! ! School Phone 847-998-5030 School Fax 847-998-5101 Monday, May 4 2nd Grade Parents Tree Open House 9:00 - 10:00 am & 1:00 - 2:00 pm Monday, May 11 3rd Grade Chorus - 2:35 - 3:30 pm Student Council 2:35 -3:30 pm Tuesday, May 12 Tuesday, May 5 2nd Graders Visit G.G. 9:15 - 10:45 am Art Club 2:35 - 3:45 pm Global Language 2:35 - 3:25 pm Laughing Academy 2:35 - 3:30 pm Wednesday, May 6 PTA Book Fair Family Night - NO HOMEWORK 4/5 Mixed Chorus 2:35 - 3:30 pm Chess Club 2:35 - 3:15 pm Laughing Academy 2:35 - 3:30 pm Thursday, May 7 PTA Book Fair/Ice Cream Social 6:00 - 8:00 Running Club 2:35 - 3:15 pm Global Language 2:35 - 3:25 pm Friday, May 8 Volume 17 Number 16 May 1, 2015 3rd Grade Chorus 2:35 - 3:30 pm Art Club (Painting) 2:35 - 3:45 pm Global Language 2:35 - 3:25 pm Laughing Academy 2:35 - 3:30 Spring Choral Concert 7:00 - 8:00 pm Wednesday, May 13 All School Band/Orchestra Concert 1:00-2:00 pm 4/5 Mixed Chorus 2:35 - 3:30 pm Chess Club 2:35 - 3:15 pm Laughing Academy 2:35 - 3:30 pm Thursday, May 14 CBM Testing - Reading Global Language 2:35 - 3:25 pm Running Club 2:30 - 3:15 pm Spring Orchestra Concert 7:00 pm Friday, May 15 Parent Newsletter Distributed Chess Club 7:00 - 7:45 am pm PTA Book Fair at Glen Grove WB/GG Parent Input Forms Due Chess Club 7:00 - 7:45 am 5th Gr. Band to Middle Schools 9:00 - 10:30 am ___________________________________________________________________ Registration Information On-line Registration Letters for the 2015-2016 school year have been mailed out. If you do not have access to a computer please stop by the Glen Grove office so we can help you. Please notify the school office as soon as possible if your child will NOT be returning for the 2015-2016 school year. Glen Grove Newsletter Office (847)998-5030 Health Office (847)998-5031 HOT LUNCHES FROM FOOD SERVICES Week of May 4 (Week “A”) Monday, May 4th – Pancakes with Syrup, Pork Sausage and Hash Browned Potato. Tuesday, May 5th - Individual French Bread Cheese Pizza, Green Salad with Vegetables and a Fruit Cup. Wednesday, May 6th - Beef Taco Nachos with Scoops Tortilla Chips, Shredded Cheddar Cheese, Salsa and Refried Beans. Thursday, May 7th – Baked Chicken Nuggets with Dipping Sauce, Oven Baked Potato, WG Bread Option and Fresh Fruit. Friday, May 8th – Bosco sticks with Marinara Week of May 11th (Week “B”) Monday, May 11th – All-Beef Hot Dog on a Bun with Oven Potato and Baked Beans. Tuesday, May 12th - Pan Cheese Pizza, Vegetable, Fruit Cup Wednesday, May 13th – Pasta with Italian Meat Sauce, Garlic Bread, Green Salad with Vegetables and Fresh Fruit. Thursday, May 14th – Baked Tyson Chicken Tenders with Dipping Sauce, Mashed Potatoes, Bread Option, Fresh Fruit. Friday, May 15th - Taco Max Snax with Salsa and Sour Cream ____________________________________________________________________________________ Low Lunch Balance Reminders •In order to ensure your child has access to the school lunch choices, it is important to maintain a healthy lunch balance. •Please know that you can check your childʼs balance at anytime by logging into PowerSchool. •In order to help parents keep track of those balances, automated email reminders are sent when balances begin to get low. Letters are also sent home with students with negative lunch balances on a daily basis. •Those messages can sometimes go into your junk folder as they are seen by many email systems as spam. • Please keep an eye out for these reminders and if one does go into your junk folder, mark it as safe to ensure future delivery of the messages. Glen Grove Newsletter Office (847)998-5030 Health Office (847)998-5031 Food Service Newsletter May | 2015 + Glen Specials Grove Henking Food Service Staff + Contact us at: kradzinski@glenview34.org (847) 486-7711 Visit us at: www.Glenview34.org/parents/foodservices.com foods to look out for in May Beets Cauliflower Garlic Leeks Mushrooms Onions Macaroni & Cheese with Mini Corn Dogs May 8 Bosco Sticks with Marinara Sauce May 15 Taco Max Snax with Salsa & Sour Cream May 22 Vegetable Egg Rolls with Fried Rice Attea School 2500 Chestnut Ave Glenview, IL 60026 + In- season May 1 May 29 Toasted Cheese Sandwich All meals are served with milk, fruit and vegetable options. Super Foods Knowing how to make the most out of your diet can be difficult. These “Super Foods” are packed with nutrients, help support your immune system, and keep you full. Many of them can be found in your fridge! Sweet Potatoes- Filled with a ton of Vitamin A, potassium and fiber this vegetable promotes good vision. Eggs- Eggs provide high-quality protein in your diet to help build muscle and prevent muscle loss. Berries- Berries are full of dietary fiber, phytonutrients and vitamin C. Blueberries have a good source of manganese that helps the body process cholesterol, carbohydrates and protein. This institution is an equal opportunity provider. Kiwis- This little green fruit contains almost 2.5 times the recommended daily allowance of vitamin C! Support your immune system with this green power house. Beans- When you need some fiber look no further than a can of beans! Packed with fiber and protein beans keep you fuller longer. Yogurt- Yogurt contains probiotics that help maintain the balance of bacteria in your digestive tract and support your immune system. Glen Grove Newsletter Office (847)998-5030 Health Office (847)998-5031 __________________________________________________________________________________ ! Field Day is Tuesday, June 9th, 2015 from approximately 12:00 - 2:30 pm. The rain date for field day is Wednesday, June 10th. Field day is when all the students from Glen Grove will be participating in a variety of activities, such as hand-off tag, shooting baskets and running some relay races. We are looking for parent volunteers to help us run this fun and exciting day. If you are available to volunteer on either or both dates, please e-mail Lori Marcotte @ lmarcotte@glenview34.org or call @(847) 657-2349 or you may contact Preston Roberts @ prroberts@glenview34.org or (847) 657-2346 or Tim O’Donnell @ todonnell@glenview34.org or (847) 657-2349. Glen Grove Newsletter Office (847)998-5030 Health Office (847)998-5031 Dress Code Reminders Clothing should be neat, clean, and in good repair.! No short shorts or short skirts. When you are choosing your shorts and or skirts, please make sure that they come down to about mid-thigh. Use your fingertips as a guide. Shorts and skirts should just about reach them. Shirts must cover the entire stomach and belly area. Crop and halter-tops are not permissible. Sleeveless shirts must have shoulder straps that are at least 2 inches wide. Be very careful about the logos and messages displayed on tshirts. Clothes that contain inappropriate language, pictures or references to alcohol, drugs, or tobacco are NEVER allowed. Also any clothes that display a weapon of any kind, whether it looks fake or real, may NEVER be worn to school. Hats must be removed upon entering the building. If a student is not dressed appropriately, he or she should be sent to the office where the child can call home to request a change of clothes, or will borrow something from the office to wear for the day. ! Glen Grove Newsletter Office (847)998-5030 Health Office (847)998-5031 NEWS FROM THE LRC Hip hip hooray to our Double Great Gator Readers (reading 70 titles): Are you getting excited about author Dan Gutman’s visit on May 19th? I know we are at Glen Grove School. Students are reading his books like crazy getting ready for our three special raffles (ask your children all about them) on Friday, May 15th. We will be wearing the winning t-shirt design created by Matthew S. in Mrs. Considine’s third grade class. Congratulations Matthew, we love our weird school! Nina D. Sloan T. Matthew K. Julia S. Madeline G. Robin D. Sarah S. Damian K. Maryam H. Isabella S. Juwon P. Clara H. Dani C. Sophia K. I hope you encourage your children to enter the two essay contests, lunch with the author and the writers’ workshop with the author. The deadline for both is Monday, May 11th. Essay entries can be found on Glen Grove School’s home page at The Scholastic Book Fair will be here May 6-8. The time are as followed: Wednesday, May 6 from 8:00-3:00 Thursday, May 7 from 8:00-3:00 and 6-8 p.m. Friday, May 8 from 8:00-10:00 The fair will have a variety of books for purchase including many of the 2016 Battle of the Book titles, the Bluestem and Monarch nominees and many Dan Gutman titles. If you purchase a Gutman book and would like to have a hand signed bookplate, please have your children bring the book(s) to the library during the school day and we can provide Mr. Gutman’s signature, while supplies last. We are pleased to announce the newest members of our Great Gator Reader Program (students who read 35 titles): Maryam K. Jason F. Mikayla M. Peter S. Violet F. Will E. Lana H. Isa C. Brandon B. Noah P. Aheed F. Noah H. Zoe K. Amanda K. Hannah L. Sydney S. Champney Champney Kowalke Carter Levy Margolis Margolis Margolis Margolis Geigner Geigner Vaselopulos Vaselopulos Vaselopulos Martinsen Kolarik Poulakos Poulakos Poulakos Poulakos Poulakos Poulakos Nitz Nitz Geiger Burns Roy Champney Champney Margolis Special congratulations to our Triple Great Gator Readers (reading 105 titles): Kristina M. Brett W. Anna D. Jayson S. Arnold P. Sarah K. Meghan B. Dylan C. Chris S. Nitz Nitz Nitz Nitz Nitz Burns Poulakos Poulakos Poulakos I am pleased to announce we have another Four Time Great Gator Reader (reading 140 titles): Humza K. in Mr. Nitz’s room. Have a question? Access the Glen Grove LRC website at https:// sites.google.com/a/glenview34.org/glen-grove-school/ to see if the answer is there. ______________________________________ Illinois Text Messaging and Cell Phone Laws In school zones, it is a statewide law that unless the vehicle is parked in a parking space, or a handsfree device is used, drivers may not operate cell phones. This applies to buses as well as any other vehicles operating within the school zone. Fines for violation of Illinois cell phone law start at $75. Illinois’s cell phone and texting laws are considered “primary” laws. A primary law means that an officer can pull you over for the offense without having to witness some other violation. PLEASE DO NOT TALK OR TEXT IN THE GLEN GROVE SCHOOL ZONE. IT IS FOR THE SAFETY OF OUR STUDENTS. Glen Grove Newsletter Office (847)998-5030 Starting Time at All Intermediate Schools is 7:55 a.m. That means that the buses will arrive at school, for the most part, by 7:45 at which time the bells ring and students will enter their classes. Morning announcements are made daily at this time about events during the day, etc. It is very important for students to be on time to facilitate the start of the day with the knowledge and information to be successful. ______________________________________ Morning Arrival Procedures Walkers coming from the walking path west of the school must follow the path around the back of the building to the playground area when arriving prior to 7:45 a.m. Walkers arriving from the neighborhoods to the east should proceed directly to the playground using the paths on the east side of the building, and walkers should use the pathways on the west side of the building. Bike rider must dismount their bicycles once reaching school grounds and walk their bicycles to the racks either in front of or behind the building to be secured in the bike racks closest to their route home. Classes begin at 7:55 a.m. at Glen Grove. Students may not arrive at school prior to 7:35 a.m. There is no supervision before this time. At 7:35 a.m. Glen Grove Staff will supervise children on the playground. Children should be dressed appropriately to be outside if the wind chill is above 10° F. Starting time at all intermediate schools is 7:55 a.m. That means that the buses will arrive at school, for the most part, by 7:45 at which time the bells ring and students will enter classes. Morning announcements are made daily at this time about events during the day, etc. It is very important for students to be on time to facilitate the start of the day with the knowledge and information to be successful. Health Office (847)998-5031 Homework and Vacation The following are the Extended Absence Homework Policy guidelines that we have put into place to provide the framework for work that needs to be completed because of an extended absence. Strong school attendance is a critical component to a student's success in school and the importance of good attendance is constantly stressed at Glen Grove. While we value the experiences children receive from visiting other places and spending time with family members afar, it is strongly advised that families schedule trips and vacations within school holiday periods, so as not to impact a studentʼs attendance at school. If your child will be out of school for an extended vacation, notify the teacher and the health office, in writing, in advance of the absence. Homework or make-up work is not provided in advance for extended vacations. It is expected that your child will keep a journal of the trip and complete an independent reading log to be turned in upon his/ her return to school. Please know that teachers will work to provide some of the learning opportunities and work that will be missed upon return. However, the teachers are not able to recreate the classroom environment, so please understand that there may be experiences or learning situations that cannot be recreated or adapted. Upon return, the teachers will work to create manageable assignments and deadlines for core assignments, but it will be the studentʼs responsibility to make-up the work. Note: If a student experiences an extended absence for medical reasons, there is the option to pursue eligibility for homebound instruction during that absence. ______________________________________ Important Car Pick-Up Information If you are picking your student up in the car pick-up lane, please remain in your vehicle until your child joins you in your car. This lane is a designated pick-up/dropoff zone NOT to be used for long or short-term parking. Consistently adhering to procedures for dropping-off and picking-up children will help us meet our goal of providing the safest most efficient environment during those very busy dismissal and arrival times. Glen Grove Newsletter Office (847)998-5030 Health Office (847)998-5031 Outdoor Recess Procedures Parent Teacher Association The benefits of an outdoor recess are many and Glen Grove makes every effort to see that all of our students go outdoors every day. Children are able to exercise, socialize and experience a variety of activities with friends and this all helps to enhance their learning experience. Starting the afternoon after a time of fresh air definitely improves learning, alertness and overall productivity. The Westbrook/Glen Grove Parent Teacher Association is a very active group of volunteers, whose service is essential to the success of the schools. In addition to providing ongoing support to school improvement efforts, the PTA sponsors school assemblies, Ice Cream Socials, book fairs, and many other worthwhile events. All parents are urged to take an active role in this organization. Please call the school or one of the PTA members for more information. Please make sure your children are dressed appropriately for outdoor play. In cold weather boots, mittens or gloves, warm jackets, snow pants, hats and scarves are a must. If your child wears boots to school, please remember to send in shoes for them to use during physical education. The wind chill factor must be ten or below or it must be too wet or raining before we cancel outdoor recess. The children are out approximately 20 minutes. Please note that children must wear coats if temperatures are below 32°F. We are often presented with requests for children to remain indoors at recess, generally because of allergies or as part of a recovery from illness. If it is necessary for your child to be indoors at recess, a note from the doctor will be required. We appreciate your support and cooperation with our recess procedure. ______________________________________ Clip box top labels from everyday products you already have at home and send them to school! Your child can drop them off to the front office. Box tops are on many products! If you keep an eye open for them, you’ll see them everywhere. BOX TOPS MUST BE UNEXPIRED AND UNTORN. If possible, please make an effort to cut the box tops properly; this helps us with the submission process and saves our volunteers hours of time. Now through April 12, you can win up to 50,000 box tops (That’s $5000) for Westbrook and Glen Grove! Go to www.boxtops4education.com and enter! You can enter one time per day now through April 12. Track Westbrook and Glen Grove Box Tops donations online! Go to www.boxtops4education.com and join. Please note that we are submitting Westbrook and Glen Grove Box Tops together under the Westbrook name, but the funds we receive are given to the PTA to support both schools. In the last few months we have already collected approximately $415 through Box Tops donations. SUPPORT YOUR SCHOOL!!! Meetings will be held at Westbrook School from 9:15 - 11:15 am on the following dates: May 19th 2014-15 PTA Board President - Kelly Labrie Vice President - Angela Shim 2nd Vice Presidents - Tanya Klatt & Janis Hurst Treasurer - Pam Paradies Asst. Treasurer - Margie Carr Secretary - Allison Elias Membership - Audrey Lee Communications Director - Allison Benedetti ______________________________________ Family Night is May 6 What is “Family Night?” A night where there is no assigned homework and no scheduled activities after 5 pm for District 34 students so families can spend time together relaxing and having fun. This weekday night is being set aside across the district for families to be together where there is no assigned homework and no scheduled school activities after 5:00 p.m. ______________________________________ Glen Grove is Going Green At Glen Grove School we continue to take steps to improve our environment. One way to do this is to reduce the number of paper copies that we make. Production of the Glen Grove newsletter is one way to do this. We have made it a goal to upgrade our online access to materials. This program not only saves trees and money, but will give families full color access to the many great photos and graphics within the newsletter. The newsletter will be available on our website at: http://gg.glenview34.org starting in the fall of the 2015/2016 school year. When newsletters are posted, we will send out notification e-mails. Access to the newsletter will be directly from the Glen Grove website. We will, of course, distribute printed copies of our newsletters to those families who cannot access the website and/or request copies. We will be be sending a request to receive a paper copy in our summer newsletter. Glen Grove Newsletter Office (847)998-5030 Important Information from the Health Office ALL STUDENT absences should be called into the health office no later than 7:55 a.m. at (847) 998-5031! The school has voicemail so parents can call the health office to leave messages at any time. PLEASE DO NOT CALL YOUR CHILDʼS TEACHER WITH AN ABSENCE AS THE HEALTH OFFICE DOESNʼT ALWAYS RECEIVE THE MESSAGE. PLEASE ALSO REMEMBER TO LET THE HEALTH OFFICE KNOW IF YOUR CHILD IS GOING TO BE ABSENT FOR AN EXTENDED AMOUNT OF TIME. Health Office (847)998-5031 Health Office Reminder Parents must pick up their child’s medication at the end of the school year! Please pick up your child’s medication, as per the medication policy, at the end of this school year. All unclaimed medication will be disposed of by June 10th. New medication forms will need to be completed and turned into the health office BEFORE the start of the 2015-2016 school year. Please contact Mrs. Brown at (847)998-5031 if you have any questions. ______________________________________ Just a reminder....if your child is out sick with a fever or vomiting please make sure they do not return to school until they are fever free or symptom free for 24 hours. Attention 5th Grade Parents If your child needs to come to school after 7:45 a.m. please have them come through the front office. This is for the safety of all of our students. Thank you. NOTE-The Sports Physical form is only due if your child plans on participation in interscholastic sports. Forms may be turned into Glen Grove prior to June 1st OR to either Attea or Springman by the first day of school in August. Dental exam forms are due by May 2016. If you have questions please call Mrs. Brown at (847)998-5031. ______________________________________ From the Nurses Office Students requiring any medications during school hours must file a medication form with the health office. This form requires a physician’s signature as well as a parent’s signature. All medication brought to school must be in an appropriately labeled pharmacy container. This also includes over-thecounter medicine such as Tylenol, Advil, Cough Drops, etc. In order to care for asthma medication, additional forms need to be completed. Just a reminder....if your child is out sick with a fever or vomiting please make sure they do not return to school until they are fever free or symptom free for 24 hours. ______________________________________ Lost and Found Has your son or daughter left his/her coat, sweatshirt, hat, gloves, sweater, lunchbox, book, etc. at school? Our lost and found is overflowing. If you are missing any items from home please stop by Glen Grove and check out our lost and found. We will be donating all items in the next couple of weeks! Please watch for the mailing of required 6th grade physical, sports physical, and dental exam forms. ______________________________________ Glen Grove School Art Show! Thursday, May 7th during Open House/Book Fair/ Ice Cream Social! All students will have one piece of art on display! ______________________________________ Our Glen Grove Family Continues to Grow Ms. Mateling/ExplorerTeam welcomed Tserenchimed B. to their classroom. Tserenchimed comes to us from Chicago. Ms. Margolis/Kaleidoscope Team welcomed Enkhnyam E. to their classroom. Enkhnyam comes to us from Chicago. Glen Grove Newsletter Office (847)998-5030 Health Office (847)998-5031 May 11 - 15 Parents are invited to visit the Fine Arts classes during this week!!! Please come join your students at these times to experience a little of what they do during the week! Come see for yourself how the arts and physical education enrich your children! 3th Grade TREE’s Fine Arts Schedule: Art: Thursday @ 11:00 – 12:00 Music: Tuesday @ 11:00 – 12:00 Drama: Wednesday @ 11:00 – 12:00 Physical Education: Monday - Thursday @ 9:30 – 10:00, Friday @ 11:30 – 12:00 Parking is at a premium at Glen Grove, so please let us know if you are coming: Return this portion to a Fine Arts teacher by: Friday, May 1st Student’s Name: _____________________________________ Classroom Teacher: _____________________________________ Day(s) that you are coming to visit: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Which class(es) will you be visiting: Art Drama Music Physical Education ! Glen Grove Newsletter Office (847)998-5030 Health Office (847)998-5031 ! May 11 - 15 Parents are invited to visit the Fine Arts classes during this week!!! Please come join your students at these times to experience a little of what they do during the week! Come see for yourself how the arts and physical education enrich your children! Mrs. Aquino’s Fine Arts Schedule: Art: Friday @ 8:00 – 9:00 Music: Monday @ 9:00 – 10:00 Drama: Wednesday @ 9:00 – 10:00 Physical Education: Monday / Wednesday @ 8:00 – 8:30, Tuesday / Thursday / Friday @ 9:00 – 9:30, Parking is at a premium at Glen Grove, so please let us know if you are coming: Return this portion to a Fine Arts teacher by: Friday, May 1st Student’s Name: _____________________________________ Classroom Teacher: _____________________________________ Day(s) that you are coming to visit: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Which class(es) will you be visiting: Art Drama Music Thursday Friday Physical Education Glen Grove Newsletter Office (847)998-5030 Health Office (847)998-5031 ! May 11 - 15 Parents are invited to visit the Fine Arts classes during this week!!! Please come join your students at these times to experience a little of what they do during the week! Come see for yourself how the arts and physical education enrich your children! Mrs. Carter’s Fine Arts Schedule: Art: Wednesday @ 9:00 – 10:00 Music: Friday @ 8:00 – 9:00 Drama: Monday @ 9:00 – 10:00 Physical Education: Monday – Thursday @ 8:30 – 9:00, Friday @ 9:30 – 10:00 Parking is at a premium at Glen Grove, so please let us know if you are coming: Return this portion to a Fine Arts teacher by: Friday, May 1st Student’s Name: _____________________________________ Classroom Teacher: _____________________________________ Day(s) that you are coming to visit: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Which class(es) will you be visiting: Art Drama Music Thursday Friday Physical Education Glen Grove Newsletter Office (847)998-5030 Health Office (847)998-5031 May 11 - 15 Parents are invited to visit the Fine Arts classes during this week!!! Please come join your students at these times to experience a little of what they do during the week! Come see for yourself how the arts and physical education enrich your children! Mrs. Considine’s Fine Arts Schedule: Art: Friday @ 9:00 – 10:00 Music: Tuesday @ 9:00 – 10:00 Drama: Thursday @ 9:00 – 10:00 Physical Education: Monday – Thursday @ 8:30 – 9:00, Friday @ 11:30 – 12:00 Parking is at a premium at Glen Grove, so please let us know if you are coming: Return this portion to a Fine Arts teacher by: Friday, May 1st Student’s Name: _____________________________________ Classroom Teacher: _____________________________________ Day(s) that you are coming to visit: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Which class(es) will you be visiting: Art Drama Music Thursday Friday Physical Education ! Glen Grove Newsletter Office (847)998-5030 Health Office (847)998-5031 ! May 11 - 15 Parents are invited to visit the Fine Arts classes during this week!!! Please come join your students at these times to experience a little of what they do during the week! Come see for yourself how the arts and physical education enrich your children! Mrs. Kolarik’s Fine Arts Schedule: Art: Monday @ 9:00 – 10:00 Music: Wednesday @ 9:00 – 10:00 Drama: Friday @ 8:00 – 9:00 Physical Education: Monday / Wednesday @ 8:00 – 8:30, Tuesday / Thursday / Friday @ 9:00 – 9:30 Parking is at a premium at Glen Grove, so please let us know if you are coming: Return this portion to a Fine Arts teacher by: Friday, May 1st Student’s Name: _____________________________________ Classroom Teacher: _____________________________________ Day(s) that you are coming to visit: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Which class(es) will you be visiting: Art Drama Music Thursday Friday Physical Education Glen Grove Newsletter Office (847)998-5030 Health Office (847)998-5031 ! May 11 - 15 Parents are invited to visit the Fine Arts classes during this week!!! Please come join your students at these times to experience a little of what they do during the week! Come see for yourself how the arts and physical education enrich your children! Mrs. Kowalke’s Fine Arts Schedule: Art: Tuesday @ 9:00 – 10:00 Music: Thursday @ 9:00 – 10:00 Drama: Friday @ 9:00 – 10:00 Physical Education: Monday / Wednesday @ 9:00 – 9:30, Tuesday / Thursday @ 8:00 – 8:30, Friday @8:30 – 9:00 Parking is at a premium at Glen Grove, so please let us know if you are coming: Return this portion to a Fine Arts teacher by: Friday, May 1st Student’s Name: _____________________________________ Classroom Teacher: _____________________________________ Day(s) that you are coming to visit: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Which class(es) will you be visiting: Art Drama Music Thursday Friday Physical Education Glen Grove Newsletter Office (847)998-5030 Health Office (847)998-5031 ! May 11 - 15 Parents are invited to visit the Fine Arts classes during this week!!! Please come join your students at these times to experience a little of what they do during the week! Come see for yourself how the arts and physical education enrich your children! Ms. Levy’s Fine Arts Schedule: Art: Thursday @ 9:00 – 10:00 Music: Friday @ 9:00 – 10:00 Drama: Tuesday @ 9:00 – 10:00 Physical Education: Monday / Wednesday @ 9:00 – 9:30, Tuesday / Thursday @ 8:00 – 8:30, Friday @ 8:30 – 9:00 Parking is at a premium at Glen Grove, so please let us know if you are coming: Return this portion to a Fine Arts teacher by: Friday, May 1st Student’s Name: _____________________________________ Classroom Teacher: _____________________________________ Day(s) that you are coming to visit: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Which class(es) will you be visiting: Art Drama Music Thursday Friday Physical Education Glen Grove Newsletter Office (847)998-5030 Health Office (847)998-5031 Glen Grove School Supply List 2014-2015 4/24/2014 3rd Grade (Tree & Non-Tree) 0 4th Grade 4th Grade TREE 5th Grade 5th Grade TREE TI-15 TI-15 TI-15 TI-15 0 1 0 0 0 0 24 count 1 0 0 0 2 64 count 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 24 48 24 48 24 0 2 of each 0 0 2 of each 0 0 1 of each 0 1 1 of each 0 0 1 of each 0 0 2 0 1 1 1 0 1 4 4 8 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 4 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 packs 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 6 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 1 1 0 3 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 (optional) 0 1 2 3 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 2 5 6 5 0 0 0 1 0 Clipboard Letter Size, Brown 1 0 0 0 0 Pencil Box Quart Size Baggies (Ziplock Slider) Sandwich Size Baggies (Ziplock) Gallon Size Baggies (Ziplock) 0 0 0 1 (Optional) 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 CALCULATOR Markers, Washable Set (Wide Tip) Markers, Washable Set (Thin Tip), set of 8 Crayons Folders, Assorted Colors, Pocket Only (5Pk) Folder, 2 Pocket, Orange (for music class) Dixon or Ticonderoga Pencils, #2 (Wood-Unsharpened) Crayola colored pencils, box of 12 (Sharpened) Highlighter (Pink, Yellow) Ballpoint Pens, Erasable, Black Ballpoint Pens, Non-Erasable, Black Ballpoint Pens, Green Ballpoint Pens, Red Nylon Pencil Bag w/Grommet Rulers-Plastic (Metric and Inch) Scissors - 7" Pointed Tip Eraser - Pink, Large Elmer's Glue (8 oz.) Elmer's Glue Sticks (White only) Post-It Notes 3 x 3 Scotch Clear Tape (1/2" x 450" Roll) with Dispenser Index Cards (Lined 3 x 5) Index Cards (Lined 4 x 6) Protractor-Clear placstic, 6" 180 degrees Clorox ORM-D Wipes, 35 count (Bleach free, green preferred) Kleenex (200 Count) 8 multicolor Expo Dry Erase Markers Low Odor Chisel Tip Composition Notebook (Marble Look Cover) Compass, Student, Graduate, Safety Point Glen Grove Newsletter Office (847)998-5030 Health Office (847)998-5031 'LENVIEW 3CHOOL $ISTRICT s n s 0ARENT #ALENDAR August 2015 September 2015 October 2015 November 2015 December 2015 January 2016 G February 2016 March 2016 April 2016 G June 2016 May 2016 G G G G G G G G *HSLUKHY3LNLUK :[\KLU[Z5V[0U([[LUKHUJL 7VZZPISL,TLYNLUJ`+H`Z G ,TLYNLUJ`KH`ZJV\SKIL\ZLKHZ Z[\KLU[H[[LUKHUJLKH`ZPMULJLZZHY` This calendar is subject to change. November, 2014 August 25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . August 26 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . August 27. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . August 28 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . August 31. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . September 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . September 14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . September 23 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . October 16 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . November 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . November 25. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . November 26 & 27 . . . . . . . . . . . December 21–January 1 . . . . . . January 15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . January 18 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . February 15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . February 16 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 28–April 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . April 4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . May 30 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . June 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . June 14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :JOVVSPZPUZLZZPVU! Ş$PMVNCVT%BZ 0DUPCFS Ş7FUFSBOTŗ%BZ /PWFNCFS Ş-JODPMOŗT#JSUIEBZ 'FCSVBSZ Ş$BTJNJS1VMBTLJ%BZ .BSDI First Day for Students (1st–8th Grade) First Day for Kindergarten (Last Name Starts with A–L) First Day for Kindergarten (Last Name Starts with M–Z) All Kindergarten Students in Attendance First Day for Early Childhood Students Labor Day – District Closed District Closed District Closed Fall Parent/Teacher Conference Day – No Students in Attendance (Support Staff Institute Day) Institute Day – No Students in Attendance Institute Day – No Students in Attendance Thanksgiving Break – District Closed Winter Break No School (unless needed as a weather makeup date) Martin Luther King Day – District Closed Presidents’ Day – District Closed Institute Day – No Students in Attendance Spring Parent/Teacher Conference Day – No Students in Attendance District Closed Spring Break No School (unless needed as a weather makeup date) Memorial Day – District Closed Last Day for Early Childhood Students Last Scheduled Day for Students (K–8th Grade)
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