As a new or a returning vendor from our 2014 FallFest, we want to give you the first opportunity to bring your products and wares to sell in the great central location of Downtown Garden City during Fall Fest 2015! This year Downtown Vision has invited the Art in the Park folks along with the Knights of Columbus and its Octoberfest to join us again to create a day-long event for all ages and interests. Last year we had over 5,500+ attendees come through taking in this grand festival on Main Street and we’re expecting a record crowd again this year! This annual event will be similar in format as last year. Individuals/Non-Profits $50 Non-Commercial Vendors w/Electricity $65 Commercial Vendor w/Electricity $100 There will be a limited number of electrical 110 and 220 connections and those will be reserved on a first come-first served basis. The booths will be lined up on both sides of the center line of the street to create a better flow of foot traffic so pedestrians will have the opportunity to venture up one side and down the other. Entertainment will once again be located in the central intersection of Main & Laurel streets to create a location for Fall Fest attendees to meet up with friends or relax and enjoy the stage events. The booths will be placed at appropriate locations to accommodate all types of vendors and products. Because of our agreement with the Knights of Columbus, we are asking our food vendors to not offer bierocks and/or bratwursts. To participate in Fall Fest 2015, please complete the registration form and return it and your space rental fee by Friday, September 4, 2015 to reserve your space. Requests received after that date will pay an additional $25 late fee. No vendors will be accepted after Wednesday, September 16, 2015. If you prefer to pay using your Visa or MasterCard, just call the Vision Office and we will take your information over the phone. Join us for this festive event celebrating the changing of the seasons! If you have any questions, please phone us at 620.276.0891 or email at We’ll see you at Fall Fest 2015 in Downtown Garden City! Nicole Lucas Executive Director Vendor Registration Form Name or Contact Person: _______________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________________ Phone: _________________ E-Mail Address: _______________________________________ Kansas Sales Tax No. __________________________________________________________ Type of Booth/Contents: ________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Do you need Electricity? ______ Yes (choose one) ______ 110v ______ 220v Limit three roasters/crock pots; you are responsible for your own extension cords Special circumstances? Explain: _________________________________________________ All vendors will be responsible for own tables, chairs, umbrellas, and power cords. Non-Profits & Individuals, Non-Commercial Vendors--$50 Non-Profits, Individuals, & Non-Commercial Vendors Needing Electricity--$65 Commercial Vendors--$100 All entries after Friday, September 4 will be charged an additional $25 late fee. No entries accepted after September 16, 2015. No refunds for any reason including acts of God. Make checks payable to Garden City Downtown Vision. Please return this form and payment by September 4, 2015 to: Garden City Downtown Vision, 120 E. Laurel, Garden City, KS 67846 or pay with your Visa/MasterCard by calling 620.276.0891. Office Use Only Date Paid ___________ Check___________ Cash___________ Credit Card ___________
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