MAIL: P.O BOX 1851, DURHAM, NC 27702 | WEB: WWW.GDBCC.ORG | EMAIL: THEGDBCC@GMAIL.COM Greetings! The Board of Directors of the Greater Durham Black Chamber of Commerce (GDBCC) thanks you for your support and for joining us at the Inaugural Black Business Gala. Tonight, we come together to commemorate the rich history of Durham's Black Businesses, to honor Andrea Harris and Mayor William "Bill" Bell for their innumerable contributions to our business community, and to plant seeds for the future growth and development of this community. Since 2008, the GDBCC has worked to support a thriving Durham business ecosystem, focusing on the support, growth, and development of black businesses. We have worked to create a collaborative partnership with big and small businesses, city and county government, for-profit and non-profit corporations, individuals and groups. We are especially grateful for outstanding support from the City of Durham, NC Mutual Life Insurance Company, NCIMED, Mechanics and Farmers Bank, and Durham County. Over the years, the GDBCC has planned and executed a number of seminars, workshops, business fairs, and various networking events to research, develop, and support Durham's black businesses. In the days ahead, we plan to continue these efforts while strengthening our services to the community. We hope and trust that you will continue to join us in our efforts to strengthen the black business community. As we take this occasion to celebrate our past, seize present opportunities, and look to our future, we say thank you. The Board takes this opportunity to especially thank our members, for whom we work. Thank you for your support, trust, energy, time, and treasures. We look forward to continuing to serve you by helping to create and fulfill more opportunities, growing and developing your businesses. We say thank you to our sponsors, advertisers, and individuals who helped to make this important event possible. We thank you for joining us tonight and ask that you please continue to support each other and black-owned businesses. THANK YOU! Signed on Behalf of the GDBCC Board of Directors, Cyril Broderick, Jr., Chair GDBCC Board of Directors: Donald Baker, Anissa Barbee, Dr. Georgiary Bledsoe, Larry Borders (Vice-Chairman), Cyril Broderick, Jr. (Chairman), Keelan Brown, Richard Brown, Faith Bynum, Pamela Gales, Larry Holt, Thomas Leathers, Jacquelle Leggette, Dr. Wanda Lester, Connia Watson, Jr., Thomas Whitehead, Shawn Williams, Carolyn Winder, Justin Reid (Intern), Keiosha Staton (Intern) Andrea Harris NCIMED Co-Founder and Senior Fellow Andrea Harris is Founder and Senior Fellow of the NC Institute of Minority Economic Development (generally referred to as The Institute). The Institute works to build the assets of limited resource populations through economic development strategies that build businesses, create jobs, and sustain institutions vital to a vibrant economic environment. The Institute’s core goals are to expand access to affordable capital (money), expand access to public and private sector market opportunities (markets), and to support management efficiencies that enhance profitability and sustainability (management). Andrea provided the leadership for Executive Orders and state statutes that significantly expand the utilization of minority and women owned businesses by state and local units of government; that codified into state statutes the establishment of a state office of Historically Underutilized Businesses with the resources to assist and track the utilization of minority and women owned business throughout all of state government; and promoted the appropriation of state funds for disparity studies of all of state government, including the NC Department of Transportation on a regular basis. Its work generally results in between $50+ million in market contracts and financial transactions for their business clients annually. The Institute is headquartered in Durham, North Carolina and owns one of the few national African-American Landmarks in the country (the original home of North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company and Mechanics & Farmers Bank). It also operates the Women’s Business Center of North Carolina, the NC Minority Business Development Agency (Raleigh), and administers the Public Allies North Carolina program. The Institute completed reports for several NC HBCUs on the Economic Impact of HBCUs on their host communities. These reports help the broader community value HBCUs as major economic engines, especially in their host communities. Success for the Institute comes from the organization’s belief in collaboration. For example, the Institute has partnered with major financial institutions, challenging them at first, and then working to strengthen relationships and opportunities for HBCUs, and for minority and women owned firms. In one partnership alone, a major vendor increased its contracts with minority and women owned businesses from $50 million to more than $250 million in one year. In another, the Institute worked to build a new culture of expanded opportunities for small businesses in collaboration with a major corporation, minority businesses, and others. Andrea is a Bennett College alumna and currently serves on its Board of Trustees. She is also a member of the National Advisory Board for the Institute for Emerging Issues, the Research Triangle Regional Partnership, the Vance County Economic Development Commission, and Raleigh Advisory Board for Wells Fargo. She is also a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated. City of Durham Mayor William V. “Bill” Bell Short Biography Stepping into Durham politics approximately 42 years ago, Bill Bell wanted to maximize Durham’s economy, education and other resources, believing that government best serves citizens by partnering with them and the private sector. Bell, a retired IBM Senior Engineer (1996), served as an elected Durham County Commissioner for 26 years (1972 – 1994; 1996 – 2000) and Chairman of the Durham Board of County Commissioners for12 years (1982 - 1994). As Chairman of the Durham County Board of Commissioners he was recognized as the architect of the 1992 merger of the then “Durham City Schools System” and the then “Durham County School System” into the now “Durham Public School System” (DPS). He was elected Mayor of Durham, NC in 2001 and continues to serve as the Mayor of Durham, NC as the longest serving Mayor in Durham’s history. He is past Chairman of the NC Metropolitan Mayors Coalition an organization of the 27 largest cities in NC with populations of more than 30,000. He presently serves as Chairman of TTA (the regional Transportation Authority responsible for bringing Light Rail to the Region). He has over the years served on numerous local, state and national boards and committees. He continues to serve on many committees and boards, such as the NC Film Commission; past Chairman of Mutual Community Savings Bank and past Board member of Mechanics and Farmers Bank; member of M&F Bank Durham Advisory Board; US Conference of Mayors; Board member of the African American Mayors Association, Inc. (AAMA), and over the years has been the recipient of many local, state and national awards and honors. Born in Washington, DC, Bell attended the public schools in Winston-Salem, NC graduating from Atkins High School in 1957 prior to the integration of Atkins High School. He received his B.S./Electrical Engineering from Howard University in Washington, DC in 1961 and his M.S./Electrical Engineering from New York University in New York, NY in 1968. He served in the U.S. Army Signal Corps as a 1st Lieutenant from 1961 to 1963. He has worked as an Electrical Engineer in both the private and public sectors respectively at Martin Marietta Corporation, Orlando Florida, the U.S. Research and Development Laboratory Ft. Monmouth, NJ and the IBM Corporation, Research Triangle Park, NC where he retired in 1996. He presently is the Executive Vice-President/Chief Operating Officer of UDI/Community Development Corporation, a 501(c3) Non-Profit Corporation here in Durham, NC. He is married to Judith Chatters Bell and they are the parents of 4 children and grandparents of 4 grandchildren.
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