The Genesee County Agricultural Society, Inc. is a non-profit organization,
made up of farmers businesses and concerned citizens, dedicated to preserving
and promoting agriculture in an effort to enhance the quality of life in the community.
The Agricultural Society is responsible for organizing the annual County
Fair, promoting agricultural education and overseeing the maintenance and utilization
of the Genesee County Fairgrounds.
Table of Contents
Genesee County Agricultural Society, Inc. Directors…………………….…….……...3
Attention To All Who Show…………………………….……………....……..........…4
General Rules and Regulations……………………………….………….….…..……..5
Temporary Living Area Regulations………….……………………………………..…7&8
IAFE National Code of Show Ring Ethics…………………………………….……...9
New York State Association – Fair Pass for 2015 Application……………....……….11
NYS Dept. of Agriculture & Markets Rules and Regulations………..…...….…….....12
NYS Dept. of Ag. & Markets Interstate Animal Health Requirements……................14
NYS Dept. of Agriculture & Markets Animal Health Requirements............................15
Department A – Draft Horse & Pony Show………………………………..…….…..20
Department B – Dairy Cattle………………………………….…………….………..22
Department C – Beef Cattle…………………………………….………….………...25
Department D - Sheep……………………………………….…………….……….....29
Department E – Swine……………………………………………..……….………...31
Department F – Small Livestock
F1 – Poultry …………………….………………………..……32
F2 – Rabbits………………………….………………………..33
Department G – Goats………………………..…………….………….………….….35
Department H - Llamas.................................................................................................37
Department I – Grange Exhibits……………………………..………….…….……...37
Department J – Small Fry “Pedal Power” Tractor Pull……..…………………….…..38
Home Department…………………………………………..…………………….......38
Department K – Flowers……...…………………….………………………..………39
Department L – Needlework………………………..……..………..………………...41
Department M - Arts and Crafts…………………………………..….……………….48
Department N – Culinary………………………………….….………..………….….50
Department O – Vegetables……………………....………………………….…….....53
Department P – Group of Family Projects…....……………………………..….…....54
Department Q – Antiques…………………...…………………….…………..….…..54
Department R – Junior Department……...……………………………..…….….…..55
Department S – Parade……………………………………………………….……....60
Department T – Talent Show...……………………………………………..………..62
TALENT SHOW APPLICATION...............................................................................63
Department U – Fair Queen…...…………………………………………..…………64
Department V – Demolition Derby……………………………………..………........64
******E N T R Y F O R M S*****
HOME DEPARTMENT..............................................................................................IN
NIOGA-Dairy Cattle……………………………………………………………BACK OF
LIVESTOCK/ANIMAL..................................................................................PREMIUM BOOK
Contact: Kendra Lamb, (585) 409-1543
6880 Albion Rd, Oakfield, NY 14125
Contact: David Dermody, (585) 243-1673
Contact: Genesee Co. Fair
Contact: Katelyn Pimm (585) 727-6792
7751 Dublin Rd. Bergen NY 14416
Contact: A.J. Wormuth (585) 757-2488
Contact: Stephanie Uhrinek (585) 948-8414
1823 Judge Road Basom, NY 14013
Contact: Bob Berkemeier, (585) 969-0900
10764 East Road, Pavilion, NY 14525
Contact: Kelsey Ferguson, (585) 813-5647
535 Getman Rd, Alden, NY 14004
Contact: Amanda Harvey, (585) 813-3850
27 Briarwood Terrace, Batavia, NY 14020
Contact: Bob Mullen, (585) 343-6763
5655 Mullen Road, Stafford, NY 14143
Mailing Address
Genesee County Agricultural Society, Inc.
PO Box 355
Batavia, NY 14021
***This institution is an equal opportunity provider***
Scott Adams
Duane Schmiegal
John Duyssen
Rose Topolski
Norm Pimm
Scott Adams
Gary Anderson
Bob Berkemeier
Steve Boldt
Keith Carlson
John Duyssen
Sue Duyssen
Amanda Gallo
Amanda Harvey
Glenn Hersee
Doug Kelsey
Jim Mazur
Alton MacDuffie
Nick O’Geen
Jeff Price
Katelyn Pimm
Norm Pimm
Duane Schmiegal
Duane Scroger
Roberta Scroger
Cindy Smith
Rose Topolski
Gary Tripp
Pete Yasses
Use your proper mailing address on entry forms to: ensure delivery of your
Premium Check, Fair Premium Book 2016 & all future information provided by
Genesee County Agricultural Society, Inc.
Questions concerning your correct address???????
Contact your Local Post Office
Thank You!
General Rules and Regulations
1. ALL EXHIBITORS must purchase an exhibitors pass for $20.00 (NO exhibitor pass fee
for junior exhibitors IN the County or Lifetime members.)
2. An additional entry fee of 10% of first place will be applied to persons
entering from the following counties: Orleans, Monroe, Wyoming, Livingston. All Home
Department must pay 10% of first place premiums.
3. Appropriate money must be sent, including exhibitor pass, with entries or the
entry will be returned to you. Money is non-refundable if you are unable to
4. Animals and articles entered in the wrong classes will be barred from competition.
5. Entries in cattle, sheep and swine are confined to New York State except
when notice is given in each department.
6. LIVESTOCK entries MUST be in 14 days before the fair opens to ensure
space. Tack stalls will be 4'x8' in size. Cost of a tack stall is $10. Please
indicate on your entry form and add to total. Check with Superintendents of
each department for release times. Transgression from the times given by
Superintendent will be noted and will result in loss of premium money.
7. Exhibitors will not be allowed to sell goods during the fair, unless they buy a
privilege for it, though they may receive and book orders.
8. All persons soliciting business on the grounds must have a permit, and the
price will be set by the concessions committee for such privilege.
9. Concessionaires must keep their spaces in a neat, clean and sanitary
condition by removing all filth or refuse and placing the same in garbage
10. Any person making an entry of exhibition of animals or articles, the entry
being accepted by the Society, is to be considered an agreement on the part of
such person to abide by all rules and regulations of the Society as published.
The Society reserves the right to reject any and all entries.
11. The Society furnishes a reasonable number of security personnel. In case of
loss or damage of property, please report the same to the Secretary's Office
and security personnel will assist you. The Society does not assume any
liability for damage, loss or theft of property.
12. The Board of Directors of the Genesee County Agricultural Society, Inc.
reserves the right to postpone the Fair on account of weather or other causes,
and if at any time it is deemed by them to postponed the Fair, the words, "The
Last Day of the Fair" as published in the premium book are to be construed to
mean the last day to which the fair is postponed.
13. All protests must be in writing, must state plainly the complaint and must be
delivered to the Secretary within six hours after the cause of the protest with a
deposit of $10.00 which is nonrefundable.
14. The Secretary will not be responsible for the failure of the Judges to report
premiums awarded.
15. The Secretary reserves the right in each lease or permit issued to cancel the
same at anytime, for infraction of the rules of the Society and those set by the
Department of Ag. & Markets. Exhibitors operating under such infractions, and
the holder, shall forfeit all rights or leases, (including monies paid) and on
notice, surrender the grounds occupied by them.
16. If, after space has been occupied by an exhibitor and the exhibit installed or
placed in position, such exhibit or mode of installing it is unattractive, or in any
way a menace to other exhibitors, the Society reserves the right to remove the
same to some other space.
17. Exhibitors having space allotted to them, in the judgment of the Secretary, is
more than is required for their exhibits, may by order have the same reduced.
18. Exhibitors must arrange exhibits and fill up space allotted to them, in a neat
and attractive manner. If in default, the allotment to them may be cancelled
and the goods ordered removed.
19. Exhibitors will not be permitted to sublet the space allotted to them or any
portion thereof.
20. The right is reserved to prescribe materials to be used in the construction of
booths or signs, show cards, tables or the like and to regulate articles on
exhibition, so far as the same may be necessary to secure harmony and an
attractive appearance.
21. Exhibitors are prohibited from advertising from space or stand allotted; the
name or business of any firm not specified on the entry card, without the
written consent from the Secretary of the Fair.
22. Advertising material may only be distributed from the space where the exhibit
is installed. A neat card for this purpose is recommended and they are more
likely to be kept by visitors and not thrown on the grounds. Exhibitors will not
be allowed to distribute handbills or other advertisements on the grounds or
buildings. Any exhibitor distributing advertising matter, either personally or by
agent, which may be considered objectionable, after he has been notified to
cease there from, shall forfeit his or her space and all privileges as an
23. Prices and goods, or notice of sale of an exhibit, or any article exhibited, shall
not be advertised from any booth or stand, nor shall any name or names other
than the name or names in which said exhibit has been entered, appear
thereon without the consent in writing from the Secretary. Such consent is
contingent upon the Board, reserving the right to cancel said privilege at any
time during the Fair. In the event of any exhibitor failing or neglecting to
remove such prices or notice of sale from any article, booth, or exhibit; a Fair
official may remove the same. An official notice signed by the Secretary and
left with any person in charge of any article, booth or exhibit shall be deemed
24. Every facility will be offered for the transaction of business by taking orders,
but no delivery of articles can be made on or from the premises during the
Fair, except under a special license secured from the Secretary.
25. All exhibits must be opened to the public and by the time specified on the
lease agreement for each day that the Fair is opened to the public, except as
otherwise specified.
26. The Society will take reasonable precaution to ensure the safety of exhibits
sent to the Fair, but owners themselves must take the risk of exhibiting them;
and should any exhibit or portion thereof is injured, lost or stolen, the Society
will not be liable or make any payment thereof.
27. Should any question arise, not provided for in the Rules and Regulations, the
decision of the Board shall be final. The rights to interpret, amend, add to,
cancel any of these entries, or to grant relaxation from them in individual
cases, are reserved by the Board of Directors. Should dispute or difference
arise between any exhibitor, the Society and its officers, the dispute or
difference shall be referred to the Board of Director, whose decision shall be
28. Any exhibitor over the age of 70 may state so on their entry form and age will
be considered when entry is judged.
29. Premium checks shall be paid out no later than October 15 each year.
30. Livestock exhibitors - Stall cards are available in the Secretary's Office for
use. Please stop by and pick them up to help educate the public and promote
the exhibit.
31. Any person or persons can be asked to leave the Genesee County
Fairgrounds by any society director or official of the fair, for any conduct
that is detrimental to the operation of the fair or to the well being and
enjoyment of other fairgoers or participants. If said person or persons
refuse to leave the grounds when asked, they could be liable to a
trespass violation.
Temporary Living Area Regulations
New: When coming in with a camper you must FIRST STOP, PARK YOUR
TO CAMP. You MUST fill out the Temporary Living Area Permit located in the
back of this book. In an effort to ensure a safe and clean fairground, the Genesee
County Agricultural Society and the Genesee County Health Department are
mandating the following regulations for the temporary living area. There is to be
NO OPEN FIRES on the fairgrounds. NO DUMPING OF GRAY WATER. If you
wish to have your camper dumped you are to contact O'Brien's Septic & Portable
Toilets at (585) 766-1221. Cost is $20 per dump. You make arrangements and pay
them for dumping. A fine of $500 will be applied to anyone found dumping
anywhere on the grounds each time this occurs. You will be asked to leave the
fairgrounds and not allowed to camp for two years. We are encouraging lights out
in the camping area by 12:00 midnight. As in the past, it will be on a first come first
served basis in the temporary living area. Every effort is being made to ensure a
safe and enjoyable fair for everyone. Fill out application before reserving/
receiving your spot. Campers are encouraged to be moved out by Sunday July
20th. Regardless of when you move out, all electrical hook-ups are to be
unplugged by 9:00pm, otherwise they will be unplugged for you.
Genesee County Fair Camping Permits 2015
Email Address__________________________________________
Tent:$60 no hook up
Camper under 21 Feet: $120- Includes Electric and water
Camper over 21 Feet:$140- Includes Electric and Water
Each permit receives one parking pass for their vehicle.
Additional ones can be purchased for $30 each.
*Remember there is no grey water dumping allowed or you will be
fined $500 if you are found dumping grey water.
Thank You for any questions please call 585-344-2424 .
Exhibitors of animals at livestock shows shall at all times deport themselves with
honesty and good sportsmanship. Their conduct in this competitive environment
shall always reflect the highest standards of honor and dignity to promote the
advancement of agricultural education. This code applies to junior as well as open
class exhibitors who compete in structured classes of competition. This code
applies to all livestock offered in any event at a livestock show. In addition to the
"IAFE National Code of Show Ring Ethics," fairs and livestock shows may have
rules and regulations, which they impose on the local, county, state, provincial, and national levels.
All youth leaders working with junior exhibitors are under an affirmative
responsibility to do more than avoid improper conduct or questionable acts. Their
moral values must be so certain and positive that those younger and more pliable
will be influenced by their fine example. Owners, exhibitors, fitters, trainers and
absolutely responsible persons who violate the code of ethics will forfeit
premiums, awards and auction proceeds and shall be prohibited from future
exhibition in accordance with the rules adopted by the respective fairs and
livestock shows. Exhibitors who violate this code of ethics demean the integrity of
all livestock exhibitors and should be prohibited from competition at all livestock
shows in the United States and Canada.
The following is a list of guidelines for all exhibitors and all livestock in
competitive events:
1. All exhibitors must present, upon request of fair and livestock show official,
proof of ownership and age of all animals entered. Misrepresentation of
ownership, age, or any facts relating thereto is prohibited.
2. Owners, exhibitors, fitters, trainers, or responsible persons shall provide
animal health certificates from licensed veterinarians upon request by fair or
livestock show officials.
3. Junior exhibitors are expected to care for and groom their animals while at
fairs or livestock shows.
4. Animals shall be presented to show events where they will enter the food
chain free of violate drug residues. The act of entering an animal in a
livestock show is the giving of, consent by the owner, exhibitor, fitter, trainer
and/or responsible person for show management to obtain any specimens of
urine, saliva, blood, or other substance from the animal to be used in testing.
Animals not entered in an event that culminates with the animal entering, the
food chain shall not be administered drugs other than in accordance with
applicable federal, state and provincial statures, regulations and rules. Livestock
shall not be exhibited if the drugs administered in accordance with
federal, state and provincial statues, regulations and rules affect the animal's
performance or appearance at the event. If the laboratory report on the
analysis of saliva, urine, blood, or other samples taken from livestock
indicates the presence of forbidden drugs or medication, this shall be prima
facie evidence such substance has been administered to the animal either
internally or externally. It is presumed that the sample of urine, saliva, blood,
or other substance tested by the laboratory, to which it is sent, is the one
taken from the animal in question, its integrity is preserved and all
procedures of said collection and preservation, the transfer to the laboratory
and analysis of the sample are correct and accurate and the report received
from the laboratory pertains to the sample taken from the animal in question
and correctly reflects the condition of the animal at the time and the sample
was taken, with the burden on the owner, exhibitor, fitter, trainer, or
absolutely responsible person to prove otherwise. At any time after an animal
arrives on the fair or livestock show premises, all treatments involving the
use of drugs and/or medications for the sole purpose of protecting the health
of the animal shall be administered by a licensed veterinarian.
5. Any surgical procedure or injection of any foreign substance or drug or the
external application of any substance (irritant, counterirritant or similar
substance) which could affect the animal's performance or alter its natural
contour, confirmation, or appearance, except external application of
substances to the hoofs or horns of animals which affect appearance only
and except for surgical procedures performed by a duly licensed veterinarian
for the sole purpose of protecting the health of the animal, is prohibited.
6. The use of showing and/or handling practices or devices such as striking the
animals to cause swelling using electrical contrivance or other similar
practices are not acceptable and are prohibited.
7. Direct criticism or interference with the judge, fair or livestock show
management, other exhibitors, breed representatives, or show officials
before, during, or after the competitive event is prohibited. In the furtherance
of their official duty, all judges, fair and livestock show management, or other
show officials shall be treated with courtesy, cooperation and respect and no
person shall direct abusive or threatening conduct toward them.
8. No owner, exhibitor, fitter, trainer, or responsible person shall conspire with
another person or persons to intentionally violate this code of ethics or
knowingly contribute or cooperative with another person or persons either by
affirmative action or inaction to violate this code of ethics. Violation of this
rule shall subject such individual to disciplinary action.
9. The application of this code of ethics provides for absolute responsibility for
an animal's condition by an owner, exhibitor, fitter, trainer, or participant
whether or not he or she was actually instrumental in or had actual
knowledge of the treatment of the animal in contravention of this code of
10. The act of entering an animal is the giving of consent by the owner,
exhibitor, fitter, trainer, or absolutely responsible person to have disciplinary
action taken by the fair or livestock show for violation of this code of Show
Ring Ethics and any other rules of competition of the fair or livestock show
without recourse against the fair or livestock show. The act of entering an
animal is the giving of consent that any proceedings or disciplinary action
taken by the fair or livestock show may be published with the name of the
violator or violators in any publication of the International Association of Fair
and Expositions, including Fair and Expositions and any special notices to
11. The act of entering of an animal in a fair or livestock show is the giving of
verification by the owner, exhibitor, fitter, trainer, or absolutely responsible
person that he or she has read the IAFE National Code of Show Ring Ethics
and understands the consequences of and penalties provided for actions
prohibited by the code. It is further a consent that any action which
contravenes these rules and is also in violation of federal, state, or provincial
statues, regulations, or rules may be released to appropriated law
enforcement authorities with jurisdiction over such infractions.
2015 - $100.00
An official New York State Pass will be available for $100.00. This pass admits
ticket holder and one companion, plus parking when available, to any 2015 New
York County Fair and the New York State Fair. Five hundred passes are available
for sale on a "first come, first serve" basis. No more will be sold after these are
Passes will be mailed after May 15, 2015
Passes lost or stolen cannot be replaced.
Proceeds from the sale of these passes will be used to continue the State
Association commitment to promote New York Agriculture.
Send the form below and a large (#10 legal size), stamped, self-addressed
envelope for an "official pass" March 1, 2015 to:
NYS Association of Agricultural Fairs, Inc.
Norma W. Hamilton, Executive Secretary
67 Verbeck Avenue
Schaghticoke, NY 12154
Enclosed please find $100.00 for each pass Complete this form and return with your request.
NAME _______________________________________________________________________
COUNTY_____________________________________STATE___________ ZIP____________
PHONE # (_______)______________ E-MAIL____________________________________
Make check payable to: NYS Association of Agricultural Fairs, Inc.
Please reserve 2014 pass March 1, 2015.
Requests postmarked before March 1, 2015 will be returned for resubmission.
Rules and Regulations of the Dept. of Agricultural and Markets
Part 350
Standard of Conduct of Fairs
(Statutory Authority: Agriculture and Markets Law Section 287)
350.1 Entry fees maximums.
350.2 No entry fee for 4-H, F.F.A., junior fair or school department exhibits.
350.3 Prompt, full payment of premiums.
350.4 No premium for unworthy exhibit.
350.5 Premium amount to attract well-balanced exhibits.
350.6 No exhibits by judges in department they oversee.
350.7 Exhibits to be plainly labeled.
350.8 Re-exhibition in domestic department.
350.9 Ownership of exhibits entered in fairs and shows.
350.10 Rejection and refusal of an exhibit.
350.11 Compliance with an enforcement of livestock health requirements.
350.1 Entry fees maximum. Entry fee shall not exceed 10 percent of first
premium, in the poultry departments, where the fees shall not exceed 25 percent
of first premium. However, a flat charge of two dollars per entry may be made in
the cattle department in lieu of the 10 percent premium. Any deviation from this
standard must have the approval of the commissioner.
350.2 No fee for 4-H Club, F.F.A., and junior fair or school department
exhibits. No entry fee shall be charged for 4-H, F.F.A. and junior fair exhibits
entered for compensation in their own classes, or for entries in the school
350.3 Prompt, full payment of premiums. All premiums advertised and awarded
must be paid promptly and in full, without deduction in the guise of donations or
otherwise, notwithstanding any statement to the contrary or in modification thereof
announced or stated in the premium book.
350.4 No premium for unworthy exhibit. No premium should be awarded by
any judge or by any society for an unworthy exhibit.
350.5 Premium amount to attract well-balanced exhibits. The amount of
premium offered in the various departments should be such as to secure well balanced
exhibits, in the light of types of agriculture carried on in the territory
served by the fair.
350.6 No exhibits by judges in the departments they oversee. No judges shall
be permitted to enter exhibits in competition for premiums in the department which they
are connected.
350.7 Exhibits to be plainly labeled. All exhibits must be plainly labeled so the
full significance of the exhibits will be made clear.
350.8 Re-exhibition in domestic department. No articles shall be permitted to
be exhibited in the domestic department once it has been previously exhibited
therein, unless official action of the Board of Directors of any fair society, an
exception is made to this requirement.
350.9 Ownership of exhibits entered in fairs and shows. (a) All exhibits shall
be entered in the name of the exhibit owner; provided, however, that any animal
exhibited in a youth fair, youth exhibition, or 4-H show or exhibition may be
entered in the name of the exhibitor. (b) Exhibits shall have been owned by the
exhibitor for a period of at least 30 days prior to entry of the exhibit: provided,
however, that any animal entered in a youth fair, youth exhibition, 4-H show of
exhibition shall have been in the care of the exhibitor for a period of at least 60
days prior to entry of the exhibit. (c) Proof of ownership of any exhibit shall be
provided by the exhibitor, upon request, to the Fair Superintendent. (d) The Fair
Superintendent may limit the number of breeds shown by any exhibitor.
350.10 Rejection or refusal of an exhibit. Any fair society shall reserve the right
to reject, refuse and to order the removal of any exhibit which, in the opinion of its
Board of Directors, is not eligible or worthy of showing or has not met the livestock
350.11 Compliance with enforcement of livestock health requirements. Each
fair or exhibition which receives money from the State pursuant to article 24 of the
Agricultural and Markets Law shall comply with and enforce the livestock health
requirements set forth in Part 351 of this chapter.
Animal Health Requirements for Admission to New York State and County Fairs
(Part 351 of NYS Agriculture and Markets Regulations)
NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets/Division of Animal Industry
10B Airline Drive, Albany, NY 12235 518-457-3502
Important Changes:
All cattle and swine must be identified by USDA approved official eartag.
Rabies vaccination lower age limit is 4 months.
Category 2 veterinary accreditation is now required.
GoPass is now available for horse movements.
Please review relevant sections below.
General Prohibitions and Requirements
No person shall bring or have present an animal on the fairgrounds during a fair which is
not qualified under NYS regulations.
 No person shall present an interstate or intrastate certificate of veterinary inspection that
has been altered by anyone other than the issuing veterinarian or an authorized agent.
 Animals demonstrating clinical signs or other evidence of infectious, contagious or
communicable diseases shall not be allowed on the fairgrounds during a fair.
 Representatives of the Commissioner may deny admission to or require removal from
the fair premises, or require the segregation of any animal showing signs of or exposed
to any infectious, contagious or communicable disease.
NOTE: The fair board of directors has the authority to reject unworthy or unsightly exhibits for
reasons other than infectious, contagious or communicable disease (Part 350.10). The state
veterinarian or animal health inspector will bring questionable exhibits to the attention of the fair
All animals presented that originate from a location other than New York shall meet all
New York State importation regulations appropriate to the species in addition to the fair
animal health requirements.
Certificates of Veterinary Inspection (CVI)
Cattle, sheep, goats, swine, llamas, alpacas, deer, and misc. ruminants, require a valid
CVI to enter the fairgrounds.
The CVI must be issued by a Category 2 accredited veterinarian.
All animals must be officially identified. All manmade ID must be recorded.
Refer to Animal Identification section below for more information.
Only one species is allowed per certificate.
The type and duration of certificate required depends on the origin of the livestock.
New York Origin Livestock:
A valid intrastate CVI (AI-61) is required.
Each animal must be individually identified on the CVI (see below).
The CVI must be issued on or after May 1 of the current year.
Out of State Origin Livestock:
All animals entering New York State must satisfy import health and test requirements for
that species and be accompanied by a valid interstate CVI.
The interstate CVI is valid for 30 days from the date of CVI inspection. During the fair
season (July 1 through Labor Day) valid CVI’s can be used multiple times for entrance
into fairs. The initial entrance into a fair must be within 30 days of the date of CVI
inspection. In order for the CVI to be used for a later fair, it must be dated and initialed
by a state official noting the location of the initial fair. A change in health status or
eligibility of an animal necessitates the generation of a new CVI.
Questions regarding import requirements should be directed to the Division of Animal
Industry at 518-457-3971, or at the division’s import/export homepage:
Animal Identification
Cattle, sheep, goats, swine, and deer/elk must be identified by USDA approved official
identification. Cattle, swine and deer/elk must be identified by official ear tag. Sheep and
goats must be identified by official scrapie identification (see sheep and goat sections
Llamas and alpacas can be identified by ear tag or microchip approved by the Department
of Agriculture and Markets. A sketch or photograph signed and dated by an accredited
veterinarian is also acceptable identification for llamas and alpacas.
Misc. ruminants must be identified by Department of Agriculture and Markets approved
NOTE: A complete written description is sufficient identification for horses entering New York
accompanied by a CVI. The description must match the EIA test record. Horse sketches and
descriptions should reference color pattern, hair whorls, chestnuts, scars and other markings as
necessary to uniquely identify the horse. Tattoos and microchips if any should be included. “Bay,
no markings” is not an acceptable description for a CVI or EIA test record.
Rabies Vaccination
Rabies vaccination is required for all species for which there is a USDA licensed vaccine
available (cattle, horses, sheep, dog, cat, ferret) and that are 4 months of age or older on
the date of admission to the fair.
Vaccine must have been administered within the past 12 months. The exception is Imrab
LA vaccine used in sheep which protects for 3 years after the second annual vaccination
(consult your veterinarian).
The rabies vaccination requirement must be met on the day of admission even if the
animal was previously admitted to a fair when too young to vaccinate.
NOTE: Individual fairs can require animals for which there is no approved rabies vaccine to be
vaccinated for rabies. The requirements outlined above would apply. The fair is responsible for
notifying exhibitors. The New York State Fair requires rabies vaccination for all livestock
species entering the grounds.
Acceptable Proof of Rabies Vaccination
Acceptable proof of rabies vaccination must include a signed written statement from the
veterinarian administering the vaccine or a valid certificate of veterinary inspection that
has the vaccination listed and is signed by the Category 2 accredited veterinarian.
Acceptable proof of vaccination must include the name of the product used, the date of
administration and the duration of immunity if longer than one year.
If the statement of rabies vaccination is included on an EIA test record, it must be signed
separately in addition to the required EIA test record signature.
NOTE: Rabies titers are not acceptable proof of rabies protection and cannot be used to meet
entry requirements.
Acceptable proof of vaccination for dogs is a valid vaccination certificate or a copy of the dog
license that contains the rabies vaccination information.
BVD-PI Testing:
All cattle, llamas and alpacas exhibited at NY county fairs or the State Fair must be
negative to an approved test appropriate to detect Bovine Viral Diarrhea persistent
infection (BVD-PI). This is a once in a lifetime test that must be reported on the required
certificate of veterinary inspection. The issuing veterinarian is responsible for verifying
the validity of the test, the identification of the animal and recording the test date on the
CVI. If a previous test is not verifiable the test must be repeated.
Cattle Testing:
Currently acceptable BVD tests for cattle less than 61 days old:
o Skin notch Antigen Capture ELISA (ACE) or Immunohistochemistry (IHC)
o whole blood virus isolation
o whole blood PCR
Currently acceptable BVD tests for cattle 61 days of age and older:
o Skin notch Antigen Capture ELISA (ACE) or Immunohistochemistry (IHC)
o Serum or milk Antigen Capture ELISA (ACE)
o Whole blood virus isolation
o Whole blood, serum or plasma PCR
Note: The NYS Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory at Cornell University can conduct PCR testing
on pools of up to 10 cattle.
Llama / Alpaca
Currently Acceptable BVD tests:
o Whole blood virus isolation
Note: The NYS Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory at Cornell University can pool llama, etc.
samples for PCR testing as follows: Animals less than 61 days of age can be tested in pools of 2
animals, whole blood only. Animals 61 days of age and older can be tested in pools of 5 animals
using whole blood, serum or plasma.
Cleaning and Disinfection
All buildings on the fairgrounds housing animals must be cleaned and disinfected
prior to the opening of the fair and between groups of animals when housing is
rotated (Section 50.2 of Agriculture and Market regulations).
Kidding and Lambing
Due to the concern about the spread of scrapie, any sheep or goats that are
exhibited at a county fair that have recently given birth or have a vaginal
discharge, will be ordered removed along with their offspring.
The causative agent for scrapie may be present in high concentration in fluids
associated with birth and the risk of transmission is considered highest at that
Commingling of Sheep and Cattle
Due to the potential spread of malignant catarrhal fever from sheep to cattle, it is
recommended that cattle be kept separate from sheep.
Commingling of Swine and Poultry
Due to the potential spread of influenza viruses it is recommended that swine and poultry
be housed in separate locations.
Isolation on Returning Home
The owner or custodian shall keep show animals biologically separate from the herd or
flock for a period of at least two weeks after returning to the premises of origin. If any
illness is noted in the exhibition animals the owner should contact their veterinarian
Individual Species Requirements
Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (CVI) is not required for New York origin horses.
CVI is required for imported horses.
Negative Equine Infectious Anemia (EIA) test is required for all horses 6 months of age
or older. The horse must be accompanied by a valid negative EIA test record. The test
must have been conducted during the current or previous calendar years for New York
origin horses. For imported horses, the test must be conducted within 12 months of entry.
The EIA test certificate must include a complete description of the horse.
Rabies vaccination is required for all horses 4 months of age or older (see above).
A valid GoPass equine passport can be used as an entry document. If interested in the
GoPass contact your veterinarian. More information is available at GlobalVetLink :
Certificate of Veterinary Inspection with animals properly identified (see Animal
Identification section above).
Rabies vaccination is required for all cattle 4 months of age or older (see above).
All cattle must be must be negative to an approved test appropriate to detect Bovine Viral
Diarrhea persistent infection (BVD-PI). (See current acceptable tests above.) The date
and results of the testing must be noted on the certificate of veterinary inspection.
All cattle must be vaccinated against bovine respiratory disease complex including
bovine respiratory syncytial virus, bovine virus diarrhea, infectious bovine rhinotracheitis
and parainfluenza with a product administered in a manner and time frame adequate to
confer protective immunity for these diseases for the duration of the fair.
Certificate of Veterinary Inspection with animals individually identified with USDA
approved individual scrapie program identification. Identification must be one of the
following: 1) USDA approved tags or 2) a legible USDA approved flock tattoo and
individual animal ID number or 3) electronic ID if the sheep is enrolled in the Scrapie
Flock Certification Program. For information on scrapie ID, contact USDA at 518-2187540.
Rabies vaccination is required for all sheep 4 months of age or older (see above).
The CVI must contain a written statement from the issuing Category 2 accredited
veterinarian that the flock of origin was inspected after May 1 of the current year and no
evidence of contagious, infectious or communicable diseases was found.
If evidence of soremouth (contagious ecthyma) is found on any sheep, the entire exhibit
including the affected animals shall immediately be removed from the fair premises with
the holding pens cleaned and disinfected immediately after removal.
Certificate of Veterinary Inspection with animals individually identified with USDA
approved individual scrapie program identification. Identification must be one of the
following: 1) USDA approved tags or 2) a legible registration tattoo or 3) a legible
USDA approved herd tattoo and individual animal ID number or 4) electronic ID if the
goat is enrolled in the Scrapie Flock Certification Program and/or the electronic ID is
recorded on the goats registration paper. For information on scrapie ID, contact USDA at
The CVI must contain a written statement from the issuing Category 2 accredited
veterinarian that the herd of origin was inspected after May 1 of the current year and no
evidence of contagious, infectious or communicable diseases was found.
If evidence of soremouth (contagious ecthyma) is found on any goat, the entire exhibit
including the affected animals shall immediately be removed from the fair premises with
the holding pens cleaned and disinfected immediately after removal.
Certificate of Veterinary Inspection with animals properly identified (see Animal
Identification section above).
Llamas and Alpacas
Certificate of Veterinary Inspection with animals properly identified (see Animal
Identification section above).
All llamas and alpacas must be negative to an approved test appropriate to detect Bovine
Viral Diarrhea persistent infection (BVD-PI). (See current acceptable tests above.) The
date and results of the testing must be noted on the certificate of veterinary inspection.
Poultry (with the exception of doves, pigeons and waterfowl) must be accompanied by 1)
results of a negative pullorum typhoid test conducted within 90 days prior to exhibition
OR 2) proof that the birds originated directly from a US pullorum-typhoid clean flock or
equivalent flock.
Pullorum test negative poultry must be identified by official leg band.
Proof of NPIP status must be in the form of an NPIP certificate or purchase receipt
containing NPIP certification information.
Deer/Elk (Cervidae)
Certificate of Veterinary Inspection with animals properly identified (see Animal
Identification section above).
Originate from a herd classified as accredited or qualified under USDA tuberculosis
A movement permit obtained from the Division of Animal Industry is required for all
deer movements. All CWD and TB program requirements must be met before a permit
will be issued. Questions regarding movement permits should be directed to the Division
of Animal Industry at 518-457-3971.
Miscellaneous Ruminants
Certificate of Veterinary Inspection with animals properly identified (see Animal
Identification section above).
Department A
New York State Premium Identification #7501
David Dermody, Superintendent (585) 243-1673
Richard Barie, Co-Chairman (585) 343-0187
ONE DAY SHOW Wednesday, July 22, 2015
A. Current Coggins Test and Rabies shots required.
B. Show committee will not be responsible for any accident which may occur to
any person, animal, or vehicle at this show.
C. Judges decision will be final.
D. Draft horse classes 1-14 shown all breeds together.
E. Show committee reserves the right to combine, eliminate, or insert classes.
F. Entries must be made one class prior to class being entered.
G. There will be a two minute call between classes.
H. There will be four ribbons for classes 1-14 and six for classes 15-28.
I. Show harnesses only.
Sponsorship money of $25 has been added to the first three placings of each
class in lieu of plaques. Trophies will still be given for youth classes.
Show - Wednesday, July 22,2015
10:00 AM
Entry Fee for Classes 1-12 is $1.00
Premiums for Classes 1 -12
1st - $24, 2nd - $15, 3rd - $10
1. Stallions- Foals born within current year
2. Stallions-1 year old
3. Stallions- 2 years old
Champion Stallion – Plaque and ribbon
Reserve Champion Stallion – Ribbon
4. Mares- Foals born within current year
5. Mares- 1 year old
6. Mares- 2 years old
7. Mares- 3 years and older
8. Mare and Foal
Champion Mare – Plaque and ribbon
Reserve Champion Mare – Ribbon
9. Get of Sire
10. Produce of Dam
11. Grade Geldings, Grade Mares – 1 and 2 years
12. Grade Geldings, Grade Mares – 3 years and older
Champion Gelding and Mare – Plaque and ribbon
Reserve Champion Gelding and Mare – Ribbon
No Entry Fee for Classes 13 & 14
No Premiums
1st place only - trophy
13. Youth Showmanship at Halter - 13 years and under as of Jan. 1, 2015.
14. Youth Showmanship at Halter - 14 through 18 years as of Jan. 1, 2015.
Show - Wednesday, July 22, 2015
5:00 PM
15. Six Horse Hitch - Entry Fee is $10.00
Premiums Class 15
1st - $112, 2nd - $83, 3rd - $55, 4th - $25, 5th - $20, 6th- $15
Classes 16 – 24 Entry Fee is $4.00
Premiums for Classes 16 - 24
1st - $52, 2nd - $38, 3rd - $25, 4th - $15, 5th - $10, 6th - $5
16. Four Pony Hitch
17. Four Horse Hitch
18. Pony Unicorn
19. Unicorn
20. Pony Team Hitch
21. Lady's Cart - 2 Wheel
22.Lady's Pony Cart - 2 Wheel
23. Gentlemen's Cart - 2 Wheel
24. Gentlemen's Pony Cart - 2 Wheel
25. Youth Team Driving - All youth through age 18 - Entry Fee $2.00
1st - Trophy and $25, 2nd - $20, 3rd - $15, 4th - $10, 5th - $5, 6th - $2
26. Pony Tandem - Entry Fee $4.00
1st - $52, 2nd - $38, 3rd - $25, 4th - $15, 5th - $10, 6th - $5
27. Youth Single Driving - All Youth through age 18 - Entry Fee $2.00
1st - Trophy and $25, 2nd - $20, 3rd - $15, 4th - $10, 5th - $5, 6th - $2
28. Men's and Woman's Pair Class - Entry Fee $4.00
1st - $52, 2nd - $38, 3rd - $25, 4th - $15, 5th - $10, 6th - $5
Department B
Dairy Cattle
2015 Nioga-Genesee Dairy Shows
July 24-25, 2015
Judge: TBA
The Nioga Holstein Club along with the Genesee County Fair cordially invites all dairy cattle
breeders to participate in the 2015 shows. The shows will be held Friday, July 24th and Saturday,
July 25th, 2015 at the Genesee County Fairgrounds on Route 5 in Batavia, NY. Please read the
following rules & procedures and contact Kendra Lamb at 585-409-1543 with any questions.
1. Following is the schedule for the 2015 shows:
a. Dairy Showmanship – Friday, July 24th @ 6 pm
b. Colored Breed Show – Saturday, July 25th @ 8:30 am
c. Holstein Show – Saturday, July 25th @ 10:30 am
2. Completed dairy entries along with payment are due by Friday, June 19th. Entry fees are
as follows –
a. Fair exhibitor pass: $12 for open exhibitors (Thursday through Saturday)
b. Senior class & group entries: $5 each
c. Junior class and group entries: $3 each
d. Late Fee: $12/open entry, $10/Junior entry (last day for late entries is Sat., July
3. All open entries may arrive Thursday or Friday, but must be in place by FRIDAY, JULY
24th at 12 pm. Open cattle will be released after the show but may remain on the grounds
until Sunday.
4. Health Requirements:
 A current and valid Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (CVI) will be checked
upon arrival. Each animal must be individually identified on the CVI , all
manmade ID must be recorded. One species per certificate. For NY origin
animals, the CVI must be issued on or after May 1 of the current year.
 All cattle and swine must be identified by USDA-approved official eartag (metal
21 series tag or RFID tag beginning with 840). Contact your veterinarian for free
USDA approved tags. Tattoos will not be acceptable.
 Rabies vaccination is required for all cattle 4 months of age or older.
 All cattle must be must be negative to an approved test appropriate to detect
Bovine Viral Diarrhea persistent infection (BVD-PI).
 All cattle must be vaccinated against bovine respiratory disease complex
including bovine respiratory syncytial virus, bovine virus diarrhea, infectious
bovine rhinotracheitis and parainfluenza with a product administered in a manner
and time frame adequate to confer protective immunity for these diseases for the
duration of the fair.
5. Registration and production papers will be checked on Friday, July 24 th at 2 pm.
Production records must be official DHI cow sheets. Registration papers must include
signed transfer papers if ownership has changed since entry.
6. Nioga Junior Holstein Eligibility: Any Junior exhibitor wishing to participate in the
Nioga Holstein Show must be enrolled as a paid junior member of the Nioga club with
the NY Holstein Association before the start of the show. Junior exhibitors must own all
cattle by June 1st, 2015.
7. The Junior Holstein Members will receive recognition by wearing the Nioga show tshirts. The 1st and 2nd placed animals will return for their own championship females
Division. Juniors must lead their own animals to receive recognition. Rare exceptions,
such as having two animals in the same class, death in the family, a broken arm, etc., may
be allowed with prior approval from the Show Committee. If a replacement on the halter
is approved, the show person must be the same age or younger than the owner and a
member of the Nioga Junior Holstein Club.
8. Please use class name/number and breed from entry form when completing entry. Cows
in classes 9 through 19 are preferred to be in milk and/or calved at least once.
9. An exhibitor may enter as many animals as desired in any class, but will receive no more
than two premiums per class. Cattle must be entered and shown in their individual class
to be eligible for group classes.
10. All animals from the same herd or family will be considered as one exhibitor for Premier
Breeder and Exhibitor points. If non-family partnership exists, points may be split
between partners at the exhibitor’s discretion.
11. Production winners will be awarded for each class. An overall production winner of the
show will also be chosen. To be eligible for the production awards please present official
DHIA production records at the time of check-in.
12. Dumping of milk on the grounds is prohibited by the Genesee County Ag Society, Inc.
and NYS Health Department. Milking parlor is available on grounds. Cattle must be
washed only on the wash racks due to county regulations.
13. Further rules and requirements are found in the Genesee County Fair premium book. For
information on the fair see www.gcfair.com. In emergencies arising concerning animals
or anything in the barn, the fair manager or assistant managers should be notified
immediately or message left at the main office. No smoking is allowed in or around the
barns at any time. Alleyways should be kept clean and as clear as possible for the public
to walk through during fair hours. Please pick up manure between wash rack, milking
parlor and barn when moving animals for fair safety.
14. Nioga youth showmanship will be held on Friday, July 24 th starting at 6 pm.
Participation by all Junior members is strongly encouraged. Exhibitors must be paid
members of the Nioga Junior Club before the start of the show. This class is open to all
dairy breeds. Entries must be received by Friday, June 19 th. Please include Junior
member date of birth on entry form if entering showmanship. The exhibitor must show
their own animal. There is no fee for the showmanship class.
15. There will be an exhibitors meeting for all exhibitors in the show ring on Friday night at
5:45 pm. This will be a short meeting to review procedures for the show and answer any
2015 Nioga-Genesee Dairy Show Classes
1. Spring Heifer Calf – Born March 1, 2015 - March 21, 2015
2. Winter Heifer Calf – Born December 1, 2014 - February 28, 2015
3. Fall Heifer Calf – Born September 1, 2014 - November 30, 2014
4. Summer Yearling Heifer – Born June 1, 2014 - August 31, 2014
5. Spring Yearling Heifer – Born March 1, 2014 - May 31, 2014
6. Winter Yearling Heifer – Born December 1, 2013 - February 28, 2014
7. Fall Yearling Heifer – Born September 1, 2013 - November 30, 2013
Junior Champion & Reserve Junior Champion Female
8. Junior Best 3 Females – All bred & owned by the exhibitor and to have shown in classes
9. Milking Yearling – Milking animals born September 1, 2013 - February 28, 2014
10. Jr. 2 Year Old Cow – Born March 1, 2013 - August 31, 2013
11. Sr. 2 Year Old Cow – Born September 1, 2012 - February 28, 2013
12. Jr. 3 Year Old Cow – Born March 1, 2012 – August 31, 2012
13. Sr. 3 Year Old Cow – Born September 1, 2011 – February 28, 2012
14. Four Year Old Cow – Born September 1, 2010 – August 31, 2011
15. Five Year Old Cow – Born September 1, 2009 – August 31, 2010
16. Aged Cow – Born before September 1, 2009
17. 125,000 lb Cow (100,000 for colored breeds) – Proof of production required, animal
cannot show in prior class
18. Dry Cow 4 Yrs and Younger – Born September 1, 2010 – August 31, 2012
19. Dry Cow 5 Yrs and Older – Born before September 1, 2010
Senior Champion & Reserve Senior Champion Female
Grand Champion & Reserve Grand Champion Female
20. Senior Best Three Females – All bred by and at least 1 solely owned by exhibitor
21. Dairy Herd – Four cows over 2 yrs of age or that have calved at least once, all owned by
22. Produce of Dam – Two animals, any age, progeny of one dam
23. Dam-Daughter
24. Breeder’s Herd – 5 animals all bred & owned by one exhibitor. Consists of 2 females
over 2 yrs that have calved at least once, 2 females under 2 yrs and 1 female of any age.
No partnership animals in this class.
Supreme Champion and Reserve Supreme Champion of Show
Department C
A.J. Wormuth, Superintendent
Contact: (585) 757-2373
Fax: (585) 757-2374
P.O. Box 275 Elba, NY 14058
ENTRIES CLOSE July 10, 2015
Thursday, July 23 at 5pm. Cattle must be in place by 5pm
1:00 PM Friday July 24. Showmanship first followed by cattle classes.
Friday evening July 24 (Time TBD). Cattle may remain on the grounds until
Sunday 7/26
Completed beef entries, along with payment, are due by Friday, June 10th. Entry fees
are as follows:
a. Fair exhibitor pass: $20 for all exhibitors, except Junior exhibitors from Genesee
b. Class 1-18 Entries: $2.00 each (10% of First Place Premium)
Health Requirements: Current and valid health papers will be checked upon arrival.
a. All cattle and swine must be identified by USDA-approved official eartag (metal
21 series of RFID tag beginning with 840). Contact your veterinarian for free
USDA approved tags. Tattoos will not be acceptable.
b. Rabies vaccination is required for all cattle 4 months of age or older.
c. All cattle must be negative to an approved test appropriate to detect Bovine Viral
Diarrhea persistent infection (BVD-PI).
d. All cattle must be vaccinated against bovine respiratory disease complex bovine
rhinotracheitis and parainfluenza with a product administered in a manner and
time frame adequate to confer protective immunity for these diseases for the
duration of the fair.
Please use Section Letter and Class Number & Name from Department C Show Entry
Information (on the next page) when completing show entry form. Please be sure to
sign your entry form.
An exhibitor may enter as many animals as desired in any class, but will receive no more
than two premiums per class. Cattle must be entered and shown in their individual class
to be eligible for group classes.
5. An official Registration Certificate must be shown on each animal (except commercial).
These will be checked for identification, ownership, and birth date.
6. Proof of Ownership of beef calves less than 8 months of age and registration papers for
any animal over 8 months of age will be required (except when showing in the
commercial section).
7. Any calf under 4 months of age may not be entered in any class for competition (except
Class 13 in all Beef Breeds).
8. All bulls over one (1) year must be ringed.
9. No changes in barn layouts unless approved by Show Management.
10. No smoking is allowed in or around the barns at any time.
11. Alleyways should be kept clean and as clear as possible for the public to walk through
during fair hours. No hay, feed or large equipment will be allowed to be stored inside the
barn. All trailers will be parked in a diagonal position on the west side of the barn for
storage of hay, straw, and feed. No parking on the east side of the barn or on the south
end around the manure pit. Please pick up manure between wash rack, barn and show
ring when moving animals for fair safety.
12. Superintendent reserves the right to subdivide individual classes to balance class size for
competition and ring safety. In any subdivided Class, the top 3 winners from each subclass will come back into the ring to compete for the final class placing.
13. The decision of the judges shall be final in all classes, except where error, mistake, fraud,
misrepresentation, or collusion, not discovered at the time of the award, is proven. In
such cases, the decision of the Show Management, or such referee appointed shall be
14. Your entry signifies you have read, understand, consent to, and agree to abide by the
IAFE (International Association of Fairs and Expositions) National Code of Show Ring
Ethics as stated in the Genesee County Fair Premium Book.
15. Further rules and requirements are found in the Genesee County Fair Premium Book.
For information on the fair see www.gcfair.com. In emergencies arising concerning
animals or anything in the barn, the fair manager or assistant managers should be notified
immediately or message left at the main office.
Show Entry Information
Section A- Aberdeen Angus
Section C- Other Registered Beef Breeds
Section B- Hereford
Section D- Commercial
All breeds in Section C will show together. However, in the event there is enough of a particular
breed to warrant a breed show, breed classes will be created at that time. This will be at the
discretion of the Beef Cattle Superintendent. All breeds will show under the same rules, classes,
and premiums. Animals must be registered with their National Breed Association, see rule #5
(except Section D & E). Any animal not having a legible tattoo is ineligible to compete and will
be barred from showing.
Premiums for Classes 1-18
1st- $20, 2nd- $15, 3rd- $9
Entry Fee is $2.00 for All Classes 1-18
Class #
1. Junior Heifer Calf- born after 1/1/15 and over 4 months of age
Senior Heifer Calf- born between 9/1/14 and 12/31/14
Summer Yearling- born between 5/1/14 and 8/31/14
Junior Yearling- born between 1/1/14 and 4/30/14
Senior Yearling- born between 9/1/13 and 12/31/13
Champion and Reserve Champion Female
Junior Bull Calf- born after 1/1/15 and over 4 months of age
Senior Bull Calf- born between 9/1/14 and 12/31/14
Summer Yearling Bull- born between 5/1/14 and 8/31/14
Junior Yearling Bull- born between 1/1/14 and 4/30/14
Senior Yearling Bull- born between 9/1/13 and 12/31/13
Two Year Old Bull- born between 1/1/13-8/31/13
Champion and Reserve Champion Bull
Aged Female
Cow and Calf- calf must be nursing
Pair of Heifers- 2 heifers, any age, owned by exhibitor
Get-of-Sire- 3 animals from above classes, sired by the same bull
Grand Champion Females from each section (breed) will be asked to come back into the ring to
compete for the title of Supreme Champion Female.
Grand Champion Bulls from each section (breed) will be asked to come back into the ring to
compete for the title of Supreme Champion Bull.
Champion Cow & Calf pairs from each section (breed) will be asked to come back into the ring
to compete for the title of Grand Champion Cow & Calf Pair.
Market Steers must meet minimum weight of 950 lbs. and be less than maximum weight of
1,500 lbs. to enter Section E Classes.
Actual class weight range may be adjusted before the show based on actual steer weights and
number of entries to balance the number of steers in each class.
Class #
16. Light 950 lbs. - 1,150 lbs.
Medium 1,151 lbs. - 1,300 lbs.
Heavy 1,301lbs. - 1,500 lbs.
The top two winners from each Market Steer class will compete for Grand Champion and
Reserve Champion Market Steer.
There will be a Junior (19 years old & younger) Showmanship Show on Friday. There will be
no entry fee charged or premiums awarded. Please enter as “S” under Section and the use the
appropriate age class letter (below) under Class and the name of the person entering under Class
Description along with their age on the entry form to enter showmanship.
The class breakdown is as follows (age as of show date):
S. Senior Showman: 17-19 years old
I. Intermediate Showman: 13-16 years old
J. Junior Showman: 9-12 years old
N. Novice Showman: First time Showman (any age)
The top two winners from each class (excluding Novice Class) will compete for Master Showman
and Reserve Master Showman.
Department D
Katelyn Pimm (585) 727-6792
Entries Close July 1, 2014
National Tunis/Shropshire Show- Wednesday July 22
All other Breed Show-Friday July 24- 9am
1. Entry fee of $2.00 will be charged in classes 1-19; Market classes 20-23, entry
fee of $2.00. No entry corrections will be accepted. Entry fees forfeited if
such errors occur. Fees and exhibitors pass must be paid for when entering.
2. Sections 1-17 are open to Purebreds only; Registration papers must be shown
upon request.
3. Sheep must be in place by 9:00 p.m. the day before the fair opens and will be
released after 9:00p.m. at the close of the fair.
4. All exhibits must be entered in the name of the bona fide owner; such
ownership shall have existed not less than 30 days previous to the beginning
of the fair.
5. One person or one family shall enter not more than 4 breeds for exhibition.
6. An exhibitor may enter as many animals as desired in any class, but cannot
receive more than two awards in any class. All animals must be entered and
shown in their respective classes to be eligible for the group classes.
7. Lambs shown in market classes cannot be shown in other open classes.
8. When only one entry is in a class, the judge will give the premium which, in his
opinion, the quality warrants.
9. Entry forms are due by July 1st.
1. Hampshire
2. Corridale
3. Tunis
4. Dorest
5. Southdown
6. Suffolk
7. Columbia
8. Cheviot
9. Shropshire
10. Oxforddown
13.Border Leicesters
15.Other Black Face Meat
16.Other White Face Meat
17.Other Wool Breeds
Premiums for Classes 1-12
1st - $20, 2nd - $12,3rd - $6, 4th - $3
1. Ram, 1 yr. & under 2 yrs.
2. Fall Ram Lamb
3. Spring Ram Lamb
4. Pair of Ram Lambs
5. Ewe, 2 yrs & older
6. Ewe, 1 yr. & under 2 years
7. Pair of Yearling Ewes
8. Fall Ewes
9. Spring Ewe Lamb
10. Pair of Ewe Lambs
11. Mixed Pairs- 1Yearling Ram and 1 Yearling Ewe
12. Mixed Pairs- 1 Ram Lamb and 1 Ewe Lamb
13. Pen of 4 lambs - 2 Rams, 2 Ewes
14. Flock, 1 Ram any age, 2 Yearling Ewes, 2 Ewe Lambs
Champion Ram & Champion Ewe
Reserve Champion Ram & Reserve Champion Ewe
18. Grade Breeding Ewes
Premiums for Classes 13-18
1st - $20, 2nd - $12, 3rd - $6, 4th - $3
15. Ewe, 2 yrs, & over
16. Ewe, 1 yr. & under 2 yrs.
17. Ewe, lamb
18. Pen of 3 Yearling Ewes
19. Pen of 3 Ewe Lambs
19. Market Lambs
Premiums for Classes 19-22
1st - $20, 2nd - $15, 3rd - $12, 4th - $8
20. Best of Market Lamb less than 100 lbs.
21. Best of Market Lamb over 100 lbs.
22. Pen of 3 Market Lambs, each under 100 lbs.
23. Pen of 3 Market Lambs, each over 100 lbs.
1. An entry shall consist of one fleece
2. All fleeces must be tied in paper and labeled.
3. Exhibitors are limited to two entries in a class.
4. Entries must be in place by 12:00 noon the day the fair opens and will be released at
the close of the fair. (There will be a table in the Grange/Exhibition Building for the
5. Entry fee in Wool Fleece I, II and III is $1.00
Premiums for Wool Fleece I, II & III
1st - $10, 2nd - $5, 3rd - $3
Wool Fleece I (Medium Wool) - Columbia, Hampshire, Dorset, Corridale,
Suffolk, Cheviot, Targhee, Shropshire, Oxford, Tunis, Southdown, and their crosses.
Wool Fleece II (Fine Wool) - Ramboullet, Delaine-Merino, Debaillet, and their crosses.
Wool Fleece III (Long Wool) - Romney, Leicester, Lincoln, Border Leicester,
Cotswold, and their crosses.
Department E
(JULY 9, 2015)
Entries will close when exhibit space is filled.
Judging will follow 4-H Swine Show.
Open to residents of New York State.
Entries in each class must be purebred and pedigrees furnished when required.
Entry fee is 10 % of first premium.
Be sure to make entries in the proper classes. No entry changes.
Exhibits must be in place by 9:00 p.m. the day before the fair opens and will be released
at 10:00 p.m. at the close of the fair.
5. An exhibitor may enter as many animals as desired in any class but cannot receive more
than two awards in any class.
6. All animals must be entered and shown in their respective individual classes to be eligible
for the group and special classes.
7. Boars will be allowed on grounds only on the day of the show and must be housed (with
a proper source of water) on exhibitor’s trailer until just prior to the show and will be
released at the conclusion of the open show.
Premiums for Classes 1-10: 1st - $12, 2nd - $9, 3rd - $6, 4th - $3
1-7 are open to Registered Breeds.
1. Chester White
5. Yorkshire
2. Duroc
6. Spot
3. Berkshires
7. Other Recognized Breeds
4. Hampshire
8. Grade Class – Unregistered
Boar, 1 yr. or over
Boar, under 1 yr. and over 6 months
Boar, born between Jan. 1 and Jan. 31
Senior Spring Boar, Feb. 1 and before March 1
Jr. Spring Boar, born March 1 and after
Champion Boar - Ribbon
Class 6.
Jr. Yearling Sow, 1 yr. and over
Sow, under 1 yr. and over 6 months
Sow, born between Jan. 1 and Jan. 31
Senior Spring Sow, born after Feb. 1 and before March 1
Jr. Spring Sow, born March 1 and after
Champion Sow - Ribbon
Premiums for Classes 11 – 14 open to Sections 1-7 only – registrations papers must be provided.
1st - $15, 2nd - $12, 3rd - $9, 4th - $6
Class 11.
Young Herd, 3 sows and 1 boar under 1 year
Get of Sire, 4 animals, either sex, the Get of Sire
Produce of Dam, 4 animals, either sex, the Produce of 1 Dam
Bred by Exhibitor – Exhibitor selects their best animal for this class (one animal
per exhibitor.)
Premium for Class 15 - 1st - $25, 2nd - $20, 3rd - $15
Class 15.
Sow and Litter
Section 9 - Market Hogs
Premiums for Class 16 1st - $15, 2nd - $13, 3rd - $11, 4th - $10
Class 16.
Market Hog
All market hogs will be weighed and divided into classes of light, medium and heavy weights.
Hogs will be weighed at the time of 4-H Market Hog weigh in.
Class 17.
Pen of 3 Market Hogs, all weights competing.
Champion Market Hog - Ribbon
Department F
Superintendent: Robert Berkemeier, (585)969-0900
10764 East Road, Pavilion, NY 14525
Assistant: Kelsey Ferguson (585)813-5647
535 Getman Rd Alden, NY 14004
Poultry F 1
1. Entries close 7 days before the fair, or when capacity is reached.
2. A limit of 20 birds will be allowed per exhibitor entered as large fowl. A limit of
20 birds will be allowed per exhibitor entered in the Bantams, Waterfowl, and
Guinea Fowl. The exhibitor may enter 20 Large Fowl and 20 Bantams,
(waterfowl and guinea fowl) as long as he does not enter 20 or more birds in each class.
3. Exhibits must be in place by 9:00 p.m. the day before the fair opens; release time is 10:00 p.m.
at the close of the fair.
4. Entry fee is $1.00, the entry fee and the exhibitors pass must be paid for when making entries.
5. A cock and hen constitute one specimen one year or more in age. Young cock and hen shall
constitute a specimen under one year of age. However stock must be old enough to have adult
plumage and characteristics.
6. No classes accepted unless they appear in this premium list. Entries that include birds affected
by contagious diseases, lice will be returned to the owner or isolated from the poultry building.
Birds must be representative of their Breed. The Fair Society will not be responsible for any
accident, mishaps, of damage as the specimens are entered at your own risk.
7. No sale signs to be posted until Saturday of the Fair. No signs larger than 3 inches by 5 inches
will be allowed. Any bird sold on the premises may not be removed until the release time or
the premium money will be forfeited.
8. Classes will be judged by the use of the judging standard as issued by the American Poultry
Breeders Association and American Bantam Association.
9. All entries must be of a breed or variety included in the standards of perfection as issued by
either the American Poultry Breeders Association or the American
Bantam Association.
Premiums in Department F 1
1st - $3, 2nd - $2, 3rd - $1
1. Standard American Fowl
2. Asiatic
3. Mediterranean
4. English
5. Continental
6. All Other Standard Breeds
7. Single comb, clean leg Bantam
8. Rose comb, clean leg Bantam
9. Feather leg Bantam
10. Any other comb, clean leg Bantam
11. Game Bantam
12. Turkey
13. Ducks Bantam
14. Ducks Standard
15. Geese
16. Guinea Fowl
Please indicate if entry is a cock, hen, cockerel, or pullet. Please indicate if entry is single comb
or rose comb where both exist in same breed.
Trophy Rosette
Champion Large Fowl Reserve Champion Lg. Fowl
Champion Bantam Reserve Champion Bantam
Champion Duck Reserve Champion Duck
Champion Goose Reserve Champion Goose
Champion Guinea Fowl Reserve Champion Guinea Fowl
Must be at least 5 birds in a class to receive trophies and ribbons.
Department F
Superintendent: Robert Berkemeier, (585) 969-0900
10764 East Road, Pavilion, NY 14525
Assistant: Kelsey Ferguson (585)813-5647
535 Getman Rd Alden, NY 14004
Rabbits F 2
1. Entries in this department close 7 days before the opening of the fair or as soon as
capacity is reached.
2. Entry fee $1.00 per Rabbit. Entry fee and exhibitor pass must be paid for when making
3. Classes for sexes and varieties within the breeds will be provided as recognized by the
American Rabbit Breeders Association.
4. All rabbits must have permanent tattoo in the left ear.
5. Clearly, identify breed, sex, age, color, and the tattoo number on entry blank. If entry is
entered wrong, animal will be disqualified. Also include section and class number.
6. All animals must be entered in their proper class to be judged.
7. Exhibits must be in place by 9:00 p.m. the day before the fair opens and will be
released at 10:00 p.m. at the close of the fair.
8. All breeders that wish to provide wire bottoms for their pens are allowed to do so; the Fair
will not provide bottoms.
9. Animals that are sick will be returned to the owner or isolated from the show area.
10. Senior rabbits are specimens over 8 months of age (6 months of age in small breeds), 6-8
months for classes are for larger breeds only and junior specimens are under 6 months of
11. No classes accepted unless they appear in this premium list.
12. The Fair society will not be responsible for any accident, mishap, or damage as all
animals are entered at your own risk.
13. No Sale signs to be posted until the Saturday of the fair. No Signs larger than 3 inches by
5 inches will be allowed. Any rabbit sold on the premises may not be removed until the
release time.
14. Exhibitors must provide their own food and water containers.
Premiums in Department F 2
1st - $3, 2nd - $2, 3rd - $1
1. ARBA Recognized Breeds
R-1. Senior Buck, 6 months and over (8mo in commercial Breeds)
R-2. Senior Doe, 6 months and over (8mo in commercial Breeds)
R-3. Intermediate Buck, 6-8 months
R-4. Intermediate Doe, 6-8 months
R-5. Junior Buck, 3-6 months
R-6. Junior Doe, 3-6 months
2. Pet Breeds
For rabbits that are unknown or mixed breed origin or are purebred but exhibit a disqualification
by ARBA standards.
R-7. Senior Buck, over 6 months
R-8. Senior Doe, over 6 month
R-9. Junior Buck, under 6 months
R-10. Junior Doe, under 6 months
Breeds with an Intermediate Class: Giant Angora, Beveren, Blanc de Hotot, Californian,
Champagne D’Argent, Checkered Giant, American Chinchilla, Giant Chincilla, Cinnamon,
Crème D’Argent, Flemish Giant, English Lop, French Lop, New Zealand, Palomino, Satin, and
Silver Fox.
Best in Show
Reserve Best in Show
Best Pet
Reserve Best Pet
Additional Specials are welcome and will be posted in the showroom during the
Department G
Saturday July 25th - 9:00am
Combined Jr./Sr. Doe Show
ADGA Sanctioned
Carly Neumann
9814 Route 446
Cuba, NY 14727
Show Chairman/Entry Clerk
Stephanie Uhrinek
Show Secretary
Joseph Uhrinek
1823 Judge Road
Basom, NY 14013
Phone : 585-948-8414
ADGA Combined Jr./Sr. Doe Shows:
Sanctioned breeds
Alpines, LaMancha, Nigerian Dwarf, Nubian, Oberhasli, Saanen, Toggenburg, Recorded
The show order for Doe classes will be A, L, Ni , N, O, Saa , T, and RG). Show order is
not subject to change.
Entry Fees
$1.50 for 1-9 class, $2.00 for 10 -14 class
Junior Doe Classes
Senior Doe Classes
1. Junior Doe Kids, 5 months and under
5. Milkers, Under 2yrs of age
2. Intermediate Kids, 5-9 months.
6. Milkers, 2 yrs and under 3 yrs
3. Junior Yearlings, 9-16 months
7. Milkers, 3yrs and under 5yrs
4. Senior Yearlings, 16-24 months
8. Milkers, 5 yrs and older
Sr. Champion & Sr. Reserve Champion
9. Champion Challenge
ADGA Grand Champion & ADGA Reserve Grand Champion
10. Dam and Daughter
11. Get of Sire- 3 Does from 2 or more Dams, the get of one sire. Sire must be named
12. Best Three Females- to consist of 3 does owned by one exhibitor
13. Best Udder
14. Dairy Herd- ALL 4 does MUST be IN MILK
Premiums Classes 1-9
1st- $10, 2nd- $7, 3rd- $5, 4th- $3
Premiums Specialty Classes 10 -14
1st- $15, 2nd- $12, 3rd- $9
Show Rules & Regulations:
* All entries must be received or postmarked by JULY 17th, 2015 to Show Chairman
*Any emailed entries must be followed by check immediately in the mail. All emailed
entries are considered full entries and money is owed whether exhibitor brings animals not.
* All exhibitors must purchase an Exhibitor Pass for $ 20.00
*Checks made out to Genesee County Agricultural Society Inc.
No refunds! - Substitutions only allowed in the same breed/division. No entries made day of
show. *Paid entry indicates acceptance of the show rules and regulations. The show committee
reserves the right to interpret any rules not adequately covered by these or ADGA rules.
Pen fees: $3.00 a pen. All Exhibitors must pay pen fee. *All pen fees must be paid by check,
no cash will be accepted. Make checks out to Genesee County Agricultural Society Inc. No
bedding will be provided. Each exhibitor is responsible for cleaning your pen. Your checks will
be given back for pen cleaning after the show committee checks your pens. Slat spacing on pens
may not restrain very small kids. You may want to bring supplies or portable pens to
accommodate them. NEW THIS YEAR- Three sided pens will be provided. Please bring a gate
for the front of the pen to secure your animals. The front gates are no longer provided.
*All goats must be checked in with the Show Secretaries by 8:00am Saturday July 25, 2015.
* Show is a combined Jr/Sr show not separately sanctioned.
* Shows are sanctioned by the American Dairy Goat Association and their rules shall govern.
* The base date for computing all ages is July 25, 2015.
*The original registration certificate is required for all animals and must be presented to the
secretary before the start of the show. An ADGA stamped
duplicate or facsimile copy of the application for registration is also acceptable for animals under
six months of age.
*Horned animals are not permitted. Animal may be unloaded without a thorough inspection but
will be checked by a State Vet. The State Vet reserves the right to reject any animals found to
have signs of communicable disease (abscesses, sore mouth, ringworm, etc.).
!!No visible signs of open or scabbed abscesses lumps will be allowed!!
In the event of such signs, all animals from the herd or common carrier shall be immediately
removed from the show premises by the exhibitor. No refunds will be allowed. Please check
your entries carefully before transporting.
*No unauthorized dumping of milk on fairgrounds. If you have milk to dump, please bring
something to take it home in.
*By order of the Fire Marshall, there will be absolutely no smoking in any buildings on the
*Paid entry indicates acceptance of the show rules and regulations. The show committee reserves
the right to interpret any rules not adequately covered by these or ADGA rules.
*Genesee County Agricultural Society Inc. cannot be held responsible for all or any loss,
damage, injury, or accident to any person, animal, vehicle, or property while on the fairgrounds
or on route to the fairgrounds. All animals are entered at the sole risk of exhibitor or owner.
We Hope To See You There!! Genesee County Agricultural Society Inc
Department H
There is currently no Llama Open Class Show for the 2015 Show Season.
Department I
Grange Exhibits
1. Restricted to Granges and Jr. Granges in Genesee County only.
2. Each Grange must purchase one (1) exhibitors pass.
3. All entries for space must be sent to the Director in charge no later than 7 days
prior to the opening of the Fair.
4. Booths may be set up beginning 3 days before the opening of the Fair.
5. All booths must be completed by Noon on the day of the official opening.
6. Booth size: 8' X 8' for Subordinate & Pomona Exhibits, 4’ X 4’ for Jr. Exhibits.
7. Booths must be kept clean and neat at all times.
8. Place cards are not required.
9. Electricity: limited to 350 watts.
10. No booth may be removed until the last day of the fair at release time.
11. Booths taken down prior to the closing will forfeit all awards.
Judging Criteria:
Educational Value...........................................................................30
Ability to Attract and Hold Attention ...........................................10
Development of Subject…...............................................................20
Quality of Material Used .................................................................10
Workmanship and Labor Involved ..................................................20
Arrangement ...................................................................................10
TOTAL ………………………………….100
Subordinate & Pomona Grange Exhibits
Score Premiums
Over 75 points $90.00
Under 75 – 60 points $55.00
Subordinate Granges: 1st - $20, 2nd - $15, 3rd - $10
Pomona Grange: 1st - $20
Junior Grange Exhibits
Judging Criteria:
Educational Value (80)
Ability to Attract and Hold Attention……………………………....40
Quality of Material Used………………………………….…………20
General Appearance – Arrangements……………………………… 20
Each Junior Grange shall be allowed $25 for expenses.
Ribbons will be awarded to 1st, 2nd and 3rd place.
Department J
Contest is held daily at 2:00pm in the Grange Exhibition Hall.
Registration will start at 1:30pm in the Grange Exhibition Hall.
1. Contest is open to youngsters under 12 years of age and weighing 100 lbs or less.
2. Entry forms, including permission to take child’s picture are available in the Fair Secretary’s
Office during the Fair. They must be signed by an adult (18 yrs. or older).
3. A specially designed transfer sled and pedal tractor will be provided.
4. First, Second, Third prize winners may not participate in another day's competition.
5. Championship Pull will be held the last day of the Fair.
Trophies will be given for Championship 1st, 2nd, and 3rd
Department Head: Amanda Harvey
27 Briarwood Terrace
Batavia, NY 14020
(585) 813- 3850
1. Exhibitors must pay 10% of first place premiums.
2. Exhibitors also must purchase a parking pass at the office.
3. Examine the premium list carefully and be sure your entries are in the proper class and in the
order they appear. Entries not in numerical order will be disqualified. Retain a copy of
exhibits for check out.
4. The superintendent will accept all articles at the fairgrounds on Sunday from 5-7 pm and
Monday from 1-5 pm before the fair opens. The exhibitor is responsible for putting tags on
the items and returning unused tags.
5. Superintendents will close the building and take down displays on Saturday at 10 pm.
Exhibitors must pick up articles at 10-11:30 pm Saturday or 10-2 pm Sunday.
6. All entries, except collections must be made in the past year. Previously exhibited items will
be disqualified.
7. Reasonable precautions will be taken to insure safety of the exhibits brought to the fair, but
the owners themselves must take the risk of exhibiting them. Should any exhibit or portion
thereof be injured, lost, or stolen, the fair will not be liable or make any payment for the
value thereof.
8. No exhibitor will be allowed more than one entry in the same class.
9. All judging will be done according to the Danish System.
10. When entering the category article “Not Listed" you must name the article.
11. See each department for specific rules.
Departments: K - Flowers
L - Needlework
M - Arts and Crafts
N - Culinary
O - Vegetables
P - Group or Family Project
Q - Antiques
R - Junior Department
Department K
1. Open to amateurs ONLY, those who raise plants and flowers for the love of the work and not
financial gain.
2. All flowers entered must be grown by the exhibitor.
3. When a certain number of varieties, specimens, or quantities are named, neither more or less
can be entered.
4. State requirements are that all varieties must be named when possible.
5. In judging flower arrangements, character of vases and containers will be considered.
6. All exhibitors may refresh flowers after judging is completed.
7. A table will be provided for exhibitors to arrange flowers, after which the superintendent will
place the exhibits in the proper classes.
Section A- Cut Flowers
Premiums on a single vase, 3-5 stems in each vase
1st - $2.00
2nd - $1.50
3.Bachelor Buttons
8.Coral Bells
13.Echinacea (Cone Flower)
14.Gladiolus, Miniature
15.Gladiolus, Solid Color
16.Gladiolus, Two-tone
25.Petunia, Single
26.Petunia, Double
27.Petunia, Ruffle
29.Roses, Tea
30.Roses, Miniature
31.Roses, Flora Bunda
32.Roses, Climbers
33.Roses, English
34.Snapdragon, Dwarf
35.Snapdragon, Giant
36.Sweet Peas
40.Zinnia, Small
19.Marigold, Dwarf
20.Marigold, Medium
21.Marigold, Giant
41.Zinnia, Medium
42.Zinnia, Giant
43.Any Other Annual, Identified
44.Any Other Perennial, Identified
Section B- House Plants- Only Single Plants named are to be entered
1 - $2.00
2nd - $1.50
1. African Violet, Double.
2. African Violet, Miniature
3. African Violet, Ruffled
4. African Violet, Single
5. African Violet, Trailings
6. Baby Tears
7. Begonia, Rex
8. Begonia, Tuberous
9. Cactus
10. Cactus, Christmas (etc.)
11. Caladium
12. Coleus
13. Dish Garden (5 diff. types)
14. Fern, Asparagus
15. Fern, Boston
16. Fern, Maidenhair
17. Hoya
18. Ivy, English
19. Ivy, Swedish
20. Ivy, German
21. Pepperona
22. Philodendron
23. Piggyback
24. Snake Plant
25. Terrarium
26. Vine growing in water
27. Any Other Flowering Plant - identify
28. Any Other Foliage House Plant - identify
29. Any Other Hanging Plant - identify
30. Any Other Vining Plant – identify
Section C – Arrangements
1 - $3.00
2nd – $2.00
Arrangement of flowers in any vase
Arrangement of flowers in a pitcher
Arrangement of flowers in a basket
Arrangement of flowers for a new baby
Arrangement of flowers for a hospitalized person
Arrangement of flowers for a table centerpiece
Arrangement of flowers for a holiday
Arrangement of flowers for a birthday
Arrangement of flowers with the use of one color
Arrangement of flowers all of one kind
Arrangement of flowers in pastel tints
Arrangement of dried material
Arrangement of flowers in a container
Arrangement of flowers with fruit
Arrangement of flowers with vegetable
16. Arrangement of foliage with no flowers
17. Miniature Arrangement (vase & arrangement not over 6" in any direction)
18. Corsage
19. Arrangement of flowers with driftwood
Section D – Wildflowers
1st - $2.00
2nd - $1.50
1. Arrangement of wild flowers in any vase
2. Arrangement of wild flowers in a pitcher
3. Arrangement of wild flowers in a basket
4. Arrangement of wild flowers for a table centerpiece
5. Arrangement of wild flowers for a holiday
6. Arrangement of wild foliage with no flowers
Department L
1. All articles must be finished and the work of the exhibitor.
2. All articles in this department must be modem.
3. Articles entered wrong or in the wrong classes will be barred from competition.
5. Any article in plastic bags need to be in bags that are clear on one side for display purposes.
Section A - Quilts and Afghans
1 - $3.00
2nd -$2.00
1. Appliqued, Hand Sewn
11. Pieced, Tied
2. Appliqued, Machine Sewn
12. Puffed and Padded
3. Cathedral Window Pattern
13. Rag, Quilt
4. Crazy Quilt, Hand Sewn
14. Scrap Quilt (20+ Fabrics)
5. Crazy Quilt, Machine Sewn
15. Tee-Shirt Quilt
6. Miniature, Pieced
16. Whole Cloth, Hand Sewn
7. Miniature, Appliqued
17. Whole Cloth, Machine Sewn
8. Mixed Technique, (2+ Techniques)
18. Yo-Yo Quilt
9. Pieced, hand Sewn
19. Not Listed
10.Pieced, Machine Sewn
Baby Quilts or Wall Hangings
20. Appliqued, Hand Sewn
31. Puffed and Padded
21. Appliqued, Machine Sewn
32. Rag, Quilt
22. Cathedral Window Pattern
33. Scrap Quilt (20+ Fabrics)
23. Crazy Quilt, Hand Sewn
34. T-Shirt Quilt
24. Crazy Quilt, Machine Sewn
25.Miniature, Pieced
26.Miniature, appliquéd
27.Mixed Technique
28.Pieced, Hand Sewn
29. Pieced, Machine Sewn
30. Pieced, Tied
35.Whole Cloth, Hand Sewn
36.Whole Cloth, Machine Sewn
37.YO-YO Quilt
38.Art Quilt
39.Not Listed
40. Crocheted
41. Embroidered
42. Knitted
46. Squares
47. Stripes or panels
48. Rippled
49. Paneled w/embroidered design
50. Hair Pin Lace
56. Squares
57. Stripes or panels
58. Paneled w/embroidered design
59. Cable
63. Woven, Loom
65. Pattern, Knitted
66. Pattern, Crochet
67. Ripple, Knit
68. Ripple, Crochet
69. Shell Knit
43. Liquid Embroidery
44. Comforter
45. Not Listed Above
Crocheted Afghan
51. Granny
52. Shell
53. Afghan Stitch
54. Broom Stitch
55. Not Listed Above
Knitted Afghan
60. Rippled
61. Pattern
62. Not Listed
Other Afghan
64. Not Listed
Baby Afghan or Carriage Robe
70. Shell Crochet
71. Knitted
72. Crocheted
73. Hair Pin Lace
74. Not Listed
Section B - Knitted Garments
1st - $3.00
2nd - $2.00
Knitted Baby Garments
1. Baby Set: Sweater, Hat, Booties
5. Sweater
2. Mittens or Gloves
6. Hat
3. Jumper or Dress
7. Booties
4. Scarf
8. Not Listed
Knitted Children's Garments
(Age 3-12)
9. Sweater, without design
16. Dress
10. Sweater, picture design
17. Coat
11. Sweater, pattern (cable, popcorn)
18. Vest
12. Mitten or Gloves
19. Hat
13. Socks
14. Slippers
15. Poncho
20. Scarf
21. Jacket
22. Not Listed
Knitted Adult Garments
(Ladies age 12 and over)
23. Sweater, without design
31. Mittens or gloves
24. Sweater, picture design
32. Dress
25. Sweater, pattern (cable, popcorn)
33. Coat or jacket
26. Slippers
34. Vest
27. Collar
35. Socks
28. Hat
36. Scarf
29. Poncho
37. Not Listed
30. Shawl or Stole
Knitted Adult Garments
(Men age 12 and over)
38. Sweater, without design
44. Socks
39. Sweater, picture design
45. Slippers
40. Sweater, pattern (cable, popcorn)
46. Hat
41. Jacket
47. Scarf
42. Mittens or Gloves
48. Not listed
43. Vest
Section C - Crocheted
1st - $3.00
2nd -$2.00
Crocheted Baby Garments
1. Baby Set: Sweater, Hat, Booties
5. Scarf
2. Hat
6. Sweater
3. Mittens or Gloves
7. Booties
4. Jumper or Dress
8. Not Listed
Crocheted Children's Garments
(Age 3 -12)
9. Sweater, without design
16. Poncho
10. Sweater, picture design
17. Dress
11. Sweater, pattern (cable, popcorn)
18. Coat
12. Mittens or Gloves
19. Scarf
13. Hat
20. Vest
14. Slippers
21. Socks
15. Jacket
22. Not Listed
Crocheted Adult Garments
(Ladies age 12 and over)
23. Sweater, without design
31. Shawl or Stole
24. Sweater, picture design
32. Dress
25. Sweater, pattern (cable, popcorn)
33. Coat or Jacket
26. Slippers
34. Vest
27. Collar
28. Hat
29. Poncho
30. Mittens or Gloves
35. Socks
36. Scarf
37. Not Listed
Crocheted Adult Garments
(Men age 12 and over)
38. Sweater, without design
44. Socks
39. Sweater, picture design
45. Slippers
40. Sweater, pattern (cable, popcorn)
46. Hat
41. Jacket
47. Scarf
42. Mittens or Gloves
48. Not Listed
43. Vest
Section D - Sewn Apparel
1 - $3.00
2nd - $2.00
Infants & Children
1. Apron or Bib
2. Bathrobe
3. Coat or Jacket
4. Dress
5. Overalls
6. Playsuit or Sun Suit
7. Shirt
8. Poncho
9. Blouse
19. Apron
20. Cotton Dress
21. Wool Dress
22. Two Piece Dress
23. Synthetic Dress
24. Skirt
25. Pajamas
26. Nightgown
27. Playsuit or Sun Suit
28. Hat
38. Shirt
39. Shorts
40. Pajamas
41. Vest
42. Jacket
10. Nightgown or sleeper
11. Slacks
12. Shorts
13. Pajamas
14. Skirt
15. Vest
16. Hat
17. Snow Suit
18. Not Listed
Adult Garments
(Ladies age 12 and over)
29. Jacket
30. Blouse
31. Housecoat
32. Slacks
33. Shorts
34. Pantsuit or Suit
35. Jumpers
36. Vest
37. Not Listed
Men's Garments
(Men age 12 and over)
43. Slacks
44. Suit
45. Bathrobe
46. Not Listed
47. Appliquéd
48. Cross Stitch
49. Painted
50. Cut Out
51. Ribbon
Section E
Decorated Garment
(Store bought garment - Sweatshirt, T-shirt, etc)
52. Lace Collar
53. Cardigan
54. Weaving
55. Not Listed
1 - $3.00
2nd - $2.00
6. Italian Hemstitching
7. Cross Stitch
8. Quilted
9. Stenciled
10. Not Listed
1st - $2.50
2nd - $1.50
Table Centerpieces/ Table Runner
17. Knitted ( Under 14”)
18. Knitted ( Over 14” )
19. Quilted ( Under 14” )
20. Quilted ( Over 14”)
21. Not Listed
1. Appliquéd
2. Cut work
3. Embroidered
4. Candle wicking
5. Crocheted
11. Appliqued
12. Cut Work
13. Embroidered
14. Tatted
15. Crocheted ( Under 14” )
16. Crocheted ( Over 14”)
22. Embroidered
23. Cross Stitch
24. Knitted
28. Embroidered
29. Cross Stitch
30. Appliqued
34. Embroidered
35. Appliqued
36. Cross Stitch
37. Crocheted
41. Appliqued
42. Braided
43. Embroidered
44. Crocheted
45. Knitted
Lunch Cloths
25. Appliqued
26. Crocheted
27. Not Listed
Napkins (4)
31. Knitted
32. Crocheted
33. Not Listed
Dresser Or Buffet Cover
38. Knitted
39. Net Darning
40. Not Listed
Placemats (4) or Luncheon Sets (5)
46. Cross Stitch
47. Quilted
48. Woven
49. Not Listed
Section F
1st - $3.00
2nd - $2.00
1. Embroidered
2. Patchwork
3. Knitted
4. Crewel
5. Smocked
6. Bargello
7. Needlepoint
8. Candle wicking
9. Net Darning
10. Hooked
11. Quilted
12. Quick Point
24. Braided
25. Crocheted
26. Latch Hooked
27. Spool
32. Crewel
33. Needlepoint
34. Embroidered
35. Chicken Scratch
36. Sampler
37. Knitted
38. Clock
39. Long Stitch
40. Quick Point
41. Puffed and Padded
Section G
1. Embroidered
2. Appliquéd
3. Tatting, Trimmed
4. Stenciling
9. Embroidered
10. Hemstitching
11. Swedish Weaving
Filled Pillow
13. Crocheted
14. Puffed and Padded
15. Appliquéd
16. Cathedral
17. Cross Stitch
18. Swedish Weaving
19. Stenciled
20. Chicken Scratch
21. Sewn
22. Counted Cross Stitch
23. Not Listed
28. Knitted
29. Loom Weave
30. Tufted
31. Not Listed
Pictures/Wall Hangings
42. Needle Felting
43. Counted Cross Stitch
44. Candle wicking
45. Net Darning
46. Cross Stitch
47. Crocheted
48. Quilted
49. Appliquéd
50. Needle Punch
51. Not Listed
1st - $2.25
2nd - $1.25
(Exhibit One Case)
5. Crocheted, trimmed
6. Knit, trimmed
7. Net darning
8. Not Listed
15. Stenciled
16. Kitchen Towel
17. Cut Work
12. Crochet, trimmed
13. Cross Stitch
14. Appliquéd
18. Finger tip
19. Counted Cross Stitch
20 Not Listed
21. Embroidered
22. Kitchen
23. Novelty
24. Swedish
29. Crocheted
30. Knitted Edge
33. Diaper Stacker
34. Crib Bumper Set
35. Crib Mobile
39. Valentine's Day
40. St. Patrick's Day
41. Easter
42. Mother's Day
43. Father's Day
49. Coaster
50. Pin Cushion
51. Coat Hangers
52. Pot Holders, Crochet (3)
53. Pot Holders, Knitted (3)
54. Pot Holders, Other (3)
55. Bed or walker caddie
56. Stool Top
57. Flag/Banner/Windsock
58. Chair Set
59. Weaving
25. Smocked
26. Appliqued
27. Bib Apron
28. Not Listed
31. Tatted Edge
32. Not Listed
Baby's Room
36. Wall Decoration
37. Curtains
38. Not Listed
44. Fourth of July
45. Halloween
46. Thanksgiving
47. Christmas
48. Not Listed
60. Slip Cover
61. Vanity Cover
62. Fancy Tatting (1 yard)
63. Crochet Trim (1 yard)
64. Knit, Trim (1 yard)
65. Bobbing Lace (1 yard)
66. Curtains
67. Tissue Cover
68. Tree Skirt
69. Not Listed
Section I – Accessories
1st - $2.25
1. Crocheted
2. Knitted
3. Shopping
4. Appliquéd
9. Crocheted
10. Knitted
2nd - $1.25
Totes and Bags
5. Sewn
6. Needlepoint
7. Crewel
8. Not Listed
13. Pillow Case
14. Cloth or Rag
11. Sock
12. Sewed
15. Not Listed
Doll Clothes
(2 or more garments)
16. Sewed
18. Crocheted
17. Knitted
19. Not Listed
20. Crocheted
24. Sewn
21. Knitted
25. Bean Bag
22. Sock
26. Felt
23. Stuffed
27. Not Listed
Plastic Canvas or Perforated Paper
28. Bag
37. Door Stop
29. Coasters
38. TV Caddie
30. Christmas Novelties
39. Wreath
31. Easter Novelties
40. Napkin Holder
32. Halloween Novelties
41. Tissue Cover
33. Thanksgiving Novelties
42. Toy
34. Seasonal Novelties
43. Picture Frame
35. Christmas Ornaments
44. Mobiles
36. Holiday Novelties Not Listed
45. Not Listed
Department M
1st - $3.00
2nd - $2.00
Section A - Photography
The exhibitor must have taken all pictures. Good mounting will be considered. A collection
means no less than four pictures.
1. Collection of Sports
2. Collection of Scenes
3. Collection of Flowers
4. Collection of Adults
Section B – Ceramics
1. Piece Hand Molded
2. Glazed
3. Under glazed
4. Stains
5. Combination
6. One Stroke
5. Collection of Children or Babies
6. Collection of People
7. Collection of Animals
8. Collection of Still Life
7. Delft
8. Luster (Mother of Pearl)
9. Antique
10. Hand Turned Pottery
11. Pinched Pottery
12. Not Listed
Section C - Drawings & Paintings
Exhibits to be mounted or framed and not larger than 30" X 30"
1. Landscape
5. Still Life
8. Animal
2. Portrait
6. Abstract
9. Story Illustration
3. Paint by Number
7. Sea or Harbor
10. Not Listed
4. Flower
Water Color
11. Landscape
15. Still Life
18. Animal
12. Portrait
16. Abstract
19. Story Illustration
13. Paint by Number
17. Sea or Harbor
20. Not Listed
14. Flower
21. Landscape
25. Still Life
28. Animal
22. Portrait
26. Abstract
29. Story Illustration
23. Paint by Number
27. Sea or Harbor
30. Not Listed
24. Flower
Drawing (Crayon, Ink, Pencil, Etc.)
31. Landscape
35. Still Life
38. Animal
32. Portrait
36. Abstract
39. Story Illustration
33. Paint by Number
37. Sea or Harbor
40. Not Listed
34. Flower
Section D - Art Design
Design must be original and mounted. Computer Graphics permitted.
1. Collection of Decorative Designs
10. Greeting Card
2. Commercial Designing
11. Place Cards (4)
3. China Decoration on Paper
12. Plan of House - interior
4. Costume
13. Plan of House - exterior
5. Book Cover
14. Interior Decoration
6. Wall Paper
15. Cartoon
7. Floor Design
16. Lettering and Design
8. Silhouettes (3)
17. Story Illustration
9. Stenciling
18. Not Listed
Section E - Crafts
1. Basketry
2. Bead work Jewelry
3. Other Bead Work
4. Block Print with Block
5. Bird House
6. Cained Chair
7. Collage
8. Copper Art
9. Country Tin Painting
10. Decoupage
13. Jewelry
14. Lamp Shade
15. Leather Work
16. Macramé
17. Marionette
18. Quilling
19. Painted China
20. Painted Class
21. Painted Textile
22. Painted Wood
11. Decorated Hat
12. Etching
25. Raffia
26. Reed Work
27. Rope Work
28. Sequin Work
29. Shell Work
30. Stained Glass
31. Stamping
32. Candle-Molding
33. Candle Decorating
34. Scrapbook
35. Stenciled
36. Sun Catcher
Section F - Wood Crafts
1. Chair
2. Silhouette
3. Picture Frame
4. Weather Vane
23. Pine Cone
24. Puppet
37. Tray
38. Wall Hanging
39. Wood Carving
40.Clothwreath, Decorated
41. Grape Vine Wreath, Decorated
42. Pine Cone Wreath, Decorated
43. Straw Wreath, Decorated
44. Other Wreath, Decorated
45. Decorated Swag
46. Mosaics
47. Not Listed
5. Trains
6. Puzzle
7. Table
8. Cradle
9. Toy
10. Game
11. Clock
12. Not Listed
Section G - Hobbies
Exhibit must have 15 or more items.
1. Buttons (Sewing)
7. Animals
13. Post Cards
2. Glasses/Glassware
8. Stamps
14. Key Chains
3. Dolls (Small)
9. Matchbook 15. Pin Back Buttons
4. Miniature Toy
10. Trading Cards
16. Creative Collection
5. Cups/ Mugs
11. Magnets
17. Not Listed
6. Coins
12. Buttons (Word)
Section H - Home Decoration
1. Mobile
5. Holiday Decoration
2. Weaving
6. Decorated Picture Frame
3. Wire Work
7. Silk Flower Arrangement
4. Paper Mache
Section I – Woodcarving/ Turning
1. Bowl
5. Pen
2. Jewelry
6. Goblet
3. Candle Stick Holder
7. Vase
4. Cane
8. Clay Molding
9. Paper Project
10. Not Listed
8. Box
9. Stopper
10. Not Listed
Department N
1. It is requested that only ½ pint or pint jars be shown.
2. All baked goods must be homemade and are subject to the rules of the Food Administrator at
the time of judging.
3. In the baked goods Section ½ of a loaf of bread, a slice of a cake or pie will be eligible for
entry and will be judged on the same basis as a whole one.
4. The right to open canned goods is reserved for the judge as deemed necessary.
5. No commercial mixes are allowed. Use of Certo is permitted.
6. Size appropriate recyclable plates may be used for all food entries.
7. All other general rules and regulations apply.
1 - $2.25
2nd - $1.25
Section A - Canned Fruit
1. Apples for Pies
10. Cherries, black
2. Applesauce
11. Cherries, red sweet
3. Blackberries
12. Cherries, red sour
4. Blueberries
13.Cherries, white
5. Elderberries
14. Raspberries, black
6. Strawberries
15. Raspberries, red
7. Huckleberries
16. Raspberries, purple
8. Currants, red
17. Fruit Cocktail
9. Grapes
18. Plums, light
Section B - Jellies & Jams
1. Jam, Blackberry
2. Jam, Red Currant
3. Jam, Cherry
4. Jam, Black Raspberry
5. Jam, Red Raspberry
6. Jam, Purple Raspberry
19. Plums
20. Pineapple
21. Peaches
22. Pears
23. Apricots
24. Rhubarb
25. Quince
26. Not Listed
7. Jam, Strawberry
8. Jam, Not Listed
9. Jelly, Apple
10. Jelly, Mint
11. Jelly, Blackberry
12. Jelly, Crabapple
13. Jelly, Currant
14. Jelly, Grape,
15. Jelly, Dark Plum
16. Jelly, Raspberry
17. Jelly, Blueberry
18. Jelly, not listed
Section C - Conserves & Marmalades
1. Cherry
2. Grape
3. Plum
4. Strawberry
5. Orange
6. Tomato
7. Pear
8. Peach
12. Grape
13. Peach
14. Pear
15. Orange
9. Apricot
10. Rhubarb
11. Not Listed
16. Not Listed
Section D - Canned Vegetables
1. Asparagus
7. Sauerkraut
2. Beans, Lima
8. Corn
3. Beans, String, Green
9. Peas
4. Beans, String, Yellow
10. Tomatoes
13. Swiss Chard
14. Beet Greens
15. Spaghetti Sauce
16. Not Listed
5. Beets
6. Carrots
11. French Beans
12. Spinach
Section E - Pickles
1. Cucumber, Sliced
2. Cucumber, Dill
3. Cucumber, Sour
4. Cucumber, Chunk
5. Cucumber, Icicles
6. Cucumber, Mixed
7. Cucumber, Bread & Butter
8. Cucumber, Mustard
9. Peach
10. Pear
11. Beets
12. Zucchini
13. Peppers
14. Beans
15. Pepper Hash
16. Chili Sauce
17. Watermelon
18. Corn Relish
19. Beet Relish
20. Hot Dog Relish
21. Not Listed
Section F - Juices
1. Tomato
2. Apple
5. Not Listed
3. Grape
4. Carrot
Section G - Bread
Bread machines permissible, please state on entry which you are entering.
1st - $2.75
2nd -$2.25
7. French
13. Brown
2. Rye
8. Dill
14. Fruit
3. Raisin
9. Salt-Raising
15. Graham
4. Whole Wheat
10. Zucchini
16. Raised Donuts (3)
5. Banana
11. Corn
17. Swedish Tea Ring
6. Sour Dough
12. Nut
18. Muffins Any Kind
19. Raised Rolls (3)
22. Kuchen (Yeast)
20. Whole Wheat Rolls(3)
23. Coffee Cake
21. Cinnamon Rolls(3)
24. Baking Powder Biscuits
Section H - Cakes
1. Spice
2. Applesauce
3. Nut
4. Gingerbread
5. Banana
6. Fruit-dark
25. Fried Cakes
26. Not Listed
7. Fruit-light
8. Jelly Roll
9. Not Listed
Section I - Layer Cakes (Frosted)
1. Decorated Cake
3. Chocolate Cake
2. Light Cake
4. Cupcakes-White (3)
5. Cupcakes-Choc.(3)
6. Not Listed
Section J – Miscellaneous (Not Frosted)
1. Angel Food Cake
2. Chiffon Cake
3. Sponge Cake
4. Pound Cake
5. Not Listed
Section K - Cookies (3 cookies to be entered)
1'' -$2.25 2nd-$1.25
1. Molasses, rolled
2. Molasses, dropped
3. Oatmeal, rolled
4. Oatmeal, dropped
5. Sugar, rolled
6. Sugar, dropped
7. Chocolate Chip
8. Chocolate
9. Peanut Butter
10. Applesauce
11. Hermits
12. Brownies
13. Bar Cookie
14. Filled Cookie
15. Macaroons
16. Decorated
17. Press
18. Display, 6 Diff. Kinds
19. Not Listed
Section L - Pies
1st - $2.50
2nd - $2.25
1. Apple
2. Cherry
3. Mince
4. Rhubarb
5. Blackberry
6. Raspberry
7. Elderberry
8. Blueberry
9. Not Listed
Section M - Candies
3 pieces to be entered unless otherwise stated.
1st - $2.50
2nd - $2.25
1. Chocolate Fudge
2. Penuche
3. Fondant
4. Maple Cream
5. Candies Fruit Rind
6. Caramels
7. Peanut Brittle
8. Assorted Mint
9. Gift Box, 10 Pieces
5 Varieties
10. Not Listed
Department O
1. Exhibitors must grow exhibits in their individual gardens.
2. Exhibitors must display all vegetables, fruit (those developing from a flower such as a
cucumber, beans, peppers, summer squash, with ¼ to ½ inch stem still attached). The
exception is tomatoes where the stem must be removed.
3. Carrot, beet, and radish tops to be cut to 1" long.
1st - $1.75
2nd - $1.25
Section A – Vegetables
1. Beans, String, green (5 pods)
2. Beans, String, yellow (5 pods)
3. Beet, any variety (3)
4. Carrots (3)
5. radishes (3 in a bunch)
6. Onions (3 matured, not peeled)
7. Tomatoes, ripe (3)
8. Tomatoes, green (3)
9. Peppers (3)
10. Peas (5 pods)
11. Cucumbers (3)
12. Parsnips (3)
13. Sweet Corn (3)
14. Summer Squash (1 -green)
15. Summer Squash (1 -yellow)
16. Any other small veg. not listed (3)
17. Any other large veg. not listed (3)
Section B - Herbs
Stems must be at least 6” and no more than 10 inches in length. May be shown on a plate
or in a vase.
1. Dill (1 stem)
5. Parsley (3 Stems) 9. Tarragon (3 Stems)
2. Lavender (3 Stems)
6. Rosemary (3 Stems) 10. Thyme (3 Stems)
3. Mint (3 Stems)
7. Sage (3 Stems)
11. Any other Herb
4. Oregano (3 Stems)
8. Sweet Basil (3 Stems)
(3 Stems)
Department P
1st - $4.00
2nd - $2.50
This department is for the family, group, or club to show off their project(s).
1. Project(s) must be accompanied by a written summary of how it was completed.
2. Last names are to be omitted from the written summary. (EXAMPLE: Peter
laid the pattern out, Harry cut out the pattern, Jamie sanded, Jim used the primer, and Mom
used the sealer.)
NOTE: This department is not limited to building projects; this is only an example of a
written summary.
Department Q
1. This department is not open to dealers in antiques.
2. Each entry should be tagged with a card giving its age and any information regarding its
history that may be of interest to the public. (NOTE: NO last names may be used in the
written summary.)
3. Each article of a collection should have a mark of identification should the collection become
4. All articles must be clean and in good condition.
5. All articles in a collection cannot be entered singly.
6. All articles must be 75 years or older.
1st - $3.00
2nd - $2.00
1. Bible
2. Book
3. Newspaper from in Gen. Co.
4. Silver Collection (3 pieces)
5. Silver, Plated
6. Silver, Solid
7. Jewelry
8. Watch
9. Candlesticks
10. Hair Ornaments
11. Ivory
12. Arrow Heads
13. Picture
25. Sampler
14. Foot Warmer
26. Basket
15. Household Article
27. Coin Collection
16. Clock
28. Doll
29. Fan
18. Cup & Saucer
30. Stamps
19. Bonnet
31. Sleigh Bells
20. Shawl
32. Toy
21. Quilt
33. Article (100+)
22. Embroidery work
34. Article (150+)
23. Lace
35 Not Listed
24. Needlework
Department R
Department Head: Amanda Harvey
27 Briarwood Terrace
Batavia, NY 14020
1. Junior Exhibitors need to pay 10% of the first place premium for each exhibit.
2. Judging will be done according to the Danish System.
3. Age of the Junior Exhibitor is up to 16 years old as of the 1 st day of the start of the Fair.
The age of the exhibitor must be stated on the entry form. NO entry will be accepted
unless the age is stated.
4. Any person exhibiting in this class who is over the age stated will forfeit premiums taken
in all classes.
5. All articles must be made by the exhibitor.
6. Pick up is the same as for the adult time
7. Commercial mixes are not allowed.
8. All collections must be gathered by the exhibitor.
9. Exhibitor may make only one entry in any given class.
11. Items must be made in the previous year except for collective hobbies.
12. See the Adult Department Rules and Regulations.
Section A – Baked Goods – must be on a 6” plate
1 - $2.00
2nd - $1.00
( ½ loaf accepted, bread machine permissible)
1. Bread, White yeast
5. Rolls, Raised (3)
2. Bread, Wheat
6. Muffins (3)
3. Bread, Nut
7. Biscuits, baking powder (3)
4. Danish
8. Not Listed
(½ will be accepted)
9. Cake, Pound
13. Coffee Cake, Yeast
10. Cake, Chocolate layer, frosted
14. Coffee Cake, Baking Powder
11. Cake, White layer, frosted
15. Not Listed
12. Cupcakes, Assorted Frosted
(3 unless otherwise stated)
16. Molasses, rolled
21. Peanut Butter
26 Decorated
17. Molasses, dropped
22. Chocolate Chip
27. Display, 6 Diff Kinds
18. Sugar, rolled
23. Butter
28. Not Listed
19. Sugar, dropped
24. No Bake
20. Oatmeal
25. Chocolate Brownies
(3 pieces unless otherwise stated)
29. Brown Sugar Fudge
32. Popcorn Balls, 3" diameter
30. Chocolate Fudge
33. Rice Krispies Candy
31. Peanut Butter Candy
34. Other Candy not listed
Section B - Canning ( ½ pint or pint)
1 - $1.00
2nd - $0.50
1. Apples
2. Blackberries
3. Peaches
4. Plums
12. Jam, Blackberry
13. Jam, Cherry
14. Jam, Raspberry
19. Beans, Lima
20. String Beans, yellow
21. String Beans, green
22. Beets
Canned Fruit
5. Cherries, Black
6. Cherries, Red or Sour
7. Cherries, White
8. Raspberries, Black
Jelly or Jam
15. Jam, Strawberry
16. Jelly, Apple
17. Jelly, Grape
Canned Vegetables
23. Carrots
24. Corn
25. Greens
9. Raspberries, Red
10. Strawberries
11. Not listed
18. Not Listed
26. Peas
27. Tomatoes
28. Not Listed
Section C- Needlework
1st - $2.00
2nd - $1.00
1. Sample of Blanket Stitch
2. Sample of Candle wicking
3. Sample of Cross Stitch
4. Sample of Crocheting
5. Sampling of Embroidery
6. Sampling of Knitting
7. Sampling of Needlepoint
8. Sampling of Quilting
9. Sampling of Hook Rug
10. Sampling of Tatting
11. Sampling of Weaving
12. Sampling of Net Darning
13. Sample of Plastic Canvas
14. Pillow Case, Embroidered (1)
15. Pillow Case, Cross Stitch (1)
16. Wall Hanging
17. Pin Cushion
18. Sampling Counted Cross Stitch
Section D - Crafts
1. Plastic Jug or Bottle
2. Basketry
3. Bead Work
4. Bird Feeder
5. Bird House
6. Braiding
7. Candle Decorated
8. Candle Molded
9. Clay Modeling
10. Collage
11. Decorated Textile
12. Decorated Hat
13. Decoupage
14. Electric Work
15. Foam Art
16. Foil Picture
17. Game, Homemade
18. Easter Decoration
19. Halloween Decoration
20. Valentines Decoration
21. St. Patrick’s Day Decoration
43. Raffia
19. Apron
20. Doll Cloths
21. Blouse
22. Head Scarf
23. Night Gown
24. Pajamas
25. Shirt
26. Shorts
27. Skirt
28. Slacks
29. Sweater
30. Pillow
31. Stuffed Animal
32. Towel
33. Pot Holders (2)
34. Flag or Banner
35. Not Listed
22. Thanksgiving Decoration
23. Christmas Decoration
24. Other Holiday Decoration
25. Wood Work
26. Metal Work
27. Leather Craft
28. Mosaics
29. Mobile
30. Pine Cones
31. Popsicle Art
32. Craft Stick Art
33. Memory Scrapbook
34. Painted Wood
35. Sequin Art
36. Craft Using Recycled Materials
37.Wind Sock
38.Sun Catcher
40. Pot Holders
41. Puppet
42. Quilling
56. Straw Wreath, Decorated
44. Relief Map
45. Ribbon
46. Rope Work
47. Spool
48. Shells
49. Silk Flower Arrangement
50. Stain Glass
51. Toy, Homemade
52. Wall Hanging
53. Tie Dye
54. Weaving, Simple Loom
55. Weaving, Spool
57. Grape Vine Wreath, Decorated
58. Wreath, Not Listed
59. Macramé
60. Model, Homemade
61. Model, Die Cut
62. Party Favor
63. Felt Craft
64. Picture Frame, Decorated
65. Stenciling
66. Stamping
67. Decorated Glass
68. Not Listed
10 or more items
70. Creative Hobby (handmade)
69. Collective Hobby
Section E – Art Designs
Exhibits to be mounted and not smaller than 9"x 12" when possible.
1. Advertising Design
24. Ceramic, Form Molded
2. Cartoon
25. Ceramic, Stained
3. Costume Design
26. Ceramic, Under glazed
4. Design, All Over
27. Ceramic, Glazed
5. Design, Formal
28. Ceramic, Not listed
6. Design, Informal
29. Jewelry, Metal
7. Decorated Writing Paper
30. Jewelry, Tooled
8. Plan for House, Exterior
31. Jewelry, Bead
9. Plan for House, Interior
32. Jewelry, Wood
10. Story Illustration
33. Jewelry, Not above
11. Nursery Rhythm Illustration
34. Printing, Letterpress
12. Book Cover
35. Printing, Offset
13. Cut Paper
36. Printing, Roll
14. Mechanical Drawing
37. Printing, Silk Screen
15. Finger Painting
38. Printing, Vegetable
16. Lettering
39. Printing, Not listed
17. Map, Free Hand
40. Sculpture, Clay
18. Place Cards (4)
41. Sculpture, Plaster
19. Poster
42. Sculpture, Paper Mache
20. Silhouettes
43. Sculpture, String
21. Wrapping Paper
44. Sculpture, Toothpick
22. Not listed Design
45. Sculpture, Wood
23. Ceramic, Hand Molded
46. Sculpture, not listed
Section F – Photography & Fine Art
1st - $1.00
2nd - $0.50
1. Animal
2. Figure
8. Abstract
9. Figure
10. Marine
17. Abstract
18. Figure
19. Marine
26. Abstract
27. Figure
28. Marine
35. Abstract
36. Figure
37. Marine
Exhibits must be mounted and have 2 pictures.
3. Flower
5. Marine
7. Not Listed
4. Landscape
6. Still Life
Fine Art
Exhibits to be mounted or framed and not smaller than 9"x12".
11. Animal
14. By Number
12. Flower
15. Landscape
13. Still Life
16. Not listed
20. Animal
23. By Number
21. Flower
24. Landscape
22. Still Life
25. Not listed
Pen And Ink/Acrylics
29. Animal
32. By Number
30. Flower
33. Landscape
31. Still Life
34. Not listed
38. Animal
41. By Number
39. Flower
42. Landscape
40. Still Life
43. Not Listed
Section G – Flowers, Plants & Arrangements
1st - $2.00
2nd - $1.00
(3-5 stems)
1. Asters
2. Bachelor Buttons
3. Calendula
4. Cosmos
13. Begonia
14. Coleus
5. Larkspur
6. Marigold
7. Pansy
8. Petunias
9. Phlox
10. Snapdragon
11. Zinnias
12. Not Listed
17. Ivy
19. Not Listed
18. Philodendron (named)
20. Arrangement of flowers in favorite color
21. Arrangement of flowers for a special holiday
22. Arrangement of flowers for a sick child
23. Arrangement of flowers for a birthday party
24. Arrangement of foliage
25. Arrangement of cut flowers (8 varieties)
26. Arrangement of miniature dish garden
15. Geranium
16. Fern
27. Arrangement of wild flowers
28. Arrangement of dried flowers
29. Arrangement of silk flowers
30. Any other arrangement
Section H – Vegetables
Entries must be placed on 6" plate.
1st - $1.00
2nd - $0.50
1. String Beans, Green (5 pods)
2. String Beans, Yellow (5 pods)
3. Beets (3)
4. Carrots (3)
5. Cucumbers (3)
6. Onions (3 Mature)
7. Summer Squash (1 Green)
8. Summer Squash (1 Yellow)
9. Sweet Corn (3)
10. Tomatoes (3)
11. Not Listed
Department S
Contact: Duane Schmigel (585) 599-4452
Bands Drum Corps
High School or Community
1st - $175.00 1st - $200.00
2nd - $150.00 2nd - $150.00
3rd - $125.00 3rd - $125.00
All units will receive $50.00 All units will receive $50.00
additional for marching.
Bands Firemen's Veterans Organizations
1st - $175.00 All organizations in this
2nd - $150.00 category will receive $50.00
3rd - $125.00 for marching.
1st - $50.00 2nd - $35.00 3rd - $10.00
4-H floats will receive $15.00 for a participation fee.
A float is a low flat decorated vehicle for carrying exhibits in a parade.
Fire Departments
Best Appearing Unit
Best Appearing Tanker
1st - $100.00 under 12 in line
1st - $75.00
2nd - $75.00
2nd -$50.00
3rd - $50.00
3rd - $25.00
Best Appearing Marching Unit
Best Appearing Pumper
1st - $125.00 - 13 and over in line
1st - $75.00
2nd - $100.00
2nd- $50.00
3rd - $75.00
3rd - $25.00
Best Appearing Ladies Auxiliary
Best Appearing Antique
1st - $75.00
1 st - $75.00
2nd - $50.00
2 nd- $50.00
3rd - $25.00
3 rd - $25.00
Best Appearing Aerial Truck
Best Appearing Grass Truck
1st - $75.00
1 st - $75.00
2nd - $50.00
2nd - $50.00
3rd - $25.00
3 rd - $25.00
Horse Division
Best Single Rider
Best Riding Organization
1st - $50.00
1st - $75.00 (4 or more)
2nd - $35.00
2nd - $50.00
3rd - $10.00
3rd - $25.00
Draft Horse
Ladies Cart - 2 wheel
Single Hitch - 4 wheel
1st - $50.00
1 st - $50.00
2nd - $25.00
2 nd - $25.00
Pair Class - 4 wheel
Four Horse Hitch - 4 wheel
1st - $50.00
1 st - $50.00
2nd - $25.00
2nd - $25.00
Six Horse Hitch- 4 wheel
Youth Class- 2 wheel
(18 and under)
1st - $75.00
1 st - $50.00
2nd- $50.00
2nd - $25.00
Department T
Thursday July 23th @ 6:30pm
Amanda Gallo
Send Applications/Birth Certificate to:
Genesee County Ag Society
P.O. Box 355
Batavia NY 14020
1. There are two divisions: The Mini Talent Show for age 6-12 and The Maxi Talent
Show for ages 13 and over.
2. Age is determined as of September 1, 2015. A copy of the Birth Certificate must
be provided. If you performed last year and provided a birth certificate, you do
not need to send another.
3. Each individual act must complete a separate application.
4. A contestant can perform a maximum of three times – One (1) solo act and as a
member of two (2) other groups, or three (3) groups with no solo.
5. Contestants are eligible to compete only in one county’s contest.
6. Anyone accompanying the act on the stage must also fit the age criteria. Adults
may provide a pre-recorded accompaniment for the mini division performers.
7. No professionals are allowed to compete. Professionals are those who hold a
union card or who have been under contract for reimbursement for their
8. No teacher/instructor can perform with their group.
9. Time Limit for each act is five (minutes). Acts will be timed and any individual or
group going over five minutes will be penalized 20 points (of the maximum 60
10.All contestants must check-in at the registration table by 5:30pm for the Mini
division and 6:00pm for the Maxi division. Any contestant using pre-recorded
music for their performance must deliver the CD in good condition
upon check-in. The CD should contain only the selection to be
performed and be ready to play.
11.An electric piano and sound system will be provided. NOTE: Provided electric
Piano will have 88 fully weighted keys.
12.No acts using baton, machetes or knives will be allowed.
13.No fire will be allowed on stage during the competition.
14.No bands will be accepted as contestants.
15.There is no entry fee for the contest. Contestants will receive an admission pass
to Fair for the evening of the performance
16.Judge’s decisions are final.
17.WINNERS MUST BE PRESENT TO RECEIVE AWARDS. If winner is not present award
will be forfeited and awarded to the next contestant.
18.Winners must complete the application for the State Fair Talent Show within five
days of the county competition and before the end of the county fair (Saturday,
July 25th).
Mini Division Max Division
1st $150
1st $150
2nd $100
2nd $100
3rd $ 50
3rd $ 50
CONTEST: Thursday July 17th @ 630pm
NAME: __________________________________________________________
ADDRESS: ___________________________________________________________
PHONE: _____________________ DATE OF BIRTH: _______________________
Check the division you are entering:
____Mini Talent Show (age 6-12) ____ Maxi Talent Show (age 13 and over)
Age is as of September 1, 2015---this is in accordance with NY State Fair
competition rules.
Copy of the Birth Certificate must be provided. (Prior year copies are
kept on file.)
____ Groups check here, list all members’ names & their dates of birth on
the reverse side of this form. (Don’t forget to include a copy of their birth
certificates too!)
(Groups will be placed into age groups by the 50% rule. In a duo, if one
contestant is over 12, the groups must enter the Maxi division. In a group of three or
larger, if 50% of the group is 13 and over, they again will compete in the Maxi division. If
50% of the group is 12 and under the will compete in the mini division.)
If you will use pre-recorded music for your act, please bring the CD that
you will provide.
NAME OF ACT: _______________________________________(Person or Group)
____Vocal w/piano
____Dance group
____Vocal w/guitar
____Dance solo
____Variety solo
Check below which best describes your act:
_____Vocal w/CD
____Piano Solo
_____Variety Group
_____Vocal w/CD
____Other Please Describe:_________________________
All Contestants must check at the registration table in the Exhibition
building by 5:30pm for the Mini division and 6:00pm for the Maxi
division. If you are using pre-recorded music it must be provided at that
Department U
Contact: Amanda Gallo (585) 813-7711 or email- agallo0718@gmail.com
Renee Johnson (5850 704-8472 or email Johnsonrenee92102@gmail.com
The Genesee County Fair Queen/Princess Pageant is operated by the Genesee County
Agricultural Society and Pageant Committee. Their decisions are final as well as the Judges
Contestants Female, Age Groups:
Winner Tierra, $50.00
8-10 Little Miss
Winner Tierra, $50.00
11-13 Junior Princess
Winner Tierra, Sash, $100.00/Runner-Up Sash-$50.00
14-16 Princess
Winner Tierra, Sash, $ 300.00/Runner-Up Sash-$150.00
17-19 Queen
Contestants must be:
-The ages of 8-19 as of May 15th 2015)
-A resident or attend a Genesee County School
-Never married or pregnant
Contestants will be judged on the following:
Poise and Presence
Communication Skills
Public Speaking
There are four groups: Queen, Princess, Jr. Princess, and Little Miss
The Queen and two runners-up will be expected to make public appearances during
their year of reign. All applications must be completely filled out and signed by
contestant. Be sure to submit $100 Sponsorship Fee.
Deadline: June 1 , 2015
Department V
Regular Derby & Powder Puff
For Rules and Entry Form contact 585-344-2424 (fair office). Please contact
Annette Mazur 585 261-7485.
Clear Titles Are A Must
All participants must have a valid driver's license to participate in this event.