Spring, 2014 We’re So Happy $ To Be Able To Save You MONEY On Your Current Vehicle Loan When it comes to new vehicle financing or current loan refinancing, Savannah Federal Credit Union has what it takes to make you happy. Take a moment to review the two examples of auto loan savings to see how we can help you save money. Saving money makes everyone happy! Contact your credit union representative today for more information. Bringing your auto loan to the credit union and save 1% off your current auto loan rate (subject to approval and floor rates). Think saving 1% off your current loan won’t amount to much? Take a look below to see what this 1% savings can mean: 3.5% APR* for 60 months on $20K loan, payment $363.90, total interest $1833.44 4.5% APR*for 60 months on $20K loan, payment $372.94, total interest $2376.07 Your Savings? $517.63 -$25.00 fee = $492.63 We’ll Happily Buy Your Lunch! Doesn’t the thought of a free lunch make you happy? When you participate in our “Refer a Co-Worker” program, you can enjoy lunch on us! Refer any coworker to the credit union and when they join, you’ll earn $10. Bring them to the credit union anytime to introduce them around, and we’ll get them set up a s new member. Remember, we still have “Free Checking” and great personal service--two things that you just don’t see in these days and times. You know how great the benefits of credit union membership are! Share them with your co-workers and have lunch on us! On Your New Car Purchase We are currently offering a special 1.88% annual percentage rate for 2013 and 2014 model autos for qualified buyers. What does that mean for you? 1.88% APR* for 60 months on $20K loan Your Payment? $349.54 Additional savings may be created due to reductions in value added products, or other qualifying meaures that may create a lower interest rate. For complete details, contact the credit union. *Annual Percentage Rate Car Shopping Made Easier Before buying a new car, here are the top things you need to consider. 1. Are you getting the right vehicle for you? It may seem like an obvious consideration, but thinking about what you exactly want in a new car before you go shopping will help you make the right decision . 2. Should you sell or trade your current vehicle? Your current vehicle may be an important factor in your new car budget. Will you trade it in or sell it outright? Either way, determining the value of your car is just the right website or local newspaper away. There will be a sizable difference in what you get for your vehicle if you trade versus selling it, but it may take longer to receive the proceeds. 3. Should you buy a new or new to you vehicle? You may buy a used car with confidence because cars are built much better now than they were in the past. These used or certified used car are available at a great deal. On the other hand, cost breaks and rebates could make new vehicles a better choice. CALENDAR The credit union will be closed the following dates during the second quarter, 2014: Memorial Day Monday, May 26, 2014 Independence Day Friday, July 4, 2014 and other designated Federal Holidays. In case of emergency closings, visit our website home page, www.savannahfederal.org, for details and dates and times of reopenings or additional closings. Our Financials Unaudited Balance Sheet, as of February 28, 2014 Total Assets $19,862,501 Total Shares $16,137,938 Total Loans $7,581,372 Total Members 1,798 4. Can you set a target price? The internet had become a great tool for helping car shoppers determine what the dealer’s cost is for the vehicle and its options. That helps shoppers go into a dealership knowing what the best price is for the vehicle they want to buy. 5. Do you have financing lined-up for your vehicle purchase? Check with your credit union if you plan to buy with a loan. Being pre-approved for your loan will give you added confidence when negotiating your best price on the vehicle you’d like to buy. 6. Have you thought about using an auto buying service? If you dislike the price haggling process, consider using an auto buying service. Check our website, www.savannahfederal.org, to find three different auto-buying service providers. Your credit union is ready to help you in every aspect of your car buying decision. We are just a phone call or mouse click away. We look forward to helping you with you new vehicle purchase. Information from money.cnn.com/magazines/moneymag/money101/lesson17/ Savannah Federal Credit Union 124 Barnard Street, Room B110 Savannah, GA 31401 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 8122 Savannah, GA 31412-8122 (912) 234-8978 (912) 234-5023 fax www.savannahfederal.org Credit Union Staff Jane Evans, Manager (NMLS Id-806681) Juanita Mustipher, Head Teller Melissa Hodges, Senior MSR Lakeisha Mincey, MSR Pamela Hope, Administrative Assistant
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