REALTORS® Association of South Central Wisconsin 21st Annual Ghoulish Gallop & Irv Stein Memorial Walk Participation and Sponsorship Form All Proceeds Benefit the REALTORS® Association of South Central Wisconsin Housing Foundation. Saturday, October 17, 2015 • McKee Farms Park, Fitchburg Company Name: Contact Person: Address: City/State/Zip: Phone: E-mail: Enclosed is a check made payable to "RASCW Housing Foundation" Please send us an invoice. PLEASE SELECT ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING LEVELS OF INVOLVEMENT To ensure your sponsorship will be included on all printed materials, please return your sponsorship form to the RASCW office no later than FRIDAY, MAY 29, 2015. *Please email your company logo to: 3,000 brochures will be printed. We would like to become a PLATINUM SPONSOR of the Ghoulish Gallop ($3,000+) We would like to become a GOLD SPONSOR of the Ghoulish Gallop ($1,000+) We want to be a SILVER SPONSOR of the Ghoulish Gallop ($500+) We want to be a BRONZE SPONSOR of the Ghoulish Gallop ($200+) *Logo is printed at the top of the brochure, Logo is printed at the top of the T-shirt, Company logo provided on our event website. You may also supply a banner (6' by 2') which we will display at the Start/Finish line. *Logo is printed near the top of the brochure, Logo is printed on the T-shirt. Company logo provided on our event website. You may also supply a banner (6' by 2') which we will display at the Start/Finish line. *Logo printed on the brochure, Name is listed on the T-shirt. Company logo provided on our event website. For and additional $150, you may also supply a banner (6' by 2') which we will display at the Start/Finish line: Total $650. Name is listed on the brochure. For and additional $150, you may also supply a banner (6' by 2') which we will display at the Start/Finish line: Total $350. We want to be a CONTRIBUTOR to the Ghoulish Gallop ($50+) We would be interested in PARTICIPATING in the Ghoulish Gallop and would like to receive registration forms. We would like to VOLUNTEER the day of the event. Please send me more INFORMATION about the Housing Foundation. (Please include a list of volunteer’s names, phone numbers and email addresses and mail to the address below, fax to (608) 240-2801, or email to Return form to: RASCW/Ghoulish Gallop • 4801 Forest Run Road, Suite 101 • Madison, WI 53704 • Fax: 608.240.2801 Thank you for supporting the REALTORS® Association of South Central Wisconsin Housing Foundation.
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