PRIVATE AGED CARE | EMERGENCY PROCEDURES AND SAFETY MANUAL EMERGENCY Preface PRIVATE AGED CARE EMERGENCY PROCEDURES AND SAFETY MANUAL As a sub-contractor we abide be the Safety Manual of Home Care Provider Private Aged Care 172 Widgee Road Noranda P: 08 9276 5180 E: Prepared by GGJ Consultants © GGJ 2011 Page | i PRIVATE AGED CARE | EMERGENCY PROCEDURES AND SAFETY MANUAL Preface PREFACE This manual sets out plans and emergency procedures to be followed in the event of fire, bomb threat or other emergencies, including the procedures to be followed should an evacuation be necessary. They are a guide only and must be customised to each organisation. All staff are to familiarise themselves with the contents of this Manual and know what action to take in the event of an emergency. ENSURING SAFETY To ensure the safety of service users and staff the organisation may include the following in each site: Smoke alarms Fire extinguishers A fire blanket in kitchen areas Illuminated exit signs Locks to windows Security doors to doorways Six (6) monthly safety audits Regular training of staff in safe service delivery and emergency procedures A copy of this manual is to be displayed in the document holders near the fire extinguishers in: © GGJ 2011 The main office The staff room The Day Centre hall and The Day Centre kitchen area. Page | ii ACORN COMMUNITY CARE | EMERGENCY PROCEDURES AND SAFETY MANUAL Table of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface...................................................................................... ii Ensuring Safety ................................................................. ii Table of Contents ...................................................................... iii 1. Emergency Contacts ............................................................... 1 2. Evacuation Procedure and Muster Point Map .............................. 2 2.1 Evacuation Procedure .................................................... 2 2.2 Muster Point Acorn Community Care ............................... 3 3. Fire Procedures ...................................................................... 4 Person Discovering Smell of Smoke...................................... 4 4. Threatening Telephone Call ..................................................... 5 5. Threatening Behaviour ............................................................ 6 6. Bomb Threat .......................................................................... 7 6.1 Bomb is Found ............................................................. 7 6.2 Bomb Threat by Telephone ............................................ 7 Bomb Threat Checklist ........................................................ 8 7. Earthquake/Cyclone ................................................................ 9 7.1 Earthquake .................................................................. 9 7.2 Cyclone ....................................................................... 9 8. Accident .............................................................................. 11 In the Event of An Accident:.............................................. 11 9. Chemical Spill ...................................................................... 12 In the Event of a Chemical Spill: ....................................... 12 10. Missing Service User ........................................................... 13 11. Gastrointestinal Disease Outbreak ........................................ 14 © GGJ 2011 Page | iii PRIVATE AGED CARE | EMERGENCY PROCEDURES AND SAFETY MANUAL 1. Emergency Contacts 1. EMERGENCY CONTACTS The following people should be contacted in the case of an emergency: 1. 2. PRIVATE AGED Care o Administrator/Manager (08)92765180 or 049579285 o Coordinator HACC (08)92765180 or 0405012882 o Manager Human Resources (08)92765180 or External Emergency Services o Ambulance: 000 o Fire Brigade: 000 o Police: 000 o Alinta Gas: 13 13 52 © GGJ 2011 Page | 1 ACORN COMMUNITY CARE | EMERGENCY PROCEDURES AND SAFETY MANUAL 2. Muster Point 2. EVACUATION PROCEDURE AND MUSTER POINT MAP 2.1 EVACUATION PROCEDURE The following evacuation procedure applies: 1. Follow the directions of the senior staff person or emergency personnel o direct service users and staff to the muster point unless directed otherwise. 2. Assist any people who require assistance 3. If the muster point is not safe move staff and service users further away from the building 4. Remain with service users until advised it is safe to return to the building. © GGJ 2011 Page | 2 ACORN COMMUNITY CARE | EMERGENCY PROCEDURES AND SAFETY MANUAL 2. Muster Point 2.2 MUSTER POINT ACORN COMMUNITY CARE MUSTER POINT 1 HERE Acorn Drive Main Exit Garden and parking MUSTER POINT 2 HERE Lane way Kitchen Store room Day Centre Hall Offices © GGJ 2011 Page | 3 ACORN COMMUNITY CARE | EMERGENCY PROCEDURES AND SAFETY MANUAL 3. Fire Procedures 3. FIRE PROCEDURES PERSON DISCOVERING SMELL OF SMOKE The person discovering a burning/smoke smell MUST take the following actions: 1. Close all doors and windows (to isolate spread of fire & smoke). 2. Turn off air conditioner 3. Investigate the cause of the burning/smoke smell. 4. Move any service users in immediate danger to safety (See 2.1 Evacuation Procedure). If fire has not been confirmed: 1. Warn others in the area 2. Report situation to senior staff person (See Section 1: Emergency Contacts) Await instructions from senior staff person If fire/smoke has been confirmed: 1. If appropriate, try to extinguish the fire 2. Move persons in immediate danger to safety (See 2.1 Evacuation Procedure) 3. Warn others in the area 4. Notify Fire services on 000 5. Report emergency to senior staff person– (See Section 1: Emergency Contacts) 6. Await further instructions from senior staff person or Emergency Coordinator or emergency services personnel. Complete an Adverse Event Report The Coordinator will conduct a team debrief following this incident. © GGJ 2011 Page | 4 ACORN COMMUNITY CARE | EMERGENCY PROCEDURES AND SAFETY MANUAL 4. Threatening Telephone Call 4. THREATENING TELEPHONE CALL DO NOT INTERRUPT - Do not hang up at end of call. 1. Let caller finish message 2. Keep your response to one or two words only 3. Record all information on paper immediately it is said 4. Try to pass message to co-worker without alerting caller or causing panic 5. Try to keep caller in conversation. Be sympathetic and ask for repeats of the conversation 6. Stress that there will not be time to evacuate all service users from the area 7. Stress innocent victims present. Complete an Adverse Event Report The Coordinator will conduct a team debrief following this incident. © GGJ 2011 Page | 5 ACORN COMMUNITY CARE | EMERGENCY PROCEDURES AND SAFETY MANUAL 5. Threatening Behaviour 5. THREATENING BEHAVIOUR In the event of someone threatening you or another staff person: 1. Comply with any requests if possible and not a risk to yourself or any other person. 2. Evaluate the person(s) making the threats. 3. Has the person a complaint against the organisation or particular staff? 4. Is the person under the influence of alcohol or other drugs? 5. Was the threat made in a joking manner? 6. Take particular note of appearance, clothing, age and identifying marks. 7. As soon as possible notify the senior staff person and await instructions 8. Be available to report to the Police if required. Complete an Adverse Event Report The Coordinator will conduct a team debrief following this incident. © GGJ 2011 Page | 6 ACORN COMMUNITY CARE | EMERGENCY PROCEDURES AND SAFETY MANUAL 6. Bomb Threat 6. BOMB THREAT 6.1 BOMB IS FOUND If a bomb or something you suspect is a bomb is found: 1. DO NOT TOUCH IT – Clear the immediate area, directing personnel to go to the assembly area. 2. Prevent other personnel from going into the area near the bomb. 3. Evacuate the building (See 2.1 Evacuation Procedure). 6.2 BOMB THREAT BY TELEPHONE If you receive a bomb threat by telephone: 1. Keep calm and attempt to get as much detail from the caller as possible e.g. location of device; when device will go off, type of device etc. (Use the Bomb Threat Checklist over the page.) 2. Try to keep the caller talking while you record what they are saying and attract the attention of a work mate for assistance and to ring emergency services. DO NOT HANG UP. 3. If ordered to evacuate, follow the evacuation procedure (See 2.1 Evacuation Procedure). Complete an Adverse Event Report The Coordinator will conduct a team debrief following this incident. © GGJ 2011 Page | 7 ACORN COMMUNITY CARE | EMERGENCY PROCEDURES AND SAFETY MANUAL 6. Bomb Threat BOMB THREAT CHECKLIST 1. QUESTIONS TO BE ASKED (Please use exact words) When is it set to explode? Where did you place the bomb? What kind of bomb is it? Why are you doing this? Who are you? 2. OBSERVATION FROM THE VOICE □ Male□ □ Female □ Child □ Very Young □ Normal □ Incoherent □ Adolescent □ Stammer □ Well Spoken □ Adult □ Slurred □ Abusive □ Old □ Lisp □ Irrational Did the caller sound like they were reading? □ Yes □ No Did the message sound taped? □ Yes □ No □ Yes □ No Speaker was: Age: Speech: Action Was: Other observations of voice: 3. OBSERVATIONS ABOUT CALL Did it sound as if a public phone was used? Background noises: □ Typing □ Harbour □ Music □ Traffic □ Other: □ Children □ Talking □ Machinery □ Aeroplanes ................................................... Call received by: ........................................... Time: ............................ Call received on: ........................................... Line number: ................................................ Extension: ...................... Other information you are able to add: © GGJ 2011 Page | 8 ACORN COMMUNITY CARE | EMERGENCY PROCEDURES AND SAFETY MANUAL 7. Earth Quake/Cyclone 7. EARTHQUAKE/CYCLONE 7.1 EARTHQUAKE In the event of earthquake: 1. Stay away from windows and glassed areas. 2. Shelter under a table, desk or door frame for protection against falling debris. 3. Do not light cigarette, lighters, etc. these can create explosions as there may be flammable fuels from damaged containers or gas mains. 4. If instructed to evacuate stay away from building, power lines, poles and trees while making your way to the designated assembly areas. 7.2 CYCLONE In the event of a cyclone: Follow the cyclone warning put out by the Bureau of Meteorology (BOM). Blue Alert 1. Manager will inform staff of blue alert status (if in working hours) 2. Staff to attend work for their normal shift 3. Staff to assist service users to clean up their place of residence so that there is no flying debris o Care centre and office facilities to be prepared for imminent cyclone o Make sure all items are safely stored in cupboards and furniture is away from windows o All electronic equipment to be switched off at the power points and equipment covered o Windows to be closed 4. Ensure no items are left outside which may become flying debris 5. Listen for updates on progression of the cyclone (1300 659 210) © GGJ 2011 Page | 9 ACORN COMMUNITY CARE | EMERGENCY PROCEDURES AND SAFETY MANUAL 7. Earth Quake/Cyclone Yellow Alert 1. Manager will inform staff of yellow alert status (if in working hours) 2. Staff to ensure that workplace and vehicles are secured and phone the manager with this confirmation 3. Staff to leave workplace and go home Red Alert 1. Staff to stay where they are – at home. Complete an Adverse Event Report The Coordinator will conduct a team debrief following this incident. © GGJ 2011 Page | 10 ACORN COMMUNITY CARE | EMERGENCY PROCEDURES AND SAFETY MANUAL 8. Accident 8. ACCIDENT IN THE EVENT OF AN ACCIDENT: 1. Check for dangers, do not enter unsafe area. 2. If possible switch off at the mains any electrical equipment which is dangerous, or has potential to cause further accidents/injuries. 3. Move persons in immediate danger to safety and provide first aid (See 2.1 Evacuation Procedure) 4. Warn others in the area 5. Notify Police, Ambulance and/or Fire services on 000 if necessary 6. Report emergency to senior staff person – (See Section 1: Emergency Contacts) 7. Await further instructions from senior staff person or emergency services personnel. Complete an Adverse Event Report The Coordinator will conduct a team debrief following this incident. © GGJ 2011 Page | 11 ACORN COMMUNITY CARE | EMERGENCY PROCEDURES AND SAFETY MANUAL 9. Chemical Spill 9. CHEMICAL SPILL IN THE EVENT OF A CHEMICAL SPILL: 1. Extinguish all ignition sources. 2. Walk away from the spill and contact supervisor. 3. Evacuate any injured person/s to a place of safety, in a manner that does not harm them. If necessary stay with the injured person and if possible immediately wash chemically affected area of the body with water. (See 2.1 Evacuation Procedure) 4. Withdraw all personnel from the immediate area and stop people entering into the area Complete an Adverse Event Report The Coordinator will conduct a team debrief following this incident. © GGJ 2011 Page | 12 ACORN COMMUNITY CARE | EMERGENCY PROCEDURES AND SAFETY MANUAL 10. Missing Service User 10. MISSING SERVICE USER If it is discovered that a service user’s whereabouts is unknown: 1. Inform the Manager immediately 2. Advise staff to search the area and speak with other staff and service users to see if anyone knows the whereabouts of the service user 3. Advise next of kin if the service user is unable to be found within one hour 4. Advise the police if the service user is unable to be found within one hour 5. Make an entry made into the service user’s progress notes. When the service user is found: 1. Advise the Manager 2. Advise next of kin 3. Advise the Police 4. Make an entry into the service user’s progress notes. Complete an Adverse Event Report The Coordinator will conduct a team debrief following this incident. © GGJ 2011 Page | 13 ACORN COMMUNITY CARE | EMERGENCY PROCEDURES AND SAFETY MANUAL 11. Gastrointestinal Disease Outbreak 11. GASTROINTESTINAL DISEASE OUTBREAK Information on managing a gastrointestinal disease outbreak are included in the Department of Health and Ageing’s Gastro-info Outbreak Coordinator’s Handbook in the Resources folder of the Policies and Procedures. © GGJ 2011 Page | 14
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