Post Office Box 1748 Gastonia, North Carolina 28053 Phone (704) 866-6837 150 South York Street Gastonia, North Carolina 28052 Fax (704) 869-1960 AGENDA The MPO Board of the Gaston‐Cleveland‐Lincoln Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) will meet Thursday, March 26, 2015 at the Gastonia Police Department Community Room. The Police Department is located at 200 Long Avenue in Gastonia, NC. Dinner will be served at 5:45 PM and the meeting will begin at 6:30 PM. The following is the agenda for the meeting: 1. Reading of the Ethics Statement Presenter: Todd Pierceall, MPO Board Chair In accordance with the State Government Ethics Act, it is the duty of every GCLMPO Board member to avoid conflicts of interest. Does any GCLMPO Board member have any known conflict of interest with respect to any matters coming before the GCLMPO Board today? If so, please identify the conflict and refrain from any participation in the particular matter involved. 2. Set Agenda Presenter: Todd Pierceall, MPO Board Chair The agenda needs to be set to include adding “New” or “Other Business 3. Determination of Quorum and Good Standing Presenter: Todd Pierceall, MPO Board Chair The bylaws for the MPO require a quorum of 50% of voting members. This requires attendance of at least nine (9) of the following members: [ ] City of Belmont [ ] City of Lincolnton [ ] City of Bessemer City [ ] City of Lowell * [ ] Town of Boiling Springs * [ ] City of Mount Holly [ ] City of Cherryville [ ] Town of Ranlo [ ] Town of Cramerton [ ] City of Shelby [ ] Town of Dallas [ ] Town of Stanley [ ] City of Gastonia (1/2) [ ] County of Cleveland [ ] City of Gastonia (2/2) [ ] County of Gaston [ ] City of Kings Mountain [ ] County of Lincoln *Not in Good Standing (Missed three or more consecutive meetings) According to the MPO Board Bylaws, the NC Board of Transportation member is the only voting member that does not count towards the quorum. [ ] NC Board of Transportation Post Office Box 1748 Gastonia, North Carolina 28053 Phone (704) 866-6837 150 South York Street Gastonia, North Carolina 28052 Fax (704) 869-1960 4. Approval of Minutes Presenter: Todd Pierceall, MPO Board Chair Review and adopt the minutes from the regularly scheduled meetings of December 3, 2014 and January 22, 2015. ACTION REQUESTED: Approve as Presented. 5. Introduction of Members & Guests Presenter: Todd Pierceall, MPO Board Chair All guests shall introduce themselves at this time. 6. Public Comment Presenter: Todd Pierceall, MPO Board Chair Any public comment will be presented and addressed at this time. Public comment should be kept to a reasonable period of time. CONSENT AGENDA 7. Administrative Modification 2012‐2020 MTIP Presenter: Bernie Yacobucci, Transportation Planner I C‐5508 – Dallas, Dallas‐High Shoals Rd (US 321), Dallas Cherryville Highway to Park Road and East on Park road to Sam Rhyme Court. Construct Sidewalks. Delay construction from FY 14 to FY 15 to allow additional time for planning and design. $237,000. EB‐5114 – Mount Holly, Mount Holly Riverfront Greenway. Delay construction from FY 14 to FY 15 to allow additional time for ROW. $800,000. ACTION REQUESTED: Approve the Administrative Modifications as Presented. Post Office Box 1748 Gastonia, North Carolina 28053 Phone (704) 866-6837 150 South York Street Gastonia, North Carolina 28052 Fax (704) 869-1960 REGULAR AGENDA 8. GCLMPO Public Participation Process Presenter: Bret Baronak, Senior Transportation Planner The GCLMPO has completed a public comment period for the update of the required Public Participation Process (PPP) for the MPO. Pursuant to Federal Regulations, MPOs are required to develop and approve a public participation process that informs citizens about the MPO urban transportation planning process. The process document is required to have a 45‐day public comment period to solicit input. The public comment period began on January 23rd and lasted until March 8th. The only comments received were from the Southern Environmental Law Center (SELC). A summary of those comments, in addition to the original comment letter, are included in the agenda backup. The Board will need to address and consider modifications based upon these comments prior to rendering a decision on the PPP document. ACTION REQUESTED: Approve PPP per the consideration of public comment received. 9. Draft 2015‐2025 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) Presenter: Bjorn Hansen, AICP CTP, Senior Transportation Planner On December 4, 2014 the NCDOT released the results of SPOT 3.0, which is reflected in the draft Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). The MPO is required to update its long‐range transportation plan (called the Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP)) to include the results of the STIP. The MPO Board chose to table the decision to approve the 2040 MTP project list until the effects of including the Garden Parkway are better understood. The enclosed memorandum details the results of a meeting with the concerned MPO Board members. ACTION REQUESTED: Approve as Presented 10. SPOT 4.0 Candidate Project Development Presenter: Bjorn Hansen, AICP CTP, Senior Transportation Planner The MPO is asking member governments to begin evaluating existing candidate projects in the NCDOT’s database to determine if they should be revised or replaced in order to increase competitiveness in the next STIP development process, called SPOT 4.0. MPO members may also recommend projects that are no longer supported or competitive in the short term be removed from the database. Any new, modified, or deleted projects need to be approved by August 2015. ACTION REQUESTED: For information and feedback only Post Office Box 1748 Gastonia, North Carolina 28053 Phone (704) 866-6837 150 South York Street Gastonia, North Carolina 28052 Fax (704) 869-1960 11. FY 2015‐2016 GCLMPO Unified Planning Work Program Presenter: Hank Graham, AICP, Principal Transportation Planner The MPO is required to approve a work program and budget to identify tasks and expenses for the upcoming fiscal year. Mr. Graham will review the proposed work tasks and budget for the next year, as well as several proposed planning initiatives requesting funding through the MPO including a downtown plan for Lowell. ACTION REQUESTED: Approve as Presented 12. Build a Better Boulevard‐ Wilkinson Blvd Presenter: Demetri Baches, Metrocology, Inc. Mr. Baches will present the results of the recently completed Wilkinson Blvd. Study, which made a range of land use and transportation recommendations in and around Belmont, Cramerton, and McAdenville. ACTION REQUESTED: Approve as Presented 13. GCLMPO Web‐Based Mapping Resources Presenter: Bjorn Hansen, AICP CTP, Senior Transportation Planner MPO staff will present web‐based maps of MPO data and suggestions for how MPO members can use them for internal purposes and to disseminate to the public. ACTION REQUESTED: For information and feedback only 14. New Business None 15. Other Business a. NCDOT Update – Division 12 Staff and TPB MPO Coordinator b. 2015 SEI and RED filing reminder c. Transit Systems Ridership 16. Adjournment If you have any additional items or questions regarding this agenda, please call Hank Graham at 704‐854‐6663, Bernie Yacobucci at 704‐854‐6604, Bret Baronak at 704‐866‐6980, or Bjorn Hansen at 704‐854‐6632. You can also e‐mail us at,,, or respectively. Page 1 of 6 MEETING MINUTES Gaston-Cleveland-Lincoln Metropolitan Planning Organization (GCLMPO) Board December 3, 2014 The scheduled Board meeting of the Gaston-Cleveland-Lincoln Metropolitan Planning Organization was held on Wednesday, December 3, 2014 beginning at 6:30 PM at the Gastonia Police Department Community Room, located in the Gastonia Police Department building, 200 Long Avenue in Gastonia, North Carolina. Members Present: Joe Carpenter Richard Turner Becky Smith H. L. Beam Jill Puett Ronnie Worley Dave Kirlin Todd Pierceall Howard Shipp Martin Eaddy Perry Toomey Dicky Amaya Danny Sparrow Johnny Hutchins Cecelia Martin Gaston County, MPO Board (Chair), Commissioner (Vice Chair) City of Belmont, Council Member City of Bessemer City, Mayor Town of Cherryville, Mayor Town of Cherryville, Council Member Town of Cramerton, Mayor City of Gastonia, Council Member City of Gastonia, Council Member City of Kings Mountain, Council Member City of Lincolnton, Council Member City of Mount Holly, Council Member City of Shelby, Council Member Town of Stanley, Mayor Pro-Tem Cleveland County, Commissioner Lincoln County, Commissioner Staff Present: Hank Graham Bernie Yacobucci Bjorn Hansen Bret Baronak Vicki Wright GCLMPO, Principal Transportation Planner GCLMPO, Transportation Planner I GCLMPO, Senior Transportation Planner GCLMPO, Senior Transportation Planner GCLMPO, Transportation Grant Facilitator Guests Present: Brian Wert Loretta Barren Andrew Bryant James Walker Bob Clay Dana Bumgardner Brian DuPont Monte Monteleone David Keilson NCDOT-Transportation Planning Branch, GCLMPO Coordinator FHWA, Transportation Planner Lincoln County, Planning Director Charlotte Citizen (Former Gaston Resident) NCTA, Board Representative Member of the NC House of Representatives, District 109 City of Mount Holly, Planner, TCC Chair Dallas Citizen NCDOT Division 12, Planning Engineer, TCC Member Page 2 of 6 Absences 2014 YTD (x = Absent) Member Dec Jan Mar May Aug Dec City of Belmont City of Bessemer City Town of Boiling Springs Town of Cherryville Town of Cramerton Town of Dallas City of Gastonia (1/2) City of Gastonia (2/2) City of Kings Mountain City of Lincolnton City of Lowell City of Mount Holly Town of Ranlo City of Shelby Town of Stanley Cleveland County Gaston County Lincoln County NCDOT - Division 12 -----x x -----x x ---------------x x -----x -------------------------x ----------x -----x ---------------x x x x -------------------------x ------ ----------x -------------------------x -----x -----x -------------------------x ----------x -----x -----x x x -----x ------------------------------x x ----------x ------------------------------x x --------------------x -----x x ----------x ----------x --------------------x -----x -------------------------x 1. Reading of the Ethics Statement Presenter: Joe Carpenter, MPO Board (Chair) Mr. Carpenter stated that in accordance with the State Government Ethics Act, it is the duty of every GCLMPO Board member to avoid conflicts of interest. He asked if any GCLMPO Board member has a known conflict of interest with respect to any matters coming before the GCLMPO Board today and if so, please identify the conflict and refrain from any participation in the particular matter involved. No conflict of interest was reported. 2. Set Agenda Presenter: Joe Carpenter, MPO Board (Chair) Mr. Carpenter asked whether any additions or changes needed to be added to the agenda. Mr. Graham requested to add a brief discussion to review a few items of the Ethics Training Session that took place on 12/2/14. Mr. Carpenter stated that this could be discussed after the Agenda is set. Mr. Worley motioned to accept the Agenda. Mr. Toomey seconded and the motion was passed unanimously. 3. Determination of Quorum and Good Standing Presenter: Joe Carpenter, MPO Board (Chair) Ms. Wright confirmed that the quorum had been met. 4. Approval of Minutes Presenter: Joe Carpenter, MPO Board (Chair) Mr. Carpenter stated that it was time to review and adopt the minutes from the special meeting of August 28, 2014 and asked if anyone had any revisions or changes that needed to be added. With nor revisions or changes, Mr. Carpenter requested a motion to approve the minutes. Mr. Toomey made a motion to approve the minutes as presented. Mr. Beam seconded and the motion passed unanimously. Page 3 of 6 5. Introduction of Members & Guests Presenter: Joe Carpenter, MPO Board (Chair) Mr. Carpenter asked each guest to introduce themselves at this time. 6. Ethics Training Discussion Presenter: Presenter: Hank Graham, AICP, Principal Transportation Planner Mr. Graham reviewed the disclosure requirements, deadlines, sanctions, etc. that were covered during the 12/2/14 training session. He mentioned that all members that were not in compliance, had been notified. He stated that the sanctions were not a civil penalty, but a financial sanction ($250) for each of the two required forms (SCI & Real Estate Disclosure forms). If it is deemed that falsified information has been submitted on these forms, this can result in criminal charges. New forms must be submitted each year. All MPO Board members must submit new forms for 2015 before the 4/15/15 deadline. 7. Public Comment Presenter: Joe Carpenter, MPO Board (Chair) Mr. Carpenter opened the floor for public comments. Mr. Monteleone presented the “Importance of the Garden Parkway”. He also mentioned that the project improvements for the Garden Parkway should not be abandoned. CONSENT AGENDA 8. Administrative Modification Presenter: Bernie Yacobucci, Transportation Planner I Project C-5505 – Belmont rail trail, Woodlawn Avenue to Belmont Abbey College and downtown. Convert abandoned NCDOT railroad line to a pedestrian trail. Mr. Yacobucci stated that this project has been delayed to allow additional time for the City of Belmont to resolve the right-of-way issues with the Railroad. Mr. Hutchins motioned to accept the Consent Agenda as presented. seconded the motion and the motion was passed unanimously. Mr. Pierceall REGULAR AGENDA 9. FY 16‐17 Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) Project Prioritization Presenter: Bjorn Hansen, AICP CTP, Senior Transportation Planner Mr. Hansen explained that CMAQ are federal dollars that flowed to states and are then assigned to transportation planning organizations to be used for projects to improve the air quality (ozone for the GCLMPO) and congestion. The State has projected for our region to have access to approximately $2.9 million over two years which we have used as a basis to make recommendations for the prioritization of regional projects for FY 16-17. The ozone non-attainment area affects two counties in our region (Lincoln & Gaston) so they are the only counties that are eligible to apply for these funds. These funds are used for projects that do not add highway capacity. Staff is requesting that the revised project list and the process we used to prioritize this list be accepted as presented. Mr. Kirlin motioned to accept prioritization listing and process as presented. Mr. Pierceall seconded and the motion was passed unanimously. Page 4 of 6 10. CommunityViz Software for Updating Socioeconomic Data in Regional Travel Demand Model Presenter: Hank Graham, AICP, Principal Transportation Planner Mr. Graham first opened by introducing the new GCLMPO staff member, Mr. Baronak (Senior Transportation Planner) and the point of contact for the CONNECT/CommunityViz process. Mr. Graham then recapped the results of the October 15 workshop on the use of CommunityViz software and the software’s potential application to improve MPO’s current socioeconomic data update process for Transportation Analysis Zones (TAZs) in the Regional Travel Demand Model. Cost to purchase this software, develop the process for implementing in the region, and perform training is $26,000. He announced since we have already allocated all of the transportation grant funds for this fiscal year, we will not participate at the cost funding level of this project until July 2015. We will however, begin to work with them with their planning efforts in January 2015. The MPO staff will continue to provide updates as the project progresses. Mr. Amaya motioned to accept the resolution as presented. Mr. Kirlin seconded and the motion was passed unanimously. 11. FY 2015 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) Amendment Presenter: Hank Graham, AICP, Principal Transportation Planner Mr. Graham stated that the approved FY 2015 UPWP budget needed to be amended to account for additional costs ($12,800) related to indirect costs and cost share divided per capita within the MPO region. The MPO will make this modification to the UPWP in the 3rd quarter. Mr. Pierceall motioned to accept amendment as presented. Mr. Kirlin seconded and the motion was passed unanimously. 12. Bicycle and Pedestrian Planning Update Presenter: Bret Baronak, Senior Transportation Planner Mr. Baronak presented the specifics of the local bicycle and pedestrian planning grant process. He reviewed the status and data collection of the pedestrian counters that have been strategically placed throughout our region. He also discussed the intent to form a MPO bicycle and pedestrian advisory committee aimed at overseeing and improving non-motorized transportation planning issues. Mr. Worley motioned to approve as presented. Mr. Toomey seconded and the motion was passed unanimously. 13. Resolution Supporting a Transportation Improvement Funding Source Presenter: Bret Baronak, Senior Transportation Planner Mr. Baronak stated that at the request of the MPO Chair, the MPO staff researched opportunities for additional revenue streams to help raise additional funding for the growing transportation needs within the region. Heavy discussion ensued. The MPO staff request approval of the resolution for additional revenue sources to be distributed to each GCLMPO County for future implementation efforts. Some board members requested further clarification and further detailed information before presenting this to their perspective cities/counties. Mr. Kirlin motioned to table until the next meeting to allow MPO staff to research and provide additional detailed information. Mr. Toomey seconded and the motion was passed unanimously. Page 5 of 6 14. Resolution Supporting a Modification of Procedures for Environmental Review and Legal Challenges Involving Federal Highway Construction Presenter: Hank Graham, Principal Planner, GCLMPO Mr. Graham presented the request of the GCLMPO Board Chair to prepare a resolution for modification to existing process of Environmental Review and procedure for addressing legal challenges related to the environmental review of federally funded transportation projects. The aim is to implement procedure revisions that would require environmentally-based legal challenges to take place earlier in the project development process. This would allow for a projects to be completed in a more time-efficient manner, and not be subject to delays due to expensive and unnecessary litigation. Further discussion ensued. A request was made for the TCC/MPO staff to make a presentation to the MPO Board of the background and current procedure of this process for clarity and review. Mr. Amaya motioned to table for further research and discussion at a later date. Mr. Kirlin seconded and the motion was passed unanimously. 15. Other Business Mr. Graham presented the 2015 MPO Meeting Calendar to be adopted. Due to scheduling conflict, the December meeting date was changed to 12/2/15. Mr. Hutchins offered to host an MPO meeting in Cleveland County sometime this year. Mr. Pierceall motioned to accept the 2015 Meeting Calendar with modification as presented. Mr. Beam seconded and the motion was passed unanimously. 16. Adjournment There being no other business, Mr. Carpenter adjourned the meeting at 8:30 pm. Mr. Toomey motioned to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Worley seconded and the motion was passed unanimously. Page left blank intentionally. Page 1 of 6 MEETING MINUTES Gaston-Cleveland-Lincoln Metropolitan Planning Organization (GCLMPO) Board January 22, 2015 The scheduled Board meeting of the Gaston-Cleveland-Lincoln Metropolitan Planning Organization was held on Thursday, January 22, 2015 from 6:30pm until 8:33pm at the Gastonia Police Department Community Room, located in the Gastonia Police Department building, 200 Long Avenue in Gastonia, North Carolina. Members Present: Dennis Bailey Richard Turner Becky Smith H. L. Beam Jill Puett Rick Coleman Todd Pierceall Howard Shipp Martin Eaddy Sam Mitchem Perry Toomey Linda Rhyne Danny Sparrow Johnny Hutchins Chad Brown City of Shelby, Council Member, MPO Vice-Chair City of Belmont, Council Member City of Bessemer City, Mayor City of Cherryville, Mayor City of Cherryville, Council Member Town of Dallas, Mayor City of Gastonia, Council Member City of Kings Mountain, Council Member City of Lincolnton, Council Member City of Lowell, Council Member City of Mount Holly, Council Member Town of Ranlo, Commissioner Town of Stanley, Mayor Pro-Tem Cleveland County, Commissioner Gaston County, Commissioner Staff Present: Hank Graham Bernie Yacobucci Bjorn Hansen Bret Baronak Vicki Wright GCLMPO, Principal Transportation Planner GCLMPO, Transportation Planner I GCLMPO, Senior Transportation Planner GCLMPO, Senior Transportation Planner GCLMPO, Transportation Grant Facilitator Guests Present: Brian Wert Loretta Barren Dana Bumgardner Al Greene Bill McCarter David Keilson Brian DuPont David Scharer Don Barkley Conrad Pogorzelski James Walker NCDOT, Transportation Planning Branch GCLMPO Coordinator FHWA, Transportation Planner Member of the NC House of Representatives, District 109 City of Lowell, City Manager Cleveland County, Planning Director NCDOT, Division 12 Transportation Planning Engineer TCC Chair, City of Mount Holly, City Planner TCC Vice-Chair, City of Shelby, Planning Director Gastonia Citizen Gastonia Citizen Charlotte Citizen (Former Gaston Resident) Page 2 of 6 Absences 2014-2015 YTD (x = Absent) Member Dec Jan Mar May Aug Dec Jan ‘15 City of Belmont City of Bessemer City Town of Boiling Springs City of Cherryville Town of Cramerton Town of Dallas City of Gastonia (1/2) City of Gastonia (2/2) City of Kings Mountain City of Lincolnton City of Lowell City of Mount Holly Town of Ranlo City of Shelby Town of Stanley Cleveland County Gaston County Lincoln County NCDOT - Division 12 -----x x -----x x ---------------x x -----x -------------------------x ----------x -----x ---------------x x x x -------------------------x ------ ----------x -------------------------x -----x -----x -------------------------x ----------x -----x -----x x x -----x ------------------------------x x ----------x ------------------------------x x --------------------x -----x x ----------x ----------x --------------------x -----x -------------------------x ----------x -----x -----x --------------------------------------------------x x 1. Reading of the Ethics Statement Presenter: Dennis Bailey, MPO Board Vice-Chair Mr. Bailey read the following statement to the body, “In accordance with the State Government Ethics Act, it is the duty of every GCLMPO Board member to avoid conflicts of interest. Does any GCLMPO Board member have any known conflict of interest with respect to any matters coming before the GCLMPO Board today? If so, please identify the conflict and refrain from any participation in the particular matter involved. No conflict of interest was reported. 2. Election of Officers for 2015 Presenter: Dennis Bailey, MPO Board Vice-Chair Board bylaws require the election of officers at the first meeting of the calendar year. The bylaws also require the Chair to have served as a Board member for at least one full year immediately prior to being elected. The Chair and Vice-Chair are both allowed successive terms until such time as they vacate their Board-associated position, or until the election of a new chair or vice-chair. ExOfficio members shall not be elected as an officer. Mr. Bailey suggested a bylaw change to hold all future officer elections in December versus January. He also stated that Mr. Carpenter had informed Mr. Graham that he was no longer available to serve as Chair. Mr. Toomey nominated Mr. Pierceall for Chair and Mr. Coleman seconded this nomination. Ms. Smith nominated Mr. Turner for Chair and Mr. Brown seconded this nomination. By a majority vote of 9-4 by show of hands, Mr. Pierceall was voted in as Chair. Mr. Pierceall made a motion for Mr. Bailey to continue as Vice-Chair. Mr. Hutchins seconded. Mr. Beam made a motion for the nominations to be closed. Mr. Hutchins seconded. Mr. Beam also asked if it was proper to add in his previous motion that Mr. Bailey be accepted by acclamation. These motions were passed unanimously. Page 3 of 6 3. Set Agenda Presenter: Dennis Bailey, MPO Board Vice-Chair Mr. Bailey stated that the minutes from the 12/3/14 meeting were not included due to bereavement within the staff and that it would be submitted at the next meeting. A request was made that staff distribute the Agenda packages earlier so that members would have adequate amount of time to review items and prepare for the meetings. Mr. Graham agreed to expedite the availability of future agendas for board members as early as possible, barring the culmination and deadlines of items that are not within the confines and control of staff. Mr. Toomey motioned to remove the approval of the minutes from the Agenda, as the minutes were not yet available for review. Mr. Pierceall seconded the motion and the motion was passed unanimously. Mr. Pierceall motioned to accept the Agenda with this revision. Mr. Brown seconded and the motion was passed unanimously. 4. Determination of Quorum and Good Standing Presenter: Dennis Bailey, MPO Board Vice-Chair Ms. Wright confirmed that the quorum had been met. 5. Approval of Minutes Presenter: Dennis Bailey, MPO Board Vice-Chair Minutes were removed per Item 3. 6. Introduction of Members & Guests Presenter: Dennis Bailey, MPO Board Vice-Chair Mr. Bailey asked each attendee to introduce themselves at this time. 7. Public Comment Presenter: Dennis Bailey, MPO Board Vice-Chair Mr. Bailey stated that public comments will be presented and addressed at this time. He also instructed speakers not to extend their comments beyond a three minute timeframe. Mr. Pogorzelski suggested that a better emergency response plan be put in place to clear accidents from I-85 in a quicker more efficient manner. Mr. Barkley questioned if greenway projects have now been put ahead of highway projects. Mr. Bumgardner also recommended that we implement a plan to clear accidents on I-85 quicker than the 3-hour period it took to clear the most recent accident. Consent Agenda 8. Administrative Modifications Presenter: Bernie Yacobucci, Transportation Planner I Mr. Yacobucci explained that the current project STIP Administrative Modifications were being added to the STIP in an effort to complete the projects ahead of schedule. All the added projects are currently in the planning and environmental phases. Mr. Pierceall motioned to accept the Consent Agenda as presented. seconded the motion and the motion was passed unanimously. Mr. Hutchins Regular Agenda 9. GCLMPO Public Participation Process Presenter: Bret Baronak, Senior Transportation Planner Mr. Baronak stated that staff had completed a draft update of the required Public Participation Process (PPP) for the MPO. Pursuant to Federal Regulations, MPOs are required to develop and approve a public participation process that informs citizens about the MPO Urban Transportation Page 4 of 6 Planning process. The public meetings for the public to view and comment on this document will take place in each of our three counties on February 18, 2015. The process document is required to have a 45-day public comment period to solicit input. The public comment period would begin January 23rd and last until March 8th. Mr. Pierceall requested for staff to add a cover page to this document that lists both contact and website information. Mr. Sparrow motioned to release the Public Participation Process document for a 45-day public comment period. Mr. Toomey seconded the motion and the motion was passed unanimously. 10. Draft 2015-2025 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) Presenter: Bjorn Hansen, AICP CTP, Senior Transportation Planner Mr. Hansen stated that the NCDOT released the results of SPOT 3.0 on December 4, 2014, which is reflected in the draft Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). This document includes all projects expected to be funded through FY 2025, including bridge replacement and road maintenance projects. The GCLMPO participated in this process through the solicitation and prioritization of capital improvement transportation projects across all modes, which were submitted to the NCDOT in August 2014. Mr. Hansen presented a summary of the STIP including how projects fared, MTP implications, and next steps in the STIP approval process. Mr. Hansen stated that the Shelby Bypass and the Garden Parkway compete independent of each other and neither scored well enough to get statewide funding. The Garden Parkway is very expensive and can only be funded at the statewide tier, while the Shelby Bypass is expected to be funded only at the Regional Tier. Mr. Wert further clarified that the MPO does not assign local points at the statewide tier, but do assign points at the regional and divisional tiers. Staff requested that the Board approve the MTP fiscally-constrained project list. If revisions are needed, then the list could be reviewed and approved in March. Mr. Hutchins motioned to table this item until the following March meeting to give the Board members more time to further study the specifics of each project in order to make more informed recommendations. Mr. Coleman seconded the motion and the motion was passed unanimously. 11. Additional Transportation Revenue Source – County Sales Tax Option Presenter: Bjorn Hansen, AICP CTP, Senior Transportation Planner Mr. Hansen presented an overview of how sales taxes can be used in North and South Carolina to pay for transportation projects. He listed the similarities and differences between North and South Carolina regulations and how it can be managed to establish additional revenue streams for local transportation projects within each county. This item was initially presented at the December MPO Board meeting as a request for MPO counties to consider placing a sales tax on their respective ballots to help pay for transportation projects. Mr. Bailey read a letter submitted by Mr. Hutchins from Mr. Falls, (Chair) Cleveland County Board of Commissioners opposing such a sales tax. Further discussion/debate ensued. Mr. Pierceall motioned to approve the resolution as presented. Mr. Turner seconded the motion. Due to a split vote of 6-6 by a show of hands, the motion failed. 12. Bicycle and Pedestrian Planning Update Presenter: Bret Baronak, Senior Transportation Planner Mr. Baronak presented an update of bicycle and pedestrian related activities. He mainly focused on progress made on the creation of a bicycle and pedestrian advisory committee for the MPO. Mr. Baronak stated that he met with select members from the TCC to layout the specifics of this committee including: membership composition, meeting schedule, anticipated activities, bylaws, etc. As this item was for information and discussion only, no further action was required at this time. Page 5 of 6 13. Atlanta-Charlotte Corridor – Passenger Rail Investment Plan Presenter: Bernie Yacobucci, Transportation Planner Mr. Yacobucci presented an update on the study, which is being led by the Federal Railroad Administration and Georgia DOT. This study is an extension of the high speed corridor from Charlotte to Washington DC. The purpose of the study is to assess the feasibility of improving intercity travel between Atlanta and Charlotte by expanding the region’s transportation capacity through high speed passenger rail. The latest update of the study includes an alternatives analysis and report for preferred corridors between the two cities. The three identified corridors each include Gaston County. Mr. Yacobucci reviewed the upcoming plans and schedule and informed that the draft for a Tier 1 Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) should be completed by Spring 2015. Mr. Wert added that the EIS is tiered and that the final EIS for Tier 1 should be completed in December 2016. As this item was for information and discussion only, no further action was required at this time. 14. 2015 MPO Calendar Presenter: Hank Graham, AICP, Principal Transportation Planner Mr. Graham presented the final 2015 calendar. The MPO Board approved the calendar at the December 2014 meeting. The calendar lists: Committee and Board meeting schedules, Holidays, and MPO Staff contact information. The MPO Board previously approved the calendar at the December 2014 meeting. Mr. Graham reminded the Board that when the MPO expanded to the three counties (Gaston, Cleveland, and Lincoln), it was agreed that we would rotate the meeting location from time to time. He added that all of the MPO meetings have been held in Gastonia except one which was hosted by Cherryville. At that particular meeting, we did not have enough members to meet quorum. He then proposed that Cleveland County host the next MPO meeting on March 26 and stated that the MPO staff would facilitate the logistics. Mr. Turner reminded all that we must meet quorum at the next meeting in order to deliberate and finalize the MTP revisions to meet the STIP deadline and suggested that we have the next meeting here in Gastonia. All agreed that the next meeting should be held in Gastonia and that Cleveland County could host a future meeting. As this item was for information and discussion only, no further action was required at this time. 15. New Business No new business. 16. Other Business Mr. Graham stated that all current board members were deemed “in compliance” by the State Ethics Commission by submitting the required forms before the deadline expired. If there are no significant changes in property ownership, all currently compliant members must also complete and submit the short form to the State Ethics Commission before April 15, 2015. All newly appointed members must complete and submit the long form to the State Ethics Commission before the April 15, 2015. Mr. Keilson presented the NCDOT status update of statewide projects in process in our region. The I-85 weigh station relocation project from the Catawba River to western Gaston County is about 2.5 years from completion. Due to a question that was posed, he further confirmed that the current weigh station would be decommissioned. Mr. Turner stated that the cities of Belmont, Cramerton, and McAdenville had received the final presentation of the “Build a Better Boulevard” Corridor Study of Wilkinson Boulevard between the Catawba and South Fork Rivers. He also added that the study offered very interesting proposals and solutions for improvements. He further informed that the presentation was posted at on Sunday 1/18/15 and invited everyone that had an interest to visit the website. Mr. Graham mentioned that he may invite Mr. Demetri Baches, of Metrocology, Inc. to Page 6 of 6 present this material to the MPO. Mr. Wert suggested that this presentation also be made to the TCC. Mr. Bailey announced that he had just located an email that he had received just before this meeting from Representative Hastings and is a forward from Mr. Walker. Since he did not get this is earlier in tonight’s discussion, he decided to postpone any discussion of this matter until the next meeting in March. 17. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 8:33pm. Mr. Beam motioned to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Toomey seconded and the motion was passed unanimously. Post Office Box 1748 Gastonia, North Carolina 28053 Phone (704) 866-6837 150 South York Street Gastonia, North Carolina 28052 Fax (704) 869-1960 CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS Agenda Item #7 To: From: Date: Subject: MPO Board Members and Interested Persons Bernie Yacobucci, Transportation Planner I March 26, 2015 Administrative Modifications to the 2012‐2020 Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program (MTIP) BACKGROUND: The NCDOT has asked for the following changes to be made to the MTIP for the GCLMPO. C‐5508 – Dallas, Dallas‐High Shoals Rd (US 321), Dallas Cherryville Highway to Park Road and East on Park road to Sam Rhyme Court. Construct Sidewalks. Delay construction from FY 14 to FY 15 to allow additional time for planning and design. $237,000. EB‐5114 – Mount Holly, Mount Holly Riverfront Greenway. Delay construction from FY 14 to FY 15 to allow additional time for ROW. $800,000. TCC ACTION: Approved as Presented. ACTION REQUESTED: Approve as Presented to modify 2012‐2020 GCLMPO MTIP. ATTACHMENTS: STIP Pages. Page left blank intentionally. ITEM N (HANDOUT) REVISIONS TO THE 2012-2020 STIP HIGHWAY PROGRAM STIP MODIFICATIONS DIVISION 12 C-5508 GASTON PROJ.CATEGORY EXEMPT - GASTON CLEVELAND LINCOLN URBAN AREA METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION DALLAS, DALLAS-HIGH SHOALS ROAD (OLD US 321), DALLAS CHERRYVILLE HIGHWAY TO PARK ROAD AND EAST ON PARK ROAD TO SAM RHYME COURT. CONSTRUCT SIDEWALKS. DELAY CONSTRUCTION FROM FY 14 TO FY 15 TO ALLOW ADDITIONAL TIME FOR PLANNING AND DESIGN. CONSTRUCTION FY 2015 FY 2015 - $190,000 (CMAQ) $47,000 (L) $237,000 EB-5114 GASTON PROJ.CATEGORY TRANSITION - GASTON CLEVELAND LINCOLN URBAN AREA METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION MOUNT HOLLY, MOUNT HOLLY RIVERFRONT GREENWAY. DELAY CONSTRUCTION FROM FY 14 TO FY 15 TO ALLOW ADDITIONAL TIME FOR RIGHT OF WAY. CONSTRUCTION FY 2015 FY 2015 - $640,000 (STPEB) $160,000 (S(M)) $800,000 * INDICATES FEDERAL AMENDMENT Wednesday, February 04, 2015 5 Page left blank intentionally. Post Office Box 1748 Gastonia, North Carolina 28053 Phone (704) 866-6837 150 South York Street Gastonia, North Carolina 28052 Fax (704) 869-1960 REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS Agenda Item #8 To: MPO Board Members and Interested Persons From: Bret Baronak, Senior Transportation Planner Date: March 26, 2015 Subject: GCLMPO Public Participation Process BACKGROUND: The GCLMPO has completed a draft of the required Public Participation Process document (PPP). Pursuant to Federal Regulations, MPO’s are required to develop and approve a public participation process that informs citizens about the various MPO urban transportation planning processes. The document is required to have a 45‐day public comment period to solicit input. The public comment period began January 23rd and lasted until March 8th. The MPO Board must address all comments received before approving the document. MPO staff held required public meetings as part of the comment period. They were held on February 18 in Gaston, Cleveland, and Lincoln Counties from 4‐6 PM. A total of four (4) persons attended the meetings to review the Plan and had no comments to submit. Over the course of the 45‐day period, the GCLMPO received one set of written comments. The comments were provided by the Southern Environmental Law Center (SELC) in a letter dated March 6th, 2015 (Attached). The comments will need to be addressed before the Board renders a decision on approval of the PPP document. The following is a summary of the modifications requested to the PPP. The SELC generally commends the GCLMPO for its efforts to develop an improved and further‐ reaching Public Participation document that will encourage participation by a wide range of stakeholders in the transportation planning process. Specific modification requests include: 1. Continue to review and update stakeholder list to ensure that the list reaches the widest array of interested parties. 2. Recommend that a provision be included in the PPP stating that NO final action may occur on a transportation matter requiring a public comment period until seven (7) days after all comment is received. Additionally, include a provision requiring MPO staff to convey all public comment to the Transportation Technical Committee (TCC) and MPO Board before seeking a final action. These provisions would ensure that appropriate time is given to review and consider the comments. Post Office Box 1748 Gastonia, North Carolina 28053 Phone (704) 866-6837 150 South York Street Gastonia, North Carolina 28052 Fax (704) 869-1960 3. Recommend expanding the response to public comment provision by placing the public comment/MPO response on the GCLMPO website. 4. SELC disagrees with the GCLMPO provision that limits public input from groups to five (5) minutes. They strongly suggest increasing this time as they believe five (5) minutes is not consistent with encouraging and welcoming public input at meetings. 5. Suggest providing more detail on activities aimed at ensuring the inclusion of traditionally underserved populations. Such activities include meeting individually with community leaders and organization serving these populations to build relationships and create strategies that work to best serve and encourage participation. 6. Suggest MPO staff create a publically‐available annual performance report that documents the effectiveness of public participation activities. This will allow GCLMPO to evaluate and make any changes necessary to improve public participation. SELC comments are duly noted and based upon the review of the comments, MPO staff is recommending language be added to the PPP that reflects comment #2. These provisions will ensure that an appropriate amount of time is allotted for consideration of public comment before a recommendation is made by the Transportation Technical Committee (TCC) to the MPO Board for a final decision. The following language will be included in the PPP document under the section entitled “Public Notice and Comment Periods”: “All public comment provided to the MPO will be reviewed by MPO staff and conveyed to the Technical Coordinating Committee and MPO Board for consideration. A minimum of seven (7) days will be allotted between the close of the public comment period and the TCC meeting in which a recommendation will be made to the MPO Board regarding consideration of the public comment.” TCC ACTION: Recommended approval of the draft PPP as presented, absent of SELC comments, which were not received in time for TCC consideration. Staff recommends the inclusion of comments as described in the aforementioned. ACTION REQUESTED: GCLMPO Board approve the Public Participation Process document with recommended changes. ATTACHMENTS: SELC comment letter and Draft PPP document PUBLIC PARTICIPATION PROCESS FOR THE GASTON-CLEVELAND-LINCOLN METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION Prepared for: GASTON-CLEVELAND-LINCOLN METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION (MPO) Board and Technical Coordinating Committee (TCC) Prepared by: GASTONIA TRANSPORTATION PLANNING DIVISION/GCLMPO STAFF Approved November 27, 2012 Draft January 22, 2015 Amended March 26, 2015 The preparation of this document was funded by grants from the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Table of Contents Study Area Profile and the Planning Process ............................................. MPO Contact List ......................................................................................... Public Notice and Comment Periods ........................................................... MPO Activities Warranting Public Input and Comment ........................... Transportation Improvement Program .................................................. Unified Planning Work Program ............................................................ Comprehensive Transportation Plan ...................................................... Metropolitan Transportation Plan .......................................................... Strategies to Solicit Public Participation .................................................... Monitoring and Evaluation .......................................................................... Summary ....................................................................................................... Attachment 1: Federal Definitions according to 23 CFR 450.114.............. 2 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION PROCESS FOR THE GASTON-CLEVELAND-LINCOLN MPO AREA Study Area Profile and the Planning Process Gaston, Cleveland, and Lincoln counties are within the Piedmont crescent of North Carolina and are part of the Charlotte-Gastonia-Concord Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Area. The region is a mix of rural, suburban, and urban development and character with a sprawling urban core that includes over one-third of the persons living in the three counties. One of the unique features of this urban area is the number of incorporated municipalities. Including Gastonia, which is the largest city, there are 18 municipalities participating in the governance of the GCLMPO. The U.S. Code of Federal Regulations, 23 CFR Section 450.316 guides the development of public participation plans for transportation planning process. The United States Department of Transportation, through the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and Federal Transit Administration (FTA) require: "...each urbanized area, as a condition to the receipt of Federal capital or operating assistance, have a continuing, cooperative and comprehensive transportation planning process that results in plans and programs consistent with the comprehensive planned development of the urbanized area" These federal regulations require a single agency be responsible for the implementation of the urban transportation planning process in each urbanized area. This agency is designated as the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for the study area. In the Gaston Urbanized Area, this function is filled by the Gaston-Cleveland-Lincoln Metropolitan Planning Organization Board and is advised by the Technical Coordinating Committee (TCC). The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) states voting members are elected officials appointed by their respective board or council to serve as each jurisdictions representative. The TCC are members of the individual member governments and NCDOT staff that review the technical aspects of all transportation planning including roads, greenways, transit, and bicycle and pedestrian planning. The TAC ensures that a continuing, cooperative and comprehensive (3C) planning process exists in the study area. The Federal Register states that: "The urban transportation planning process shall include the development of a transportation plan consisting of a transportation systems element for each mode out to twenty years. The transportation plan shall be reviewed four years or earlier if needed to confirm its validity and its consistency with current transportation and land use conditions." For the Gaston-Cleveland-Lincoln MPO area, the North Carolina Department of Transportation has led the development of Thoroughfare Plans, now known as Comprehensive Transportation Plans (CTPs). However, the Gastonia Transportation Planning Division staff leads the development of Metropolitan Transportation Plans, project prioritizations for Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) development, and a range of smaller transportation plans and programs. This work frequently involves travel demand model development, which can take months to calibrate. These models are used to evaluate the various alternatives proposed during 3 the planning process. The local planners and MPO staff provide demographic information and alternatives needed for the modeling. Much of this work is performed in coordination with the City of Charlotte Department of Transportation (CDOT), who has been responsible for managing the Metrolina Regional Travel Demand Model (MRM) since its inception. The decision to have one agency, CDOT, to perform this work is to better provide the uniform and consistent data collection and output necessary for regional compliance for plan development and conformity determination reports for demonstrating progress in addressing Ozone non-attainment as established by US Environmental Protection Agency. Public Contact List The MPO will maintain a distribution list of all Technical Coordinating Committee (TCC) and Board members, their alternates, and non-voting members stipulated in the MPO’s MOU and bylaws, who shall be apprised of all upcoming meetings and opportunities for comment on MPO plans and related documents. These TCC and Board rosters will include representatives of local governments as well as the NCDOT, FHWA, FTA, and other local transportation agencies, such as transit, airports, and non-motorized modes. The MPO will maintain an e-mail and mailing list of any interested person or organization who wishes to be made aware of all upcoming meetings, projects and opportunities for comment. The MPO will make specific attempts to include representatives of the following groups: Freight and Economic Development: Freight shippers, providers of freight transportation services, and economic development professionals Environmental: Federal, state, and local environmental protection organizations and advocates Land use: Land use planners/agencies not members of the TCC Aviation: Area airport representatives Non-automotive Transportation: Bicycle and pedestrian advocates, planners, and users Public Transportation: Public transportation, representatives of disabled persons, representatives of users of public transportation, governmental and non-profit providers of non-emergency medical transportation. Elderly, disabled, minority, limited English proficiency (LEP) populations; advocacy groups, etc. Public Notice and Comment Periods The MPO will provide adequate notice of upcoming meetings, as well as duration to public input and comment periods, in order to allow affected parties to review materials and submit comments. The public and interested parties will be notified under “Strategies to Solicit Public Input.” The MPO will provide a minimum of seven (7) days notice for all upcoming public meetings, and all public comment periods will be 30 days, unless otherwise noted in this Public Participation Process. All public comment provided to the MPO will be reviewed by the MPO staff and conveyed to the Technical Coordinating Committee (TCC) and MPO Board for consideration. A minimum of seven (7) days will be allotted between the close of the public 4 comment period and the TCC meeting in which a recommendation will be made to the MPO Board regarding consideration of the public comments. All comments, along with MPO responses, will be submitted to the TCC and Board for review and consideration. A written response to all public comments will be made within 30 days after the TCC and MPO Board have reviewed the comments. MPO PUBLIC INPUT AND COMMENT ACTIVITIES The following processes, include but are not limited to projects, project lists, programs, plans, and policy updates or development necessitating public comment or input are as follows: 1. Public Input Solicitation The MPO will solicit public input at the beginning of the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) development cycle to update the MPO’s candidate project list as well as the project ranking process for submittal to the NCDOT for consideration in developing the Statewide TIP (STIP). The MPO will solicit public input when adopting modifications to the local Metropolitan TIP (MTIP) periodically when a formal amendment is required. Public input will not be solicited for administrative modifications to the MTIP. 2. Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) Development: Once a draft UPWP has been reviewed by the MPO Board, the MPO will solicit public comment on the draft UPWP, which directs MPO staff on work tasks for the upcoming fiscal year. 3. Comprehensive Transportation Plan (CTP) Development: The MPO may choose to identify a steering committee comprised of members of the public as well as the TCC and MPO Board to oversee a significant update of a CTP. This update may involve periodic public input meetings to help guide the committee’s work. Once the steering committee, TCC and MPO Board have reviewed the draft Plan or changes MPO staff will solicit public input on the draft or amended document. 4. Public Involvement Process for Plan Adoptions The Gaston-Cleveland-Lincoln MPO involved the public throughout the MTP development process after the expansion of the MPO (portion of Gaston County only) to three full counties (Gaston, Cleveland, and Lincoln). At that point the Technical Coordinating Committee (TCC) and Board were expanded to include aviation, public transportation, chambers of commerce, and economic development representatives from the municipalities and counties from throughout the three counties. These representatives, in addition to the traditional planning and engineering representatives on the TCC, and elected officials on the Board, formed the backbone of outreach efforts to the community. All TCC and Board meetings are open to the public, include a public comment period, and press releases are sent to local area newspapers. The handouts and public comment forms are translated into Spanish and or Braille as requested. Public Input at MPO Meetings Public input or other participation is encouraged and welcomed at both the TCC and MPO Board meetings and will be limited to three (3) minutes per person or five minutes per group. 5 2040 MTP Project Identification Input Process Meetings A description of the project ranking process can be found in Chapter 11 of the GCLMPO Metropolitan Transportation Plan. Air Quality Conformity and Draft Plan Comment Meetings MPO staff will release draft MTP and supporting conformity documents for 30-day public comment periods. The two documents will be presented to the public at a series of public workshops in Shelby, Lincolnton, and Gastonia, held on consecutive dates. Verbal written and email comments will be received and presented to the TCC and MPO Board for consideration. The TCC and MPO Boards recommended and approved the MTP and corresponding conformity report at their first meeting following a 30 day comment period. Involving Traditionally Underserved Populations Presidential Executive Order 12898, Federal Actions to Address Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income Populations, directs federal agencies to identify and address disproportionately high and adverse human health or environmental effects of their programs, policies, and activities on minority and low-income populations. Presidential Executive Order 13166, Improving Access to Services for Persons with Limited English Proficiency, requires federal agencies to improve access to federally conducted and assisted programs and activities for persons who, as a result of national origin, are limited in their English proficiency. Both Executive Orders are based on Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, or national origin, by government agencies that receive federal funding. The number of U.S. residents for whom English is a second language is increasing, and minority and low-income populations frequently have limited English proficiency and/or literacy. To respond to the ever-changing demographics of our population we must use a range of methods to reach all populations. The end goal is to involve minority, low-income, and limited English proficiency populations in the transportation decision-making process. To accomplish this we must solicit adequate, effective, and meaningful participation by understanding unique needs, cultural perspectives, and financial limitations of different socioeconomic groups. These include, but are not limited to, the groups outlined below. Blacks – a person having origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa. Hispanics – a person of Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Central or South American, or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race. Asian Americans – a person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, the Indian subcontinent, or the Pacific Islands. American Indians and Alaskan Natives – a person having origins in any of the original people of North America and who maintains cultural identification through tribal affiliation or community recognition. Low-income – a person whose household income (or in the case of a community or group, whose median household income) is at or below the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services poverty guidelines. 6 The MPO attempts to increase participation of these groups by translating public input documents into Spanish, holding public input meetings outside traditional meeting places, and by holding multiple meetings. Formal/Major Amendments are required when changes cause the addition or deletion of a transportation project for a CTP, MTIP, or STIP, changes in project cost beyond a predetermined threshold and may affect fiscal constraint, changes that shift project phase initiation dates into or out of the 4-year TIP time window, changes in funding sources involving non-traditional funding sources (including GARVEE bonds and public/private partnerships), or major change in design concept or scope. An example of a “major” scope change might be changing the project termini or number of through travel lanes or significantly altering the proposed transit coverage area, and costs increases in public transportation projects that exceed either $1 million or 25% of the original project cost. Formal Amendment Examples: Change in project cost beyond a predetermined threshold; increases in highway projects that exceed both $2 million and 25% of the original cost and may affect fiscal constraint and changes (increases or decreases) in transit projects that exceed either $1 million or 25% of the original project cost; Any addition or deletion of a federally funded project to the first 4 years of the Program; Addition or deletion of any regionally significant project into the first 4 years of the Program; Change in project design or scope that significantly changes; the termini or project type, purpose, or number of through lanes on a non-exempt (for transportation purposes) project; Any addition, deletion or significant modification of non-traditional funding source to a project (traditional sources of revenue include federal, state, or local government tax revenues. Non-traditional sources include state bonding and/or private participation); Project schedule shifts that move ROW, major capital acquisitions, or construction authorization dates either into or out of the 4 year STIP time window; Project schedule shifts in years 1 through 4 that move project completion dates across Horizon Years as determined by the local Metropolitan Transportation plan; Project schedule shifts to incorporate the project from an out-year into the current (fouryear) TIP. Note: Amendments require documentation of a 30-day public review and comment opportunity, and a public meeting. Also, the amendment may require re-demonstration of fiscal constraint and local transportation conformity determination. Fiscal constraint may be shown by either the project cost impact being less than 5% of the expected annual budget or by showing other project cost reductions and/or revenue increases within the affected fiscal year(s). The public would be encouraged to comment on these proposed changes in accordance with “Strategies to Solicit Public Input” found later in this document. Minor and Administrative Amendments 7 1. If the amendment is minor then the MPO may work with representatives of the affected community or communities to develop recommended changes. At that point the MPO would only advertise before considering approving changes to the CTP. 2. For minor updates to the Metropolitan Transportation Plan: That does not include a change to the horizon year nor significant changes to thoroughfare cross-sections or alignments - the MPO will accept public comments at the MPO Board meeting, and post all materials to the MPO web site. Any comments received through this process will be addressed and incorporated into the plan as appropriate. 3. Other plans and programs: The TCC and Board will guide the MPO staff on public input strategies for other plan processes, such as local pedestrian, corridor, or public transportation plans. In all cases accommodations will be made for ADA accessibility and Limited English Proficiency (LEP) populations. Administrative Modifications can be made to previously included projects when change in project costs are below the predetermined thresholds, movement of project phase initiation dates are within the 4 year TIP time window, change to project scope or description do not significantly diminish the ability to achieve the original project intent, and change in traditional funding sources occur such as local improvement bonds. Administrative modification is a streamlining process recommended by the FHWA/FTA/NCDOT through the Joint STIP Review of December 2011. Administrative modifications do not require documentation of public review or comment, re-demonstration of fiscal constraint, or a transportation conformity determination. Examples of Administrative Modifications: Any change to projects in years 5 or later of the STIP; Minor change to project descriptions, scopes, sponsor funding; Minor cost increases in highway projects that do not exceed both $2 million and 25% of the original project cost; Minor cost change (increase or decrease) in transit projects that do not exceed either $1 million or 25% of the original project cost; Schedule changes that move project authorization dates within the first 4 year STIP time window and do not affect local air quality conformity findings; Funding source changes between traditional funding sources (i.e. substituting available Congestion Mitigation Air Quality (CMAQ) funds for FTA Section 5307 formula transit funds); Projects approved for Emergency Relief funds do not generally have to be included in the STIP, so any changes made for emergency projects may be considered minor modifications. State funded projects are amended when the fiscal year changes or when there is a significant change in the project description. Unless the project is determined to be regionally significant for transportation conformity purposes, these amendments are approved solely by the State Board of Transportation. Local approval of these changes is desired but not legally required. The 8 GCLMPO may treat these as Administrative modifications if the Board so chooses. If a change to a state funded project that is regionally significant, this requires a new transportation conformity determination, this determination must be made before the amendment can be processed. The state public notification process will be the same for state funded projects as it is for federal-aid projects. Public Participation Processes The GCLMPO commits to the following strategies, as appropriate for the program, for effective public participation in transportation planning in its study area. Newspapers: The GCLMPO will run press releases, legal ads, or articles in the newspapers of record in each of the three counties. These press releases or legal ads will be run at least seven (7) days in advance of any public meeting. Posting of Public Meetings: the GCLMPO will distribute press releases for prominent posting at area Division of Motor Vehicle (DMV) facilities and county-level department of public health offices in addition to traditional outlets such as municipal offices with populations greater than 3,000 persons as of the 2010 Census. Information Cards: the GCLMPO will distribute information cards at public meetings to help determine if we are reaching a broad range of citizens, race, income, location, how they heard about meetings or public comment periods, etc. Internet: The GCLMPO will maintain a Section 508/ Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)-compliant web site. All programs and projects developed by the MPO will be posted to the website. Hotlinks to the NCDOT, local governments and other relevant transportation related programs or projects will be included on the website or a linked thereto. The website will include announcements of upcoming meetings and opportunities for public input. This public participation plan will be included on the website. Meeting Locations: a. The GCLMPO will attempt to hold public comment and input meetings and utilize bulletin boards in public and/or government buildings (City Halls, County Health Clinics, Public Libraries, etc.), newsletters and other media forms for information dissemination will attempt to notify Title VI population groups of meetings and at county public health department offices, Division of Motor Vehicles facilities, and community centers when possible. b. MPO meetings: At the Gastonia Police Department; 200 Long Avenue; Gastonia, NC. If changes need to be made to the location the public will be notified at least seven-days in advance. c. TCC meetings: Gaston County Administration Building; Room 3A; 128 West Main Avenue; Gastonia, NC. d. Program and Sub-Committee meetings: These meetings will be held in nontraditional government locations that will be determined during the programs development, but in each of the counties involved. e. To the extent possible, GCLMPO meetings will be held in ADA-accessible locations along scheduled public transportation routes. 9 Meeting Format: the MPO will employ visualization techniques to describe metropolitan transportation plans, TIPs, and other related documents. This will typically mean displaying information as maps, graphs, tables, and charts in addition to written documents. MPO staff will present information verbally as well as through printed materials. Meeting Times for TCC and MPO Board Meetings: Regular meetings for both GCLMPO boards will be held bi-monthly beginning in January and in each odd-numbered month of the year, unless otherwise determined by the board. . The MPO Board will typically meet at 6:30 pm on the fourth Thursday of the month. The TCC will meet regularly at 10:00 am on the second Wednesday of the odd-numbered months of the year Board Meeting Agenda Packets - The agenda will be electronically transmitted and posted on the MPO webpage at least seven (7) days in advance of any board meetings. If any person or organization wishes to receive a hard copy they can request by contacting GCLMPO staff in advance of the meeting. Meeting Times for Public Participation Meetings: MPO staff will work to schedule meetings at times convenient to the general public, with both day and evening meetings scheduled when possible. Coordination with the NCDOT and Other Agencies: The GCLMPO will coordinate with the NCDOT and other related agencies whenever possible in order to maximize the effectiveness of concurrent public outreach and public comment events and processes. Translation: The GCLMPO will provide translation of any requested documents into another language within a reasonable period of time. Environmental Justice (EJ): The MPO will distribute announcements of upcoming meetings and opportunities for public input to persons or organizations identified in the Public Contact List portion of this document. Monitoring, Evaluation, and Updates GCLMPO staff will evaluate the effectiveness of this public participation plan (PPP) two years after the date of adoption to determine if the plan’s objectives are being met, or if modifications are necessary. The results of this evaluation will be presented to the TCC and Board for their feedback, recommendation, and adoption of a modified PPP, if necessary. While this PPP does not list specific performance criteria we will track the number of attendees at public comment meetings, tracking the frequency of and geographic location of public meetings and tracking visitor trends on the MPO web site, the number of comments received from all the public, information cards designed to inform us of how they heard about the meetings, or the public comment period, and any personal information provided. Any recommended updates to this plan shall be available to the public for 45 calendar days before the revised document is adopted by the MPO. Copies of the updated public participation plan shall be distributed based on this policy and a copy provided to the NCDOT, FHWA, and FTA for their records as well as posted on the MPO’s web site. 10 Post Office Box 1748 Gastonia, North Carolina 28053 Phone (704) 866-6837 150 South York Street Gastonia, North Carolina 28052 Fax (704) 869-1960 Agenda Item #9 To: MPO Board Members and Interested Persons From: Bjorn E. Hansen, AICP CTP, Senior Transportation Planner Date: March 26, 2015 Subject: Draft 15‐25 MTIP and Draft 2040 MTP Project List by Horizon Year On December 4, 2014 the NCDOT released the results of SPOT 3.0, which is reflected in the draft Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) and the MPO’s subset, called the Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program (MTIP). This document includes all projects expected to be funded through FY 2025, including bridge replacement and road maintenance projects. The GCLMPO participated in this process through the solicitation and prioritization of capital improvement transportation projects across all modes, which were submitted to the NCDOT in August 2014. At its January meeting, the TCC recommended the attached revised long range plan list (the Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP)) that included the results of the SPOT process. This process resulted in fewer projects being funded than previously assumed fiscally‐feasible. At its January meeting, the MPO Board chose to table the requested action based on concerns over whether including the Garden Parkway in the MTP would result in competition with other area projects for scarce resources. In order to discuss the issue further and address concerns, MPO staff organized a meeting on February 13, 2015 at the Cleveland County Administrative Building in Shelby. The following people attended the meeting either in person or via teleconference. MPO staff: Hank Graham and Bjorn Hansen NCDOT Division 12 staff: Reuben Chandler and David Keilson NCDOT TIP Unit: Van Argabright NCDOT SPOT Office: David Wasserman NCDOT TPB: Jamal Alavi and Brian Wert Federal Highway Administration: Loretta Barren Cleveland County: Johnny Hutchins and Bill McCarter NC House of Representatives: John Torbett, Dana Bumgardner, Kelly Hastings NC Senate: Warren Daniel (represented by Andy Perrigo, Legislative Assistant) Concerned citizen: James Walker As a result of the meeting, Mr. Hutchins supports approving the revised 2040 MTP project list previously presented to the MPO Board that includes the first phase of the Garden Parkway from Post Office Box 1748 Gastonia, North Carolina 28053 Phone (704) 866-6837 150 South York Street Gastonia, North Carolina 28052 Fax (704) 869-1960 I‐485 in Mecklenburg County to NC 279 in Gaston County in the 2031‐2040 horizon. This support is contingent upon the MPO committing to removing all phases of the Garden Parkway from the SPOT 4.0 project database this summer, with the intention of resubmitting the phases in future iterations of the STIP development process. RESULTS OF FEBRUARY 13, 2015 MEETING There were two requests made to follow up on this discussion. The assignments to MPO staff were as follows: 1. Develop two sets of motion text for the MPO board to consider at its March meeting based on its decision to either include the Catawba River crossing phase of the Garden Parkway in the 2031‐2040 horizon of the MTP or to not include it at all in the MTP. The text for including it in the MTP will state that the MPO supports the project but due to fiscal constraint cannot identify funding for the project before 2030. The text for not including it in the MTP will state that the MPO does not support the project and understands this decision will likely result in the FHWA asking the NCDOT to pay back more than $22 million spent to date on design and environmental work related to the project, as the project will no longer be considered to have local support and will cease to be a viable project. The suggested text is as follows: a. If including the Catawba River crossing phase of the Garden Parkway in MTP: “I make the motion to approve the revised 2015‐2040 Metropolitan Transportation Plan project list.” This motion acknowledges that the Garden Parkway is a supported project by this MPO in the long‐term, but should be considered for removal from the SPOT 4.0 database for ranking in the near‐term. b. If removing Garden Parkway from MTP: “I make the motion to remove the Garden Parkway from the revised 2015‐2050 Metropolitan Transportation project list and approve the list as amended.” The MPO acknowledges a lack of support for the project and understands this action may result in the FHWA asking the NCDOT to pay back all funds spent to date on design and environmental work on the project if they conclude the project is no longer viable. 2. Develop a memorandum to Mr. Hutchins listing the SPOT 4.0 steps and decision points for the MPO Board to consider removing projects, including the Garden Parkway, from the SPOT 4.0 project database. The memorandum is attached. NEXT STEPS: The MPO has to complete several activities to help adopt this STIP in 2015. 1. The MPO shall update the project list in its 2040 MTP (formerly the long‐range transportation plan) to reflect the projects scheduled for the next ten years, as well as funding assumptions for future projects from 2026‐2040. This project list and revised horizon is required to be submitted to the Metrolina Model custodian for air quality Post Office Box 1748 Gastonia, North Carolina 28053 Phone (704) 866-6837 150 South York Street Gastonia, North Carolina 28052 Fax (704) 869-1960 analysis by March. The MPO will perform public comment on the plan update as a part of the air quality conformity and MTIP adoption process in mid‐2015. 2. The NCDOT and MPO will hold public comment periods on the draft STIP, as well as on the air quality conformity document that is necessary to demonstrate that this list of projects does not harm air quality in the region. The NCDOT will hold public meetings on the draft STIP in April, and the MPO will hold a public comment period on the air quality conformity document, the MPO’s subset of the STIP (the MTIP) and Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) project list amendments in July. 3. The MPO will need to adopt an amended MTP, conformity document, and Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program (MTIP) that includes all projects within the three counties found on the STIP. This will tentatively occur in August, based on NCDOT scheduling. TCC ACTION: Recommended adopting the 2015, 2025, 2030, and 2040 project schedules as presented for use in air quality conformity determination. ACTION REQUESTED: Consider approving revised 2015, 2025, 2030, and 2040 project schedules for use in air quality conformity determination and in the MTP. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Division 12 Draft FY 15‐25 STIP 2. Revised 2040 MTP Project Map 3. Memorandum to Mr. Hutchins 4. Draft SPOT 4.0 Schedule Page left blank intentionally. Maiden IREDELL IREDEL Casar LINCOLN B-5858 Co B-5863 Lincolnton Belwood B-5850 B-4571 B-5392 B-5393 B-5853 Hu B-5861 B-4981 B-5535 UTHERFORD GASTON CLEVELAND B-4751 B-5390 Ellenboro B-5531 Ellenboro B-5855 Shelby B-5845 B-5857 Gastonia B-5851 Kings Mountain MECKLENBURG Charlot B-5926 I CHEROKEE NCDOT FY 2015-2025 DRAFT STIP CAPACITY AND BRIDGE PROJECTS IN GCLMPO Blacksburg LEGEND B-5856 Highways Major Roads Minor Roads Counties Highway Projects 0 YORK 2 4 Miles Bicycle/Pedestrian Projects Y X Clover Bridge Replacement Projects Clover Blacksburg 1 Date created: 2/25/15 Page left blank intentionally. Mooresville BURKE CATAWBA Maiden IREDELL David Casar LINCOLN Cornelius Lincolnton Belwood Huntersville Fallston Polkville Lawndale High Shoals RUTHERFORD Dellview GASTON Cherryville CLEVELAND Stanley Waco Kingstown tic Gastonia Dallas Ellenboro Lattimore Shelby Spencer Mtn Mount Holly Ranlo Bessemer City Lowell Mooresboro McAdenville Belmont Kings Mountain Boiling Springs Cramerton MECKLENBURG Gastonia Patterson Springs Charlotte Earl I CHEROKEE GASTON-CLEVELAND-LINCOLN MPO Blacksburg DRAFT REVISED 2040 MTP HORIZON YEAR PROJECTS LEGEND Grover YORK Highways Major Roads Minor Roads Counties Shelby Bypass MPO Area MTP Projects Clover Year Horizon 2013-2015 2016-2025 2026-2030 2031-2040 0 1 2 4 Miles Date created: 1/9/15 Pineville Page left blank intentionally. Post Office Box 1748 Gastonia, North Carolina 28053 Phone (704) 866-6837 150 South York Street Gastonia, North Carolina 28052 Fax (704) 869-1960 MEMORANDUM To: Johnny Hutchins, Cleveland County Commissioner From: Bjorn E. Hansen, AICP CTP, Senior Transportation Planner Date: February 17, 2015 Subject: SPOT 4.0 Draft Schedule and Opportunity for Revising Candidate Project List This memorandum is a followup to the February 13, 2015 meeting in Shelby where Cleveland County, NCDOT, FHWA, and MPO staff, as well as state representatives, discussed the implications of removing the Garden Parkway from the MPO’s 2040 Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP). The consensus reached at that meeting was to recommend including the first phase of the Garden Parkway in the MTP, but removing it from the NCDOT’s SPOT 4.0 database. This removal was deemed appropriate because the project is not scheduled in the MTP until after 2030, eliminating the need to consider funding it in the 2020s. At that meeting you asked for an explanation of the schedule of the SPOT 4.0 process, including at what point the MPO could choose to remove the project from the candidate project list. The attached schedule, dated November 17, 2014, was developed by the NCDOT and reflects the current schedule for the development of the FY 18‐27 STIP. The relevant milestones for developing an updated candidate project list are as follows: June‐July 2015: NCDOT Board of Transportation approves revised SPOT 4.0 ranking process. August 2015: MPOs, RPOs, and Divisions asked to submit revisions to existing candidate projects. September 2015: MPOs, RPOs, and Divisions asked to submit new candidate projects and projects to be removed. Please note the addition and deletion of projects requires coordination with the Division 12 Engineer. The MPO is scheduled to meet in July and September 2015, so the MPO Board can choose to approve revisions to existing projects at its July meeting and approve new candidate projects and deleted projects at its September meeting. I hope this information is useful. Please contact me at 704‐854‐6632 or with any questions. Post Office Box 1748 Gastonia, North Carolina 28053 Phone (704) 866-6837 ATTACHMENTS: 1. Draft SPOT 4.0 Schedule dated November 17, 2014 cc: Bill McCarter, Cleveland County Planning Director David Keilson, NCDOT Division 12 Planning Engineer 150 South York Street Gastonia, North Carolina 28052 Fax (704) 869-1960 November 17, 2014 Prioritization 4.0 Tentative Schedule (Two 60 Day Local Input Periods) - Option A (Recommended by P4.0 Workgroup) DRAFT - SUBJECT TO CHANGE Apr May Jun Jul 2015 Aug 2016 Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Workgroup Develops P4.0 Criteria/Weights; BOT Updated as Desired; Starts Sept 2014 BOT Reviews and Approves P4.0 Criteria/Weights MPOs, RPOS, Divisions Provide Modificati ons of Existing Projects MPOs, RPOS, Divisions Submit New Candidate Projects SPOT Reviews and Calculates Quant. Scores All Projects (Existing + New). Includes review of all data and costs (by MPOs, RPOs, Divisions, and Internal staff) TIP Unit Programs Statewide Mobility Projects MPOs, RPOS, Divisions Assign Regional Impact Local Input Points (with option to assign Division Needs Local Input Points) Key Dates: September 2015 – SPOT On!ine available for Entering and Scoring Projects March 2016 – Quantitative Scores and Draft list of Programmed Statewide Mobility Projects released July 2016 – Draft list of Programmed Regional Impact Projects released December 2016 – Draft STIP released SPOT Finalizes Regional Impact Scores and TIP Unit Programs Regional Impact Projects MPOs, RPOS, Divisions Assign Division Needs Local Input Points SPOT Finalizes Division Needs Scores and TIP Unit Programs Division Needs Projects NCDOT Releases Draft STIP NCDOT Provides Report to JLTOC Notes: Green Box = Decisions / Approvals Yellow Box = NCDOT Work Tasks Page left blank intentionally. Gaston‐ Cleveland‐ Lincoln MPO Revised 2040 MTP Highway Project List Regionally Exempt Significant Regulation Horizon Cost in Year of Year Expenditure Mileage Route Project Name From To Funding Tier SPOT Cost 5.2 0.0 9.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 6.0 0.0 0.0 0.6 Shelby Bypass I‐85 I‐85 I‐85 I‐85 US 74 NC 16 Bus NC 7 US 74 NC 73 US 74 Business NC 279 Shelby Bypass / US 74 I‐85 Interchange Upgrade I‐85 Widening I‐85 ITS Cox Road Interchange Upgrade Dixon Blvd Interchange NC 16 Bus Intersection NC 7 Intersection Dixon Blvd Access Management NC 73 Intersection Marion Street Intersection Lower Dallas Hwy Intersection West of NC 226 US 321 interchange NC 273 Sam Wilson Road West of NC 150 NA $ 76,507,000 $ 13,800,000 $ 148,000,000 $ 1,700,000 $ 1,160,000 $ 13,500,000 $ 930,000 $ 465,000 $ 3,200,000 $ 930,000 $ 1,860,000 $ 2,325,000 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes § 93.127 § 93.127 § 93.127 § 93.127 § 93.126 § 93.127 § 93.127 § 93.127 2025 2025 2025 2025 2025 2025 2025 2025 2025 2025 2025 2025 1.3 NC 279 Lower Dallas Hwy Widening Regional $ 14,740,000 Yes No 2025 $ 14,740,000 1.3 4.2 0.1 0.4 2.7 4.5 9.8 2.7 0.9 0.4 1.2 1.8 6.9 0.6 3.1 3.4 4.8 1.2 1.7 1.6 0.6 NC 273 NC 279 NC 27 NC 7 NC 73 New I‐85 NC 73 NC 180 Tuckaseege Road Widening S. New Hope Rd Widening W Charlotte Ave Intersection N Main St Widening NC 73 Widening Shelby Bypass / US 74 I‐85 Widening NC 73 Widening S Post Rd Widening Gaston Mall Drive Extension Franklin Blvd Highland St/N Main St Widening I‐85 Widening Franklin Blvd Intersection Shelby Bypass / US 74 Garden Parkway Dallas Cherryville Hwy Widening Spencer Mountain Rd Widening SR 1379 (Webbs Rd) Modernization Union Rd Widening Edgewood Rd Widening NC 150 (Dekalb St) SR 1439 Unity Church I‐85 US 74 Bus NC 16 Business NC 150 (Cherryville Road) NC 275 (Dallas Stanley Hwy) North of SR 2275 (Robinson‐Clemmer Rd) Beatty Drive SR 2478 (Titman Rd) SR 2534 (Hawthorne St) I‐85 NC 16 Business West of NC 150 NC 273 Cowans Ford Dam Bridge NC 226 (Earl Rd) Cox SR 2200 (Cox Rd) A&E Dr US 321 NC 274 (Broad St) US 74 NC 279 (South New Hope Rd) NC 275 (Dallas Bessemer City Hwy) NC 7 (East Ozark Ave/Lowell Rd) NC 16 Business Gaston Day School Rd SR 1395 (Southridge Pkwy) Regional Statewide Statewide Statewide Statewide Statewide Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Division Division Division Regional Regional Statewide Regional Division Division Division Regional Statewide Division Regional Statewide Regional Division Division Division Division $ 12,400,000 $ 28,130,000 $ 2,350,000 $ 4,715,000 $ 17,500,000 $ 34,500,000 $ 107,500,000 $ 12,000,000 $ 9,554,000 $ 2,270,000 $ 5,736,000 $ 11,684,392 $ 165,000,000 $ 141,745 $ 42,700,000 $ 115,500,000 $ 44,049,000 $ 4,641,975 $ 1,272,705 $ 12,867,900 $ 4,663,485 Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No Yes No No No No Yes No No § 93.127 2025 2025 2025 2025 2030 2030 2030 2030 2030 2030 2030 2040 2040 2040 2040 2040 2040 2040 2040 2040 2040 $ 12,400,000 $ 28,130,000 $ 2,350,000 $ 4,715,000 $ 17,500,000 $ 55,362,372 $ 172,505,942 $ 19,256,477 $ 12,000,000 $ 3,642,684 $ 9,204,596 $ 25,198,458 $ 355,837,559 $ 305,686 $ 92,086,447 $ 249,086,291 $ 94,995,689 $ 10,010,843 $ 2,744,704 $ 27,750,801 $ 10,057,231 US 29/US 74 NC 273 I‐85 US 29/US 74 Shelby Bypass Garden Parkway NC 279 SR 2200 SR 1379 NC 274 SR 1307 US 321 Lowell US 29/74 NC 226 NA West of NC 275 in Dallas (Dallas Stanley Hwy) Highland Street SR 2435 (Union‐New Hope Rd) NA US 29/74 (Wilkinson Blvd) W Catawba in Mecklenburg County To existing US 74 west of SR 2238. US 321 NC 16 Business SR 2200 (Taylor Rd) Wilkinson SR 2339 (Church St) SR 1939 (Lanier Ave) US 74 Wilkinson Blvd. To west of SR 1001 (Stony Point Rd) Middle of the Catawba River Bess Town Road Central Ave SR 1376 (Burton Ln) SR 2439 (Beaty Rd) I‐85 § 93.127 § 93.126 $ 76,507,000 $ 13,800,000 $ 148,000,000 $ 1,700,000 $ 1,160,000 $ 13,500,000 $ 930,000 $ 465,000 $ 3,200,000 $ 930,000 $ 1,860,000 $ 2,325,000 $ 1,484,257,781 Page left blank intentionally. Post Office Box 1748 Gastonia, North Carolina 28053 Phone (704) 866-6837 150 South York Street Gastonia, North Carolina 28052 Fax (704) 869-1960 Agenda Item #10 To: MPO Board Members and Interested Persons From: Bjorn E. Hansen, AICP CTP, Senior Transportation Planner Date: March 26, 2015 Subject: SPOT 4.0 Candidate Project Development OVERVIEW: The NCDOT is asking transportation planning organizations to review their candidate project lists from the previously project ranking process (SPOT 3.0) in preparation for the development of the next Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). The next project ranking process will be called SPOT 4.0. The MPO can choose to add, delete, and modify projects by September 2015. MPO staff have initiated this process by evaluating the existing highway projects in the database and making recommendations on phasing or modifying the projects to increase competitiveness in the next iteration of the STIP. In several instances MPO staff have recommended removing the project from the STIP database due to a lack of demand in the near future for the project. NEXT STEPS: The MPO members are encouraged to review the existing projects in the SPOT database and consider a local resolution to add, delete or modify projects by the end of June in order to submit to the MPO staff for presentation to the TCC and MPO Board at their July meetings. The MPO Board will be asked at its July meeting to approve amendments to existing projects and to approve adding or deleting projects at its September meeting. TCC ACTION: No Action Taken. ACTION REQUESTED: For information and feedback only ATTACHMENTS: 1. Map of suggested changes to SPOT 3.0 database Page left blank intentionally. Mooresville BURKE CATAWBA Maiden IREDELL Webbs Road modernizationConfirm support from Lincoln County David Casar Unity Church Road modernization- LINCOLN Confirm support from Lincoln County Cornelius Lincolnton Belwood Huntersville NC 275/NC 27 Bypassconsider removing due to low SPOT score and projected congestion Fallston Polkville RUTHERFORD NC 150 from Cherryville to Shelby BypassLawndale Consider removing due to low SPOT score and projected congestion and replace with targeted intersection projects Dellview CLEVELAND High Shoals NC 279- split project into phases and submit section from NC 275 to Bess Town Road. Consider rescoping as a three-lane project. GASTON Cherryville Stanley Belmont-Mt. Holly Central LoopConsider removing due to low SPOT score Waco Kingstown tic Puetts Chapel Road- Gastonia Consider rescoping as an intersection project due to low SPOT score Ellenboro Dallas Gaston Mall Driveconfirm eligability Spencer with NCDOT Mtn Lattimore Shelby Mount Holly Ranlo Bessemer City Lowell Mooresboro NC 161 (York Road)- confirm four-lane scope with NCDOT for feasibility McAdenville Belmont Kings Mountain Boiling Springs Cramerton Earl I-85 widening from US 74 to SC state lineremove to focus efforts on I-85 phase from US 321 to US 74 CHEROKEE LEGEND Grover GASTON-CLEVELAND-LINCOLN MPO SPOT 3.0 CANDIDATE PROJECTS AND Blacksburg SUGGESTIONS FOR SPOT 4.0 REVISIONS MECKLENBURG Gastonia Patterson Springs YORK Highways Major Roads Minor Roads Counties Shelby Bypass MPO Area Clover Projects in STIP Candidate Highway Projects Charlotte Garden Parkwayconsider splitting into phases 0 1 2 I 4 Miles Date created: 2/25/15 Pineville Page left blank intentionally. Post Office Box 1748 Gastonia, North Carolina 28053 Phone (704) 866-6837 150 South York Street Gastonia, North Carolina 28052 Fax (704) 869-1960 Agenda Item #11 To: From: Date: Subject: MPO Board Members and Interested Persons Hank Graham, AICP, Principal Transportation Planner March 26, 2015 FY 2015‐2016 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) BACKGROUND: The proposed FY 2015‐2016 GCLMPO UPWP outlines MPO work to be completed in by task code category. It also includes the dollar amount budgeted for each task code for the year and the funding source for these tasks by agency. The total proposed UPWP budget is $630,901 and is comprised of $319,705 from Transportation Planning (PL) grant funds and $41,270 (5303) from transit planning grant funds. The MPO member governments will be responsible for providing 20% local match ($117,926) for PL funds, and Gastonia will be responsible for the 20% match for 5303 transit planning grant funds. The invoices for local match will continue to be sent out quarterly. Please note these totals may change, as the FHWA and FTA have not yet provided official allocations for FY 15‐16. Special Studies funded by PL grant funds will not be subject to the overall local match cost sharing calculations and are funded by the affected jurisdictions only. There have been six new and carryover requests made so far for special studies, totaling $184,399: 1. City of Lowell for a downtown study‐ $50,000 total 2. Gaston County to assist with the transportation element of their unified development ordinance update‐ $10,000 total 3. Centralina Council of Governments Regional Freight Mobility Plan‐ $30,000 total 4. Metrolina Regional Travel Demand Model annual contract‐ $14,149 total 5. NCDOT I‐85 Ramp Metering Study‐ $11,500 total The proposed budget and local match calculations reflect proportional local match plus any additional match due to the use of special studies or 5303 transit planning funds. Note: The proposed funding levels have changed since the TCC review. New cost share allocation tables are attached. TCC ACTION: Approved as Presented. ACTION REQUESTED: Recommend approval of UPWP and Budget to MPO Board, including two resolutions certifying transportation planning process and UPWP. ATTACHMENTS: 1. FY2015‐2016 Unified Planning Work Program Narrative 2. Lowell request for local funds 3. Resolutions on UPWP and planning process 4. Local match tables Page left blank intentionally. GASTON-CLEVELAND-LINCOLN METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION UNIFIED PLANNING WORK PROGRAM FISCAL YEAR 2015-2016 March 26, 2015 Prepared for: City of Gastonia, NC Gaston-Cleveland-Lincoln MPO Board Federal Transit Administration Federal Highway Administration, and North Carolina Department of Transportation UNIFIED PLANNING WORK PROGRAM PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FOR FY 2015-2016 GASTON-CLEVELAND-LINCOLN METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION JULY 1, 2015 -JUNE 30, 2016 DESIGNATED RECIPIENT: CITY OF GASTONIA, NC (LEAD PLANNING AGENCY) The Unified Planning Work Program (PWP) is the instrument by which the Urban Area describes to the federal and state grant agencies how it plans to carry out the federally mandated “continuing, cooperative and comprehensive” (3-C) planning process. By law, Congress has determined that "It is in the national interest to encourage and promote the development of transportation systems embracing various modes of transportation in a manner which will efficiently maximize mobility of people and goods within and through urbanized areas and minimize transportation-related fuel consumption and air pollution. To accomplish this objective, metropolitan planning organizations, in cooperation with the State, shall develop transportation plans and programs for urbanized areas of the State. Such plans and programs shall provide for the development of transportation facilities (including pedestrian walkways and bicycle transportation facilities), which will function as an intermodal transportation system for the State, the metropolitan areas, and the Nation. The process for developing such plans and programs shall provide for consideration of all modes of transportation and shall be continuing, cooperative, and comprehensive to the degree appropriate, based on the complexity of the transportation problems." (§134, Title 23, US Code) Each year the planning staff of the Gaston-Cleveland-Lincoln MPO reviews the planning goals and objectives and identifies new projects for the coming year. This is done in coordination with the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) Transportation Planning Branch. Some of these tasks are ongoing, such as a traffic count program or the collection of socioeconomic data. Others have a more defined scope such as the Thoroughfare Planning process, a transit ridership survey, or a corridor study. After considering the amount of work necessary to complete the task, an estimate of funding is developed for each task code. The following section outlines the work to be completed in fiscal year 2015-2016 by task code category. Also included is the dollar amount budgeted for the year. The recommendations are as follows: Task Codes TASK CODE II – CONTINUING TRANSPORTATION Task Code II-A: Surveillance of Inventory Data II-A-l Traffic Volume Counts - Vehicle counts will be collected as needed throughout the Gaston-Cleveland-Lincoln MPO in support of corridor studies and other analyses. Staff will disseminate traffic volume counts from the Metrolina Regional Model when necessary. Staff will also evaluate the accuracy of counts collected by NCDOT. ($10,000.00) II-A-4 Traffic Accidents – Analysis of unit member local government vehicular accident reports will be conducted. The data will be used to determine whether roadway safety improvements are necessary. ($10,000.00) II-A-5 Transit System Data - Data related to the operation of Gastonia Transit will be collected as needed. Specifically, data collection efforts recommended in the Community Transportation Services Plan (CTSP), such as boarding and alighting counts, will be carried out as time permits. Also, the bus stop inventory completed as a part of the CTSP will be incorporated into the Lead Planning Agency's Geographic Information System. The City of Gastonia will prepare and complete an efficiency study of the current system to find way to improve overall efficiency. ($19,270.00) II-A-10 Mapping - Maps will be created for various projects such as corridor studies, transit planning and corridor protection activities. ($30,000.00) II-A-12 Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities Inventory – During the fiscal year, work will continue on the completing a sidewalk, bicycle facilities, and greenway trail inventory for the entire MPO area. This effort will aid staff in identifying the best routes for connecting major county resource attractions and "missing links" in the sidewalk and greenway trail system. ($30,000.00) Task Code II-B: Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) II-B-3 Travel Model Updates - LPA staff will fund a local share and work with NCDOT’s Transportation Planning Branch, Charlotte Department of Transportation and the Charlotte Regional Alliance for Transportation (CRAFT) to amend the Regional Model and specifically the Gaston-Cleveland-Lincoln Metropolitan planning area as needed. ($15,000.00) II-B-7 Forecasts of Future Travel Patterns - The datasets compiled for the regional modeling effort will need to be forecasted to our horizon year and any other years determined necessary for air quality modeling purposes. Several different land use scenarios may be studied. ($10,000.00) II-B-8 Capacity Deficiency Analysis – Staff will utilize transportation modeling analysis to determine whether existing roadway segments are deficient in capacity flows. This effort will primarily occur during the review of proposed land developments. ($10,000.00) II-B-9 Highway Element of the LRTP - Staff will make any necessary adjustments and amendments to the adopted Metropolitan Transportation Plan based on corridor studies done to refine alignments. These changes need to be coordinated with all necessary governing boards and NCDOT. Further, any amendments that are proposed through the Gaston County Land Use Plan will be reviewed. ($20,000.00) II-B-10 Implement policies and recommendations specified in the previous Transit Studies. Staff will also work with Gastonia Transit and each of the three member counties demand response transit services to implement the Coordinated Comprehensive Transportation Plan (CCTP) recommended transit changes and work with CATS to improve express bus service. The City of Gastonia will prepare and complete an efficiency study of the current system to find way to improve overall efficiency. (5303 funds) ($22,000.00) II-B-ll Bicycle and Pedestrian Element of the MTP - Staff will continue to work with NCDOT Division of Bicycle & Pedestrian Planning to publish the Gaston County bicycle route map. The original map was completed in FY 2003-2004 and adopted by the Transportation Advisory Committee. Staff will work on updating this map this fiscal year and print $5,000.00 worth of new map copies. We will continue to encourage the design of future transportation improvements that accommodate alternate modes of transportation. ($35,000.00) II-B-l4 Rail, Water or other mode of MTP – Staff will continue to work with NCDOT Rail Division and its leasee to renovate and redevelop the P&N Railroad Corridor for Freight and Economic Development purposes. In addition to rail efforts, MPO staff will work with unit member local governments along river corridors to research and implement blueways transportation activities. ($10,000.00) II-B-l5 Freight Movement/Mobility Planning - Staff will continue to work with NCDOT and the Metrolina Partners to better incorporate freight data into the Metrolina Model. Staff will also continue working to determine what investments offer residents of the GastonCleveland-Lincoln MPO a full range of real, practical mobility choices that suit their lifestyles and improve their lives. ($35,000.00) II-B-17 Congestion Management Strategies - Staff will work to preserve the functional integrity of the thoroughfare system by encouraging good access management practices. This will be done through coordination with municipal staffs and the development community. ($10,000.00) II-B-18 Air Quality Planning Conformity Analysis - The MPO must make a determination as to the conformity of the MTP to the State Implementation Plan (SIP) for air quality. Staff will work with NCDOT Transportation Planning Branch and other appropriate agencies to complete regional conformity efforts. ($10,000.00) TASK CODE III: ADMINISTRATION III-A Planning Work Program - Preparation of the annual Planning Work Program (PWP), and all related activities, is the objective of this category, along with the preparation of detailed task outlines as required by the Federal Transit Administration. ($10,000.00) III-B Transportation Improvement Program - Under this task code, staff will prepare the biennial Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program (MTIP). Staff will also evaluate any new projects proposed to be added to the Unmet Needs List using the methodology approved by the Technical Coordinating Committee and MPO Board. ($10,000.00) Task Code III-C: Civil Rights Compliance/Regulatory Requirements III-C-2 Environmental Justice - Recipients of federal funds must comply with Executive Order 12898 regarding environmental justice. Staff will work to ensure public involvement of low-income and minority groups in decisions making, prevent disproportionately high and adverse impacts on low-income and minority groups and assure that a proportionate share of benefits are received. ($10,000.00) III-C-6 Public Involvement - Staff will initiate an effort to update the adopted Public Involvement Process to better reflect current planning activities and to ensure an open exchange of information and ideas. Create and maintain a new Gaston-ClevelandLincoln MPO logo and webpage. ($10,000.00) Task Code III-D: Incidental Planning and Project Development III-D-3 Special Studies – Various Planning and Engineering Services will be completed. The City of Lowell will work on a Downtown Transportation Plan. The City of Gastonia will complete a Traffic Impact Study of the Cox Road/Franklin Square Area. Gaston County will complete an update of its Land Use Plan, including the Transportation Element. A Freight Plan will be conducted for the Metrolina Region. NCDOT will be conducting an Interstate Ramp Metering Feasibility Study along the I-85 Corridor will be completed. Purchase “Community Viz Scenario Planning Software” and assist with the initial database creation. Metrolina Regional Model work will continue. Additional transportation corridor functional designs may be pursued. ($171,631.00) III-D-4 Regional and Statewide Planning - Staff will continue to participate in activities of the Charlotte Regional Alliance for Transportation (CRAFT) and the North Carolina Association of MPOs. Also, a significant amount of time will be spent on the development of the Metrolina Regional Travel Demand Model. Staff will participate in other regional planning efforts and workshops as required. ($44,000.00) III-D-5 Corridor Protection - Staff will continue to participate in activities such as adoption of the model right-of-way protection ordinances and/or new subdivision ordinances. Staff will continue to monitor conformance with the adopted Gaston-Cleveland-Lincoln MPO Comprehensive Transportation Plan (CTP) maps through the review of proposed site plans, subdivisions and rezonings for local governments. ($20,000.00) III-E: Management and Operations - Staff planners will: attend the meetings of and prepare the agendas and minutes for the various committees it serves; document expenditures; file for reimbursement of expenditures; attend training sessions; and generally, manage all functions of the MPO. The Prospectus, Memorandum of Understanding and any other administrative agreements or procedures will be updated as necessary. Assistance and information will be provided to other agencies, the press, developers and the general public in regard to transportation-related issues. ($79,000.00) FISCAL YEAR 2015-2016 UNIFIED PLANNING WORK PROGRAM (UPWP) FOR THE GASTON-CLEVELAND-LINCOLN METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION WHEREAS, a comprehensive and continuing transportation planning program must be carried out cooperatively in order to ensure that funds for transportation program projects are effectively allocated to the Gaston-Cleveland-Lincoln MPO; and WHEREAS, The City of Gastonia, as Lead Planning Agency for the Gaston-ClevelandLincoln MPO Planning Area, has been designated as the recipient of FTA Section 5303 Metropolitan Planning Program grant funds, FTA Section 5307 Transit Administration Program grant funds and FHWA Section 104(f) Planning grant funds; and WHEREAS, members of the Metropolitan Planning Organization Board (MPO Board) agree that the Planning Work Program will effectively advance the transportation planning process for FY 2015-2016; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED 1. That the MPO Board of the Gaston-Cleveland-Lincoln Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) hereby endorses and approves the Unified Planning Work Program for FY 20152016. 2. The total UPWP budget amount is now $630,901.00. 3. The Chairperson of the Board is hereby authorized to make changes in this program that do not materially affect the scope of this Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) and is further authorized to make budget changes to this UPWP not to exceed 10 percent (10%) of the total budget approved by the state of North Carolina Department of Transportation (DOT) without prior consultation with the Board. 4. The Principal Transportation Planner is authorized to furnish such additional information to the United States DOT and the North Carolina DOT that they may require in connection with the application and implementation for the Program. A motion was made by _____________________ and seconded by ______________________for the adoption of the following resolution and upon being put to a vote was duly adopted. I, Todd Pierceall, Chairperson of the MPO Board for the Gaston-Cleveland-Lincoln MPO Area, do hereby certify the UPWP budget for fiscal year 2015-2016 of the Gaston-Cleveland-Lincoln, duly held on the 26th day of March, 2015. Todd Pierceall, MPO Board Chairperson Gaston-Cleveland-Lincoln Metropolitan Planning Organization ATTESTED: ________________________________________________ James H. Graham, Jr., AICP, Principal Transportation Planner Gaston-Cleveland-Lincoln MPO Coordinator I, Sovara G. Wright, a Notary Public for said County and State, do hereby certify that Todd Pierceall personally appeared before me on this the 26th day of March, 2015, and acknowledge the due execution of the foregoing instrument. Witness my hand and official seal. Sovara G. Wright Notary Public RESOLUTION CERTIFYING THE GASTON-CLEVELANDLINCOLN METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION TRANSPORTATION PLANNING PROCESS FOR FY 2015-2016 WHEREAS, the Board has found that the Metropolitan Planning Organization is conducting transportation planning in a continuous, cooperative, and comprehensive manner in accordance with 23 U.S.C. 134 and 49 U.S.C. 1607; WHEREAS, the Board has found the transportation planning process to be in compliance with Sections 174 and 176 (c) and (d) of the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7504, 7506 (c) and (d) (for nonattainment and maintenance areas only); WHEREAS, the Board has found the Transportation Planning Process to be in full compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Title VI Assurance executed by each State under 23 U.S.C. 324 and 29 U.S.C. 794; WHEREAS, the Board has considered how the Transportation Planning Process will affect the involvement of Disadvantaged Business Enterprises in the FHWA and the FTA funded planning projects (Sec. 105(f), Pub. L. 97-424, 96 Stat. 2100, 49 CFR part 23); WHEREAS, the Board has considered how the Transportation Planning Process will affect the elderly and the disabled per the provision of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (Pub. L. 101336, 104 Stat. 327, as amended) and the U.S. DOT implementing regulations; WHEREAS, the Gaston-Cleveland-Lincoln MPO Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program is a subset of the currently conforming Gaston-Cleveland-Lincoln MPO 2040 Metropolitan Transportation Plan; (nonattainment and maintenance areas only) WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Transportation Plan has a planning horizon year of 2040, and meets all the requirements for an adequate Transportation Plan, NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved that the Gaston-Cleveland-Lincoln MPO Board certifies the transportation planning process for the Gaston-Cleveland-Lincoln Metropolitan Planning Organization on this the 26th day of March, 2015. _________________________________________________ Todd Pierceall, MPO Board Chairman Gaston-Cleveland-Lincoln MPO ATTESTED: _________________________________________________ James H. Graham, Jr. AICP, Principal Transportation Planner Gaston-Cleveland-Lincoln MPO Coordinator Resolution adopted upon a motion of ______________________, seconded by_______________________, by a vote of the majority of the Gaston-Cleveland-Lincoln MPO Board. North Carolina Gaston County I, Sovara G. Wright, a Notary Public for said County and State, do hereby certify that Todd Pierceall personally appeared before me on this the 26th day of March, 2014, and acknowledge the due execution of the foregoing instrument. Witness my hand and official seal, this the 26th day of March, 2015. __________________________________________ Sovara G. Wright Notary Public Page left blank intentionally. Table 1 Gaston Cleveland Lincoln Unified Planning Work Program Fiscal Year 2015-2016 Expenditures (without SPR Funding) (July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016) Fund Allocation Task Code Description Federal II - CONTINUING TRANSPORTATION PLANNING Surveillance of Inventory Data II-A II-A-1 Traffic Volume Counts II-A-4 Traffic Accidents II-A-5 Transit System Data II-A-10 Mapping II-A-12 Bicycle & Pedestrian Facilities Inventory Sub-total Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) II-B II-B-3 Travel Model Updates II-B-7 Forecasts of Future Travel Patterns II-B-8 Capacity Deficiency Analysis II-B-9 Highway Element of the LRTP II-B-10 Transit Element of the LRTP II-B-11 Bicycle and Ped. Element of the LRTP II-B-14 Rail, Water or other mode of LRTP II-B-15 Freight Movement/Mobility Planning II-B-17 Congestion Management Strategies II-B-18 Air Quality Plng/Conformity Analysis Sub-total III - ADMINISTRATION III-A Planning Work Program Planning Work Program Sub-Total Transportation Improvement Program III-B Transportation Improvement Program Sub-Total III-C Civil Rights Compliance/Regulatory Requirements III-C-2 Environmental Justice III-C-6 Public Involvement Sub-Total III-D Incidental Planning & Project Development III-D-3 Special Studies III-D-4 Regional and Statewide Planning III-D-5 Corridor Protection Sub-Total Management and Operations III-E Management and Operations Sub-Total TOTALS 2015/2016 Federal PL & 5303 Funds FY 15-16 MPO (104(f)) Allocation RPO Allocation Total GCLMPO PL (104(f)) Annual Allocation Unobligated Funds Sub Total Total Shared PL (104(f)) Local Match 5303 Transit Funds TOTAL Special Project Requests (Fed Share only) State $8,000 $8,000 $15,416 $24,000 $24,000 $79,416 Totals LPA $2,000 $2,000 $1,927 $6,000 $6,000 $17,927 $10,000 $10,000 $19,270 $30,000 $30,000 $99,270 $3,000 $2,000 $2,000 $4,000 $2,200 $7,000 $2,000 $7,000 $2,000 $2,000 $33,200 $15,000 $10,000 $10,000 $20,000 $22,000 $35,000 $10,000 $35,000 $10,000 $10,000 $177,000 $8,000 $8,000 $2,000 $2,000 $10,000 $10,000 $8,000 $8,000 $2,000 $2,000 $10,000 $10,000 $8,000 $8,000 $16,000 $2,000 $2,000 $4,000 $10,000 $10,000 $20,000 $137,305 $35,200 $16,000 $188,505 $34,326 $8,800 $4,000 $47,126 $171,631 $44,000 $20,000 $235,631 $63,200 $63,200 $504,721 $15,800 $15,800 $122,053 $79,000 $79,000 $630,901 $12,000 $8,000 $8,000 $16,000 $17,600 $28,000 $8,000 $28,000 $8,000 $8,000 $141,600 $230,883 $88,822 $319,705 $152,000 $471,705 $117,926 $41,270 $630,901 $145,649 $1,927 $1,927 $2,200 $2,200 $4,127 SPECIAL STUDIES Lowell - Downtown Transportation Plan Gaston County - LU Plan Transportation Metrolina Regional Model Maintenance Ramp Metering Feasibility Study Regional Freight Study Community Viz Software Table 2 Agency Spending Gaston Cleveland Lincoln MPO Unified Planning Work Program Fiscal Year 2015-2016 Revenues Sec. 104(f) PL Task Code II-A II-A-1 II-A-4 II-A-5 II-A-10 II-A-12 II-B II-B-3 II-B-5 II-B-8 II-B-9 II-B-10 II-B-11 II-B-14 II-B-15 II-B-17 II-B-18 III-A Description Sec. 5303 Sec. 5307 Task Funding Summary Federal State* FHWA LPA FTA NCDOT LPA FTA NCDOT LPA 80% 20% 80% 10% 10% 80% 10% 10% $8,000 $8,000 $2,000 $2,000 LPA Total $8,000 $8,000 $15,416 $1,927 $24,000 $24,000 $2,000 $2,000 $1,927 $6,000 $6,000 $10,000 $10,000 $19,270 $30,000 $30,000 $12,000 $8,000 $8,000 $16,000 $17,600 $2,200 $28,000 $8,000 $28,000 $8,000 $8,000 $3,000 $2,000 $2,000 $4,000 $2,200 $7,000 $2,000 $7,000 $2,000 $2,000 $15,000 $10,000 $10,000 $20,000 $22,000 $35,000 $10,000 $35,000 $10,000 $10,000 Continuing Transportation Planning Traffic Volume Counts Traffic Accidents Transit System Data Mapping Bicycle & Pedestrian Facilities Inventory $15,416 $1,927 $1,927 $24,000 $24,000 $6,000 $6,000 $12,000 $8,000 $8,000 $16,000 $3,000 $2,000 $2,000 $4,000 $28,000 $8,000 $28,000 $8,000 $8,000 $7,000 $2,000 $7,000 $2,000 $2,000 $8,000 $2,000 $8,000 $2,000 $10,000 $8,000 $2,000 $8,000 $2,000 $10,000 $8,000 $8,000 $2,000 $2,000 $8,000 $8,000 $2,000 $2,000 $10,000 $10,000 $137,305 $35,200 $16,000 $34,326 $8,800 $4,000 $137,305 $35,200 $16,000 Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) Travel Model Updates Forecasts of Future Travel Patterns Capacity Deficiency Analysis Highway Element of the LRTP Transit Element of the LRTP Bicycle and Pedestrian Element of the LRTP Rail, Water or other mode of LRTP Freight Movement/Mobility Planning Congestion Management Strategies Air Quality Planning/Conformity Analysis Planning Work Program Planning Work Program III-B Transportation Improvement Program Transportation Improvement Program III-C Civil Rights Compliance/Regulatory Requirements III-C-2 Environmental Justice III-C-6 Public Involvement III-D Incidental Planning & Project Development Special Studies III-D-3 III-D-4 Regional and Statewide Planning III-D-5 Corridor Protection III-E Management and Operations Management and Operations Totals TOTALS $17,600 $63,200 $15,800 $471,705 $117,926 $33,016 $2,200 $4,127 $2,200 $4,127 $0 $0 $34,326 $171,631 $8,800 $44,000 $4,000 $20,000 $63,200 $15,800 $79,000 $0 $504,721 $4,127 $122,053 $630,901 TABLE 3 FY 2015-16 DBE Contracting Opportunities Name of MPO: Gaston Cleveland Lincoln MPO Person Completing Form: Hank Graham Prospectus Task Code III-D-3 III-D-3 III-D-3 III-D-3 III-D-3 Telephone Number: 704-854-6663 Prospectus Description Name of Agency Type of Contracting Federal Funds to Local Funds to be Total Funds to be Contracting Out Opportunity be Contracted Out Contracted Out Contracted Out (80%) (Consultant, etc.) (80%) (20%) Transportation Bike/Ped Plan City of Lowell Planning/Engineerin $40,000 $10,000 $50,000 g Services Transportation Land Use Plan - Transportation Gaston County Planning/Engineerin $8,000 $2,000 $10,000 Element g Services Transportation Gaston Cleveland Ramp Metering Feasibility Study Planning/Engineerin $9,200 $2,300 $11,500 Lincoln MPO g Services Transportation Gaston Cleveland Regional Freight Study Planning/Engineerin $24,000 $6,000 $30,000 Lincoln MPO g Services Transportation Gaston Cleveland Metrolina Regional Model Update Planning/Engineerin $11,319 $2,830 $14,149 Lincoln MPO g Services TOTAL $92,519 $23,130 $115,649 Note: This form must be submitted to NCDOT-PTD even if you anticipate no DBE/MBE/WBE Contracting Opportunities. Note “No contracting opportunities” on the table if you do not anticipate having any contracting opportunities. Table #4 G aston Table #4 Gaston Cleveland Lincoln MPO Sections 104(f) and 5303 FY2014-2015 Funding Sources Table and Task Narratives Gaston Cleveland Gaston Cleveland Gaston Cleveland Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Gaston Cleveland Lincoln Gaston Cleveland Lincoln Gaston Cleveland Lincoln Gaston Cleveland Lincoln Gaston Cleveland Lincoln 442301 442301 442301 442301 442400 442301 442301 II-A-12 II-B-3 II-B-7 II-B-8 II-B-9 II-B-10 II-B-11 II-B-14 Bike & Ped. Facilities Inventory Travel Model Updates Forecast of Future Travel Patterns Capacity Deficiency Analysis Transit Element of LRTP Bicycle and Pedestrian Element of LRTP Rail, Water or other Mode of LRTP 1 M PO Nam e Gaston Cleveland Lincoln Gaston Cleveland Lincoln Gaston Cleveland Lincoln 2 FTA Code 442301 442301 442400 442301 442301 3 Task Code II-A-1 II-A-4 II-A-5 II-A-10 Mapping 4 5 Title of Planning Task Task Objective 6 Tangible Product Expected 7 Expected Completion Date of Product(s) 8 Status 9 Prior FTA Funds 10 Relationship To Other Activities Traffic Volume Counts Traffic Accidents Vehicle counts will be collected Accident counts will be as needed throughout the collected throughout the Gaston Urban Area in support of Gaston Urban Area in support corridor studies and other of corridor studies and other analyses. Staff will also evaluate analyses. Accidents will be the accuracy of counts collected mapped and evaluated for by NCDOT. accuracy. Transit System Data To collect and study data as needed related to the operation of Gastonia Transit and for efforts recommended in the Coordinated Comprehensive Transportation Plan (CCTP) for the GGCLMPO. Utilize Arc GIS to map all Transportation Planning activities and needs Collect and map bicycle and sidewalk data Complete a Gastonia Transit Efficiency Study. Conduct an annual boarding and alighting ridership study/survey regarding Digital maps Updated traffic accident counts current routes and potential new routes reflective of both Update Gaston Updated traffic volume counts for and location for major and for Gastonia Transit and the Gastonia factual and Cleveland Lincoln major and minor thoroughfares minor thoroughfares within the Express Bus Route (85X) for Charlotte conceptual data. MPO Map within the Gaston Cleveland Gaston Cleveland Lincoln Area Transit (CATS). Continue to Create and transfer depicting all Lincoln MPO Area MPO Area incorporate data needed as mapping data to collected data recommended by Coordinated webpage. Comprehensive Transportation Plan (CCTP). 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 Input NCDOT counts into excel spreadsheet and link maps to webpage Coordinate and collect local data with local police In 2013, MPO staff worked with Gastonia Transit staff to complete a new route analysis. Some current routes were modified and new route maps and ridership data for analysis are in the 2040 Metropolitan Transportation Plan. 0 0 0 Data will be used to access existing and proposed travel demand and roadway congestion. Data will be used to access Data will be collected monitor existing existing and proposed travel routes and support goals and objectives demand, roadway congestion, of the "Transit Element of LRTP." and safety. 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 Conduct necessary data collection for updated model runs Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) counts. Update socio economic data for new 2014 base year. 6/30/2016 Forecast roadway projects for each horizon year Review and coordinate transportation improvements when needed Highway Element of the LRTP To implement the issues raised through the Coordinated Comprehensive Transportation Plan Promote and maintain Forecast highway projects for each (CCTP), and monitor the Transit bicycle and pedestrian horizon year Element of the 2040 Metropolitan projects for each horizon Transportation Plan and the USEPA 8year Hour Ozone Non-Attainment Conformity Report. Implement policies and recommendations specified in the previous Transit & Corridor Studies. Completion of Franklin/Wilkinson Boulevard Transit Corridor Improvement Study. Staff will also Updated data and work with Gastonia Transit and each pf information for the 2040 the three Counties demand response Gaston Cleveland Lincoln transit services to implement the MTP Coordinated Comprehensive Transportation Plan (CCTP) recommended transit changes and work with CATS to improve express bus service. (5303 funds) Gaston Cleveland Lincoln Gaston Cleveland Lincoln Gaston Cleveland Lincoln Gaston Cleveland Lincoln Gaston Cleveland Lincoln Gaston Cleveland Lincoln Gaston Cleveland Lincoln 442301 442301 442301 442301 442301 442301 442301 442301 442301 442301 442301 II-B-15 II-B-17 II-B-18 III-A III-B III-C-2 III-C-6 III-D-3 III-D-4 III-D-5 III-E Planning Work Program Transportation Improvement Program Environmental Justice Public Involvement Special Studies Regional and Statewide Planning Corridor Protection Management & Operations Increase and improve Gaston Cleveland Lincoln MPO Public Involvement efforts Conduct transportation planning studies in Gaston Cleveland Lincoln MPO area including but not limited to Gastonia's Cox Road Study; Lowell's Bike/Ped Study; Gaston County's Land Use Plan Transportation Element; Metrolina Ramp Metering Study; Metrolina Freight Study; and participation with the Metrolina Regional Travel Demand Model. Freight Air Quality Congestion Movement/Mobilit Planning/Conform Management Strategies y Planning ity Analysis Promote and maintain Piedmont and Northern Rail Road Renovation Conduct training on Participate in Conduct traffic congestion and various air quality Metrolina Regional management actives Redevelopment modeling Freight study when needed efforts and River techniques corridor transportation efforts Updated data and information for the 2035 Gaston Cleveland Lincoln MPO LRTP Report documenting freight traffic within the Gaston Cleveland Lincoln MPO area Modeling output for land development proposals Prepare transportation studies and complete functional designs for Gaston Cleveland Lincoln MPO transportation corridors Regional Coordination ROW dedication and construction 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 Update Ongoing On-Going Annually On-Going On-Going On-Going 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing On-Going On-Going 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ongoing Ongoing As needed 2010 Census and future year projections 0 0 0 0 0 0 FY'13-'14: $20,416 programmed Staff will utilize transportation The datasets compiled for the modeling analysis regional modeling effort will need to determine to be forecasted to our horizon whether existing year and any other years roadway segments determined necessary for air are deficient in quality modeling purposes. capacity flows. This Several different land use effort will primarily scenarios may be studied. occur during the review of proposed land developments. Staff will make any necessary adjustments and amendments to the adopted Thoroughfare Plan based on corridor studies done to refine alignments. These changes need to be coordinated with all necessary governing boards and NCDOT. Further, any amendments which are proposed through the County Comprehensive Plan process will be reviewed. Staff will continue to work with NCDOT Division of Bicycle & Pedestrian Planning to publish the Gaston Urban Area bicycle route map. This map was Work in this task code is related to completed in FY 2003work being done under the task codes 2004 and adopted by the "Transit System Data" (data collection) Transportation Advisory and "Regional or Statewide Planning" Committee. We will (West Corridor study). continue to encourage the design of future transportation improvements which accommodate alternate modes of transportation. Staff will continue to work with NCDOT Rail Division and its leasee to renovate and redevelop the P&N Railroad Corridor for Freight and Economic Development purposes. GCLMPO in conjunction with NCDOT Public Transportation Division, Gastonia Transit, demand response Gaston Cleveland Lincoln transit providers for Gaston Cleveland MPO and Lincoln Counties and consultants (TBD). Gaston Cleveland Lincoln MPO Gaston Cleveland Lincoln MPO NCDOT, & Gaston Cleveland Lincoln MPO NCDOT, & Gaston Cleveland Lincoln MPO Gaston Cleveland Lincoln MPO NCDOT, & Gaston Cleveland Lincoln MPO Further detailed study will be conducted on rail and heavy truck freight traffic within the MPO area. The MPO will also study a full range of real, practical mobility choices the suit the lifestyles and improve the lives of the residents within the MPO. Staff will work to preserve the functional integrity of the thoroughfare system by encouraging good access management practices. This will be done through coordination with municipal staffs and the development community. 11 12 SPR - Highway NCDOT 20% 13 SPR - Highway FHWA 80% 14 Section 104 (f) PL Local 20% $2,000 $2,000 $6,000 $6,000 $3,000 $2,000 $2,000 $4,000 $7,000 $2,000 $7,000 $2,000 15 Section 104 (f) PL FHWA 80% $8,000 $8,000 $24,000 $24,000 $12,000 $8,000 $8,000 $16,000 $28,000 $8,000 $28,000 Section 104 (f) Total $10,000 $10,000 $30,000 $30,000 $15,000 $10,000 $10,000 $20,000 $35,000 $10,000 $35,000 16 Section 5303 Local 10% $1,927 $2,200 17 Section 5303 NCDOT 10% $1,927 $2,200 18 Section 5303 FTA 80% $15,416 $17,600 The MPO must make a determination as to the conformity of the Long Range Transportation Plan Preparation of the annual to the State Planning Work Program Implementation (PWP), and all related Plan (SIP) for air activities, is the objective of quality .Staff will this category, along with the work with NCDOT preparation of detailed task Statewide Planning outlines as required by the Branch and other Federal Transit Administration. appropriate agencies to complete this effort by February 1, 2005 Gaston Cleveland Gaston Cleveland Lincoln Gaston Cleveland Lincoln MPO MPO Lincoln MPO Perform Management duties Continue to get ROW Coordinate with regional of the Gaston Cleveland dedication and if possible transportation partners Lincoln MPO. Maintain the construction of proposed (CRAFT), MPO local Prospectus, Memorandum widenings and new roadway governments, and NCDOT of Understanding and all construction of Gaston on regionally significant other administrative Cleveland Lincoln MPO projects agreements or procedures thoroughfares will be updated if necessary Create a public involvement Plan for the Gaston Cleveland Lincoln MPO area Implement various measures and An annual PWP that is Policy document that outlines programs to comprehensive and beneficial Funded TIP projects that Gaston Cleveland Lincoln decrease ozone to the Gaston Cleveland demonstrate the greatest need MPO's Environmental justice and its component Lincoln MPO public efforts and standards parts 6/30/2016 Ongoing Gaston Cleveland Lincoln Gaston Cleveland Lincoln Gaston Cleveland Lincoln Quarterly reports and grant drawdown requests. GCLMPO Web page content. GCLMPO TCC and MPO Board Agenda packages. All policy and written materials generated from GCLMPO activities. Data input for Travel Demand Model Continuous as needed NCDOT, & Gaston Cleveland Gaston Urban Area MPO, Charlotte Area Gaston Cleveland Lincoln MPO Transit (CATS), and consultants. Lincoln MPO Review all aspects of the MTIP Implement an aggressive & STIP to recommend environment justice awareness changes when necessary program Data input for Travel Demand Model Agency Responsible for Task Completion NCDOT, & Gaston Cleveland Lincoln MPO Prepare and implement an annual fiscal year UPWP Capacity tables for transportation facilities countywide Worked to implement Express Bus service to Charlotte, pursued future rail options and examined enhancements to the fixed route system and rural transportation; worked with consultant in completion of the Coordinated Comprehensive Transportation Plan (CCTP). Revise and update Use updated data Utilize Arc GIS to travel model data to to supplement and map all correspond and improve Bike and Transportation comply with current Pedestrian activities Planning activities TIP and air quality and planning and needs. conformity efforts. reporting. Gaston Cleveland Gaston Cleveland Lincoln Lincoln Under this task code, staff will prepare the biennial Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program (MTIP). Staff will also evaluate any new projects proposed to be added to the Unmet Needs List using the methodology approved by the Technical Coordinating Committee and Transportation Advisory Committee On-Call Planning and Engineering services will be obtained to conduct work as needed. Lowell will conduct a Recipients of federal funds Downtown Transportation Plan. A must comply with Executive corridor study of Wilkinson Blvd. will be Order 12898 regarding conducted in the City of Belmont. The environmental justice. Staff will City of Gastonia will conduct a Traffic work to ensure public Impact Study of the Franklin Square Staff will initiate an effort to update the involvement of low-income and Area. A Bi-State Mobility Plan will be adopted Public Involvement Process minority groups in decisions conducted for the Metrolina Region. to better reflect current planning making, prevent NCDOT will be conducting an Interstate activities and to ensure an open disproportionately high and Ramp Metering Feasibility Study along exchange of information and ideas adverse impacts on lowthe I-85 Corridor will be completed. income and minority groups Purchase Community Viz Software and and assure that a participate in the creating the initial proportionate share of benefits information and database for future SE are received. Data projections. Participation in the Metrolina Regional Model will continue. Additional transportation corridor functional designs may be pursued. Staff will continue to participate in activities of the Staff will work on a model Attend meetings and Charlotte Regional Alliance right-of-way protection prepare the agendas and for Transportation (CRAFT) ordinance for new residential prepare MPO meeting and the North Carolina subdivisions. Staff will minutes for MPO boards Association of MPOs. Also, monitor conformance with and committees, document a significant amount of time the adopted Gaston Urban expenditures; file for will be spent on the Area Comprehensive reimbursement of development of the Transportation Plan (CTP) expenditures; attend training Metrolina Regional Travel maps through the review of sessions; and generally, Demand Model and the proposed site plans, manage all functions of the CONNECT project subdivisions and rezoning MPO. conducted by the Centralina for local governments. Council of Governments. Gaston Cleveland Lincoln MPO Gaston Cleveland Lincoln MPO Gaston Cleveland Lincoln MPO Gaston Cleveland Lincoln MPO Gaston Cleveland Lincoln MPO Gaston Cleveland Lincoln MPO Gaston Cleveland Lincoln MPO Gaston Cleveland Lincoln MPO $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $34,326 $8,800 $4,000 $15,800 $8,000 $8,000 $8,000 $8,000 $8,000 $8,000 $137,305 $35,200 $16,000 $63,200 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $171,631 $44,000 $20,000 $79,000 Special Studies Funding Allocations by Project Annual Allocation §104(f) Rollover/Unobligated Total Section 104(f) Local Match Annual Alloc. Sub-Total Lowell Lowell Match Lowell Total Gaston County LU Plan Gaston County Match Gaston County Total Community Viz Shared Local Match Community Viz Total Regional Freight Study Shared Local Match RFS Total Ramp Metering Feasibility Shared Local Match Ramp Metering Total Metrolina Regional Model Shared Local Match MRM Total Total 104(f) Special Projects Total Shared Local Match Sectio 5303 Annual Allocation NCDOT & Gastonia Match (4,127 X 2) Sub Total $319,705 $152,000 $471,705 $117,926 $589,631 $40,000 $10,000 $50,000 $8,000 $2,000 $10,000 $24,000 $6,000 $30,000 $24,000 $6,000 $30,000 $9,200 $2,300 $11,500 $11,319 $2,830 $14,149 $145,649 $17,130 $33,016 $8,254 $41,270 Voting Member Local Match Obligation by Population Member Jurisdiction Belmont Bessemer City Boiling Springs Cherryville Cleveland County Cramerton Dallas Gaston County Gastonia Kings Mountain Lincoln County Lincolnton Lowell Mount Holly Ranlo Shelby Stanley Total MPA Population (2010) 10,076 5,340 4,647 5,760 63,866 4,165 4,488 79,290 71,741 10,296 67,779 10,486 3,526 13,656 3,434 20,323 3,556 412,054 % of Total 2.60% 1.40% 1.20% 1.50% 16.70% 1.10% 1.20% 20.70% 18.80% 2.70% 17.70% 2.80% 0.90% 3.60% 0.90% 5.30% 0.90% 100.00% Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2010 Census Shared Additional Total Local State Share Local Local Match (5303 only) Match Match $3,066 $3,066 $1,651 $1,651 $1,415 $1,415 $1,769 $1,769 $19,694 $19,694 $1,297 $1,297 $1,415 $1,415 $24,411 $2,000 $26,411 $22,170 $4,127 $4,127 $30,424 $3,184 $3,184 $20,873 $20,873 $3,302 $3,302 $1,061 $10,000 $11,061 $4,245 $4,245 $1,061 $1,061 $6,250 $6,250 $1,061 $1,061 $117,926 $16,127 $134,053 Page left blank intentionally. Post Office Box 1748 Gastonia, North Carolina 28053 Phone (704) 866-6837 150 South York Street Gastonia, North Carolina 28052 Fax (704) 869-1960 Agenda Item #12 To: MPO Board Members and Interested Persons From: Bjorn E. Hansen, AICP CTP, Senior Planner Date: March 26, 2015 Subject: Build a Better Boulevard‐ Wilkinson Blvd. Report Results BACKGROUND: The “Build a Better Boulevard” study of Wilkinson Boulevard near Belmont, McAdenville, and Cramerton was recently completed, and the elected officials from those communities asked that the recommendations from this innovative study be presented to the full TCC for their awareness. The study was funded through MPO PL funds, and conducted between August 2014 and January 2015. The attached executive summary and map of recommended improvements will be presented by Mr. Demetri Baches, the lead planner for this study. TCC ACTION: Approved as Presented. ACTION REQUESTED: Endorse the “Build a Better Boulevard” Wilkinson Blvd. Report Results. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Presentation 2. Map of recommended improvements Page left blank intentionally. Page left blank intentionally. Post Office Box 1748 Gastonia, North Carolina 28053 Phone (704) 866-6837 150 South York Street Gastonia, North Carolina 28052 Fax (704) 869-1960 Agenda Item #13 To: MPO Board Members and Interested Persons From: Bjorn E. Hansen, AICP CTP, Senior Transportation Planner Date: March 26, 2015 Subject: GCLMPO On‐Line Mapping Resources OVERVIEW: In mid‐2014 the City of Gastonia purchased an ArcGIS On‐Line (AGOL) account through ESRI. MPO staff evaluated this service and determined this was an appropriate portal to use to increase the utility and availability of its data to MPO members and the general public. ArcGIS On‐Line is a web‐based service for creating interactive maps. MPO staff have worked with the NCDOT and surrounding transportation planning organizations to identify their capabilities and plans for similar on‐line mapping. The NCDOT has enthusiastically used AGOL to present a range of data such as bicycle routes, STIP projects, unpaved roads, and traffic counts. These maps are individual maps, and MPO staff decided to build one portal that will allow users to turn on and off a range of layers to perform their own analysis and querying. There are two portals, each with the same information. The traditional ArcGIS map,, is targeted towards TCC members and other planning staff who have an interest in analyzing and filtering data for the area. The more simplified version of this map, 649e0bb76d863b30bd992, is intended for the general public. It displays the same information as the first site, but has limited filtering capabilities in exchange for an interface that is not as complicated. MPO staff recommend that TCC members use the first link for their own analysis and technical work and post a link to the second map on their community’s web pages. The maps are public and can be found on search engines by searching for a combination of “GCLMPO” and “mapping,” as well as with related topics such as traffic, plans, or demographics. The maps can be modified by the user to use roads, topography, or aerial maps as the base information on which the layers are presented, and a link to the map may be easily shared by the user. Please note that the maps do not work reliably in Internet Explorer, and Firefox or Chrome are recommended to view the pages. DATA PRESENTED: The MPO’s site includes the following types of information Traffic counts for the GCLMPO area and surrounding areas Comprehensive Transportation Plan recommendations 2040 Metropolitan Transportation Plan projects 2016‐2025 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program projects 2040 socio‐economic projections for the GCLMPO area and surrounding areas Post Office Box 1748 Gastonia, North Carolina 28053 Phone (704) 866-6837 150 South York Street Gastonia, North Carolina 28052 Fax (704) 869-1960 Demographic data, such as commute mode, income, poverty, disability, and minority populations Average commute time ACTION REQUESTED: Review and provide feedback on the two sites. ATTACHMENTS: None Post Office Box 1748 Gastonia, North Carolina 28053 Phone (704) 866-6837 150 South York Street Gastonia, North Carolina 28052 Fax (704) 869-1960 Agenda Item #15b To: From: Date: Subject: MPO Board Members and Interested Persons MPO Staff March 26, 2015 2015 SEI and RED Filing Reminder All forms must be completed by April 15, 2015. The names on the following list have completed their forms for the Ethics requirements of 2015. If you have completed and submitted your forms to the Ethics Commission and your name is not on the list you can contact the Ethics Commission at: You can use this link to search for compliance after you submit your forms: Page left blank intentionally. N.C. ETHICS COMMISSION Volume 18, Issue 2 1324 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1324 PH: (919)715-2071 FAX: (919)715-1644 March 2015 MPO and RPO TAC MEMBERS 2015 SEI AND RED FILING REMINDERS: Complete SEIs and Real Estate Disclosure Forms (REDs) must be filed on or before APRIL 15, 2015. Use INTERNET EXPLORER web browser (instead of Foxfire, Safari or Google Chrome) to access SEI and RED forms. We strongly recommend that you file online at Online filing is fast, easy, ensures immediate confirmation of your filing and saves your information for all future filings. Follow the simple instructions on our website to get an NCID user id and password, prior to your initial online filing. ONLINE FILING: The SEI and the RED are connected; therefore when you file your SEI online you are simultaneously filing your RED. PLEASE NOTE: There is no need to manually file a separate RED when you file online. Multiple filings create duplicate records and confusion, and all filings are available for public review. MANUAL FILING: The SEI and RED are not connected. Therefore, manual filers must print out both the SEI and the RED forms and then complete, sign and file the original SEI and the original RED with the Commission. Filers should keep a copy of their SEI and RED for their records If you filed a 2014 SEI and you have had no changes since your 2014 filing, you should file a 2015 SEI No Change Form, located on our website. All filers MUST complete a 2015 RED, even those who file a 2015 SEI No Change Form. You MUST file a 2015 SEI Long Form if either of the following apply to you: a. You filed a 2014 SEI but you have had changes since your 2014 filing; or b. You are a first time filer or have been appointed to a new or additional position/board. If you need to supplement your SEI or RED due to an omission, call the Commission. RELATED PENALTIES AND SANCTIONS A $250 fine will be levied for the late, incomplete or non-filing of an SEI. A $250 penalty will be levied for the late, incomplete or non-filing of an RED. It is a Class 1 misdemeanor for failing to file a complete SEI within 60 days of the notice of failure and the failure will be reported to the Director of the State Bureau of Investigation (SBI) for investigation and possible prosecution. It is a Class 1 misdemeanor for failing to file a complete RED within 60 days of the notice of failure and the failure will be reported to the Director of the SBI for investigation and possible prosecution. Page left blank intentionally. NC Ethics Commission Overview Formal Lobbying Opinions Formal Legislative Opinions Formal Ethics Opinions Form to Report Gifts Under 138A-32(e)(8) Report of Gifts Reported Under 138A-32(e)(8) Board Statements of Economic Interest Only SEIs filed for 2015 are available. First Name Last Name Year You can search by First Name, Last Name or Board/Agency and Year. Filers may use their full legal name when submitting an SEI, but some use their middle name or nickname. Thus, we recommend searching by Last Name. Overview If you have any questions or need assistance with gaining access to SEIs, please contact our SEI Unit at 919-715-2071 or by email at Complaint Form Instructions Complaint Form FAQs First Name Middle Name Dennis Henry L. Last Name Year Board SEI Bailey 2015 2015 Gaston-Cleveland-Lincoln MPO (TAC) Overview Gaston-Cleveland-Lincoln MPO (TAC) Online Education Gaston-Cleveland-Lincoln MPO (TAC) Live Presentation Schedule View Beam, III Martin Eaddy 2015 Jason Falls 2015 Clifford Elijah Johnny Hamrick, III 2015 Lobbying EducationMPO (TAC) Gaston-Cleveland-Lincoln FAQs Gaston-Cleveland-Lincoln MPO (TAC) Hutchins 2015 Gaston-Cleveland-Lincoln MPO (TAC) View View View Cecelia Allran Martin 2015 Gaston-Cleveland-Lincoln MPO (TAC) David Todd Pierceall 2015 Gaston-Cleveland-Lincoln MPO (TAC) View Rhyne 2015 Gaston-Cleveland-Lincoln MPO (TAC) View Robinson 2015 Gaston-Cleveland-Lincoln MPO (TAC) View Smith 2015 Gaston-Cleveland-Lincoln MPO (TAC) View Sparrow 2015 View Toomey 2015 Gaston-Cleveland-Lincoln MPO (TAC) Newsletters Gaston-Cleveland-Lincoln MPO (TAC) Newsletter Archives Linda Joshua Shane Becky Phillip Perry Daniel © copyright North Carolina State Ethics Commission Website design by ITS Attachments View Contact Us Overview MPO/RPO Filers Post-Office Filers Regular Filers SEI Helpful Tips Search Filed SEIs Contact Us Commission Member Profiles Staff Profiles Commission Meeting Schedule Covered Boards General Categories of Covered Persons Covered Persons 1 of 1 NC Ethics Commission 3/19/2015 10:23 AM Page left blank intentionally. Post Office Box 1748 Gastonia, North Carolina 28053 Phone (704) 866-6837 150 South York Street Gastonia, North Carolina 28052 Fax (704) 869-1960 Agenda Item #15c To: From: Date: Subject: MPO Board Members and Interested Persons MPO Staff March 26, 2015 85X Ridership Update Gastonia Express Bus Ridership Trends Jan Feb March April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 2004 1,833 2,208 2,644 2,708 2,758 3,024 3,159 3,173 3,250 3,105 3,040 2,726 2005 3,090 2,943 3,357 3,282 3,609 3,669 3,396 4,080 5,291 5,004 4,440 4,116 2006 4,795 4,500 5,096 4,177 5,323 5,068 4,713 5,681 4,996 5,164 4,680 3,863 2007 5,094 4,749 5,284 5,175 5,705 5,522 5,776 6,745 5,760 6,743 5,637 4,296 2008 5,574 5,613 5,881 6,427 6,440 7,020 7,408 6,775 7,038 6,932 5,245 5,158 2009 5,577 5,306 5,527 5,386 4,859 5,221 5,206 4,838 4,880 5,104 4,252 4,248 2010 4,426 4,553 5,407 5,077 4,666 5,163 5,343 5,371 4,870 4,644 4,013 3,574 2011 3,873 4,279 4,844 4,370 4,530 4,419 3,982 5,394 4,692 4,608 4,273 3,689 2012 4,451 4,213 4,161 4,031 4,240 3,857 4,172 4,978 3,490 4,616 4,144 3,541 2013 4,382 4,266 4,165 4,205 4,328 3,858 4,181 4,221 3,987 4,271 3,493 3,256 2014 3,581 3,372 3,348 3,444 3,544 3,743 3,791 3,821 3,487 3,083 3,083 3,312 2015 3,588 80,000 70,000 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 0 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Dec Nov Oct Sept Aug July June May April March Feb Jan Post Office Box 1748 Gastonia, North Carolina 28053 Phone (704) 866-6837 150 South York Street Gastonia, North Carolina 28052 Fax (704) 869-1960 Gastonia Transit Bus Ridership Trends Jan Feb March April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 2004 35,441 33,118 39,605 26,520 24,384 25,651 25,026 25,737 22,686 23,462 22,664 22,055 2005 24,187 23,437 24,286 22,649 24,233 21,251 21,696 25,549 24,122 23,714 23,540 23,804 2006 21,934 19,725 22,782 20,556 23,652 23,096 21,377 24,811 22,378 24,067 22,316 22,125 2007 23,796 19,472 23,637 21,339 24,006 22,961 23,083 25,308 22,159 25,273 22,328 21,529 2008 23,296 23,455 21,433 22,823 23,628 24,896 26,136 25,428 24,539 26,136 17,665 18,637 2009 18,436 18,380 18,187 19,405 19,869 21,042 21,595 21,800 22,236 23,169 20,858 22,037 2010 20,498 20,138 22,883 22,148 20,807 23,417 22,615 24,432 24,182 24,243 23,266 22,532 2011 19,373 21,338 24,003 22,433 22,642 25,090 18,130 26,746 23,770 24,116 22,779 24,134 2012 23,798 24,528 25,551 23,422 24,206 23,884 23,293 28,223 25,028 30,064 25,818 23,661 2013 24,202 24,566 24,064 23,536 23,646 22,960 24,473 27,164 24,238 26,942 21,852 22,630 350,000 2014 2015 22,764 23,221 20,422 18,732 22,049 22,982 23,811 23,768 24,587 26,897 22,522 24,971 19,708 22,014 Dec 300,000 Nov 250,000 Oct Sept 200,000 Aug 150,000 July 100,000 June 50,000 May April 0 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 March Post Office Box 1748 Gastonia, North Carolina 28053 Phone (704) 866-6837 150 South York Street Gastonia, North Carolina 28052 Fax (704) 869-1960 Transportation Lincoln County Transit Bus Ridership Trends Jan Feb March April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 6,223 6,161 5,849 7,912 6,186 5,767 2014 6,008 5,807 6,317 7,117 7,081 6,492 5,658 5,481 5,735 6,025 4,637 5,149 80000 70000 60000 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2015 5,144 Dec Nov Oct Sept Aug July June May April March Feb Jan Post Office Box 1748 Gastonia, North Carolina 28053 Phone (704) 866-6837 150 South York Street Gastonia, North Carolina 28052 Fax (704) 869-1960 Transportation Administration Cleveland County Transit Bus Ridership Trends Jan Feb March April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 4,853 4,877 5,297 5,891 4,768 4,684 35000 2015 5,073 3,856 Dec 30000 Nov 25000 Oct Sept 20000 Aug 15000 July 10000 June 5000 May April 0 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 March
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