Minutes of the Meeting of the Glenorchy City Council held at the Council Chambers on Monday, 16th March 2015 at 3.00 p.m. Present: Aldermen K. Johnston (Mayor), H. Quick (Deputy Mayor), J. Branch-Allen, J. Dunsby, S. King (Items 15 to 24), C. Lucas, H. Nielsen, D. Pearce, H. Quick, S.E. Slade and M. Stevenson. In attendance: Mr. P. Brooks (General Manager), Mrs. J. King (Minutes Secretary), Mr. D. Reeve (Executive Manager – Works and Services), Mr. J. Browne (Executive Manager – Finance and Business), Ms. S. Iskandarli (Manager Legal and Governance – Council Lawyer), Mr. T. McMullen (Manager City Strategy), Mr. G. Sheppard (Manager Council Property), Mr. P. Garnsey (Manager Environment and Development), Ms. K. Williams (Co-ordinator Planning Services), Ms. L. Byrne (Strategic Planner), Mr. A. Mousavi (Transport Engineer) and Ms. E. McGrath (Co-ordinator Communications and Marketing). Workshops held since last Council Meeting Date: Purpose: Monday, 2nd March 2015 To discuss: 1. APOLOGIES None. Derwent Estuary Program GASP Board STCA Presentation Monday, 16th March 2015 2. Council Minutes CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES Resolution: LUCAS/PEARCE That the minutes of the Council Meeting held on Monday, 16th February 2015 be confirmed. The motion was put. FOR: Aldermen Pearce, Branch-Allen, Dunsby, Slade, Quick, Johnston, Nielsen, Lucas and Stevenson. AGAINST: The motion was CARRIED. 3. ANNOUNCEMENTS BY THE CHAIR The Mayor delivered a prepared announcement about the Director of Local Government’s inquiry. 4. PECUNIARY INTEREST NOTIFICATION The Chairperson asked if any Aldermen had or were likely to have a pecuniary interest in any items on the Agenda. Alderman Johnston declared a pecuniary interest in Item 16. 5. RESPONSE TO PREVIOUS PUBLIC QUESTIONS TAKEN ON NOTICE None. 2 Monday, 16th March 2015 6. Council Minutes PUBLIC QUESTION TIME (15 MINUTES) Mrs. A. De Santo – question was – are you going to reinstate staff that were made redundant? Ms. Kate McQuaid – question was - who was the spokesperson for Council? 7. PETITIONS/DEPUTATIONS Resolution: STEVENSON/BRANCH-ALLEN That the deputation from Mr. M. Watkins, Ms. S. Watkins and Mr. B. Johnson be accepted. The motion was put. FOR: Aldermen Pearce, Branch-Allen, Dunsby, Slade, Quick, Johnston, Nielsen, Lucas and Stevenson. AGAINST: The motion was CARRIED. Deputations were received from the following: Ms. Adriana Taylor – Adherence to the Local Government Act provisions. Mr. Phil Butler – The community Council status of the GCC. Mr. Martin Watkins, Ms. Suzanne Watkins and Mr. Brian Johnson – Dysfunctional Council Meetings. 3 Monday, 16th March 2015 Council Minutes COMMUNITY 8. ANNOUNCEMENTS BY THE MAYOR File Reference: Mayor Announcements Reporting Brief: To receive the announcements by the Mayor. Resolution: STEVENSON/LUCAS That Council receives the announcements about the activities of the Mayors Office for the period 10th February 2015 to 10th March 2015. The motion was put. FOR: Aldermen Pearce, Branch-Allen, Dunsby, Slade, Quick, Johnston, Nielsen, Lucas and Stevenson. AGAINST: The motion was CARRIED. 9. GLENORCHY DRAFT INTERIM PLANNING SCHEME 2014 NOTICE FROM MINISTER FOR PLANNING AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT TO AMEND PRIOR TO DECLARATION File Reference: Planning Scheme Review Reporting Brief: To seek Council’s decision, acting as planning authority, on: Modifying the Glenorchy Draft Interim Planning Scheme 2014 to bring it into conformity with the requirements of the Land Use Planning and Approval Act 1993, as outlined in the Minister for Planning’s Direction Notice. Submitting the modified scheme for declaration. Undertaking statutory public exhibition of the Glenorchy Interim Planning Scheme for forty-two days once the scheme has been declared. 4 Monday, 16th March 2015 Council Minutes Resolution: PEARCE/STEVENSON That Council, acting as planning authority under the Land Use Planning and Approvals Act 1993: (a) Endorse the amendments to the Glenorchy Draft Interim Planning Scheme 2014 identified in the Section 30D (6) Directions Notice under the Land Use Planning and Approvals Act 1993 (the Act). (b) Delegate to the Coordinator Planning Services, pursuant to Section 6 of the Act, the authority to amend the Glenorchy Draft Interim Planning Scheme 2014 to include any planning scheme amendments approved by the Tasmanian Planning Commission since the submission of the scheme for declaration. (c) Submit the revised Glenorchy Draft Interim Planning Scheme 2014 to the Minister for Planning and Local Government for declaration under Section 30D (7) of the Act. (d) Exhibit the declared Glenorchy Interim Planning Scheme 2014 for 42 days in accordance with Section 30H of the Act and Council’s consultation program. The motion was put. FOR: Aldermen Pearce, Branch-Allen, Dunsby, Slade, Quick, Johnston, Nielsen, Lucas and Stevenson. AGAINST: The motion was CARRIED. 10. COMMUNITY ROAD SAFETY PARTNERSHIP COMMITTEE File Reference: Community Road Safety Partnership Committee Reporting Brief: The purpose of this report is to inform Council on the history of Community Road Safety Partnership (CRSP) Committee and the recent changes to the CRSP program made by the Department of State Growth. The report recommends that the current CRSP Committee’s term of reference be changed based on the new Community Road Safety Grant program. 5 Monday, 16th March 2015 Council Minutes Resolution: BRANCH-ALLEN/LUCAS It is recommended that current CRSP Committee activities and meetings be placed on hold until receiving detailed information associated with the new Community Road Safety Grant program and the Committee’s term of reference then be reviewed, based on the new funding program. The motion was put. FOR: Aldermen Pearce, Branch-Allen, Dunsby, Slade, Quick, Johnston, Nielsen, Lucas and Stevenson. AGAINST: The motion was CARRIED. GOVERNANCE 11. GLENORCHY EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT PLAN 2015 File Reference: Glenorchy EMP 2015 Reporting Brief: To seek Council endorsement for the revised Glenorchy Emergency Management Plan 2015, as attached, and submit to the Commissioner of Police as the State Emergency Management Controller for approval. Resolution: PEARCE/DUNSBY That Council endorses the Glenorchy Emergency Management Plan 2015 and submits this plan to the Commissioner of Police for approval. The motion was put. FOR: Aldermen Pearce, Branch-Allen, Dunsby, Slade, Quick, Johnston, Nielsen, Lucas and Stevenson. AGAINST: The motion was CARRIED. 6 Monday, 16th March 2015 Council Minutes 12. KGV SOCCER GROUND - LEASE PROPOSAL File Reference: KGV Soccer Park Reporting Brief: 1. Football Federation Tasmania wishes to enter into a new lease agreement with Glenorchy City Council for the Soccer Grounds and Administration and Clubroom buildings within the KGV Soccer Park located at 16-18 Grove Road in Glenorchy. 2. This report seeks Council approval to advertise its intent under section 178 of the Local Government Act 1993 (Tas) to lease the land at the KGV Soccer Park to Football Federation Tasmania. Resolution: NIELSEN/BRANCH-ALLEN Council endorse the advertising of its intent to lease the land in accordance with Section 178 (4)(a) of the Local Government Act, 1993. The motion was put. FOR: Aldermen Pearce, Branch-Allen, Dunsby, Slade, Quick, Johnston, Nielsen, Lucas and Stevenson. AGAINST: The motion was CARRIED. 13. ESTABLISHMENT OF AN INTERNAL LIAISON COMMITTEE WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF STATE GROWTH FOR THE BROOKER HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT AND THE APPOINTMENT OF TWO ALDERMEN TO THIS COMMITTEE File Reference: State Growth Reporting Brief: To advise Council of the establishment of an internal liaison committee with the Department of State Growth specifically for the Brooker Highway/Elwick Road/Goodwood Road and Howard Road junctions, and to seek the appointment of two aldermen to this committee. 7 Monday, 16th March 2015 Council Minutes Resolution: AMENDMENT LUCAS/BRANCH-ALLEN That Council appoint the Mayor and Deputy Mayor on the Internal Liaison Committee with the Department of State Growth for the construction phase of the Brooker Highway project. The amendment was put. FOR: Aldermen Pearce, Branch-Allen, Dunsby, Slade, Quick, Johnston, Nielsen, Lucas and Stevenson. AGAINST: The motion was CARRIED. 14. WINDERMERE BAY RESERVE - CLAREMONT RSL ANZAC MEMORIAL File Reference: Claremont RSL/26 Cadbury Road Reporting Brief: 1. The Claremont RSL Club wishes to enter into a licence agreement with Glenorchy City Council for an ANZAC Memorial within the Windermere Bay Reserve. 2. This report seeks Council approval to advertise its intent under section 178 of the Local Government Act 1993 (Tas) to licence the land at Windermere Bay Reserve to the Claremont RSL Club. Resolution: QUICK/PEARCE Council approves the advertising of its intent to licence a portion of land (approx. 450 square metres) within Windermere Bay Reserve to the Claremont RSL Club for an ANZAC Memorial for a period of 20 years subject to satisfactory negotiation of the terms and conditions of the licence agreement by Council staff. 8 Monday, 16th March 2015 Council Minutes The motion was put. FOR: Aldermen Pearce, Branch-Allen, Dunsby, Slade, Quick, Johnston, Nielsen, Lucas and Stevenson. AGAINST: The motion was CARRIED. 15. COMMON SERVICES JOINT VENTURE File Reference: Resource Sharing/Common Services Reporting Brief: To brief Council on the proposed Common Services Joint Venture and to approve and authorise the General Manager to sign the JV Agreement. Resolution: PEARCE/LUCAS This item be lifted off the table. The motion was put. FOR: Aldermen Pearce, Branch-Allen, Dunsby, Slade, Quick, Johnston, Nielsen, Lucas and Stevenson. AGAINST: The motion was CARRIED. BRANCH-ALLEN/SLADE That Council authorise the General Manager to sign the Common Services Agreement following finalisation by Council’s Lawyer and engage in the new joint venture as outlined above and in the agreement. AMENDMENT STEVENSON/PEARCE Cost benefit analysis be provided after twelve months; be added as (b). 9 Monday, 16th March 2015 Council Minutes The motion was put. FOR: Aldermen Pearce, Branch-Allen, Dunsby, Slade, Quick, Johnston, Nielsen, Lucas and Stevenson. AGAINST: The motion was CARRIED. Alderman King arrived at the meeting at 4.15 p.m. The motion was put. (a) That Council authorise the General Manager to sign the Common Services Agreement following finalisation by Council’s Lawyer and engage in the new joint venture as outlined in the officers report and in the agreement. (b) Cost benefit analysis be provided after twelve months. FOR: Aldermen Pearce, Branch-Allen, Dunsby, Slade, Quick, Nielsen, Lucas, King and Stevenson. AGAINST: Alderman Johnston. The motion was CARRIED. Alderman Johnston declared a pecuniary interest in the following item and left the meeting at 4.18 p.m. 16. POIMENA RESERVE - TELECOMMUNICATIONS FACILITY File Reference: Poimena Reserve Reporting Brief: 1. Telstra Corporation Limited wishes to enter into a lease agreement with GCC for Poimena Reserve in Austin’s Ferry, Tasmania. 2. This report seeks Council’s final approval under section 178 of the Local Government Act 1993 (Tas) for the lease of land at Poimena Reserve for the installation of a telecommunications tower and base station. 10 Monday, 16th March 2015 Council Minutes Resolution: AMENDMENT LUCAS/BRANCH-ALLEN a) Final approval be granted to lease a portion of land (10.4 meters and 6.2 meters) at the Poimena Reserve in accordance with section 178 of the Local Government Act 1993 (Tas) to Telstra Corporation Limited for the installation of a telecommunications tower and base station subject to negotiation of satisfactory terms and conditions by Council staff. b) That the licence fee to be negotiated above $5,000 per annum. c) That the tower be owned and maintained by the lessee (Telstra). d) Council’s legal costs to be paid by the Lessee. e) Public liability and facility insurances will be the responsibility of the lessee (Telstra). The amendment was put. FOR: Aldermen Pearce, Branch-Allen, Dunsby, Slade, Quick, Nielsen, Lucas, King and Stevenson. AGAINST: The motion was CARRIED. Alderman Johnston returned to the meeting at 4.22 p.m. 17. CORPORATE PERFORMANCE INDICATORS - JANUARY 2015 File Reference: Traffic Lights Reporting Brief: To present the Corporate Performance Indicators as at the end of January 2015 for Aldermen’s information. Resolution: BRANCH-ALLEN/DUNSBY That the information provided by the Corporate Performance Indicators for January 2015 be accepted. 11 Monday, 16th March 2015 Council Minutes The motion was put. FOR: Aldermen Pearce, Branch-Allen, Dunsby, Slade, Quick, Johnston, Nielsen, Lucas, King and Stevenson. AGAINST: The motion was CARRIED. 18. NOTICES OF MOTIONS – QUESTIONS ON NOTICE / WITHOUT NOTICE None. 18.1. NOTICE OF MOTION - ALDERMAN D. PEARCE File Reference: Notice of Motion Reporting Brief: To consider a notice of motion by Alderman David Pearce submitted in accordance with the requirements of Section 16(5) of the Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2005. Resolution: PEARCE/NIELSEN 1. That the Aldermen of the Glenorchy City Council reaffirm their commitment to Council’s long-term financial strategy. The motion was put. FOR: Aldermen Pearce, Branch-Allen, Dunsby, Slade, Quick, Nielsen, Lucas and King. AGAINST: Aldermen Johnston and Stevenson. The motion was CARRIED. 12 Monday, 16th March 2015 Council Minutes PEARCE/NIELSEN 2. That the Aldermen of the Glenorchy City Council acknowledge the skills and commitment of the General Manager in working towards its long-term strategy as directed by the elected members. The motion was put. FOR: Aldermen Pearce, Branch-Allen, Slade, Quick, Nielsen, Lucas and King. AGAINST: Aldermen Dunsby, Johnston and Stevenson. The motion was CARRIED. PEARCE/NIELSEN 3. That the Aldermen of the Glenorchy City Council acknowledge the skills and ability of the General Manager in his continued strength and ability to manage and maintain the outstanding service capacity and commitment to the citizens who live and work in this City and express full confidence in the General Manager. The motion was put. FOR: Aldermen Pearce, Branch-Allen, Slade, Quick, Nielsen, Lucas and King. AGAINST: Aldermen Dunsby, Johnston and Stevenson. The motion was CARRIED. PEARCE/NIELSEN 4. That the Aldermen of the Glenorchy City Council takes this opportunity to acknowledge the skills and abilities of senior management and staff, both past and present in not only working towards its current financial strategy, but also in their commitment to delivering and maintaining and outstanding level of service delivery to the citizens who live and work in this City. The motion was put. FOR: Aldermen Pearce, Branch-Allen, Slade, Quick, Nielsen, Lucas and King. AGAINST: Aldermen Dunsby, Johnston and Stevenson. The motion was CARRIED. 13 Monday, 16th March 2015 Council Minutes Resolution: KING/LUCAS That the meeting be closed to the public to allow discussion of matters that are described in Regulation 15 of the Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2005. The motion was put. FOR: Aldermen Pearce, Branch-Allen, Dunsby, Slade, Quick, Johnston, Nielsen, Lucas, King and Stevenson. AGAINST: The motion was CARRIED. Resolution: SLADE/PEARCE The order of the agenda items in the Closed Session is 19, 20, 23, 21, 22 and 24. The motion was put. FOR: Aldermen Pearce, Branch-Allen, Dunsby, Slade, Quick, Johnston, Nielsen, Lucas, King and Stevenson. AGAINST: The motion was CARRIED. CLOSED TO MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC 19. APPLICATIONS FOR LEAVE OF ABSENCE 14 Monday, 16th March 2015 Council Minutes GOVERNANCE 20. FARLEY STREET - DERWENT PARK QUOTATION This item is to be considered at a closed meeting of the Council by authority of the Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2005 Section 15(2)(f). 23. DIRECTOR OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT RESPONSE This item is to be considered at a closed meeting of the Council by authority of the Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2005 Section 15(2)(f). 21. GENERAL MANAGER PERFORMANCE REVIEW KPI This item is to be considered at a closed meeting of the Council by authority of the Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2005 Section 15(2)(a) (2)(j). 22. GENERAL MANAGER'S KPI'S - 12 MONTHS This item is to be considered at a closed meeting of the Council by authority of the Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2005 Section 15(2)(a) (2)(j). 24. NOTICES OF MOTIONS – QUESTIONS ON NOTICE / WITHOUT NOTICE (CLOSED) 15 Monday, 16th March 2015 Council Minutes The meeting closed at 6.50 p.m. Confirmed, CHAIR 16
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