The Global Coalition of Ministers & Churches

GIELD’s Hand-Up Initiative
An Urban Mission Opportunity
A hands-on volunteer experience involved in helping urban youth
understand the role of public service in the community
Monday, July 06 through
Thursday, July 23
8:00 A.M. – 1:30 P.M.
Join the staff members of the Hand-Up Public Service Summer
Camp as they work with the Norfolk Police Department, FBI, and
other public service agencies to build long-lasting positive
relationships with rising 6th graders.
Housing for the Urban Mission trip provided by First Presbyterian
Church of Norfolk. Out of town participants may reside at the
Northminster House (space is limited; free registration is
required for housing).
Participate in awesome multicultural worship experiences at
local churches.
Join opportunities to fellowship with urban missionaries during
planned after-hours activities, the beach, and touring the
Virginia Beach area. Come to get involved and to have fun!
Interested parties may email for more
Participants must supply their own funds to participate in after-hours activities. Housing
accommodations are mission styled; personal sleeping equipment and toiletries (i.e.
sleeping bags/grooming items) are the responsibility of the participant to provide.
The Global Coalition of Ministers & Churches
P.O. Box 55242
Virginia Beach VA 23471
Phone 757-276-1716