PALOMAR DISTRICT FEDERATION TELESCOPE E-NEWS MAY 2015 Offering an opportunity to SHARE, ENCOURAGE AND COMFORT EACH OTHER FROM THE PREZ… That you all for your support this past year. With your help, we completed all of our district tasks. We shared ideas. Clubs completed their narratives and statistical reports. We celebrated our artistic talents at the annual Art Festival. We had a chance to learn a little bit more about our Federation and pick up a few leadership skills at the Mini LEADS Seminar. We had fun and covered our district budget by participating in two fundraisers- “HOBO Games” and the “Stay at Home Tea”. Next scheduled event for Palomar will be our Executive Board meeting on August 25 (Tuesday) for Elected/Appointed District Officers and Club Presidents. San Dieguito is hosting the location and we’ll be meeting in Encinitas. I plan to take the summer off and spend some time in Texas with family. Look for our nexr Telescope Enews in September. Wishing you all a wonderful summer! Linda Bridges UPDATES TO PALOMAR WEBSITE Bulletins, flyers, registration forms etc. Click here to download the local project information that has been shared at our Board of Directors meetings and at the annual convention. Contest Winners (Fine Art, Craft, Photography and Writing) - click here. Report Winners (Narratives) and Most Creative Projects- click here. CALENDAR OF EVENTS May 27-30 CFWC Annual Convention May 31 End of Palomar District fiscal year August 25 Palomar District Executive Board Meeting Sept 17- 20 Western Region Membership Conference Oct 17 AREA D Membership Conference Page 1 PALOMAR ART AND REPORT WINNERS LISTIf you would like to find out “who won what”, click on the following links Art Festival Winners Club Narrative Winners and Recap of Most Creative Projects Thank You to my Federated Sisters! Thank you so much for my wonderful gift. I love the beautiful flowered box, the note cards, pen and journal. The flag necklace and blue beaded bracelet will be perfect for my patriotic costume for CFWC Convention Spirit Contest! Thanks again! Linda Bridges Bonsall Woman’s Club*Woman’s Club of Carlsbad*Woman’s Club of Escondido*Fallbrook Woman’s Club. GFWC Contemporary Women of North County*GFWC Inland Valley Federated Women’s Club*Julian Woman’s Club*Woman’s Club of Oceanside*Poway Woman’s Club*San Dieguito Woman’s Club*Valley Center Women’s Club*Woman’s Club of Vista*Parliamentary Law Club*Stars of Palomar PALOMAR DISTRICT FEDERATION TELESCOPE E-NEWS WHAT DOES YOUR CLUB COLLECT? A request has been made to create a list of items that our individual clubs collect for their projects. If your club would like to participate, please email Linda with the item that you would like your Federated Sister members to bring to the District meetings. We’ll keep an updated list in the Telescope… HAVE YOU COMPLETED 20 OR MORE HOURS OF STUDY IN PARLIAMENTARY LAW? Contact Joyce Opjorden, CFWC Parliamentarian, as soon as possible. Joyce will be giving certificates out at CFWC Convention. AREA D- HANDS ON PROJECT- Please save hotel size toiletries for October 17th event. Area D Conference will be held on October 17th. The planning group thought it would be nice to have a hands on project at the event and we will be assembling hygiene kits for a domestic violence center. Palomar’s contribution will be to bring hotel size soaps, shampoos etc. Please ask your members to collect these items over the summer and you can bring them to both the August 25th Executive Board meeting and the September Board of Directors meeting. UPCOMING EVENT EXECUTIVE BOARD MEETING- AUGUST 25, 2015 Page 2 Attendance (Executive Board Meeting): Who should attend? Elected & Appointed District Officers Club Presidents or their appointee RSVP ONE WEEK PRIOR to meeting (August 18th) to Linda Bridges @ 760-310-7861 or Non-attendance: contact Linda Bridges @ 760-310-7861 or Club Presidents, if you are unable to attend, please respond with who will attend in your place. Time: 9:30 AM- Set Up 10 AM Registration for Ex Board Meeting 10:15 AM- Call to order 1:00 PM+/- Adjourn Note: Please bring a sack lunch and something to drink—we’ll continue to talk while we eat Meeting Location: US Bank Community Room 131 N. El Camino Real, Encinitas, CA 92024. Bank is on the corner of Encinitas Blvd and El Camino Real Club Assignments: (1/2 Morning Goodies/paper goods) - Carlsbad & Poway; Coffee & Water (cups) San Dieguito) - Please bring enough to serve 30 people. Bonsall Woman’s Club*Woman’s Club of Carlsbad*Woman’s Club of Escondido*Fallbrook Woman’s Club. GFWC Contemporary Women of North County*GFWC Inland Valley Federated Women’s Club*Julian Woman’s Club*Woman’s Club of Oceanside*Poway Woman’s Club*San Dieguito Woman’s Club*Valley Center Women’s Club*Woman’s Club of Vista*Parliamentary Law Club*Stars of Palomar PALOMAR DISTRICT FEDERATION TELESCOPE E-NEWS SAVE THE DATE WESTERN REGION CONFERENCE Date: Thursday, September 17, 2015 thru Sunday, September 20, 2015 Where: Silicon Valley Crown Plaza; 777 Bellew Dr., Milpitas, CA 95035 Reservations: By: PASSKEY. Your code is: California Federation of Women’s Clubs Phone: 888-233-9527; Price $139 (single/double occupancy) plus taxes Amenities: Free Transportation from San Jose Airport, free parking, Complimentary High Speed Wireless Internet; Complimentary Transportation within a 5-miles radius Tours: (1) Historic Monterey/Cannery Row/17 Mile Dire/Carmel Tour- departs Thursday, 9/17/15 at 8 AM, return 6 PM (2) Winchester Mystery House Tour & Santana Row; Departs Friday, 9/18/15 at 9 AM, Return 1:15 PM Friday Afternoon- Workshops will be announce Questions: Contact Carol Lopez-Lucey- CLUBS- “YOU’RE INVITED”May 6-9, 2015-Julian Wild Flower Show at the Julian Town Hall- 10 AM to 4 PM May 14, 2014-Parliamentary Law Club- 11:00 AM- Los Pancho’s Mexican Grill; 915 S. Escondido Blvd., Escondido- RSVP to Pat Harvey by May 11th May 14, 2015- GFWC Contemporary Women of North County (CWONC) invite you to join us as we “Toast the Troops” at a wine tasting fundraiser on Thursday, May 14 from 6-9 PM. Enjoy delicious hors d’oeuvres as you sample a selection of fine wines from North County’s newest winery, BKCellerslocated at 2225 Barham Drive, Escondido (overflow parking on Opper Street). $20 per person-pay at the door. No reservations needed. May 15, 2015- Fallbrook Woman’s Club Game Day; 11 AM to 4 PM; Lunch and beverage provided; $15.00 per person; Reservations- Linda Gregg- Page 3 June 12, 2015- Julian Apple Blossom Tea- Two Seatings- 11 AM and 1:30 PM; $25 per person. For information: Bonsall Woman’s Club*Woman’s Club of Carlsbad*Woman’s Club of Escondido*Fallbrook Woman’s Club. GFWC Contemporary Women of North County*GFWC Inland Valley Federated Women’s Club*Julian Woman’s Club*Woman’s Club of Oceanside*Poway Woman’s Club*San Dieguito Woman’s Club*Valley Center Women’s Club*Woman’s Club of Vista*Parliamentary Law Club*Stars of Palomar
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