GOZO COLLEGE Secondary School KULLEĠĠ TA’ GĦAWDEX Skola Sekondarja Half Yearly Examinations 2015 Year 7 Level 5-8 GEOGRAPHY TIME: 1:30min Name: __________________________________ 1. Class: ___________________ Indicate if the following pictures are showing a plan or a map. Write your answer under each picture. A. __________________________ (4 marks) B. __________________________ C. __________________________ E. __________________________ D. __________________________ F. __________________________ G. __________________________ Geography (General)-Half Yearly Examinations 2015– Year 7 H. __________________________ Page 1 of 10 2. The following diagram is showing a plan of an apartment. Answer the following questions. ROOM B G F A ROOM A E C B P D ROOM D H N I O K M L J ROOM C A. Room A is showing the ______________ room. B. Room B is showing the _________________. C. Room C is showing the _________________. D. The ________________ is marked as Room D. E. Name the plans which are shown by different letters throughout the whole apartment. A I B J C K D L E M F N G O H P Geography (General)-Half Yearly Examinations 2015– Year 7 (10 marks) Page 2 of 10 3. An incomplete plan below is showing a road and a building. Follow the instructions to draw the required plans. It is necessary to use your ruler and pencil. A. Draw a road from Point A to B which is 2cm wide (1 mark) B. Draw another road from Point C to E which is 1cm wide (1 mark) C. Starting from west to east, draw four buildings with the following widths: Building B= 2cm; Building C= 4cm; Building D= 3cm; Building E= 5cm (1 mark) D. Shade the plan of these houses with different colours. There is no need to shade the roads in black. (1 mark) D C Building A E A B 4. Draw a map symbol which represents each of the following pictures. A B C D E F (6 marks) Geography (General)-Half Yearly Examinations 2015– Year 7 Page 3 of 10 5. Try to guess 24 of these map symbols. (8 marks) A. ________________ B. ________________ C. ________________ D. ________________ E. ________________ F. ________________ G. ________________ H. ________________ I. ________________ J. _______________ K. _______________ L. _________________ M. _______________ N. _______________ O. _______________ P. _________________ Q. _______________ R. _______________ S. _______________ T. _________________ U. _______________ V. _______________ W. _______________ X. _________________ Y. _______________ Z. _______________ A1. ________________ Geography (General)-Half Yearly Examinations 2015– Year 7 B1. _________________ Page 4 of 10 6. The following map is showing England and its largest cities. Answer the following questions which are related with this map. Scale-line A. On the above map draw the following routes. Try to use different colours for each route. i. From London to Canterbury to New Forest to Exmouth and to Newquay ii. From London to Oxford to Northampton to Birmingham and to Nottingham iii. From Durham to Leeds to Liverpool to Nottingham to Shropshire (3 marks) B.A cruiseliner is leaving Liverpool and will enter the following ports: Bude– Newquay-Exmouth – Canterbury– Ipswich– Newcastle-upon-tyne. Draw the route for this cruiseship. (3 marks) C. Use the scale-line found below the map to measure the following straight distances. i. From Manchester to Nottingham = _____________ Geography (General)-Half Yearly Examinations 2015– Year 7 (4 marks) Page 5 of 10 ii. From Durham to Birmingham = ________________ iii. From Newquay to Canterbury = ________________ iv. From Liverpool to London = _______________ v. From Bath to Birmingham = _______________ vi. From Ipswich to Northampton to Manchester = _________________ vii. From Bude to Newforest to Canterbury = _________________ viii. From Durham to Liverpool to Carlisle = _________________ D. Measure the non-straight/ actual distances between the following places. (You need to measure along the coastline). (3 marks) i. From Durham to Ipswich = ____________________ ii. From Canterbury to Bristol = __________________ iii. From Bristol to Blackpool = ___________________ E. Imagine you are in London. Which direction would you take if you want to visit: i. New Forest = ________________ ii. Manchester = ________________ iii. Canterbury = _________________ iv. Ipswich = __________________ F. Insert the correct compass direction in the following sentences. i. York is found on the _____________ of Nottingham but Nottingham is found on the (2 marks) (5 marks) _____________ of York. ii. Manchester is found on the _________________ of Liverpool while Liverpool is found on the ________________ of Manchester. iii. Blackpool is found on the ______________ of Northampton but Northampton is found ______________ of Blackpool. iv. Exmouth is found on the _______________ of Canterbury while Canterbury is found on the ______________ of Exmouth. v. Oxford is found on the _______________ of Northern Ireland while this country is located on the _______________ of Oxford. Geography (General)-Half Yearly Examinations 2015– Year 7 Page 6 of 10 7. Study carefully the following map extract showing an island, then answer the questions. A. Read the following sentences. State if they are True or False. (3 marks) i. The windmill is further south than the church. _________________ ii. The church is west of the telephone. _________________ iii. The public house is north of the windmill. __________________ iv. The youth hostel is to the south east of the public house. _________________ v. The telephone is north of the golf course. _________________ vi. The marsh is north of the post office. _________________ B. Answer telephone, marsh, public house or windmill to the following. (2 marks) i. The __________________ is in grid square 2411. ii. The __________________ is in grid square 2409. iii. The __________________ is in grid square 2212. iv. The __________________ is in grid square 2210. C. Give the four figure grid reference of the following. (2 marks) i) The golf course is in grid square ___________________. ii) The church is in grid square ___________________. iii) The youth hostel is in grid square ___________________. iv) The Post Office is in grid square ___________________. Geography (General)-Half Yearly Examinations 2015– Year 7 Page 7 of 10 D. Draw symbols for the following in the appropriate grid squares. (4 marks) i. A quarry in grid square 2311. iii. A camp site in grid square 2312. iii. An information centre in grid square 2411. iv. A picnic site in grid square 2211. E. Use the map scale to calculate the straight line distance from: i. the marsh to the golf course (3 marks) _____________________ iii. the windmill to the public house _____________________ iii. the church and the youth hostel _____________________ 8. Study carefully the map below and answer the questions. Map Title: _________________________________ i. Give the map a title. (1 mark) ii. Colour the island of Gozo in green. (1 mark) iii. Colour the island of Comino in yellow. (1 mark) iv. Colour the island of Malta in red. (1 mark) v. What is the name of the sea which surrounds these islands? Underline the correct answer. Atlantic Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Indian Sea Geography (General)-Half Yearly Examinations 2015– Year 7 (1 mark) Page 8 of 10 9. The map below shows the World. A. Label the continents numbered 1 to 7. (7 marks) B. In which continent do you live? _______________________ (1 mark) C. How many oceans are there? _____________ (1 mark) D. One ocean is missing on the world map. Which ocean is it? _________________________ Label it on the map. (2 marks) E. Which sea lies to the south of Europe? ________________________________ (1 mark) F. Colour the land green. (1 mark) G. Colour the oceans blue. (1 mark) H. Read the following sentences and fill in the blank spaces using the points of the compass. (5 marks) i. Africa lies to the ______________ of Europe. ii. Asia is to the _______________ of Europe. iii. Europe is to the ___________________ of Australia. iv. South America is to the ______________ of Africa. v. Europe is to the __________________ of South America. Geography (General)-Half Yearly Examinations 2015– Year 7 Page 9 of 10 10. The map below shows the Mediterranean countries. 1 4 2 3 5 A. Name the countries numbered 1 to 5 and give their capital city. Number Country (5 marks) Capital City 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. B. Locate the following countries on the map by shading them in the colour stated. i. Greece—red ii. Tunisia—green iii. Morocco—yellow iv. Portugal—blue v. Cyprus—brown Geography (General)-Half Yearly Examinations 2015– Year 7 (5 marks) Page 10 of 10
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