PROJECT OURSPACE Phone: 07-38813310 Fax: 07-38813306 Website: Email: 10 Leanne Crescent Lawton, Brisbane QLD 4501 PO Box 2107 Strathpine QLD 4500 PROJECT OURSPACE Project Ourspace is an integrated community based concept developed by the Spectrum Organization founded on many years of experience in the community service, employment, counseling, recreation, health and fitness and disability fields. Following is a concept document outlining our vision for this project. The project: To create a service that can offer a truly holistic model of service delivery to meet the needs of the local community. It has become apparent that there are many gaps in service provision in our local area which render many current services less effective than they should be. Our experience with the community, particularly with disadvantaged groups, has led us to the conclusion that there are significant social and economic benefits to be gained through the establishment of a ‘one stop shop’ of community services. The goal would be to engage the services of several service operators and provide this from the one, easily accessible, suitably constructed location. The service model would be dynamic and have the flexibility to adapt to the needs of the individual in addition to addressing identified gaps in service provision in a prompt and effective manner. The people: The Need: Project Ourspace is community focused in its design and will not discriminate or specialize regarding its client base. It is our aim to create a service that is inclusive, involving any needy members of the community and will deliver services in a manner that promotes collaboration rather than segregation. As a community service Spectrum is inundated with people from all sectors of our local community who are literally crying out for help. Each day we turn away people who we can simply not accommodate. While at times we offer very short term counseling and services (unfunded), we can not even come close to meeting the need. There are many groups that are defined as disadvantaged within our local area including: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. People with a disability Youth Non English speaking back ground Indigenous Australians Seniors While Spectrum has experience in working with each of these populations and understands the unique barriers and difficulties faced by each, specialist services focused on the specific groups can discourage inclusive practices. It is our aim to use our specialist skills and experience to work with people as individuals and generic groups representative of the local population to model and foster a collaborative community. The support we offer is merely a ‘band aid’ approach and while people may receive some relief in their current crisis, no long-term benefit is achieved and our resources are exhausted. For any real, long-term solution to occur we need a more intensive, flexible, holistic approach. Currently our region of Pine Rivers, Brisbane North, Caboolture and Redcliffe is completely devoid of any providers offering the range of services and model of delivery that we are proposing. The region has an array of serious issues such as drug/ ice problems, homeless issues, domestic violence, unemployment, lack of training and a lack of programs that address: coping skills and basic life skills and parenting issues. PROJECT OURSPACE The Facility: The Staff: Project Ourspace is a newly constructed building purpose built to house the following: To provide the high quality and range of services we are proposing it is essential to engage suitably experienced and committed staff. We estimate the standard staffing arrangement to be: 1.Computer room and access to the internet 2.Training rooms for a variety of specific life/work skills 3. Lounge area 4. Counseling rooms 5.Professional rooms for visiting pro bono professional volunteers (ie. Solicitor/Doctor) 6. Open space 7. Recreation room The building would be constructed on the same premises as the existing Spectrum services. This will assist with the on-site availability of: • • • • a dditional services including employment, training, fitness and recreation professional support staff appropriate security the community The Spectrum Community Centre is already an established part of this local community with approximately 800 community members already accessing the organization for training, employment, counseling, recreation and fitness. The relationship between Project Ourspace and the existing Spectrum services would be complementary for all involved. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 1112111- Full Manager Psychologist Accredited Trainer Rehab Counselors / Support Staff Social Worker Employment Officer Administrative Support Officer The services of visiting professionals including solicitors and doctors would also be engaged. The Program: Individuals would agree to come on the program. There is currently no shortage of likely candidates in the local area. Each participant would sign an agreed contract to attend specific services that the centre delivers. Each person would have an agreed time frame depending on his/her needs. This program may consist of training programs in life skills, work skills, developing coping skills, self esteem programs, nutritional advice, health matters, counseling, legal matters, goal setting, drug and alcohol substance abuse issues ect. To ensure equitable service delivery to those in greatest need of support and most willing to commit to engaging in the program, there would be a commitment on the part of the client to attend a range of the centre services or risk being exited from the program. Clients in urgent need would be able to access assistance immediately, without having to wait weeks or even months to access services. Staffing would be stable to assist in engaging the trust of clients and providing continuity in service. The Ourspace premises would be available for structured training and support programs in addition to a drop-in centre for companionship, support, engagement and specialist services. Clients could use the centre to job search, a place to be safe, a place to be rehabilitated and a place to address their particular situation. The centre would have links also with medical professionals and legal professionals. Support staff would accompany the clients when necessary to attend appointments in relation to court matters, medical issues, employment interviews ect. Unless we change the way we are doing things, our communities will continue to bend under the stress of growing needs for community-based assistance. We are seeking assistance to provide a much needed service using the most appropriate model of delivery. To assisting our community to help itself, we will provide a safe, supportive environment where service users can build a trusting relationship with the service. At the same time we will be providing the clients with services that meet their individual needs and engaging them in the community that supports them. What we need to make it work: Recurrent Funding of: $942,800 per annum Non Recurrent: Construction Costs: $650,000 Spectrum to contribute 50% Total clients we could assist: would be 90 people per annum Estimated: cost per person of: $6,000 Case Studies: These cases are real and have occurred over the last 2 weeks. People present to our service on a regular basis unfortunately we do not have the resources to handle these reoccurring issues. Client A: Client “A” presented with his mother to our service. He is a drug user aged 22 years. He is currently taking the drug referred to as ICE; he is also currently using speed and other prohibited substances. He isn’t working, can not access services, is violent and his mother does not want him living in her house. He supports his habit by stealing. He has a criminal record for drug use, stealing and violence. He is not ready for employment and can not find any accommodation. He has been evicted from his friend’s house. He needs counseling which we can not provide as we are already over taxed. He has no money. Support services are not available in the area and he is told he has to wait. He has low self esteem and a poor image of himself. He needs help now. His mother also needs assistance. Client B: Client “B” presented to our service for an initial interview for employment. Client “B“is a female aged 38 years, recently divorced and is currently homeless. No fixed address. In the initial interview for employment assistance she appeared unstable and suffers from depression and a psychiatric condition. She informed our employment officer that she was going to commit suicide when she left our office. We believe this threat was real. We tried to talk with her however she left our premises heading to her previous home where her ex husband lived. We did not have any right to detain her and simply reported the incident to the police. The woman concerned is not ready for employment and as our service currently exists we have no facility or resources to address this situation. Client C: Client “C “walked in off the street, she was in desperate need of some assistance. She refused to leave until she saw someone. She had been shunted from service to service and could not afford counseling from commercial counseling operators. She was a young woman who prostituted herself to support a drug habit. She was confused about her sexuality and was raped at the age of 14 by a group of young boys at her school. She never reported the incident and had not sought help. She started taking drugs at the age of 15 years. She has a criminal record for stealing and solicitation. She lives on the streets. She was not registered with Centrelink. Client D : Client “D” presented as a referral from a government agency for training and development of life skills and employment. She is 19years old and homeless. She moves between various ‘friends’ residences and periods on the street or with people she has met. Life skills programs are difficult to implement due to many factors including: difficulty maintaining contact, shortage of highly skilled staff to support her off site, and a suspected underlying psychiatric condition which is yet to be investigated. There are also a range of issues which remain unaddressed due to the lack of suitable services which are of a higher priority to the development of life skills and employment. These issues include: Ongoing health issues, mental health issues, homelessness, abuse, unsafe sexually promiscuous behaviour, unplanned pregnancy etc. This client is extremely vulnerable and requires assistance to access the services of doctors, mental health professionals and legal advice. She has been beaten and taken advantage of sexually on numerous occasions due to her unstable and unsafe lifestyle. When attempts have been made to engage other services she has been reluctant to talk to new ‘professionals’ and often lies to them. She requires a service provider that can be fully aware of her complex situation and earn her trust. Client E: Client “E” was being maintained in employment by our service. He is a middle aged man with schizophrenia and a suspected mild intellectual impairment. His personal situation had been stressful for some time with numerous relationship issues and custody disputes regarding his two young children. He informed his support worker that he had been looking for counseling but was unable to afford the prices and couldn’t get in to see anyone outside of work hours for several weeks. He requested our help. Within two days, before we were able to arrange something for him, he became stressed in the workplace, started altercation with his employer and a few coworkers and was terminated from his position. He calls frequently requesting our assistance because he needs ongoing counseling from an appropriate professional. He also has difficulty understanding what his lawyer tells him and what he needs to do to correctly follow the court’s directions regarding his children. He is still unemployed and finding another position that is appropriate to his limited skill base, where the employer will understand his disabilities and personal situation is going to be difficult. Client F: Client F is seeking employment with the assistance of our service. When she came in for an appointment she told one of the staff that she wanted to be dead and that there was nothing left for her in this life. Fortunately one of our counselors was able to speak with her immediately and any potential crisis was averted. She is a middle aged woman with a physical disability and has had ongoing (5years) difficulties with depression. Her GP has prescribed medications which she has taken on and off but has never had any formal counseling. She has no goals for the future, no job, no family, few friends and is at risk of homelessness due to her dire financial situation. Client G: Client G is a member of the local community. He is 31years old, gainfully employed and has a wife and two children. He phoned our counseling service in great distress. He and his wife needed to speak with someone, for counseling, as soon as possible, that the situation at home was in crisis and he suspected that his wife was experiencing a mental illness. His attempts to obtain an appointment with numerous services had been unsuccessful due to extended waiting times. The best timeframe he had been given was 4weeks with a possibility of something sooner should there be a cancellation. We were able to offer an appointment 8days from the time of his call. We suggested the 24hour hotlines in the meantime, should the situation become more desperate and he advised that they had already tried this but were uncomfortable talking to someone they couldn’t see. Area Needs Analysis Aim: The purpose of this analysis was to gauge the level of unmet need for community service provision within the region accessible to the Moreton Bay Regional Council residents. This analysis will draw feedback from NGOs operating in the area from Brisbane City to Caboolture. arrangements for people with high support needs that have no individual funding, domestic assistance (aged and disability), accessible and affordable basic health services, transport assistance. • Sample Profile: 92 community service providers from the Pine Rivers Shire Council Community Directory were identified. Government Departments and Services were excluded from the sample. The services that responded provided a reasonable cross section of geographical region and service type. Method: A survey was designed to address the particular points of interest or concern relating to this analysis. The data generated was both qualitative in nature to allow participants to respond freely to open questions and quantitative to give defined measurements. A copy of the survey utilized is attached. • • • Results: As expected with such a variety of service models, responses varied on some questions. • • • ll services indicated that they have identified a A level of unmet need in the local area. Half of the services reported difficulty sourcing options for people that require referral and the issue of waiting periods for other services was cited by 90% of the services surveyed. Waiting periods varied from 1day to 12months A wide variety of service types were identified as lacking including respite (aged and disability), affordable accommodation, crisis accommodation for families, interventions, therapy and support for children with autism and their families, after school care for children with disabilities, weekend respite for carers, affordable long term support options for survivors of sexual violence, housing assistance, free counseling, live in respite options, family networking support, block funding • • • s immediate needs services listed increased A funds for capital works, service expansion and improved working conditions and wages for service employees in addition to individual services. Services varied in their opinion as the most pressing issue the community is currently facing but most identified an unmet need of some description. 70% of services believed that they were not receiving adequate funding to provide the necessary services. 90% of services reported issues with staffing relating to having the capacity to provide appropriate remuneration to retain them, difficulty identifying and attracting suitably qualified and experienced staff and difficulty competing with government and ‘for-profit’ providers in pay and conditions for staff. 60% of providers listed factors including poor pay, burnout and lack of resources as the main reasons for their staff leaving while others referred to career changes and a desire for fulltime, stable employment. 40% of providers each recorded turning between 3 and 15 people away each week while other services reported none or onward referral. Suggestions for improvement centered mainly around improved and increased funding arrangements allowing providers to expand and service more people. The need for improved conditions and remuneration for staff was recorded by most with particular reference by some to the growing need for professionalization of our organizations and the failure of government funding to keep pace with these changes. Conclusion: There is clear evidence that a level of unmet need exists within our community and that the specifics of this need varies, covering a vast range of service types. This provides evidence for our assertion that services should be multifaceted and flexible to the needs of their current and potential clients as well as adaptable to the changing demands for various service types. A couple of the surveys also mentioned issues associated with eligibility criteria. This issue is a potential minefield for people seeking a service. Not only do they have to find someone who can provide the service they need, ensure availability/vacancy and access the service, but they must also withstand measurement against the eligibility criteria. For someone with limited coping skills and support networks, particularly when literacy or socialization are an issue, this can easily make the whole business of seeking help just too hard. A flexible, single site, multifaceted service model would address these barriers. It also seems clear that government and industry together need to evaluate and address the situation arising in NGOs. NGOs perform a valuable role in the community and deliver cost effective services for governments. The process of evaluating the adequacy of funding for such services should however be an ongoing one and it seems clear that the situation has now become dire. NGO staff are often expected to work longer hours for less money and with less benefits like higher super and paid maternity leave, than they would receive should they work in similar positions for government or ‘for-profit’ businesses. In order for NGOs to continue to perform effectively they need to be equipped to provide appropriate remuneration and competitive conditions to their employees. NGOs need to be appropriately resourced with both staff and materials to perform effectively and thereby make best use of available government funds and avoid disempowerment and disenchantment among staff. Professional qualifications and experience are becoming ever more crucial for service staff and NGOs need the appropriate resources to attract and retain such personnel. The findings of this survey support our proposal to retain a multidisciplinary team to provide services from a single site. This would ensure that staff with the necessary professional qualifications and experience would be there to provide support and guidance to clients and other staff. The aim would be to avoid situations where staff may feel unsupported or out of their depth with a presenting client and ensure that all clients get a professional standard of service without having to access several different providers. Overall, there is much evidence, both qualitative and quantitative, from this needs analysis to support the consideration of a new model of service funding and delivery. Budget For: Ourspace Staffing: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 1112111- Full time Manager Psychologist Accredited Trainer with broad skill base Rehab Counselors / Support Staff Social Worker Employment Officer Administrative Support Officer Expenses: $12,000 Stationary / Printing: $55,000 Mobile Phones: Electricity: $6,500 $20,000 Rates: $7,000 Security: $1,500 Professional Fees: $54,000 (audits, seek ltd, D.Unwin, Wages total: Wages total: Super@9%: Work Cover: Holiday Loading @17.5%: Telephone: interpreters, other professionals etc.) $ 480,000 $ 43,000 $ 2,600 $6,500 Motor Vehicle Expenses: Prof Memberships $1,000 Government Fees: $2,000 Banking Fees: $3,000 Travel/Tolls/Parking: (7 Motor Vehicles) Postage: Currently spending approximately: • Fuel per year $36,000 • Registration $5,000 • Maintenance $5,000 • Insurances $4,000 • Replacement $ 66,000 $23,000 $5,000 Computers/Kent: $25,000 Training/Professional development: $16,000 Public Relations: $30,000 (advertising/marketing/information distribution/community liaison) Insurances • • • • Business Insurance Machinery Breakdown Professional Indemnity Public Liability $6,000 $3,000 $4,500 $1,200 Maintenance –Buildings: $6,000 Maintenance – Grounds: $10,000 Cleaning: TOTAL: $3,000 $942,800 Facility Floor Plan Our Current Facility This site is home to the Spectrum Community Centre, a facility well known in the area for providing services to all in the community. Industry Feedback Form Name of your Organisation:................................................................................................................................... Address of Organisation:....................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................... Contact Phone Number:........................................................................................................................................ Name of person completing questionnaire:............................................................................................................ Position this person in the Organisation:................................................................................................................ Target population of your organisation ie. Disability/youth/Drugs/rehabilitation ect: ................................................ ...................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................... Range of services provided by your organisation:.................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................... 1. Do you have a waiting list for clients: Yes/ No (please circle) 2. Through your organisation, have you identified a level of unmet need in our local area? This may be through people you have been unable to service due to lack of sufficient funds or limits to the scope of your service. Yes / No (please circle) 3.When it is necessary to refer people to other services, do you have difficulty sourcing timely, appropriate options for them? Yes / No (please circle) 4.When referring clients to other organisations, is there a waiting period prior to clients receiving services from these organisations? Yes / No (please circle) If yes to the previous question, how long is that waiting time? .............................................................................. 5. What type of services are lacking in our local community? ............................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................... 6. What resource/assistance is required immediately? .......................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................... 7. What is the most pressing issue you believe the community is facing right now? .............................................. ...................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................... 8. Is your service funded adequately? Yes / No (please circle) 9. Are your staff being paid sufficient to hold them? Yes / No (please circle) 10. Is finding qualified/experienced staff difficult? Yes / No (please circle) 11. Do you find it difficult to compete with Government/Private providers when recruiting staff? Yes / No (please circle) 12. What do you believe is the main reason why staff leave your Organisation?..................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................... 13.Can you give some indication of how many clients/people you turn away from your service daily/weekly? ...................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................... 14. What are the age groups that you work with?................................................................................................. ...................................................................................................................................................................... 15. The people in greatest need of a service are? ................................................................................................. ...................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................... 16. If you could change a particular feature of your service to improve service delivery, what would it be and why? ...................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................... 17. What do you need right now that would improve your service delivery?........................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................... 18. Other issues that you would like to comment on are: (attach more material if you wish) ................................. ...................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................
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