GEORGETOWN HOMEOWNERS’ ASSOCIATION NEWSLETTER May 2015 833-2341 UPCOMING DATES Sat., May 16, 8 AM to 1 PM – Georgetown yard sale Mon., May 18 – Deadline for residents’ Architecture or Landscape proposals for the Board Tues., May 19 - Pool pass pick up begins at office Sat., May 23 – Pool opens for the season Thurs., May 28 – Regular Board Meeting – 7 PM – Clubhouse The Georgetown Spring Yard Sale will be May 16 from 8 AM to 1 PM. As always, a general ad will be placed in the newspaper. JUNK DAY Our semi-annual junk day will be Friday, May 22. As always, lawn waste will not be accepted. Other items that WILL NOT be accepted are: hazardous materials, tires, large car parts, electronic items (TV’s, computers, etc.) lumber longer than 6 ft. or wider than 1 ft. and construction material. Appliances, mattresses and box springs, furniture, carpet, etc. will be accepted. If you have questions as to what can be accepted, please contact the office. The pickup could be early so you may wish to place these items curbside the night before. The proper way to dispose of televisions and many other items is the Tri County Regional Collection Facility. They are located at 510 N. Pearl and are open Tuesday through Friday from 9 AM to 12:30 PM and the first Saturday of the month from 8 AM to Noon. They can be contacted at 309-331-4782 or 836-5926. There is no cost for this service. They do not accept old appliances but do accept electronics (computers, monitors, microwaves, etc.). If you would like a complete list of acceptable and unacceptable items please stop by the office. DOGS Please be sure to ALWAYS pick up after your dog whether the droppings are on a sidewalk, grass, etc. POOL OPENING The pool will be opening weather permitting for the season on Saturday, May 23. Please stop by the office beginning Tuesday, May 19 to fill out a pool registration form and receive pool passes. The office will be open late (until 5:30 PM) on Tuesday, May 19 and Wednesday, May 20 to help out those residents who can not get to the office earlier in the day. An adult member of the household will need to fill out the form. ONLY MEMBERS OF YOUR FAMILY LIVING IN YOUR HOME ARE ABLE TO HAVE POOL PASSES. THE PASSES WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE FOR PICK UP AT THE POOL. Just a reminder, any homeowner whose account is $200 or more in arrears will have their pool privileges suspended until their account is paid in full. There are only minor changes in the pool rules for the season. Residents will still be able to sign in their adult guests (age 18 and older) and then leave the pool IF all parties sign the indemnity form. Please remember that the indemnity form will ONLY be available at the office during regular hours so residents will need to plan ahead. A copy of the rules will be presented to residents when they pick up pool passes. We have five lifeguards (three returning) this season so please introduce yourself when using the pool. At least one guard is on duty at all times when the pool is open. RECYCLING Our garbage carrier has reported that regular garbage in black plastic bags has been appearing in the containers for recycling only. The recycling containers have bright yellow lids. This has been happening in about half of the garbage enclosures but particularly on Jamestown Rd. (enclosure in the 200 block north side). Please place recycling in clear plastic bags so that those emptying the containers can be sure that the items are able to be recycled. UNFORTUNATELY IF THIS CONTINUES, OUR GARBAGE CARRIER MAY REMOVE THE CONTAINERS AND MAKE RESIDENTS TAKE RECYCLING TO ONE LARGER CONTAINER NEAR THE SHOP. If you have your children take out the garbage, make sure they know which containers are correct for regular garbage and recycling. GEORGETOWN PROPERTIES This is the time of year for Georgetown properties to be placed on the market for sale. Several that are on the market are sold or sale pending – good news for everyone! Because our townhomes are connected, the appearance of your property reflects on the entire community. Please keep toys, bikes, etc. off the front lawns. It is in everyone’s best interest to keep their property and backyard in good condition. It keeps the property values up for everyone. If residents are able, it is very helpful to the crew to weed the front shrub areas. BACKYARD WORK If you are planning to do digging in your back yard, remember to first call JULIE (1-888-892-0123 or 811). At no charge, someone will come out to mark where any underground utility services are located so you can safely plant flowers, a tree, etc. without cutting utility services. WORK ORDER REQUESTS Now that the weather has improved, the office is receiving requests from residents for shrubbery removal/replacement, front yard work, etc. Right now the crew is very busy with mowing and other daily tasks. Our crew will get to your request as soon as time will allow. Please make sure any requests are made in writing or via email for dead shrub removal, etc. Be specific in your request whether or not the shrubs are to be replaced either by our crew or you. If you are purchasing and replacing shrubs, remember that this requires Board approval prior to the work being done. Georgetown will reimburse a resident up to $20 a shrub up to the purchase of six shrubs SHRUBBERY TRIMMING The annual shrubbery trimming should begin during the last week of June or the first week of July. Lynn Chambers and his crew will be doing the work. The trimmers WILL NOT be responsible for any electrical cords cut during the trimming process. If you have cords lying on top of the rock, it is best to remove them. Also keep toys, etc. away from the area so that the workers can have easy access to trim. HODGEPODGE Recently two decorative flags have disappeared from a residence on N. Yorktown. If you found them, please turn them into the office so that they can be returned to the owner. There is still time to sign up for garden plots. If you are a returning gardener don’t forget to stop by the office to pay the small fee for use of the garden area. Please do NOT park behind the Clubhouse area unless you have a handicap sticker. Make sure any guests at the Clubhouse also do not park in that area. This area is also not to be used for dropping off people at the pool! Residents can bring their own lounge chairs to the pool but they can not be stored at the pool for the season. Residents and/or their contractors should NOT be driving on the grass in the common areas when the ground is wet. If damage results from doing so, residents will be responsible for the cost to repair the damage. Mowing season is in full swing. Please don’t let your backyard space become an eyesore due to lack of mowing, weeding, etc. If any resident notices that a yard is not maintained, please contact the office. The resident with the untidy yard will receive a letter to take care of the situation by a certain date or the crew will mow at a cost of $50 to the homeowner.
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