Hard As Nails Obstacle Mud Race Colorado Obstacle Courses And Mud Races LLC Event Date: May 10th, 2014 Courses: Adult – 5 km; Youth 1 km http:/hardasnails-obstacle-mud-race.com/ Obstacle Descriptions (Adult Course): Obstacle (Element) 1: Vertical Measure -‐ Run Westin Westminster stairs. -‐ Participants will run up 13 flights of stairs on one side of the building and down 13 flights of stairs on the other side of the building. -‐ This element is used as a firefighter training ground. Obstacle (Element) 2: Hard As Nails Surprise -‐ Participants will be given inner tubes and will have to paddle across the Promenade pond in the tube Obstacle (Element) 3 Mud Mixer -‐ Crawl through mud. -‐ Participants will have to crawl over an entrance piece and traverse the mud filled boxes on their stomachs. Obstacle (Element) 4: Dumpster Dive -‐ Participants will jump into a 22’ long dumper filled with 4’ of water and traverse to the other side. -‐ There will be two dumpsters side by side with a wooden step ramp for entering into and exiting the dumpsters. Obstacle (Element) 5 Rock Garden -‐ 100 yards of running over small rocks of various sizes. Obstacle (Element) 6: Power Drill -‐ Obstacle with over/under aspects. -‐ There will be six wooden structure obstacles that will be 22’ long and 5’ high. -‐ Participants with have to crawl over or under all six structures in alternating fashion. Obstacle (Element) 7: River Cutter -‐ Stream crossing -‐ Participants will have to traverse a section of Big Dry Creek (north to south) and the banks leading in/out of the river on foot. -‐ Alternative obstacle in area of River Cutter if river unsafe (TBD) Obstacle (Element) 8: Breaker Mound -‐ Participants will need to climb a steep, muddy hill on the outer banks of the river -‐ Possibility of ropes to be used to help people ascend. Obstacle (Element) 9: Rubber Ladder Hard As Nails Obstacle Mud Race Colorado Obstacle Courses And Mud Races LLC Event Date: May 10th, 2014 Courses: Adult – 5 km; Youth 1 km http:/hardasnails-obstacle-mud-race.com/ -‐ Tire course, climbing aspect made of rubber tires. -‐ The obstacle will include 500 tires stacked 6-‐8 tires wide and 150’ feet long on a slight hill. There will be 1 to 2 wooden structures with tires or holes hung 3’ high. -‐ Participants will have to traverse the row of tires and climb through the vertically suspended tire structures one or twice. Obstacle (Element) 10: Sand Bagged -‐ Large mound of sand will be on site. -‐ Participants will have to fill sand bags, carry them up the hill, around an object and back down. Obstacle (Element) 11: Scaffold Climb -‐ Stairs. -‐ Participants will run the three sections of stairs on the east side of the city park field. Obstacle (Element) 12: Demolition Pit -‐ Participants will need to run out of skate park pit Obstacle (Element) 13: Shivery Chute -‐ Slide. -‐ The grass and hillside to the north of the stair will be covered with a large plastic tarp 150-‐250’ long and 15-‐20’ wide. -‐ Participants will slide down the tarp-‐covered area while being sprayed by hoses and buckets. Obstacle (Element) 14 Hard as Nails Surprise 2 -‐ “Surprise” -‐ This could be 2-‐3 different obstacles that might include a large netted structure that has to be traversed or a human carry of other participants or a liter carry on a backboard. Obstacle (Element) 15: Clamp Down -‐ Tunnel traverse including tubes with tires that need to be climbed through. -‐ There will be rows of large plastic culverts 36’: in diameter and 18’ in length. -‐ Participants will have to crawl through the two sections of tubes or modified culverts. In between the two sections, participants will have to crawl up and through suspended tire or circular opening structure. Obstacle (Element) 16: Wrenching River Crawl -‐ Netted River. -‐ Hard As Nails Obstacle Mud Race Colorado Obstacle Courses And Mud Races LLC Event Date: May 10th, 2014 Courses: Adult – 5 km; Youth 1 km http:/hardasnails-obstacle-mud-race.com/ Participants will enter Big Dry Creek and have to follow the river for about 150 to 200 yards. Part of the river will be covered with netting forcing participants to crawl or bend over. -‐ This will modified based on water levels. Obstacle (Element) 17: Hammer it Home -‐ Rope Climb up mud wall. -‐ This will be a section of 6-‐8-‐foot high mud bank in the river. -‐ Participants will have to pull themselves over the mud riverbank. Hard As Nails has the right to modify the course and all elements according to weather, safety, conditions, and race staff decisions the week of the event, so please come prepared for the unexpected! We want to challenge you! Are you Hard As Nails?
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