Full PrestackVersusShot RecordMigration s 15.7 C p A. Wapenaarand A. 1 Berkhout,Delf University of 2chnology Netherlands SUMMARY is that true amplitude depth sections may be obtained by shot record migration plus stacking, thus avoiding cumbersomedata reordering at each depth stel Full prc-stack migration can be replaced by shot record migration plus stacking without loss of This conclusion is particularly accuracy. To prove this, applications. it is most convenient to important for 3-D describe forward seismic modeling in terms of matrix Imultiplications. Then full pre-stack migration can be MATRIXREPRESENTATION OF WAVEPROPAGATION described in terms of matrix inversions. By using some We introduce a matrix representation of wave field simple rules of matrix algebra it can then be shown that the full pre-stack migration result can be wrftte as the sumof shot record migration results. ,conclusion is particularly This important for the 3-D case full For convenience we consider the 2-D chromatic one-way wave field extrapolation for the following four cases. Ibecause the data managementin 3-D shot record Imigration extrapolation. case. With reference to Figure 1, we describe mono- is dramatically more convenient than in 3-D Forward extrapolatlon pre-stack migration. of downgoingwaves (Figure la): INTROOUCTION P+(zi)=W+(zi,Lo) In sefsmfc literature ,concerning full P+(Zo). (la) there is muchconfusion the similarities Forward extrapolation and differences between of upgoing waves (Figure lb): pre-stack migration (or double downwardcontinuat ion migration) on one hand and migration per shot Irecord (or profile Icommonly accepted Iof that full (lb) iii. Inverse extrapolation of downgoingwaves (Figure and accurately positioned --true amplitude imagl complicated subsurface. Unfortunate- lc): pre-stack migration is not very attractive P+(zo)= _F+(z,.z,) P+(q). a geologically ly, full from a practical I:umbersomedata (2a) point of view because it requires iv. reordering (from commonshot records Inverse extrapolation of upgoing waves (Figure Id): into commondetector records or vice versa) at each ,depth step. Migration per shot record, followed by P-h,). stacking, is conmionlyconsidered as a practical alternative ( I:apacftfes pzi,zo) P-(z,). (2b) with good resolution and positioning lere the data vector &z,,) but with incorrect amplitude handling. For Inany existing shot record migration schemesthis is Iproperly designed shot record migration schemeyields 4exactly the same results as a full pre-stack migration _ ;cheme. The practical contains the pressure falues of a downgoing(t) or upgoing f-1 wave at all indeed true. However, it is shownin this paper that a 4 P-h,). pre-stack (depth) migratfoi sefsmfc data is the proper way to obtain a well Iresolved I3f P(z,)=y(2,,2,1 migration1 on the other hand. It is significance of this observation i 761 ateral positions at depth level tn. The forward and nverse extrapolation matrfces$and E+ contain ireen's functions. We define a Green's matrix ~zo,zfl, the e'th column of which contains the mono- 2 Prestsck vs. shot record migration :hromatic pressure :he surface zo, response at all lateral positions at due to a monopole in the subsurface x 2.) see also Figure 2. l' 1 ' :he principle of reciprocity In this matrix at reflector the With the Born-approximation at zi. would be a diagonal representing notation, position reads matrix, a reflection at depth each diagonal coefficient use of the Born approximation, (3) 5 represents there T denotes hanged. If that rows and columns should be inter- we consider an acoustic loss-less, variable presenting clocity, constant density medium between z. and zi, -:hen the forward wave field extrapolation operators are ,elated to this Green's matrix, according one frequency upgoing wave at z. (61, component of the detected each element re- position. Base at one detector the forward model of a seismic line reads (4a) Source matrix waves for the spatially extrapolation matrix P,(z,) (7) Ind 'ield general vector to W+(‘*Zo)‘ j dz _C(Zi,Z’Z,) 'urthermore, Finally, (one shot record), the response on relation we do not make hence,in a band-structure. may have element at one lateral In the following zi. it band-limited operators inverse are given wave source vectorSi( detector frequency (5al column e(z,) component of all contains which matrix?-(zo) seismic dataset shot The m'th We included matrix Finally, downgoing source records. shot optional complete all contains contains patterns. by $(z,) the different an represents represents detected column field one upgoing waves in a (one seismic line). The m'th Pi(zo). record Ind Tm(Zi ,Zo) p fhere A series on of these ossy, (5b) I denotes * :aken. [~m(Zo,Zi)]sl= dzs*(zi ,z=zo) that the complex conjugated of papers relations arbitrarily being prepared for dealing with acoustic should -FULL PRE-STACK MIGRATION be Based on forward the generalizat- or full according model (7) we define a matrix gzj) to (8) elastic, inhomogeneous media is currently (‘z,)l-‘. by the authors. Note that :HE FORWARDMODEL OF A SEISMIC DATASET (9a) With the forward the previous single extrapolation section, reflector the matrices, (monochromatic) Figure response at depth zi can be written p~(zO)‘~-(zo~zi) ~(Zi)~+(Zi,Zo) Ice alS0 defined 3. Here S,f[z,) of a as source at Zo' iatrix In case of a single vector gzi) contains one describes source at lateral one non-zero the reflectivity the seismic and detector dataset, properties. deconvolved for element [with 1' deconvolved position zj. only. properties the Simllarly, (9b) Frequency component of the downgoing source wave field cm this represents (6) S:(Z,), represents in Y$zj) of 762 and E- defined seismic By substituting consists in (511, represents the datasct, redatumed to depth level relation (7) of two terms into (9) we find that Prestack vs. shot record migration 3 I $Zj) =lJzj) + response' (10) of the medium is defined upgoing and downgoing waves at zj. vectors Pi(zj) for m=l...M, columns of matrix hence, the redatumed reflectivity matrix_R(zjl tributions other for thus plus contains all according place definitions, at term practical applications recursively elements (9b) are computed. should be carried in the following records ordering records for deconvolving coannon shot common shot records into compensation place according deconvolving (14b) where we assumed for simplicity Similarly, to (5al according (12b), records Hence, full record loss the shot- pre-stack CONCLUSIONS redatumed data we may write for plus nigration (profile (13b) may be replaced @+(zo). handled stacking. A similar importance (13c) )e properly Relation (13a) states that at zj the 'spatial (14a), involves pre-stack 763 by migration followed for re- proof pre-stack applied without loss and phase may be migration can be given in the 3-D case it that pre-stack per shot record by stacking, by shot record for is of great migration per shot record, :umbersome data handling. impulse without the same remark is true Hence, both amplitude sorrectly ,articularly and ~+(zj)‘~+(Zjszo) (which by (13), per shot imaging). migration), Jf accuracy. (13a) where _P~(Zj)‘C~(z~)~-(z~~Zj)l~l~-(z~) extrapolation It has been shown for 2-D media that full the set ~(Zj)=,P~(Zj)[S+(zj)l-l, S_+(Z,)=S(W)I_. as described by 'stacking' Of course migration MIGRATION PER SHOT RECORD (8) according (14c) that redatuming, (14b,c), followed datuming to relation simplicity by wave field of accuracy. coordinates. According . vectors F+(Z,,Zj), pre-stack may be replaced by spatial. along and (13~1, to the source vectors, where we assumed for re- downgoing propagat- to relation thatlJ!(z,)=D(w)l IIslw)11* upgoing After pm(zo)' to common detector for coimnon detector - lID(w)$ compensation (13b), vectors and ~-(zj,zo) way the detector-coordinates. (x-XT), ion takes ly by spatially along to (5b) in Figure to the measured shot records, [z:~zjllT~~s~~zo~l*T propagation is visualized EgzoH*T P$zj)= out (12b) describes as to L+$,(zj) are related (12a) can be rewritten relation according In (12a) Relation the With these (14a) this are related according the diagonal for Note that, q(tj) (11) Real only [St(zj)]-'. (13a) we define which represents ifjlI*..l, 4. Optionally matrix relation The 'proof' =* Futhermore, m=I . ..M. the X(Zj)‘~p-(Z’)[Z:(zj)lT. m=lm J bandwidth, to <RJzjb NOWwe define which represent I-_. for of by summing w in the seismic the phase distorted Z+,(zj) rows of inverse con- matrices$zitj) Imaging takes frequencies suppressing vectors the phase-distorted from the reflectivity depth levels. I datasetz(zj) as the ratio (or plus 3-D media. practical redatuming) thus avoiding can 4 Prestack vs. shot record migration \\1= 1 ! I I \-_I= a-_ - -Q_-_- --F--- \ \ a ----0 a_- - -*_ - - --“;--- \\ = \ \ ---Q, FIG. 1. Forward and inverse extrapolationof downgoingand upgoing waves. a-- - _@--__ --a___ \ x x x = \ \ \ a‘ - _ -_ a---a__ --“;-- 'i - (000----o) 000----o ooo----0 I \ -‘o FIG. 2. The Pth column of the Green’s matrix. i: :j I 000----o I I FIG.4. Visualizationof relation (14a), top, and (13a) bottom. FIG. 3. Basic model for the seismic response from depth level zi. 764
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