PenronmANcE AcReeueur This Performance Agreement has been executed pursuant to the No. (GCG MC Penronmlnce EvelUATtoN SYsrena FoR THE GOCC SecroR 2013-021between the - GOVERNANCE COMMTSSION FOR GOCCs (GcG) -andMETROPOLITAN WATERWORKS ANDSEWERAGE SYSTEM coRPoRATE OFFICE (MWSS-CO) WITNESSETH: THAT - - The Parties agree to the following terms: This Agreement shall be effective for a period of two (2) calendar years beginning from the execution of this agreement and ending on 31 December 2014. 1. Period. 2. - Charter Statement and OPIF Logframe. - MWSS-CO's Charter Statement and OPIF Logframe for the Period specified in Section 1 hereof, shall be as follows: Mission: For Metro-Manila and its adjacent towns: Vision: . Protect, secure, optimize and expand our water sources, their watersheds and infrastructure; . Provide equitable access to clean, potable and affordable water; . Aggressively increase the coverage of sewerage disposal system; and . Ensure prudence and efficiency in the implementation of all our plans, including those we accomplish through our agent concessionaires, and in doing so, deliver affordable water tariffs that will support the long term water security program for Metro Manila and all covered areas. MWSS is the prime mover and guardian of water security providing adequate, safe, reliable, and affordable water and sewerage services to Metro Manila and its existing and future coverage areas, while ensuring the sustainability of its water ,'* ,"ror,."r; 1. l;t"il's;;i ;.; ;fit "r *;r; ,l Y-4rr'/[ PenroRMANcE AcnrEMENr l2of 6 GCG and M|4ISS-CO MWSS-CO Logframe SOCIETAL GOAL lnclusive Growth and Poverty Reduction SECTORAL GOAL Access to Social Goods and Services lmproved SUB€ECTOR OUTCOME SUB-SECTOR OUTCOME 2 lmproved Health Outcomes and Effected 1 Equitable, Efficient and Strategic Provision of Water Supply and Access to a Sustainable Environment Through lmproved Sanitation, SePtage and Sewerage Provision Water INTERMEDIATE OUTCOME euality, Adequacy and Accessibility of lnfrastructure Facilities and Services Enhanced. ORGANIZATIONAL OUTCOME 2 Accessible and Adequate Sewerage/Sanitation and SePtage ORGANIZATIONAL OUTCOME 1 Uninterrupted and Adequate Supply and Distribution of Potable Water Services MFO MFO 2 1 Proper Operations and Maintenance of Sewerage SYstems Efficient Operations and Maintenance of Waterworks SYstems 3. Based on MWSS-CO's lnterim Performance Scorecard, attached hereto as Annex A, the evaluation of MWSS-CO',s performance for 2013-2014 shall be based on the Measurement of Pefiormance. - following Measures/Performance lndicators and Annual Targets, to wit: Performance Measures* 2013 2014 Annua! Targets Baseline Weight MFO 201 0 2011 2012 20'|.4 2013 oject(NCWSP):AddressingwaterSecurityforMWSSbyconstructinga redundant dam to Anqat dam. MFO 1: Efficient Operations and Maintenance of Waterworks Systems Quantity 1:Completed Feasibility Study to determine viability of NCWSP 10% 100Yo Quantity 2: NEDA-lCC submission for approval of the NCWSP implementation 10% 100o/o Quantity 3: Tendering of NCWSP Quantity 4: NCWSP lmplementation 100o/o 10o/o 10o/o** 20Yo Pl Set 2: Bulacan Bulk Water Supply Project (BBWSP): Provision of treated bulk water to 24 municipalities of Bulacan F 4 // I PenroRMANcE AcREEMENT l3of 6 GCG and M\4ISS-CO Performance Measures* Quantity 5: Completed Feasibility Study to determine viability of BBWSP Quantity 6: NEDA-ICC submission for approval of the BBWSP implementation 2013 Annual Targets Baseline Weight MFO 2010 20'14 10% 1000k 1lYo 100Yo Quantity 7: Tendering of BBWSP Quantity 8: BBWSP lmplementation 1lYo 100% 20Yo 10o/o*" convevance systems from Angat Dam to La Mesa Quantity 9: Completed 10% Feasibility Study to determine viability of AWTIP Quantity'10: NEDA-ICC 10% submission for approval of the AWTIP implementation Quantity 11: Tendering of AWTIP Quantity 12: AWTIP ffi lmplementation 2014 20'|.3 2012 2011 portals ovedreliabilityandoperationalflexibilityof , , , 100% 100Yo 100h 100% 10o/o 1Oo/o*" Quantity 13: Validation and Estimation of proposed Concessionaire CAPEX as support to Rate Rebasing Exercise of MWSS Regulatory Office, resulting in at least 30% reduction from declared CAPEX subtotal of weights: 1000 20o/o 80% 80% itation/CompliancewiththeSCdecisiontoclean- Quantity 14: Completion of Marikina North STP (East 100o/o 20h 2o/o 50o/o 2o/o 2o/o 1O0o/o 2o/o 2o/o 50% 1O0o/o 2o/o 2o/o 109% 97o/o 97o/o 98Yo Subject to Renegotiation 2o/o 2% 58Yo 38% 21o/o 30Yo Subject to Renegotiation '10% 10% 10% 10o/o 40% 60% Zone) MFO 2: Proper Operations and Maintenance of Sewerage Systems Quantity 15: Completion of Congressional, Legal, Grant, Paco, Baesa, Proj 7, Tatalon, Paltok, Bahay Toro, Samson, Tandang Sora, San Antonio, Del Monte, Kapiligan, Bagbag STPS West Zone) Quantity 16: Completion of Talayan STP West Zone Quantity 17: a) Desludging of septic tanks in the East Zone b) Desludging of septic tanks in the West Zone Subtota, of Weights: General Administrative and Support Services (GASS) Reorganization of MWSS completed 100% 100% 'See formulas and data provider on Annex B. *t Milestone qround breakinq ? d"4- v J/ s r / PERFORMANC E O" ::;Hffi!1-'J8 It is understood that MWSS-CO must achieve a weiqhted-averaqe of at least 90% to be eligible to grant any Performance-Based Bonus. 4. MWSS-CO hereby commits to undertaking the following key programs and/or projects identified as having significant, impact on its Performance Scorecard (PES Form 2) attached hereto as Annex B, to wit: New Centennial Water Supply Source (a) Strategic lnitiative 1 Strategic lnitiatives. - - Project; (b) Strategic lnitiative 2 - (c) Strategic lnitiative 3 (d) Strategic lnitiative Bulacan Bulk Water Supply Project; - Aqueduct Water Transmission lmprovement Project (AWTIP); Validation and Estimation of proposed Concessionaire CAPEX as support to Rate Rebasing Exercise of MWSS Regulatory Office, resulting in at least 30% reduction 4- from declared CAPEX; (e) Strategic lnitiative 5 (0 - Review Plan; and of Sewerage & Sanitation Master Strategic lnitiative 6 - MWSS Reorganization The commitment herein includes obtaining all necessary Projects Development approvals, if applicable, such as those for Major under GCG IUC ruo. 2013-03. MWSS-CO shall include updates on the foregoing Strategic lnitiative in its submission of quarterly monitoring reports (PES Form 3) to the GCG. 5. 6. Performance Monitoring. - MWSS-CO shall submit a quarterly monitoring report to the GCG within thirty (30) calendar days from the close of each quarter using the monitoring report attached hereto as Annex C. Quarterly Submssio n of - ln addition to the covered portions Good Governance Conditions. of the Performance Scorecard, the MWSS-CO must fully comply with the Good Governance Conditions enumerated under GCG MC No. 2013-02, namely: 6.1. Conditions common to National Government Agencies and GOCCs: (a) Transparency Seal; (b) PhiIGEPS Posting; (c) Cash Advance Liquidation; (d) Citizen's Charter or its equivalent; and (e) Compliance with the submission and review requirements covering Statement of Assets, Liabilities and Net worth (SALN);1 1 See Cvrl Senvrce Courrarssrolr MenaoRRuourra CrnculnR No. 3, s. 2013. ,/ tr-y PERFoRMANcE AGREEMENT l5of 6 M\IVSS-CO GCG and 6.2. Conditions specific fo Goccs covered by R.A. No. 10149: (a) satisfaction of all statutory liabilities, including the payment of all taxes due to the Government, and declaration and payment of all dividends to the state as of the end of the applicable calendar year, whenever applicable. Liabilities that are still under dispute and there has been no final and executory judgmenudecision as of the date of the release of the PBB-by thL GOCC shall be excluded for the purpose of this Provision. (b) Submission and execution of concrete and time-bound action plans for addressing Notices of Disallowances and Audit observation Memoranda from the commission on Audit (COA), if anY. (c) Adoption of a"Manual of corporate Governance" pursuant to SCCIION 42 Of thE COOE OF CORPORATE GOVERNANCE FOR GocCs(GcGMCNo.2012.07l thatisapprovedbyGCG and uPloaded on the GOCC's website' (d) compliance with posting on the GOCC',s website the information enumerated under Section 43 0f GCG MC No. 2012-07. (e)AdoptionofaNoGlrrPoucYapprovedbytheGCGand '' 7. uploaded on the GOCC',s website pursuant to section 29 ol GCG MC No. 2012-07. MWSS-CO hereby undertakes to have its Performance Scorecard rated by its customers and solicit feedback on how the same may be improved. MWSS-CO shall determine the most effective method for accomplishing the said purpose. Such information shall be reported to GCG together with the quarterly monitoring report. The rating shall not MWSS-CO's affect 1ne performance indicators/measures by reference a as solely Performance Scorecard, and shall be used MWSS-CO during Performance Agreement GCG Negotiations/Renegotiations. Nothing herein shall be construed as limiting the authority of GCG to initiate renegotiations and/or revoke Performance Agreements in accordance with existing laws, rules and regulations' in and 8. DONE, this 73 December 2013 in the city of Makati, Philippines. GOVERNANCE FOR COMMISSION GoCCs METROPOLITAN WATERWORKS ANDSEWERAGE SYSTEM GORPORATE OFFIGE (MWSS-CO) - Bv Aurnonrry oF tne CouttvtlssloN: Chairman A.I. ESQUIVEL and Administrator mr L * PERFoRMANcE AcneEMENr l6of 6 GCG and M\4ISS-CO L1 cnpanes RAINIER B. BUTALID Commissioner h^- b;/* / /*'**' MA. CECILIA G. SORIANO Trustee E RAMON T. VILLARIN l.tRliltt J. YAMBAo Annex A PES Form 1 METROPOLTTAN WATERWORKS ANDSEWERAGE SYSTEM - CORPORATE OFFICE (MWSS-CO) INTERIM PERFORMANCE SCORECARD 2013.2014 Pedormanca eaaur€c Descfiption AFO 1 | Efilciont Oo€ratlon, a ntht?,narrce o, Dat! Targetg Date provtdcr 2oio 2011 2012 2o1i 2014 Baselhe ---y"'gnt-"-. 2013 2011. W.tdr,.o*, Systqrrs Pl Set 1: New Centennial Water Source Project (NCWSP): Addressing water security for MWSS by constructing a redundant dam to Angat dam. Quantity 1: Completed Feasibility Study to determine viability of NCWSP 1Oo/o Quantity 2: NEDA-lCC submission for approval of the NCWSP implementation 10% Quantity 3: Tendering of NCWSP S -i=\ MWSS, PPP, TA lOOo/o MWSS, PPP, NEDA 100% MWSS 100% 20% MWSS Pl Set 2: Bulacan Bulk Water Supply Project (BBWSP): Provision of treated bulk water to 24 municipalities of Bulacan 10o/o* 1Oo/o Quantity 4: NCWSP lmplementation Quantity 5: Completed Feasibility Study to determine viability of BBWSP 100h MWSS, PPP, TA 100% Quantity 6: NEDA-lCC submission for approval of the BBWSP implementation 10o/o MWSS, PPP, NEDA 100% Quantity 7: Tendering of BBWSP 10% MWSS 1000h Quantity 8: BBWSP lmplementation 20% MWSS 1OYo* Quantity 9: Completed Feasibility Study to determine viability of AWTIP 10% MWSS, PPP, TA 100% Quantity 10: NEDA-lCC submission for approval of the AWTIP implementation 1Oo/o MWSS, PPP, NEDA 100o/o Quantity 11: Tendering of AWTIP 10% MWSS 100o/o Quantity 12: AWTIP lmplementation 1Oo/o MWSS 10o/o* Pl Set 4: Rate Rebasing Suppott ta Quantity 13: Validation and Estimation of proposed Concessionaire CAPEX as support to Rate Rebasing Exercise of MWSS Regulatory Office, resulting in at least 30% reduction from declared CAPEX Subtotal of Weights: 20% 80% MWSS 80% 100% MWSS-CO PES Form 1 l2ot2 Pertormance Scorecard MFO 2 : Proper Operations & Maintenance and Maintenance of Sewerage Systems Pl Set 5: lmplementation of the MWSS Master Plan on sewerage and sanitation/ Compliance with the SC decision to clean-up Manila Bay Quantity 14: Completion of Marikina North STP (East Zone) Quantity 15: Completion of Congressional, Legal, Grant, Paco, Baesa,ProiT, Tatalon, Paltok, Bahay Toro, Samson, Tandang Sora, San Antonio, Del Monte, Kanilioan Baobao STPs (Wesl Tone) Quantity 16: Completion of Talayan STP West Zone Quantity 17: a) Desludging of septic tanks in the East Zone b) Desludging of septic tanks in the West Zone 20k 2% MWSS, Manila Water 50% 2o/o 2% MWSS, Maynilad 100% 2o/o 2o/o MWSS, Maynilad 50o/o 2% 20h 2%o 2o/o MWSS, Manila Water, Maynilad 1090h 97o/o 980h 98o/o 58% 38% 21o/o 30% 100% 100o/o Subject to renegotiation Subject to reneootiation 1OYo 1OYo Subtotal of Weights: GASS : Organizational Dynamics towards Continuous and lmproved Delivery of Seruice fo llfWSS' Constituents Quantity 18: Reorganization of MWSS completed 1Oo/o lOYo Subtotal of Weights: TOTAL OF WEIGHTS: IOO% 10o/o MWSS 40o/o 1OYo 100% * Milestone ground breaking \>_ $ 1=T \$ For GCG: For MWSS-CO: RA!NIER B. BUTALID MWSS-CO 600h ,E:?:?:,,8' METROPOLITAN WATERWORKS ANDSEWERAGE SYSTEM oFFICE (MWSS-CO) - CORPORATE STRATEGIC INITIATIVES PROFILE INITIATIVES UNDER MFO l. SrmrEctc lxlrtarlve 1 1 1. Name of Project 2. Gontact Person/ New CentennialWater Supply Source Project Engr. Evangeline DacanaY Project Team Head 3. Project DescriPtion The project aims to augment the water supply for MWSS' service area in Metro Manila, Rizal and parts of Cavite, which practically only comes from Angat Dam (96% of the water supply). Several imperatives warrant this Plan: a. There is heavy dependence on the Angat Dam for water supply that a breakdown in operations or the Dam itself will bring disastrous impact to Metro Manila's water suPPlY. b. The level of water storage at the Dam has dwindled over the years due to siltation. Records show that siltation in Angat has decreased storage level by about 80 MCM from 19672008, which will result in the reduction of water capacity of 2.5 cu. m of water in the reservoir. Annual average sediment volume is estimated at 2 MCM per year c. Projection for rainfall - a vital cog in the Angat Dam's water supply capacity - will dwindle due to climate change d. NFA/N|A's food supply competes with Angat's supply for municiPal water to constituents e. The continuing population growth at MWSS' MWSS' service area results in higher demand lmplementation of the NCWSP involves two phases: Phase 1: This involves the engagement of a Transaction Advisor (TA), procured by the PPP Center, for the preparation of pre-investment studies and PPP structuring for the New Centennial Water Source Project. The scope of work is as follows: a) Development of a detailed feasibility study of the New Centennial Water Source Project. b) Evaluation of possible project structures identifying the best mix of componenUs and PPP scheme/s c) Preparation of bid / tender documents for the construction phase (Phase d) Submission of all required documentation including NEDA-ICC forms that will be requiretf'J to successfully develop the e) Technical requirements and design includifO performance specification and standards1| ' 2) project i ;'N/ qr lL t .St".--t( .( Y MWS S-CO PES Form 2l2of 6 Strategic lnitiatives 0 g) h) i) j) financial & economic aspect (financial & economic models), legal and institutional arrangements, environmental, gender and social impacts and PPP structures Advisory services during bidding process until financial close Preparation of water purchase agreement PPP arrangemenU other variants Other assistance that may be required in the development of the project such as acquisition of ECC and FPIC from lPs-NCIP Right-of-way for affected families (resettlement plan) Phase 2: lmplementation of the selected new water source project The study by the Transaction Advisor points to the Quezon-Rizal rivers zone as the mosr viable of all options for alternative long-term water source and involves the construction of the following: * Laiban Dam at the upper and Kaliwa low dam downstream of the kaliwa river .:. Head works facilities and its appurtenances * Conveyance structures from the diversion point at kaliwa low up to the treatment plant * * 4. Milestones Activities 1. Funding thru PDMF by PPP Center aooroved 2. Preparation & Approval of TOR for the enoaqement of Transaction Advisor 3. Preparation and issuance of Request for proposal (RFP); Evaluation of tech/financial proposal, issuance of NOA, NTP and Contract Signing 4. Commencement of TA 5. Submission of lnception ReporU draft report /FS 3. Submission of Final Report / FS 7. Submission to NEDA-ICC (ICC-PE Form) 3. Preparation & approval of RFP docs, Bid docs and Advertisement 9. Submission of Project Bid Proposals bv Bidders '10. lssuance of Notice to proceed (NTP) includinq comoliance ll. facilities Water treatment facilities Hydropower facility Timeline End Start May 2012 Jul2012 Aug 201 2 Sep 2012 Budget Funding Source Status Php44B PPP Done Done Done Sep 2012 Oct2012 Ocl 2012 Nov 2012 Feb 201 3 Jul 201 3 Sep 201 3 Feb 2014 Done Done Done Done Ongoing Jul 2014 Apr 201 5 Srnnrecrc lrrnlrrve 2 1. Name of Project Bulacan Bulk Water Supply Project 2. Contact Person/ Project Team Head Engr. Ramon Fabul 3. Project Description The project evolved with the receipt by the province I Bulacan of 230 MLD or 2.7 cms of water / allocation from MWSS' Umiray-Angat Transbasin-/ of I @/&rY lt/' ,r MWS S-CO PES Form 2l3of 6 Strategic lnitiatives Project, of which only 0.6 cms or 50 MLD has been utilized. A series of events followed including the MOU among MWSS, LWUA and the province of Bulacan which was signed on December 1992 and the approval by the President of the inclusion of Bulacan among MWSS' service area in 7 April 1993. The implementation of the project was formalized via an MOU among the three entities on July 2012 at Malacafrang. This project is intended to benefit the province of Bulacan with its full allocation of 2.7 cms (230 MLD) supply treated water to the 21 municipalities and 3 cities of Bulacan, which, currently do not have the financial capacity to develop new water supply source and consequently, to reduce non-revenue water. The infrastructure objective is to construct a water treatment plant and conveyance/transmission facilities going the the off-take points participating water districts. lmplementation of the project will be by phases, where Phase 1 will cover 5 water districts. Funding is contemplated to come from either full private proponent or a mixture of private funding and a viability gap funding from government. of raw water. The plan is for MWSS to to 4. Milestones Activities 1. PDMF Funding Approval 2. lssuance of RFP for TA 3. Submission of Bids for TA 4. Commencement of TA 5. Submission of Complete FS 6. Submission to NEDA-ICC and Approval 7. Tendering/Advertisement to 8. of Bid/ Contract Award Contract lmplementation Phase 1 (6 municipalities) Phase 2 (9 municipalities) Phase 3 (24 municioalities) Timeline End Start Apr 2012 10 Jul 2012 Budget Funding Source P24.435 B PPP Nov 2012 Dec2012 Jan 2013 5 Sept Sep 201 3 Sep 201 3 21 Nov 2013 2013 Nov 201 3 Aug 2014 May 2015 June 2016 July 2018 May 2016 June 201 7 2030 Status Done Done Done Done Done Done Ongoing Ill. Srnqreorc lntrartve 3 1. Name of Project Aqueduct Water Transmission lmprovement Project 2. Contact Person/ Project Team Head Engr. Nestor Lualhati 3. Project Description (AWTTP) Since the source of water for Metro Manila practically comes from only one source (Angat), the notion of protecting the facilities that convey water from source to customer premises becomes doubly important. (b The Angat Water Supply Transmission lmprovemM Project or AWTIP aims to improve the reliability and / security of the raw water transmission system through / the rehabilitation of this transmission system. / Specifically, the project objectives are: a) To sustain / and secure water supply from the AnOat / lr'' ryvoir thr{ ,p gk/ / T/, MWS S-CO PES Form 2l4of 6 Strategic lnitiatives sustained operations of the aqueducts and; b) To address disaster risk and asset management issue. The AWTIP program is set to build a new Tunnel (No. 4) to augment the present three tunnels connecting the lpo to Bigte transmission route. Other rehabilitation works of the aqueducts and other tunnels are planned after completion of Tunnel No. 4. These include rehabilitation of Tunnels 1, 2 and 3 and Aqueducts 3 & 4. This project is an offshoot of the erstwhile AWUAIP project which involved the construction of the 1st 5.5kms of the then new Aqueduct No. 6, under Phase 1 and, under Phase 2, lhe construction of the remaining portion of new Aqueduct No. 6 (9.90 km), the rehabilitation of existing Aqueduct No. 5 and interconnection works for the six (6) aqueducts. The aqueducts convey water from Bigte settling basin to the La Mesa portal in Quezon City. 4. Milestones Timeline Activities 1. Endorsement from 2. 3. 4. Start Budget Funding Source Status 23 Aug 2013 End Feb 2014 7 Aus2013 7 Jan2013 Feb 2014 Oct 2013 Onooinq Done 8 Aug 2013 Jan 2014 Ongoing Jan 2014 Aug 2014 Sep 2014 Jan 2019 Reg'l Dev. Council, DPWH, LGUS, NEDA Grant of ECC by EMB Feasibility Study (incl. Tender documents) Submission to NEDA- Ongoing ICC 5. Tendering, Evaluation & Award for Design & Build (D&B) 6. D&B Contract lmplementation PhP 5,777 M ADB & Cofinancer ASEAN lnfrastructure Fund: Longterm loan PhP 5,332.9 M (e2 3%); Govt share PhP 444.6 M (7.7%\ - - IV. Srmreolc lxtlarlve 4 1. Name of Project 2. Contact Person/ Project Team Head 3. Project Description Validation and Estimation of proposed Concessionaire CAPEX as support to Rate Rebasing Exercise of MWSS Regulatory Office, resulting in at least 30% reduction from declared CAPEX Engr. Rebecca de Vera ootft% The year 2013 is a rate rebasing period for MWSS concessionaires. The MWSS Regulato\ ' Office takes official responsibility for reviewing the performance of the concessionaires in terms of their expenses versus targets and assessing the validity of their proposed capital expenditures for waterdelivery infrastructures. However, for this year's rate 1r,il" MWS S-CO PES Form 2lSof 6 Strategic lnitiatives rebasing exercise, the MWSS Corporate Office took a first crack at the concessionaires' CAPEX before passing over to its sister agency Regulatory Office the results. The effort yielded a reduction of some 50% from the proposed CAPEX of MWCI in the West Zone and 260/o for that of MWSI for the West Zone. 4. Milestones Activities '1. Coordination meetings with the concessionaires and the MWSS Requlatory Office 2. ldentifying CAPEX items of concessionaires 3. Getting detailed supporting information from concessionaires 4. Validating supporting information aqainst proposed CAPEX items 5. Discussions with concessionaires Timeline End Start Budget Funding Source Status Feb 201 3 Done July 2013 Done Mar 2013 June 201 3 Done Mar 2013 June 201 3 Done Jan 2013 June 201 3 Done May 2013 Aug 2013 Done Nov 2012 Mar 2013 and RO 6. Making final report and endorsing to RO INITIATIVES UNDER MFO 2 V. Srnnreerc lurrlrrve 5 1. Name of Project Review of Sewerage & Sanitation Master Plan 2. Contact Person/ Project Team Head Engr. Becky de Vera 3. Project Description The sewerage and sanitation initiatives of the MWSS aim to streamline and harmonize sewerage and sanitation services of the two concessionaires especially in the light of requirements borne by regulations affecting sewerage and sanitation. The ultimate aim is to deliver efficient and affordable sewerage and sanitation services to the customers prevent health risks associated with and wastewater and improve the quality of water bodies. to The major desired outcome will be the implementation of the MWSS Master Plan on Sewerage & Sanitation as well as compliance with the SC Decision to clean up Manila Bay. 4. Milestones Activities 1. Completion of Marikina North STP 2. 3. (East Zone) Completion of Congressional, Legal, Grant, Paco, Baesa , ProjT , Tatalon, Paltok, Bahay Toro, Samson, Tandang Sora, San Antonio, Del Monte, Kapiliqan, Baqbaq STPs Completion of Talayan STP West Timeline Start End 2013 2014 2013 Budget Funding Source Status Ongoing Ongoing \ 2013 2014 4. Desludging of 61,415 septic tanks in / r:F 2015 ql 'J/ Ongoing Zone Onqoinq \N4 MWS S-CO PES Form 2l6of 6 Strategic lnitiatives (83% as of Q3 2013) the East Zone for 2013 5. 6. 7. in 2015 in 2015 Desludging of 85,412 septic tanks in the West Zone lor 2014 2015 Desludging of 60,167 septic tanks the East Zone for 2014 Desludging of 52,800 septic tanks the West Zone for 2013 Ongoing (50% as of Q3 2013) INITIATIVES UNDER GASS Vl. SrRlreorc Iurrrarrve 6 1. Name of Project MWSS Reorganization 2. Contact Person/ Project Team Head Zoilo L. Andin, Cecille V. Bautista 3. Project Description The MWSS reorganization is a product of the need to sustain the Water Security Legacy Program (WSLP) established in 2011. lt will shift the weight of existing resources from support to technical services. New qualification standards will be set for the approved plantilla positions supported by more meaningful job descriptions. The installation of a competency-based strategic performance management system will ensure continued development of the employees. ln addition, strategic hiring process for the will be established. The improvement transition of the operations will also be augmented by the National Computer Centerexecution of a a approved lnformation System Strategic Plan (rssP). 4. Milestones Funding Source Approval by the GCG En Banc of the proposed Reorganization MWSS-CO 2. Plan Submission of the QS to Preparation of the Job Descriptions for the 4. Submission of ERIP 5. Approval of the MWSS-CO 8. 9. Oct 2013 SPMS lmplementation of SPMS in MWSS-CO Approval of the MWSS-CO ISSP Tendering of 2013 ISSP Projects (BAC review of Apr 201 3 Submission for review of a Oct 2013 Jvn2014 10. Movement of People a\ l- r4?* Annex C PES Form 3 METROPOLTTAN WATERWORKS ANDSEWERAGE SYSTEM - CORPORATE OFFTCE (MWSS-CO) MONITORING REPORT OF PERFORMANCE TARGETS Description Weight Baseline Rating/Score 1st 2012 Quarter Target Actual 2nd Quarter Target Actual 2013 Revised FullYear Target MFO 1'. lnstitutional and Technical Services Pl Set 1 : New Centennial Water Source Project (NCWSP):Addressing water security for MWSS by constructing a redundant dam to Angat dam. Quantity 1: Completed Feasibility Study to determine viability of NCWSP Quantity 2: NEDA-ICC submission for approval of the NCWSP implementation Quantity 3: Tendering of NCWSP Quantity 4: NCWSP lmplementation 10% Aelsal xlooxlo% r argel 10o/o Aglgal xlooxlo% r arger P! Set 2: Bulacan Bulk Water Supply Project (BBWSP): Provision of treated bulk water to 24 municipalities of Bulacan Quantity 5: Completed Feasibility Study to determine viability of BBWSP Quantity 6: NEDA-ICC submission for approval of the BBWSP implementation Quantity 7: Tendering of BBWSP 1Oo/o Aelrcl xlooxlo% larqet 1Oo/o Actual Target x 100 x 10% Quantity 8: BBWSP lmplementation Pl Set 3: Angat Water lransmission lmprovement Project (AWTIP): nproved reliability and operationa flexibility of conveyance systems from Angat Dam to La Mesa portals Quantity 9: Completed Feasibility Study to determine viability of AWTIP Quantity 10: NEDA-ICC submission for approvalof the AWTIP implementation Quantity 11: Tendering of AWTIP 10% AsUel xlooxlo% r arger 10o/o Aclgel xlooxlo% rarger 20o/o +dsal r arget Quantity 12: AWTIP lmplementation Pl Set 4: Rate Rebasing Supporl Quantity 13: Validation and Estimation of proposed Concessionaire CAPEX as support to Rate Rebasing Exercise of MWSS Regulatory x,too x2oo/o 3rd Quarter Target Actual 4th Quarter Target Actual MWS S-CO PES Form 3 l2of2 Monitoring Report Description Weight Baseline Rating/Score 2012 Cffice, resulting in at least 30% reduction from declared CAPEX Subtotal of weights and ratings: MFO 2: Regulatory Seryices Pl Set 5: lmplementation of the MWSS Master Plan on sewerage and sanitation/ Compliance with the SC decision to clean-up Manila 8OY" 2% AeUal x 1oo x2o/o rarger 2% Aelua.t x I aroet 2% Aelgal x 1oo x2o/o rarger 2o/o Ae!@l xloox5o/o taroel Bay Quantity 14: Completion of Marikina North STP (East Zone) 1oO x2o/o Quantity 15: Completion of Congressional, Legal, Grant, Paco, Baesa, Proj 7, Tatalon, Paltok, Bahay Toro, Samson, Tandang Sora, San Antonio, Del Monte, Kapiligan, Bagbag STPs (West Zone) Quantity 15: Completion of Talayan STP West Zone Quantity 17: 2o/o a) Desludging of septic tanks in the East Zone b) Desludging of septic tanks in the West Zone 2o/o Subtotal of weights and ratings: Quantity 18: Reorganization of MWSS completed TOTAL OF WEIGHTS AND \}' \' 3 -n a\J RATINGS: raroel 10% 1Oo/o Subtotal of weights and ratings: AeUel x 1oo x2o/o rargel Aelgal x 1oo x2o/o 10% 100Yo Actual Tarqet x 100 x 1Oo/o 97Yo 91% 4th Quarter Target Actua!
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