GLENORCHY PLANNING AUTHORITY MINUTES WEDNESDAY, 8TH APRIL 2015 Chairperson: Alderman K. Johnston. Hour: 3.00 p.m. Present: Aldermen K. Johnston, D. Pearce, M. Stevenson and H. Quick. In attendance: Mr. P. Garnsey (Manager – Environment and Development), Mr. P. Meloy (Senior Statutory Planner) and Mr. L. Meline (Development Technical Officer). 1. PLANNING AUTHORITY DECLARATION The Chairperson stated that the Glenorchy Planning Authority intended to act as a Planning Authority under the Land Use Planning and Approvals Act 1993. 2. APOLOGIES None. Wednesday, 8th April 2015 3. Glenorchy Planning Authority Minutes PECUNIARY INTERESTS None. 4. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES Resolution: PEARCE/QUICK That the minutes of the Glenorchy Planning Authority Meeting held on Monday, 23rd March 2015 be confirmed. The motion was put. FOR: Aldermen Johnston, Pearce, Stevenson and Quick. AGAINST: The motion was CARRIED. 2 Wednesday, 8th April 2015 5. Glenorchy Planning Authority Minutes PROPOSED USE AND DEVELOPMENT - TWO DWELLING UNITS (1 EXISTING AND 1 NEW), REQUIRING VARIATIONS TO PRIVATE OUTDOOR SPACE STANDARDS AND SETBACK BETWEEN BUILDINGS - 109 BOWEN ROAD LUTANA File Reference: 5411028 REPORT SUMMARY: Application No.: PLN-15-035 Applicant: Draft One Owner: L W Roberts Zoning: Urban Residential Development Category: Two Dwelling Units Development Status: Discretionary Discretions: Setback between outdoor space 42 Days Expires: 26 Mar 2015, Extension of time to 9/4/2015 Existing Land Use: Residential Proposal In Brief: Two Dwelling Units (1 existing and 1 new), requiring variations to private outdoor space standards and setback between buildings Representations: 1 Planning Issues: Setback between outdoor space Recommendation: Approval with conditions 3 buildings, buildings, private private Wednesday, 8th April 2015 Glenorchy Planning Authority Minutes Resolution: QUICK/PEARCE That a permit be granted for the proposed use and development of Two Dwelling Units (1 existing and 1 new), requiring variations to private outdoor space standards and setback between buildings at 109 Bowen Road Lutana subject to the following conditions: Planning 1. Use and development shall be substantially in accordance with planning permit application No. PLN-15-035 and Drawing No. P1 (8 pages) submitted on 11/2/2015 except as otherwise required by this permit. 2. Any conditions and/or advice as determined by TasWater, and set out in the attached Appendix A, form part of this permit. 3. Private outdoor space is to be enclosed by fencing with a minimum height of 1.8m, which is to be maintained for the life of the dwelling. Such fencing must be erected prior to occupation of Unit 2. Engineering 4. Soil and water management is to comply with best practice to prevent any transfer of soil material outside of the area specifically and necessarily disturbed for construction. Particular attention is to be paid to ensure no soil material is tracked onto roads and footpaths or to enter the Council’s stormwater system. All aspects and protection measures in connection with soil and water management are to comply with the requirements of Council’s Development Engineer and be installed prior to the removal of and/or disturbance of any soil or vegetation. 5. The loading and unloading of goods, including building materials and equipment, from vehicles must only be carried out on the land. 6. The new vehicle crossing servicing the existing garage from Bowen Road must be upgraded and the access from Michael Street widened in accordance with standard drawing SD-1003. Any driveway / crossover work within Council’s road reservation must be carried out by a Council approved contractor and all work must be reinstated to match the existing adjacent footpath/nature strip profile. A Property Access Works Application must be completed prior to any work being undertaken. The application is available from Council’s planning department or available from Council’s website at: . It is noted a bus stop is located in the vicinity of the proposed widened access from Michael Street. Any relocation of the must stop shall be at the developer’s cost and must be undertaken in consultation with Metro. 4 Wednesday, 8th April 2015 Glenorchy Planning Authority Minutes 7. Detailed engineering drawings showing the driveway and manoeuvring areas, internal service lines and connections to service mains, surface drainage collection including grated drains and silt collection pits, pavement composition and levels and finished floor levels must be submitted with the Building Application for approval by Council’s Development Engineer. 8. Driveways, car parking and turning areas must be constructed and sealed with an approved impervious surface treatment. All runoff from paved and driveway areas must be retained within site boundaries, collected into a grated drain and silt pit and discharged into Council’s stormwater system. Construction details must generally be in accordance with Council’s standard requirements. 9. The driveway, parking and manoeuvring areas must be kept clear of obstructions, such as service authority infrastructure, letterboxes or bin enclosures, so that vehicle paths are not restricted. 10. Three (3) clearly marked car parking spaces must be provided generally as shown on the Site Plan submitted with the development application and kept available for these purposes at all times. Car parking spaces, manoeuvring areas and aisles must be provided in accordance with the Australian Standard AS 2890.1 – 2004 Off-Street Parking. In areas set aside for car parking, securely fixed wheel stops or kerbing must be provided to the satisfaction of Council to prevent damage to fences or landscaped areas. 11. The developer shall be responsible for locating existing service connections on site. Where existing service connections cannot be found or existing service connections require upgrading for the development, new connections must be provided by Council or other relevant service Authority at the developer’s cost. 12. Any relocation of internal stormwater and sewerage lines required as a result of the development are required to be approved and constructed in accordance with an issued Plumbing Permit to the requirements of Council’s Plumbing Surveyor. All internal hydraulic service works required for the development shall be at the Developer’s expense and must comply with the requirements of Council’s Plumbing Surveyor. Any alterations or works to Council mains shall be undertaken by Council at the developer’s cost. Advice to Applicant: This advice does not form part of the permit but is provided for the information of the applicant. Engineering All development applications that result in an increase in the impervious area of the site, and therefore the peak stormwater discharge rate may require an On-Site Detention System (OSD) in accordance with Council Policy No 28-4. 5 Wednesday, 8th April 2015 Glenorchy Planning Authority Minutes The proposed OSD must provide a runoff storage volume equivalent to the difference between the allowable site discharge and the anticipated maximum discharge over the period of the design storm. An OSD assessment must be submitted with the Plumbing Permit Application and detailed in a hydraulic design for approval by Council’s Plumbing Permit Authority. Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) elements are encouraged. If the developer has any enquiries relating to acceptable methods of providing On-site detention, they should contact Council’s Plumbing Surveyor on (03) 6216 6800. Waste Management The Council’s Standard Bin Service includes one (1) x 140L wheelie bin for Waste and one (1) x 240L wheelie bin for recycling to each of the dwelling units, collected fortnightly, which are to be placed on the kerbside collection. The motion was put. FOR: Aldermen Johnston, Pearce, Stevenson and Quick. AGAINST: The motion was CARRIED. Reason for Decision: After seeking to further the objectives of the Land Use Planning and approvals Act 1993; considering the matters set out in representations (if any); and reference to the current provisions of the Glenorchy Planning Scheme 1992, the Glenorchy Planning Authority decides to grant a permit for the reasons set out in the officer’s report. 6 Wednesday, 8th April 2015 6. Glenorchy Planning Authority Minutes PROPOSED USE AND DEVELOPMENT - STAGED MULTIPLE DWELLING UNITS (3) SEEKING SIDE BOUNDARY SETBACK DISCREATION (UNIT 3) ON SLOPE GREATER THAN 1 IN 4 - 9 LEIGHLAND ROAD, CLAREMONT File Reference: 3254698 REPORT SUMMARY: Application No.: PLN-14-244 Applicant: B Sloan Owner: W E Galea Zoning: Urban Residential Development Category: Multiple Dwelling Units Development Status: Discretionary Discretions: Staged multiple dwelling Units; Gradient exceeding 1 in 4; Side boundary setback (unit 3) 42 Days Expires: 9th April 2015 Existing Land Use: Vacant land Proposal In Brief: Staged Multiple Dwelling Units (3) seeking side boundary setback discretion (Unit 3) on slope greater than 1 in 4. Representations: 1 Planning Issues: Gradient, Side boundary setback Recommendation: Approval, with conditions. 7 Wednesday, 8th April 2015 Glenorchy Planning Authority Minutes Resolution: QUICK/STEVENSON That a permit be granted for the proposed use and development of Staged Multiple Dwelling Units (3) seeking side boundary setback discretion (Unit 3) on slope greater than 1 in 4 at 9 Leighland Road, Claremont subject to the following conditions: Planning 1. Use and development shall be substantially in accordance with planning permit application No. PLN-14-244 and Drawing No. P2 (7 pages) submitted on 18/2/2015, Drawing No. P3 submitted on 23/2/2015 (1 page), and Drawing No. P4 submitted on 19/3/2015 (4 pages 4) except as otherwise required by this permit. 2. Any conditions and/or advice as determined by TasWater, and set out in the attached Appendix A, form part of this permit. 3. A landscaping plan, prepared by a suitably qualified person, is to be submitted in association with the building permit application for approval by Council’s Senior Statutory Planner. Particular attention is to be paid to landscaping and fencing between each dwelling unit. The landscaping works must be completed prior to issue of the Certificate of Occupancy and then maintained to the satisfaction of Council’s Senior Statutory Planner. The landscaping plan is to be prepared at a suitable scale, and indicate the following:a. outline of the proposed buildings; b. existing trees and those to be removed; c. any proposed driveways, paths, car parking, retaining walls and fencing (min. height of 1.8m) (indicating the materials and surface finish); d. the proposed planting (including expected mature height and plant size); e. earth shaping works; and f. measures used for protection of existing plants during construction works. g. Maintenance plan such as watering system. 4. A plan and/ or details showing the design, materials, finishes and colours of fences defining the areas of private outdoor space required for each "dwelling unit", must be submitted with the building permit application, to the satisfaction of Council’s Senior Statutory Planner. The fences are to be erected prior to the first occupation of any building. 5. Outdoor lighting, where provided, must be located, designed and baffled to ensure that no direct light is emitted outside the boundaries of the site. 6. Roofing colours must be Colourbond “Ironstone” or similar, to ensure reflection on adjoining properties is minimised. 8 Wednesday, 8th April 2015 Glenorchy Planning Authority Minutes Engineering 7. Soil and water management is to comply with best practice to prevent any transfer of soil material outside of the area specifically and necessarily disturbed for construction. Particular attention is to be paid to ensure no soil material is tracked onto roads and footpaths or to enter the Council’s stormwater system. All aspects and protection measures in connection with soil and water management are to comply with the requirements of Council’s Development Engineer and be installed prior to the removal of and/or disturbance of any soil or vegetation. 8. The loading and unloading of goods, including building materials and equipment, from vehicles must only be carried out on the land. 9. A new stormwater connection to Hilton Creek is required to service the development in conjunction with the stormwater plumbing design to be provided by the applicant and to the requirements of Council’s Development Engineer. This work is to be funded by the developer completed as a requirement for completion of Stage 1. 10. A vehicle crossing(s) with a 3.6-metre wide concrete driveway apron must be constructed in accordance with standard drawing SD-1003 between the kerb and the property boundary (Stage 1). 11. Any modifications to existing vehicular kerb crossings must include reinstatement of the footpath/nature strip and kerbing to match the existing environment. Redundant vehicular crossings must be removed including reinstatement of the footpath/nature strip and kerbing to the satisfaction of Council’s Development Engineer. 12. Any driveway crossover work within Council’s road reservation must be carried out by a Council-registered contractor. A road-opening permit from Council’s Planning Services Program is required. An inspection fee is payable upon application (Stage 1). 13. The minimum width of the internal driveway must be 3.0m. The passing bays, driveway, parking and manoeuvring areas must be kept clear of obstructions, such as service authority infrastructure, letterboxes or bin enclosures, so that vehicle paths are not restricted (Stage 1 & 2). 14. Five (5) clearly marked car parking spaces must be provided as shown on the Site Plan submitted with the development application and kept available for these purposes at all times. Car parking spaces, manoeuvring areas and aisles must be provided in accordance with the Australian Standard AS 2890.1 – 2004 Off-Street Parking. Two car parking spaces must be provided as a requirement for completion of Stage 1 and the remaining three as a requirement for completion of Stage 2. 15. The visitor parking bays as indicated on the submitted plans must be clearly identified on site with clearly painted markings, as “Visitor Parking”. 9 Wednesday, 8th April 2015 Glenorchy Planning Authority Minutes 16. In areas set aside for car parking and turning bays, securely fixed wheel stops or kerbing must be provided to the satisfaction of Council to prevent damage to fences or landscaped areas. 17. Driveways, car parking and turning areas must be constructed and sealed with an approved impervious surface treatment within 3 months of occupation of any dwelling. All runoff from paved and driveway areas must be retained within site boundaries, collected into a grated drain and silt pit and discharged into Council’s stormwater system (Stage 1 & 2) 18. All service works required for the development shall be at the Developer’s expense and must comply with the requirements of Council’s Plumbing Surveyor. Any relocation of internal stormwater and sewerage lines required as a result of the development are required to be approved and constructed in accordance with an issued Plumbing Permit to the requirements of Council’s Plumbing Surveyor. 19. Buildings must not be constructed within drainage easements and all building works must be maintained at a minimum horizontal clearance of one (1.0) metre from any Council services. It shall be the developer’s responsibility to accurately determine the location of easements and existing services. 20. In conjunction with the above conditions and prior to the commencement of any works on site, the applicant must submit detailed engineering design plans of the proposed development for approval prepared by a qualified professional engineer of the internal access driveway, manoeuvring areas, parking spaces, any required retaining walls and vehicle barriers, floor levels of buildings, demonstrated compliance with the maximum grades, crossfalls and transitions as outlined in the Australian Standard AS/NZS 2890.1 - 2004 Off-Street Parking. Engineering plans submitted to Council for approval must be certified by an approved engineer to the satisfaction of Council’s Development Engineer. Advice to Applicant: Engineering All development applications that result in an increase in the impervious area of the site, and therefore the peak stormwater discharge rate must incorporate an On-Site Detention System (OSD) in accordance with Council Policy No 28-4. The proposed OSD must provide a runoff storage volume equivalent to the difference between the allowable site discharge and the anticipated maximum discharge over the period of the design storm. An OSD proposal must be submitted with the Plumbing Permit Application and detailed in a hydraulic design for assessment and approval by Council’s Plumbing Permit Authority. Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) elements are encouraged. If the developer has any enquiries relating to acceptable methods of providing Onsite detention, they should contact Council’s Plumbing Surveyor on (03) 6216 6800. 10 Wednesday, 8th April 2015 Glenorchy Planning Authority Minutes Waste Management The Council’s Standard Bin Service includes one (1) x 140L wheelie bin for Waste and one (1) x 240L wheelie bin for recycling to each of the dwelling units, collected fortnightly. Relocation of Bus Stop It is noted a bus stop is located in the vicinity of the proposed access from Leighland Road. Any relocation of the must stop shall be at the developer’s cost and must be undertaken in consultation with Metro. The motion was put. FOR: Aldermen Johnston, Pearce, Stevenson and Quick. AGAINST: The motion was CARRIED. Reason for Decision: After seeking to further the objectives of the Land Use Planning and approvals Act 1993; considering the matters set out in representations (if any); and reference to the current provisions of the Glenorchy Planning Scheme 1992, the Glenorchy Planning Authority decides to grant a permit for the reasons set out in the officer’s report. The meeting closed at 3.20 p.m. Confirmed, CHAIRMAN 11
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