendation New Water staff recommends Commission approval to increase the contingency amount for the Green Bay Facility Disinfection System Upgrade Project design services from $24,756 to $36,652, an increase of $11,896, to be administered under the authority of the Executive Director. Commission Action Recommend Commission approval to increase the contingency amount for the Green Bay Facility Disinfection System Upgrade Project design services by $11,896 to be administered under the authority of the Executive Director for a total authorized project amount of $201,696. Attachment Return to Agenda Memorandum TO: Commission Tom Sigmund FROM: Bill Oldenburg DATE: March 11, 2015 SUBJECT: 2014 Significant Noncompliance Summary and Pretreatment Update Significant Noncompliance for Publication NEW Water is required to publish the following Significant Industrial Users for being in Significant Noncompliance in 2014: Badger Sheet Metal Works was in Significant Noncompliance and received a Notice of Violation for exceeding the categorical monthly average Technical Review Criteria limit for copper, the categorical daily maximum Technical Review Criteria limit for copper, and the categorical monthly average Chronic Criteria limit for chromium during the period of July 1 – December 31, 2014. Badger Sheet Metal Works was also in Significant Noncompliance and received a Notice of Violation for exceeding the categorical monthly average Technical Review Criteria limit for chromium and zinc and the categorical daily maximum Technical Review Criteria limit for zinc during the period of January 1 – June 30, 2014. Scott’s Industrial Coatings – Ontario was in Significant Noncompliance and received a Notice of Violation for exceeding the categorical monthly average Technical Review Criteria limit for zinc during the monitoring period July 1 – December 31, 2014. Attached is the text of the publication as it will be published in the Green Bay Press-Gazette. Notices of Violation The following Significant Industrial Users were in violation in the second half of 2014 and received Notices of Violation: Marquis Yacht Group for failing to submit a complete and accurate Periodic Compliance Report within 30 days of the due date (January 15, 2015) as required by its permit for the monitoring period July 1 – December 31, 2014. Dean Foods for exceeding the 5.0-12.5 s.u. allowable pH range by more than 1% of total minutes monitored during the period July 1 – December 31, 2014. Green Bay Metropolitan Sewerage District 2231 North Quincy Street | Green Bay, WI 54302 | Phone (920) 432-4893 Return to Agenda Notice of Noncompliance The following Significant Industrial User was out of compliance in the second half of 2014 and received a Notice of Noncompliance: Paper Converting Machine Company – Northern Engraving for exceeding the monthly average categorical limit for copper during the period of July 1 – December 31, 2014. All facilities have taken or are in the process of taking corrective action in order to return to full compliance. NEW Water continues to offer assistance to its pretreatment industries when noncompliant issues arise in an effort to reduce the occurrence of enforcement action and return them to full compliance. Return to Agenda Memorandum TO: Commission Tom Sigmund FROM: Bill Oldenburg DATE: March 12, 2015 SUBJECT: 2014 Industrial Achievement Awards Background In 2012, NEW Water implemented a new pretreatment program element called the Industrial Achievement Awards, which gives recognition to Significant Industrial Users (SIU) that demonstrate exceptional pretreatment performance. The estimated cost of printing certificates and publication is $525 per year. The awards will be given at three different levels for each consecutive year of meeting established requirements. These levels distinguish between dischargers and zero dischargers and are as follows: Silver Award & Silver Zero Discharger Award: Gold Award & Gold Zero Discharger Award: Platinum Award & Platinum Zero Discharger Award: Meet requirements for the previous regulatory year. Meet requirements for three consecutive years. Meet requirements for five consecutive years. For facilities discharging to the sewerage system, criteria 1, 2, 3 and 4 from the list below apply. For zero discharge facilities, criteria 1, 2, and 3 from the list below apply. SIUs are evaluated with the following criteria: 1. The industry must meet NEW Water’s definition of a Significant Industrial User (SIU) and been in operation and permitted for the entire calendar year. 2. The facility must be in full compliance with its Industrial Wastewater Discharge permit. 3. The SIU must meet all permit self-monitoring and reporting requirements during the calendar year. 4. The SIU must not have any numerical effluent limits violations except for pH during the calendar year. o The pH criteria is as follows: For those SIUs that do not monitor for pH continuously, no pH effluent limitation may be violated during the calendar year. Where the 5.0 to 12.5 s.u. pH limitation applies to a SIU, no pH may be recorded at a value less than or equal to 4.6 or greater than or equal to 12.9 s.u. during the calendar year. No individual excursion from a pH limit may exceed sixty minutes in duration over the course of the calendar year. Green Bay Metropolitan Sewerage District 2231 North Quincy Street | Green Bay, WI 54302 | Phone (920) 432-4893 Return to Agenda The total time during which the pH values were outside the 5.0 to 12.5 s.u. pH limitation may not exceed 4 hours and 20 minutes over the course of either monitoring period. Recipients for 2014 NEW Water has evaluated its 54 SIUs according to these criteria and the following 11 SIUs qualify for the 2014 Gold Award: Expera Specialty Solutions Georgia-Pacific Landfill Green Bay Embossing Green Bay Nonwovens-Plant 1 Green Bay Nonwovens-Plant 2 Industrial Engraving Corporation Omnova Solutions Proactive Solutions Procter & Gamble Paper Products Company U.S. Paper Mills-Sonoco Ultra Plating Corporation The only SIU that qualifies for the 2014 Gold Zero Discharger Award is Green Bay Packaging-Mill Division The following 16 SIUs qualify for the 2014 Silver Award: American Metal Finishing Astro Industries Austin Straubel International Airport Brown County Landfill East Fox River Fiber Green Bay Anodizing Green Bay Dressed Beef—Acme Green Bay Dressed Beef—East River Green Bay Dressed Beef—Northland Green Bay Packaging—Coated Products Green Bay Packaging—Shipping Container Division JBS Klemm Tank Lines RR Donnelley Sanimax LLC Valley Plating of Green Bay The following three SIUs qualify for the 2014 Silver Zero Discharger Award: EDL Packaging Engineers MECA & Technology Machine R-Tek Coatings Return to Agenda NEW Water staff would like to congratulate the recipients of the 2014 Industrial Achievement Awards. Consistent compliance with NEW Water’s Pretreatment Program ensures the protection of the local waterways and the environment. Recommendation This Commission item is informational only. Commission Action No action is required. Return to Agenda Memorandum TO: Commissioners Tom Sigmund FROM: William Angoli DATE: March 11, 2015 SUBJECT: R2E2 Project Update Project Activity All prequalification documents from nine general contractors, five mechanical contractors, five electrical contractors and three third tier subcontractors have been reviewed by the engineer and NEW Water. The following is the list of contractors who are prequalified to bid on Contract 34 Digestion and Solids Facility: General Contractor 1. Alberici in St. Louis, MO 2. Boldt in Appleton, WI 3. CD Smith in Fond du Lac, WI 4. Findorff and Sons in Madison, WI/Kenaidan Contracting in Mississauga, Ontario (Joint Venture) 5. Miron Construction in Neenah, WI 6. Walsh in Atlanta, GA Two general contractors, Kenny Construction Inc. and Lunda Construction Co., did not meet one of the requirements for prequalification. These two firms did not meet the following requirements: Within the last ten years to have a minimum of five wastewater treatment plants, including construction of new or rehabilitation of existing facilities at wastewater treatment facilities. At least one project exceeding $50 million or greater. At least 25 percent of the work on the projects shall have been performed by the applicant’s own forces. Mechanical Contractors 1. August Winters and Sons in Appleton, WI 2. Coenen Mechanical in Appleton, WI 3. H&H Industries in Madison, WI 4. J.F. Ahern in Fond du Lac, WI One mechanical contractor, Reeke-Marold Co. Inc., was not prequalified because it exceeded the Safety Experience Modification Rate of 1.0. Electrical Contractors 1. Faith Technologies in Green Bay, WI 2. Northern Electric in Green Bay, WI 3. Sachs Electric Company in St. Louis, MO 4. Van Ert Electric Company in Green Bay, WI Green Bay Metropolitan Sewerage District 2231 North Quincy Street | Green Bay, WI 54302 | Phone (920) 432-4893 Return to Agenda One electrical contractor, Elmstar Electric Corporation, was not prequalified because it exceeded the Safety Experience Modification Rate of 1.0. The three third tier contractors, DeGroot Inc, Michels Corporation, and Spancrete Inc., were not required to be prequalified for this contract. They will be allowed to provide bids to the general contractor as a subcontractor on this project. The Construction Air Permit was issued by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources for the Resource Recovery and Electrical Energy (R2E2) Project on March 4, 2015. The issuance of this permit allows NEW Water to move forward with the construction of the R2E2 Project. Designer is moving into final design on nutrient recovery and continues to work on review comments and finalizing the Contract 34 Digestion and Solids Facility bidding documents. Schedule for bidding this contract will start on April 6, 2015 and receive bids from the contractors on May 29, 2015. Pending Issues Staff is in the process of negotiating the following items with the designer and will be brought to the April Commission meeting for approval: Contract 33 Services During Construction amendment for additional costs Contract 34 Services During Construction scope of work and costs Return to Agenda Monthly Construction Progress Report Project Name: Project Number: Report Number: Reporting Period: Project Manager: Primary Switchgear and Utility Relocation (R2E2 - Contract 33) 08-503-CO 9 February 15, 2015 to March 14, 2015 Bob Brown Contractor: Miron Construction Co., Inc. Contract Cost Original Contract Sum: Net Change by Change Orders: Contract Sum to Date: Total Completed and Stored to Date: Retainage: Total Earned Less Retainage: Previous Payments: Balance to Finish with Retainage: Contract Time Amount $ 6,243,260.00 $ 15,931.20 $ 6,259,191.20 $ 5,846,959.20 $ 156,479.78 $ 5,690,479.42 $ 5,461,039.42 $ 798,151.78 Original Substantial Completion: Original Contract Completion: Revised Substantial Completion: Revised Final Completion: Contract Milestones Do milestones apply? If yes, list: Contract Contingency Authorized Amount: $ 624,300.00 Amount Used: $ 15,931.20 Work Progress Contract Budget Spent: Contract Work Completed: 87% Date 4/20/2015 7/17/2015 4/21/2015 N/A No 95% Work Accomplished During Reporting Period Miscellaneous issues identified during final inspection of the Storage Building were addressed, and a request for partial substantial completion was received from the contractor. Remaining doors and frames for the Switchgear Building were received. Final splicing and cutovers were completed, and all primary service cables into the old building were removed. All mercury containing devices were removed from the old building. Revisions to communication cables were completed, and regulatory approval was secured for necessary fuel oil system modifications. Functional testing for diesel generator integration was initiated on February 23, but the discovery of unanticipated conflicts will require additional modification and testing prior to closing out the project. Work Scheduled for Next Reporting Period The new Storage Building will be turned over for owner use. Remaining doors and trim for the Switchgear Building will be installed. Revisions to the fuel oil system supplying the diesel generators will be completed and inspected. Asbestos containing materials will be removed from the old Switchgear Building the week of March 16, and building demolition work will immediately follow. Generator and control system modifications will be completed, and final testing will be performed. Employee training on the new switchgear components, instrumentation, and HVAC equipment will be conducted in mid to late March. Final grading and restoration will take place as weather and site conditions permit. Outstanding Issues Resolve diesel generator functional testing issues. Issues Resolved None. Return to Agenda Monthly Construction Progress Report Project Name: Project Number: Report Number: Reporting Period: Project Manager: MCC-B1/B1A Replacement Contract 14-033-CO 3 2/12/2015 to 3/12/2015 Lisa Sarau Contractor: Van Ert Electric Company, Inc. Contract Cost Original Contract Sum: Net Change by Change Orders: Contract Sum to Date: Total Complete and Stored to Date: Retainage: Total Earned Less Retainage: Previous Payments: Balance to Final Completion: Contract Contingency Authorized Amount: $ 40,832 Work Progress Contract Budget Spent: 31% Contract Time Amount $ 408,320.00 $ 26,432.07 $ 434,752.07 $129,238.40 $6,461.92 $122,776.48 $ 122,776.48 $311,975.59 Original Substantial Completion: Original Contract Completion: Revised Substantial Completion: Revised Final Completion: Date 4/6/2015 5/6/2015 N/A N/A Contract Milestones Do milestones apply? Yes If yes, list: All components of the disinfection system must have uninterrupted power by April 15, 2015. Amount Used: $ 26,432.07 Contract Work Completed: 45% Work Accomplished During Reporting Period Van Ert Electric has continued with preliminary work necessary before the installation of the MCC, including verification of MCC loads and conduit installation. Work on the PLC is nearing completion. Work has continued with panelboard installation and lighting panel installations. Work has continued with the re-feeds of the MCC-E1 loads. Existing MCC-E1 will be demolished as part of the project. The new MCC-B1 arrived on site on March 11, 2015 – almost two weeks earlier than anticipated. Work Scheduled for Next Reporting Period Van Ert Electric intends to start MCC installation by Thursday, March 19, 2015. In conjunction with the MCC construction, Van Ert Electric will continue with panelboard, lighting panel, and conduit installation. Outstanding Issues NA Issues Resolved Because the MCC arrived earlier than expected, Van Ert Electric expects to finish the MCC by April 7, 2015 and complete all required functional testing on April 8, 2015. This schedule meets the requirement to finish the work by April 15, 2015 so that NEW Water can prepare for the disinfection season. Return to Agenda Memorandum TO: Commission Tom Sigmund FROM: Patrick Wescott DATE: March 16, 2015 SUBJECT: February Effluent Quality & Air Quality Summary Reports CC: Bruce Bartel – Treatment Mike Erschnig – Maintenance Effluent Quality Both facilities were in full compliance with all effluent limits for the month of February. Attached are graphs showing a rolling 12-month average for effluent quality and permit limits for both facilities. Air Quality The Green Bay Facility was in compliance with all air quality limits for the month of February. There was one event in the month that resulted in a “Deviation Notification” submittal to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. Attached is a graph showing a rolling 12-month average incinerator operating time and emergency bypass damper opening. Attachments Date 02/04/15 Incinerator #1 Deviation Particulate and Opacity Limit Duration 21 min. 4 sec. Cause Loss of power caused the Induced Draft (ID) Fan to shut down resulting in the Emergency Bypass Damper (EBD) opening. Green Bay Metropolitan Sewerage District 2231 North Quincy Street | Green Bay, WI 54302 | Phone (920) 432-4893 Corrective Action Contractor working on Contract 33 that was working on the control wiring for the emergency generators tripped an electrical breaker causing a plant wide power outage. All plant power was switched over to line 137 for additional contractor work. Return to Agenda EFFLUENT QUALITY - CURRENT YEAR 2015 NEW Water (GBMSD) - GREEN BAY FACILITY Permit Limits: FLOW Million Gallons 780.376 633.691 MONTH MGD JAN 25.17 FEB 22.63 MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Average 707.034 23.90 Total 1,414.067 All time record best(s) -> 30 mg/L Ave mg/L 9.0 11.3 TSS Ave #/Day 1,895 2,132 10.2 2,014 2.0 425 N/A 25 mg/L Total #/Month 58,744 59,700 Ave mg/L 10.6 16.2 T-BOD Ave Total #/Day #/Month 2,218 68,760 3,066 85,842 Ave mg/L 5.8 7.1 59,222 118,444 13,187 13.4 2,642 6.5 1,278 2.0 336 2.0 329 77,301 154,602 10,267 C-BOD Ave Total #/Day #/Month 1,217 37,736 1,338 37,474 37,605 75,210 9,223 Ammonia Limits Jan-Apr. Monthly Avg = 15 mg/L May-Sept Monthly Avg = 4.7 mg/L Weekly Avg = 13 mg/L 1.0 mg/L October Monthly Avg =14 mg/L Weekly Avg = 38 mg/L Nov-Dec. Monthly Avg. = 26 mg/L T. PHOSPHORUS AMMONIA TKN Ave Ave Total Ave Ave Total Ave Ave Total mg/L #/Day #/Month mg/L #/Day #/Month mg/L #/Day #/Month 0.52 108 3,353 2.41 505 15,661 4.23 889 27,553 0.38 72 2,014 5.31 1,002 28,058 7.16 1,351 37,821 0.45 90 0.11 27 2,684 5,367 803 3.86 754 0.02 4 21,860 43,719 128 5.70 1,120 1.01 225 32,687 65,374 6,986 The effluent quality was in compliance with all of the above permit parameters for February 2015. EFFLUENT QUALITY - CURRENT YEAR 2014 NEW Water (GBMSD) - GREEN BAY FACILITY Permit Limits: FLOW Million MONTH Gallons MGD JAN 733.985 23.68 FEB 692.546 24.73 MAR 1,004.587 32.41 APR 1,290.321 43.01 MAY 1,216.509 39.24 JUN 1,124.868 37.50 JUL 949.704 30.64 AUG 924.206 29.81 SEP 973.155 32.44 OCT 972.244 31.36 NOV 860.091 28.67 DEC 1,002.525 32.34 Average 978.728 32.15 Total 11,744.741 All time record best(s) -> 30 mg/L Ave mg/L 8.7 10.3 8.5 7.1 6.9 9.0 5.3 4.1 4.9 5.9 6.3 7.0 7.0 TSS Ave #/Day 1,722 2,126 2,193 2,558 2,254 2,775 1,358 1,015 1,318 1,539 1,501 1,876 1,853 2.0 425 N/A Total #/Month 53,378 59,540 67,984 76,753 69,867 83,252 42,107 31,470 39,550 47,700 45,028 58,144 56,231 674,773 13,187 Ave mg/L 6.2 6.8 6.9 6.5 6.0 6.1 4.5 3.7 4.3 4.6 5.0 6.4 5.6 2.0 T-BOD Ave Total #/Day #/Month 1,223 37,906 1,411 39,514 1,846 57,224 2,332 69,969 1,949 60,417 1,911 57,315 1,161 35,984 929 28,802 1,165 34,946 1,213 37,590 1,189 35,656 1,746 54,122 1,506 45,787 549,445 336 10,267 25 mg/L Ave mg/L 3.5 3.6 3.8 4.1 3.4 3.8 2.8 2.1 2.4 2.4 2.7 3.5 3.2 2.0 C-BOD Ave Total #/Day #/Month 697 21,617 744 20,825 1,010 31,303 1,481 44,440 1,119 34,685 1,189 35,682 719 22,275 528 16,379 648 19,440 635 19,691 639 19,157 962 29,830 864 26,277 315,324 329 9,223 Ammonia Limits Jan-Apr. Monthly Avg = 15 mg/L May-Sept Monthly Avg = 4.7 mg/L Weekly Avg = 13 mg/L 1.0 mg/L October Monthly Avg =14 mg/L Weekly Avg = 38 mg/L Nov-Dec. Monthly Avg. = 26 mg/L T. PHOSPHORUS AMMONIA TKN Ave Ave Total Ave Ave Total Ave Ave Total mg/L #/Day #/Month mg/L #/Day #/Month mg/L #/Day #/Month 0.29 57 1,768 0.10 19 601 1.76 347 10,758 0.39 79 2,225 0.09 19 524 1.92 398 11,135 0.41 96 2,988 0.18 58 1,786 1.72 460 14,256 0.25 88 2,651 0.26 97 2,905 1.60 577 17,307 0.32 105 3,249 0.10 32 1,001 1.42 464 14,374 0.49 148 4,441 0.13 39 1,175 1.43 444 13,316 0.62 159 4,944 0.13 33 1,030 1.19 304 9,412 0.19 48 1,498 0.15 39 1,211 1.13 282 8,744 0.33 88 2,634 0.12 33 983 1.16 311 9,320 0.47 119 3,690 0.08 23 702 1.24 325 10,077 0.58 135 4,050 0.03 7 195 1.31 312 9,366 0.55 147 4,571 0.13 38 1,189 1.50 410 12,715 0.41 106 3,226 0.13 36 1,109 1.45 386 11,732 38,709 13,302 140,780 0.11 27 803 0.02 4 128 1.01 225 6,986 MGD Return to Agenda Flow - Green Bay 50.00 45.00 40.00 35.00 30.00 25.00 20.00 15.00 10.00 5.00 0.00 MAR 2014 APR 2014 MAY 2014 JUN 2014 JUL 2014 AUG 2014 SEP 2014 OCT 2014 NOV 2014 DEC 2014 JAN 2015 FEB 2015 12 Month Ave. Daily Flow 32.41 43.01 39.24 37.50 30.64 29.81 32.44 31.36 28.67 32.34 25.17 22.63 Total Suspended Solids - Green Bay 35.0 30.0 mg/L 25.0 20.0 15.0 10.0 5.0 0.0 MAR 2014 APR 2014 MAY 2014 JUN 2014 JUL 2014 AUG 2014 SEP 2014 OCT 2014 NOV 2014 DEC 2014 JAN 2015 FEB 2015 12 Month Ave. Conc. 8.5 7.1 6.9 9.0 5.3 4.1 4.9 5.9 6.3 7.0 9.0 11.3 Permit Limit 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 Carbonaceous Biochemical Oxygen Demand - Green Bay 30.0 25.0 mg/L 20.0 15.0 10.0 5.0 0.0 MAR 2014 APR 2014 MAY 2014 JUN 2014 JUL 2014 AUG 2014 SEP 2014 OCT 2014 NOV 2014 DEC 2014 JAN 2015 FEB 2015 12 Month Ave Conc. 3.8 4.1 3.4 3.8 2.8 2.1 2.4 2.4 2.7 3.5 5.8 7.1 Permit Limit 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 mg/L Total Phosphorus - Green Bay 1.10 1.00 0.90 0.80 0.70 0.60 0.50 0.40 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.00 12 Month Ave. Conc. Permit Limit MAR 2014 APR 2014 MAY 2014 JUN 2014 JUL 2014 AUG 2014 SEP 2014 OCT 2014 NOV 2014 DEC 2014 JAN 2015 FEB 2015 0.41 0.25 0.32 0.49 0.62 0.19 0.33 0.47 0.58 0.55 0.52 0.38 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ammonia - Green Bay 35.0 30.0 mg/L 25.0 20.0 15.0 10.0 5.0 0.0 12 Month Ave. Conc. MAR 2014 APR 2014 MAY 2014 JUN 2014 JUL 2014 AUG 2014 SEP 2014 OCT 2014 NOV 2014 DEC 2014 JAN 2015 FEB 2015 0.18 0.26 0.10 0.13 0.13 0.15 0.12 0.08 0.03 0.13 2.41 5.31 Return to Agenda EFFLUENT QUALITY - CURRENT YEAR 2015 NEW WATER (GBMSD) - DE PERE FACILITY Permit Limits: FLOW Million Gallons 192.676 164.420 MONTH MGD JAN 6.22 FEB 5.87 MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Average 178.548 6.05 Total 357.096 All time record best(s) -> 10 mg/L Ave mg/L 0.0 0.5 TSS Ave #/Day 2 26 0.3 14 0.0 2 N/A 9.0 mg/L T-BOD Ave Total #/Day #/Month 77 2,394 146 4,092 Total #/Month 54 724 Ave mg/L 1.5 3.0 389 778 54 2.3 112 1.5 77 3,243 6,486 2,394 Ave mg/L 0.7 2.1 C-BOD Ave Total #/Day #/Month 34 1,053 101 2,816 1.4 68 0.7 34 1,935 3,869 1,053 Ammonia Limits Jan-Mar. Monthly Avg = 27 mg/L Daily Max = 34 mg/L April Monthly Avg = 24 mg/L Daily Max = 34 mg/L 1.0 mg/L May-Oct Monitor only Nov-Dec. Monthly Avg. = 31 mg/L Daily Max = 34 mg/L T. PHOSPHORUS AMMONIA TKN Ave Ave Total Ave Ave Total Ave Ave Total mg/L #/Day #/Month mg/L #/Day #/Month mg/L #/Day #/Month 0.14 7 228 0.03 2 50 1.29 67 2,067 0.18 9 252 0.05 2 64 1.41 69 1,934 0.16 8 0.05 3 240 480 83 0.04 2 0.02 1 57 114 41 1.35 68 0.96 56 2,001 4,001 1,739 The effluent quality was in compliance with all of the above permit parameters for February 2015. EFFLUENT QUALITY - CURRENT YEAR 2014 NEW WATER (GBMSD) - DE PERE FACILITY Permit Limits: FLOW Million MONTH Gallons MGD JAN 197.409 6.37 FEB 184.987 6.61 MAR 204.345 6.59 APR 206.825 6.89 MAY 213.248 6.88 JUN 211.125 7.04 JUL 162.849 5.25 AUG 207.500 6.69 SEP 238.643 7.95 OCT 223.683 7.22 NOV 214.390 7.15 DEC 242.675 7.83 Average 208.973 6.87 Total 2,507.679 All time record best(s) -> 10 mg/L Ave mg/L 1.0 3.6 4.8 1.3 1.0 1.0 2.1 1.3 1.3 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.7 TSS Ave #/Day 56 203 272 78 60 60 94 71 87 64 63 81 99 1.0 40 N/A Total #/Month 1,721 5,682 8,430 2,342 1,852 1,804 2,925 2,204 2,622 1,970 1,898 2,523 2,998 35,973 1,203 Ave mg/L 2.3 3.8 4.0 2.3 2.0 2.0 4.3 3.3 3.0 2.1 2.2 2.2 2.8 2.0 T-BOD Ave Total #/Day #/Month 124 3,848 210 5,887 222 6,886 142 4,249 115 3,557 118 3,530 196 6,076 179 5,537 206 6,188 124 3,849 129 3,860 145 4,504 159 4,831 57,971 85 2,545 9.0 mg/L Ave mg/L 2.1 2.7 2.9 2.1 2.0 2.0 3.2 2.3 2.1 2.1 2.0 2.1 2.3 2.0 C-BOD Ave Total #/Day #/Month 114 3,519 150 4,195 162 5,035 120 3,588 115 3,578 117 3,522 145 4,491 129 3,986 144 4,331 126 3,912 120 3,590 134 4,158 131 3,992 47,905 79 2,370 Ammonia Limits Jan-Mar. Monthly Avg = 27 mg/L Daily Max = 34 mg/L April Monthly Avg = 24 mg/L Daily Max = 34 mg/L 1.0 mg/L May-Oct Monitor only Nov-Dec. Monthly Avg. = 31 mg/L Daily Max = 34 mg/L T. PHOSPHORUS AMMONIA TKN Ave Ave Total Ave Ave Total Ave Ave Total mg/L #/Day #/Month mg/L #/Day #/Month mg/L #/Day #/Month 0.20 10 325 0.15 8 235 1.36 73 2,250 0.21 12 332 0.23 13 351 1.89 105 2,941 0.25 14 446 0.45 26 801 1.86 104 3,219 0.16 10 292 0.27 21 618 1.26 76 2,283 0.16 9 294 0.12 7 212 1.20 67 2,079 0.29 16 484 0.14 9 273 1.17 67 2,007 0.66 30 915 3.86 187 5,802 5.49 259 8,017 0.33 18 573 1.53 77 2,375 2.77 145 4,480 0.31 20 614 0.73 55 1,638 1.81 126 3,788 0.27 16 483 0.09 6 171 1.04 62 1,921 0.28 16 493 0.02 1 42 1.16 69 2,076 0.19 12 384 0.02 2 48 1.07 69 2,150 0.28 15 470 0.63 34 1,047 1.84 102 3,101 5,635 12,566 37,211 0.05 3 83 0.02 1 41 0.96 56 1,739 Return to Agenda Flow - De Pere 9.00 8.00 7.00 MGD 6.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 mg/L 12 Month Ave. Daily Flow 11.0 10.0 9.0 8.0 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 MAR 2014 APR 2014 MAY 2014 JUN 2014 JUL 2014 AUG 2014 SEP 2014 OCT 2014 NOV 2014 DEC 2014 JAN 2015 FEB 2015 6.59 6.89 6.88 7.04 5.25 6.69 7.95 7.22 7.15 7.83 6.22 5.87 Total Suspended Solids - De Pere MAR 2014 APR 2014 MAY 2014 JUN 2014 JUL 2014 AUG 2014 SEP 2014 OCT 2014 NOV 2014 DEC 2014 JAN 2015 FEB 2015 12 Month Ave. Conc. 4.8 1.3 1.0 1.0 2.1 1.3 1.3 1.1 1.1 1.2 0.0 0.5 Permit Limit 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Carbonaceous Biochemical Oxygen Demand - De Pere mg/L 10.0 9.0 8.0 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 12 Month Ave Conc. mg/L Permit Limit 1.10 1.00 0.90 0.80 0.70 0.60 0.50 0.40 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.00 12 Month Ave. Conc. Permit Limit MAR 2014 APR 2014 MAY 2014 JUN 2014 JUL 2014 AUG 2014 SEP 2014 OCT 2014 NOV 2014 DEC 2014 JAN 2015 FEB 2015 2.9 2.1 2.0 2.0 3.2 2.3 2.1 2.1 2.0 2.1 0.7 2.1 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 Total Phosphorus - De Pere MAR 2014 APR 2014 MAY 2014 JUN 2014 JUL 2014 AUG 2014 SEP 2014 OCT 2014 NOV 2014 DEC 2014 JAN 2015 FEB 2015 0.25 0.16 0.16 0.29 0.66 0.33 0.31 0.27 0.28 0.19 0.14 0.18 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ammonia - De Pere 35.0 30.0 25.0 mg/L 20.0 15.0 10.0 5.0 0.0 -5.0 12 Month Ave. Conc. Permit Limit MAR 2014 APR 2014 MAY 2014 JUN 2014 JUL 2014 AUG 2014 SEP 2014 OCT 2014 NOV 2014 DEC 2014 JAN 2015 FEB 2015 0.45 0.27 0.12 0.14 3.86 1.53 0.73 0.09 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.05 27 24 31 31 27 27 Return to Agenda INCINERATOR EMISSIONS REPORT - CURRENT YEAR 2015 NEW Water (GBMSD) - GREEN BAY FACILITY (Preliminary Results) Incinerator #1 - System Operating Parameters Assessment Incinerator Parameters Monthly Run Time (%) Maximum Wet Lbs / Hr Sludge Maximum Dry Tons / Hr Sludge Control Point NA (1) January February March April May June July August September October November December 60% 96% 10,671 10,983 Evaporation Lbs / Hr Water Average Secondary Temp. (°F) Average Oxygen % Average Opacity % CEMS Parameters Maximum Days Above Maximum Average Maximum Hearth Temp. (°F) Corrected Average THC Data Capture % (ppm) (2) ≤ 8,800 (3) NA ≤ 8,800 (2) 1936 (2) ≥ 950 (4) ≤ 8.45 (5) < 20 (6) < 100 (7) 1.023 1.087 8,561 8,548 0 0 8,117 8,012 1,662 1,697 1,074 1,109 6.03 6.75 4.77 4.04 4.70 3.20 Annual Average Incinerator #2 System Operating Parameters Assessment Incinerator Parameters Monthly Run Time (%) Maximum Wet Lbs / Hr Sludge Maximum Dry Tons / Hr Sludge Control Point NA (1) January February March April May June July August September October November December 84% 48% 10,903 11,064 Evaporation Lbs / Hr Water Monthly Hours on Line Total Scrubber Δ P " WC Pre- Cooler Temperature (°F) > 90 (8) NA > 13.71 (5) < 200 98.2% 96.7% 445 642 19.72 20.58 160 158 97.5% CEMS Parameters Maximum Days Above Maximum Average Maximum Hearth Temp. (°F) (2) ≤ 8,800 (3) NA ≤ 8,800 (2) 1862 (2) ≥ 950 (4) ≤ 8.16 (5) < 20 (6) < 100 (7) 1.048 1.073 8,636 6,137 0 0 8,095 7,488 1,573 1,628 1,143 1,083 5.26 6.37 3.55 4.22 3.70 3.70 Key Notes (1) - Wet solids throughput will vary based on the variance in dry cake % solids. (2) - Hourly average (3) - 14 day rolling average. (4) - Twenty Four (24) hour rolling average (5) - Daily average (6) - Three (3) minute average (7) - Monthly average (8) - Annual average (9) - Twelve (12) month rolling average. Scrubber Parameters Average Secondary Temp. (°F) Average Oxygen % Average Opacity % Corrected Average THC Data Capture % (ppm) Scrubber Parameters Monthly Hours on Line Total Scrubber Δ P " WC Pre- Cooler Temperature (°F) > 90 (8) NA > 13.87 (5) < 200 42.9% 87.7% 624 323 20.42 20.23 166 159 Annual Average 65.3% CARBON MONOXIDE (CO) EMISSIONS Total Facility (tons/month) Permit Limit ≤ 20.42 (9) Monthly 12 Month Ave January 11.92 13.33 February 9.49 12.98 March April May June July August September October November December Return to Agenda Incinerator Emergency Bypass Damper - Combined Operating Hours - Deviation Minutes 1,400 1,200 1,000 800 600 400 200 0 Deviation, min MAR 2014 5.0 APR 2014 0.0 MAY 2014 0.0 JUN 2014 6.0 JUL 2014 0.0 AUG 2014 0.0 SEP 2014 1.0 OCT 2014 19.2 NOV 2014 11.4 DEC 2014 0.0 JAN 2015 5.3 FEB 2015 21.1 Operating Time, hr 1,330 1,255 1,274 1,379 965 1,018 1,043 1,174 1,098 1,340 1,069 965 Return to Agenda Memorandum TO: Commissioners FROM: Tom Sigmund DATE: March 16, 2015 SUBJECT: March Commission Meeting – Executive Director’s Report a) The April Commission meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 22, 2015, beginning at 8:30 a.m. b) Every year the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) levies an Environmental Fee to point source dischargers based on discharge limits and actual discharge of pollutants. That fee is commonly known as the NR101 Fee based on the Administrative Code chapter. The estimated NR101 fee for NEW Water for 2014 is $193,015. NEW Water discharges well below permit limits for BOD, TSS, and phosphorus. Comparing actual discharges and what is allowable under the WPDES permit limits, NEW Water staff saved its customers about $545,000 in NR101 Fees in 2014 by optimizing facility performance at the Green Bay and De Pere Facilities. c) NEW Water and the Cities of Green Bay and De Pere staff met with WDNR on March 6 to discuss a concept proposed by the WDNR to create overall umbrella limits for suspended solids and phosphorus that NEW Water and municipalities with stormwater discharge permits could use to jointly manage overall discharges among all entities rather than each separately managing their own limits. The parties decided that there was merit in the concept and agreed to develop questions and have a subsequent meeting to discuss details of the concept. d) NEW Water was issued a construction air permit by the WDNR on March 4, which allows NEW Water to begin construction of the R2E2 Project. EPA approval of a modified operating air permit is expected by late April. e) NEW Water qualified for and submitted an application to NACWA for a 2014 Platinum level award for the Green Bay Facility and a Gold level award for the De Pere Facility. NEW Water is also submitting an application for the NACWA Excellence in Management award. If NEW Water is selected, the awards would be presented at the 2015 NACWA Summer meeting in July. f) The construction phase contract for the R2E2 Project Contract 34 is expected to be brought to the Commission for approval in June. Staff expects the amount of the contract to be about $110 million. I will prepare a memo and schedule an agenda item at a subsequent Commission meeting to discuss a procedure for approving change orders and amendments for this project. A five percent contingency on the project would be $5.5 million. The Executive Director’s $100,000 approval authority without Commission approval may need to be adjusted or a revised approval process may be needed to allow the project to proceed between regularly scheduled Commission meetings. Green Bay Metropolitan Sewerage District 2231 North Quincy Street | Green Bay, WI 54302 | Phone (920) 432-4893 Return to Agenda g) NEW Water received insurance renewal quotes from its broker Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. for all insurance other than property damage insurance. Staff reviewed the coverage, limits, and proposed rates for April 2015 – April 2016 coverage. Premium for the coming year is $157,411 compared to $161, 532 for the previous year. There was a significant reduction in workers’ compensation insurance due to a reduced experience modification factor. Staff will proceed with renewal of the insurance coverage. h) U.S. Congressman Reid Ribble is hosting a Phosphorus Summit on April 1 from 7:30 – 11:30 a.m. at the Neville Museum. An agenda for the summit is attached. Commissioners interested in attending should let me know before April 1 so a name tag can be prepared for you by the Congressman’s staff.
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