Grand View Elementary

Grand View Elementary
May/June 2015 Newsletter
Field Day is scheduled
for Thursday, May 21
Y5, Kindergarten, 1st
and 2nd grade, will be
in the morning from
9:00-11:00 a.m. 3rd-6th
will be from 1:00-3:00
Please make sure your
child wears appropriate
clothes and shoes (no
sandals, flip-flops or
skirts, please) and apply sunscreen if needed.
You may also want to
send a water bottle.
Volunteers are still
needed. Contact the
office if you would like
to help.
Hamilton & Harley Headlines
It is hard to believe that May
is nearly upon us! It seems
like just weeks ago that the
kids were walking through
the doors with new backpacks and smiling faces
ready for a new year of learning.
are busy assessing all of the
knowledge gained by our
students this year. We monitor individual student growth
and also use this data to drive
classroom instruction and to
set school improvement goals
for next school year.
As we approach the end of
the year we have many activities planned as you can see
by the “Upcoming Dates”
calendar in this newsletter.
However, amidst the
fun...learning continues. This
is also the time of year we
With all of the end-of-year
activities along with spring
sports and such, kids can
become overscheduled and
they will need your help to
maintain balance and determine priorities. Be sure to
set aside some quality time
with your child
for relaxation
and connectedness.
Grand View’s annual
end of the year school
picnic is scheduled for
Thursday, May 21,
11:30-12:45. As the
purpose of this event is
to enjoy a picnic with
family and friends, we
ask each family to
bring their own picnic
lunch. Students may
order a sack lunch
through our school
lunch program. We
will be providing dessert in honor of our
parent volunteers. Be
sure to mark your calendar as we hope you
will join us on May 21!
5th graders are done taking a new state assessment, the M-STEP and 4th grade has a week under their
belt. 3rd and 6th grade will begin on May 18th. The Michigan Student Test of Educational Progress
replaces the 44 year old MEAP test. All grades will be tested in English Language Arts (Reading/
Writing/Listening) and Math and 4th graders will also take Science and 5th graders Social Studies.
M-Step is an on-line multiple choice and short answer test and also includes a Classroom Activity and
an online Performance Task. Suggested times are from 7-9 hours of testing depending on grade level.
The testing window is 3 weeks for each grade:
4/27-5/15 4th grade, 5/18-6/5 3rd & 6th grade
Your child’s teacher will communicate their specific schedule to you. It is important for your child
(ren) to be in attendance during these dates. Please make every effort to avoid routine appointments and
family vacations during your child’s testing days and times.
Helpful website for parents with additional information and practice items include: (use Google Chrome Browser) and
All students need their own set of earbuds or headphones for the test. We do have some back-ups in
the office, but personal earbuds/headphones are much more sanitary and comfortable. Typically you can
find these for $5 or less. Please make sure your child has a set they can leave here at school during their
testing weeks.
Our teachers have been familiarizing students with the on-line test format and tools. We are confident
if our kids do their best on this new test that they will do just fine!
Grand View Elementary
State Election – Proposal 1 VOTE TUES, MAY 5
On Tuesday, May 5, voters throughout Michigan will be asked to vote on Proposal 1, a road funding plan that also has a big impact on school funding. Please
vote in this election. The polls will be open from 7:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. Below
is a quick overview of the ballot proposal:
Proposal 1 asks Michigan voters to change how the
state pays for roads and bridges. It also provides more
secure funding for schools and local communities. It
does this primarily through a 1 cent state sales tax
Grand View
3701 52nd ST. SW
Grandville, MI
Brenda Austin:
Cheryl Haik:
Attendance Line:
The sales tax would increase to 7 percent on Oct. 1,
2015. (Sales tax is not charged on groceries or prescriptions, and would not be charged on gasoline.)
There would be an additional $1.2 billion for funding
our roads, bridges and transportation programs.
This revenue would be generated by removing
the sales tax paid at the pump and replaced with
a wholesale tax that generates a similar amount.
All taxes paid at the pump are constitutionally
guaranteed to go to transportation programs
while the vast majority of sales tax would go to
schools and local governments.
A large portion of the sales tax on fuel is dedicated to
school funding. Proposal 1 will prevent the loss of
revenue to schools when the sales tax is removed
from the gas we buy at the pump. The 1 cent state
sales tax increase will generate $300 million more for
K-12 education. Equally important is the constitutional guarantee the School Aid Fund can only go to K-12
and community colleges.
Michigan ranks 50th in per capita spending for roads
and bridges. More than one of every four bridges in
Michigan needs to be repaired, improved or replaced.
There is not enough money available without Proposal 1 to get ahead of expected additional deterioration, experts say. If Proposal 1 is not approved, Michigan’s roads and bridges will continue to decline at a
rapid rate. There is no backup plan for funding road
and bridge repair approved by the Legislature at this
Spring Has Arrived!!!
A sure sign of spring’s arrival is the appearance of
spring clothing. We ask that
parents help guide students
in choosing clothing that is
appropriate to be worn at
school. Many of the current
styles include short dresses or
skirts, very short shorts and
off the shoulder or tank tops.
When dressing for school we
ask that stomachs remain
covered and that tops and
shorts are not revealing.
We appreciate your help
with focusing student’s
attention on learning!
Teacher & Staff Appreciation Week
Learn more at
The first week of May is
National Teacher and Staff
Appreciation Week. We are
so thankful to be working
with such a quality staff here
at Grand View Elementary.
Our teachers and support
staff are extremely dedicated
to the success of each of our
students. All of our staff
members help to create a
warm and friendly environment to enhance student
learning. We would also
like to extend an invitation
for your children to thank a
staff member that has played
a special role in their education this year. This special
person may be a teacher,
classroom paraprofessional,
bus driver, special service
staff member, librarian, secretary, cook, playground
supervisor, lunchroom supervisor, custodian, or anyone who may have influenced your child’s educa-
tional growth. It would be
nice for your child to write a
special note to one or more
of the staff members they
would like to thank. To go
along with our school–wide
writing goal they could write
a note explaining why that
staff member has made this
a special year for them.
These notes will be a great
day brightener for many of
our staff members!
Be nice!
Grand View once again has partnered with the Mental Health
Foundation and our high school
and their “Be Nice” programs.
Classrooms have or will participate in a workshop that focused
on ways to “be nice” along with
ways to be a good bystander. We
learned to be nice we should:
Notice what is right and not right,
Invite and support others,
Challenge ourselves to be inclusive and stop
negative behavior and
mpower others with our words and actions.
8:30 Tardy Bell
11:30 3rd/4th Lunch
Student Behavior
Running Events
The central theme of much of the school-related violence
across the country seems to be bullying and teasing. Although this has been a relatively minor issue here at Grand
View, it continues to be a concern to us. We regularly discuss it with the students and make it clear that bullying and
teasing will not be tolerated. We’ve implemented our
“Below The Line Behavior” process and rubric school-wide.
Please reinforce this with your child at home and anticipate a
call from us should your child be involved in such an incident here at school. Our “Bucketfilling”, “Be Nice” and
“Capturing Kids’ Hearts” programs help us to focus on desired behaviors. The safety of your children is of utmost importance to us!
Our girls in grades 3, 4 and 5
have been working hard to
train for the area wide “Girls
on the Run” event scheduled
for Saturday, May 16 at
Calder Plaza . Parents are
welcome to come and cheer
our runners on as they participate in this fun activity.
No Cameras Allowed on Playground
Thank you to Erica Fitzpatrick and Ann Schultz for
coordinating these programs
and to the many parent
coaches who assisted.
For the safety of our students
we cannot allow pictures of
any children to be taken on
the playground.
Our 5th & 6th grade
Traildawgs ran in the Mountaineer Pi Run on Saturday,
April 18.
Science Olympiad Thank You GV Volunteers
Thank you to the
Science Olympiad
Festival coordinators
Joell Snidanko, Sybil Fleming, Kristin Ferguson,
Theresa Suidinski, Stacy
and many
8:25 Warning Bell
What an amazing year we’ve
had!! We couldn’t have done
it without our wonderful
volunteers. From classroom
support to activity assistance
to whole school event participation and planning, and
much more, you make Grand
View a great place for kids!
We also thank you for the
love and guidance you give
your children at home
which aids in their school
success. In honor of our
outstanding volunteers,
we will be providing a
special dessert treat at the
family picnic on May 21.
11:36 Y5 Dismissal
11:40 5th/6th Lunch
11:50 Kdgt. Lunch
12:00 1st/2nd Lunch
3:38 Dismissal
In the event of a 2 hr. delay
there will be no Y5,
no intramurals, no preschool, no 6th gr. band/
orchestra/choir and
no breakfast program.
Just a reminder that
home-baked treats
are not allowed in
school. This is a state
as well as a district
policy. Store bought
treats in their original package are
Thank you to all
who participated in
the Time For Kids
magazine fundraiser.
Grand View
received $1000
worth of subscriptions for
Time For Kids!
Green School
6th Grade Parents
Grand View was awarded the 2015
Green School Emerald Award!!
Grand View on
being green!
Parents of students entering 7th grade at
Grandville Middle School in the fall are
invited to participate in the PSC (Parent
Support Council) meeting on Thursday,
May 14 at 7:00 pm in the Media Center.
This will be a great way to get involved in
the Middle School activities and to also get
to know new parents and staff. If you have
any questions please contact GMS at
MAP Testing Information
Grandville is again administering the webbased version of the MAP test. For all grades
the reading portion of MAP will be taken first,
and the math portion will be completed during
the second round of testing. Teachers will
communicate specific testing dates for their
Great Start Readiness
The Readiness Preschool
is currently accepting
applications for the 2015
-2016 school year. The
program is tuition free to
district residents who
meet state criteria.
Children must be 4 years
of age by September 1, 2015.
For an application or further information,
please call the Readiness Preschool at
4th, 5th and 6th grades will complete their
testing on student Chromebooks. Please be
sure that your child has his or her fully
charged Chromebook at school on testing
Please keep testing times in mind
while planning appointments,
and for preparing your child to
do his or her best.
If your child/
children will not be
Grand View next
year, please call the
office and let us
know as soon as
possible. It will help
us to effectively
plan for the
school year.
Community Ed. Morning Intramural Program at GV
Mr. Myers (2nd grade teacher)
and Mr. Neff (kindergarten
teacher) run a morning intramural program at Grand View.
More and more students have
become interested in this program. The program runs
Monday through Friday. Each
day of the week there is a different sport focus. The program is a drop in program, so
there is no need to sign up in
advance. Students may come
for as many as 5 days a week
or as little as one time a year.
Students can simply show
up on the day that they
want to participate. The
cost is $3 a day or a $20
max per family per week.
You may pay by cash,
credit or make out a check
to Grandville Community
Education. This program
can be written off on your
taxes as child care. All
children who attend will be
expected to participate in
the activity of the day.
Students can be dropped
off between 7:30-7:45 am
and the program runs until
8:20. The daily schedule is
posted in the gym.
This program will be offered again during the
2015/2016 school year.
Feel free to email questions
Mr. Myers at
or Mr. Neff at
Grand View Elementary
Bright Beginnings
2015-16 PTC Board
Play groups are free and open to all children
ages 0-5. Join us for an hour of fun with
your child at Wedgewood Park from
10-11:00 am.
Congratulations to our returning PTC board!
In addition, Kristin Ferguson will be joining
Sulema Kiekintveld in sharing the Parent
Coordinator position.
May 20 “Out For A Walk”
Please call Laura Fasel at
291-6501 with questions or
to register.
Grand View’s Orientation for NEW kindergarten students for
2015/2016 will be held
on Monday, May 11
from 6:30—8:00 p.m.
Current Kindergarten
students (& parents)
who are looping do not
need to attend, but are
welcome to if you
would like.
Co-Presidents: Kristin Ferguson/Theresa
Vice President: Lisa Rozema
Jill Arim
Ami Hungerford
Parent Coordinator: OPEN
(Looking for Volunteer)
District’s Nurse’s Note
Parent’s—Medication Reminder:
Please remember to pick up any medications your child had at
school at the conclusion of the school year. We cannot send medications home with students, and do not pass them on for the next school year and/or
building. Every year we end up having to dispose several bottles of medication.
If your child has had daily medications or emergency medications at school this year,
you will receive a reminder letter in the mail in mid-July. However, forms will not be
included this year. You can obtain forms from the district website. Click on the
“Parents” tab and you will get a drop down menu. Click on “Medical” for forms. You
will find the Medication Administration form, Asthma Action Guide and Emergency
Health Care Plan all posted there. A physician signature is needed for these forms. A
Medication Use form is also posted. This is for over-the-counter medications and does
not require a physician signature. However, in grades K-8, these medications still need
to be kept in the office. Copies of all forms are also available from every school office
and the Administration Building. You know best what your child will need to begin
school safely in the fall. Please plan ahead to make sure forms and medications are in
place before the first day.
If your child has a serious health concern, make sure that this information is also provided to school before the first day, so we are prepared to assist them if the need arises.
Our last day of
school, June 5, is a
Questions? Call the District Nurse at 254.6455, or e-mail at
half day
Grand View Elementary Nomination
@ 11:35.
A parent nominated Grand View Elementary for a chance to win $5000 from Independent
Bank. Voting will take place from April 29—May 13, 2015. Information about the contest
and for nominating our school is available below.
Please vote and support Grand View!
Library News from Mrs. Cook
Library End of Year Information:
Last Day to take AR tests for this school year is May 18
Last Day AR Prizes will be given out for this year is May 19
Last day to return library books is May 21
Please remember that if your child has a book checked out in his/her name that is lost or not
returned, you will be expected to pay for it's replacement. If you have any questions, please
contact Mrs. Cook at
Students Who Walk Home
Our expectation is that a student will take
his/her normal mode of transportation
(i.e. bus, parent pick up) home each day.
IF your child has permission to walk
home from school OR to go home different than their “regular” mode of transportation, we will need written permission
on that day turned into the office for our
records and for your child’s safety.
We have seen an increased
number of tardies in the last
couple of months. Just a
reminder to all parents, that
our school day begins @
8:30 a.m.. Please make every effort to get
your child to school on time as it is a disruption to the entire classroom when a student
comes into the classroom late. Thank you for
your cooperation!
We may have openings
for Kindergarten
Lunchtime Aide, Playground Supervisor and
Lunchroom Monitor
positions for Fall 2015.
If you are interested in
supervision of our students during the lunch
hour or in being a substitute for these
positions, please
contact the office.
Internet Safety Tips Websites For Parents and Students
Summer Educational Opportunities
Grand Rapids Public Schools offers the GRASP program, which is a nine week correspondence summer program written by Grand Rapids Public Schools staff in math and reading. It is designed for
children who have completed grades K-8. Children receive a packet of materials for the nine weeks
of summer, and mail in a lesson a week. The lessons are scored, results recorded, and lessons returned to the children. Children successfully completing (70% accuracy) at least seven lessons are
awarded a certificate, and those successfully completing all nine lessons receive a medal. There are
over 20,000 students enrolled annually in the GRASP program. These students are from many different districts in Michigan. For more information or to enroll your child in the GRASP program, call
(616) 819-2548.
Parents may also wish to pursue three options offered by Summer Skills Review. SSR offers a
“Summer Language Arts Review” , “Summer Math Skills Sharpener” and “Computer Keyboarding”.
Each product comes in a series of review books that help students maintain their academic skills over
the summer months. An order form has been sent home with students, or parents may order from our
Community Education office (254-6553). Cost of each book is $18.00.
M.S. Physicals
Sport physicals for 6th
graders entering the
Middle School next
fall will be offered on
May 4 and May 5 at
the Middle School
from 6:00-7:30 pm.
Cost is $15.00.
Checks should be
payable to
Dr. Diana Dillman
Police Presence at Grand View
As you are certainly and painfully aware, tragedies within the confines of our schools have
become far too frequent across our land. We need only mention the names: Jonesboro,
Paducah, Littleton, Virginia Tech., and Sandy Hook. While the causes of these horrible
events are complex and their total prevention elusive, we feel strongly that all of us must
do everything within our power to protect our children and secure our schools as safe havens of growth and learning.
The Wyoming Police Department has an operational plan that has school safety checks as a routine part of their officers’ daily duties.
We do not want the sight of a police car and a uniformed officer at our school to unsettle parents, students, or visitors.
On the contrary, it creates the perception and frequent reality that our children are safe and protected. Any plotter of
mayhem and destruction will know that a fully trained police officer, ready and able to stop an attack on the innocent,
might walk by at any moment. We have discussed this with our students, but also wanted you as parents, to know
about it should you see police officers and their vehicles at Grand View more often.
We feel this is a good step in the direction of increasing the safety of the children of our community.
Severe Weather
Tornado Watches
Students will not be dismissed early during a tornado watch. Personnel in the central administration building and Transportation Department will monitor conditions. The school
district will not begin an after school function during a tornado watch or warning. Activities that are underway when a watch is called will be allowed to continue and those underway when a warning is called will cease, and participants will be asked to take cover.
Tornado Warnings
Students will NOT be dismissed during a tornado warning even if it is dismissal time. If a tornado warning is issued,
students will be ushered to predetermined shelter in place areas. Students will not be dismissed until the Weather
Bureau signals an all-clear bulletin.
Please do not call school during a tornado watch or warning.
Early Dismissal
If there is a reason for school to be dismissed early (power outage, loss of heat, weather, etc.), the following procedure will be followed:
Local radio and television stations will be notified and the information will be broadcasted and posted on
their web page.
Grades K-6: Students will be taken to an alternate site until custodial parent/guardian picks them up. At regular dismissal time, bus students who have not been picked up will be transported home. Those students
who walk will be transported back to their school and dismissed from there.
Grades 7-12: Students will be dismissed with bus transportation being provided as usual for the bus riders.
Students who walk or drive to school will walk or drive home.
Parents may pick up their own children at any time. If anyone other than a parent picks up a child, they must be
named on the form that is on file in each school.
6th gr. Band Concert—7:00 pm @ H.S.
$5000 Independent Bank Voting begins thru 5/13
6th gr. Officer Greco Talks—am
4th/5th Reproductive Health Lessons
Staff Appreciation Week
Proposal 1 Election
K-5th DIBELS Testing
Arim Rumpus Play
Gaul/Kuiper Community Field Trip
GOTR Practice 5K after school
Popcorn Day
AHA Jump Rope for Heart 4-5:15
2015-16 Y5/Kdgt. Orientation 6:30-8:00 pm
Myers/Vandermeer Community Field Trip
Triple A 5K 4:30 or 5:15 Johnson Park
6th gr. To Chicago
6th gr. To M.S. Q & A—am
Girls on the Run 5K
AR Ends
Field Day
Y5-2nd 9-11:00 3rd-6th 1-3:00
Family Picnic 11:30-12:45
Library Closes
NO School
No School—Memorial Day
1st gr. To Dutch Village
Football/Cheer Assembly
Field Day Rain Date
6th vs. Staff Kickball @ 2:30 ?
Last day 6th band/orchestra/choir
6th vs. Staff Kickball Rain Date – 2:30 ?
6th to Craig’s Cruisers 11:30-2:30
6th gr. Farewell Celebration 8:30 am
Talent Show @ 2:00
Autograph Party 9-9:30
Tug of War 9:45-10:45
Flag Lowering K & 6 – 11:00 am
6th gr. walk-out @ 11:25
Last Day Dismissal @ 11:35 – 3rd Trimester Ends – Report Cards Home
Class Lists Mailed
IMAGE Program Identification for 3rd-5th Grade Students
Retesting Opportunity Spring 2015
What is the IMAGE Program?
The IMAGE (Identified Member of Academically Gifted Education) program is a pull-out program
for academically talented students in grades 3-6. The IMAGE program services students who live
in and/or attend a public or private school in the Grandville school district. Students in the program work on projects that incorporate higher level thinking skills and research skills. The program
is intended to serve the needs of academically gifted students by offering them an opportunity to
study independently in a self-selected area of interest as well as to interact with other students of
similar interests and abilities.
The teaching style in the program aims at matching the learning characteristics of gifted students.
The pace in teaching basic skills is accelerated with the greatest emphasis placed on challenging
the students at the higher levels of thinking and research skills.
Orientation, parent-teacher conferences, and an IMAGE Open House are annual events in the
Where Located?
The IMAGE program is currently housed at South Elementary and Century Park Learning Center
How Does a Student Qualify for the Program?
The IMAGE identification is based on the test scores from a nationally normed standardized ability
and achievement test.
Retesting Information:
We will be offering a retesting opportunity for students in grades 3, 4, and 5.
The district MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) achievement test will be administered to all 3 rd
-5th grade students this Spring. This computerized achievement test will be administered by the
classroom teachers. If a nominated student meets the minimum requirements from the MAP
achievement test, he/she may then be further tested with the InView abilities test. IMAGE
staff will review the MAP achievement scores when they become available and parents of nominated students will receive a letter with specific information regarding the MAP achievement test
results and if further ability testing will take place. If further testing does take place, a student will
spend approximately 2 hours being tested by the IMAGE staff. This will take place in the home
schools during the last week two weeks of school.
Testing and Retesting Nomination Forms:
A nomination form is available in our school office. A student may be nominated by a teacher,
parent or a principal. Nomination forms are due by Friday, May 15, 2015. Once the MAP
achievement scores are reviewed, parents of nominated students who qualify for further testing
will be notified before ability testing will take place. Parents of a student who is tested with the
InView abilities test will be notified in early June about their child’s test results. If you have any
questions, please contact Ashley Capps at 254-6803.