Earth and Planetary Science Letters 209 (2003) 309^322 Neodymium isotopic reconstruction of late Paleocene^early Eocene thermohaline circulation Deborah J. Thomas a; , Timothy J. Bralower a;1 , Charles E. Jones b a b Department of Geological Sciences, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3315, USA Department of Geology and Planetary Science, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15260, USA Received 13 November 2002; received in revised form 27 January 2003; accepted 8 February 2003 Abstract High-resolution, fish tooth Nd isotopic records for eight Deep Sea Drilling Project and Ocean Drilling Program sites were used to reconstruct the nature of late Paleocene^early Eocene deep-water circulation. The goal of this reconstruction was to test the hypothesis that a change in thermohaline circulation patterns caused the abrupt 4^5‡C warming of deep and bottom waters at the Paleocene/Eocene boundary ^ the Paleocene^Eocene thermal maximum (PETM) event. The combined set of records indicates a deep-water mass common to the North and South Atlantic, Southern and Indian oceans characterized by mean ONd values of V38.7, and different water masses found in the central Pacific Ocean (ONd V34.3) and Caribbean Sea (ONd V1.2). The geographic pattern of Nd isotopic values before and during the PETM suggests a Southern Ocean deep-water formation site for deep and bottom waters in the Atlantic and Indian ocean basins. The Nd data do not contain evidence for a change in the composition of deep waters prior to the onset of the PETM. This finding is consistent with the pattern of warming established by recently published stable isotope records, suggesting that deep- and bottom-water warming during the PETM was gradual and the consequence of surface-water warming in regions of downwelling. ; 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: seawater Nd isotopes; PETM; Ocean Drilling Program; thermohaline circulation 1. Introduction 1.1. Overview of late Paleocene^early Eocene climate and oceanography Gradual global warming during the late Paleocene through early Eocene led to the warmest climatic conditions of the last 90 million years. Stable isotope records from deep-sea sedimentary sections indicate that high-latitude surface waters increased from V11 to 15‡C, while global deepwater temperatures warmed from V8 to 12‡C [1^ 4]. Terrestrial records suggest a s 2‡C mean annual temperature increase during the latest Paleo- * Corresponding author. E-mail address: (D.J. Thomas). 1 Present address: Department of Geosciences, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802, USA 0012-821X / 03 / $ ^ see front matter ; 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/S0012-821X(03)00096-7 EPSL 6588 2-4-03 Cyaan Magenta Geel Zwart 310 D.J. Thomas et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 209 (2003) 309^322 cene (e.g. [5]), corroborating trends in the deepsea records. One of the most abrupt and signi¢cant global warming events in the geologic record occurred at the Paleocene/Eocene boundary (P/E boundary) in the middle of the gradual, long-term late Paleocene^early Eocene warming trend. This transient event (V210 kyr in duration), the Paleocene^ Eocene thermal maximum (PETM), was characterized by profound changes in the Earth’s climate, oceans, and biota. During the PETM, southern high-latitude sea-surface temperatures (SSTs) increased by V6‡C [6], subtropical SSTs within the South Atlantic increased by as much as 4‡C [7], and deep-ocean temperatures increased by V4^5‡C [2,6,8]. One explanation for the rapid warming of the deep ocean invokes a change in the location of deep-water formation from cool, high-latitude regions to warmer, subtropical areas (e.g. [6]). Warming of the deep ocean may have triggered the thermal dissociation of methane hydrates which is the likely source of the excursion [9]. The cause of the extended interval of extreme warmth as well as the transient PETM event may be intricately related to the evolution of thermohaline circulation patterns (e.g. [10^13]). Multiple operating modes of the oceanic thermohaline conveyor are thought to be possible, and switches in the operating mode may have dramatic e¡ects on the equilibrium state of the climate system (e.g. [14]). However, very little is known about the nature of thermohaline circulation during the warm climate of the early Paleogene. The lack of a modern analog for the extreme warmth, as well as the signi¢cantly di¡erent ocean basin con¢guration, only permit us to speculate about where deepwater masses formed and how they circulated. Thus a general understanding of the nature of thermohaline circulation in the early Paleogene is required before possible changes in the prevailing pattern can be investigated. Early Paleogene oceans were characterized by reduced equator-to-pole and surface-to-deep temperature gradients (e.g. [4] and references therein). The occurrence of high-latitude SSTs signi¢cantly higher than those found today implies enhanced meridional heat transport. Warmer deep-water masses, such as those that existed in the early Paleogene, have a diminished capacity for heat transport, thus the intensity of thermohaline thermal transport must also have been greatly enhanced. However, such a scenario is di⁄cult to reconcile with a reduced equator-to-pole thermal gradient [15]. Modern thermohaline circulation is dominated by two primary sources of deep waters: the cold and relatively saline waters produced in the Nordic Seas that over£ow into the North Atlantic (North Atlantic deep water, NADW), and the very cold and relatively fresh waters formed around Antarctica (Antarctic bottom water, AABW). In addition, a similar magnitude of heat transport is accomplished by intermediate water circulation (e.g. [16] and references therein). Because rifting and sea£oor spreading within the Norwegian and Greenland seas began during the late Paleocene^early Eocene (e.g. [17] and references therein), the northern North Atlantic was not a signi¢cant source of deep waters during the early Paleogene. However, there is evidence for possible deep-water formation in the Southern Ocean during the late Paleocene and early Eocene. A late Paleocene erosional event in seismic records from the western North Atlantic was linked to bottom-water formation and circulation from the south, analogous to modern AABW [18]. Ramsey and others [19] interpreted the distribution of early Cenozoic hiatuses from the Indian Ocean as evidence of a Southern Ocean deep-water source existing since at least the early Eocene. In addition, indirect evidence for this circulation pattern comes from benthic foraminiferal faunal distribution [20] and stable isotope values [21,22]. Other potential sources of deep waters during warmer climatic intervals are evaporative subtropical regions such as the eastern (and possibly western) Tethys and the Gulf of Guinea [12,23]. While warm saline deep waters may have contributed to the water mass structure during past greenhouse climatic intervals, they were most likely not the dominant water mass. Consideration of salt mass balance, moisture £ux and runo¡ distribution patterns (e.g. [24,25]), as well as the diminished ability of a warm saline water EPSL 6588 2-4-03 Cyaan Magenta Geel Zwart D.J. Thomas et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 209 (2003) 309^322 311 Fig. 1. Cenozoic ONd records derived from Fe^Mn crusts establishing North Atlantic deep waters as the most non-radiogenic (ONd V310 to 312), the North Paci¢c as the most radiogenic (ONd V35 to 36), and Indian Ocean deep waters as intermediate in composition between those two end members (ONd V38). The range of variability exhibited by the new high-resolution ¢sh tooth data from the Atlantic sites is depicted by the brackets on the ONd axis. mass to transport heat to the poles [26] preclude the protracted formation of warm saline deep waters. Here we attempt to determine the nature of late Paleocene^early Eocene thermohaline circulation, and assess the possibility that a change in thermohaline circulation caused the PETM. 1.2. Neodymium as a deep-water mass proxy The short oceanic residence time of Nd (V1000 yr; e.g. [27]) with respect to the mixing time of the oceans (V1500 yr; [28]) implies that the oceans are not homogeneous in their Nd isotopic composition. Thus distinct interbasinal Nd isotopic differences exist, making Nd a useful tracer of deepwater mass transit (e.g. [29^31]), similar to the temperature, salinity, and nutrient characteristics of modern water masses. Continental weathering and runo¡ is the principal source of Nd to the oceans (e.g. [32^35]); thus the Nd isotopic composition of individual deep-water masses is derived from the composition of dissolved, and to a lesser extent, suspended materials draining into the source regions [32,36,37]. Most investigations of paleo-Nd isotopic composition employ analyses of the layers of Fe^Mn crusts (e.g. [38]). Such records of deep-water Nd isotopic composition demonstrate the general long-term evolution of water mass composition associated with the opening and closure of major oceanic gateways (e.g. [38]). Analysis of Nd in Fe^Mn crusts dredged from the sea£oor has established the Cenozoic evolution of deep-water masses in the North Atlantic, Indian, and North Paci¢c basins [38^40] (Fig. 1). However, these records are unlikely to reveal a potential change during the late Paleocene^early Eocene due to their low resolution and the slow precipitation rate of Fe^Mn crusts (Vmm/Myr). In order to ¢ll the gaps in the late Paleocene^early Eocene Nd isotopic reconstruction, we have analyzed fossil ¢sh teeth at high stratigraphic resolution (2^10 cm across the P/E boundary corresponding to a temporal resolution of V1 to several kyr). Fossil ¢sh teeth are useful for paleo-Nd investigations because of their relatively high Nd concentrations (100^1000 ppm) (e.g. [41^43]), as well as their resistance to dissolution in corrosive bottom waters. Fish teeth (as well as other biogenic apatite) acquire their enhanced Nd concentrations during an early diagenetic reaction at the sediment/water interface (e.g. [43]). Thus the fossil material records the Nd isotopic composition of EPSL 6588 2-4-03 Cyaan Magenta Geel Zwart 312 D.J. Thomas et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 209 (2003) 309^322 2. Methods from ¢ve to 15 teeth per sample, depending on size and availability). In this study, only teeth were employed. Samples were then cleaned using an established reductive/oxidative cleaning protocol [46,47]. We analyzed samples as NdOþ using a multi-collector Micromass Sector 54 at the radiogenic isotope facility at UNC-CH. Monitor peak (144 Nd16 O) beams of V1 V were achieved by introducing pure oxygen into the source via a leak valve. External analytical precision based upon replicate analysis of the UNC Ames Nd standard (as NdOþ ) was 0.512140 Q 0.000014 (2 S.D.). Replicate analyses of eight of nine samples yielded Nd isotope values within error limits (table 2 in the Background Data Set2 ). Nd isotope values are reported using the epsilon notation, ONd , which normalizes the analyzed 143 Nd/144 Nd ratio to the bulk Earth value of CHUR (chondritic uniform reservoir) [48]. We analyzed several samples for Sm to determine the range of 147 Sm/144 Nd ratios recorded by teeth at each of the sites. The maximum range of 147 Sm/144 Nd ratios is 0.11747^0.13971 for all of the sites investigated, similar to other analyses of ¢sh teeth [44]. We applied the mean 147 Sm/ 144 Nd value of 0.1286 to all samples to calculate ONd (t) values (table 2 in the Background Data Set2 ). 2.1. Site selection 2.3. Age model Fish tooth Nd isotope stratigraphies were generated at eight DSDP and ODP sites that contain relatively complete sections of the upper Paleocene to lower Eocene transition including the PETM (Fig. 2). These sites provide broad geographic coverage, and enable investigation of both intermediate- and deep-water mass Nd composition (table 1 in the Background Data Set2 ). Numerical ages for the early Paleogene are in a constant state of revision, primarily due to the paucity of radiometric tie-points, discovery of stratigraphic hiatuses, lack of complete deep-sea sedimentary sequences that preserve biostratigraphic markers and yield a reliable magnetostratigraphy, and the paucity of biostratigraphic datums to correlate from high to low latitudes (e.g. [49,50]). Recent e¡orts to re¢ne the time scale focus on development of an orbitally tuned chronology based on deep-sea proxy records from relatively expanded and complete sections [51,52]. However, correlation to other deep-sea sections with poorer recovery or stratigraphic hiatuses is di⁄cult. The di⁄culties in establishing a reliable age model for the PETM are compounded at Sites 527, 549, and 1001 due to carbonate dissolution. the overlying bottom water (e.g. [41,44]). The Nd isotopic signal in ¢sh teeth has been shown indirectly to resist diagenetic exchange with pore water during burial (e.g. [44,45]), providing a means to reconstruct the temporal record of bottom-water composition. The advantage of ¢sh teeth over Fe^Mn crusts is that they are present, albeit rare, in most deepsea sedimentary sections. This permits construction of higher-resolution Nd isotopic records, both spatially and temporally. By analyzing ¢sh teeth, we can detect short-term changes in water mass composition that would otherwise have been averaged out during the slow precipitation of Fe^ Mn crusts (Fig. 1). Moreover, the age of deep-sea sedimentary sections is more precisely determined than in crusts. To better determine the nature of early Cenozoic thermohaline circulation, we generated the ¢rst high-resolution, late Paleocene^early Eocene (V50.6 through V56.5 Ma) seawater Nd isotopic records. In addition, we use these records to assess the possibility that a change in the nature of circulation caused the deep-water warming associated with the onset of the PETM. 2.2. Analytical methods Fish teeth were handpicked from the s 63 Wm size-fraction of washed samples, and multiple teeth were used in each analysis (in general, 2 EPSL 6588 2-4-03 Cyaan Magenta Geel Zwart D.J. Thomas et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 209 (2003) 309^322 313 Fig. 2. Paleogeographic reconstruction of the late Paleocene showing locations of the DSDP and ODP sites investigated (from the Ocean Drilling Stratigraphic Network). Poor recovery and hiatuses a¡ect Sites 401, 865, and 1001. Despite these di⁄culties, we have determined a reasonable age model based on the orbital stratigraphy [52] and the well-characterized carbon isotope stratigraphy [6,53] of the Site 690 PETM interval. Site 690 contains the most expanded and complete stratigraphic record of the PETM interval [52,54] and the V4x planktonic foraminiferal N13 C excursion is assumed to re£ect the full magnitude of the marine carbon isotope excursion (CIE). Inter-site correlations are based on comparison of the Site 690 N13 C curve structure and excursion magnitude with those recorded at the other sites. For example, sites that contain a dissolution interval and record a planktonic foraminiferal CIE magnitude signi¢cantly less than 4x do not contain the true peak of the event and were visually correlated to the ‘recovery’ portion of the 690 N13 C curve. Because the long-term Nd records cover varying time spans, we supplemented P/E interval chemostratigraphic tie-points with biostratigraphic datums above and below the N13 C records (table 3 in the Background Data Set2 ). Numeric ages assigned to the biostratigraphic datums [55] have not yet been revised to comply with the recent proposal for the P/E boundary global stratotype (the onset of the CIE now designated to be 55.0 Ma). To maintain age con- sistency with available biostratigraphic datums we employed the formerly accepted age of 55.5 Ma for the base of the CIE [8,56], and assigned 55.28 Ma to the asymptote of the carbon isotope curve recovery based on the 220-kyr duration of the entire event [52]. We assumed linear sedimentation rates between datum ages, and adopted the visual correlation of carbon isotope stratigraphies to help compensate for artifacts of rapid and brief lithologic changes which characterize many late Paleocene^early Eocene deep-sea sections. 3. Results The resolution of each Nd isotopic record varies as a function of ¢sh teeth availability. These records demonstrate high-frequency £uctuations of V0.5 up to V1.5 ONd units, especially in the densely sampled Paleocene^Eocene transition interval where similar or higher-magnitude changes occur on a scale of a few centimeters (in the span of several thousand years). In all of the records, intervals with a higher sample density have an increased frequency of ONd £uctuation. Lower-resolution portions of the records show smoother trends. The data generated in this investigation are available as table 2 in the Background Data Set2 . EPSL 6588 2-4-03 Cyaan Magenta Geel Zwart 314 D.J. Thomas et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 209 (2003) 309^322 3.1. DSDP Site 401 (Bay of Biscay, North Atlantic) Throughout the Paleocene^Eocene transition at Site 401 (paleo-water depth 1900 m), ONd values were V38.8 (Fig. 3A) (204.09^198.65 mbsf; V55.6^55.1 Ma). The ONd values in the high-resolution portion of the record £uctuate between V310.0 and 38.0, with a trend towards slightly more radiogenic (less negative) values. Above the high-resolution segment at Site 401 ONd values increase to 35.6 at 194.57 mbsf (54.12 Ma) and then decrease, averaging 38.7 throughout the remainder of the section from 190.93 through 181.54 mbsf (53.23^50.78 Ma). 3.2. DSDP Site 549 (Goban Spur, North Atlantic) DSDP Site 549 (V3900 m paleo-water depth) ONd values (Fig. 3B) vary between 39.2 and 38 Fig. 3. Site 401, 549, 527, 690, 213, 865, and 1001 ONd records generated in this study (two analyses from Site 1051 not plotted), labeled with paleo-water depth and paleo-latitude information. The ONd records (diamonds) are plotted with previously published carbon isotope records (small squares) for stratigraphic context, particularly within the PETM interval (carbon isotope data sources listed in table 1 in the Background Data Set2 ). Panels A^D (Sites 401, 549, 527, and 690) consist of a long-term record (lefthand side) with the high-resolution portion of the record spanning the P/E boundary (between dashed lines) expanded on the right-hand side. Site 213 data (panel E) only spans a portion of the early Eocene interval, and Sites 865 and 1001 (panels F and G) only consist of a few analyses. Carbon isotope data from Sites 401, 527, 549, and 865 were derived from multi-specimen analyses of planktonic foraminifera, the shaded areas in the Site 690 panel represent the range of N13 C values from single-specimen analyses of planktonic foraminifera, and the data from Sites 213 and 1001 came from bulk-sediment analyses. EPSL 6588 2-4-03 Cyaan Magenta Geel Zwart D.J. Thomas et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 209 (2003) 309^322 from 355.50 to 337.14 mbsf (56.4^55.4 Ma), with a mean of 38.5. ONd values increase upward, peaking at 34.7 (335.28 mbsf; 54.36 Ma). The subsequent early Eocene ONd trend (from 334.99 to 305.00 mbsf; 53.92^52.90 Ma) is a gradual decrease from 36.6 to 38.4. 3.3. DSDP Site 527 (Walvis Ridge, South Atlantic) Site 527 (V3400 m paleo-water depth) records ONd values that oscillate between V39.9 and 315 V38.0 from 203.3 to 199.49 mbsf (55.58^55.34 Ma) (Fig. 3C), with a mean of 39.0. In this portion of the Paleocene^Eocene transition, a signi¢cant positive excursion in ONd from 39.4 to 37.2 occurs at 200.31 mbsf (55.41 Ma). This is followed by a decrease in ONd to 39.5 from 199.73 mbsf (55.36 Ma) to 189.6 mbsf (54.46 Ma), and another positive excursion in ONd to 37.2 at the top of the analyzed record. 3.4. ODP Site 690 (Maud Rise, Southern Ocean) Mean ONd values at Site 690 (V1900 m paleowater depth) are V39.1 throughout the Paleocene^Eocene transition from 174.02 to 164.18 mbsf (Fig. 3D). In the higher-resolution portion of the record spanning the P/E boundary from 172.00 to 170.74 (55.59^55.506 Ma), ONd values £uctuate between 39.9 and 39.0. The magnitude of the oscillations increases above this interval, as ONd values vary from 310.2 to 38.0. 3.5. DSDP Site 213 (proto-Indian Ocean) The base of the ONd record at Site 213 (V3000 m water depth) lies above the P/E boundary (Fig. 3E). Site 213 ONd values increase from V39.5 at 147.57 mbsf (55.43 Ma) to 35.8 at 146.30 mbsf (55.406 Ma). Subsequently, ONd values decrease to 37.7 at 144.82 mbsf (55.324 Ma), and 38.6 at 142.96 mbsf (54.710 Ma). The mean value of Site 213 values is 38.1. 3.6. ODP Site 865 (Allison Guyot, Paci¢c) We were able to analyze only six samples from Site 865 (V1500 m paleo-water depth) due to insu⁄cient ¢sh teeth (and debris) in most of the samples processed. The range of ONd values is 35.0 to 33.5 (Fig. 3F ; table 2 in the Background Data Set2 ), with a mean value of 34.3. 3.7. ODP Site 1001 (Lower Nicaragua Rise, Caribbean) Fig. 3 (Continued). Only ¢ve samples from Caribbean ODP Site 1001 (V2500 m paleo-water depth) contained suf¢cient ¢sh teeth for Nd isotopic analysis (Fig. EPSL 6588 2-4-03 Cyaan Magenta Geel Zwart 316 D.J. Thomas et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 209 (2003) 309^322 Fig. 4. All Nd isotopic data plotted together versus age. Site symbols are listed in the legend. Panel A contains the entire longterm data set for Sites 213, 401, 527, 549, 690, and 1051. The arrow represents ‘average’ early Paleogene Fe^Mn crust ONd values for the northern Atlantic (light gray) [37]. The orange circle at V53 Ma represents the only Tethyan phosphate analysis available for the late Paleocene^early Eocene interval [59]. The yellow box indicates the portion of the graph that is expanded in panel B. We include the planktonic foraminiferal N13 C curve [6] for stratigraphic context with respect to the onset of the PETM. Panel C contains the entire Nd isotopic data set for Sites 865 and 1001 (note the change in ONd scale to accommodate the more radiogenic values). The dark gray arrow indicates average North Paci¢c crust values for the early Paleogene [39]. The PETM portion of panel C (yellow box) is expanded in panel D. EPSL 6588 2-4-03 Cyaan Magenta Geel Zwart D.J. Thomas et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 209 (2003) 309^322 317 Fig. 5. General late Paleocene^early Eocene mean ONd values with inferred deep-water formation regions and circulation patterns. 3G), precluding construction of a high-resolution ONd stratigraphy. Mean ONd values through the Paleocene^Eocene transition (240.15^238.55 mbsf) were 1.2, and decrease to 34.3 at 237.76 mbsf (55.41 Ma). An additional sample at 208.79 mbsf yielded an ONd value of 31.0. 3.8. ODP Site 1051 (Blake Nose, North Atlantic) Only two samples from Site 1051 (V2000 m paleo-water depth) could be analyzed due to insu⁄cient ¢sh teeth. These samples yielded nonradiogenic ONd values (39.2 and 38.3) (Fig. 4). 4. Discussion 4.1. Early Paleogene thermohaline circulation The high-resolution ¢sh tooth Nd isotopic records corroborate trends in the low-resolution Fe^Mn crust records, yet reveal considerably more structure and variability in the composition of the deep Atlantic, Southern, Indian, and Paci¢c Oceans and Caribbean Sea during the late Paleocene^early Eocene (Fig. 4). One important aspect of the new data is that analyses from Site 213 constrain the Nd isotopic composition of the Indian Ocean back to the early Eocene, beyond the late Oligocene extent of the Indian Ocean crust data (Fig. 1). In addition, Site 1001 data provide the ¢rst Caribbean Sea values for the Cenozoic. Three deep-water Nd isotopic provinces are evident from the data (Fig. 4). Sites in the Atlantic, Indian, and Southern oceans (Sites 213, 401, 527, 549, 690, and 1051) are generally characterized by relatively non-radiogenic Nd isotopic values (V38.7 ONd ). Such values are similar to, although slightly more negative (less radiogenic) than, present-day Indian and Southern ocean values, but are more positive (more radiogenic) than modern North and South Atlantic ocean values (e.g. [29^31]). The occurrence of more radiogenic ONd values of V34.3 at intermediate depths in the Paci¢c (V1500 m) suggests that this water mass had a di¡erent source of Nd than the Atlantic, Indian and Southern oceans. This value is similar to modern Paci¢c Intermediate Water, which receives radiogenic Nd values of V34 from the drainage of relatively young volcanic arc terranes [29]. One of the interesting aspects of the long-term data set is that the most radio- EPSL 6588 2-4-03 Cyaan Magenta Geel Zwart 318 D.J. Thomas et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 209 (2003) 309^322 genic ONd values analyzed were found at Caribbean Sea Site 1001. Caribbean Sea ONd values averaged V1.2, most likely re£ecting the weathering of volcanics from the contemporaneously erupting proto-Antilles arc [56,57]. The similarity of ONd values in the North and South Atlantic, Indian, and Southern oceans suggests either that distinct water masses with similar Nd isotopic compositions bathed these sites or, alternatively, that these sites were bathed by a common water mass. The former scenario would imply that the di¡erent water masses received Nd from continental sources with similar isotopic compositions. If this were the case, any changes in the relative contributions of such di¡erent water masses could not be resolved using Nd isotopes. We argue, however, that despite the rather broad range in paleo-water depths (V1900 to V3900 m), it is plausible that the six sites we studied sampled the same water mass. For example, in the modern oceans, the £ow of NADW can be traced from its source southward into the South Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean (to V40‡S), encompassing up to 4 km of the water column. Even toward the southern limit of its circulation path, NADW has a 1^2 km depth extent. Although NADW did not exist in the early Paleogene, a water mass of similar extent would have encompassed all of the Atlantic, Indian, and Southern ocean deep-sea sites, given the V2 km spread in paleo-water depths. However, the most compelling evidence for a common water mass is the remarkable coincidence of ONd values and trends at the two North Atlantic Sites (401 and 549), which span a depth range of V2 km (Fig. 4). The most cohesive paleoceanographic interpretation of the general Nd isotopic records invokes a major source of Atlantic, Indian, and Southern ocean deep waters in the surface waters of the Southern Ocean between the location of the future Drake Passage and Australia (Fig. 5). We can rule out the possibility of a contribution of northern Paci¢c Ocean intermediate waters (ONd V34.3) to the deep Atlantic, Indian, and Southern ocean basins given the non-radiogenic ONd values that dominate them (ONd V38.7). The North Atlantic could also be discounted as a sig- ni¢cant source of deep waters, as sea£oor spreading in the Labrador Sea probably only began between magnetic Chron 31 (Maastrichtian) and Chron 27 (early Paleocene) [17], and the Norwegian^Greenland Sea began opening during the latter stages of Chron 24 (early Eocene) (e.g. [17]). It is unlikely that the incipient basins were sites of volumetrically signi¢cant deep-water mass formation in the late Paleocene^early Eocene. In addition, we can rule out the North Atlantic region south of the incipient Arctic basins as a potential site of downwelling based on temperature constraints. SST estimates based on N18 O values of planktonic foraminifera indicate temperatures of V23‡C for the northeastern North Atlantic (4), while those in the Southern Ocean recorded at Site 690 are V11‡C and those in the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean as warm as V14‡C (4). Thus the Indian and Atlantic sectors of the Southern Ocean, which were characterized by the coolest high-latitude sea-surface waters of the late Paleocene^early Eocene interval and were considerably more isolated than they are today, seem to be the only likely locations of highlatitude deep-water formation. Downwelling within the Indian or South Atlantic sectors of the Southern Ocean could supply deep waters to the Indian Ocean as well as the Atlantic Ocean, imparting the same Nd isotopic signature to those water masses (Fig. 5). The slight yet systematic increase in ONd values from the Southern Ocean to the North Atlantic Ocean (Fig. 5) may be additional evidence of northward £ow of deep waters from a southerly source. Small contributions of radiogenic Nd, either from Caribbean sources or weathering of North Atlantic Igneous Province basalts, to the northward £owing deep waters might account for the geographic trend. For example, simple mixing calculations suggest that only a small (V4%) contribution of Caribbean waters could explain the small northward increase in Atlantic ONd values. Alternatively, Icelandic basalts that erupted V55 Ma (during North Atlantic Igneous Province emplacement) have ONd values of +V7 (e.g. [17]). Thus an even smaller contribution of waters draining these provinces would have been required to increase ONd values, given Nd concen- EPSL 6588 2-4-03 Cyaan Magenta Geel Zwart D.J. Thomas et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 209 (2003) 309^322 trations of only V20 pmol/kg in seawater at depths of 1900^3900 m (e.g. [58]). 4.2. Thermohaline circulation during the PETM Nd isotopic records can be used to test if a change in thermohaline circulation was responsible for a change in deep-water conservative properties (temperature and possibly salinity) during the PETM. A proposed scenario for such a change is that sea-surface warming in high-latitude regions caused downwelling to cease [6]. The consequent ‘density void’ was possibly ¢lled by warmer and more saline waters from a subtropical, evaporative region, presumably Tethys [6,12]. These warmer waters potentially led to the thermal dissociation of methane hydrates and extinction of benthic organisms [6,8,9,56]. There is no substantial evidence in any of the Nd isotopic records for a change in deep-water mass composition at the onset of the PETM (Fig. 4B). However, the high-resolution portions of the records from Sites 401, 527, 549, and 690 (Fig. 3A^D) are characterized by short-term £uctuations of V1^1.5 ONd units, a feature that merits discussion. One potential cause of the shortterm ONd £uctuations is alternating contributions from two di¡erent deep-water sources. Two likely sources of competing deep waters during the late Paleocene^early Eocene interval were the Southern Ocean and the Tethys. One published analysis of an uncharacterized, uncleaned phosphate from the early Eocene (V53 Ma) Tethys yielded an ONd value of 38.3 [59]. If this value can be considered representative of late Paleocene^early Eocene Tethyan waters, then Tethyan deep waters may have been a more radiogenic end member and the Southern Ocean, with average ONd values of V39.1, a more non-radiogenic end member. While it is tempting to speculate that the shortterm £uctuations may have resulted from alternating dominance of these two deep-water sources (Fig. 3A^D), the available evidence argues against such a scenario. All four of these sites contain ONd values more radiogenic than 38.3 within the PETM portion of the records (e.g. 55.3^55.6 Ma). In addition, we argue that even if the short-term £uctuations did have paleoceano- 319 graphic signi¢cance (i.e. millennia-scale changes in water-mass composition), such changes could not have caused the PETM deep- and bottomwater warming because they occur before, during, and after the onset of the CIE. An alternative explanation for the short-term £uctuations may involve changes in the Nd supplied to the oceans, a possibility discussed by Scher and Martin [60]. Future work will help constrain the source of these short-term variations. Given the available evidence, it is unlikely that a fundamental change in thermohaline circulation patterns caused the global deep- and bottom-water warming during the PETM. When the new Nd isotopic data are considered in the context of high-resolution PETM stable isotopic data from Site 690 [54], it becomes apparent that a change in thermohaline circulation patterns may not have been necessary to generate deep- and bottom-water warming during the PETM. The lack of any Nd isotopic change at the onset of the PETM is consistent with the ¢nding that PETM warming originated in the atmosphere and propagated into oceanic surface waters and then mixed downward to thermocline and deeper waters [58]. The lag between surfaceand deep-water warming at Site 690 suggests that surface-water warming in regions of subduction and downwelling would have transmitted the thermal anomaly to intermediate and deep/bottom waters [54]. Several intriguing features emerge from the ONd data subsequent to the PETM warming. Two possible excursions in the data, one during the recovery phase of the CIE (V55.4 Ma) and a second at V54.3 Ma, may indicate transient changes in thermohaline circulation patterns. Further work is needed to test this hypothesis. 5. Conclusions High-resolution, deep-sea Nd isotopic records using fossil ¢sh teeth from eight DSDP and ODP sites are used to reconstruct the nature of late Paleocene^early Eocene thermohaline circulation. Several signi¢cant features emerge from the data. The data indicate a common deep-water EPSL 6588 2-4-03 Cyaan Magenta Geel Zwart 320 D.J. Thomas et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 209 (2003) 309^322 mass (ONd V38.7) in the North and South Atlantic, Southern, and proto-Indian oceans (south of the eastern Tethys), with di¡erent water masses in the central Paci¢c Ocean (ONd V34.3) and Caribbean Sea (ONd V1.2). The Nd isotopic patterns suggest a Southern Ocean deep-water formation site, and these waters ¢lled the deep basins both northward into the Atlantic Ocean and eastward into the proto-Indian Ocean. The Nd data do not contain evidence for a change in the composition of deep waters prior to the onset of the PETM. Deep- and bottomwater warming during the PETM may have been a consequence of warming of surface waters in downwelling regions. [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] Acknowledgements We gratefully acknowledge the thorough reviews of Ellen Martin and Adina Paytan that improved the manuscript. Many thanks to Brent Miller and Drew Coleman for thoughtful discussions. Samples were provided by the Ocean Drilling Program, and we thank the curatorial sta¡ for all of their help. This work was funded by a JOI/ USSAC Fellowship (D.J.T.) and NSF Grant EAR-98-14604 (T.J.B.).[KF] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] References [1] K.G. Miller, T.R. Janacek, M.E. Katz, D.J. 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