TARGA # 22-455 + TARGA TAIL KIT- KAWASAKI ZX-6RIRR 2OO5 STOCK EXH.. EURO SIGNALS IN STALLATION INSTRUCTIONS ReadCompletelybeforeproceeding. andLED licenselight. This kit is for stockexhaustsystem,and includesEuro turnsignals The reartailpiecemustbe removedto changethe turnsignals. Removethe passenger saddleandremovethe two 6 x 16mmAllen button screwsat the top l. rear of the tailpiece.Removethe 6 x l4mm allenbutton screws(two left and one right side ) from the plasticsidecoversunder the rider saddleandfuel tank.The right rearhasa pushpin into a grommet.Pull the panelstraightout andremoveboth the left andright panels.Removethe two 6 x l2mm Allen Shoulderboltsholdingthe rider saddle,slidethe saddleforwardand removeit. Removethe allenbuttonscrewsholdingthe tailpieceto the subframe,and removethe threenylonpushpinson the left undersideholdingthe tailpiece to the blackundertailpanel.(pushin on the centerof the pin and removethe fastener). and Carefullyspreadthe left sideof the tailpiece,lift up to clearthe electricalcomponents slideback slightly.Lift the tailpiececlearof the subframe,disconnectthe taillight connectorand removethe tailpiece. Removethe plasticrearsignallamppanelsby rernovingthe four 6 x 30 hex bolts on each 2. side,andthe 6 x l0rnm allenbuttonscrewat the bottom of eachpanel.Disconnectthe turn signalsnapconnectorsand removethe panelssuflcientlyto accessthe mountingscrews holdingthe stockturn signalsto the panels.Removethe plasticinnersignallampcovers Installthe Euro signalssuppliedin the kit to the plasticpanelsand andremovethe signals. replacethe innersignallampcover 3. Removethe rearfender/license light assembly by removingthe four 6mm hex nutsat the undersideof the fender, thenremovethe starnped bracketwith the sidereflectors.Save the wire guidefrom the licenselight. Cut the licenselight wire abouttwo inchesfrom whereit exitsthe rearfender.The cut endwill be splicedto the LED light suppliedat a latertime. Installthe LED licenselight(provided)to the rearhole in the aluminumplateandtbsten 4. on the backsidewith the 8mm washerand hex nut. With the light facingstraightdown, tightenthe nut. lnstallthe blackvinyl sleeveover the licenselight wires. 5. Installthe new stampedaluminumplateto the studson the mufller as follows:Placea blacknylon spaceronto eachstud,and hold in placewith the rubberband,theninstallthe plateonto the studs.On the front left stud,installthe licenselight wire guide,at/o"black nylon spacerand 6mm hex nut. lnstalla nylonspacerand hex nut to the front right stud,do not tightennutsyet. At the rear studs,installthe stampedlicenseplatebracketas shown,a nylon spacerandthe 6mrnhex nuts.Removethe rubberbandpreviouslyinstalledand tightenthe four hex nutssecurelyholdingthe plateand licensebracketto the studs.Splice the cut licenselight wire to the LED light wiresusingthe butt wire connectorssupplied. The blackwire from the LED light connectsto the black/yellowgroundwire. Led lights are polaritysensitiveand mustbe wired correctto work. Routethe licenselight wire thru the wire guideto clearthe mufflerand reconnectthe snapconnector.Checkfor operation. 6. Connectthe turn signalsnapconnectorsand checkfor properoperation.Replacethe rear signallamp panelsandfastenat the bottornwith the grommetover the threadedinsertson the aluminumpanel.Fastenusingthe stock6 x lOmm allenscrews.Replacethe front side covers,tail pieceand rider saddle.Reconnectthe taillightwires,installthe passenger periodicallyto saddle.Checkall lightsagainfor properoperation.Checkall fasteners insurethey remaintight. P a e eI o f 2 TARGA# 22-455 _KAWASAKI ZX6RIRR2OO5+STOCKE)G{AUST,ET'ROSIGNALS TARGA TAIL KIT MATEzuAL LIST DESCzuPTION ITEM # QUANTITY 1 I Stampedaluminummountingplate #24-098 I #24-083 2 Stampedlicensebracket I #07-4072w LED Licenselight 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A Nylon Spacerl/t"x 518" dia Vinyl wire sleeve-black 12" 18-22 Ga.Butt wire connector #07-35331(not shown) Euro amberturn signall.h. #07-3533r (not shown) r.h. Euro amberturn signal not shown rubberband(disposable) (stocknut- reuse) 6mm FlangedHex Nut 8 I 2 I I 1 A a g 6 ?-_@ a Inc TargaAccessories Aliso Vieio. Ca 92656 page2 of 2
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