Gordon Farms Seed Company will customize any mix to fit your needs. Whether it is a flower garden in your back yard or a habitat cover along a ditch line, our trained team of professionals can provide you with a special blend of complimentary grasses and wildflowers to meet your landscaping needs and goals. Contact us today to request a bid and inform us about your upcoming project. We are located in east central Illinois Wildflowers We specialize in… Cover Crops Government Program Mix Pasture Mixes Turfgrass Mixes Corn Soybeans Food Plot Seed Waterway Mixes Native Grasses Wildflowers Habitat Seed Join Us for all the latest news 1421A CR 2900N • Rantoul, IL Toll Free: 888.557.0153 Local: 217.892.8380 www.gfseedco.com Rantoul, Illinois 888.557.0153 Sweet Smelling Mix Going Green Mix Midwest Value Mix This mixture is a colorful blend of annuals and perennials that provide lovely aroma for all season. This mix is to attract helpful bugs to your garden area. With attract these bugs they will help destroy harmful pests such as aphids, thrips, and mites. This mix is a budget mixture of our Midwest Native Mixture that is a mix of annuals and perennials and ideal for any landscape throughout the Midwest. Seeding Rate per acre is 8-16 lbs Lavender Hyssop Siberian Wallflower Cottage Pinks Sweet Alyssum Evening Scented Stock Lemon Mint Sweet Mignonette Johnny Jump-Up Price $35.00 a pound Calendula Sweet William Pinks Fringed Pinks Virginia Stock Four O’clock Iceland Poppy French Marigold Knee-Hi Mix This mix is less than 24 inches in height with perennials and annuals. This is the perfect mix of residential or commercial landscapes. Price $30.00 a pound Seeding Rate per acre is 8-16 lbs Seeding Rate per acre is 9-18 lbs Basket of Gold Dill Siberian Wallflower Lance-leaved Coreopsis Dwarf Cosmos California Poppy Globe Gilia Gayfeather Bergamot Black-eyed Susan Siberian Wallflower Lance-Leaved Coreopsis Chinese Forget me Not Sweet Williams Pinks California Poppy Annual Baby’s Breath Scarlet Flax Sweet Alyssum Dwarf Red Coneflower Catchfly Bishops Flower Rockcress Shasta Daisy Cilantro Purple Prairie Clover Annual Gaillardia Annual Candytuft Sweet Alyssum Baby Blue Eyes Hummingbird Buffet This mix is full of annuals and perennials and ideal for any landscape throughout the Midwest. Seeding Rate per acre is 5-10lbs. Dwarf Cornflower Dwarf Godetia Dwarf Plains Coreopsis Rocket Larkspur Africa Daisy Perennial Gaillardia Candytuft Blue Flax Corn Poppy Black-eyed Susan Moss Verbena Price $36.00 a pound Lavender Hyssop Dwarf Coneflower Lance-leaved Coreopsis Purple Prairie Clover Annual Gaillardia Thickspike Gayfeathe r Prairie Aster Corn Poppy Grey-headed Coneflower Black-eyed Susan New England Aster Shasta daisy Plains Coreopsis Purple Coneflower Ox-eyed Sunflower Scarlet Flax Dwarf Evening Promise Prairie Coneflower Clasping Coneflower Midwest Native Mix This custom mix of annuals and perennials provides seeds and nectar to songbirds, hummingbirds and butterflies. This mix is full of annuals and perennials and ideal for any landscape throughout the Midwest. Seeding Rate per acre is 11-22 lbs Price $40.00 a pound Showy Milkweed China Aster Dwarf Coneflower Siberian Wallflower Dwarf Godetia Lane-leaved Coreopsis Dwarf Plais Coreopsis Rocket Larkspur Purple Coneflower California Poppy Perennial Gaillardia Candytuft Annual Gaillardia Gayfeahter Sweet Alyssum Perennial Lupine Lemon Mint Dwarf Red Coneflower Black-eyed Susan Scarlet Sage Purple Coneflower Annual Candytuft Lance-leaved Coreopsis Annual Gaillardia Purple Prairie Clover Corn Poppy Prairie Coneflower Price $30.00 a pound Scarlet Flax Annual Baby’s Breath Dwarf Cornflower Shasta daisy Clasping Coneflower Black-eyed Susan Plains Coreopsis Deer Resistant Mix This mixture is a blend of plants known to be resistant to deer browsing. Keep in mind that if natural food supplies are low, or local populations of deer are dense, even these plants may be browsed by deer. Seeding Rate per acre is 8-16 lbs Price $38.00 a pound Price $54.00 a pound Birds & Butterflies Mix Seeding Rate per acre is 8-16lbs. Seeding Rate per acre is 7-14 lbs Gold Yarrow Butterfly Milkweed Rocket Larkspur Sweet William Pinks California Poppy Lavender Sweet Alyssum Perennial Lupine French Marigold Lavender Hyssop Gaura Blue Sage Foxglove Corn Poppy Bergamont Lemon Mint Four O’clock Bee’s Sweet Nectar This mixture is a blend of annual and perennial flowers that provide nectar and pollen to native bees, honeybees and other pollinators. It provides bee forage and all season long from spring through fall. Seeding Rate per acre is 6-12 lbs Price $36.00 a pound Price $90.00 a pound Lavender Hyssop New England Aster Dwarf Coneflower Shasta daisy Lance-leaved Coreopsis Plains Coreopsis Purple Prairie Clover Purple Coneflower Annual Gaillardia Ox-eyed Sunflower Thickspike Gayfeather Scarlet Flax Prairie Aster Dwarf Evening Promise Corn Poppy Prairie Coneflower Grey-headed Coneflower Clasping Coneflower Black-eyed Susan Butterfly Milkseed White Upland Aster Pale Purple Coneflower Yellow Coneflower Sweet Yellow Black-Eyed Susan Ohio Spiderwort Prairie Ironweed Lavender Hyssop New England Aster Lance Leaved Coreopsis Plains Coreopsis Rocky Mountain Beeplant Chinese Forget Me Not Purple Coneflower California Poppy Annual Gaillardia Sweet Alyssum Rockcress Dwarf Cosmos Fleabane Daisy Globe Gilia Tidy Tips Bergamot Forget Me Not Corn Poppy Baby Blue Eyes Ohio Spiderwort Tall Prairie Flower Mix This mix of flowers and grasses from the Tallgrass Prairie Region. Best for moderate to moister sites. Plant in late spring or early summer. Height is 24-96 inches. Seeding Rate per acre is 16 lbs. Smooth Aster Blue Wild Indigo Show Tick Trefoil Purple Coneflower Joe P yewood Thickspike Gayfeather Bergamont Greyheaded Coneflower Cup Plant Prairie Ironwood Price $131.50 a pound New England Aster Illinois Bundleflower Pale Purple Coneflower Rattlesnake Master Ox-eyed Sunflower Perennial Lupine Smooth Penstemon Brown-eyed Susan Rigid Goldenrod Tall Prairie Flower/Grass Mix This mix of flowers and grasses from the Tallgrass Prairie Region. Best for moderate to moister sites. Plant in late spring or early summer. Height is 24-96 inches. Seeding Rate per acre is 16 lbs. Smooth Aster Blue Wild Indigo Show Tick Trefoil Purple Coneflower Joe P yewood Thickspike Gayfeather Bergamont Greyheaded Coneflower Cup Plant Prairie Ironwood Switchgrass Indiangrass Price $96.00 a pound New England Aster Illinois Bundleflower Pale Purple Coneflower Rattlesnake Master Ox-eyed Sunflower Perennial Lupine Smooth Penstemon Brown-eyed Susan Rigid Goldenrod Big Bluestem Little Bluestem Please contact us at 888-557-0153 or Kacie@gfseedco.com for more information on our wildflower mixes or custom wildflower mixes.
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