The new Panamera The 4th dimension

The new Panamera
The 4th dimension
The new Panamera
The Panamera model range
Panamera S
Panamera 4S
Panamera Turbo
Factory collection
Technical data
We have absolutely no experience when it comes to building large, heavy saloons.
How fortunate.
The Panamera model range.
What can a car manufacturer
­losing its association with the
Perhaps it’s a slight exaggera-
with such a small market share
mundane and the premium
tion, but let’s simply call it
worldwide have to say about
class is no longer home to
­functional mobility. ­Getting
luxury saloons? Good question.
­narrow thinking.
from A to B, where A and B
seem to be more ­important
It’s true that life sometimes has
Luxury needn’t mean cumber-
than the road in between.
to be taken very seriously, but
some – it can mean dynamic
Some believe that the sound
not necessarily everywhere
instead. This is our definition
of the road is nothing to savour
and all of the time. It’s good to
of luxury. Let’s call it ‘dynamic
and that soft seats are as
lighten up and relax a little.
luxury’ – because sportiness
essential as ride comfort.
Look at things in an original
is more important to us than
way. Think differently.
anything else. It’s about a car
that you would want to drive,
Not everyone who achieves
as well as be driven in. That’s
­success should feel bound by
why we’ve developed the new
convention. A few reject the
Panamera. It’s that simple.
norms and constraints of
And that’s actually nothing new
­society and view things from
for Porsche.
a new perspective: open,
­surprising, agile and inquisitive.
It’s not about coupés, nor is it
even about saloons. After all,
When you need a solution, it’s always best to start by looking within.
Consequently, a refreshing
in the sporty luxury saloon
The brief did not specify a saloon. Nor did it specify a four-seater,
change is happening within the
and coupé segments, driving,
or even all-wheel drive. It specified a Porsche. Sportscar technology
automotive luxury and premium
as we understand it, now
for four. The new Panamera.
classes. Suddenly, luxury is
seems to mean something else.
Concept | The Panamera model range
Concept | The Panamera model range
It’s an attitude that we don’t
For us (and you?), it’s not just
We believe it’s about the pure
understand. Nor would we want
about mobility. It’s about journeys
driving experience. And it has
The new Panamera 4S.
to. It’s our firm belief that the
that are an experience in them-
to be so, regardless of whether
The new Panamera Turbo.
road has its own tales to tell –
selves. It’s about time to oneself.
you sit in the front or the back.
tales of twisting bends, of
It’s about ease of performance
It’s about four doors and four
weather, and of a passion for
and a relationship with the road.
seats in a Porsche. Sportscar
· 13 ·
The new Panamera S.
The 4th dimension.
technology for four.
· 14 ·
· 15 ·
Concept | The Panamera model range
A breath of fresh air in the premium class:
sportscar technology.
Just a second, you may be think-
Doppelkupplung (PDK). If, for
for optimum traction and driving
ing, sports saloons already exist.
example, you stop at ­t raffic lights
Exactly what is so new about
with your foot on the brake pedal,
all this? What is required when
the system will automatically stop
PDK is based on a development
sporty luxury alone is not enough?
the engine. The engine restarts
that helped Porsche racing cars in
Well, how about a Porsche with
as soon as you release the brakes
the 1980s to cause a sensation
four doors and four seats in the
or move the steering wheel, for
on racetracks around the world.
premium class – a Gran Turismo
Gear changes take place within
with sportscar technology.
hundredths of a second and
As you would expect from a sports­
with no interruption in the flow of
Featuring 4.8-litre V8 engines,
car, power is transmitted quickly
power – for sporty acceleration
either naturally aspirated or
and precisely. In the ­Panamera S,
with a high level of comfort and
­t win-turbocharged, producing
power is delivered to the rear
a low rate of fuel consumption.
400 hp or 500 hp. Both engines
axle by a 6-speed manual trans-
feature VarioCam Plus (p. 47)
mission. In the ­Panamera 4S and
The Panamera S with manual gear-
and direct fuel injection (DFI,
Panamera Turbo models, both
box accelerates from 0 to 62 mph
p. 46) for efficient combustion,
of which feature the 7-speed
(100 km/h) in just 5.6 seconds,
ing up to 175.2 mph (282 km/h).
An optional sports exhaust sys-
a distinct rise in power and
­Porsche Doppelkupplung (PDK,
with a top speed of 177 mph (285
The Panamera Turbo, meanwhile,
tem is available for all Panamera
torque, and comparatively low
p. 52) as standard, drive force
km/h). With the optional PDK,
completes the 62 mph (100 km/h)
models. It produces an even
fuel consumption for this class
is distributed between the front
acceleration is an even more
sprint in just 4.2 seconds and
more authentic sportscar sound
of engine.
and rear axles by the intelligent
impressive 5.4 seconds, reaching
achieves a maximum speed of
at the push of a button.
all-wheel drive of Porsche
175.8 mph (283 km/h). Thanks to
188 mph (303 km/h).
Fuel economy is also boosted by
­Traction Management (PTM,
PDK and PTM, the Panamera 4S
an auto start/stop function,
p. 58) with an electronically
races from 0 to 62 mph (100
only in conjunction with Porsche
­controlled multi-plate clutch
km/h) in only 5.0 seconds, reach-
· 16 ·
Gear selector for the 7-speed Porsche Doppelkupplung (PDK)
· 17 ·
Concept | The Panamera model range
Available as an option for the
new Panamera model range is
Porsche Dynamic Chassis Control
(PDCC). This active anti-roll
­s ystem reduces the lateral tilt
of the v­ ehicle when cornering
and thereby improves agility
and safety. When combined with
PDCC, the electronically controlled rear differential lock (p. 68)
offers increased traction and
Sport Plus button from the optional Sport Chrono packages
­driving dynamics.
Also new to the premium class
All three models are equipped as
The Porsche Ceramic Composite
are the optional Sport Chrono
standard with Porsche Active
Brake (PCCB, p. 84) can be fitted
Packages (p. 72). These further
­Suspension Management (PASM,
on request. On the Panamera S
enhance the driving dynamics of
p. 64) for electronic adjustment
and Panamera 4S, the cross-
the Panamera models at the push
of the suspension system. This
drilled ceramic brake discs have
of a button. Two special functions
system actively and continuously
a diameter of 390 mm at the
are available in conjunction with
regulates the damping force for
front and 350 mm at the rear
PDK: Launch Control for optimum
each wheel according to the road
(only in conjunction with 19-inch
acceleration from a standing start
conditions and driving style. Any
wheels or larger). For more
and, in the Panamera Turbo, the
one of three suspension settings
­powerful braking, the discs on
‘overboost’ function. This feature
can be selected. The Panamera
the ­Panamera Turbo are 410 mm
increases boost pressure tempo-
Turbo additionally features
at the front and 350 mm at the
The new Panamera models are
and ­cylinder head cover are
A steering system with variable
rarily and consequently the
­adaptive air suspension (p. 66)
rear (only compatible with the
constructed using lightweight
made from magnesium, all
steering ratio is fitted as
engine’s maximum torque: instead
as standard, for increased com-
20-inch RS Spyder Design wheel).
hybrid materials. The axles, bon-
of which reduces weight and
­s tandard. Servotronic (p. 63), a
of 700 Nm, a torque figure of
fort or a sportier ride – in simple
This advanced braking system
net, wings, doors and rear lid,
therefore fuel consumption.
­speed-sensitive power-steering
up to 770 Nm is achieved.
terms, it’s a sports ­chassis at the
offers high-performance braking
for example, are made from alu-
push of a button.
at all times.
minium and the window frames
· 18 ·
system, is available as an option.
· 19 ·
Concept | The Panamera model range
Cruise control comes as standard
The sound of a Porsche is unique.
Comfort and sportscar tech­
in all models, while adaptive
The audio system must therefore
nology side by side. Surprising
cruise control is available as
meet the highest standards.
for many, perhaps. For you,
an option (p. 120). In order to
The CDR-31 audio system with
it’s simply Porsche.
maintain a safe distance from
7-inch colour touchscreen (stand-
the vehicle in front, adaptive
ard in the Panamera S models)
cruise control ­regulates the
and the optional BOSE® Surround
speed of your ­vehicle in line with
Sound System (standard in the
the speed of the vehicle ahead,
Panamera Turbo, p. 112) both
even down to a complete stop,
offer excellent sound quality.
thereby relieving the strain on
the driver during long journeys.
Available for the first time as an
option for all models is the High-
Cutting edge technology is
End Surround Sound System
also featured in the Porsche
from Burmester ® (p. 114), one of
Communication Management
the most respected premium
­System (PCM, p. 106), which
audio manufacturers worldwide.
is fitted as standard in the
­Panamera Turbo and includes a
navigation module with highspeed hard drive, high-resolution
7-inch touchscreen, optional
voice ­control system with wordby-word input, and a CD/DVDaudio drive (optional for the
­Panamera S and Panamera 4S).
Porsche Communication Management (PCM) with navigation module
· 20 ·
Adaptive cruise control
· 21 ·
Concept | The Panamera model range
If you loved the road,
Unmistakably Porsche and
you wouldn’t dream of tarnishing it.
­characteristically Panamera are
the Bi-Xenon headlights, which
Exterior design.
are fitted as standard on all
­models and supplemented by
As you can see, we didn’t
on all models. The wings are
extravagance. In its class, the
the adaptive light system (p. 80)
ex­periment with the car’s design.
slightly higher than the bonnet
total length of less than five
on the Panamera Turbo.
We stuck with our philosophy
and, at the rear, they are
metres is to its advantage. The
that form should follow function.
­distinctly muscular and form the
front, shoulders, and rear all have
Position lights and daytime
Nothing else would have made
typical Porsche shoulder line.
instantly recognisable Porsche
­running lights with LED tech­
traits. Particularly striking are
nology on all Panamera
The silhouette of the new
the side air outlets behind the
models add a special touch.
sense. Nothing else would have
produced a four-seat Porsche.
­Panamera models is therefore
front wheels – paying hommage
But how can you tell whether it
typically Porsche. It is dynamic
to the Carrera GT.
has the Porsche DNA? From the
without being overbearing, and
distinctive proportions and lines
exudes elegance rather than
The wheels are of classic sports­
car design: fine-spoked, light-
The result is a timeless exterior,
weight, and stylish. Sizes range
a spacious interior and excellent
from 18 inches to an optional
aerodynamics: the Panamera S
20 inches, and all the wheels
models have a drag coefficient of
­provide a good glimpse of the
0.29, the Panamera Turbo 0.30.
brake system. Just another
­example of sporty styling.
A low, wide stance. A sleek
­roofline. The overall impression
leaves you in no doubt that these
are true sportscar proportions.
Typically Porsche. And yet, when
you get in, you’ll wonder how
there can possibly be so much
room. We’ll come to that later.
· 22 ·
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Concept | The Panamera model range
The rear lid with large glass
The design of the new Panamera
We’ve been playing with the concept of a saloon.
screen opens to a wide angle.
can be customised to your
It lost 4:0.
This makes loading easier and
­individual taste. The colour
improves access to luggage
­palette offers no fewer than
when the vehicle is laden.
17 exterior colours. In total, there
An automatic rear lid with
are two solid, ten metallic and
Whatever kind of journey you
third, the amount of space in the
rev counter with 4.8-inch colour
­customisable opening angle is
five special colours to choose
are making – short or long,
rear where even taller passengers
display is clear and quick to read.
available as an option (p. 129).
from. In addition, a wide range
for business or pleasure, or
will find plenty of leg and head
Interior design.
of personali­s ation options is
even just routine driving – the
room; and fourth, the versatility
The four individual seats (p. 102)
The most striking aspect of the
­available. For more information,
Panamera offers something a
of the luggage compartment
are comfortable and offer good
rear is undoubtedly the spoiler
please refer to page 130 onwards.
little bit different.
thanks to the folding rear seats.
lateral support. In conjunction
which is integrated into the rear
with seat heating, a seat venti­
lid. From a speed of 56 mph
So you see, whichever way you
When you sit inside one of the
The ignition lock is, of course,
lation function is also available
(90 km/h), it deploys automati-
look at it, it looks like a Porsche.
new Panamera models, four
located on the left-hand side
as an option. The electrically
cally, as you may already have
And, most importantly, it feels
things immediately stand out:
of the steering wheel, as in all
adjustable 8-way power seats
suspected. However, on the
like one too.
first, the elevated centre console;
­Porsche vehicles. The instrument
in the rear (p. 104) are another
second, the four individual seats;
cluster incorporating the central
special feature available on
­Panamera Turbo, it doesn’t stop
there. The spoiler splits in the
middle and extensions deploy
to the left and right, making it
Why four individual seats?
considerably wider to further
Because only these satisfy our
reduce lift at the rear axle. And
requirement for high-performance
from 127 mph (205 km/h), the
driving. Conventional rear bench
spoiler on all models adjusts to
seats can not fulfill this require-
increase its steepness to produce
ment and instead made way for a
even more traction and, as a
centre console.
result, increased driving stability
at high speeds.
· 24 ·
· 25 ·
· 26 ·
Concept | The Panamera model range
Concept | Panamera S
Four doors.
But a classic sportscar nonetheless.
The new Panamera S.
coloured brake callipers are
Optional leather and natural
and the High-End Surround Sound
­v isible.
leather interiors, in single colour
System from Burmester ® (p. 114)
or two-tone combinations, are
are also available as options.
In terms of performance, the
just one way to personalise your
­Panamera S has a 4.8-litre V8
vehicle. Another is with our
And this is only the beginning
You could choose to drive a
­premium-class vehicles. Or,
From the exterior, the new
naturally aspirated engine which
optional interior packages in
when it comes to making the new
sporty saloon. Or a sporty MPV.
­perhaps, precisely because it
­Panamera S is distinguishable by
generates 294 kW (400 hp)
­carbon, aluminium or woods such
Panamera S your Panamera S.
Alternatively, you could choose
does so? It’s a sporty car, too,
the double slats on the side air
and 500 Nm torque. Power is
as walnut or tineo (p. 138).
to drive a four-seater Porsche.
but you don’t need us to tell
intakes in the front apron. These
transmitted to the rear axle by
Just like the new Panamera S.
you that. It wears a Porsche
are in black, just like the rear
a 6-speed manual transmission.
As standard, the new Panamera S
badge, after all. And an ‘S’.
apron diffuser. The round twin
A steel-spring suspension with
is equipped with the CDR-31
It’s undoubtedly a prestigious car.
Who would have thought that the
tailpipes are also characteristic
Porsche Active Suspension
audio system with 7-inch colour
Even though it stands out firmly
luxury class could now offer so
and, through the 18-inch
­Management (PASM, p. 64) is
touchscreen (p. 106). The BOSE®
from the crowd of traditional
much performance?
­Panamera S wheels, silver-­
fitted as standard.
Surround Sound System (p. 112)
The interior with its four seats
has plenty of space and highIf you regularly spend time in
six interior colours and four two-
suitcases from Porsche Design
­q uality features. Heated front
the rear, you can customise it
tone combinations and a range
Driver’s Selection. Enough room,
seats and climate control are
with a range of optional equip-
of optional packages featuring
then, for a journey with four
standard. The seat centres, inner
ment and packages. For example:
fine woods, carbon or aluminium.
­occupants. Practicality, but the
side bolsters, door handles,
Porsche way.
door armrests and armrest sec-
a large centre console, privacy
tion of the centre console
glazing, or the interior lights
If you suspected that the new
­package for the rear.
­Panamera is more than just a
For more information on our
are finished in embossed leather,
sportscar with four seats, this is
many combinations of techno­
the gear lever or selector and
The preserve of the premium
confirmed by a glance inside the
logical options, colours and
steering wheel rim are in smooth
class: the comprehensive range
luggage compartment (p. 124).
­materials for the interior, please
leather. The rev counter has
of personalisation options, with
Under the large rear lid, there
see page 131 onwards.
a silver-coloured dial face and
is space to accommodate four
· 31 ·
Panamera S
· 32 ·
the interior trims are finished in
Interior of the Panamera S in Luxor Beige
high-gloss black.
· 33 ·
Concept | Panamera 4S
Does the idea of driving a saloon make you uneasy?
The new Panamera 4S.
Your lifestyle demands a vehicle
ance figures to match many a
driving as we understand it,
that is practical. Your heart
sporty two-seater.
and there is no better way to
desires a sportscar. Typically for
double slats situated in the front
­Management (PASM, p. 64) is
­packages are available as for the
apron. Similarly characteristic are
fitted as standard. Adaptive air
Panamera S.
the fins on the black rear apron
suspension, 20-inch wheels and
diffuser. The 18-inch Panamera S
a sports exhaust system are just
Yet even the Panamera 4S invites
wheels and silver-coloured brake
three of the many options you can
you to stamp it with your own
calipers are fitted as standard.
select to customise your vehicle.
personality. For example, you
may wish to select the optional
demonstrate it than in the new
The 4.8-litre V8 naturally
In the interior, the PDK gear
Porsche Communication
Panamera 4S.
aspirated engine of the new
­selector has an immediate visual
­Management (PCM) in place
­Panamera 4S generates 294 kW
impact, as do the switches on
of the standard CDR-31 audio
Porsche, this is a contradiction
Athletic and powerful, its natural
that can be reconciled. Intro-
home is the open road. With four
ducing the new Panamera 4S. A
occupants seated in comfort and
Distinctive features on the exte-
(400 hp) and 500 Nm torque.
the steering wheel. Inside, every
system. For more details,
four-seater with all-wheel drive,
all their luggage, it still retains
rior of the Panamera 4S include
­Fitted as standard, the 7-speed
detail counts with high-quality
please refer to page 139 onwards.
driving dynamics and perform-
a sportscar feel. Driving for
the rear logo and the side air
Porsche Doppelkupplung (PDK,
finishes and carefully selected
the sheer pleasure of it. This is
intakes with titanium-coloured
p. 52) enables smooth gear
materials. The same trim
changes with no discernible
­interruption in the flow of power,
which is transmitted to the
­intelligent all-wheel drive of the
Porsche Traction Management
(PTM, p. 58) – also featured
as standard. By means of an electronically controlled multi-plate
clutch, drive force is distributed
between the front and rear axles
for optimum traction and stability
as the driving situation demands.
Steel spring suspension with
Panamera 4S with sports exhaust system and 20-inch RS Spyder Design wheels
· 34 ·
­Porsche Active Suspension
Interior of the Panamera 4S in a two-tone combination of Yachting Blue and Cream
with Anthracite birch
· 35 ·
Concept | Panamera Turbo
Meet the pinnacle of the Panamera range.
The new Panamera Turbo.
in the wing behind the front
And what about the interior?
Moreover, the Porsche Commu­
wheels have five slats. The auto-
­Typically Porsche with all the
nication Management (PCM) –
deploying two-piece rear spoiler
usual Turbo features. A perfect
standard in the Panamera Turbo
is typically characteristic.
combination of sportiness and
– has been combined with the
comfort. As standard equipment,
BOSE® Surround Sound System
Four doors. Four seats. Eight
combined with a host of features
each headlight unit with separate
The new Panamera Turbo is pow-
the interior features electrically
(p. 112). The High-End Surround
­cylinders. Up to this point, others
that are exclusive to a Turbo.
direction indicators. The front
ered by a 4.8-litre V8 twin-turbo
adjustable comfort seats in the
Sound System from Burmester ®
apron features horizontal slats
engine that generates an output
front including a 14-way power
(p. 114) is also available as an
may even have been able to keep
up. But then comes a point of
What about the aesthetics?
and longitudinal struts in the air
of 368 kW (500 hp) and 700 Nm.
seats with memory package
difference in the form of the new
19-inch Panamera Turbo wheels
intakes. The air outlets in the
The seven-speed Porsche Doppel­
(p. 102), with seat ­heating front
Panamera Turbo. It not only joins
and red brake calipers, naturally.
wing behind the front wheels also
kupplung (PDK, p. 52) is fitted as
and rear.
a long line of Porsche Turbo
Twin dual-tube tailpipes in the
have slats. Five, to be exact,
standard, as is Porsche Traction
­models, it leads the way with its
unmistakable Turbo design. Four
and all in a chrome finish. The
Management (PTM, p. 58) with
extensive standard equipment
LED daytime running lights in
chrome-coloured air outlets
intelligent all-wheel drive and an
electronically controlled multiplate clutch.
Also fitted as standard is adaptive
air suspension including Porsche
Active Suspension Management
(PASM) with three damping, suspension and ride-height settings
ranging from comfort to sporty
(p. 64–67). Increased performance or greater comfort? The
choice is yours. Simply press
the button.
Panamera Turbo
· 36 ·
Interior of the Panamera Turbo in Espresso natural leather
· 37 ·
You know how it is, you always put in a good performance when you’re
under pressure. But you give your best performance when there is
genuine enjoyment to be had. And nothing is more liberating than
the feeling of having accomplished something others said would be
· 38 ·
· 39 ·
Performance | Engine
So you want to satisfy your green credentials even in the red zone?
V8 engine.
The new Panamera S and
­Panamera 4S both have a 4.8-litre
V8 naturally aspirated engine
When it comes to the environ-
­pistons (Panamera S models) or
with direct fuel injection (DFI),
interior is no place for engine
ment, the facts speak for
forged pistons (Panamera Turbo),
VarioCam Plus and a variable
noise. But how important is the
­t hemselves. Engines with high
aluminium one-piece cylinder
intake manifold. It generates
engine to you? We thought so.
efficiency and low fuel con­
heads and an aluminium crank-
294 kW (400 hp) at 6,500 rpm
Just as important as it is to
sumption. High power output
case of closed-deck construction.
and has a maximum torque of
us. This is why we – like you –
with comparatively low CO2
The casing and cooling ducts
500 Nm between 3,500 rpm
are perfectly happy with that
­emissions per hp.
around the cylinders form a
and 5,000 rpm.
seductive sound. We – like
closed system. The engines are
you – want to hear that the
Low on weight, too. The light-alloy
therefore lightweight for reduced
The rear-wheel-drive Panamera S
new Panamera models are
engines have cast aluminium
fuel consumption and have a long
with manual gearbox accelerates
­service life.
from 0 to 62 mph (100 km/h) in
­unmistakably Porsche.
V8 engine
just 5.6 seconds and has a top
speed of 177 mph (285 km/h).
cation system guarantees a
With the optional Porsche
­reliable supply of oil in all driving
­Doppelkupplung (PDK), these
situations. Instead of an external
­f igures are an even more
oil tank, the oil reservoir is
­impressive 5.4 seconds and
located inside the engine, which
175 mph (283 km/h).
saves on space and weight.
Power (kW)
An integrated dry-sump lubri­
294 kW (400 hp)
1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000 6500 7000 7500
Engine speed (rpm)
­Traction Management (PTM), the
Panamera S and 4S: 294 kW (400 hp) at 6,500 rpm,
500 Nm between 3,500 and 5,000 rpm
Panamera 4S achieves 0 to
62 mph (100 km/h) in just 5.0
seconds and reaches a maximum
· 40 ·
Thanks to PDK and Porsche
V8 engine
500 Nm
Torque (Nm)
For saloon drivers, it seems, the
speed of 175 mph (282 km/h).
· 41 ·
Performance | Engine
V8 twin-turbo engine.
The new Panamera Turbo is powered by a 4.8-litre V8 twin-turbo
engine with direct fuel injection
(DFI), VarioCam Plus and chargeair cooling. It generates 368 kW
(500 hp) at 6,000 rpm and its
maximum torque of 700 Nm is
available between 2,250 and
4,500 rpm. With a top speed
of 188 mph (303 km/h), it
V8 twin-turbo engine
Power (kW)
368 kW (500 hp)
function of the Sport Chrono
62 mph (100 km/h) in 4.2 seconds. Using the Launch Control
700 Nm
Package Turbo (p. 74), the clock
Torque (Nm)
­completes the sprint from 0 to
stops even sooner at 4.0 sec-
1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000 6500 7000 7500
Engine speed (rpm)
Panamera Turbo: 368 kW (500 hp) at 6,000 rpm,
700 Nm between 2,250 and 4,500 rpm
· 42 ·
1. Intake manifold
2. High-pressure pump
3. VarioCam Plus (vane-cell controller)
4. Duplex chain
5. High-pressure rail
6. Injector (underneath)
7.VarioCam Plus (switch tappets
with integrated valve clearance
Intake camshaft
Exhaust camshaft
Piston (underneath)
Spark plug
Exhaust manifold
Oil filter
Oil-water heat exchanger
· 43 ·
Air-conditioning compressor
PDCC/power-steering pump
Water pump (rear-mounted)
Throttle body/E-Gas
Performance | Engine
Sport button.
A key advantage is that there is
­control continues to maintain your
The auto start/stop function can
tures, on extreme uphill gradi-
tored for the level of charge and
no need for you to change your
selected temperature, despite
be activated and deactivated
ents, or if battery charge is low.
condition. The battery and starter
Available on all Panamera models,
driving habits. You can simply
the engine being switched off.
using a separate button. The
The starter has been modified to
are consumable components and
the Sport button enables you
carry on as normal. All audio and
The engine restarts if more
function may remain inactive
meet the increased requirements
are subject to an increased rate
to select a setup where the
communication ­systems remain
power or extra cooling output is
under particular circumstances,
demanded by this function and
of wear in the event of frequent
emphasis is either on comfort
switched on and the climate
e.g. very high outside tempera-
the battery is continuously moni-
engine stopping.
or on sporty performance
with an even sharper engine
response. For more information,
please refer to page 72.
Auto start/stop function
(only in conjunction with
­Porsche Doppelkupplung, PDK).
Silence: the typical stationary
noise. If, for example, you stop at
traffic lights with your foot on the
brake pedal, the auto start/stop
function will automatically stop
the engine. This fuel-saving
­system restarts the engine as
soon as you release the brakes.
Panamera Turbo
· 44 ·
· 45 ·
Performance | Engine
A sense of relaxation is felt especially after a period of intense pressure.
VarioCam Plus.
Direct fuel injection (DFI).
VarioCam Plus is a two-in-one
engine concept for adjusting the
intake camshafts and switching
With millisecond precision,
effective combustion. At up to
output at the same time as
DFI injects fuel at up to 120 bar
3,500 rpm, the engine operates
enhanced engine efficiency.
directly into the combustion
with dual injection for faster heat-
­Injection is regulated by the
The system first differentiates
chamber by means of electro-
ing of the catalytic converters
­electronic engine management
between driver inputs that
magnetically actuated injection
after a cold start and for greater
system and emissions are
typify normal, everyday driving
torque in the upper load range.
­monitored by the stereo lambda
and those inputs that demand
sensors, thus helping to protect
maximum performance. The
the environment.
­electronic engine management
the lift of the intake valves.
The spray and cone angles have
DFI improves the internal cooling
been optimised for torque, power
of the combustion chamber
system then seamlessly adapts
output, fuel consumption and
by having the mixture prepared
valve operation to the prevailing
emissions by enabling a homo­
directly in the cylinder. This
conditions. This results in instant
geneous distribution of the air/
allows for a higher compression
acceleration and extremely
fuel mixture, and, therefore,
ratio, which helps to deliver more
smooth running.
VarioCam Plus
In the middle and low load ranges,
How does this benefit you?
The valve lift adjustment system
low valve lifts with advanced
Extraordinary power with
comprises a series of selectable
timing reduce fuel consumption
­relatively low fuel consumption.
bucket tappets, which are control-
and exhaust emissions and
led by an electro-hydraulic switch
improve smooth running. The
valve. The continuously variable
increase in fuel economy is
intake timing is controlled by a
­particularly pronounced in the
lightweight camshaft controller
lower engine speed range. High
made of solid aluminium.
torque and maximum output
are achieved through high valve
lifts and advanced timing.
· 46 ·
· 47 ·
Performance | Engine
Exhaust turbocharging.
Lightweight exhaust system.
The exhaust system of the
­Panamera Turbo switches
The new Panamera Turbo has
The exhaust system is made from
between two configurations
two turbochargers arranged in
selected longlife stainless steel.
­automatically: low noise at low
parallel. Intake air reaches the
The powerful primary and main
engine speeds, and increased
turbochargers through a common
catalytic converters heat up
throughput at high revs under
air-cleaner housing. Once com-
­rapidly for effective emissions
maximum engine load.
pressed, it is fed to the engine via
control. Four lambda sensors
two charge-air coolers, one for
supply a continuous stream
each cylinder bank. Cooling of the
of information about the com­
compressed air has two positive
position of the exhaust gas to
outcomes: high cylinder charge
the electronic engine manage-
and low component tempera-
ment system, which responds
An optional sports exhaust sys-
tures. Under full load, the boost
by ­altering the fuel/air ratio as
tem is available for all ­Panamera
pressure depends on the current
required. As a result, the system
models. Activated by a separate
engine speed and a maximum
is well equipped to meet or
button, it produces an even
pressure of 0.85 bar is achieved
even exceed the demands of
more authentic sportscar sound.
at 2,500 rpm at sea level.
­global emission standards. The
Sports exhaust system.
Panamera S and Panamera 4S
With the optional Sport Chrono
comply with both Euro 5 in
Package Turbo, the boost
Europe and ULEV in the USA,
­pressure produced at full throttle
and the Panamera Turbo with
in the 2,000 rpm to 5,000 rpm
Euro 5 and LEV.
range is temporarily increased
by up to 10% by the ‘overboost’
Panamera 4S with sports exhaust system
· 48 ·
· 49 ·
Performance | Engine
The need to get a lot done in a short space of time.
Input data
Regulation/control of
Sound familiar?
­Porsche Stability Management
­consumption and emissions,
engine management system
(PSM, p. 70), which is fitted as
whatever your driving style.
ensures optimum engine perform-
standard. Moreover, it regulates
ance at all times. In particular,
all engine-related functions and
Another important function is the
it evaluates the signals of the
assemblies (see diagram). The
cylinder-specific knock control,
electronic accelerator pedal
results: optimum performance
which compensates for different
(E-Gas) – a prerequisite for
and torque with reduced fuel
fuel grades added to the engine.
Inlet camshaft phase angle
Direct fuel injection (DFI)
Engine load
Throttle-valve angle
Lambda sensor signals
Knock sensor signals
– Coolant
– Intake air
– Engine oil
– Ambient air
– Engine compartment
Vehicle speed
Clutch pedal/gear selector position
Accelerator pedal
(EMS SDI 6.1 electronic engine management system)
The EMS SDI 6.1 electronic
Engine speed (from crankshaft)
Digital engine electronics
Electronic engine management system.
Idling via throttle valve and ignition
Heating of lambda sensors
Cylinder-specific knock control
Fuel pump controlled on-demand
Fuel-tank venting
Camshaft controller
Valve lift switchover
(VarioCam Plus)
Engine fan controller
Starter controller
Oil pressure regulator
Fuel pressure regulator
Fuel pressure
Throttle valve controller
Oil pressure, oil level
Variable intake manifold
CAN interface with driving dynamics control, transmission control, immobiliser,
instrument cluster, climate control, Sport button, diagnostics, etc.
Since cylinders never all work
to a cylinder or piston at high
and defects that may occur in the
under exactly the same
engine speeds and loads.
exhaust and fuel systems and
­conditions, the ignition point is
notify the driver immediately. This
shifted individually, as and when
The on-board diagnostics ensure
also prevents increased pollutant
necessary. This prevents damage
timely detection of any faults
emissions and unnecessary
fuel consumption.
· 50 ·
· 51 ·
Performance | Transmission
You prefer non-stop flights.
input shafts (input shaft 1 is
Clutch 1 controls the first half
tains the even gears (2, 4, 6 and
nested inside the hollowed-out
gearbox, which contains the
R). The gear which is engaged
input shaft 2).
odd gears (1, 3, 5 and 7). Clutch
is displayed on the instrument
2 controls the second, which con-
The flow of power from the
Porsche Doppelkupplung (PDK).
an automatic mode and enables
PDK is essentially two gearboxes
engine is only ever transmitted
smooth gear changes with no
in one and thus requires two
through one half gearbox and one
The 7-speed PDK – fitted as
interruption in the flow of power.
clutches. This double clutch
clutch at a time, while the next
standard in the Panamera 4S and
Gears 1 to 6 have a sports
­provides an alternating, non-­
gear is preselected in the other
Panamera Turbo and available as
ratio and top speed is reached
positive connection between the
half gearbox. During a gear
an option in the Panamera S –
in 6th gear. The 7th gear has
two half gearboxes and the
change, therefore, a complete
has both a manual gearshift and
a long ratio and reduces fuel
engine by means of two separate
shift no longer takes place.
­consumption even further.
Instead, one clutch simply opens
and the other closes at the
same time. Gear changes can
therefore take place within
a few hundredths of a second.
Power flow in 1st gear
Porsche Doppelkupplungsgetriebe (PDK)
· 52 ·
Power flow in 2nd gear
· 53 ·
Performance | Transmission
PDK has distinct benefits. A high
Its high level of efficiency com-
In conjunction with the optional
PDK offers sportiness with
level of driving comfort and
bined with the long-ratioed 7th
Sport Chrono Package Plus
­efficiency and comfort. A new
very rapid gearshifts, with no
gear helps to achieve reduced
(p. 72) for the Panamera S and
definition of driving in the
interruption in the flow of power,
fuel consumption and emission
Panamera 4S, or the optional
­premium class from Porsche.
produces faster acceleration.
figures even when compared
Sport Chrono Package Turbo
­D riving feels even sportier and
with a standard manual gearbox.
(p. 74), PDK is enhanced by a
more dynamic, and agility is
Launch Control function which
increased. Depending on the
offers a sportier acceleration
gearshift programme (Sport but-
and gearshift strategy in auto-
ton activated or deactivated), the
matic mode and extremely
gear change is optimised for
smooth gear changes in manual
comfort or for sporty driving.
· 54 ·
· 55 ·
Performance | Transmission
You like to be more involved.
And work your way up.
Six-speed manual gearbox.
For precision handling: the
Thanks to the elevated centre
the dual-mass flywheel, this
6-speed manual gearbox fitted as
console, the gear lever is within
­minimises noise and is key to
standard in the new Panamera S
easy reach – ideal for sporty
­providing a high level of comfort.
is tuned for sporty performance
shifting. The cable-operated
with optimum connection to the
­gearshift unit has a precise feel
An upshift indicator in the
individual gears and extremely
and the gear lever is insulated
­instrument cluster helps to
precise shift throws.
against vibration. Together with
­further improve fuel economy.
Porsche Doppelkupplung (PDK)
Three-spoke steering wheel for PDK
is available as an option in the
PDK gear selector
Steering wheel and gear
Even if the gear selector is set to
Using the PDK gear selector, you
­selector for Porsche
automatic, you can still use the
can also change gear manually
­Doppelkupplung (PDK).
switches to change gear manually
in a separate one-touch manual
at any time. In this way, even in
shift gate. The control concept
In conjunction with PDK, the
automatic mode, you can achieve
mirrors the logic of the switches
three-spoke sports steering wheel
a short burst of speed for an
on the PDK steering wheel –
in smooth-finish leather, which is
overtaking manoeuvre. The sys-
press forwards to shift up, pull
fitted as standard, has two ergo-
tem reverts to automatic mode
backwards to shift down.
nomic switches for changing
if no manual inputs are detected
gear. One press ­forwards with
for approximately eight seconds.
­Panamera S.
the thumb and PDK shifts up.
One pull backwards with the
A multifunction steering wheel
index finger and PDK shifts down.
is available as an option.
Either the right or left hand can
Gear lever
be used.
· 56 ·
· 57 ·
Performance | Transmission
You always like to have your feet firmly planted on the ground.
With all-wheel-drive, the principle is the same.
Porsche Traction Management (PTM).
Fitted as standard in the new
The electronically controlled
check, among other variables,
­Panamera 4S and Panamera
­multi-plate clutch regulates the
the rotation speeds of all four
Turbo, intelligent Porsche Traction
distribution of drive force
wheels, the longitudinal and
Management (PTM) comprises
between the permanently driven
­lateral acceleration of the
an active all-wheel drive with
rear axle and the front axle.
vehicle, and the steering angle.
plate clutch, an automatic brake
Through continuous monitoring
If the rear wheels threaten to
differential (ABD) and anti-slip
of the driving conditions, the
spin under acceleration, a greater
regulation (ASR).
­electronics are able to respond
proportion of drive force is
to a variety of situations. Sensors
­distributed to the front by a more
an electronically mapped multi-
All-wheel drive
powerful engagement of the
In this way, PTM, in conjunction
­additionally enhanced by the
­multi-plate clutch. In addition,
with Porsche Stability Manage-
­automatic brake differential
ASR reduces wheel slip. When
ment (PSM, p. 70), ensures that
(ABD). Whenever the brake con-
cornering, the front wheels only
the perfect distribution of drive
trol systems are required to
ever receive as much drive
is achieved every time: whether
intervene, PTM decouples the
force as is necessary to maintain
on long straights, through tight
front axle completely so that
optimum lateral stability.
corners, or on surfaces with
PSM inter­ventions can take place
­different friction coefficients.
at each individual wheel.
In this situation, traction is
· 58 ·
· 59 ·
Performance | Chassis
Unfortunately, the condition of the roads is beyond our control.
We’ll just make the car adapt instead.
Through the purposeful use of
lightweight technologies, we
have managed to save weight in
the chassis and increase effi-
ciency. The next challenge was
the question of how to reconcile
the characteristics of a sportscar
with the requirements for
comfort demanded of a saloon.
The answer: modern axle con9
cepts. Two apparently more
­mutually exclusive qualities are
high performance and excellent
driving safety, which we resolved
1.Air suspension compressed-air
2.Rear axle air suspension modules
3. Air suspension
4. FA air-spring strut with PASM
5.Compressor air outlet (underneath
fuel tank)
6. Air suspension pressure line
7. Double wishbone front axle
8. Multi-link rear axle
9. PDK
10. PTM (multi-plate clutch)
11. Rear axle differential
12. Fuel tank
with precise traction control
­systems and powerful tyres and
Panamera 4S
· 60 ·
· 61 ·
Performance | Chassis
Steering and Servotronic.
Wheels and Tyre Pressure
For increased comfort and safety,
­Monitoring (TPM).
Tyre Pressure Monitoring (TPM),
The front axle has a wide-spaced
Precise and direct: describes a
aluminium double wishbone
typical Porsche ­s teering system
The new Panamera S and 4S
sends warnings to the on-board
arrangement with an aluminium
– with variable steering ratio.
models are fitted as standard
computer’s display screen in the
with 18-inch Panamera S alloy
event of low tyre pressure as
subframe. The wide spacing
which is standard equipment,
between the wishbones keeps the
Around the straight ahead
wheels featuring a classic sporty
well as in the event of a loss of
forces in the wheel suspension
­position, such as during motor-
design. Tyre sizes 245/50 ZR 18
low for precision wheel guidance
way driving, the ratio is less
and 275/45 ZR 18 are fitted front
and excellent handling.
direct with no loss of agility or
and rear, respectively.
feedback from the road. When
The rear axle is an aluminium
­multi-link setup. This axle design
the steering wheel is turned
The Panamera Turbo is equipped
­f urther, the ratio becomes
with 19-inch Panamera Turbo
minimises the pitching of the
more direct, allowing easier
alloy wheels as standard. The
body under acceleration and
­cornering and parking.
tyres are slightly wider to cope
Panamera Turbo front axle
with the increased power output
Servotronic, a speed-sensitive
of this model: 255/45 ZR 19 at
The high proportion of aluminium
power-steering system, is avail-
the front, 285/40 ZR 19 at the
used in the construction of the
able as an option for all Panamera
axles reduces the weight of the
models. At high speeds, the
vehicle and of the unsprung
­s teering is firm and responds with
Alternatively, you can select
masses, helping to improve fuel
extreme precision while steering
different 19-inch or 20-inch
economy and increase agility.
comfort remains as high as
wheels from our range of
you would expect. At low speeds,
­individual options (p. 144).
18-inch Panamera S wheel
­Servotronic’s ratio adjusts for
Panamera Turbo rear axle
easy manoeuvring and parking.
19-inch Panamera Turbo wheel
· 62 ·
· 63 ·
Performance | Chassis
The road to success is rarely a smooth one.
Porsche Active Suspension Management (PASM).
PASM is an electronic damping
Using a separate button on the
damping force on each of the
control system which offers
centre console, the driver can
wheels in accordance with the
­continuous adjustment of the
select between three modes:
selected mode.
damping forces according to the
‘Normal’, ‘Sport’ or ‘Sport Plus’.
road conditions and driving style.
Sensors record the body move-
For your safety, PASM continu-
ments that accompany powerful
ously monitors the driving­
Designed to operate in accord-
acceleration, braking and rapid
­conditions. If you are driving in
ance with the skyhook principle,
cornering or uneven road sur-
Normal mode and suddenly adopt
the suspension acts to keep the
faces, while signals such as lat-
a sportier and more dynamic
body stable. This reduces body
eral acceleration, steering angle,
­driving style, the system auto­
movement and thus increases
brake pressure and engine torque
matically switches to a harder
comfort in each of the four seats.
are also analysed. The PASM
rating within the Normal setup
­control unit evaluates the driving
range to increase driving stability
conditions and modifies the
and safety.
If, in ‘Sport’ or ‘Sport Plus’ mode,
face improves, the system
of a button. And you can feel the
the quality of the road surface
reverts to the original harder
result: increased driving stability,
drops below a certain threshold,
more comfort and improved per-
PASM immediately switches to
a softer rating within the setup
This may sound rather com­
range to optimise traction and
plicated, but for you it involves
grip. As soon as the road sur-
nothing more than the press
Continous adjustment based on load and speed
· 64 ·
· 65 ·
Performance | Chassis
High level.
At 20 mm above the normal level,
this is intended for parking or
maneuvring on steep ramps and
garage entrances. The chassis
automatically reverts to its normal
level as soon as the vehicle
reaches a speed of 18 mph
(30 km/h).
Normal level.
The usual height for the system
with a maximum ground
­clearance of 144 mm above
Adaptive air suspension.
It comprises a levelling system,
select the ‘Sport Plus’ chassis
a manual lift function, ride-height
programme, the height of the
The new Panamera Turbo is
adjustment capability and the
body automatically drops to the
equipped with adaptive air
­ability to vary the spring rate.
lowered level (-25 mm). At the
­suspension and PASM as stand-
DIN unladen weight.
same time, a harder spring rate
ard. This combined system
The purpose of the levelling sys-
is achieved through a reduction
enhances both driving dynamics
tem is to automatically keep the
in the amount of air stored in the
Low level.
and comfort at the same time.
vehicle level constant, regardless
air suspension. In simple terms,
This is 25 mm below the normal
For the Panamera S and 4S,
of load distribution. The manual
it’s a sports chassis at the push
level with a maximum ground
­adaptive air suspension is avail-
lift function enables you to raise
of a button.
clearance of 119 mm. In ‘Sport
able as an option.
the vehicle body by 20 mm to
Plus’ mode, the vehicle body
minimise the risk of grounding
drops to the lowered level and a
(see ‘High level’). When you
harder spring rate is set. This
assures optimum roadholding
with a sporty driving style.
· 66 ·
· 67 ·
Performance | Chassis
A wavering course was never your thing.
Porsche Dynamic Chassis Control (PDCC) with electronically regulated rear differential lock.
The effect is achieved with the aid
and, for example, when accelerat-
PDCC with electronically regu-
of active anti-roll bars on the front
ing out of tight bends. It also acts
lated rear differential lock sets
and rear axles which respond
to dampen load-change reactions,
new benchmarks for performance
to the current steering angle and
especially during fast cornering.
and comfort and, as a result,
lateral acceleration by producing
­driving pleasure.
A Porsche holds the road well, its
Dynamic Chassis Control (PDCC)
PDCC is an active anti-roll system
a stabilising force that precisely
For the driver, this means remark-
handling is sporty and precise –
with electronically regulated rear
that anticipates and significantly
negates the roll of the body.
able stability and easier handling,
but you’ve known this for a long
differential lock, road holding can
reduces lateral body movement
be even further improved in all
during cornering manoeuvres.
The electronically regulated rear
agility at every speed with precise
the Panamera models for even
In addition, it minimises the
differential lock further enhances
steering and stable load transfer
What you might not know is
more dynamic performance and
­lateral instability of the vehicle
the traction of the rear wheels
that, with the optional Porsche
increased comfort.
on uneven ground.
when required on uneven roads
optimum traction, and greater
Rapid cornering in a vehicle without PDCC (illustrative example)
· 68 ·
Rapid cornering in a vehicle with PDCC (illustrative example)
· 69 ·
Performance | Chassis
Even a Porsche has limits to its dynamic performance.
Porsche Stability Management (PSM).
As standard, all of the new
is able to calculate the actual
automatic brake differential
­Panamera models are equipped
direction of travel at any given
(ABD), anti-slip regulation (ASR)
with enhanced Porsche Stability
moment. If the car begins to over-
and engine drag torque control
Management (PSM), which main-
steer or understeer, PSM applies
tains stability even at the limits
selective braking on individual
of dynamic driving performance.
wheels to restore stability.
Sensors continuously monitor the
When ‘Sport Plus’ mode is selec­
ted on the optional Sport Chrono
direction, speed, yaw velocity
Under acceleration on wet or low-
Package Plus (p. 72), the PSM
and lateral acceleration of the
grip road surfaces, PSM improves
intervention threshold is raised to
car. Using this information, PSM
traction – and agility – using the
allow a sportier driving style.
Oversteer without PSM
orrection to
­vehicle course
deviation and
course deviation
Understeer without PSM
Understeer with PSM
Vehicle yaw/
Correction to
­vehicle course
deviation and
course deviation
precharging of the brake system,
­s topping distance even further.
­experience, you always have the
and brake assist.
Brake assist, on the other
option to deactivate PSM. It is
Oversteer with PSM
Vehicle yaw/
For an even more dynamic
hand, is able to interpret a panic
automatically reactivated, for
If you suddenly release the accel-
braking situation from a rapid
your safety, only if you brake
erator pedal, PSM detects the
increase in brake pressure and
harder and either of the front
release of the throttle and auto-
acts to ensure that the amount
wheels (in Sport Plus mode,
matically readies the braking
of brake pressure required
both of the front wheels) requires
­system. This precharging of the
for maximum deceleration is
ABS assistance. ABS and ABD,
braking system builds up a small
immediately available.
however, remain active at all
amount of pressure so that the
brake pads are already in light
PSM therefore offers a high level
contact with the brake discs. If
of driving stability and safety
For an even higher level of active
you actually need to apply the
combined with extraordinary
safety, the enhanced PSM
brakes, maximum braking power
­agility. In line with the Porsche
includes two additional functions:
is therefore achieved much
sooner, which reduces the
· 70 ·
· 71 ·
Performance | Chassis
Your mind is somewhere else.
more direct steering, and, there-
How are you going to get there?
fore, better road holding. The
optional adaptive air suspension
Performance enhancement systems.
(standard in the Panamera Turbo)
drops the chassis to a lowered
upshifts in automatic mode take
Package Plus (only in conjunction
place at higher engine speeds
with Porsche Communication
than in ‘Comfort’ mode and down-
Management – PCM). This pack-
In ‘Sport Plus’ mode, the trigger
shifts are swifter.
age offers even sportier tuning
threshold for PSM is raised for
of the chassis and engine setup –
increased longitudinal and lateral
the ultimate sports experience.
dynamics. Agility is enhanced
In addition, Porsche Active Suspension Management (PASM) and
Sport buttons in the centre console
Sport button.
when braking for corners with
Porsche Dynamic Chassis Control
Included in the package are
PSM enabling greater manoeuvra-
(PDCC) also switch to Sport mode
a digital and analogue timer,
bility under braking and exit
to deliver harder damping and
the Sport Plus button, and
acceleration, especially at low
more direct steering and, there-
a ­performance display in the
fore, better road holding.
PCM for displaying lap times.
as standard, enables drivers of
Sport Chrono Package Plus.
Digital and analogue stop clock on the dashboard
in hours, minutes and seconds.
the remaining range until empty.
Seconds, tenths and hundredths
It is also useful away from the
For maximum dexterity, PSM
of a second appear on a display
racetrack. Evaluate your daily
When the ‘Sport Plus’ button on
can be set to standby while the
screen. Alternatively, the timer
mileage or define benchmark
the centre console is selected,
car is still in ‘Sport Plus’ mode.
can be used as a ­conventional
times – and rediscover your old
The Sport button, which is fitted
the new Panamera models to
level and hardens the spring rate.
the engine management system
For safety, it is set to intervene
clock. Porsche Communication
comfort or sporty performance.
You expect sporty performance,
adapts for performance driving
automatically only when ABS
Management (PCM, p. 106) has
At the push of a button, the elec-
otherwise you wouldn’t be con­
and the rev-limiter is adjusted to
assistance is required on both
a special performance display
tronic engine management sys-
sidering a Porsche. Indeed, you
a harder setting.
the front wheels.
to view, store and evaluate lap
tem switches the engine mapping
expect a higher level of sporty
to offer an even sharper response
performance, otherwise you
The standard Porsche Active
A key component of the Sport
shows the total driving time,
and engine dynamics that are
would have no urge to keep read-
­Suspension Management (PASM)
Chrono Package Plus is the timer
lap distance, lap number and lap
more direct. In vehicles with the
ing. Available as an option for the
also switches to ‘Sport Plus’
mounted on the dashboard. It
times recorded so far. You can
Porsche Doppelkupplung (PDK),
Panamera S is the Sport Chrono
mode for harder damping and
displays recorded driving time
view the current fastest lap and
select a setup that favours either
· 72 ·
times or other driving times. It
· 73 ·
Performance | Chassis
For the Panamera 4S, and for
accelerator for maximum throttle.
the Panamera S when fitted in
The engine is revved to an opti-
combination with the Porsche
mum speed of around 5,500 rpm
Doppelkupplung (PDK), the
and the clutch is already held in
optional Sport Chrono Package
slight contact. The message
Plus contains even more func-
‘Launch Control active’ appears
on the instrument cluster display.
Now, the driver simply releases
The shift times in ‘Sport Plus’
the brake pedal, and prepares for
mode are shorter, the gear
maximum acceleration.
changes sportier. In automatic
mode and at low rates of
­deceleration – even with high
Sport Chrono Package Turbo.
engine speeds – the system
­initiates a swifter brake-induced
For the Panamera Turbo,
downshift. In manual mode,
increased power output is a
gear changes are faster, more
­matter of principle. The same
dynamic and more direct.
applies to the optional Sport
Chrono Package Turbo. Typifying
A special feature of this package
the Turbo philosophy, it not only
that further enhances sporty
combines all the functions of
­performance is Launch Control,
Sport Chrono Package Plus, it
Imagine you are accelerating at
is able to produce. Instead of the
which is designed to produce
adds one more: Overboost.
full throttle with the Sport Plus
normal 700 Nm, the Power Boost
optimum acceleration from a
button selected. Boost pressure
function generates a torque of up
standing start. This function is
is temporarily increased by 10%,
to 770 Nm for a ­limited period
operated via the Sport Plus
which considerably increases the
and a feeling of satisfaction that
­button with the ‘D’ or ‘M’ drive
maximum torque that the engine
lasts even longer.
position selected. With the left
foot depressing the brake pedal,
the driver fully depresses the
· 74 ·
· 75 ·
Sportiness and environmental responsibility do not have to be
­mutually exclusive. After all, you want to do your part for the
­environment and still stand out from the crowd. We can offer
­reassurance: the same applies to safety. No reason, then,
to look so serious.
· 76 ·
· 77 ·
Balance | Safety
Nice to know that quick and safe evasive manoeuvres
are possible in an emergency.
Do you leave chasing after the
Lighting concept.
latest technological fad to others?
switch on automatically when it
gets dark. Fitted as standard,
Do you instead place value on
The Panamera S, Panamera 4S
these Bi-Xenon headlights with
that which is useful, sensible,
and Panamera Turbo are all
automatic dynamic range adjust-
and reliable? We’re on the same
equipped with headlights that
ment are around twice as bright
as conventional halogen lamps.
With dipped or main beam, the
road ahead is illuminated more
uniformly. The lighting system
Panamera S and Panamera 4S night light design
features an automatic switch-off
and the ‘Welcome Home’ function
– a customisable delayed switchoff timer that keeps the daytime
running lights, the taillights and,
where applicable, the courtesy
lights (p. 81) switched on until you
reach your front door. A headlight
cleaning system is also included.
Night light design Panamera models
· 78 ·
Panamera Turbo night light design
· 79 ·
Balance | Safety
The system also features speed-
each headlight unit has four
In the event of sudden braking,
sensitive headlight control logic.
LED spotlights. Daytime running
the adaptive LED brake lights
This adjusts the range of the
lights improve safety in the
of the Panamera model range
dipped beams at higher speeds,
­daytime as they make you more
pulsate to alert following
such as on the motorway, by
visible to other road users.
traffic more quickly to a critical
adapting the shape of the light
cone, extending it further forward
Also contained in the front light
to improve visibility without
units are the direction indicators,
Cutting edge LED technology is
­dazzling oncoming traffic.
bar-shaped LED light guides in
also used for the taillights, the
the form of position lights in the
additional brake light in the rear
The adverse weather function
Panamera S and Panamera 4S
lid, the rear direction indicators
of the adaptive light system,
models or – exclusively reserved
and the rear fog light. LEDs
which is activated when you
for the Panamera Turbo – LED
­provide better illumination and
switch on the rear fog light,
light guides as a border for the
respond more quickly to driver
reduces the effect of reflection
input. Not only do they increase
active safety in this way, they
phenomena in poor visibility
­conditions, e.g. fog, heavy rain
Vehicles with the driver or 14-way
are energy efficient, eco-friendly
or snowfall. The dipped beams
power seats with memory package
and have a longer service life than
are fanned out and the light
(standard in the Panamera Turbo)
conventional bulbs. Furthermore,
cone lowered to reduce the risk
feature LED courtesy lights in
their design is unmistakably
the automatically dimming exterior
­Porsche, day or night.
of the driver being dazzled.
Cornering lights of the adaptive light system
mirrors to illuminate the area
LED daytime running lights
An adaptive light system is
of a bend based on steering angle
when you enter a bend, the road
are standard equipment on
standard on the Panamera Turbo
and road speed and the static
ahead is illuminated immediately
all ­Panamera models. In the
and available as an option for the
cornering lights activate the
so you can see any obstacles
­Panamera S and Panamera 4S
Panamera S and 4S. Its dynamic
­auxiliary headlights in order to
much sooner.
the LEDs are arranged horizon-
cornering light function swivels
­illuminate more of the road at
tally in the front light units,
the headlights towards the inside
tight bends and turns. Put simply,
whereas in the Panamera Turbo
· 80 ·
around the doors.
· 81 ·
Balance | Safety
On any long journey, there will come a time when you have to stop.
Porsche brakes are renowned for
piston unit at the rear, and brake
their stopping power, setting the
discs with a diameter of 390 mm
standards for deceleration and
at the front and 350 mm at the
stability. They are designed to
rear for outstanding braking
cope with extreme forces such as
­performance and a short braking
those experienced during hard
The brake calipers have an
Standard brake system on Panamera S
and Panamera 4S
The Panamera S and 4S models
enclosed monobloc construction.
have a braking system equipped
This makes them tough but light
with silver-coloured six-piston
and enables a rapid response
aluminium monobloc fixed brake
and release of the brake. The
calipers at the front and four-­
pedal travel is short and easy
The Panamera models are also
The electric parking brake, which
piston aluminium monobloc fixed
to control.
equipped with an anti-lock braking
you can activate and deactivate
system (ABS), designed to keep
manually, releases automatically
brake calipers at the rear, with
brake disc diameters of 360 mm
All models have grooved
decele­ration constant. A specially
as you pull away. With the hill-hold
and 330 mm, respectively. Owing
brake discs ensuring optimum
designed air duct cools the
function, you can pull away
to its greater engine power, the
braking even under extreme
brakes effectively and, for added
­w ithout ever rolling back. The
­Panamera Turbo’s braking system
conditions. The discs are ­internally
safety, a brake pad wear indicator
system automatically detects
features red-painted six-piston
vented for rapid heat dispersal.
for each wheel informs you
when the vehicle has come to a
aluminium monobloc fixed brake
when the brake pads need to be
halt on an uphill gradient. PSM
calipers at the front and a four-
then maintains the brake pressure
at all four wheels for a brief
period to prevent the vehicle from
Standard brake system on Panamera Turbo
moving in the opposite direction.
· 82 ·
· 83 ·
Balance | Safety
Presumably, you won’t be using your Panamera for motorsport activities.
The key advantage of PCCB is
greater agility and improved
replaced where necessary after
But you never know.
the extremely low weight of the
every track event.
ceramic brake discs, which are
Porsche Ceramic Composite Brake (PCCB).
Please note that circuit racing,
standard discs of similar design
track day use and other forms
On the Panamera S and ­
more favourable noise-damping
and size. As well as enhancing
of performance driving can
Panamera 4S, the cross-drilled
performance and fuel economy,
­significantly reduce the service
this represents a major reduction
life of even the most durable
ceramic brake discs have a
Porsche Ceramic Composite Brake (PCCB)
approximately 50% lighter than
­diameter of 390 mm at the front
The use of six-piston aluminium
in unsprung and rotating
brake pads and discs. As with
and 350 mm at the rear. To cope
monobloc brake calipers on the
masses. The consequence of
conventional high-performance
with more powerful braking on
front axle and four-piston units at
this is ­better road holding and
braking systems, we recommend
the Panamera Turbo, these discs
the rear – all finished in yellow
increased comfort, particularly
that all brake components
are 410 mm at the front and
– ensures extremely high brake
on uneven roads, as well as
be professionally inspected and
350 mm at the rear. The brake
forces which, crucially, are
discs are formed from a specially
­exceptionally consistent. The
treated carbon-fibre compound
pedal response is fast and
that is silicated in a high-vacuum
­precise with only moderate input
On request, we can equip the new
process at approximately
Panamera models with a braking
1,700 °C. Not only are the
system that has already had to
­resulting brake discs much
All the necessary ingredients
cope with the harshest require-
harder than standard discs,
are there for a short braking
ments of the racetrack: the
they are more resistant to heat.
­distance, even in the toughest
Porsche Ceramic Composite Brake
conditions. Moreover, safety
(PCCB). For the Panamera S mod-
PCCB is characterised by its
under braking at high speeds is
els, it is available only in conjunc-
low thermal expansion, which
increased thanks to the excellent
tion with 19-inch wheels or larger
prevents deformation under
fade resistance of PCCB.
and for the Panamera Turbo, it is
heavy braking. Furthermore, the
compatible only with the 20-inch
ceramic brake discs are totally
RS Spyder Design wheel.
resistant to corrosion and offer
· 84 ·
· 85 ·
Balance | Safety
It sometimes pays to be a tough nut to crack.
Engineered safety design.
Active bonnet system.
The new Panamera models com-
and provides improved protection
ply with all statutory requirements
for the feet and legs. In a minor
worldwide in respect of occupant
collision, a system of easily
The new active bonnet system
safety, well in excess of the legal
replaceable impact absorbers
is designed with enhanced
limits in terms of front, offset,
prevents costly damage to the
­pedestrian safety in mind.
side and rear impact protection.
underlying bodyshell. Also con-
When the sensors in the
tributing to the overall rigidity of
front apron detect a collision,
the car are the reinforced doors.
this pyrotechnically assisted
The fully galvanised and lightweight hybrid construction, made
­system raises the rear portion
from high-tensile and stainless
The axles, bonnet, wings,
of the ­bonnet, which can help
steels, magnesium and alumin-
doors and rear lid are made
to reduce the risk of injury.
ium, produces a highly resilient
of aluminium, which saves on
passenger cell that offers high
weight and therefore fuel.
levels of protection in the event
of an impact. A patented system
of longitudinal and transverse
members at the front gives three
separate load paths that absorb
energy, disperse the force of
impact and minimise deformation
of the passenger cell. Passive
safety is further enhanced by the
aluminium subframe on the front
axle, which is designed to deform
in a defined manner.
Deep-drawn steels
A rigid bulkhead cross member
Super-high-strength micro-alloyed steels
reduces deformation of the
Polyphase steels
­footwell in the event of an impact
Active bonnet system
Boron-alloyed steels
· 86 ·
· 87 ·
Balance | Safety
A high level of protection will ensure
that composure is maintained.
In the new Panamera models, we
frame and the side windows from
have further improved our airbag
the A-pillar to the C-pillar, and
technology in the form of full-­
side impact protection elements
size driver and front passenger
in the doors. Side airbags in the
airbags which are inflated in two
rear compartment are available
stages depending on the severity
as an option.
and type of accident (e.g. frontal
or offset frontal). Two sensors
The headrests are integrated into
in the front end allow a crash to
the backrest. Also featured as
be detected and evaluated far
standard are an energy-absorbing
sooner and with considerably
steering column, three-point seat-
greater accuracy. In less serious
belts at all seats, hight adjust-
accidents, the airbags are only
ment and seat-belt force limiters
partially inflated, thereby minimis-
in the front and seat-belt preten-
ing discomfort to the occupants.
sioners in the rear, energyabsorbing elements in the dash-
As standard, the knee airbags for
board and flame-retardant
the driver and front passenger
materials throughout the interior.
are supplemented by the Porsche
Side Impact Protection System
A rollover sensor automatically
(POSIP). This comprises two-
activates the curtain airbags
chamber side airbags for the
and seat belt pretensioners if
­pelvis and thorax regions, curtain
the vehicle threatens to overturn.
airbags along the entire roof
· 88 ·
· 89 ·
Balance | Environment
As a Panamera driver, you are responsible for four people.
We are responsible for everyone else.
Porsche and the environment.
the lowest CO2 emissions. This
­environmental management at
The ­Panamera Turbo meets
has been achieved through the
the Porsche development centre
the requirements of Euro U5
new efficient engine technology
in Weissach. Here, all technolo­
and LEV.
(e.g. by DFI andVarioCam Plus),
gical developments are carried
lightweight construction, optimum
out with environmental protection
This is achieved through the use
what it has to offer in terms of
Porsche has so far reduced the
aerodynamics and low rolling
in mind. The goal is pure perform-
of fuel-efficient technologies such
­environmental protection.
CO2 emissions of its vehicles
ance – but not at the expense of
as direct fuel injection (DFI, p. 46)
In an era of intensifying debate
Our answer has long been the
annually by an average of 1.7%.
the environment. A goal achieved
and VarioCam Plus (p. 47).
about global climate change
same: maximum efficiency.
Environmental protection.
As far as engine output is con-
This high level of environmental
and CO2 emissions, every auto-
cerned, we are already among
responsibility is clearly demon-
by the new Panamera.
Efficient emission control is
motive manufacturer is asking
those manufacturers achieving
strated by our approach to
achieved by a two-stage cascade-
Fuel economy and
emission control.
type catalytic converter,
which comprises two monoliths
arranged in series. These
Vehicles manufactured by
­specially coated substrates
­Porsche demonstrate that even
­contain ultra-fine honeycomb
high-performance sportscars
channels in which pollutants
can achieve moderate fuel
are converted as exhaust gas
­consumption and exhaust emis-
passes through.
sion values in their respective
The balance is exemplary: the
4.8-litre V8 engines of the
­Panamera S models comply
with both the Euro 5 emission
standards in Europe and the
ULEV regulations in the USA.
· 90 ·
· 91 ·
Balance | Environment
The stereo lambda control
intelligent lightweight construc-
selected. We use only innovative
­circuitry controls and monitors
tion. For both economical and
and environmentally friendly
each cylinder bank separately.
ecological reasons. This forms
For each exhaust tract, oxygen
the basis for low fuel consump-
sensors regulate the composition
tion values in conjunction
All lightweight materials are easily
of the exhaust gas, while another
with outstanding performance.
recyclable and each material is
lambda sensor on each cylinder
labelled to facilitate its separation
bank monitors pollutant conver-
It is economical thanks to the
for recycling. The reduction in
sion in the respective catalytic
high proportion of aluminium cast
the number of plastic variants
alloys, plastics and super-high-
helps to ensure more efficient
strength sheet steel used. This
recycling. Recycled plastics
Exhaust gas cleaning is
is substantially more stable and
are used where they meet our
supported by an air injection
lighter than conventional steel.
exacting technical requirements.
system. A compressor pumps
The new Panamera models have
extra air into the exhaust tract
a bodyshell with a lightweight-
In all, the Panamera is approxi-
during the catalytic converter
metal content of 23%. For exam-
mately 85% recyclable.
warm-up phase for faster heating
ple, the bonnet, doors, wings and
and, therefore, lower emissions.
rear lid are made of aluminium,
In addition, Porsche uses only
which saves on weight and has
environmentally friendly water-
The auto start/stop function is
a positive effect on the environ-
based paints, thus reducing
another measure for reducing
mental balance: according to eco
the need for solvents both in pro-
fuel consumption.
balance sheets, the extra energy
duction and in the workshop.
used and the higher emissions
The Panamera is also absolutely
incurred in the manufacturing of
free of asbestos, CFCs and
Lightweight construction
aluminium are more than compen-
­components manufactured using
and recycling.
sated by the savings on fuel after
CFCs because, here at Porsche,
only a relatively short distance.
environmental protection does
not begin at the end of a vehicle’s
A fundamental objective in the
development of any Porsche is
It is also responsible because all
life. It starts at the planning and
materials used are meticulously
development stage.
* Not in markets with leaded fuel.
· 92 ·
· 93 ·
Balance | Environment
Long service intervals are not
only more convenient, they
reduce ownership costs. They
also promote a more sparing use
of consumables and replacement
parts, which is in both our interests. For you, lower costs and
saved time are two major benefits, but perhaps the greatest
benefit is for the environment. For
full details of service intervals,
please refer to the separate price
All Porsche models – including
grown for the production of this
the multilayered material from
biofuel also absorb CO2 from the
which the fuel tank is made.
All fuel lines are made from
The new Panamera complies with
­m ultilayered plastic, steel or
all applicable noise regulations
­a luminium.
without any form of engine
the new Panamera – are already
No nuisance noise to be heard,
just the characteristic Porsche
designed to operate on fuels with
The release of hydrocarbons
an ethanol content of up to 10%.
from the fuel system has been
en­capsulation. To achieve this,
Ethanol has a positive impact on
minimised thanks in no small part
noises are eliminated at source.
the CO2 balance since the plants
to the active carbon filter and
Engine parts are stiff, moving
parts are lightweight and tolerances are kept to a minimum.
· 94 ·
· 95 ·
Is the traditional look of an old-fashioned saloon not the look for you?
Would you prefer something less conventional? Then let us break
the mould with sports dynamics, with authenticity, with personality.
· 96 ·
· 97 ·
Personality | Comfort
Do you like to sit on a seat or in a seat?
The interior.
A heated steering wheel is
luxurious feel, or even a blend
­available on request.
of both.
new Panamera models are,
Also available as an option for all
All the frequently used controls
­admittedly, a little different from
models is the three-spoke multi-
on the centre console are
what we are used to. It’s no won-
function steering wheel, which
grouped logically together to
der, as they are the first Porsche
has buttons for the convenient
­enable you to select individual
vehicles to have four individual
operation of a range of radio and,
functions quickly and easily.
seats (p. 104). But that’s not all.
where applicable, navigation and
In terms of Porsche design, the
telephone functions. It is finished
Just how much attention we
What strikes you immediately
in smooth-finish leather or, in
have paid to providing space
about the front is the rising
conjunction with ­s teering wheel
in the passenger compartment
centre console. It doesn’t look
heating, any finish of your choice
can be seen in the details. The
like a saloon does it? That’s good,
from walnut, tineo, anthracite
Panamera models offer a variety
because it does look distinctly
birch or carbon.
of storage options, e.g. in the
like a sportscar. Even more
Interior of the Panamera Turbo with optional multifunction steering wheel and Sport Chrono Package Turbo
doors and centre console. The
importantly, it handles like one.
With these finishes and a selec-
front centre armrest contains
This is thanks in no small part to
tion of other materials offered
a convenient cupholder. Alter­
the extremely short distance
in the form of predefined interior
natively, at no extra cost, you
between the gear lever and steer-
packages, there is a wealth of
can have two additional fold-out
ing wheel – to be more precise,
ways for you to personalise the
cupholders installed above the
the three-spoke sports steering
interior. Additionally, there are six
glove compartment to supple-
wheel with smooth-finish leather
interior colours and four two-tone
ment the two fitted as standard
rim, which is fitted as standard
combinations in several leathers.
in the rear compartment.
and adjusts for height and reach.
So you can create a sporty or
· 98 ·
Front cupholder
Glove compartment
· 99 ·
Personality | Comfort
Large centre console in the Panamera Turbo
For extra storage space, a large
but also aesthetic appeal. This
An optional interior lighting pack-
rear centre console. All lights are
The rooflining in Alcantara is
glass fitted. Alter­natively, dark-
centre console is available as
includes illuminated door handles
age conceived specifically for
powerful yet energy-efficient
standard for the Turbo and
tinted glazing will maintain your
an option in the rear. Two 12-volt
and storage compartments in
the rear adds two reading lights
LEDs. The additional ambient
optional for the Panamera S
privacy and protect the interior
sockets are included.
the front, orientation lighting and
to the overhead console, lights
lighting on the overhead consoles
and 4S.
from the effects of strong sun-
front footwell lights. Also, reading
in each footwell, additional orien-
in the front and rear and the
The interior lighting concept with
lights and interior lights – one of
tation lighting, and illumination
­reading lights are dimmable.
switch-off delay was designed
each for all four seats.
for door storage compartments
with not only practicality in mind
light. Just like the electric roll-up
As an option, it is possible to have
sunblinds on the rear side win-
thermally and noise insulating
dows and behind the rear seats.
and the compartment in the
· 100 ·
· 101 ·
Personality | Comfort
sides for seat height, squab
and backrest angle, and fore/aft
­position. A driver memory
­package, available as an option,
­enables the driver’s seat and
exterior mirror positions to be
saved and restored automatically.
Instruments in the Panamera Turbo
In the Panamera Turbo, the front
seats offer even more functional-
In the Panamera S and
ity. The 14-way power seats with
Panamera 4S, the dial face of
memory package for both driver
The five circular dashboard
the rev counter is silver-grey;
and front passenger is standard
­instruments in the new Panamera
in the Panamera Turbo, it is
(optional for the Panamera S
models are quick, clear and
black and bears the ‘turbo’ logo.
models). In addition to featuring
easy to read. Typically Porsche.
The instrument cluster with high-
Front seats.
resolution 4.8-inch TFT colour
seat in conjunction with the
even better lateral support thanks
In addition, the side bolsters on
adjustment facility, it includes
­deactivation function for the
to the raised side bolsters
the seat squab and backrest are
electric four-way lumbar support,
­passenger airbag.
on the seat squab and backrest.
independently adjustable for
added comfort with longitudinal
electric seat squab length adjustThe front seats with integrated
ment and personal memory for
on-board computer or the navi­
headrests offer a high degree
seat, steering wheel and mirror
gation system map, for example.
of comfort. During cornering,
positions. The courtesy lights
It also shows the settings of the
they hold your body firm but
(LEDs in the exterior mirrors) are
optional adaptive cruise control
­w ithout restricting your freedom
or gives various warnings, such
of movement.
as alerts from the Tyre Pressure
Featuring 18-way electric adjust-
or precision lateral support on
ment, the seats can be optimally
winding roads. Also included is
adapted to meet your needs in
the personal memory for the
Do you wish to take sporty driving
terms of seat height, squab and
driver and front passenger seats
a component of the driver memory
to an even higher level? That
backrest angle, squab length,
(including lumbar support), the
and 14-way power seats with
is precisely what the adaptive
fore/aft adjustment and 4-way
steering wheel and the driver’s
memory package.
sports seats were designed for.
lumbar support. The steering
exterior mirror.
Available as an option for all
­column is also electrically adjustable.
In the Panamera S models, seat
Adaptive sports seats.
adjustment is fully electric as
ISOFIX child seat mounting
­Panamera models, they have
standard with controls on both
points are available as an
firmer upholstery and provide
the driver and front passenger
option for the front passenger
· 102 ·
Adaptive sports seat
an electric steering column
screen gives you access to the
Monitoring System (TPM).
Standard front seat
· 103 ·
Personality | Comfort
Rear seats.
When specified in conjunction
On request, we can equip the
with seat ventilation (p. 146),
front seats, indeed all four seats,
Two fully independent seats with
8-way power seats feature
with seat ventilation (only in
plenty of leg and head room,
­automatic comfort headrests.
­conjunction with seat heating).
even for taller passengers. They
Please note that not all child
A slipstream effect is produced
provide good lateral support,
seats, particularly those with
by active ventilation of the per­
even during fast cornering, with
extending headrests, may be
forated seat centre and backrest
no compromise on comfort.
compatible with this combination
and by passive aeration at the
Between the seats is a folding
of optional equipment.
side bolsters. This evaporates
armrest with a handy storage
perspiration moisture and there-
compartment. The backrests
ISOFIX child seat mounting
fore makes for a comfortable
fold down individually with a ratio
points are fitted as standard on
seating environment, even in
of 40:60 to increase storage
both rear seats in all Panamera
hot weather. Seat heating and
capacity or to accommodate
seat ventilation can be adjusted
unwieldy items. With the optional
independently to any one of
large centre console, the
three power levels. Simultaneous
­backrests can still be folded
Seat heating and ventilation.
­separately while the console
itself remains fixed in position.
­ventilation and heating is
The front seats of all new
­Panamera models feature seat
8-way power seats are available as
heating as standard. This heats
an option for the rear in any
the seat squab and backrest
of the new Panamera models. In
to a pleasant temperature. In
addition to the electric backrest
the new Panamera Turbo, the
adjustment, seat squab length
seats in the rear also have a
adjustment and lumbar support
­heating function (optional for the
functions, there is a facility to
Panamera S and Panamera 4S).
Rear seats
adjust the front passenger seat
from the rear.
· 104 ·
· 105 ·
Personality | Comfort
As well as concentrating on performance,
the mind needs to relax from time to time with something light-hearted.
Audio and communication.
can also be combined with the
BOSE® Surround Sound System
(p. 112) or the Burmester ®
­High-End Surround Sound System
(p. 114).
An integrated six-disc CD autochanger is available as an option.
Also available on request
CDR-31 audio system
CDR-31 audio system.
for the CDR-31 is Bluetooth ®
Porsche Communication Management (PCM) including navigation module
mobile phone preparation,
functions and menus with ease
which supports the Handsfree
central control unit for audio,
is displayed at the bottom of the
The DVD-audio drive plays
and efficiency, as does the
Profile (HFP).
­navigation and communications.
screen for further guidance in
CDs and audio DVDs and is
It is powerful and multifunctional,
specific situations.
MP3-compatible. Audio playback
As standard, there are two
optional multifunction steering
major sound sources in the new
yet easy to operate.
Porsche Communication
Panamera S and Panamera 4S:
of video DVDs is also supported.
Radio functions include up to
A six-disc CD/DVD autochanger
the engine and the audio system.
The integrated CD radio, with
­Management (PCM)
The focal point is the intuitive
42 memory presets and an
integrated in the centre console
Both produce a phenomenal
FM dual tuner and RDS diversity,
including navigation module.
7-inch high-resolution touch-
FM dual tuner frequency diversity
is available as an option.
30 memory presets, dynamic
screen. Alternatively, you can
with RDS, which continuously
autostore and speed-sensitive
The new Panamera Turbo comes
also choose to operate the PCM
scans in the background for
The CDR-31 audio system has
volume control, includes a sound
equipped with Porsche Com­
using the conventional button
the best signal, and a dynamic
a 7-inch colour touchscreen
system with 10 loudspeakers and
munication Management (PCM)
controls. A maximum of five list
which enables you to navigate
a total audio output of 100 watts.
as standard (optional for the
entries per page ensures clarity
and select the most important
Sounds good. Optionally, CDR-31
­Panamera S and 4S). PCM is the
of presentation. A help function
· 106 ·
· 107 ·
Personality | Comfort
In terms of audio performance,
A navigation module with high-
prompts make voice input even
in the Panamera S and 4S a total
speed hard drive is included with
simpler. You can even browse
output of 235 watts is produced
PCM. For route ­guidance, it
through lists by voice command.
through a combination of 11
is possible to select between
­loudspeakers. Fitted as standard
a 2D display and a new 3D
in the Panamera Turbo, the
­perspective. In some regions,
even land and buildings can be
Surround Sound System
Electronic logbook.
(p. 112) enables the playing of
displayed in 3D. The remaining
An electronic logbook is available
audio sources in the Dolby Digital
journey distance is automatically
for PCM as an option. It ­enables
5.1 format. For an even greater
adapted to the maximum screen
automatic logging on every jour-
sound experience, PCM can
size. Split screen mode enables
ney of mileage, route distance,
be combined with the optional
you to view two functions at
date, time, starting location and
Burmester ® High-End Surround
once, such as the current navi­
Sound System (p. 114).
gation map and list of symbols
representing your next driving
PCM via the USB or
Bluetooth ®
Telephone module.
to the numbers on the SIM card,
Stowed in the centre console,
but also to the phone’s internal
the telephone module has a cord-
Available as an option, the GSM
memory. Also, depending on
less Bluetooth ® active handset
destination. Once you have
telephone module offers conven-
the phone, it can be controlled
with display and keypad so that
downloaded the logbooks from
ience and excellent reception.
using PCM, the multifunction
calls can be made and received
By inserting a SIM card directly
steering wheel or the voice
privately in the presence of other
interface, you can evaluate the
into PCM’s integral SIM card
­control system, without it ever
passengers, even from the rear
audio interface for PCM enables
data on your home PC using the
reader, calls can be made using
leaving your pocket.
seats. However, the handset
you to connect an iPod ®, for
software supplied. The software
either the hands-free facility
fulfils all statutory requirements
or the cordless handset. For
In addition, the telephone module
links established using the
for automatic logbooks as
even more convenience, the
enables you to establish a
­Handsfree Profile (HFP).
­ luetooth ®
An optionally available universal
example, or, via the AUX or USB
Voice control system.
port, any other compatible
­cannot be used for Bluetooth ®
MP3 player. An optional hybrid
Do you require navigation assist-
­specified by the German revenue
­ luetooth ®
TV tuner is capable of receiving
ance, need to make a phone
phone can be used to make calls
phones that only support the
free-to-air analogue and digital
call or simply want to listen to
through the SIM Access Profile
Handsfree Profile (HFP). In this
broadcasts. PCM can also be
the radio? Then why not just say
(SAP). Once automatic pairing is
case, the GSM connection is
used to control the performance
so? The optional voice control
complete, the mobile phone’s
always established through the
display of the optional Sport
system is at your command with
aerial is switched off to conserve
aerial of the mobile phone. PCM
Chrono Package Plus (p. 72)
word-by-word input and without
battery charge and the phone
acts as a hands-free system and
or Sport Chrono Package Turbo
the tedious task of training
operates via the car aerial.
you can leave the mobile phone
(p. 74).
it beforehand. Topic-related
Depending on the type of mobile
tucked away. Please refer to the
phone, this gives access not only
note on page 154.
· 108 ·
capability of a mobile
link with those mobile
· 109 ·
Personality | Comfort
Porsche Rear Seat
You could always say you bought
it for the kids: Porsche Rear Seat
Entertainment. Available through
Porsche Exclusive before delivery
of your Panamera.
The system comprises two
­display consoles, two multimedia
Universal audio interface
Mobile phone preparation.
Universal audio interface.
players and two wireless infrared
headphones. Not only is it
­compatible with all popular media
formats (e.g. CD, DVD, MP3),
To enable
Bluetooth ®
Enhance your CDR-31 audio
it features user-friendly touch-
for those mobile phones that only
­system or PCM with an optional
screens and allows you to
support Handsfree Profile (HFP),
connectivity package in the front
­connect two separate, individually
an optional mobile phone prepa­
centre console: for the CDR-31
selectable AV sources, such as a
ration is available. With HFP,
audio system, an AUX port (e.g. to
games console or digital camera.
PCM acts merely as a hands-free
connect a compatible MP3 player);
­s ystem and the mobile phone
for the PCM, an AUX i­nterface, a
The system meets Porsche’s
can remain tucked away. PCM
USB port and also a separate
exacting requirements for safety,
can be used to ­control only the
basic functions and the GSM
compatible MP3 player or USB
­interior design. Each containing
­connection is established through
stick connected to the USB inter-
a swivelling 7-inch TFT screen,
the mobile phone’s aerial. Please
face, can be controlled using
the screen consoles are finished
refer to the note on page 154.
PCM. For more details, please
in leather in the interior colour
consult your Porsche Centre.
and mounted on the front seat
connection. Your
Porsche Rear Seat Entertainment
ergonomics and harmonious
· 110 ·
· 111 ·
Personality | Comfort
Your image of the world is also 360°.
BOSE® Surround Sound System.
Can it be true that the passengers
The system comprises 9 amplifier
to make full use of the impressive
in a Porsche actually want to
channels with a total output of
sound spectrum of 5.1 digital
­listen to music rather than the
585 watts. Its 14 loudspeakers
recordings. Of course, you can
sound of the engine? We under-
and 200-watt active subwoofer
still play other audio sources such
stand your scepticism, but we do
deliver a balanced acoustic
as CDs and MP3s. In stereo, or at
have a compelling solution: the
­pattern and transform your
the push of a button, in one of the
­Panamera into a concert hall.
virtual surround modes generated
Surround Sound System.
by BOSE® Centerpoint ® 2.
It is compatible with both ­Porsche
In combination with Porsche
Communication Management
­Communication Management
The BOSE® -patented AudioPilot ®
(PCM) and the CDR-31 audio
(PCM), the BOSE® Surround
Noise Compensation Technology
­system and is fitted as standard
Sound System enables playback
uses a microphone to continu-
in the Panamera Turbo.
of audio DVDs and is thus able
ously measure the ambient noise
inside the vehicle and adapts
music playback automatically
so that a consistent sound is
­technologies developed by
The result is a balanced, faithfully
maintained – whatever the driving
BOSE® for the automotive
reproduced sound and captivating
­industry, it has been possible
360° acoustic experience deliv-
to achieve optimum acoustics
ered to all four seat positions.
As an innovator in the field,
by tailoring the system to suit
It’s just a pity that, as the driver,
BOSE® has used its considerable
the layout of the vehicle interior.
leaning back and closing your
experience to adapt the system
eyes is not an option.
specifically to the passenger
compartment of the Panamera.
Thanks to signal processing
· 112 ·
· 113 ·
Personality | Comfort
‘Made in Germany’ is a sign of quality.
But, not just when it comes to sportscars.
The Burmester® High-End Surround Sound System.
As early as the Panamera concept
phase, Porsche and Burmester
had already embarked on a close
collaboration in order to determine
the optimum installation locations
for the special loudspeakers.
Never before has such a large and
acoustically powerful total diaphragm surface area been used
in a production vehicle and
­integrated to such perfection.
The sound developed by our
The technologies behind the
research centre in Weissach is
­system are from the finest of
The system has 16 amplifier
amplified by a sound from Berlin.
­ urmester’s®
­c hannels with a total output
We’re talking about
Burmester ®,
premium home
audio systems. State-of-the-art
of more than 1,000 watts,
has been carried over more or
for the Panamera. For unmistak-
low overall weight, thanks to
a bespoke manufacturer based
and featured like this in a Porsche
16 loudspeakers including an
less unmodified from the home
ably fine, clear and undistorted
­intelligent Burmester ® lightweight
in Berlin and one of the most
for the first time. The extrava-
active subwoofer with 300-watt
audio sector. Analogue and digital
high-frequency sound reproduction
respected premium audio
gance is uncompromising, the
class D amplifier, a total
filters have been optimally defined
with excellent level stability.
­manufacturers worldwide. The
crafts­manship excellent, the
­diaphragm surface area of more
for their new installation location
All loudspeaker housings are
Furthermore, the elegantly pure
­ urmester ®
sound ­phenomenal. The system
than 2,400 cm², and a frequency
and finely tuned after extensive
­perfectly matched and deliver
design with galvanised surrounds
Sound System is available as an
High-End Surround
owes its eminence to countless
response of 30 Hz to 20 kHz.
in-car audio testing.
superior bass foundation, defini-
and Burmester ® logos on selected
option for all Panamera models
details, and one goal: perfection
tion and impulse accuracy. As
loudspeakers make it clear that
with CDR-31 and PCM.
in sound.
· 114 ·
Conceptually, we have broken
The tweeters are ribbon-based air
yet unequalled, the result is a
the appeal of the Burmester ®
entirely new ground. Typically
motion transformers (AMT) that
­natural and richly textured spatial
High-End Surround Sound System
­Porsche. Crossover technology
have been designed specifically
sound. All of which is achieved,
is as much about the visual as it
despite the system’s remarkably
is the audio.
· 115 ·
Personality | Comfort
You don’t need us to reiterate the correlation between comfort and convenience.
Additional comfort and convenience features go hand in hand.
Climate control.
an automatic air-recirculation
passenger compartment for up
function permanently monitors
to 20 minutes.
Climate control, with zonal regu­
air quality, reduces humidity
lation in the front compartment,
and switches from fresh to
Four-zone climate control is
is standard in all models. Tempe­r­
­recirculated air when required.
­available for all models on
ature and airflow volume, speed
Even the glove compartment is
request. With this option, the
and direction can therefore be
actively cooled when necessary.
driver has access to separate
set individually for the driver and
With the ignition switched off, it is
controls for both seat positions in
front passenger seat positions.
also possible to use the residual
the rear. A control panel on the
An active carbon filter traps
heat of the engine to heat the
rear centre console also enables
their own climate control settings
as an option is a thermally and
the rear passengers to select
for their respective seat position,
noise insulating glass for all round
independently of the settings in
more efficient reflection of infra-
The front side windows of the
the front compartment.
red radiation. Enjoy an even more
Panamera model range have been
pleasant ­climate and peace and
treated with a water-repellent
quiet in the passenger compart-
coating so that not only water but
also dirt runs away more easily,
­particles, pollen and odours and
Air vent in rear
Thermally and noise
Four-zone climate control in rear compartment
insulating glass.
Water-repellent side windows.
thereby providing optimum visibility even in poor weather. (Note:
All Panamera models are equipped
surface finish requires occasional
as standard with tinted heat-
renewal depending on vehicle
­insulating glass and a grey top-
tint on the windscreen. Available
Air vents in centre console
Four-zone climate control
· 116 ·
· 117 ·
Personality | Comfort
An enhanced version of Park­
Assist, which includes six sensors
in the front end, is fitted as
As an option, it is possible to
­s tandard in the Panamera Turbo
have a programmable garage
and available as an option in the
door opener integrated into the
other models. The audible alert
overhead console. At the push
is supplemented by a visual
of a button, it controls up to three
­warning in the central display
different garage doors, lighting
screen which provides a graphical
systems or alarm systems.
representation of the vehicle’s
proximity to obstacles.
Rain sensor
Reversing camera.
Wiper system with rain sensor.
The windscreen wiper system has
ParkAssist is standard in all
and ParkAssist front and rear)
two wiper speeds with an inter-
­Panamera models. With four
facilitates precise reverse
mittent wipe. A rain sensor fitted
inconspicuous sensors in the rear
parking and manoeuvring and
as standard controls the wipers
end, it audibly alerts the driver
also assists in hitching a trailer.
automatically and with adjustable
when detecting of obstacles
Help is provided in the form
sensitivity. Three heated washer
behind the vehicle. An intermit-
of the camera image and the
jets spray washer fluid uniformly
tent ­warning tone increases in
dynamic, superimposed guide-
onto the windscreen. A rear wiper
rapidity as the obstacle is
lines on the PCM screen, which
is available as an option.
approached. Convenient and safe.
illustrate the predicted course
Reversing camera
The optional reversing camera
(only in conjunction with PCM
of the vehicle given the current
position of the steering wheel.
Reversing camera display in PCM
· 118 ·
· 119 ·
Personality | Comfort
Cruise control
Cruise control.
the road ahead up to a distance
As soon as the road ahead clears,
of 200 m. If you’ve selected a
your vehicle will accelerate
cruising speed but have begun
back up to the cruising speed
to gain on the vehicle in front
originally set. To pull away after
because it is driving more slowly,
an automatic stop, simply press
this is detected by the radar
the control lever or depress the
accelerator pedal.
The system now reduces the
speed of your vehicle at a maxi-
Slide/tilt sunroof.
Cruise control is fitted as
mum rate of 3.5 m/s² by restrict-
­s tandard for added driver com-
ing the throttle or gently applying
The slide/tilt sunroof is available
fort on long stretches of road.
the brakes. This continues until
as an option for all Panamera
Cruise control operates in the
the distance that you have preset
models. It is made from tinted
30 to 240 km/h (20–150 mph)
is maintained. Your vehicle will
toughened safety glass and
speed range and is selected using
now follow the one in front at
­features a manually adjustable
a button on the steering column
a reduced speed. If the other
sliding sunscreen and remote
control stalk.
vehicle decelerates further,
closing function.
­adaptive cruise control will continue to reduce your cruising
Adaptive cruise control.
speed – even down to a halt. For
increased safety, the system also
Available as an option, this
readies the brakes whenever a
enhanced version of cruise
decreasing distance to the vehi-
­control regulates the speed of
cle in front is detected. Adaptive
your vehicle in line with the speed
cruise control and PSM ­interact
of the vehicle in front. How does
to precharge the braking system.
it work? A radar sensor inside
If heavier braking is required,
the front centre air intake scans
the driver will have to intervene
Slide/tilt sunroof
· 120 ·
· 121 ·
Personality | Comfort
Anti-theft protection.
Preparation for vehicle
­tracking system.
As standard, the entire Panamera
model range is protected by
Fitted as standard, this prepara-
an immobiliser with in-key
tion enables future installation of
­t ransponder, two-stage locking
a vehicle tracking system avail-
and an alarm system with ultra-
able from Porsche Tequipment.
sonic interior surveillance. The
The system makes it possible to
system secures all four doors,
locate a stolen vehicle across
the bonnet, the rear lid, the
most of the countries of Europe.
­passenger compartment, the
The preparation package
­ignition and any trailer that may
includes a special wiring loom
be attached.
and a tilt sensor for the alarm
The immobiliser is activated and
deactivated following validation of
the key by the vehicle electronics.
If the key is approved, the engine
electronics authorise the engine
to start.
For additional security, as soon
as you remove the key, an
Porsche Entry & Drive.
Fumbling for your key is now
pocket. Once the key is validated,
­Porsche Entry & Drive then locks
­electromechanical lock engages
a thing of the past.
the door unlocks. The engine
the vehicle and activates the
the steering column.
can then be started and switched
engine immobiliser and steering
column lock.
Standard in the Panamera Turbo
and optional for the Panamera S
Why? As soon as you touch the
off using the electronic ignition
and 4S, Porsche Entry & Drive
door handle, the system auto­
switch. To lock the vehicle,
is recognisable from the chrome
matically checks the encrypted
you simply press a button on
surfaces on the door handles.
access code on the key in your
the ­outside of the door handle.
· 122 ·
· 123 ·
Personality | Comfort
In the back: lots of room.
that you can remove whichever
Right at the back: even more.
one you choose with ease – no
reshuffling required. They can
Luggage compartment.
then be concealed using the
standard flexible roller cover or
the optional fixed cover.
The key to this solution is the
extraordinary height of the
Luggage compartment with rear seat folded down
­luggage compartment achieved
through the special geometry
of the rear lid and the large rear
screen. The wide opening
angle of the rear lid facilitates
convenient loading.
A rarely encountered feature in
this vehicle class is the fully
or split-folding rear seats. In the
Luggage compartment holding two golf bags
cargo position, the available luggage capacity in the Panamera S
605 kg, the Panamera 4S 580 kg
Stowage nets in the side trim
and 4S increases to 1,263 litres.
and the Panamera Turbo 530 kg.
p­anels are provided for smaller
In conjunction with the
Four adults, luggage for four,
models have a capacity of
items. A ski bag is available as
of the Panamera Turbo. Ample
Surround Sound System or
Perhaps even more important
an option and, to accommodate
one sportscar. It really does
445 litres. In conjunction with the
space for four suitcases from
­ urmester ®
than its capacity alone is
it, the centre section between
work. Only ­Porsche has been
BOSE® Surround Sound System
the Porsche Design Driver’s
Sound System, the luggage
the l­uggage compartment’s
the rear seats folds separately.
Selection range, for example.
­compartment has a capacity of
­versatility. The rear seats fold
Sound System, they offer
What makes the storage space
1,250 litres, equal to that of the
independently, allowing various
The luggage compartments in the
432 litres of luggage space,
special is that the four suitcases
Panamera Turbo. The Panamera S
transport configurations – even if
Panamera S and Panamera 4S
equal to the luggage capacity
can be stowed in such a way
has a total payload of up to
one of the rear seats is occupied.
able to make it possible.
Burmester ®
High-End Surround
· 124 ·
High-End Surround
· 125 ·
Personality | Comfort
Luggage compartment
with luggage compartment
roller cover.
Load: four large (L) suitcases.
Luggage compartment roller cover
Luggage compartment roller cover with electric roll-up sunblind for
behind the rear compartment
Fixed luggage compartment cover
Fixed luggage compartment cover with electric roll-up sunblind for
behind the rear compartment
Luggage compartment
with luggage compartment
roller cover and electric
roll-up sunblind for behind
the rear compartment.
Load: four medium (M) suitcases.
Luggage compartment
with fixed luggage
The contents of the luggage
For extra protection, you could
A roll-up sunblind offered as
compartment cover.
­compartment, can be concealed
select the optional fixed luggage
an option is compatible with
Load: four medium (M) suitcases.
using the flexible, removable
compartment cover that lifts
either luggage cover. Controlled
l­uggage compartment roller
up when the rear lid is opened, at
electrically, it lifts up behind
cover provided as standard. It
which point it can be removed.
the rear seats for extra privacy,
leaves enough space for four
With the cover fitted, there is
leaving room for four medium (M)
large (L) suitcases.
­sufficient capacity for four
medium (M) suitcases.
· 126 ·
· 127 ·
Personality | Comfort
Rear lid.
Roof transport system.
Towbar system.
Painting things in only the darkest colours isn’t your style.
The rear lid is made of lightweight
A luggage compartment capacity
Pulling loads is effortless thanks
aluminium. It unlocks in response
of 1,263 litres is plenty, you
to the optional electrically
to the remote control or the
would have thought. You want
extending towbar system, which
­button on the handle. Top-hinged,
more? No problem. An integrated
is invisible when retracted. The
The extensive colour range of
solid, ten metallic and five
­equip­ment finishes, plus six
it features a wide opening for
roof rail system enables you to
towbar has a maximum trailer
the new Panamera models ­
­special colours to choose
­interior packages in aluminium,
comfortable loading and an
fit the optional roof transport
load of 2,200 kg for braked
offers no fewer than 17 exterior
from. Then there are six interior
carbon or a selection of woods.
­electric soft closure aid facilitates
­system. It is then ready to hold
­t railers and 750 kg for unbraked
colours. In total, there are two
c­olours and four two-tone
any of the popular roof attach-
trailers. Maximum noseweight:
ments available from Porsche
100 kg.
Tequipment, e.g. ski holders
Automatic rear lid.
and roof boxes. All load-carrying
components are made of alumin-
An automatic rear lid with
ium. Maximum payload: 75 kg.
­customisable opening angle is
available as an option. It closes
automatically when the button
on the rear lid itself is pressed
and opens in response to
the dedicated button on the key
remote and in the interior.
Electrically extending towbar system
· 128 ·
· 129 ·
Panamera 4S
· 130 ·
Standard interior colours.
Standard colours: leather interior.
Two-tone combinations: leather interior.
Natural leather interior.
soft-touch paint.
Leather/soft-touch paint.
Leather/soft-touch paint.
Leather/soft-touch paint.
Platinum Grey*
Platinum Grey
Platinum Grey*
Black and Platinum Grey
Platinum Grey
Platinum Grey*
Natural Espresso
Platinum Grey
Platinum Grey
Platinum Grey
Platinum Grey
Platinum Grey
Platinum Grey
Platinum Grey
Luxor Beige and Cream
Natural Cognac
Two-tone combination: natural leather interior.
Luxor Beige
Luxor Beige
Luxor Beige
Luxor Beige
Luxor Beige
Luxor Beige
Yachting Blue
Yachting Blue
Platinum Grey
Yachting Blue and Cream
Leather/soft-touch paint.
Natural Cognac and Cedar
* In Black when selected in conjunction with rooflining in Alcantara (standard in the Panamera Turbo).
· 131 ·
· 132 ·
· 133 ·
· 134 ·
Personality | Colours
Using the Porsche Car
Solid exterior colours.
Metallic exterior colours.
Special exterior colours.
Carrara White
Basalt Black Metallic
Dark Blue Metallic
Luxor Beige Metallic
GT Silver Metallic
Cognac Metallic
Platinum Silver Metallic
Yachting Blue Metallic
Mahogany Metallic
Aqua Blue Metallic
Amethyst Metallic
Carbon Grey Metallic
Jet Green Metallic
Ruby Red Metallic
Topaz Brown Metallic
Take control and design your
­Configurator at, very own Panamera model.
you can see how the ­available
Inside and out.
colours would look on your car,
not only on the ­exterior, but in
the interior, too.
Crystal Green Metallic
Panamera Turbo
· 135 ·
· 136 ·
· 137 ·
Personality | Personalisation
Even if you set off without a particular destination in mind,
the journey makes the trip worthwhile.
Interior packages.
Wood, carbon, aluminium.
Walnut (standard in Panamera Turbo)*
Anthracite birch*
Natural olive
The standard specification of the
You will find more detailed
the factory through Porsche
new Panamera may be second to
­information on the following
Exclusive, or why not consider
none, but Porsche still gives you
pages and in the separate
our range of aftermarket
the opportunity to personalise
price list.
­accessories from Porsche
your car to your own taste. There
Brushed aluminium
­Tequipment. You will find plenty
is a comprehensive range of
These are not the only ways to
of inspiring ideas in all the
­individual items and equipment
style your Panamera to your
­relevant catalogues and your
packages to choose from. For
­personal preference. How about
­Porsche Centre will be happy
both the exterior and interior.
personalisation of your car at
to advise you.
* Also available on steering wheel.
· 138 ·
· 139 ·
Panamera S
Panamera 4S
Panamera Turbo
Personality | Personalisation
I no.
• M etallic paint
• Special colours
orsche Entry & Drive
• Adaptive light system
• Deletion of model designation
arkAssist (front and rear)
118, 141
• Reversing camera with dynamic guidelines
• Privacy glazing
• T hermally and noise insulating glass
• T hermally and noise insulating glass including privacy glazing
• Electric slide/tilt glass sunroof
120, 141
• Rear wiper
118, 141
• Roof transport system
• Automatic rear lid
• Electrically extending towbar system*
Slide/tilt sunroof
ParkAssist front
The vehicles illustrated in the chapter on personalisation may include additional options not featured in this catalogue.
For information on these options, please consult your Porsche Centre.
For more information on the options featured in this catalogue, please refer to the separate price list.
· 140 ·
Rear wiper
* Maximum trailer load 2,200 kg (braked)/750 kg (unbraked), maximum noseweight 100 kg.
not available
extra-cost option
standard equipment
· 141 ·
available at no extra cost
Panamera S
Panamera 4S
Panamera Turbo
I no.
• Porsche Doppelkupplung (PDK) with auto start/stop function
• Porsche Ceramic Composite Brake (PCCB)
84, 142
• Adaptive air suspension
• Porsche Dynamic Chassis Control (PDCC) with
• Servotronic
• Sport Chrono Package Plus
72, 142
• Sport Chrono Package Turbo
72, 142
• Sports exhaust system
48, 142
Engine, transmission and chassis.
electronically regulated rear differential lock
Sport Chrono Package
Porsche Ceramic Composite Brake (PCCB)
Sports exhaust system
The vehicles illustrated in the chapter on personalisation may include additional options not featured in this catalogue.
For information on these options, please consult your Porsche Centre.
For more information on the options featured in this catalogue, please refer to the separate price list.
· 142 ·
not available
extra-cost option
standard equipment
· 143 ·
available at no extra cost
Panamera S
Panamera 4S
Panamera Turbo
Personality | Personalisation
I no.
• 19-inch Panamera Turbo wheels
• 19-inch Panamera Design wheels
• 20-inch RS Spyder Design wheels
heel centres with full-colour Porsche Crest
100, 145
• Interior lights package for rear compartment
• T hree-spoke multifunction steering wheel
• H eated steering wheel
omeLink ®
(programmable garage door opener)
19-inch Panamera Turbo wheel
19-inch Panamera Design wheel
20-inch RS Spyder Design wheel
Rear interior lighting package
The vehicles illustrated in the chapter on personalisation may include additional options not featured in this catalogue.
For information on these options, please consult your Porsche Centre.
For more information on the options featured in this catalogue, please refer to the separate price list.
· 144 ·
not available
extra-cost option
standard equipment
· 145 ·
available at no extra cost
Panamera S
Panamera 4S
Panamera Turbo
I no.
• 14-way power seats with memory package
• Adaptive sports seats with memory package
• 8 -way power seats (rear)
• 8 -way power seats (rear) with comfort headrests
• 8 -way power seats (rear) (in conjunction with large centre console)
• 8 -way power seats (rear) with comfort headrests
• 8 -way power seats (rear) (in conjunction with adaptive sports seats)
daptive cruise control
Adaptive cruise control
14-way power seats with memory package
• Driver memory package
(in conjunction with large centre console)
ide airbags in the rear compartment
eated seats front and rear
eat ventilation front
eat ventilation front and rear
• ISOFIX child seat mounting points on front passenger seat
• Fixed luggage compartment cover
• Ski bag
• Floor mats
8-way power seats (rear) with seat ventilation and comfort headrests, large centre console in the rear compartment
The vehicles illustrated in the chapter on personalisation may include additional options not featured in this catalogue.
For information on these options, please consult your Porsche Centre.
For more information on the options featured in this catalogue, please refer to the separate price list.
· 146 ·
not available
extra-cost option
standard equipment
· 147 ·
available at no extra cost
Panamera S
Panamera 4S
Panamera Turbo
Personality | Personalisation
I no.
• Four-zone climate control
• Fire extinguisher
arge centre console in the rear compartment1
100, 146
lectric roll-up sunblind for behind the rear compartment
101, 127
• Roll-up sunblind for the rear side windows
wo fold-out cupholders above glove compartment
• Preparation for vehicle tracking system
149, 152
• Soft ruffled leather on seats, embossed
• Soft ruffled leather on seats, smooth
• Rooflining in Alcantara
Interior: leather.
• Panamera leather interior
– in standard colour
– in two-tone combination
– in natural leather
– in two-tone combination natural leather
Four-zone climate control
Interior in two-tone combination (Yachting Blue/Cream) with other optional equipment
Available from 11/2009 at the earliest.
The vehicles illustrated in the chapter on personalisation may include additional options not featured in this catalogue.
For information on these options, please consult your Porsche Centre.
For more information on the options featured in this catalogue, please refer to the separate price list.
· 148 ·
not available
extra-cost option
standard equipment
· 149 ·
available at no extra cost
Panamera S
Panamera 4S
Panamera Turbo
Personality | Personalisation
I no.
• Walnut interior package
• Heated three-spoke multifunction steering wheel in walnut
• Tineo interior package
• Heated three-spoke multifunction steering wheel in tineo
• Anthracite birch interior package
• Heated three-spoke multifunction steering wheel in anthracite birch
• Carbon interior package
• Heated three-spoke multifunction steering wheel in carbon
• Brushed aluminium interior package
• Additional door sill guards in brushed aluminium
Walnut interior.
Tineo interior.
Anthracite birch interior.
Natural olive interior.
• Interior package in natural olive
Interior package in anthracite birch with other optional equipment
Interior package in carbon with other optional equipment
Interior package in natural olive with other optional equipment
Interior package in aluminium with other optional equipment
Carbon interior.
Aluminium interior.
The vehicles illustrated in the chapter on personalisation may include additional options not featured in this catalogue.
For information on these options, please consult your Porsche Centre.
For more information on the options featured in this catalogue, please refer to the separate price list.
· 150 ·
not available
extra-cost option
standard equipment
· 151 ·
available at no extra cost
· 152 ·
Panamera 4S
Panamera Turbo
Personality | Personalisation
Panamera S
Personality | Personalisation
I no.
Audio and communication options for vehicles with CDR-31 audio system.
• M obile phone preparation1, 2
Surround Sound System
• Burmester ® High-End Surround Sound System
• Porsche Rear Seat Entertainment
• Universal audio interface (AUX-in port)
• Porsche Communication Management (PCM) with navigation module
• Electronic logbook
• Voice control system
• TV tuner
• Telephone module with cordless handset 1, 2
• Additional charging cradle for active handset in the rear compartment4
• Mobile phone preparation 1, 2
• Six-disc CD
Audio and communication options for vehicles with PCM.
Interior package in walnut with other optional equipment
BOSE® Surround Sound System
For information on compatible mobile phones, please contact your Porsche Centre or visit
phone preparation or telephone module with cordless handset in HFP mode: The use of a mobile phone inside a car may cause an
increase in the interior electromagnetic field strength and, accordingly, in the electromagnetic radiation to which passengers are exposed
(within the permissible limit values for mobile phones). If a cradle is used to mount the mobile phone, the field strength in the passenger
compartment can be reduced because the phone can be connected up to the external aerial (feature depends on how specific mobile
phones connect to the cradle). For information about the availability of a cradle for your mobile phone (only in conjunction with mobile
phone preparation), please contact your Porsche Centre. The use of the telephone module for PCM via Bluetooth ® SAP connection or with
inserted SIM card helps to prevent exposure to electromagnetic radiation as only the car’s external aerial is ever used.
3May be incompatible with some copy-protected CDs.
4Available from 11/2009 at the earliest.
Interior package in tineo with other optional equipment
not available
extra-cost option
standard equipment
· 153 ·
available at no extra cost
The vehicles illustrated in the chapter on personalisation may include additional options not featured in this catalogue.
For information on these options, please consult your Porsche Centre.
For more information on the options featured in this catalogue, please refer to the separate price list.
· 154 ·
Porsche Rear Seat Entertainment
not available
extra-cost option
standard equipment
· 155 ·
available at no extra cost
Panamera S
Panamera 4S
Panamera Turbo
Personality | Personalisation
I no.
Audio and communication options for vehicles with PCM.
• Porsche Rear Seat Entertainment
• Burmester ® High-End Surround Sound System
• Six-disc CD/DVD autochanger
Surround Sound System
• U niversal audio interface (AUX-interface,
iPod ®,
USB ports)
Porsche Exclusive
Let your car reflect
Aesthetically and technically,
Either your Porsche Centre or the
your ­character.
inside and outside, using fine
customer centre in Zuffenhausen
materials and with customary
(tel. +49 (0)711 911-25332) will
Porsche quality.
be happy to answer any questions
With the range of options featured
in this catalogue, you can make
Burmester ® High End Surround Sound System
about Porsche Exclusive that
your Porsche even more special.
Our overriding principle? That
you may have. Please note that
Introducing Porsche Exclusive.
your car is uniquely handcrafted
delivery times may be extended
Have your vehicle individually and
to your taste. You will find a
for certain Porsche Exclusive
exclusively tailored to your wishes
wide range of design options in
even before it leaves the factory.
the separate Porsche Exclusive
Panamera catalogue.
The vehicles illustrated in the chapter on personalisation may include additional options not featured in this catalogue.
For information on these options, please consult your Porsche Centre.
For more information on the options featured in this catalogue, please refer to the separate price list.
· 156 ·
· 157 ·
Factory collection
The relationship with your new Panamera begins before you’ve even seen it.
Factory collection.
Come and collect your new
­in-depth look behind the scenes.
accompanying you into the track
­Panamera directly from the
Then, it’s on to a voyage of
control centre for a spectacular
­Porsche factory in which it was
­discovery through the customer
view of what’s going on out on the
made, and enjoy a nearly five-
centre. Here, we will introduce
test track. A three-course meal
hour experience in the fascinating
you not only to the history of
in our restaurant is also included.
world of Porsche. As part of
­Porsche but also to the latest
a ­factory tour, you’ll have an
vehicles in our range before
The highlight of your factory
one of our motorsport profession-
­collection is still to come. An
als, who will take this opportunity
experienced Porsche instructor
to explain the relevant controls
will explain all the finer details
in the vehicle and teach you some
about your vehicle on the factor­y ’s
useful tips and tricks.
own test track. And that’s
when your sporty experience
The end of your experience day,
really begins, because now you
which, incidentally, you can
can take your seat behind the
share with up to two companions,
wheel of one of our Panamera
culminates in the handover
models. Follow the ideal line along
of your vehicle. Fully fuelled, and
our on-road circuit. Race down
ready to go, of course.
the straights, steer hard into the
­hairpins and weave your way
through the chicanes – always
under the expert supervision of
· 158 ·
· 159 ·
Porsche Centres
Porsche Assistance
Porsche Financial Services
Porsche Exclusive
Porsche Tequipment
Porsche Design
Your Porsche Centre can assist you
Enjoy peace of mind with our
Our innovative suite of financial
Realise your vision of the perfect
Personalise your Porsche at any
Driver’s Selection
with every aspect of purchasing
exclusive breakdown and accident
services is specially tailored
Porsche with our factory custom-
time after purchase with the
With products ranging from
and owning your Porsche. You will
recovery service. Membership is
to the needs of Porsche owners.
isation programme. From styling
Tequipment range of approved
fashion and accessories to
also find a wide range of products
free when you buy a new Porsche.
Products range from attractive
enhancements to performance
accessories. Designed exclusively
tailored luggage, this unique
and services, including genuine
finance and leasing options
upgrades, all modifications are
for your car, every product is fully
collection combines quality and
Porsche parts and accessories.
to vehicle insurance and the
uniquely handcrafted for your
style with everyday practicality.
Porsche Card.
Porsche Online
For all the latest news and
information from Porsche,
go to
Porsche Used Car Programme
Porsche Classic
Porsche Clubs
Porsche Driving Experience
2. Porsche Sport Driving School.
Porsche Approved is the simple
Your specialist source for genuine
Our bi-monthly magazine for
Since the first Porsche Club
1. Porsche Travel Club.
Develop your skill and explore your
way to find the perfect pre-owned
Porsche parts and technical docu-
Porsche owners has news,
was founded in 1952, their
Exclusive driving holidays and
Porsche with the Porsche Sport
Porsche, anywhere in the world.
mentation as well as servicing,
interviews and a wide variety
number has grown to 607 with
incentive ideas combining
Driving School. To learn about
Every car is rigorously tested
repair and restoration for all types
of features from throughout
a total of 120,000 members
luxury and adventure, worldwide.
events at some of the world’s
and comes with a comprehensive
of classic Porsche. Find out more
the world of Porsche.
worldwide. To find out more,
To find out more, call
most famous racing venues,
vehicle warranty.
call +49 (0)711 911-78307 or
+49 (0)711 911-78155.
call +49 (0)711 911-78683.
go to
Ask your Porsche Centre for the latest brochures from Porsche Exclusive, Porsche Tequipment, Porsche Design Driver’s Selection
and the Porsche Driving Experience.
· 160 ·
· 161 ·
Four doors. Four seats. Sportscar technology for four. With luggage
and without compromise. This is our contribution to the premium
class. Or more precisely, to driving in the premium class. We’ve
­d iscovered that some extra sporty dynamics wouldn’t go amiss.
The new Panamera.
· 162 ·
· 163 ·
Technical data
Technical data.
Panamera S
Panamera 4S
Panamera Turbo
Max. power (DIN)
294 kW (400 hp)
294 kW (400 hp)
368 kW (500 hp)
at rpm
Max. torque
500 Nm
500 Nm
700 Nm
at rpm
Compression ratio
Rear-wheel drive
All-wheel drive
All-wheel drive
Manual gearbox (6-speed)
PDK (7-speed)
Fully independent large-format double
Fully independent large-format double
Fully independent large-format double
wishbone suspension
wishbone suspension
wishbone suspension
Rear axle
Fully independent multi-link suspension
Fully independent multi-link suspension
Fully independent multi-link suspension
Power-assisted (hydraulic)
Power-assisted (hydraulic)
Power-assisted (hydraulic)
Turning circle
Six-piston aluminium monobloc fixed calipers at front,
Six-piston aluminium monobloc fixed calipers at front,
Six-piston aluminium monobloc fixed calipers at front,
four-piston aluminium monobloc brakes at rear,
four-piston aluminium monobloc brakes at rear,
four-piston aluminium monobloc brakes at rear,
internally vented discs, ABS
internally vented discs, ABS
internally vented discs, ABS
4,806 cm3
Front axle
8 J x 18 ET 59
8 J x 18 ET 59
9 J x 19 ET 60
9 J x 18 ET 53
9 J x 18 ET 53
10 J x 19 ET 61
245/50 ZR 18
245/50 ZR 18
255/45 ZR 19
275/45 ZR 18
275/45 ZR 18
285/40 ZR 19
Final data was not available at the time of going to print.
Some items of equipment featured on or in the vehicles in this catalogue are available as extra-cost options only.
All information regarding construction, features, design, performance, dimensions, weights, fuel consumption and
running costs is correct at the time of going to print. Subject to change without notice.
· 164 ·
· 165 ·
Technical data
Panamera S
Panamera 4S
Panamera Turbo
Unladen weight (DIN)
1,770 kg/1,800 kg
1,860 kg
1,970 kg
1,845 kg/1,875 kg
1,935 kg
2,045 kg
Permissible gross weight
2,375 kg/2,405 kg
2,440 kg
2,500 kg
Maximum payload
605 kg/605 kg
580 kg
530 kg
Top speed
285 km/h (177 mph)/283 km/h (176 mph)
282 km/h
303 km/h
0–100 km/h (0–62 mph)
5.6 s/5.4 s
5.0 s
4.2 s
0–100 km/h (0–62 mph) with Sport Chrono Package Plus
5.6 s/5.2 s
4.8 s
4.0 s
Flexibility 80–120 km/h (50–75 mph)
7.0 s/6.1 s
6.3 s
Fuel consumption/emissions2
Urban in l/100 km (mpg)
18.8 (15.0)/16.0 (17.7)
16.4 (17.2)
18.0 (15.7)
Extra urban in l/100 km (mpg)
8.9 (31.7)/7.9 (35.8)
8.1 (34.9)
8.9 (31.7)
Combined in l/100 km (mpg)
12.5 (22.6)/10.8 (26.2)
11.1 (25.4)
12.2 (23.2)
CO2 emissions in g/km
4,970 mm
4,970 mm
4,970 mm
Width (including exterior mirrors)
1,931 mm (2,114 mm)
1,931 mm (2,114 mm)
1,931 mm (2,114 mm)
1,418 mm
1,418 mm
1,418 mm
2,920 mm
2,920 mm
2,920 mm
Luggage compartment volume (VDA)
445 litres
445 litres
432 litres
1,263 litres
1,263 litres
1,250 litres
100 litres/15 litres
100 litres/15 litres
Unladen weight
with rear seats folded down
(German Car Manufacturers’ Assoc.)
Fuel capacity (refill volume)
80 litres/15 litres
Final data was not available at the time of going to print.
Some items of equipment featured on or in the vehicles in this catalogue are available as extra-cost options only.
All information regarding construction, features, design, performance, dimensions, weights, fuel consumption and
running costs is correct at the time of going to print. Subject to change without notice.
· 166 ·
is calculated in accordance with the relevant EC Directives and is valid for vehicles with standard specification only.
Optional equipment increases this figure. The figure given includes 68 kg for the driver and 7 kg for luggage.
2 The latest Porsche models are designed to operate on fuels with an ethanol content of up to 10%.
Data determined for standard specification and in the NEDC (New European Driving Cycle) in accordance with the Euro 5 (715/2007/EC
and 692/2008/EC) measurement method. The figures do not refer to an individual vehicle nor do they constitute part of the offer.
They are intended solely as a means of comparing different types of vehicle. You can obtain further information about individual vehicles
from your Porsche Centre. No officially verified values were available at the time of going to print.
· 167 ·
ParkAssist D
Direct fuel injection (DFI) 46
Parking brake, electric Interior 26, 131
Interior lights Active bonnet system
Adaptive air suspension 66
Electronic engine
Adaptive cruise control 120
management system
Recycling ­Management (PASM)
Porsche Ceramic Composite
Emission Control
Levelling system
Brake (PCCB) Engineered safety design
Light-alloy construction 87
Porsche Communication
All-wheel drive 58
Engines 40
Lights 78
­Management (PCM)
Environment 90
Loading options
Porsche Doppelkupplung
Luggage compartment 124
Exhaust system 48
Exhaust turbocharging 48
Axle concept 62
Exterior 22, 136
Manual gearbox B
BOSE® Surround
Factory collection Sound System 112
Burmester ®
MP3 Fuel system 158
GPS navigation system 108
CD/DVD autochanger
Headlight cleaning system 78
Headlights 78
Chassis 60
Heat-insulating glass Child seats 107
Oil supply Ceramic brake 103, 104
Height adjustment
Climate control 116
Colours 130
garage door opener) Cruise control 120
Chassis Control (PDCC) 68
Porsche Entry & Drive 122
Porsche Rear Seat
­Entertainment 110
On-board computer 102
Management (PTM) Power output Privacy glazing Safety 78
Seats 102
Servotronic 63
Slide/tilt sunroof Sport button 44, 72
Sport Chrono Packages
Sports exhaust system 48
Steering 63
41, 42
Technical data 164
Touchscreen 106
Towbar system 120
Transmission TV tuner
Tyre Pressure Monitoring
(TPM) 63
· 168 ·
Porsche Traction
V8 engines 41
VarioCam Plus
Vehicle tracking system 123
Voice control system 108
Porsche Stability
Management (PSM) 129
Protection System (POSIP)
101, 127
Universal audio interface
Porsche Side Impact
107, 110
Multifunction steering wheel 98
Surround Sound System
Roll-up sunblind 119
Roof transport systems Porsche Dynamic
Reversing camera 64
Launch Control 80
106, 154
Auto start/stop function 118
Personalisation 88
Audio systems Rain sensor Rear lid Porsche Active Suspension
Airbags 123
Radio Payload Adaptive light system Anti-theft protection 118
· 169 ·
Water-repellent side
windows Wheels 117
63, 144
The models featured in this
Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG supports
­publi­cation are approved for road
the use of paper from sustainable
use in Germany. Some items of
forests. The paper for this bro-
equipment are available as extra-
chure is certified in accordance
cost options only. The availability
with the strict regulations of the
of models and options may vary
PEFC (Program for the Endorse-
from market to market due to
ment of Forest Certification).
local restrictions and regulations.
For information on standard and
Porsche, the Porsche Crest,
optional equipment, please consult
­Panamera, PCCB, PDK,
your Porsche Centre. All infor­
PSM and ­Tequipment are
mation regarding construction,
­registered ­t rademarks of
features, design, performance,
Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG.
dimensions, weight, fuel consumption and running costs is correct
Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG
at the time of going to print.
Porscheplatz 1
­Porsche reserves the right to alter
70435 Stuttgart
specifications and other product
information without prior notice.
Colours may differ from those
­illustrated. Errors and omissions
Edition: 12/08
Printed in Germany
WSLP1001000520 GB/WW
© Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG, 2009
All text, illustrations and other
­information in this publication
are subject to the copyright of
Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG. Any
reproduction, duplication or
other use is prohibited without
the prior written consent of
Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG.