Waverly Midwest Horse Sale - 4 Days - Fall 2014

Waverly Midwest
Horse Sale
Fall 2014
- 4 Days Tuesday to
Sept. 30 to
Oct. 3
Lot: 66
Semi Annual
Draft Horses and
Draft Cross Bred
Horses of all Breeds
Plus Fancy
Gelding and Mare
Light Driving Horses &
Ponies Broke to Ride
or Drive & Miniatures
Lot: 172
Located at th e Waver ly Sales Co., Waver ly, Iow a
Waverly Sales Co. 319-352-2804 or 319-352-3175
Box 355, Waverly, IA 50677 • Fax 319-352-5642
www.waverlysales.com • E-mail: WaverlyHorseSale@waverlysales.com
Office Hours Sale Week are 7 am to 1 hour After Sale Ends Each Day
Ron Dean, Manager, Evenings 319-352-6670 or 319-269-9311
David Beyer, Manager, Evenings 319-269-9310
Table of Contents
Order of Sale for Each Day..............................................................................2-4
Advertiser’s Index ..........................................................................................107
Area Lodging ....................................................................................................51
Bidding Information ............................................................................................4
Commission Rates ..........................................................................................4-5
Consignor’s Index ....................................................................................104-107
Health Requirements........................................................................................8-9
General Sale Notices.......... ~ NEW Unloading Location ~ ........................5-7
Registration Information ....................................................................................5
Upcoming Sale Dates ........................................................................................25
Tuesday & Wednesday, Sept. 30 & Oct. 1 - Horse-Drawn Machinery, Tack,
Wagons, Buggies & Horse Trailers Sale Listings..................................94-102
Thursday, Oct. 2 - Draft Horse, Haflinger, and Fjord
Sale Listings ............................................................................................10-54
Friday, Oct. 3 - Draft Horse, Draft Cross Bred Horse, Mule,
Light Driving Horses & Ponies Broke to Ride or Drive Sale Listings....56-90
Minature Sale approx. 4:00-5:00 p.m.
Auctioneers For Horse Sale:
John Marg, WI
Dale Chupp, IN
Rich Greenlee, IA
Duane Harms, IA
Eric Foelske, IA
Russ Bruns, IA
Duane Foelske, IA
Rich Greenlee, IA
Roger Fishbaugher, MN
Leon Martin, IA
Travis Parr, WI
David J. Bontrager, WI
Draft Horse Judges:
Jerry Janssen, IA
Jim Meyer, IA
Ron Dean, IA
Rich Greenlee, IA
Auctioneers and Ringmen:
Wayne Yoder, WI
Justin Kuper, IA
Rudy Hershberger, WI Henry Eastman, OH
Gerry Vandevorde, IA Allen Freerks, IA
Enos Yoder, WI
Alan Odden, SD
Jeremy Laehn, WI
Steve Strey, WI
Tom Hoskins, IA
Jamie Back, WI
Brad Schmidt, IA
Dave White, IA
Tuesday, Sept. 30 - Tack & Horse-Drawn Equipment Sale
MoRton BuilDing - Selling Time 8:00 a.m. Halters, lead ropes, misc. items, etc. until 9:00
a.m. Selling half of the collars of all sizes, followed by hames, tugs, collar pads, housing, etc.
Approx. 11:00 a.m. selling half of all the harness of all sizes. Approx. 3:00 p.m. selling half of all
the saddles of all sizes from south side, followed by misc. items until quitting time.
noRtH MACHineRy lot - truck no. 1 - 8:00 a.m. will start selling misc. items of all kinds.
Approx. 9:30 a.m. we will be selling cultivators, plows, disc., corn binders, threshing machines, all
bob sleds, shoeing stocks, farm wagons, wagon running gears and manure spreaders - In no
particular order. Followed by tongues, eveners, and neck yokes. truck no. 2 - 8:00 a.m. will start
selling on rows of small misc. items. Will continue until done.
Wednesday, Oct. 1 - Tack & Horse-Drawn Equipment Sale
MoRton BuilDing - Selling time 8:00 a.m. Selling halters, lead ropes, misc. items, etc. and
then finish selling collars, hames, tugs, collar pads, housings. Approx. 11:00 a.m. finish selling all
harness. Approx. 1:00 p.m. we will hold our cowboy collectible sale which our buyers and sellers
really like, along with the public, followed by collectible saddles and all other saddles. From small
south door, at approx. 5:00 p.m. sewing machines, leather tools, misc. items, etc.
noRtH MACHineRy lot - truck no. 1 - Start selling at 8:00 a.m. Canadian sleighs, cutters,
etc., and all gas engines, pony wagons, carts, all carrier and horse trailers and trucks. When finished Truck No. 1 will move to north of the Morton Building. Selling stage coaches, hitch wagons,
water wagons, gas wagons, vis-a-vis, brougham, carriages of all kinds, stallion carts, etc., then
move to the hayrack items. Selling buggy shaft poles, etc. until finished. truck no. 2 - Selling time
8:00 a.m. selling all wheels, followed by buggy parts. Wheels will be sold by the piece, not by
the bundle. Then will move to the north machine shed door and will finish selling tack and miscellaneous items.
MACHineRy lot notiCe: the machinery lot will be closed to everyone from 11:00 p.m.
until 6:00 a.m. each night. no one will be allowed in there at this time. our security will be
on hand to enforce this.
We will accept all machinery and tack on Saturday, Sept. 27, and Sunday, Sept. 28,
from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and Monday, Sept. 29, from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. no items
will be accepted for the Morton Building after 10:00 p.m. on Monday, Sept. 29.
We will take in larger items to be sold on the lot for Wednesday sale all day tuesday until
9:00 p.m. All harness will be inspected to see if they are complete. Bring good horse-related items
only. Junk iteMS Will not Be ACCePteD. All items must be removed no later than two
weeks after the sale.
notiCe to ConSignoRS: All horse and flat bed trailers and trucks must have a clear
title and current registration in the name of the person selling. no Manufacturer’s Statement
of origins (MSo) will be accepted. this is a legal requirement in the state of iowa.
the “Preview” of catalog Draft and Draft Cross horses will be on
Wednesday, oct. 1, at 5 p.m. in the big ring. Anyone wishing to show their
consignments to the public at this time may do so. Buyers, here is your opportunity to view the horses and to ask questions concerning the consignments.
Thursday, Oct. 2
- Belgian, Percheron, Haflinger and Fjord Sale
Commencing at 9:00 a.m.
We will begin selling draft horses from the catalog. Haflinger and Norwegian Fjord horses consigned
in the catalog will sell today. Non-cataloged Draft, Haflinger and Fjord horses may sell after the catalog
on Thursday evening or with the other draft and draft crossbreds, in the drawing after the catalog is finished on Friday. All HoRSeS AnD MuleS Selling to DRive BRoke MuSt Sell WitH A
HitCH. Hitching will continue from 7 to 9 a.m. on thursday and Friday. Wagons for hitching will be
available, but no wagons will be allowed on the State and Federal highways.
Friday, Oct. 3
- Draft Horse, Draft Cross Bred Horse and Mule Sale
Commencing at 9:00 a.m.
We will begin selling cataloged draft and draft cross horses followed by Light Driving Horses, Saddle Horses, Ponies and Miniatures. Non-cataloged horses will sell in the drawing after catalog is finished.
All horses that will be sold on Friday must be unloaded by 3 pm or they will not be accepted.
- Light Driving Horses, Saddle Horses and Ponies Broke to Ride or Drive
Light horses and ponies must be broke to ride or drive, no halter horses. Cataloged Light driving
horses, saddle horses and ponies broke to ride or drive will follow the cataloged Draft Cross Bred Horses
and Mules. Uncataloged light horses and ponies will sell in the drawing along with the other uncataloged
horses and mules.
All horse-drawn carriages, carts and wagons driven in the sale ring must be offered for sale.
- Minature Horses - Commencing at approx. 4:00-5:00 p.m.
Miniatures can be unloaded starting at 10:00 a.m. on Friday, Oct. 3, and must be in the chutes by
3:00 p.m.
All RegiStRAtion PAPeRS FoR ligHt HoRSeS, PonieS AnD MiniAtuReS Will Be
BetWeen tHe BuyeR AnD tHe SelleR. Seller: You are responsible for having your papers in order,
current in ownership and a transfer signed correctly. Buyer: It is your responsibility to look the papers
over when you receive them and make sure they are in order before you leave the sale barn.
Wednesday, oct. 1
~ DRAFt HoRSe HitCHing will be from 12 noon until 4:30 pm.
~ DRAFt HAlteR HoRSeS will show from 4:30 to 5 pm in the driving area.
no driving will be allowed during this time. Preview in the big ring starts at 5 pm
thursday and Friday, oct. 2 & 3 ~ Hitching will be from 7 am to 9 am.
ligHt HoRSe, PonieS & MiniAtuRe HitCHing
will hitch on Friday, oct. 3, from 10 am to 1pm.
Drivers and owners are liable for all injuries and/or damages their
horses cause. Wagons are not allowed on State and Federal highways
by order of the Highway Patrol. They must stay on our premises.
There will be no halter horses shown in driving area while hitches
are driving. Halter horses must be shown from 4:30-5:00 pm in
driving area or at 5:00 pm in sale ring on Thursday.
Market Horse Pen - Friday, Oct. 3
At the end of the day we will have a Market Horse Pen. These horses (draft or light) can arrive any
time at our chutes before 3 pm on Friday, Oct. 3, be consigned and penned without the owner staying to lead their horse through the ring. All HoRSeS MuSt HAve CogginS AnD HeAltH PAPeRS.
SelleRS Will Be RequiReD to Sign AnD Fill out A HeAltH HiStoRy DoCuMent.
Any horse arriving at our chutes with no coggins or up-to-date coggins papers, our vet will draw blood
and you will be charged $30.00 per head for current coggins papers plus $5.00 per head for health
certificate. A mobile Coggins testing lab will be on the sale grounds from Tuesday p.m. through Friday
p.m. to facilitate Coggins testing. no HoRSeS AlloWeD WitH oPen SoReS, unABle to WAlk,
CRiPPleD oR BlinD. tHey MuSt Be in gooD Selling ConDition. Any horse consigned for the
market pen must be over 700 lbs. or they will not be accepted.There will be a nonrefundable $20.00 fee
head for all horses consigned to the market pen.
Bidding Information
notiCe oF BiDDing nuMBeRS: When registering for a bidding number you must have two
valid i.D.’s and telephone number of your bank. We reserve the right to refuse to issue a bidding number to the ones we have had a problem with their checks in the past. it iS AlSo iMPoRtAnt WHen
oBtAining A BiDDing nuMBeR tHAt you RegiSteR tHe WAy you WAnt youR
RegiStRAtion PAPeRS SigneD. When you purchase a registered animal the name from your
bidding number will be used to register the animal. if you lose your bidding number, you will be held
responsible for the items bought on it. No one under 18 will be issued a bidding number. Payment can
be made using personal checks with proper i.D., cash, cashier checks, money orders and credit
cards. viSA, Mastercard and Discover credit cards will be accepted with a 4 percent convenience fee added to each transaction. there is an AtM available in the lobby.
notiCe to ouR CAnADiAn BuyeRS: We will accept Canadian checks with a letter of
credit from your bank guaranteeing the check payable in u.S. funds. We will accept only
those checks imprinted according to new Canadian banking regulations.
notiCe to PuRCHASeRS: When purchasing horses, if you have any questions or doubts about
them, such as hitching or pregnancy, have this all cleared before you load the horses out. once the
horse leaves our chutes, we will no longer be responsible for them. If drugs have been used in
order to sell the horse and you can prove this, bring the horse back to Waverly Sales Co., with the
veterinarian’s verification of drugs, within 72 hours of the date of purchase. This horse will then be
sold to go to market with all expenses deducted from the seller’s check. The balance will be sent to the
seller. All guarantees are between the buyer and the seller.
Statements made on sale day by auctioneers and owners take precedence over any and all
printed matter. The information given is believed to be true and correct to the best of the owner’s
knowledge. There are no guarantees expressed or implied.
Commission Rates
on tack and Horse-Drawn equipment: 20% on every tagged item under $50.00; 12% on every
tagged item from $50.00 to $500.00; 10% on every tagged item from $501.00 to $1,000.00; and 7% on
every tagged item over $1,000.00. No tagged item will be less than $4.00 commission. All no-sale items
will be charged the same way. no value items will go to the dump if not picked up within 2 weeks
after the sale.
Draft Horse & Draft Crossbred Commission: There will be a $20.00 fee per head for all cataloged
horses and a $30.00 fee for uncataloged horses. A 7% commission will be charged on all draft horses,
draft crossbreds and draft mules whether cataloged or noncataloged with a maximum of $700 per head.
there will be a 5% commission no sale charge, with a minimum of $50.00, on all draft horses,
draft crosses, draft mules, haflingers and fjords. Yardage charge on draft horses, mules and draft
cross horses - $5 per head on sales and no sales. Draft animals that are rejected by the buyer because
they are misrepresented in the ring will be charged 7%, same as if sold. Our barn veterinarian must
check these animals and will make the final determination whether there was misrepresentation.
light Horse, Pony & Miniature Horse Commission: There will be a $20.00 fee per head for all
cataloged horses and a $30.00 fee for uncataloged horses. 7% commission will be charged on all light
horses, ponies, miniatures and on last bid on no-sales. Horses that are rejected because ~ continued
of misrepresentation or no-sale will be charged 7% commission. Yardage charge on mules, light horses,
ponies and miniatures - $5 per head on sales and no sales.
iowa Sales tax: The State of Iowa requires 7% sales tax on all tack and horse-drawn equipment, light
horses, ponies, mules and miniature horses. No sales tax on draft horses. Sales tax permits and
numbers must be furnished in order to be exempt.
Feed: Hay will be available for $8.00 per bale. Shavings available for $7.00 per bag.
Consignors’ Checks: All consignors’ checks will be mailed out within 10 days of sale date.
terms: All items you purchase must be settled for before loading out. Blue bidding numbers
will be used for the tack sale, yellow for draft horses, light horses, ponies and miniature horses.
Purchasers will be expected to have the proper bank references if giving checks, otherwise certified
checks should be used.
Registration Information
Linda Schuster of Brainerd, Minnesota, will handle all registrations and transfers for all registered
draft horses and draft crosses. If you are selling registered mares that are in foal, have your transfers
signed on mare and breeding certificates filled out. Management will not be responsible for information
and papers that are not with animals.
All registration papers for drafts and draft crosses must be turned in
to linda and her staff At tHe unloADing CHute when horses arrive.
it iS iMPoRtAnt WHen oBtAining A BiDDing nuMBeR tHAt you RegiSteR
tHe WAy you WAnt youR RegiStRAtion PAPeRS FilleD out. Registration papers must be in order and transfers signed before horses come into the sale ring or
the horse will be sold as grade.
Any American buyer of a Canadian registered horse will be responsible for getting American
papers and paying the transfer fee. Any Canadian buyer of an American registered horse will be
responsible for getting Canadian papers and paying the transfer fee.
notiCe BelgiAn ConSignoRS
All Belgian stallions must be blood typed before their foals can be registered.
If you sell a horse eligible for registration, you must give all information to the Waverly Midwest Horse
Sale in order to hand over to the buyers on the day of sale, registration at the buyer’s expense.
notiCe PeRCHeRon ConSignoRS
DnA testing: the Percheron Horse Association of America requires that all breeding
stallions have their DnA markers on file in the office of the Association. Foals born in 1999, and
thereafter, will be registered only if the DnA of the sire is on record.
Percherons cannot be sold application for registration. they must be registered before the
notiCe ligHt HoRSe, Pony AnD MiniAtuRe ConSignoRS
All registration papers for light horses, ponies and miniatures will be between the buyer and the
seller. Seller: You are responsible for having your papers in order, current in ownership and a transfer
signed correctly. Buyer: It is your responsibility to look the papers over when you receive them and
make sure they are in order before you leave the sale barn.
General Sale Notices
notiCe: All horses consigned in our chutes will go through the auction ring, no matter where
you are on the drawing list. there will be no pass outs for any horse consigned. Once you bring
your horse in our chutes, that horse must go through the auction ring. Anyone wanting to take their
horse out before going through the auction ring will be charged $200 per horse. PAID IN CASH, NO
CHECKS ACCEPTED. We cannot sell all horses early - some have to be first, and some last.
PRivAte SAleS: Absolutely no private sales in the yards before the auction. Management feels this
is unfair to the buyers who are in the bleachers. All horses brought to the sale must be consigned and
go through our auction ring.
~ continued
HitCHing: Draft Horse Hitching will go from 12 noon until 4:30 p.m., Wednesday, Oct. 1.
Halter horses will show from 4:30 to 5 p.m. in the driving area. No driving will be allowed at this time.
On Thursday and Friday, Oct. 2 & 3, hitching will be from 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. Drivers and
owners are liable for all injuries and/or damages their horses cause. Wagons belonging to the
Waverly Midwest Horse Sale or consignors’ wagons will not be allowed on State and Federal
highways by order of the Highway Patrol. You must keep them on our premises.
tHeRe Will Be no HAlteR HoRSeS SHoWn in DRiving AReA WHile HitCHeS
ARe DRiving. Halter horses must be shown from 4:30 to 5 p.m. on Wednesday,
oct. 1, or in sale ring before the sale starts.
SHoeing StoCk: We will have a shoeing stock on the premises.
HAlteRS AnD leAD RoPeS: After horses are sold, too many sellers are putting a poor halter and lead
rope on their horses when getting back to the stalls. This is going to stop. If a good halter and lead rope
are not left with your horses, new ones will be purchased and the price will be deducted from the seller’s
liABility: PuRsuanT To Iowa Code ChaPTeR 673, BuyeRs, selleRs, & sPeCTaToRs
are cautioned to exercise care while attending the sale and enter the premises at their own risk.
Waverly Midwest Horse Sale shall not be liable for injuries sustained by anyone attending the sale.
Children under 12 years of age must be accompanied by their parents or they will not be
allowed on the grounds.
guARAntee: each consignor will be totally responsible for guarantees they make on their animals.
The guarantees and soundness of each animal will be made only from the auction block while the animal is
being sold. Absolutely no guarantee or warranty will be expressed or implied by the auctioneers or ringmen.
WARRAnty: The buyer assumes full ownership of the animal from the time it is sold in the sale ring
and is responsible for proper feed and care.
SeAting: If you wish to purchase a reserved seat, they go on sale Wednesday, Oct. 1, from 9 a.m. to
1 p.m., in the sale arena. There will be a charge of $5 for ringside and bleacher seats. This is done to
enable buyers to be closer to the animals in the sale ring. no refunds.
~ CAMPeRS AnD viSitoRS ~
When arriving, follow the Draft Horse trail on 20th Street n.W. to our parking lot entrance.
This road leads right to the camping site. Camping space is on a first come - first serve basis.
Campers must check in when arriving and out when leaving.
there is a $27 per night charge beginning when you check in.
There are absolutely no refunds of this unless ok’d by the Waverly
Midwest Horse Sale owners! We, the Waverly Midwest Horse Sale,
are not responsible for accidents or thefts.
Absolutely no electric heaters will be allowed to be used in our camper area at any time.
loADing out: Buyers must have a release from the office for all loadouts. All loadout slips must be
signed by trucker and loadout man for all animals and equipment.
ReStAuRAnt: Our restaurant will be open at 6 a.m. serving a great breakfast. It will be open the rest
of the day with a large selection of home-cooked food. Cash only, no checks or credit cards accepted.
AtM MACHine AvAilABle in tHe loBBy!
notiCe to All golF CARt DRiveRS WHo AttenD tHe WAveRly MiDWeSt HoRSe SAle:
No golf carts are to be in any area where we pen, stall, drive or lead horses. No golf carts will be allowed
east of the west driveway where horses are being hitched and shown. Golf carts caught in these areas
will be escorted from the Waverly Sales grounds. While attending the sale, golf cart drivers must use
extreme caution for people walking.
Dog notiCe: no dogs will be allowed on the Waverly Midwest Horse Sale grounds. this includes
campers. only seeing eye dogs will be accepted. Campers with dogs in them will have to find
another place to camp.
Unloading Location
North end of Barn
All horses unloading only on Wednesday, Oct. 1,
will be unloaded on the North end of the Barn.
Follow the highlighted route.
unloading Hours are: Wednesday, oct. 1, 8:00am to 6:00pm;
Security will guide you where to go.
Absolutely NO unloading in driving area during this time.
Health Requirements
Dr. Alan vanArkel will be the sale veterinarian. He will be in full charge of
inspection of horses and papers upon arrival and throughout the sale.
Attention SelleRS: Because of the unique nature of this sale, horses in this sale
must be prepared to be shipped to all states. This requires an original Coggins test, AGID
or Elisa, (no copies or fax copies will be accepted), and a 4-part re-assignable health
certificate per horse to enter the sale ring. Many states do not issue a 4-part health
certificate. if your state does not issue a 4-part health certificate, your veterinarian
can put all horses on 1 certificate for shipping and the sale veterinarian will issue
individual 4-part re-assignable health certificates for a fee of $5 per horse.
WitHin 6 MontHS oF tHe DAte oF SAle (example: if sale date is
October 3rd; coggins must not be dated before April 3rd). AGID OR ELISA
WILL BE ACCEPTED. only tHe oRiginAlS Will Be ACCePteD no CoPieS oR FAX CoPieS Will Be ACCePteD.
This includes all hoRses, including Iowa hoRses.
Since there are no longer any slaughter plants open in the United States, no slaughter
permits are available. Therefore, All horses, inCluDing tHoSe going to tHe
looSe Pen MuSt HAve A negAtive CogginS teSt. Any horse arriving at our
chutes with no coggins or up-to-date coggins papers, our vet will draw blood and you will
be charged $30.00 per head for current coggins papers (plus $5 for a 4-part health
certificate). A mobile Coggins testing lab will be on the sale grounds from Wednesday
through Friday to facilitate Coggins testing.
Foals over 4 months of age that are weaned need Coggins. All horses/foals over
6 months of age need coggins.
The test forms must have complete description and markings of the horse. In many
western states this is your brand inspection document. Use registration numbers where
applicable. test forms that do not properly identify the horse, or that have been
altered will not be accepted.
HEALTH CERTIFICATE TO ENTER THE SALE RING. Health certificates need to include
the horse’s description, Coggins test date, test results, accession number, and the lab
where the test was performed.
VeTeRInaRIans: Please send All 4 PARtS OF INTERSTATE HEALTH CERTIFICATE. Fill out form completely and sign. The sale veterinarian will complete the section
for ‘reconsigning at a public sale’ and endorse it at the time of sale. IF THIS FORM IS
CogginS teSt FoRMS AnD HeAltH CeRtiFiCAteS
MuSt ACCoMPAny HoRSeS WHen CHeCking in At tHe CHuteS.
RECOMMENDED. If done, include the date of vaccinations on health certificates.
~ health Requirements continued on page 9
Health Requirements ~ continued from page 8
notiCe to BuyeRS: Some states require a temperature statement and/or a
permit number to enter your state. If this is a requirement to your state, please help us
make sure your papers are in order before you leave the sale.
FoR All HoRSe ConSignoRS: All mares to be sold as “in foal” must be preg
checked by the Horse Sale vet prior to entering the sale ring.
Attention CAnADiAn BuyeRS!!
See SAle veteRinARiAn BeFoRe PuRCHASing HoRSeS!
Horses exported to Canada need INDIVIDUAL international health certificates.
We are still working on arrangements for endorsement of export papers, please
check with sale veterinarian with any questions.
At time of printing, Canada is not allowing horses from texas,
new Mexico or Colorado to enter Canada, due to outbreaks of
equine Piroplasmosis and vesicular Stomatitis.
Back by
Horse Training
by Wyoming Cowboy
Pepper Fipps
Thursday Following the Draft
Horse Sale in the Big Ring
A free will donation will be taken with 100% of the
donations going to a charity yet to be determined.
Clerked by Waverly Sales Co.
Wednesday, Sept. 10, 2014
Starting at
10:00 am
As we are moving and need to downsize, we will sell the following at Public Auction:
Antique Threshing Machines, Corn and
Grain Binders, Hay Loaders, Mowers,
Plows and Gas Engines Auction
1340 Fairbank Amish Blvd., Hazelton, IA
Demonstration: tuesday, Sept. 9, beginning at noon, will do
threshing and will run all the threshers • lunch on grounds
auctioneer’s note: This is an excellent selection of threshing machines and grain
binders. The majority of these machines were purchased from the original owner.
Plan on attending this outstanding sale.
Rudy & Sara Gingerich, Owners
Auctioneer: John Marg, Black River Falls, Wisconsin, 715-299-0416
CleRk: Waverly Sales Company, Waverly, IA 319-352-2804,
Ron Dean 319-269-9311, Dave Beyer 319-269-9310 or Rich Greenlee 319-240-1599
Saturday, Nov. 22, 2014
Starting at
9:00 am
As we are moving, we will sell the following at Public Auction:
Household, Antiques, Horse Drawn
Farm Machinery and Horses
3286 460th St., Riceville, IA
John & Susie Beachy / Jacob & Lizzie Beachy, Owners
Auctioneer: John Marg, Black River Falls, Wisconsin, 715-299-0416
CleRk: Waverly Sales Company, Waverly, IA 319-352-2804,
Ron Dean 319-269-9311, Dave Beyer 319-269-9310 or Rich Greenlee 319-240-1599
Saturday, Sept. 20, 2014
Starting at
9:00 am
As we need to reduce our inventory, we will sell the following at Public Auction:
Antiques, Crocks, Blacksmithing Equipment,
Horse Drawn Farm Machinery, John Deere
Wooden Wheeled Wagon with Triple Box
and Spring Seat,
and Gas Engines
1475 Grant Ave.,
several of these items are from my personal collection.
Hazelton, IA
Clerk’s note: This sale has something for everyone, plan to attend. Viewing of
sale items will be Sept. 18 & 19 from 8am to 5pm, or by appointment. We plan to sell from
2-3 rings so bring a friend. JD wagon, gas engines and blacksmithing tools will sell at approximately 1-2pm.
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Hershberger, Owners
Auctioneers: John Marg, Black River Falls, Wisconsin, 715-299-0416
Kenny Leonard, Elkader, IA • Randy High
CleRk: Waverly Sales Company, Waverly, IA 319-352-2804,
Ron Dean 319-269-9311, Dave Beyer 319-269-9310 or Rich Greenlee 319-240-1599
Saturday, Sept. 27, 2014
Starting at
9:30 am
As we are retiring, we will sell the following at Public Auction:
Horse Drawn Farm Equipment, Shop
Tools & Household Furnishings Auction
1241 Indiana Ave., Hazelton, IA
Jerry and Verna Beachy, Owners
Auctioneers: John Marg, Black River Falls, Wisconsin, 715-299-0416
Kenny Leonard, Elkader, Iowa
CleRk: Waverly Sales Company, Waverly, IA 319-352-2804,
Ron Dean 319-269-9311, Dave Beyer 319-269-9310 or Rich Greenlee 319-240-1599
visit our websites for pictures and full sale bills
www.waverlysales.com or www.richgreenleeauctionservice.com
Partial Listing of Horse-Drawn Machinery,
Wagons, Buggies, Horse Trailers & Tack
Selling Order ~ Tuesday, September 30
MoRton BuilDing
Selling time 8:00 a.m. Halters, lead ropes, misc. items, etc. until 9:00 a.m. Selling half of the collars
of all sizes, followed by hames, tugs, collar pads, housing, etc. Approx. 11:00 a.m. selling half of all the
harness of all sizes. Approx. 3:00 p.m. selling half of all the saddles of all sizes from south side, followed
by misc. items until quitting time.
noRtH MACHineRy lot
truck no. 1 - 8:00 a.m. will start selling misc. items of all kinds. Approx. 9:30 a.m. we will be selling
cultivators, plows, disc., corn binders, threshing machines, all bob sleds, shoeing stocks, farm
wagons, wagon running gears and manure spreaders - in no particular order. Followed by tongues,
eveners, and neck yokes.
truck no. 2 - 8:00 a.m. will start selling on rows of small misc. Will continue until done.
Selling Order ~ Wednesday, October 1
MoRton BuilDing
Selling time 8:00 a.m. Selling halters, lead ropes, misc. items, etc. and then finish selling collars,
hames, tugs, collar pads, housings. Approx. 11:00 a.m. finish selling all harness. Approx. 1:00 p.m. we
will hold our cowboy collectable sale which our buyers and sellers really like, along with the public,
followed by collectible saddles and all other saddles. From south door, at approx. 5:00 p.m. sewing
machines, leather tools, misc. items, etc.
noRtH MACHineRy lot
truck no. 1 - Start at 8:00 a.m. selling Canadian sleighs, cutters, etc., all gas engines, pony wagons,
carts, horse trailers and trucks. When finished Truck No. 1 will move to north of the Morton Building.
Selling stage coaches, hitch wagons, water wagons, gas wagons, vis-a-vis, brougham, carriages of all
kinds, stallion carts, etc., then move to the hayrack items. Selling buggy shaft poles, etc. until finished.
truck no. 2 - Selling time 8:00 a.m. selling all wheels, followed by buggy parts. Wheels will be sold
by the piece, not by the bundle. Then will move to the north machine shed door and will finish selling tack and misc.
MACHineRy lot notiCe: the machinery lot will be closed to everyone from 11:00 p.m. until
6:00 a.m. each night. no one will be allowed in there at this time. our security will be on hand
to enforce this.
notiCe to ouR CAnADiAn BuyeRS: We will accept Canadian checks with a letter of credit
from your bank guaranteeing the check payable in u.S. funds. We will accept only those checks
imprinted according to new Canadian banking regulations.
Picture - Case 22 x 37
threshing machine.
Serial #550273.
Stored in shed for the
last 54 years – Paint
still on wood inside,
used very little
- Antique vehicles coming from Arkansas
(Left) Brougham
with original
vehicle tag still inside
underneath the seat.
(Right) Chuckwagon
Wicker Buggy
(Right) Green
and Yellow
- Also includes
carts and
Picture - Frontier Horse size Marathon Carriage
Picture - Frontier Traverse miniature
horse/pony size breaking-training vehicle
Picture - Oxer horse size heavy duty easy entry Picture - Frontier Mini/Pony light weight
Marathon Cart
cart with mechanical brakes
- Also bringing a trailer full of easy entry carts, driving harness, team harness, & all types of tack
Have in stock Pioneer
equipment, I&J cultivators,
breaking sleds, wood shoeing stocks,
tongues, steel & wood
eveners & neck yokes.
Also the gang-reel mowers
to hook a horse.
Country Farm Supply
David W. Bontrager
1617 130th St.
Hazleton, IA 50641
Quality Blankets
• leads
& Horse
• Shipping Boots
Supplies •Stall Curtains
• Custom Made Halters
•Harness (all sizes)
• Hay/Bun Bags
...and lots more!
Country Side Tack
Arlene D. Bontrager
1617 130th St.
Hazleton, IA 50641
Located from Waverly: east on Hwy.
3 to W-13, turn right, go to 130th St.
Make a left and second farm on left side,
approx. 1 mile.
Many units coming from Robert’s Carriage:
Vis-à-vis Limousine; Trolley;
Wagon ride; Victoria;
2 Seat Surrey;
12 Passenger
2 Seat Trail Buggy;
Cross Country Buggy;
4 Seat Surrey;
Show Cart; Forecart;
Exercise Cart;
Oak Trail;
8 Passenger Wagonette;
Hitch Wagon;
Piknik Wagon;
Extended Cross
Country Buggy;
4 Passenger Wagonette;
6 Passenger Wagonette;
Express; Hearse;
2 Passenger Wagonette;
4 Passenger Country
Tramway; Phaeton;
Harness Shop
- Machine to make, repair and fix
wooden wheels
Used Roof Seat Break;
Custom Built Harness and Halters
2 Seat Trail Buggy
Roberts Flyer;
2 Seat Trail Buggy;
1714 Fairbank Amish Blvd., Independence, IA 50644
David and Ellen Kauffman
- Rejean from Canada will be bringing a semi load of his unique
items – Traps, signs, snow shoes, seats, wagon wheels, etc.
Collection of
cast iron seats
– 45 Total consigned
Selling Tuesday, Sept. 30,
in the Machinery Lot
To see the entire collection visit
the “Fall 2014 Equip & Tack”
page of our website
Wooden wheel wagon
Picture - Stage Coach
with red cushion seats
Coming from
Yoder Wagon Works, MN –
* New Natural Finish Hitch
Wagon on Pioneer gear, air
tires, hydraulic brakes, cushioned passenger seats in back,
rear fold away back step
* New Oak Natural Finish 2
Seat Surrey with folding top,
wide 48” seats, hydraulic
brakes, heavy 1 ½” wheels
with rubber fender over back
* New Oak Finish 4 seat Bobsled and Box with black cushioned seats, wide track sled
* New Draft Size Meadowbrook Style Cart with natural
finish, fenders, and pin striping
* New Horse Size Meadowbrook Style Cart with natural
finish, fender, and pin striping
on Pioneer
- Breyer Horses
8 horse hitch
with wagon –
4’ long with
handmade harness.
Will sell Wednesday Oct 1 with the cowboy collectibles.
Picture - Brand New Picture - 2014 Eagle Flatbed trailer – 14,000 lb
Stage Coach - fiberglass
capacity – 20’ on the flat – 2’ beaver tail
body – red velvet seats –
bench seat in the middle of coach
- JD Big #4
- 2 Bottom Plow
- Grain Drill
- Mower
- Potato Planter
- Sleigh
- Birdsall High
Wheel Wagon
- Green
steel wheel
training wagon
on JD gear –
south of mint
Picture - Black Doctor’s buggy manufactured by Nova
Carriage sold by Lindsey Co Mpls in 1860 – Rubber
tires, red velour upholstery in good condition
Quality harness from
Beachy’s Harness Shop, IA:
2 sets 3 strap bio deluxe draft s.s. spots & hardware;
2 sets 2 strap bio deluxe ¼ or haflinger s.s. spots &
hardware; 2 single 3 strap draft harness; 2 sets 2
strap draft brahma web s.s. spots & hardware; 2 sets
2 strap ¼ or haflinger s.s. spots & hardware; extra
bridles; lead ropes; sleigh bells.
PAGE 100
Picture - Black 2 person Cutter sleigh manu- Picture - Robert’s Cross Country Buggy –
factured by Nova Carriage Ind in 1860 – good
Pneumatic tires and hydraulic brakes - Green
condition with red velour upholstery
color with black leather seats – equipped with
shafts, lights, and electric winch for loading –
excellent condition
- Harness from Diamond S Harness, MN
- 1 Set Bio Mini team harness – breast style
with spots
- 1 Set draft Beta team harness with blue inlay
and spots
Picture - Green 4’ x 10’ Canadian sleigh with
red velour upholstery
Picture - Single seat Young Mans Buggy manufactured by Sayer and Schovil early 1900s –
Faded dark blue with cream colored spoked
wheels, original battery powered light and original name plate – All wood/metal parts are
solid and is in good driving condition – Top is
available but needs repair – Original cloth with
Picture - Runa Bout cut under on rubber
horse hair stuffing with one minor tear
- From Detweiler Harness Shop, MN – Picture - Green John Deere Spring Seat – exTo be sold on Wed October 1:
cellent condition
* Draft size 3 strap Granite with red inlay and
with John Deere
spots 26” hames
* Draft size 3 strap Bio plastic with spots and
red inlay 26” hames
* Draft size 2 strap Granite with spots and blue
inlay 24” hames
* Draft size 2 strap Bio plastic with spots and
blue inlay 24” hames
Picture - McCormick Deering Picture - McCormick Deering
#9 Regular Gear Mower –
#7 Regular Gear Mower –
7’, red, almost new Bidge7’, red, excellent condition,
stone rubber tires
field ready, steel wheels
PAGE 101
Picture - 2 row John Deere
Planter – Green in excellent
condition on steel wheels
Picture - Cutter and dolly
Picture - 2 seat bobsled in very good condition
– features red plush upholstery and red runners
- Chupp Brothers will be bringing their regu– wheels under the sleigh allow use when there
lar consignment of new tack items: Halters,
is not adequate snow to use the runners
lead ropes, different sized collars, saddle, blankets, measuring sticks, harness hooks, etc.
Picture - Horse drawn walnut box cutter sleigh
with ATV-towable transport trailer (for paPicture - Basic parts to build a Meadowbrook
rade use) – Green 70” x 36” – excellent conCart
dition – near new
Check out www.waverlysales.com
for additional Equipment & Tack listings!
PAGE 102
Picture - Antique cast iron sign
Picture - 1984 Budweiser double sided florescent sign – 4’ x
4’ in great shape and does work
Picture - Russian sleigh – black leather seats are in good condition – wheels under the sleigh allow use when there is not
adequate snow to use the runners
Picture - Cart and harness
Detweiler’s Harness Shop
Toby F. Detweiler, Owner
Harness, Halters
& All Your
Driving Needs
Will build
any type & size
13002 Keller Drive,
St. Charles, MN 55972
PAGE 103
Sale Notes
Waverly Sales Co. 319-352-2804 319-352-3175
Box 355, Waverly, IA 50677 • Fax 319-352-5642
www.waverlysales.com • E-mail: WaverlyHorseSale@waverlysales.com
Comfort Inn® Waverly Is Only A Short Drive
Away From the Waverly Midwest Horse Sale!
Free High Speed Internet
Indoor Heated Pool
Whirlpool & Sauna
In-Room Coffee
Exercise Facilities
Whirlpool Suites
32” Flat Screen TV
Complimentary Hot
Continental Breakfast
404 29th Ave. SW – Hwy 218 – Exit 198 • Waverly, IA 50677
Our Commitment To
Quality Speaks For Itself
1-800-4 CHOICE www.choicehotels.com
Super 8 Waverly Is
Only A Short Drive Away From
the Waverly Midwest Horse Sale!
Free High Speed Internet
In-Room Coffee
Exercise Room
Continental Breakfast
301 13th Ave. SW – Hwy 218 – Exit 198 • Waverly, IA 50677
319-352-0888 Next to Hy-Vee
Lot: 115
Lot: 339
Waverly Midwest Horse Sale
P.O. Box 355
Waverly, IA 50677