April 2015 - Concordia Lutheran Church

April 2015
Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia!
Don’t those words just cause a festive chill to run down your spine? Do they make you want to jump out
of your shoes with joy? Do they fill you with delight and peace and hope all at the same time? They should. Our
greatest enemy, Death, is defeated!! “Christ is risen!” proclaim Christians in the season of Easter. “He is risen,
indeed!” joyously responds the faithful Church throughout space and time; people for whom Christ died &
people of Easter!
Though the mystery of the Trinity, the incarnation and person of Christ, and many more unsolvable
paradoxes (because they are of God!) remain in the Christian Church, the fact that Christ is risen removes all
mystery of what will occur after death… there will be life! It won’t be some metaphysical existence of spirit. It
will be life in the body!
Our body is not only important to us (for it is our life!) but it is important to our Lord. Creatively did He
take time to perfectly form man out of the dust of the ground. Then He gave that body of clay life when He
breathed into it His own breath. He is quick to supply all the needs of body (and soul) even though we are not
deserving of them: food, drink, house home, and more. When He saved His people, the Israelites, out of the
hands of their enemies, He did so not by killing their bodies, but by preserving them in their bodies life. So
important is the body to God that He assumed the very flesh of humanity to save it! Jesus, the Son of God, cared
for His body- He ate, drank, exercised, slept, cried, shouted, laughed, and more. He also cared for the bodies of
others: He reached out and touched to heal infirmities, He spoke and cast out demons, He cleansed lepers, and
even raised the dead. All this He did to care for the bodies He made and restore them to a sense of the perfection
they were created for: holiness with God.
Since the Fall, by nature we are sinful and unclean. With bodies corrupted by sin, the breath of life gasps
for air in struggle to survive until the body breath’s its last. Though the wages of sin is death, we were not made
to die, but to live with God. We cannot extend our life any further beyond death, thus God has accomplished this
for us in Christ! His body was hung on the tree in payment for our sin. His death was our death to sin. Then His
body was cared for, wrapped, and placed tenderly in a tomb where He fulfilled the Sabbath rest. After such
tragedy, when no one knew what was going to happen after death, Jesus’ body was snatched from death. The
breath of life returned to the lifeless clay! Christ is risen!
“The last enemy to be destroyed is death.” On the day of the resurrection of all flesh, the ground will give
up their dead and God will return His breath to lifeless clay. And to this end, we hope with faith in Christ Jesus,
our living Lord and Savior!
“So is it with the resurrection of the dead. What is sown is perishable; what is raised is imperishable. It is
sown in dishonor; it is raised in glory. It is sown in weakness; it is raised in power. It is sown a natural body; it is
raised a spiritual body. If there is a natural body, there is also a spiritual body. Thus it is written, “The first man
Adam became a living being”; the last Adam became a life-giving spirit. But it is not the spiritual that is first but
the natural, and then the spiritual. The first man was from the earth, a man of dust; the second man is from
heaven. As was the man of dust, so also are those who are of the dust, and as is the man of heaven, so also are
those who are of heaven. Just as we have borne the image of the man of dust, we shall also bear the image of the
man of heaven.” (1 Corinthians 15:42-49)
Alleluia! Christ is Risen!
Pastor Mueller
April 2015
Greg & Michelle McKenzie 24 years
Lee & Jeanette Shoemaker 40 years
Kendra & Tracey Burnette 15 years
Andy & Yvette Raschke 36 years
Jeff & Mindy Brown
15 years
Bryan & Marcia Niemeier 43 years
Garth & Jeanette Mingo 48 years
Jerry & Judy Deutsch
51 years
Arthur & Janet Coppejans 18 years
William & Deedra Henry Jr. 19 years
William & Wanda Motzer 45 years
Augie & Wendy Rodemeyer 15 years
John & Pat Kohrell
21 years
Staci Brewer
Russell Brown ©
Reagan Erickson ©
Diane Ouart
Leslie Ouart
Sara Sneyd
Juanita Wisely
Harrison Conley
Laney Fuqua
Amanda Wheeler
Mary Henry
Corine Rothschild
Brynn Johnson
Sharon Kading
Diane Reschke
© child under the age of 12
* Senior Birthday is a member
over the age of 79.
Sonja Kemmis Causemaker
Pamela Rowold
Amanda Armstrong
Nathan Raschke
Mary Thon
Emma Miller ©
Michael Brown
Bobbijo Cross
Vicki Wahlheim
Della Boehmke
Seeley Koch ©
Kyle Jahn
Timothy Misfeldt
Remlee Dwyer ©
Karrie Achenbach-King
Chaise Blakley
Kristen DePauw
Peg Moriarity
Zachary Ouart
Cameron Fleming
Logan Jones ©
Preston Jones ©
Sage Windisch ©
Devan DePauw
Michelle Glazier
Joshua Rowold
Thomas Woodworth
Wayne Misfeldt *
Roger Hull
Josh Fleming
Joy Woolley
members under 19
Esther Brown
Alex Lathrop
Kord Lathrop
Concordia Ladies League
CLL met March 12 with 11 members and Pastor
Mueller present. Arline Sigwalt and Judy Deutsch
served dessert with a St. Patrick's Day
theme. Pastor led a Bible study on the true meaning
of Lent.
Kathryn Nelson opened the meeting in the absence
of President, Sharon Blackert. She introduced our
newest member, Marta Licht.
Judy D. had the opening entitled "Three
Words". There were reports from treasurer, Janett
Farnam, and card chairman, Dorothy Johnson.
Concordia Nursery
Judy presented details on the possibility of local
artist, Sharon Michaelson, doing a pen and ink
drawing of our church which then could be copied
onto note papers. We decided to table this subject
for the next meeting. Sharon will be presenting a
program in November entitled "Designing and
Making Purses".
Lately the nursery has had broken toys and was
messy. Please remember that the nursery is to be set
aside for use by children age 5 and under. This
room is not to be used by older children.
Also remember if you or your children use the
nursery it is your responsibility to clean it up.
We discussed details on the upcoming visit of the
100 member choir and symphonic band from Pastor
Mueller's alma mater. They will arrive Thurs.,
March 19. LWML will serve supper to the group
and there will be a concert at 7 PM. The members
will go to host families to spend the night and will
return to church for breakfast about 7 AM. The bus
departs at 8 AM. CLL will serve breakfast to the
group and host families will provide a sack lunch for
their guests.
Our next meeting is April 9 with Jeanette
Shoemaker and Kathryn Nelson serving. Jeanette
will have the opening.
We closed with the Lord's Prayer.
Respectfully submitted,
Judy Deutsch
May Deadline
Is April 10th
SALES CONTINUE for Rada Knives & kitchen
items. Also for “Lutheran Brooms” and LWML’s
new (replacement) cotton dish cloths. The softer
colored stripes and the slightly different knit are
very likely to please you – plan to try out a couple
soon. Watch for sales in the northeast corner of the
parish hall on selected Sundays, between church
services. Profits are directed to carefully
chosen L.W.M.L. missionary projects.
Concordia LWML
Concordia LWML met on
Tuesday March 10th at
1:00PM. President Kramer
opened the meeting in the
name of the Triune God.
Devotions were given by Pat Kohrell on witnessing.
Our hymn of the month was "Come to Calvary's
Holy Mountain" which we sang. Roll call was
answered by naming one of our favorite Bible
For our program we assembled Resurrection Eggs
for the Preschool. On March 19th we will be serving
supper for the students from Valley Lutheran High
School in Saginaw, Michigan. They are on tour with
their Lenten Band and Choir. Walking Taco's, sliced
fruit and cookies are on the menu.
On April 2nd we will be serving our annual Maundy
Thursday luncheon. The church service is at 11:00
AM with the meal to follow at noon. The next
meeting is on April 14th. We will enjoy a potluck
luncheon at noon with the regular 1:00PM meeting
to follow. The program will be a Bible Study, "The
Lord is my Shepherd."
Please come and join us!
God's Blessings,
Do you need a ride to church
on Sunday morning?
The Church Council has approved a “pick-up”
service for Sunday mornings. If you need a ride to
church please call the church office by noon on
Friday at 944-3993. We will make those
arrangements for you.
Reminder…when you
enter a hospital, be sure
to say you are a member
of Concordia Lutheran,
or have a family member
or friend call the office or
Pastor Mueller.
Otherwise we may not be
aware of your
hospitalization. Thank
Please contact the office and inform us of any
changes of name, address, marital status, email,
phone, and cell phone.
Need some minor maintenance done around your
house? The Men’s Group would like to help you.
Call the church office if you need help.
Check us out at www.geneseolutheranchurch.com.
There is a lot of information available on the
website. Some of the items available online are:
Historical books, Fortress, sermons, calendars,
upcoming events and our Youth and Preschool
Facebook page links.
Concordia Lutheran Preschool is
registering students for the
2015-2016 school year.
We are offering the following classes:
3-year old class (3 on or before September 1)
Tuesday and Thursday 8:30 – 11:00 a.m.
New Mission Request
The ladies of LWML are asking
for your support to collect items
for health kits for Lutheran
World Relief. The needed items are light-weight
bath sized towels (20”X40” to 27”X52”) preferably
a dark color, a bath-sized bar soap (4 - 5oz) any
brand in original wrapping, adult-sized toothbrushes
in original packaging, sturdy combs (no picks or
fine-toothed combs) and metal nail clippers
(attached file optional).
These kits, once assembled, will be sent all over the
world by LWR assisting people affected by natural
disasters, poverty and those in refugee camps.
Please help us give the gift of cleanliness and love
to those in need. There is a tote in the Fellowship
hall for your donations. God bless you for your
help! Thank you!
Central Illinois District e-publishes a monthly
newsletter. If you would be interested in finding
out what is going on throughout the district follow
the address to check out the current and past events
and stories.
4/5-year old class (4 on or before September 1)
Monday, Wednesday and Friday 8:30 – 11:00 a.m.
The fee schedule is as follows:
Registration fee (annual, non-refundable, all
classes): $40
3-year old class: $85/month (9 months)
4/5-year old class: $105/month (9 months)
Registration is open to the public.
Registration forms can be picked up in the church
office or from the church website. The classes will
be filled as we receive the registration form and the
$40 registration fee.
LERT (Lutheran Emergency Response
Training) Volunteer Training Events
All events start with registration at 8:00am and go
until 4:30pm. Sessions begin at 8:30 am April 18,
2015 Immanuel, Macomb (Student Center) 303 N.
Clay Street, Macomb, May 2, 2015 Trinity, 1010 N.
Webster Street, Taylorville. More information can
found at the District website:
WHISPERERS on your Lutheran Radio Station
Worldwide KFUO. Be sure to check out Concord
Matters (Sat@10am and Tues@2pm Central
Time), a round table discussion on the Lutheran
Confessions from the Book of Concord, and God
Whisperers (Thurs@2pm Central), an offbeat
program that discusses the everyday life of
Christians with humor and intelligence. Listen at
kfuo.org! Follow us on Facebook.com/KFUORadio.
Friends in Faith will meet on Tuesday, April 28, at
7:00 p.m. All ladies of the church are invited to
join us for an evening of fellowship, refreshments,
and Bible study. Our Bible Study is titled
“Imitating Christ—Being Led by the Spirit.” Don’t
forget to bring your mite box. Friends in Faith
meets on the 4th Tuesday of January, April, July,
and October.
Did you know that LWML recycles
for mission money? Here is a list of
items that can be recycled and the
“mites” are used to spread the Word
and love of God around the world:
Ink-jet cartridges, laser cartridges, cell phones &
smart phones (regardless of condition), lap-top
computers, Tablets (Kindles, etc.)
Digital cameras, MP3 players (I-pods), GPS devices
If you would like to donate any of these items for
recycling they can be given to any LWML member.
God bless you for all you do to support the mission
of the LWML. There is also a recycling box in the
library area marked “Recycling for Mites” where it
can also be placed.
The Fortress is a monthly newsletter published for
members and friends of Concordia Evangelical
Lutheran Church. Concordia is a member of the
Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod.
Here’s a great opportunity to help the MITE
account! Trim the stamps from any greeting cards
you receive. Give them to one of your LWML
society officers or deposit them in the “Stamps for
Missions” box located in the library. Those little
stamps are like the widows MITES.
The April Blood pressure checks after both services will
be on April 12, 2015.
APRIL 2015
Worship Services
Dick McMullen &
Brian Wahlheim &
Ward Lenz
Carmen Pamperin &
Vicki Wahlheim
Altar Guild
Sick and infirm: Becky Sneyd, Alice Wright,
Lee Shoemaker, Chris Frisk, Lenore
Vandevoord, Douglas Fyke, Todd Merkel,
Dorothy Johnson, Michael Blank, Truman Nehls,
Ed Schulmeister, Joey, Stephanie Kursock,
Janine Persefield, Ted Zanfes, Bob Thon, Steve
Blakely, Phill Emmerson, Luanne O’Donnell,
Christine Henry, Pastor Robert Yount, Tom
Yerkey, Tim Woolley Joan Maier, and Joanne
Also in our prayers: Mary Fuqua, Marjorie
Rahn, James Dean, Sylvia Simms, Florence
Kuchirka, and Bob Mason, Darlene Ball, Lois
Pray for our inactive members.
Easter Sunday Lilies
Kyle & Jeana Jagers
Jerry & Judy Deutsch
John & Pat Kohrell
Prayer Requests
If you have a prayer request to be added to the
Sunday service, there are three ways: 1) call the
church office and speak to Pat/Joy or the Pastor; 2)
fill out a prayer request card which is now at the
Greeters Stands; please hand them to the Deacon
before the service begins so they can be given to
Pastor; 3) during or after the service you can fill out
the bottom of your attendance card with your prayer
Concordia Lutheran Church in
Geneseo invites you to a
Free Parenting Workshop
Train up a child in the way he
should go; even when he is
old he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6
Saturday, April 25th,
For Dads & Moms, Parents, Teachers,
Grandparents, and Guardians
And especially for those with children
ages 10-16 years old.
We recommend an RSVP by April 19th if you
plan on attending.
Please direct any questions or RSVP information
to Concordia Church 309-944-3993 or email
Babysitting is available for up to 10 children
ages 7 and under.
(Call ahead to reserve your child’s spot.)
316 S. Oakwood Ave, Geneseo
“We hope you can attend to hear of parenting
strategies for the growth of the family and your
children as we look to our children as the future
This workshop will be taught by Roxanne Fevold.
She is a Mental Health Therapist with UnityPoint
Berryhill Center in Fort Dodge. She received her
master's degree in Mental Health Counseling from
Walden University in 2014. She is a Certified Drug
and Alcohol Counselor and Certified Family Life
Educator. She specializes in education regarding
human growth and development within the context
of the family and parenting.
Please join us for this interesting and informative
(Please leave all spaces clean
and as you found it.)
As warmer months are coming upon us, the
church kitchen and fellowship will be utilized more.
This is a friendly reminder that using the church
kitchen is a privilege, so please treat it as such.
Here are some tips to using and cleaning the
Kitchen for the next person:
-Wipe off all tables, kitchen counters, and
appliances used
· -Clean out sinks and wipe dry
· -Take out all garbage to containers outside boiler
· -Take all leftover food home
· -Check kitchen floor, sweep and mop as needed
(also broom and mop behind pantry door)
· -Check Fellowship Hall for crumbs of food on
floor and clean up as needed
· -Put tables and chairs back as found
· -Take dish rags and towels home to launder and
return promptly
· -Put dishes, pots, pans, etc. back as they were
· -Clean up Drink bar (wipe counter, turn off coffee
maker, clean all thermos pots and leave lid open
to air dry, empty trash)
· -No colored drinks maybe served as they easily
stain counters and carpets. Lemonade and sodas
are acceptable
Our Newsletter can be seen on the website!
We put our newsletter up on the website every
month in color, check us out at
www.geneseolutheranchurch.com. The Fortress
will be available online and in the Fellowship hall.
We will continue to mail the Fortress to shut-ins.
Journey to Jerusalem
With our Parish Nurse in Lent
Everyone can join and come along! It's 6295
miles from Geneseo to Jerusalem! March to church
and walk all week long! Count your steps or your
miles! 2000 steps equals one mile. All steps count!
Community Choir and Children's Choir
The Community Choir of Geneseo will be
celebrating their seventh anniversary this summer.
The theme this year is “Awesome". The choir,
which includes students entering 8th grade and
older adults, will rehearse Wednesday evenings
from 6:30-8 p.m. beginning Wednesday, June 3 in
the Geneseo high school band room. The choir will
rehearse every Wednesday through July 1. The
performance is Wednesday, July 8 at 7 p.m. in the
high school gym. If you are interested in singing,
please call (309-944-6641) or email
(soprano@theinter.com) Pam Edwards, the director,
by May 22.
Students entering 4-7th grades are invited to sing
in the Children's Choir. They will rehearse July
1,2,6,78 and will perform with the Community
Choir on July 8. Registration forms are available on
the Geneseo elementary and middle school choir
instructors’ websites or contact Pam Edwards. The
deadline is May 18.
More information is available on the Community
Choir of Geneseo’s FB page.
Journey to Jerusalem update.
We have traveled 664 miles and are in
Pennsylvania. It is not too late to start moving and
start counting the steps and the miles. There are
2000 steps in one mile. Please put
your steps or miles in the tennis shoe
display in the fellowship hall of the
church. All steps count, whether it is
walking, running, biking, dancing or
Please join us as we continue the
journey to Jerusalem!
Concordia family, please check the cards in the card
rack in the Fellowship Hall. Your card purchases
help LWML make charitable contributions to the
church and other charities. Thank you for helping
John & Pat Kohrell: To celebrate the occasion
of The Risen Lord.
Catherine Lenz: In Memory of Mary & Charles
Brauer (Catherine’s parents)
Thank you for helping to make our
sanctuary so beautiful for celebrating our
Savior's resurrection.
Marta & Sylvan Licht: In Memory of loved
Dave & Carolyn Cattron: In Memory of
Lucille Mowery.
Don & Barb Miller: To celebrate the occasion
of Christ’s Resurrection.
Dave & Carolyn Cattron: In Memory of
Leonard & Evelyn Alexander.
Peg, Sean & Dane Moriarity: To praise the
Lord & Celebrate that we will
see our loved ones & friends
again: Edward “Buzz” Jorgensen, Matt
Frances Drews: In Memory of Jack Drews.
Martha Fleming: To celebrate the occasion of
Christ’s Resurrection.
Martha Fleming: In Memory of James & Joan
Wisely; Janet Gibson
Dick & Rogene McMullen: To celebrate the
occasion of our Risen Savior.
Moriarity, Walt & Dorothy Kane, John
Everett, Henry & Sarah Jorgensen, Hank
Jorgensen, Marian Kuelper, Pat & Myrtle
Moriarity, Dennis Everett, Ellamae Krinjob
and John Rose.
Lloyd & Carmen Foster & the boys: Give
Thanks to God for His many
Pastor & Marifaith Mueller: In memory of
loved ones now with the Lord.
Eugenia Giebel: To celebrate the occasion of the
Risen Christ.
Richard Nowers: In Memory of Helen L.
Jim and Emilie Glaw: In Memory of Jamie.
Joan Sears: In Memory of George Sears, to
celebrate the occasion of Easter
and to give Thanks to God for
my church family.
Wendy, Jon & Jake Grunwald: In Memory of
Rod Gale and David Wood.
Gerald Hammer: In Memory of Lou Hammer.
The Hendrickson’s: In Memory of Jim
David & Joy Noard: In Memory of our parents.
Brian &Vicki Wahlheim & family: In
Memory of Pat Wahlheim.
Mike and Linda Hull: In memory of our
parents, Loren & Mary Neuleib,
and Dale and Eleanor Hull
Greg & Juanita Wisely: In memory of Jesus
Christ’s Resurrection and to
celebrate the occasion of
Juanita’s birthday.
Mike and Linda Hull: In memory of Linda’s
brothers Larry and Loren (Butch)
Teresa & Mark Woodworth: In Memory of
Teresa’s parents: Les & Miriam
Phillip, Kathe, Kyle, Heather & Madison
Jahn: Give Thanks to God for
our Savior Jesus.
Jim, Joy, Tim & Sarah Woolley: In Memory
of Joy’s parents George & Joan
Phillip, Kathe, Kyle, Heather & Madison
Jahn: In Memory of loved ones.
Shari & Michael Kading: In Memory of Marv
VBS 2015 Camp
Discovery! June 1st-5th
This year’s theme is Camp
Discovery- Jesus at work
through us! If you have
helped with VBS in the
past please prayerfully consider helping again or if
you have never helped but would like too we would
love to have you serve. VBS is June 1st-5th from
c. Missions- Each year we collect
money for an LCMS mission project.
This year’s project is called Big City
Mission: Tools for School and helps
provide materials for inner-city
VBS cannot happen without the prayers and support
of our congregation. We need volunteers to help
share God’s Word with the children of our church
and community. Not only do you get a chance to
teach but you will also be learning alongside your
little brothers and sisters in Christ. VBS takes a
huge effort from the entire congregation. Here are
ways to help!
1. Pray- Please pray for all involved with VBS
from the director and volunteers to the
children. Pray that God’s Word would work
in the hearts and minds of those who
2. Volunteer- Help with crafts, teaching,
decorating, snacks, music, and games. There
is so much to do! There is a list on the
bulletin board of jobs to be filled for a
successful VBS.
3. Offerings- Our VBS is a free program!
What a blessing for our congregation to be
able to give this gift to the children in our
church and community. We are always in
need of monetary donations to defray costs.
a. Snacks- We provide a healthy snack
for teachers and students. Not only
does it fill little tummies, but also
makes a connection with the lessons
and take home points.
b. T-shirts- The t-shirts share the fun
and message of VBS. It also gets out
church out in the community. This
extra special thing is a neat take
home gift for each child and
volunteer .
Would you like to receive a CONTRIBUTION
STATEMENT for 2014? Please sign up on the
bulletin board by the office, call the office at 9443993, or email us at
to have your statement mailed or emailed to you.
We are now able to email you a pdf file of your
2014 Contribution statement from Concordia.
Please let Pat/Joy know if you want it sent by the
Post office or by email.
This is a reminder to please put your name on all
“pew” envelopes. We want to give you credit for
all your contributions. We appreciate your
assistance to all the various activities and groups we
sponsor and share with. We want to make sure you
get to credit for your year-end records.
Thank you,
Church Treasurer
Spring at last! The warmer weather we’ve been
waiting for is here, and with it comes an increased
need for lighter jackets and clothing. Please
consider sharing your outgrown or no longer needed
items with the Pantry’s clients. We are especially in
need of children’s clothing and items for teens.
Dear Members of Concordia,
We have exciting news! As I complete my vicarage
at Hope Lutheran Church in Granite City, the
congregation has decided and finalized calling me
as their next pastor. We are both honored and
humbled by this. It also can be overwhelming if not
for the promise of the Holy Spirit to lead, guide, and
strengthen us to do His will.
I will be ordained and installed at Hope on June 28,
2015. The service will be at 3:00 followed by a
catered meal in the fellowship hall. Certainly all of
you are invited to attend this event. There is much
excitement here at Hope as they have begun
planning for this occasion. More details will follow
as they are developed.
Clay in the Hands of the Potter,
Vicar Beuster
“Scouting for Food” took place on Saturday, March
21, and we thank everyone who put out food for the
Scouts to bring to the Pantry. Our shelves are
stocked, and we are thankful for your blessings.
Unfortunately with 80 plus households being served
each month, it does not take long for our shelves to
become empty again. The 23rd annual Letter
Carriers’ “Stamp out Hunger” food drive will be
held Saturday, May 9. It is the largest one day food
drive in America and is made possible by thousands
of letter carriers who volunteer their time to
participate; as well as countless volunteers who help
sort, collect and distribute much needed food to
pantries and food banks across the country. Locally,
postal employees, family members, and friends
donate the entire day to collect food from postal
patrons both on city and rural routes. Just leave your
donation by your mailbox and it will be picked up
when your mail is delivered that day. These
collections help carry us through summer months
when food donations decrease.
If you have free time, and would like to volunteer,
we could use your help at the Food Pantry. We have
a temporary volunteer position open in our upstairs
clothing rooms. Help is needed Thursday mornings
from 9 am to noon for the months of April and May.
If you are interested please call us at 944-3165.
Your donations each month make a huge impact on
the lives of struggling families throughout our
community. We thank you for your continued
support, love, and prayers.
Food needs for April are:
pancake syrup, jell-o,
pudding, instant mashed
potatoes, and stuffing mix
Non-food needs are: dish
soap, cleaning products,
body wash, and shampoo
Greetings Church Family!
March brought new beginnings for
us at the preschool. As soon as the
temperatures allowed, we ventured
outside to notice winter's exit and to
welcome spring. Our nature walk
gave us many sights and sounds to
think about and discuss, as they
pointed to the amazing work of the
God of all creation.
Each class enjoyed a field trip this
month. Our four-year-old's went to
Happy Joe's Pizza. They each created their own pizza and learned
about the order and sequence of how pizzas are made. Our three-yearold's ventured to Dairy Queen, where they got to go behind the
counter and make Dilly Bars, see how the ice cream is made, and
enjoyed their own ice cream cones.
During Jesus Time and Chapel this month, we focused on the sacrifice
Christ made for us in His death on the cross. Because He was raised
from the dead, through His death and resurrection we have the
precious gift of eternal life. How He loves all of us! His gift of
salvation brings us new life! We sang songs and prepared for a time
of praise with our families for the preschool Easter program.
We also welcomed two new students this month, one in each
class. Tatum joined our three-year-old class, and the
four-year-old class welcomed Henley. There are now
14 students in each class, Praise the Lord!
In April, we are looking forward to field trips to the
Family Museum in Bettendorf, IA. We will focus on
mastering letters and numbers as well. As we
continue to welcome the new life of spring, each
student will receive their own painted caterpillar (larvae) to
observe in class. We will learn about the butterfly life
cycle as we watch the larvae develop into
butterflies. Please pray for these students to personally
experience the new life offered through Christ and for their
growth in the Lord.
Thank you!
The Illinois House at the State Capitol is considering a bill to reinstate taxpayer funding of thousands of abortions
under Medicaid and taxpayer funding of abortions under state employees group insurance policies – House Bill 4013
[HB 4013]
Your state representative needs to hear from you this week! Urge him/her to vote “no” on HB 4013 – taxpayer
funding of abortions. You can contact the state operator at 217-782-2000 and ask to be transferred to [give name of
your state representative] in Springfield. Give your representative your address so the he/she knows you live and
vote in his/her district.
You can go to the Illinois General Assembly website – www.ilga.gov – to find your state representative’s direct
phone numbers and email address. Your voter card will have your district number on it.
Note: for decades Illinois has prohibited tax dollars from paying for abortions under Medicaid and state employees
group insurance policies. Over 12,700 abortions were paid for in 1977 before this law was passed!
Prepared by Illinois Citizens for Life
5021 Fairview Ave. Downers Grove Illinois 60515
5021 Fairview Ave. Downers Grove, Illinois 60515
Office Phone: 630-852-5448
For decades, Illinois has had a public policy of not paying for abortions under the Public Aid Medicaid program
except for life of the mother. Court decisions have added “health” and rape and incest. The Illinois law went to the
U.S. Supreme Court in 1979 and was upheld in its entirety in 1980.
Survey after survey has shown that a clear majority of Illinoisans, even those who say they are pro-choice, do not
want their tax dollars paying for abortions.
HB 4013 would remove this ban and require taxpayer funding of abortions for basically any reason throughout the
full nine months of pregnancy. Additionally, for decades, Illinois taxpayers have not paid for abortions under the
State Employees Group Insurance Act of 1971. HB 4013 would now require that abortions be paid for under
employees’ insurance with tax dollars for any reason throughout the full nine months of pregnancy.
HB 4013 would also now require that state grants to nonprofit agencies [i.e. Planned Parenthood] cover referring for,
counseling for, and paying for abortions.
Finally, for decades, Illinois has had a law that if a physician performs an abortion procedure on a woman he knows
is not pregnant, then that is against Illinois law. Illinois has a law that states that such a convicted physician is not
eligible to provide medical assistance to anyone under the Code of the Department of Human Services or the
Department of Healthcare and Family Services. HB 4013 removes that prohibition!
The year the ban on taxpayer funding of abortions passed into law, over 12,700 abortions were paid for under
Medicaid. HB 4013 would not only require taxpayers to pay for these abortions, but the costs for all the ancillary
tests and procedures related to the abortions with taxpayer dollars!
Gluten Free
By the parish nurse
Gluten is the protein that is found in wheat, barley
and rye. People on a gluten free diet may have low
levels of iron, calcium, fiber, thiamine, niacin,
riboflavin, zinc, vitamin D & K.
People with celiac disease must follow this diet to prevent their small intestines from being inflamed. If the small
intestine is inflamed, it cannot absorb vitamins and nutrients and that can lead to malnutrition.
One in 141 people have celiac disease. It is an auto immune disease that is common among Caucasians.
Although some infants can have celiac disease, adults can obtain it after surgery, pregnancy, childbirth or emotional
Celiac disease has a variety of symptoms including diarrhea, weight loss, abdominal pain, gas, bloating, rash, or
constipation. Seventy five percent of children with celiac disease are obese. Other risk factors include genetics,
ADHD and diabetes.
**See a doctor if diarrhea or any digestive problems last longer than two weeks.
**See a doctor before starting a gluten free diet so the person can be tested for celiac disease. If the diet is started
before the test, it can change the test results.
Concordia has gluten free wafers for Holy Communion. Be sure to let pastor know in advance.
Receive the bread of life and hunger no more.
Concordia Men’s Club in Action
Rebuilding Together, including several
members from Concordia’s Men’s Club, put
ramp #99 in Bob Thon’s garage for him. A
Thrivent action team grant was partially
responsible for funding it.
316 S. Oakwood Ave.
Geneseo, IL 61254-1445
Lutheran Hour Ministry Radio Program
City, State
Kewanee, IL
1500 AM
5:30 AM
Kewanee, IL
1450 AM
5:30 AM
Chicago, IL
720 AM
6:00 AM
Cedar Rapids, IA
600 AM
6:30 AM
Clinton, IA
1390 AM
9:30 AM
Join Us for Worship at Concordia:
April 25th
Parenting Seminar
9:00AM to 3:00PM
Check us out on
Our service airs on
Sundays at 2:00PM
on channel 50.
Worship Schedule
We are on the web!
Come visit us at:
Sunday 8:00 A.M.
Sunday school/Adult Classes
at 9:15 A.M.
Sunday 10:30 A.M
Rev. Stephen M. Mueller, Pastor
Parsonage phone (309) 944-2827
VBS Registration Card 2015
One form per child, please.
Name ______________________________________________
Grade Completed ________Birthday __________ Age _______
Parents’ names _______________________________________
Address _____________________________________________
Home Phone ________________ Alt. Phone _______________
Emergency contact person ______________________________
Relationship to student _________________________________
Home phone ________________ Alt. phone _______________
Food allergies or other medical problems __________________
Family doctor _______________ Telephone _______________
Siblings attending VBS (names and ages)
Church affiliation _____________________________________
Church membership at _________________________________
Brought by __________________________________________
VBS leaders have permission to photograph/film the
minor(s) designated above in any manner or form for any
lawful purpose associated with this VBS program.
Register early!! Students who register before June 1st will be
guaranteed their preferred size.
Youth: S
Adult: S
If your child may participate in this event, please
complete, sign and return the following statement
of consent and release of liability. As
parent/guardian, you remain fully responsible for
any liability, which may result from personal
actions taken by your son/daughter.
If your youth engages in reckless or violent
behavior, you will be expected to retrieve your
son/daughter immediately.
I hereby consent to the participation of my child
in the event described above. I release
Concordia Lutheran and their agents and
volunteers from any injuries which may be
incurred by my youth. I give permission for my
child, in case of emergency, to be taken to a
physician or hospital by either an adult youth
leader or Church personnel. I understand that
every effort will be made to contact me. If I
cannot be reached, however, I hereby give
permission to the physician selected by the adult
in charge, to hospitalize and secure proper
treatment, including surgery, for my
Parents/guardians of participants are advised
that photographs of participants may be used
in publications, websites or other materials
produced from time to time by the Church.
Participants would not be identified unless
with specific written consent.
Parents/guardians who do not wish their
children to be photographed or filmed should
so notify us immediately.
Parent(s) signature