Gordon Farms Seed Company 2015 Pasture Mixtures • Prices subject to change without notice • oat Pasture MLA (Meat Dai-ru) oroiovt's Pasture MiAture Seeding Rate: 18-20 pounds per acre Seeding Rate: 16-18 pounds per acre $ 2.31 per pound Call for Pricing An economical hay or pasture mix containing 65% cool season grasses and 35% legumes. Jim's Pasture This mixture is just what you're looking for with the perfect blend of Kentucky Bluegrass, Orchardgrass, Mix provides excellent spring and fall forage. This mixture has Timothy, Alsike Clover, Redtop, Chicory, Birdsfoot Trefoil, White Yarrow, Red Clover and Alfalfa to meet the pedigree for your meat or Tetraploid Perennial Ryegrass, Orchardgrass, Alfalfa, and Medium Red Clover dairy goats. Wetlav4 H-ad Mixture Cattle Pasture Mix 7.eef Seeding Rate: 15 pounds per acre Seeding Rate: 18-20 pounds per acre - $ 1.83 per pound $ 2.24 per pound A grass and clover mix that features quick emergence and will form dense sod and tolerance periods of This is an outstanding mix for your central Illinois cattle operation. This mixture is developed to meet soil saturation. Wetland Hay Mix will provide good quality forage and soil erosion control. This mixture your needs with Endo Free Fescue, Orchargrass, Perennial ryegrass and white clover. has Tall fescue, alsike clover, timothy, and perennial ryegrass. Cattle Pasture Mix - Daird Pure Grass Morse Pasture MiAture Seeding Rate: 25-30pounds per acre Seeding Rate: 14-20 pounds per acre $ 2.20 per pound $ 2.24 per pound This mixture is great if you are wanting to get more of your fields with the blend of alfalfa, red clover, Pure Grass Horse Mix is a quality mix for anybody that has been scared by the "Fescue" syndrome. An timothy and orchargrass. excellent spring and fall forage mixture. This mix has Climax Timothy, Orchard grass, Ginger Kentucky other available Pasture seeds Bluegrass, Tetraploid Perennial ryegrass. Alfalfa DC King 11 (Pre-inoculated) $ 3.66 per pound Pro's Permaytetitt Pasture MiAture Alfafla VNS (Pre-inoculated) $ 3.49 per pound Seeding Rate: 18-20 pounds per acre Alsike Clover $ 3.40 per pound $ 3.06 per pound Pro's Permanent Pasture Mix is a 50/50 mix of legumes and grasses selected to produce season long grazing or haying. When grazing, rotational grazing will maximize performance and longevity. All grass components are entophyte-free, allowing maximum animal performance. Pro's Permanent Pasture Mix isn't drought tolerant but will grow when most pasture mixtures are shut down for the summer. This mixture has Intrigue alfalfa, empire birdsfoot trefoil, red clover, reed canarygrass, Bronson "Endo Free" Medium Red Clover (Pre-inoculated) $ 2.33 per pound Oats (1 bushel) $ 12.50 per bushel Orchardgrass $ 2.37 per pound Perennial Ryegrass $ 2.02 per pound Redtop $ 6.46 per pound Timothy $ 1.91 per pound fescue, Tetraplo id Perennial Ryegrass, and orchardgrass. What we do for our customers_. Horse Pasture mixture - Eik.do Free Seeding Rate: 18-20 pounds per acre $ 2.00 per pound Horse Pasture Mix withstands Heavy, close grazing and last many years. Zero endophyte, so you won't experience the problems normally associated with fescue pastures. Horse Pasture mix provides season long grazing of top quality forage and is easily managed. Broadleaf weeds can be controlled with 2,4-D because this mix contains no cover or alfalfa. This mixture has Bronson "Endo-Free" Fescue, Orchardgrass, Ginger Kentucky Bluegrass, & Timothy. ✓ Striving to be your "One Stop Seed Shop" ✓ Always at your service ✓ Custom mixing ✓ We will work with the FSA for you ✓ Local Delivery Available ✓ Shipping available ✓ Preferred customer pricing ✓ Same day pay discount ✓ Comply with State of Illinois Seed Law ✓ All of your seed comes with tags. ✓ Brand your own seed with your own label that we will customize with you. 1421A CR 2900N Rantoul, IL 61866 Toll Free: 888.557.0153 E-mail: Kacie@gfseedco.com Local: 217.892.8380 Fax: 271.892.4522
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