GRACE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Grace Church’s Mission Statement To passionately follow Jesus Christ and bring others to know God’s love GRACE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Sunday Worship 8:00 am & 10:30 am 9:15 am Sunday School, all ages Nursery care available Pastors Melva Graham England Mark England Graham Lynne Haars, Music Director Becky Daniels, Choral Director Christine Roth, Secretary Radues - Custodians Office email: Office Hours: M-F 8-12 / 1-4 Office 309-944-4208 Kitchen/Library 309-944-4021 IN THIS ISSUE: Anniversaries Baptism Birthdays Calendar Camp Workdays Camping Committee Meetings Community Choir Dollar For Donuts Easter Eggs Food Pantry Health Ministry Holy Week Hospitalization Info Iron Sharpens Iron/Men Library Mother-Daughter-Friends Number, The Offering - Easter Operation Christmas Child O.W.L.S Rebuilding Together Salad Luncheon Sermon Series Serving in April Speaker/Author VBS 2015 Youth events Youth Mission Trips 13 9 13 14 12 4 12 4 12 5 12 8 2 6 4 5 9 7 5 6 6 4 6 3 13 7 6 10 11 THE VISITOR APRIL 2015 MISSION TRIP TO HAITI There were five of us – Karen Johnson, Ashley Crider, Brian Berry, Hal Clark (from 1st UMC), and me – who made the trip to Augustin Haiti, to represent Grace United Methodist and First United Methodist Churches in mission. Karen Johnson and I were the rookies – experiencing the sights and sounds of Haiti for the first time. The sights and sounds of Haiti are shocking – seeing firsthand the extreme poverty, experiencing the lack of infrastructure, and riding on roads that are more like rocky river beds than real roads. But like so many who have gone before us, our hearts have been captured by the people of Augustin Haiti. The children were wonderful. They thrive on a little attention, having a chance to play catch or kick a soccer ball. They delight in us learning their names and in them learning ours. I was surprised by how close a bond I formed with some of the Staff who were there to take care of us, the night watchman, Daniel, who jumped in to serve and work alongside us day and night, Pastor Jean Claude who invited me to preach the message during Sunday Worship, and Emmaneo who was our driver, but also our teacher who helped us to pronounce and understand many words in Creole that allowed us to communicate and transcend the differences in language and culture. I want to reassure you that the investment that Grace United Methodist Church has made in Augustin Haiti is worth it. The church in Augustin was packed – standing room only on Sunday morning for worship. The school has over 100 children in attendance – all wearing the uniforms that the people of Grace has provided. Dedicated teachers that worked for months and months without pay are now being paid each month on time because of the commitment of the Missions Committee and the generosity of Grace Church. I was able to witness a strong, alive Christian community that is meeting the needs of children, youth, and adults in this remote area of Haiti. I extend my thanks to Brian Berry for being such a strong team leader and organizing a wonderful trip. I am so proud and inspired to be a part of Grace Church and see the difference we are making. Hal Clark, one of our team members, put it this way: “The school gives hope for the present. The church gives hope for all eternity.” We are doing our part to give hope to the people of Haiti. To God be the glory. Pastor Mark Page 1 March 29 - Palm Sunday Worship at 8:00 & 10:30 April 2 - Maundy Thursday _ Men’s Breakfast - 6:30 am Men of all ages are welcome; encouraged to bring a friend! Program - Dave Brewer, Dan Callison, and Rick Pierce speaking about Men’s Cursillo Weekend _ Ladies Brunch - 10:00 am Program by Pastor Melva All Ladies welcome; bring your friends _ Maundy Thursday Service 7:00 pm in the Sanctuary April 3 - Good Friday Service 12:15 - 12:45 pm in our Sanctuary EASTER MORNING - April 5 8:00 am - Youth-led Easter Sunrise Service Pastor Mark preaching 9:15 am - Breakfast 9:40 am - Easter Egg Hunt Nursery Age - meet in Nursery PreK - 4th Grade - meet in Albright Hall 10:30 am - Easter Worship Pastor Melva preaching Page 2 A.D. Series - The Bible Continues BEGINS Easter Sunday, April 5th at the 10:30 am Service NBC will be broadcasting a continuation of the History Channel THE BIBLE beginning Easter on SUNDAY nights. A.D. tells the story of the beginning of the Christian Church as told in the book of Acts. Join us as we begin our sermon series on the book of Acts using excerpts from the movie that will be shown that night. Communion will be served on Confirmation Sunday this month. April 5th - EASTER Sunday - 8 & 10:30 am Blended Worship 8:00 am Because He Lives Led by our Youth, Pastor Mark preaching 10:30 am The Grave Robber Pastor Melva preaching - A.D. series begins Luke 24:45-48 Matthew 28:1-20 8:00 am Blended and 10:30 am Contemporary Worship April 12th - HOLY HUMOR Sunday - Wait For It Acts 1:1-8 Join us for the churches annual celebration of God’s joke on death! Rejoice in Jesus’ resurrection and His promise that we are resurrection people. April 19th - CONFIRMATION Sunday with Communion Join us for Confirmation at the 8:00 am service followed by a Reception in the Lobby area. The Work of The Holy Spirit Acts 2:1-4 April 26th - What Matters Most Acts 4:18-20 Renowned Speaker Brenda Yoder will share during Sunday School (9:15 am) with parents (and grandparents) on raising tween and teen girls. 2:30 pm - An Event for Teen Girls by Brenda Yoder at Grace UMC Who Do You Say I Am: Being Real in an Artificial World [A Study/Guidebook is available for the A.D. TV series. If you are interested, let the Church Office know cost is $8. There are 12 lessons to cover the 12 episodes in the series. Page 3 Community Choir and Children’s Choir The Community Choir of Geneseo will celebrate their 7th anniversary this Summer. The theme this year is “Awesome”. The choir, which includes students entering 8th grade and older adults, will rehearse W ednesday evenings, 6:30-8:00pm beginning Wednesday, June 3 through July 1 in the Geneseo High School Band Room. The performance is Wednesday, July 8 at 7pm in the HS Gym. If interested in singing, please call 944-6641 or email Pam Edwards, the director, at by May 22. IRON SHARPENS IRON MEN’S CONFERENCE SIGN UP BY APRIL 6th The Men of Grace invite you to join us Saturday, April 18, at Harvest Bible Chapel in Davenport for the Iron Sharpens Iron experience. This oneday event is for men and about men, featuring two outstanding keynote speakers and 16 breakout sessions like, “Making Family Time Count”, “How Life Really Works - for Teenage Boys”, “The Power of a Father’s Blessing”. Students entering 4th - 7th grades are invited to sing in the Children’s Choir, rehearsing July 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, and performing with the Community Choir on July 8th. Registration forms are available on the Geneseo Elementary and Middle Schools Choir Instructor websites or contact Pam Edwards. The deadline is May 18. More information available on the Community Choir of Geneseo Facebook page. Your cost for the day is $32 which includes lunch. Please sign up at the church office by Monday, April 6th. You can also contact Terry Anderson, Todd Sieben, or Paul VanDerSchaaf. Additional information is available at: Rebuilding Together Henry County is seeking volunteers, 14+, to assist in home rehabilitation at six sites in Geneseo, Atkinson, Cambridge, and Annawan, on Saturday, April 25. Look for flyers with more information posted on bulletin boards in the church and community. Waiver forms for all workers can be found on the website or contact Sarah at 944-6442 / SUMMER 2015 CAMPING & RETREAT BROCHURES AVAILABLE ON THE SHELF IN THE OFFICE Page 4 NEW IN THE LIBRARY The Cost of Discipleship by Dietrich Bonhoeffer. From the back cover – “One of the most important theologians of the 20th Century illuminates the relationship between ourselves and the teachings of Jesus” ..... a rebel. DIETRICH BONHOEFFER was born in Breslau, Germany, in 1906. The son of a famous German psychiatrist, he studied in Berlin and New York City. He left the safety of America to return to Germany and continue his public repudiation of the Nazis, which led to his arrest in 1943. Linked to the group of conspirators whose attempted assassination of Hitler failed, he was hanged in April 1945. The Cost of Discipleship is a compelling statement of the demands of sacrifice and ethical consistency from a man whose life and thought were exemplary articulations of a new type of leadership inspired by the Gospel, and imbued with the spirit of Christian humanism and a creative sense of civic duty.” ALSO: Kathleen L. Bostrom is the author of a series of Little Blessings books, in hard cover and paperback, now ‘blessing’ our Children’s Section. The poetic questions that title her books: Why Is There A Cross?, What Is Prayer?, What About Heaven?, and more, are answered in charming verse. The illustrations are the artwork of Elena Kucharik, artist for Care Bears. “Is heaven a place that is near or far? Can I get to heaven by boat or by car? .... Your questions are good ones, so let’s dive right in and see what the Bible says. Ready? Begin!!! ................................................................................................................................................................................... OUR EASTER OFFERING THIS YEAR WILL GO TO: AFRICA UNIVERSITY ...................................................................................................................................................................... Although Easter eggs were once part of pagan spring festivals, they’ve become Christian symbols of new life. A cracked-open shell also represents Jesus’ empty tomb on Easter morning. For Lent, some families used to give up eggs and dairy, so they prepared a pancake feast on Shrove Tuesday, the day before Ash Wednesday. They solved the egg surplus by hard-boiling them in various broths, which led to colored eggs. Page 5 O.W.L.S April 23 May 28 So we know how to plan, please indicate you will be attending by using the sign-up sheets that will be in the Foyer prior to each date, or call the church office at 944-4208. WELCOME! VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL 2015 Entering Kindergarten thru 6th grade June 15 - 19 Spring Salad Luncheon & Quilt Display Thursday, April 16 11am - 1 pm First United Methodist Church, Geneseo 9:00 - 11:30 am YEAR-ROUND SHOEBOXING FOR OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD (O.C.C.) Reminder - when you enter a hospital, be sure to say you are a member of Geneseo Grace United Methodist Church, or have a family member or friend call the Church Office to let us know; otherwise we may not be aware of your hospitalization. At It Again April - on-sale Easter toys & candy, plastic cups/sports or reusable water bottles, mini notepads. Items may be placed in drawer with the O.C.C. label in Foyer cabinet. Thank you! Thanks you for your continued support. Page 6 MARCH 2015 - THE NUMBERS Date Attendance General Fund giving 8 & 10:30 Sunday School March 1 200 120 $6,970.42 March 8 210 115 $8,972.29 March 15 311 125 $7,499.87 March 22 262 125 $6,713.13 March 29 - will be reported next month ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SUNDAY, APRIL 19TH at 2:30 pm BRENDA YODER, Speaker and Author, at GRACE UMC Brenda speaks to teen girls on Blurred Lines: Being Real In An Artificial World. It is a powerful presentation for teen girls and parents of teen girls and youth leaders. Kay Sieben brought this to us after hearing Brenda share at last year’s Iron Sharpens Iron Women’s Conference. Brenda will also be sharing with parents and grandparents (mentors, etc.) during morning Sunday School (9:15 am). Please take advantage of this valuable resource as we seek together to raise confident Christian women. Brenda has a Master’s Degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling and a B.A. in Education. After being a stay-athome-mom and teacher, she’s currently a school counselor with a private counseling practice. In 2003 and 2004 she received the “Powerful Connection” award for teachers. Brenda has recently published Chicken Soup for the Soul’s “Reboot Your Life”. Brenda and her husband live on a farm in Northern Indiana with their four children. Things people are saying about Brenda: I honor your expertise in adolescent culture and parenting. I love the relevant topics you cover for parents, particularly moms, and know they trust your wisdom.” Brian Housman, author of Tech Savy Parenting. “I appreciate the voice and heart of Brenda. She’s real and deep and wants all in her audience to live in the fullness of God’s grace. Listen and be loved by a woman after God’s heart.” Jenny Bolt Price, Life Coach at iwokeupyesterday , Stuart , Florida. Page 7 FROM OUR HEALTH MINISTRY TEAM: Page 8 Mother - Daughter - Friends Banquet Sunday, May 3, 6:00 pm All “Girls”, young and old, are invited to join us for a fun night of food, games, and fellowship. “The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy.” On Sunday, March 22, 2015, Tanner Joseph DeSplinter, son of Taylor & Grant, was baptized in our Sanctuary. Page 9 Psalm 126:3 GENESEO YOUTH GATHERING (GYG) - Sunday, April 12 5:30 - 7:00 pm at St. Malachy Parish Grace Junior High and Senior High Youth are invited to the Geneseo Youth Gathering at St. Malachy on Sunday, April 12, 5:30 - 7:00 pm for sports, games, and activities. We have emphasized youth worship for many of these events, but this event will focus on bringing youth together from our churches to have fun. Friends are welcome. Snacks will be provided. BACCALAUREATE MEETING - Sunday, April 12 4:30 pm at St. Malachy Parish There will also be a Baccalaureate Planning Meeting at St. Malachy Parish on Sunday, April 12, 4:30 pm - prior to the Geneseo Youth Gathering for all interested High School Seniors who will be graduating in May. The purpose of this meeting is to bring together ideas of pastors, youth leaders, and HS Seniors to plan and prepare for Baccalaureate that will be held on Sunday, May 17. SENIOR HIGH YOUTH FUND-RAISER FOR ST. JUDE Friday-Saturday, April 24 -25 at the Geneseo Community Center The Senior High Youth will be holding a Fund-Raiser Lock-In for St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital at the Community Center on Friday, April 24, 10:00 pm - Saturday, April 25, 7:00 am. The Youth will sign up sponsors to donate to St. Jude’s according to the activity or activities that each Youth chooses as their area of participation. There will be a free throw contest and Youth will get commitments from sponsors for each free throw that is made. There will be an indoor triathalon – including swimming, running, and stationary bike riding that will also be used for sponsors to donate for each lap and each mile completed. Other activities that will be used for raising funds are wally-ball (volleyball in a racquetball court), a snack-eating contest (yet to be determined), and whatever other creative activities the Youth design for this event. We encourage sponsors to be generous and get involved. St Jude’s Children Research Hospital serves the needs of children with life-threatening diseases such as leukemia and cancer and provides the hospital care needed without charging the family for their services. St. Jude’s has given many families hope as their children have battled serious diseases without the added financial stress of long-term care and treatment. It is hoped that after holding this fund-raiser in April some of our Youth will be able to participate in the St. Jude Runs event at the end of July. Page 10 FIRST YOUTH SENIOR HIGH TRIP TO HAITI The Senior High Youth will have their first mission trip to Haiti June 9-16. Adult sponsors for this trip are Brett Decker, Nancy Lohman, and Jenny (Berry) Ryan. Students who are planning to attend are Reece Bodeen, Cade Humphries, Jacob Decker, Jenna Decker, Daniel Lohman, and Matt Lohman. The youth will be sprucing up the church and school campus before the Augustin church celebrates a day of weddings. This has been a tradition at Augustin the last few years for two mission teams from the States to provide the wedding dresses, clothes, and decorations for couples from the Northwest region of Haiti to come together for a massive wedding celebration. As many as 25 couples have celebrated at one time. Our youth will be there to serve the couples and families that come together for this joyous celebration. We anticipate that the youth will have the continued opportunity to connect with the children of Augustin and continue to help make improvements to the Augustin campus. Keep this team and their families in your prayers as they prepare to make this trip, that it will be safe, successful, and fruitful experience for serving in Christ’s name. SENIOR HIGH YOUTH MISSION TRIP TO SOUTH DAKOTA The Senior High Youth will also be participating in a youth mission trip with Walk on Water ministries to Wakpala, South Dakota, to minister in the Lakota Indian Reservation, July 5-12. Registration is still open for attending this trip. Pastor Mark will be one of the adult sponsors, as well as adults from St. Malachy. All students that will be in high school in the Fall, including incoming Freshmen, are welcome to attend. Please see Pastor Mark to register for this trip; spaces will be filling up soon. JUNIOR HIGH MISSION TRIP - WEEK OF HOPE The Junior High Youth will have the opportunity to participate in a Youth Mission Trip to either Minneapolis, Minnesota or Indianapolis, Indiana, the week of June 29-July 3. The final location will be determined by what openings they have when we complete our registration. During the Week of Hope, students will work in soup kitchens, community centers, and senior citizen centers, serving the most vulnerable people in the community. Registrations should be completed and returned to Pastor Mark by Sunday, April 5. Youth Mission trips - Haiti and South Dakota - will be raising funds for the Mission Trips. The Easter Breakfast is one of the youth fund-raisers. Please come to the breakfast and keep the youth in mind as you make your donations for the breakfast! Page 11 Geneseo Food Pantry 217 N. Russell Ave Phone: 944-3165 Mon, Tue, Thu: 9:00-Noon / 1-4 Closed Wednesdays Friday - 9 am - Noon Grace UMC Representative - Greg Bodeen Annual Work & Clean-Up Days at Living Springs Camp May 2 and May 9, 8:30 am-3:30 pm APRIL FOOD NEEDS: pancake syrup, Jello, pudding, instant mashed potatoes, stuffing mix APRIL NON-FOOD NEEDS: dish soap, cleaning products, body wash, shampoo Lunch Provided Tools to Bring for Work Projects: Loppers and rakes Carpentry tools Spring at last! The warmer weather we’ve been waiting for is here, and with it comes an increased need for lighter jackets and clothing. Please consider sharing your outgrown or no longer needed items with the Pantry clients. We are especially in need of children’s clothing and items for teens. Questions and/or lunch reservations: Call Mike Eaker 309-547-2047 or Curt Shimmin 309-734-3906 DOLLAR FOR DONUTS “Scouting for Food” took place on March 21 and we thank everyone who put out food for the Scouts to bring to the Pantry. Our shelves are stocked, and we are thankful for your blessings. Unfortunately with 80+ households being served each month, it does not take long for our shelves to become empty again. The 23rd Annual Letter Carriers “Stamp Out Hunger” food drive will be Saturday, May 9. It is the largest one-day food drive in America and is made possible by thousands of letter carriers who volunteer their time to participate; as well as countless volunteers who help sort, collect, and distribute much needed food to pantries and food banks across the country. Locally, postal employees, family members, and friends donate the entire day for this event. Just leave your donation by your mailbox and it will be picked up when your mail is delivered that day. These collections help carry us through summer months when food donations decrease. Our opportunity to continue to support our youth & Emerald Circle in this fundraiser April 26 th Proceeds will go to “Youth Summer Mission Trips” UPCOMING MEETINGS: Monday, April 13 6:00 pm - VBS Directors 6:30 pm - N.O.W. Committees (Education, Missions, Evangelism) If you have free time and would like to volunteer, we could use help at the Food Pantry. We have a temporary volunteer position open in our upstairs clothing rooms. Help is needed Thursday mornings from 9am to Noon for the months of April and May. If interested, please call us at 944-3165. Tuesday, April 14 6:30 pm - Worship Committee Tuesday, April 28 6:30 pm - Finance Committee 7:00 pm - Church Council Your donations each month make a huge impact on the lives of struggling families through out community. We thank you for your continued support, love, and prayer. Page 12 SERVING IN APRIL USHER 5th 8:00 10:30 12th 8:00 10:30 19th 8:00 10:30 26th 8:00 10:30 ACOLYTE HEAD USHER: Paul VanDerSchaaf Jerry Hahn, Mike Rubino, Cecil Roth Chase Marshall HEAD USHER: Brad Toone Cole Toone, Kyle Toone, Steve Wheelock Justin Johnson HEAD USHER: Paul VanDerSchaaf Terry Anderson, Mike Rubino, Cecil Roth Livi Marshall HEAD USHER: Brad Toone Cole Toone, Kyle Toone, Steve Wheelock Molly Neumann HEAD USHER: Paul VanDerSchaaf Mark and Eric Johnston, Terry Anderson Brooke Boone HEAD USHER: Brad Toone Cole Toone, Kyle Toone, Jeff Loebach HEAD USHER: Paul VanDerSchaaf Mark and Eric Johnston, Terry Anderson HEAD USHER: Brad Toone Cole Toone, Kyle Toone, Jeff Loebach Neumann Boys Addison Dykstra Neumann Boys Page 13 FUSION [Easter Breakfast] Anna / Kyle Wise [Confirmation Reception] DOLLAR FOR DONUTS (8th graders help with sale) VIDEO KITCHEN KAPERS Beth Kastorff Chairpersons Marlene Ashpole 944-4245 Dee Humphries 944-5810 Jane Scherer Dean Johnson Brad Dunker Sam Marshall Nick Anderson Elliot Koster Paul VanDerSchaaf Donna & Brian Tindall Rhonda Cater Susan Coleman Zelda Cowan Margarete Crowe Becky Daniels Diane Flynn Ariel French Liz Gradert Margaret Hitzhusen Diana Holbrook Billie Hulting Nancy Lohman Jean Soria Oneida Strobbe Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday VISITOR/newsletternews and information due to the church office the 20th of each month EASTER 6 1:30 - Lenten Bible Study, Library 6 - BS Pack 159, Otterbein Hall 6 - Love Unlimited, Alb 12** 13 9 - Prayer Grp 7:30 - Blood Pressure Check, Foyer 9:30 - Violet, Alb 4:30 - HS Seniors met @ St Malachy 6 - VBS Directors meeting 5:30 - GYG at St Malachy 7 9 - Prayer Group 5-6 - MOG Leadership Team, Library 1 2 Maundy 9:30 - Staff, Lib 6-Praise, Sanctuary 7:15-Jubilee, Chapel MOG = Men of Grace 8 - Sunrise Service 9:15 - Breakfast 9:40 - Egg Hunt 10:30 - Easter Worship Saturday 14 3 4 Thursday Good Friday 6:30 Mens Breakfast 10 - Ladies Brunch 7 - Maundy Thursday Service [Office closed] 7 - Men’s Bible Study 12:15-12:45 Service at Grace UMC 8 8:30-Pastors 9 10 11 Group, Library 9:30 - Staff, Lib 5:45 - Men’s Grp 7:30 - Ladies Bible Study, Library 9-UMW Mission Workday, Alb 1:30 - Azure Circle, Albright 9:30 - GUMDROPS, Otterbein Hall 7 - Men’s Bible Study 15 8:30-Pastors 16 17 18 Group, Library 9:30 - Staff, Lib 5:45 - Men’s Grp 7:30 - Ladies Bible Study, Library 9:30 - GUMDROPS, Otterbein Hall 7 - Men’s Bible Study 5:30-6:45 Confirmation Class, 8th Graders, Pastor Melva’s Office 6-Praise, Sanctuary 7:15-Jubilee, Chapel 6 - GS Trp 5828, Alb 6:30 - N.O.W Committees (Education.Missions. Evangelism), Ott Friday ** SUNDAY MORNING SCHEDULE 8:00 am - Blended Worship Service 9:15 am - Sunday School for all ages 10:30 am - Contemporary Worship April 2015 5 Thursday 5:30 - Confirmation Banquet, Otterbein 6:30 - Worship Committee, Library [Office Hours: 8am - 12 Noon] 6-Praise, Sanctuary 7:15-Jubilee, Chapel 7 - Pearl Circle @ Kay S home 7 - Opal Circle @ JoAnn K home 19** 20 8 - Library Native American Ministries Offering 9 - Prayer Group CONFIRMATION CLASS received 8 am service, followed by Reception 6 - GS Trp 5828, Ott 2:30 - An Event for Tween & Teen Girls by Brenda Yoder 26** 21 8:30-Pastors Group, Library 9:30 - Staff, Lib 6 - Love Unlimited, Alb 7 - Men’s Softball League Coaches, Library 7 - Sapphire, YRm 27 28 23 24 25 5:45 - Men’s Grp 7:30 - Ladies Bible Study, Library 9:30 - GUMDROPS, Otterbein Hall 7 - Men’s Bible Study 6 - Love Unlimited, Albright 6:30 - Finance Committee, Otterbein/Stage 7 - Church Council, Otterbein MOG - Rebuilding Together 11:30 - OWLS, Otterbein 10pm-7am - Youth Lock-In Fundraiser at Geneseo Community Center 6-Praise, Sanctuary 7:15-Jubilee, Chapel 9 - Prayer Group DOLLAR FOR DONUT 22 29 8:30-Pastors Group, Library 9:30 - Staff, Lib 6-Praise, Sanctuary 7:15-Jubilee, Chapel Page 14 30 5:45 - Men’s Grp 7:30 - Ladies Bible Study, Library
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