Gender and Migration Migration is considered as an important element of contemporary global flows and transformations and has received a lot of attention in academic as well as public debates. The question how these processes are related to gender, by contrast, has tended to be neglected. Meanwhile, recent debates about the feminization of international migration and related cultural changes and challenges have contributed to an increasing awareness of its relevance. The seminar addresses this question by providing an understanding of gender – in the double sense of an omnipresent social category of difference and a specific process of social structuration – and of the way in which gender affects and is affected by international migration processes. Thereby we will explore the interrelations between gender and migration in and between different cultural contexts. In the first part of the seminar the concept of gender is introduced. We will discuss how gender orders and how gendered identities are (re-)produced, with a special focus on labour division, stratified reproduction, and the intersections of gender with other markers of difference, like class, race or ethnicity. In the following, an overview of contemporary theories of international migration is given and the concept of transnational migration is introduced. This will bring us to a discussion of more specific aspects of gendered migration phenomena, such as the transformation of household structures, status and moral orders in transnational social fields, the influence of religious values, and the dynamics of empowerment or discrimination and marginalization. These aspects will be explored on the basis of empirical studies from various parts of the world, including examples from Africa (this regional focus can be deepened on demand). Course requirements include active participation and the writing of an essay. The last two sessions will be dedicated to the presentation and discussion of participants’ essay topics. The course will be supported by moodle, where obligatory and further readings will be available. Dates: Thursday: 15-19h (9.4.-28.5.2015) Location: tba Sessions (topics and obligatory readings) 9.4. Introduction In this block session the seminar plan and the conditions for participating are explained. Then, we watch a film on Filipinas in Israel and discuss it as an example of migrants’ search for ‘greener pastures’ within a highly gendered global economy. 1. Introduction of seminar plan and course requirements 2. Film: 'Cycles of Care' 1 16.4. Doing Gender – Producing Men and Women In this block session we discuss how gendered identities are produced and how they become a social reality practiced and experienced on a daily basis. We will focus on the foundation of gender orders through labour division in central domains of social production and reproduction (including domestic labour). 3. Doing Gender West, Zimmerman 1987 4. Labour Division: Producing Men (and Women) McMahon 1999; Boserup 1970 23.4. Doing Difference – (Re-)Producing Inequalities This block session focuses on the questions how gendered differences are interrelated and intersecting with other categories of difference, namely race or ethnicity and class. We will discuss how multi-layered gendered inequalities are shaping and at the same time shaped by migration processes. 5. Doing Difference West, Fenstermaker 1995; Anthias 2011 6. Migration, Stratified Reproduction and Gendered Inequalities Colen 2006 (Orig. 1995); Lenz 2007; Morokvasic 2007 30.4. Gender in International and Transnational Migration Studies In this block contemporary theories of international migration and the concept of transnational migration are introduced. This allows us to get acquainted with different approaches to study the gender dimensions of migration processes on micro, meso and macro levels. 7. Worlds in Motion: International Migration Massey 1998; Castles 1993; Hondagneu-Sotelo 2013 8. All in the Family: Gender, Nation and Migration Fouron, Glick Schiller 2001; Bryceson & Vuorela 2002; Goldring 1998 7.5. Migrants’ Perspectives on Changing Gender Relations and Moral Orders In this block we will focus on migrants’ own visions of migration processes and the changes in terms of values and moral orders that are going along with it. Discussing empirical case studies of male as well as female migrations in the context of Muslim societies in different parts of the world will enable us to question dominant stereotypes and come to a deeper understanding of how migrations are embedded in local moral economies. 2 9. Female Migration and Gendered Visions of Development (Bangladesh and Malaysia) Dannecker 2009; Dannecker 2005; Buijs 1993 10. Male Migration: Changing Values, Gender Orders and Generations (Senegal / Egypt) Buggenhagen 2001; Hoodfar 2003 [14.5. holiday!] 21.5. Traffic in Migrations This block session is dedicated to different types of ‘irregular’ migration and ‘human trafficking’ between Africa and Europe. We will discuss how these issues - highly politicized and often instrumentalized by the media - are interrelated, on the one hand, with migrants’ pragmatic livelihood strategies and how these strategies are gendered. On the other hand, we will try to understand how migration is related to the ‘trafficking’ of men’s and women’s dreams of a better life. 11. Gender Dimensions of Irregular Migration Kastner 2010; Carling 2007; de Haas 2008 12. Dreams and Dilemmas of Traffic in Men (from The Gambia) Ebron 1997 28.5. Essay Topics During the final block you will have the chance to present and discuss your essay topic and get a constructive feedback. 13. & 14. Presentation of Essay Topics / Final Discussion References (obligatory literature and further readings) Anthias, F. (2013): Hierarchies of social location, class and intersectionality: Towards a translocational frame. In: International Sociology 28 (1), 121–138. Boserup, Ester (1970): Woman's role in economic development. London: George Allen and Unwin Ltd. Bryceson, Deborah; Vuorela, Ulla (2002): Transnational Families in the Twenty-first Century. In: Deborah Bryceson & Ulla Vuorela (eds.): The Transnational Family. New European Frontiers and Global Networks. Oxford: Berg, 3–30. Buggenhagen, Beth Anne (2001): Prophets and Profits: Gendered and Generational Visions of Wealth and Value in Senegalese Murid Households. In: Journal of Religion in Africa 31 (4), 373. Buijs, Gina (ed.) (1993): Migrant women: crossing boundaries and changing identities. Oxford: Berg (Cross-cultural perspectives on women). Carling, Jørgen (2007): Unauthorized Migration from Africa to Spain. In: International Migration 45 (4), 3–37. 3 Colen, Shellee (2006): "Like a Mother to Them": Stratified Reproduction and West Indian Childcare Workers and Employers in New York. In: Ellen Lewin (ed.): Feminist anthropology. A reader. Malden, Mass: Blackwell, 380–396. Dannecker, Petra (2005): Transnational Migration and the Transformation of Gender Relations: The Case of Bangladeshi Labour Migrants. In: Current Sociology 53 (4), 655–674. Dannecker, Petra (2009): Migrant Visions of Development: A Gendered Approach. In: Population, Space and Place 15, 119–132. Ebron, Paulla (1997): Traffic in Men. In: Maria Grosz-Ngaté & Omari H. Kokole (eds.): Gendered Encounters, Challenging Cultural Boundaries and Social Hierarchies in Africa. New York, London: Routledge, 223–244. Fouron, Georges; Nina Glick Schiller (2001): All in the Family: Gender, Transnational Migration, and the Nation-State. In: Identities, 7 (4), 539-582. Goldring, Luin (1998): The power of Status in Transnational Social Fields. In: Michael Peter Smith & Luis E. Guarnizo (eds.): Transnationalism from Below. New Brunswick, London: Transaction Publishers, 165–195. Haas, Hein de (2008): The Myth of Invasion: the inconvenient realities of African migration to Europe. In: Third World Quarterly 29 (7), 1305–1322. Hoodfar, Homa (2003): The Impact of Egyptian Male Migration on Urban Families: 'Feminization of the Egyptian Family' or a Reaffirmation of Traditional Gender Roles. In: Sharmila Rege (ed.): The sociology of gender : the challenge of feminist sociological knowledge. New Delhi: Sage, 195–224. Hondagneu-Sotelo, Pierrette (2013): New directions in gender and immigration research. In: Steven J. Gold & Stephanie J. Nawyn (eds): The Routledge International Handbook of Migration Studies. London: Routledge, 180–188. Kastner, Kristin (2010): Moving relationships: family ties of Nigerian migrants on their way to Europe. In: African and Black Diaspora: An International Journal 3 (1), 17–34. Lenz, Ilse (2007): Power people, Working People, Shadow People: Gender, Migration, Class and Practices of (In-)Equality. In: Ilse Lenz, Charlotte Ullrich & Barbara Fersch (eds.): Gender Orders Unbound : Globalisation, Restructuring and Reciprocity. Opladen, Farmington Hills: Budrich, 99–119. MacMahon, Anthony (1999): Taking Care of Men: Sexual Politics in the Public Mind. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press Massey, Douglas (ed.) (1998): Worlds in motion: understanding international migration at the end of the millenium, Oxford: Oxford University Press. Morokvasic, Mirjana (2007): Migration, Gender, Empowerment. In: Ilse Lenz, Charlotte Ullrich & Barbara Fersch (eds.): Gender Orders Unbound : Globalisation, Restructuring and Reciprocity. Opladen, Farmington Hills: Budrich, 69–97. West, Candance; Fenstermaker, Sarah (1995): Doing Difference. In: Gender & Society 9 (1), 8–37. West, Candance; Zimmerman, Don H. (1987): Doing Gender. In: Gender & Society 1 (2), 125–151. 4
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