German-American Club of Tucson Nachrichten P. O. Box 12984, Tucson, AZ 85732 By: Darlene Rietz President’s Corner iebe Mitglieder und Freunde Dear Members and Friends Attendance at the Boogie-Woogie Dance on April 11 was quite low (50 members and 14 guests), but judging by the number of attendees who stayed late and danced everyone seemed to enjoy the music by the 60's Garage Band. We did have a glitch with the starting time of the dinner and the availability of food; we ran out of food prematurely. I apologize to all attendees who were affected by the mishap and assure you that steps are being aken to avoid this problem in the future. L The picnic on Saturday, April 25, at Gina and Tom Crisp’s ranch was attended by 67 persons and was quite enjoyable; even the weather was perfect and everyone appeared to have a great time. The sausages, picked up from the butcher in Phoenix by Hartmut and cooked by Bernie and Hermann, were excellent (thanks Hartmut, Bernie, and Hermann) as were all the side dishes brought by the members. Again, I would like to thank everyone for their contributions and a special “Thank You” to Gina and Tom Crisp for their generosity and the use of their beautiful ranch. Several members who participated in last year’s trip to Casino Del Sol at 5655 West Valencia Road recommended to have an outing to the casino again. The Board agreed and is arranging for a visit to the casino on Thursday, May 14. Participants will meet at the main entrance of the casino at 12 noon; anyone welcome. Last year’s first time visitors to the casino received a free lunch and some play money to gamble with. All in all an enjoyable afternoon with friends. The annual recognition dinner will be held on Saturday, May 23 at 6:00 PM at the El Corral Restaurant at 2201 West River Road. This outing gives me and all other members a chance to thank the members of the Board and their significant others for their efforts and dedication to keep the Club running smoothly. So far, 36 members and guests have signed up and is shaping up to be a well-attended get-together. Anyone not signed up yet but wanting to attend, please contact Wendell at 299-8683 May-June 2015 no later than May 16 to be added to the list to ensure a proper size room can be reserved. Our next Stammtisch outing will be on Saturday, June 13 at 6:00 PM, at the Macayo’s del Norte Mexican Restaurant at 7360 North Oracle Road. Please contact Wendell on or before May 31 if you want to join the 26 members who have already signed up for this gettogether. The membership breakfast is scheduled for Saturday, July 11 at 8:30 AM at The Good Egg (NE corner of Grant and Swan). Please mark your calendar if you are planning to attend. In conclusion, I want to wish everyone a pleasant and safe summer. I look forward to seeing many of you at several of the Club’s planned outings and, hopefully, all of you at the beginning of the next season. Wendell Heckele, President President Vice President Treasurer Recording Secretary Corresponding Sec’y Council Members: Erna Heckele Doris Wack Sonja Papoutsis Hartmut Hausler Aggie May Ingrid Kron Upcoming Activities Wendell Heckele Hermann Kron Doug VanDorpe Sulfa Brauner Darlene Rietz 2 yrs 2 yrs 2 yrs 1 yr 1 yr 1 yr 299-8683 790-8868 299-4290 749-8673 744-0789 299-8683 825-2133 733-5767 299-5262 885-7964 790-8868 Club May 14, 12:00 noon, Meet at Casino del Sol Casino May 23, 6 pm, Board of Directors Recognition Dinner at El Corral, River Road & Campbell June 3, 7 pm, Special Planning Meeting for Oktfest 2 By: Darlene Rietz May-June 2015 June 13, 6 pm, Stammtisch Get-Together, Macayo’s Del Norte, 7360 N. Oracle Road July 11, 8:30 am, Membership Breakfast, The Good Egg, NE corner Grant and Swan Congratulations to members celebrating a birthday in May Gisela Ohlig Marshall Nichols Jerry Mullins Christa Schrubbe Filiberto Baca Wendell Heckele Bobbie Gaumond Evelyn Kubis Marie Ortenreiter Marlene Hilligoss 06 12 16 17 22 24 26 27 27 28 Also congratulations to those members celebrating birthdays in June John Papoutsis Werner Hueppe John Hobrath Elfriede Nichols Arno Tepper Elfriede Amsden Jeffrey Martensen Trudy Dauernheim Guillermo Teran Ilsa Teran Bobbie Gaumond Michael Kud-Kudijaroff Sonja Papoutsis 02 03 06 06 11 12 18 20 25 25 26 26 27 The annual recognition dinner, scheduled for May 23, will be at El Corral, River Road and Campbell. All board members and their significant others will be guests of the Club to thank them for their hard work and contribution to the success of the Club. All other members are also welcome to join the recognition dinner, but must contact Wendell no later than May 16 so he can make reservations for the correct number of attendees at the get-together. New Members We want to wish a warm welcome to Janice and Richard Harper, Rita McFarlin and Jeffrey Martensen, who joined the Club in April. We hope they will be long, active members. Thinking of you as you face your health challenges: Josephine Boehm, Louis Dauernheim, Frank Hastings, John Hobrath, Bob Holdcraft, John Lesko, Roger Taylor, and Greg Wack. The club will have a Stammtisch gettogether at 6:00 pm on June 13 at Macayo’s Del Norte, 7360 North Oracle Road. Please advise Wendell if you plan to attend. Thanks for your contributions For any club to continue to prosper and be successful, the help of many volunteers is required. The following members deserve a big “THANK YOU” for their contributions with either hands-on activity, donations to the Club, or both at the “Blumentanz”. 3 By: Darlene Rietz Erna Heckele Richard Hoppe Inge & Arno Tepper Darlene Rietz Doris Wack Anna Graves Charlotte Griffin Sonja Papoutsis Gina & Tom Crisp Jean Brett Werner Hueppe Aiga & Emil Loeffler Syvana Amsden-Elias Aggie May May-June 2015 Waltraut & Hartmut Hausler Nelly Hobrath Hermann & Ingrid Kron Bernie Schulz Doug Van Dorpe Jerry Mullins Olga Claassen Christa Schrubbe Shirley Springborn Friedl Amsden Trudy Dauernheim Gisela Ohlig Lilian Kling I realize that several other members also may have made contributions even though they were not on my list of volunteers. I apologize for any omissions and thank those contributors as well. Please, in the future, let me know about your contribution so I can properly thank you in the name of the Club for your commitment. Happy Mother’s day to all Mothers and Grandmothers on May 10 and Happy Father’s Day to all Dads and Granddads on June 21. Remember to fly your flag on Memorial Day May 25 and on Flag Day June 14. Rillito Crossing Corporate Center 4007 E. Paradise Falls Dr., Suite 212 Tucson, Arizona 85712 Office: (520) 352-0008 Cell: (520) 344-2495 Fax: (520) 303-9944 Email: Web: 4 By: Darlene Rietz May-June 2015
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