Fenton Hillgranodioritepluton? (50-mi) right-lateral otlset oftheSandia an80-km 87545 NewMexico LosAlamos, National Laboratory, Geology/Geochemistry Group, LosAlamos byA. WillianLaughlin, Introduction The Fenton Hill granodiorite is one of the most distinctive Precambrianlithologic units encountered during deep drilling at the Los Alamos National Laboratory Hot Dry Rock (HDR) geothermal site west of the Valles caldera (Laughlin et al., 1983). Although it differs both mineralogicallyand chemicallyfrom most other Precambrianplutons in central and northern New Mexico, petrologic, chemical, and geochronologicaldata suggestthat it is similar to surface exposures of the Sandia pluton in the Sandia Mountains east of Albuquerque. If these rocks are pieces of the same pluton, a rightJateral offset of approximately 80 km (50 mi) along a precursor fault to the Rio Grande rift is suggested.The senseand amount of this displacementis in agreementwith earIier estimatesby Chapin and Cather (1981)and Chapin (1983). Fenton Hill granodiorite The Fenton Hill granodiorite is not exposed at the surfaceand has only been encountered in deep geothermal wells at Fenton Hill, New Mexico and in the Continental Scientific Drilling Program (CSDP) well VC-28 in the Valles caldera. The HDR geothermal site at Fenton Hill is in Sandoval County, New Mexico about 32 km (20 mi) west of Los Alamos (Fig. 1). The site is in the Jemez Mountains, west of the western rim of the Valles caldera. Four deep wells, GT-2, EE-l, EE-2 and EE-3, were drilled at Fenton Hill; the deepest of these, EE-2, has a true vertical depth of 4.39km (L4,417ft). Cores,cuttings,and random samples from a "junk basket" run behind the drill bit were used by LaughIin et al. (1983)to characterizethe Precambrian basement rocks at the site (Fig. 2). Precambrian basement rocks were encountered at a depth of approximately 730m (I,748 ft) in the four Fenton Hill wells. From ftO m (1,748ft) to 2,590 m (8,498ft) the Precambriansection consistsof a metamoryhic complexof various gneissesand schists. Between 2,590 m (8,498ft) and 3,000m (9,&13ft) the Fenton Hill granodiorite was encountered as a single, continuous intrusive 6ody (Fig. 2). Smallerbodiesof the granodiorite were encountered at greater depths. The granodiorite is a homogeneo_us.tYPically nonfoliated, sphene-bearing,biotite-rich granitic rock' The major minerals are quartz, sericitized plagioclase(Anr.), microcline, and biotite. Accessoryminerals include the ubiquitous sphene(l-3V'), zircon, opaque oxides, myrmekite, and apatite. Epidote and calcite are also present as alteration minerals. The CSDPwell VC-28 was drilled in 1988to a depth of 7'762 ("C) Temperature Abo Formation E l< -c o- 2.0 AbiquiuT gneissand maficschist o E (I) 2.5 = L F granite gneiss,g ranodiorite, minorschist,metavolcanic FIGURE l-Index map showing the Fenton Hill hot dry rock (HDR) site, Continental Scientific Drilling Program (CSDP)well VC-2B, and the Sandia pluton. 4.5 FIGURE 2-Simplified stratigraphic column at the Fenton Hill hot dry rock site. New Meico Geology August 1991 m (5,781 ft) in the Sulphur Springs area of the western Valles caldera.Sulphur Springsis about 7.5 km $.7 m1)northeastof the Fenton Hill site. Precambrianquartz monzonite was encountered at a depth of 1,556m (5,105fQ in VC-28, which had been continuously cored. The major minerals in this Precambian quartz monzonite are quartz, plagioclase, microcline, and biotite. The plagioclase is moderately sericitized and the biotite is strongly chloritized. Accessoryminerals include sphene, opaque oxides, zircon, and apatite. The subhedral to euhedral sphene is strongly altered to leucoxene.Epidote, calcite,chlorite, and sericite are present as alterationminerals. A summary of the whole-rock chemistry of the Fenton Hill granodiorite from both the Fenton Hill and VC-28 wells is given in Table1..Resultsof neutron activationanalysisof traceelements are presented in Table 2. The biotite granodiorite is characterized by high FerO., FeO, TiOr, KrO, PzO,, and SrO. The high TiO, and PrO, valuesare reflectedby the high modal contentsof sphene TABLE 1-Composition Mgo MnO CaO NarO K,O Hro* HtO PtOt SrO NSP SSP NSP 6 SSP N=14 N=13 N=5 N=2 68.0 0.88 14.23 5.35* nla 1.77 0.11 2.82 3.24 4.U n/a nla 0.31 0.022 66.87 0.95 74.24 5.92* nla 1.33 0.77 2.90 SSP N=4*+ Alro. Fe2O. FeO Sandia granite The Sandia granite, actually quattz monzonite to granodiorite, is exposed in the western escarpmentof the Sandia Mountains, east of Albuquerque. Surface exposures of the granite are commonly weathered. Someof the best exposuresare found in Tijeras Canyon where the granodioriteis in contactwith the Cibolagneiss. The northern part of the Sandia granite is in intrusive contact with the fuan Tabo series(Brookins and Majumdar, 1989).On the basis of modal and compositional data from only four samples, Condie and Budding (1979) suggested that the Sandia granite consists of two plutons; the North Sandia pluton and the South Sandia pluton (Fig. 3). Rocks of both plutons are typically homogeneousand medium to coarsegrained. Modal compositions of Sandia granite and Fenton Hill granodiorite. All values expressed as percentages. Columnl2S4S NSP sio, Tio, and apatite, whereas the high FerO., FeO, and KrO values are reflected by the high biotite contents. N=5 6.3 69.2 0.76 13.7 4.81* nla 1.00 n/a 2.75 3.29 3.99 nla n/a nla 0.024 I.UJ 13.9 6.85* nla 1.33 nJa 3.73 3.11 3.25 nla nla nla 0.023 J.JZ 3.00 n/a nla 0.31 0.024 69.4 0.79 13.9 2.29 3.10 0.95 nia 2.29 3.34 3.77 0.73 0.06 0.30 0.025 8 SSP AWL-8-81 N=1 7 SSP TC-1 N=1 66-6 1.05 74.3 2.,) 3.1 1.24 n/a 66.64 0-94 13.52 2.74 3.04 1.36 0.11 3.2r 3.06 4.02 0.81 0.06 0.30 0.026 910 Fenton Hill granodiorite N=6 64.27 0.95 74.48 2.96 2.92 1.39 0.098 3.11 3.32 4.23 0.98 0.07 0.57 0.04 63.36 1.10 15.15 3.14 3.35 1.50 0.r2 3.55 3.28 3.82 0.87 0.04 0.37 0.02 J. IJ 3-17 3.51 1.03 0.01 0.34 0.01 Columns I and 2-Condie and Budding (1979). Columns 3 and 4-Maiumdar (1985). Columns 5 and 6-Enz et al. (1979). Columns 7, 8 and l0-This work. Column 9-Laughlin and Eddy (1977). *Total Fe as FerO. **N:number of samples.All resultsare averaged,exceptthosein columns7 and 8. TABLE 2-Trace-elements in Sandia granite and Fenton Hill granodiorite, analyzed by neutron activation Fenton Hill granodiorite Sandia granite TC-1 9519-1 9520-3 8s38-1b 685.5 8.131 3.699 6.386 333.0 14.43 nla 25.14 n/a 155.0 6.575 719.2 1.702 nJa 5.85 0.5859 8.857 3.065 9.U7 1109 10.90 5.582 14.85 457.6 16.42 19.41 26.43 nla r25.4 5.725 209.7 2.772 1.398 8.954 1.089 13.07 7.799 13.57 r652 15.19 5.465 16.02 nJa t7.M 37.99 1829 17.55 2.87 11.53 nla 3.376 72.30 9.915 88.59 nla nia 224.2 7.ffi7 7.248 6.739 0.5499 12.19 nla 13.96 AWL-8-81 Ba Dy U Sm w Sc Cr Co Zn Rb Cs Ce Eu Tb Yb Lu Hf Ta Th 800.1 11.00 4.279 11.68 3359 16.59 27.70 24.55 n/a 155.0 5.582 1.49.7 2.M2 7.171 7.029 0.92t9 17.82 r0.88 13.02 August 1991 Nao MexicoGeology 12.u 767.8 1,r7.9 4.406 237.1 2.888 1.410 13.35 1.312 17.33 4.2U 13.21 1374 17.85 6.224 17.72 n/a 16.74 82.07 14.51 146-5 111.3 3.966 257.3 3.27 1.589 14.67 7.46 18.57 3.500 17.75 VC-2B N=2 66.00 0.76 74.59 2.39 2.62 7.26 0.083 2.93 J. JA 4.02 r.60 0.M 0.35 0.09 are shown in a K-feldsparlquartzlplagioclaseternary plot (Fig. 4) modified from Condie and Budding (1979).The two Sandia plutons plot near the boundary between the granodiorite and quartz monzonite fields, and away from most of the other 29 New Mexico Precambrian plutons reported by Condie and Budding (7979). The Fenton Hill granodiorite plots close to the Sandia pluton or plutons within the granodiorite field. Brookinsand Majumdar (7982,1989)and Majumdar (1985)have reexamined the question of whether the Sandia granite is made up of one or two plutons. They presentthe resultsof whole-rock chemical analysis of 28 samplesof the granite; 13 from the South Sandia pluton and 15 from the North Sandia pluton. Variation diagrams plotted from these data strongly suggest that there is only a single pluton. Four of these variation diagrams are reproduced here as Fig. 5 with the analysesof the Fenton Hill granodiorite plotted for comparison. To supplement the chemical data presented by Condie and Budding (1979)and Brookins and Majumdar (1989),two samples of the Sandia pluton were collected in Tijeras Canyon. Analyses of major and trace elementsin all the samplesare given in Tables 1 and 2. Chemically, the Sandia pluton, like the Fenton Hill granby high FerOr,FeO,K2O,TiOr, and PrOu. odiorite, is characterized Geochronolosy il$J"r{?Hill granodiorite Extensive geochronologicalwork has been done on the Fenton Hill granodiorite, the Sandiagranite, and the gneissesinto which they were intruded. Although a wide variety of isotopic dating meihods have been applied to the Fenton Hill granodiorite and the Sandiagranite, the emplacementagescanbe determined most 4.00 NORTH SANDIA 4 sg * o * r r L A R G oH . L L S SOUTHSANDIA A L B U Q U E R o UAE Jc MANZANITA o (a) 3.00 2.00 o) 1.00 o .4. 0.00 55.00 60.00 65.00 70.00 75.00 80.00 85.00 \xY PEDERNAL 5.00 t) RATTLESNAKE ^ HILLS 4.00 bS ofi*eorvnoenn MAGDALENA X\ )A = 3.00 (g 2.00 o ?:rAJo 1.00 34' 0.00 55.00 60.00 65.00 70.00 75.00 80.00 85.00 FIGURE 3-Sandia and associated Precambrianplutons of central New Mexico. Modified from Condie and Budding (1979). 6.00 s c Quartz o tr 4.00 N A (g z (c) 5.00 3.00 o*oo 6 a s-E o# tr ^ o o 55.00 60.00 65.00 70.00 75.00 80.00 85.00 6.00 ;< 5.00 = 4.00 N Y 3.00 5s.00 60.00 65.00 70.00 75.00 80.00 85.00 Plagioclase FIGURE4-Ternary diagram of Precambrianplutons in centraland southcentral New Mexico. Plutons are: N, North Sandia;S, South Sandia;FH, Fenton Hill; Y, YCJB; O, Oj\ta; and ML, Monte Largo. Modified from Condie and Budding (1979). ((KrO + NarO) / (KzO + Na20 + CaO)) x100 FIGURE S-Variation diagrams for Sandiaand Fenton Hill plutons. Modified from Maiumdar (1985).(a){d), component vs felsic index. n, Sandia pluton; A, South Sandia pluton; O, Fenton Hill granodiorite; +, VC-28 granodiorite (Fenton Hill). Nm Mexico Geology Argust 7991 accurately by the Rb/Sr and U/Pb isotopic methods. High temperatures resulting from nearby volcanism (Fenton Hill) and/or deep burial (Fenton Hill and Sandia Mountains) would lead to argon loss and fission-trackannealingand, thus, lTAr and fissiontrack ages that are less than the crystallization ages. Such perturbations for the Fenton Hill samples have been discussed by Brookins et al. (7977).Two ICAr ages of 1.35 and 1.40 Ga hav-e been obtained from a sample of the Precambrianrocks from VC28 by Laughlin and Shafiqullah(unpub. data).This samplewas undoubtedly affectedby the present high in situ temperature of almost 300'C. Brookins and Laughlin (1983)reported Rb/Sr isochron ages of 1.50 + 0.12 Ga for the Fenton Hill granodioriteand 1.62 + 0.04 Ga for the adjacent gneisses.The large error on the granodiorite is the result of the small spreadin Rb/Srratios of the homogeneous granodiorite. A suite of samples from VC-28 has been collected for Rb/Sr analysis by D. G. Brookins and work is in progress on these samples.Taggertand Brookins (1975)reported Rb/Sr isochron ages (correctedfor the new decay constant) ofl.47 + 0.02 Ga for the Sandiagraniteand 1.58+ 0.07Ga for the Cibolagneiss, and Brookins and Maiumdar (1982)report a Rb/Srisochron age of 1.44 + 0.04Ga for the Sandiagranite. The Rb/Sr isochron age of 1.50 Ga on the Fenton Hill granodiorite was confirmed by the Pb/Pbmodel age results of Zartman (1979).His results from spheneand zircon indicate an age of 1.50 + 0.02Ga. He also calculateda model ageof L.50Ga for microcline from the granodiorite. The Sandia granite Rb/Sr isochron is also confirmed by lead isotopic data. The Pb2oTlPb2o€ dates of Tilton et al. (1962'1,Steiger and Wasserburg (7969), and Tilton and Gru+ 0.02Ga. Steigerand Wasserburg nenfelder(1958)average"l..47 (1969)suggestedan original age of formation between 1.49 and l.64Ga. This large range resultedfrom the model used for episodic lead loss and from the material analyzed. All lead isotopic results were summaized. by Brookins (1974). Equivalence of the Fenton Hill granodiorite and the Sandia granite Although it is difficult to prove that two plutonic rocks are comagmatic without continuity in outcrop, a number of mineralogical, chemical, and geochronologicallines of evidencecan be brought to bear to suggestthat the correlation is probable.Clearly, thesetwo units are similar and probablycrystallizedat about 1.50 Ga. They are chemicallyand mineralogicallyvery similar and have undergone related magmatic histories. The probability of correlation is increasedbecausethe two units are compositionallydistinct from other plutons in the region. Both plutonic rocks are chemically similar in both major and trace elements. They are distinctive in having high TiO, and I(rO relative to SiOr. On a temary diagram of quartzJk-feldspar/plagioclase modal mineralogy, the Fenton Hill granodiorile plots close to the Sandia pluton. Plutons with similar modal mineralogy, reported by Condie and Budding (1979),include the Monte Largo and Ojita plutons. The Sandia, Monte Largo, and Ojita plu_tonscrop out within a relatively small areaeastof Albuquerque and could be connectedat depth. The Sandia,Fenton Hill; Monte Largo, and Ojita plutons are the most plagioclase-richof the 32 plutons shown in Fig. 4. Anothgr point of similarity befween the Sandiagranite and the Fenton Hill granodiorite is presented in table 5 of Condie and Budding (1979).These authors show that the North and South Sandia plutons, in contrast to 28 other plutons in central and south-central New Mexico, are characterizedby high (1-1.5%) sphene contents. Only one other pluton, the White Sands, contained more than a trace of sphene. Bauer and Lozinsky (1986), however, have reported high sphene contents in a Proterozoic pluton in the Caballo Mountains. As discussedabove, the Fenton Hill granodiorite is also characterizedby high sphene contents. No available chemical, mineralogic, or geochronological evidence refutes the suggestion that the Fenton Hill granodiorite and the Sandia pluton are equivalent. August 1991 Nan Mexico Geology Discussion Severalworkers have suggestedthat the Colorado Plateauwas translated north-northeastward during Laramide deformation (Woodward and Callenda+ 1977,Chapin and Cather, 1981,and Chapin, 1983).To evaluate the magnitude of this translation they have examined evidence for offset of various geologic features across the zone of decouping, i.e. the Rio Grande rift, focusing on features that intersect the zone at a high angle. Chapin and Cather (1981) found that although the Jemez lineament is well defined southwest of the Valles caldera and may continue to the Taos area, it is poorly defined northeast of Taos. Becausea line drawn through the volcanic fields of northeastern New Mexico projects southwestward to the Tijeras-Canyoncito fault system nearAlbuquerque, they suggestedthat this fault system is a rightlateral offset of the femez lineament. If this interpretation is correct, 90-120 km (56-75 mi) of offset are suggested. Chapin and Cather (1981)also estimated the magnitude of the displacement from the offset of the Precambrianprovince boundary that trends northeastward acrossNew Mexico. This boundary which separates1.72-1.80Ga supracrustalrocksin the north from 1.65-1.72Ga supracrustalrocks in the south, is approximately coincident with the Jemezlineament. The boundary is offset approfmately 80 km (50 mi) right laterally acrossthe Rio Grande rift. Chapin and Cather (1981)also obtained an estimateof 55 km (a1 mi) of rightJateral offset of the Capitan lineament as it crosses the Rio Grande rift onto the Colorado Plateau. A correlation of similar Precambrian and early Paleozoicrocks across the rift in the Caballo Mountains areayielded an estimate of 120km (75mi) of right-lateral translation. Chapin and Cather (1981) state, "The above correlations of possible offset features along the eastem Colorado Plateamargin are highly speculative but may serve as a starting point in the search for more reliable data." I hope that the data presented in this short note meet the criteria for more reliable data and contribute to our understanding of early displacementalong the PIateau margin. AcxNowr-ppcunNrs-This work was performed under the auspices of the U. S. Department of Enetgy. R. W. Charles assisted in sample collection of the Sandia granite and famie Gardner provided samplesof Precambrianrocks from VC-28. C. E. Chapin encouraged the author to publish these results. Scott Baldridge, Schon Levy, Doug Brookins, Paul Bauer, and Chris Mawer reviewed the manuscript and provided helpful comments. References Bauer, P W., and Lozinsky, R. 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