April 2015 The Evangel - First United Methodist Church of Gilbert

First United Methodist
Church of Gilbert
331 S. Cooper Road
Gilbert, AZ 85233
Rev. Robert Hoshibata,
Rev. Robert Burns,
District Superintendent
Rev. Deborah Lerner,
Senior Pastor
Rev. David J. Harriss,
Associate Pastor
Rev. Tina Rees,
Worship Schedule
8:00 Traditional Service
9:00-9:30 Coffee Hour
9:30 Traditional Service
Sunday School for All Ages
10:30-11:00 Coffee Hour
11:00 Contemporary
12:00 Reception on Patio
Professional Nursery Care
Office Hours
April 2015
The Evangel
Join Us For Holy Week
Maundy Thursday Service, April 2nd - 7:00pm
With Communion and Optional Foot or Hand Washing
Good Friday, April 3rd - 7:00pm
A Service of Tenebrae, “Darkness and Light”
Meditation at the Cross
Easter Sunday, April 5th
Communion in All Services
Boy Scout Pancake Breakfast 7:00 –11:15am
Easter Egg Hunts for our youngest, Preschool - 1st Grade - 9:30
Resurrection Egg Experience for children 2nd - 6th Grade - 9:30
Sunrise Service
6:00 am in the Prayer Garden
Featuring our Praise Band and Youth Praise Band
Traditional Services at 8 and 9:30
With Choir, Organ, and Brass
Upbeat Contemporary Service at 11:00
With our awesome Praise Band
We expect our 9:30 service to be our fullest. Please help us out by coming
at another hour if you are able, and using the east parking lot so that
our guests can find a spot to park.
Exploring Class
Are you new to First UMC?
Want to learn more about the church?
Want to know more about Methodism
or what it means to be a member of the church?
Join us for a time of Exploring on Sunday, April 12th from 2:00-4:00pm
in the activity center. Meet our staff and some key lay leaders.
Get your questions answered. Get involved in our mission and ministry.
Dessert served. RSVP to Dina in the church office at secretary@gilbertumc.org
by April 7th. Childcare will be provided – should you require childcare,
please RSVP to Dina by April 7th.
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April 2015
A Message from Pastor Deborah
As you read this we will be
moving into the holiest time
of our Christian year, as we
reflect on the last days of
Jesus life, his crucifixion,
his entombment, and
ultimately his resurrection
from the dead. I hope you
plan to join us for ALL of it,
not just part of it.
gave it to them, saying
“Take, eat, this is my body
given for you.” When the
meal was over he took the
cup, blessed it, and offered
it to them, saying “Drink
from this, all of you. This is
my blood of the new
covenant, poured out for
me. Do this as often as you
drink it, in remembrance of
We will begin on Thursday, me.” We will share the
April 2 at 7:00pm with a
bread and cup, in
“Maundy Thursday” worship remembrance. And then
service, remembering
we will experience the
Jesus’ last meal with his
stripping of the sanctuary,
followers. He got down on as our objects of worship
hands and knees and
are removed, even as he
washed their feet that night, was removed from the
a lowly act that must have
company of his followers
shocked them deeply. We that difficult night.
will remember that act of
servanthood as we offer
Good Friday will be a time
foot or hand washing to
of quietness and reflection.
those who wish to
You are invited to come to
participate. As part of that
the sanctuary at any time
meal he took bread,
between 6:00am and
blessed and broke it, and
6:00pm to pray. There will
be a prayer vigil throughout
those hours in which all
persons in our church will
be prayed for. Guides for
prayer will be available for
those who wish to use
them. A quiet service of
darkness and light at
7:00pm will lead us into
the remembrance of his
Then, having made the
journey through the valley
of the shadow of death, we
will gather triumphant on
Easter Morning to celebrate
the reality of his
resurrection, and the
promise of life and hope
and possibility even beyond
the grave. We will eat
pancakes and ring bells and
sing joyously together, as
those whose lives are
forever transformed by
God’s power to raise the
If you have been living in
fear, give it up. If you have
been living in hopelessness,
give it up. If you have been
living in despair, give it up!
He is risen, and nothing will
ever be the same.
See you at the “giving up”
place – not just April 5, but
April 2, and April 3, as we
make this journey together.
Blessings and Peace,
Pastor Deborah
The Penny Jar
During our outflow series we talked about acts of kindness and
mercy done in the name of Jesus, and invited you to take a
handful of pennies
to remind you of the
story of the woman
searching for a lost
coin. It is a story of
God’s love for the
lost. The invitation
was and is to bring
back a penny each
time you reach out
to another with an
act or word of
kindness and love,
as you say “This is a
sign of God’s love
for you!” Give a
cold water bottle on a hot day, saying “This is a sign of God’s
love for you,” and bring back a penny. Do the dishes for your
spouse or child or parent, leaving a note that says “This is a
sign of God’s love for you!” and bring back a penny. Let’s fill
the jar as we bless this town and the world!
The Holy Week prayer vigil will be on
Good Friday, April 3rd from 6:00am-6:00pm in the
sanctuary. You may sign up for an hour of silent
prayer for our church and all of its members and
friends. Prayer guides will be provided. To sign
up, please contact Rita Wagner at
April 2015
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A Message from Pastor David
The Largeness of God
I think that children are
born religious. If you ever
study small children, you
will notice that they do
everything according to
faith, hope, and trust.
When both of our children
were infants, they would
walk up to complete
strangers and want to be
picked up. This was both a
wonderful and scary
occurrence. They trusted
everyone and knew no
according to those Godly
laws. Yet, Jesus tells us
that the nearness of God
has not been revealed to
those who have a Master
of Divinity; instead, God’s
spirit has been revealed to
infants. In the GrecoRoman culture, it was
understood that these
infants or children were
considered to be outcasts
and marginalized citizens.
Therefore, when Jesus is
saying that the Kingdom of
God has been revealed to
I also believe that as
infants, he is not talking
children begin living in this about the apple of his
world and becoming aware father’s eye. Instead,
of the world’s secular
Jesus is saying that Godvalues, this same
centeredness is at work in
spirituality begins to
those who are unlike us
dissipate. Trust becomes
and it may be found in the
fear. Faith quickly
most unexpected places.
becomes rules and
How does this text
regulations. Idealism fades underscore how we treat
into pessimism.
those who do not fit neatly
into society? How should
It is no wonder to me that
Jesus tells his followers, I we be treating and learning
thank you, Father, for you from the Latin migrant
worker? How should we be
have hidden these things
treating and learning from
from the wise and
the man or woman on
intelligent and have
death row? How should we
revealed them to infants
be treating and learning
(Matthew 11:25, NRSV).
The great irony of this text from the special needs
child or adult? How should
is that the wise and the
we be learning from those
powerful are the spiritual
who have physical, mental,
leaders of the day. They
have been educated about and emotional disabilities?
God, know the Levitical
This text underscores the
and purity laws, know the
largeness of God. The
Laws of Moses and live
Pharisees and Sadducees
have studied God, they
know the Laws which
God proclaimed to
Moses, they attempted
to live a God-centered
lifestyle. Yet, Jesus tells
us that it is the vulnerable
and the humble who
legitimately comprehend
the truest nature of God.
Want proof? Simply look
at Jesus’ life and lifestyle.
Jesus is the revelation of
God’s purposes and
intentions and he chose to
fellowship with tax
collectors and sinners. His
best friend was most likely
a prostitute. He came to
save the lost sheep and in
order to do so, he had to
give special attention and
love to those unlike you
and me.
for the mentally
challenged. We should
always celebrate the
victories of the disabled
because (according to
Jesus) it is the disabled
citizens of the world who
are the most attuned to
God’s work in this world.
You and I are most likely to
experience God in the
presence of the meek and
vulnerable. This may be
an experience where we
serve the homeless and
the destitute. This may be
an experience where we
help a special needs child
April is Disabilities
read. This may be an
Awareness month. This
experience where we put
should be a month where
our arm around a person
we celebrate the way in
with physical limitations
which Jesus reveals
and take him or her to a
himself in many different
different location. This may
ways. Christ reveals
be an experience where
himself through victory of
we allow the blind to touch
movement for the
our face. God is at work in
physically challenged.
the lives of those who are
Christ reveals himself
different from the rest of
through the victory of song the world and we truly
and voice within the blind. experience His Kingdom
Christ reveals himself
when we allow ourselves
through the victories of
to serve their needs and
smiles and hand gestures celebrate their victories.
of the deaf. Christ reveals
himself through the
victories of achievement
Disabilities Awareness Sunday
Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these, you did it unto me. Matthew 25:45b, NRSV
On Sunday, April 12th we will celebrate Disability Awareness Sunday. The entire theme of the service will be
centered around disabled people and how Christ is working within these populations. Hands of Joy, a choir which
presents all of its songs through sign language, will be on hand and we hope to have the entire service
interpreted through sign language. Please join us for this meaningful celebration of God’s love which reaches all
people, everywhere, and all the time. If you know of people that have disabled children, please invite them to this
celebration. Jesus has a special love for these special populations and his love is revealed in this dynamic world
in many different ways.
April 2015
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Your South Africa Missions Team!
On Thursday, July 9th, 2015, 8 members of First United Methodist Church of Gilbert will board a British Airways
flight enroute to Cape Town, South Africa, for our church’s first international mission trip. The 8 member quorum
consisting of Adriana Hernandez, Rick Frazier, Richard Frazier, Robin Lee, Gayle Disch, Lisa Strazz, Phil Rees,
and Pastor David Harriss, will leave Sky Harbor International Airport at 7:40pm, arrive in London on Friday, July
10th, at 1:25pm, depart from London on Friday, July 10th, at 9:30pm and arrive in South Africa on Saturday, July
11th, at 9:55am READY TO WORK!!
We will be in South Africa from Saturday, July 11th through Sunday, July 19th. Our 10 day trip will focus on
serving children whose family members are either suffering from the HIV virus or have died from AIDS.
Worldwide, AIDS has
orphaned more than 14
million children, with 80%
living in sub-Saharan
Africa. We hope to offer
encouragement to these
children in an attempt to
serve their spiritual needs.
If we can help strengthen
these children spiritually
they will be better equipped
to carry on the Gospel
when we leave.
The program that we are
partnering with is Orchard:
Africa, a non-profit
organization that attempts
to restore hope to the
vulnerable by creating
sustainable changes in
rural African villages. The
mission of Orchard: Africa
is to develop and equip a
network of churches and its leaders to be the response to poverty and injustice for South Africans. We will be
involved in creating a Vacation Bible School in a South African orphanage.
If you would like to support your church’s mission team effort, please make out a check payable to FUMC and
earmark it Orchard: Africa Trip in the lower left hand corner. All contributions are tax deductible if checks are
made out to the church. Also, all contributions must be submitted to the church by June 1 st, 2015.
Family Promise of Greater Phoenix
Family Promise is a nation-wide organization that houses homeless families at churches for one week at a time.
First UMC of Gilbert is a host church for Family Promise. Up to four families arrive at our
church on a Sunday evening at about 5:30 PM. We provide them with dinner,
entertainment and a place to sleep. They leave the following morning at 5:30 AM. This
schedule is repeated for an entire week. In 2014, First UMC of Gilbert hosted 33
individuals, 21 of whom were children. In 2015 we will host families three more times this
year: May 17-24, September 9-13, and November 15-22. We will need volunteers to
provide dinners, spend the night at the church with the families, bring food to send to the
Family Promise day center for the families’ breakfasts and lunches, and come to the
church in the evenings to spend time with the families and entertaining the children. Please contact Lisa
Kimbrough at lpkimbrough@gmail.com or 480-398-6570 or Robin Lee at rlee1189@gmail.com if you would like
to volunteer or would like more information about this mission.
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April 2015
Preschool News
What’s been going on?
Preschoolers with Heart - Our preschoolers and families have
been busy with Missions! In February they collected over
145 cans of food for Gilbert Open Arms! Then in March, the
preschoolers did special jobs around the house to earn
quarters. Those quarters were turned in for the preschool
staff to donate to Feed My Starving Children! They genuinely love helping others!
Dr. Seuss Family Night - Preschool families gathered in the
preschool classrooms to learn and play together. What great
family time! It sure is fun (and funny) to ask a preschooler to
come up with rhyming words!
What’s coming up?
Happy Easter, from the preschool staff!
Preschool Olympics - On April
7 and 8, our preschoolers will
work hard to learn new activities and show good sportsmanship at our
Preschool Olympics. The hurdles will be an amazing challenge, the plasma
cars will be racing around the activity center, and the Team Relay Race
will be inspiring! We are all on GOD’s TEAM!
Registration - We have a few openings in our classes for the 2015-2016
school year. We have classes for 2,3, and 4/5 year olds. Please tell a
friend and help us spread the word! For more information, please
contact Lora Norris or Lara Fink at 480-892-9166.
Special Thanks to the Health Ministry Team - The Health Ministry team has hosted 4 free parent workshops
for our preschool families this school year. The topics were very helpful for young families and the hosts
were friendly and resourceful. Thank you for supporting our families!
Questions? Contact one of the Directors, Lora Norris or Lara Fink 480-892-9166. We’d love to visit with
you and even give you a tour of the preschool area!
You may purchase an engraved First United Methodist Church of
Gilbert name tag each Sunday. Stop by the red Welcome to
Worship cart on the church patio to place your order. The cost for
each name tag is $8.50, payable in advance. Questions? Please
contact Dina in the church office at 480-892-9166 or
April 2015
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Children’s Ministry Children’s
Sunday School
Room Locations
Room 131/132
3 & 4 year olds
Room 146
Room 145
1st Grade
Room 144
2nd Grade
Room 202
3rd Grade
Room 203
4th Grade
Room 204
5th & 6th Grade
Room 205
Easter Morning
Easter Egg Hunts
Preschool - 1st Graders
Resurrection Eggs
2nd - 6th Graders
11am Kids Worship - Room 205
Enjoy singing, crafts, games and snacks while learning
about Jesus Christ! Children ages 4 and up are welcome.
Wednesday Night
Faith and Fun-6:30-8pm Room 205
While parents are in class or choir, come join us for fun,
snacks, movies and games!
Monthly Prize Giveaway
Monthly Prize Giveaway
We will be giving away another tablet this month! The
giveaway will take place during our monthly assembly on
April 12th. We will also celebrate April birthdays and hand out
March attendance awards on April 12th. Remember, you can
earn tickets by attending Sunday School, Kids Worship, and
Wednesday Night Faith and Fun. Be on the lookout for other
ways to earn extra tickets!
Help Wanted:
Adult Caregivers for our Nursery
We are looking for persons who are
willing to be trained as care providers for
our infants and toddlers, as well as older
children, on at least an occasional
basis. We hope to find regular
caregivers to serve as anchor/lead for our
major weekly events, including Tuesday
morning Bible Study and Wednesday
evening programs. We also hope to
identify a pool of persons who can be scheduled as second or third
workers for these occasions, and some who would be available at
least occasionally on Tuesday or Thursday evenings or Saturdays to
staff child care needs for church meetings and events. Contact
childrensministry@gilbertumc.org for further information.
Vacation Bible School Week
June 8 – 12
Watch the Children’s Ministry E-News and Church Bulletin for Details.
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April 2015
Sunday Mornings, 9:30-10:30
Junior High in room 200
Senior High in room 140
Sunday Evenings, 5:00-7:00
5:00 Dinner in A/C
5:30 Games
6:00 Bible Study
Wednesday Evenings. 5:45-7:30
5:45 Dinner in A/C
6:30 Study/Discussion in room 140
Youth Band Practice
If you sing or play an instrument,
join us in room 130 on Wednesday
evenings from 7:30-8:30pm!
April 2015
Church Spring Picnic
On Palm Sunday (March 29th), our Sunday activity will
be participating in and enjoying fellowship at the allchurch Spring Picnic from 3:00-6:00pm at the
Riparian Preserve off of Guadalupe and Greenfield.
Chicken and drinks will be provided by the church
but the rest is potluck style: last names A-H bring
Salad, I-S bring Side Dishes, and T-Z bring Desserts.
The youth will also be assisting Ryan Collins in
running some tournament games such as Tug of
War, Sack Races, relays, etc. If you are interested in
helping, please contact Ryan at
No Sunday Programming
On Easter Sunday, April 5th, there will be no Sunday
evening programming for the youth. Enjoy
celebrating Jesus’ resurrection with your family!
Spring Camping Trip
The youth are invited to attend the Spring Camping
Trip at Ponderosa Campgrounds on April 24-26. The
youth will travel together, camp together, prepare
dinner Saturday evening together, and enjoy each
other’s presence. Please e-mail Ryan Collins at
youthministry@gilbertumc.org if you are interested
in attending so that we can get a preliminary head
Guys and Girls Gathering
In the month of April, there will be a Guys Gathering
and Girls Gathering. The dates are set for Saturday
April 11th (Guys) and Saturday April 18th (Girls). More
details to come.
Tim Hawkins Comedy Performance
Saturday, May 16th, 4:00pm. We will be attending the
Tim Hawkins performance. Group rate tickets are
$20. We will be taking RSVP’s and buying the tickets
If you have any questions, contact
Ryan Collins, Youth Director, at
incrementally. Reserve your ticket NOW! Contact
Ryan at
April 2015
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2015 Summer Volleyball Season
Summer is right around the corner and that means church volleyball. First United Methodist Church of Gilbert
has traditionally done a great job participating and promoting the summer volleyball programs. Let’s make sure
that 2015 is no exception!!
The following leagues will be organized:
Jr. High – team members must be entering 7th grade in the fall of 2015 and no older than entering 9th grade in
the fall to participate. (9th graders have the choice of playing
in the junior OR senior high league but not both.)
Sr. High – team members must be entering 9th grade in the fall of
2015 and no older than having just graduated high school in
May of 2015. (Graduating seniors can play in BOTH the Sr.
High and adult leagues.)
Adult Competitive League – team members need to be at least
18 years of age - ???. Team play at this level is pretty
experienced and very competitive.
Adult Fun League – team members need to be at least 18 years
of age - ???. Team play at this level is more casual – no
experience necessary.
Please watch for future announcements on specific start dates, practice times and tournament times. Contact
Mary Vrana at 480-857-8221 with any questions OR to sign up to play. There will be opportunities to sign up in
mid to late April on Sundays in between services. Mary can also be reached at mary.vrana@sunamerican.com.
Hope to see you on the court!!!
Ask Me Anything - Third Sunday of Every Month
Come Visit Us!!
Pastor David and Lori Wiemers will be there to answer any questions you might have.
Unfortunately, they will not have winning lottery ticket numbers, which team will win whatever
upcoming sporting event there is, or what the weather will be like.
Other than that, ask away. Looking forward to seeing you on April 19th.
April 2015
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Music Ministry
A Call for Musicians
The Easter and Lenten season are busy times for the music program at our church, and the participants in all of
the groups appreciate the kind words and support we have received from members of the congregation during
this time. As we look forward to the rest of the spring, we have a special invitation to everyone in the church
family. Come and join us in one of our choirs for the
remainder of the season. As most of you know, our
musical groups (except for the praise band) take
some time off in the summer months, so if you have
ever considered being a part of one (or more) of our
ensembles, now is the perfect time to “try us on for
size.” The commitment is short-term, and you could
decide if it is something you would like to continue to
do in the fall. If you are interested in any of the
ensembles (Chancel Choir, Chapel Chimes, Cherub
Choir, Wesleyan Bells) contact Marty Province at
musicdirector@gilbertumc.org or call the church
office. We would enjoy the opportunity to make music
with you!
Communion Music
As you no doubt noticed during Lent, we used a number of musicians to help lead worship during Communion.
From harp, to clarinet, to a vocal solo, to handbells, the offerings were numerous and varied. With the conclusion
of Lent, I would like to continue the practice during first Sunday Communion through the remainder of the year
(and into the future). I have already received inquiries from people who are interested (May is already confirmed),
but we are constantly looking for new “hidden” talent to enhance the worship experience. If you would like to help
with this new addition to our ministry, contact Marty through the church office, and we will consider times when
you might share.
Third Friday Jam
There are only 2 Third Friday Jam Sessions remaining before time off for the summer – April 17th and May 15th.
If you have never taken part, I promise a good time will be had by all. If you are a regular, you know what I mean.
I look forward to seeing you at 7:00pm on April 17 in the church library (room 142).
History and Centennial Celebration Ministry Team
On February 21, our Historical Faith Walk in Downtown Gilbert was held. We started at the Historical Museum
steps (where the church first met as a Bible study and prayer group), we then stopped at the historic Gilbert
water tower, continued on to Oregano’s parking lot (where our first church was built), then to Joe’s Real BBQ
(where our church met when it was the Tone Theatre) and finally back to the museum steps. Some continued
on to the New Life Community Church which was our last church before we moved into to our current church.
The Historic Faith Walk was led by our former pastor, Gary Kennedy. Our District Superintendent, Bob Burns,
his wife Paulette, and our newest Town Councilmember, Brigette Peterson walked with us. Brigette shared
many facts about the history of the Gilbert community. This activity was in partnership with the Health and
Wellness Ministry.
The Welcomaires concert weekend—February 28th and March 1st was a wonderful faith/spiritual experience.
These men sang from the heart and the spirit of the Lord shone through them. We were blessed to have them
travel from North Carolina to be part of our Centennial Celebration. The love offering collected at both concerts
totaled $2,809. Monies will be shared between Imagine No Malaria and Family Promise. Family Promise will
receive $1000.00 and Imagine No Malaria will receive $1, 809.00. This event was in partnership with the
Worship, AV/Tech, and Music Ministries. Special thanks to Therese Pineda, Glen Compton, Sherry Clack, and
Anita and Ernie Broughton for their servant leadership in making this event a success.
Please remember to bring articles, pictures, artifacts to the office that you would like to see placed in our Time
Capsule. Our deadline for these is April 30, 2015.
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April 2015
Our 99 Favorite Scriptures
As we move toward our 100 anniversary (in August, 2015) we are identifying the “favorite” scriptures of this
congregation and inviting you to take them as memory verses each week. Each week, the church bulletin will
contain two or three of our favorites. We hope you will take this opportunity to memorize a small amount of
scripture, adding to the storehouse of treasure in your heart.
For April our scriptures are:
With God are wisdom and strength; he has counsel and understanding. Job 12:13
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own insight. In all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make straight your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6
Jesus said to him, “If you are able! —All things can be done for the one who believes.” Mark 9:23
And you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free. John 8:32
Do not let your hearts be troubled. Believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father’s house there are many
dwelling places. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and
prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, so that where I am, there you may be also.
John 14:1-3
This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. No one has greater love than this, to
lay down one’s life for one’s friends. John 15:12-13
To you, O Lord, I lift up my soul. O my God, in you I trust; do not let me be put to shame; do not let my enemies
exult over me. Do not let those who wait for you be put to shame; let them be ashamed who are wantonly
treacherous. Make me to know your ways, O LORD; teach me your paths. Lead me in your truth, and teach me,
for you are the God of my salvation; for you I wait all day long. Psalm 25
The Lord is my strength and my shield; in him my heart trusts; so I am helped, and my heart exults, and with my
song I give thanks to him. Psalm 28:7
Pancakes and Easter!
Boy Scout Troop 88 is hosting our Annual Easter Pancake
Breakfast on Easter Sunday. We are serving a delicious
breakfast buffet consisting of pancakes, eggs, bacon, sausage,
cereal, fruit and more! Breakfast will be available starting after
the Sunrise Service and going through the beginning of the
11:00am Contemporary Service. Donations are accepted and
will help our Scouts attend camp this summer at Camp
Geronimo on the Mogollon Rim.
Skip cooking on Easter morning, come out to church, and also
enjoy a wonderful breakfast. See you on Easter!
Looking for Gently Used Computers
and Wi-Fi Equipment
Have you bought a new Wi-Fi router, computer, tablet, or laptop
recently? If so, you may have your “old” equipment laying around and
taking up space. Donate them to church’s IT program and help us
refresh some of the computers on campus. Concerned about your
data? We will securely wipe your computer before using it, or give you a
CD that you can use to wipe it yourself. Drop off computers at the
church office or Wesley Room. Questions? Contact Philip Tesarek at
ptesarek@hotmail.com or 480-510-4588.
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April 2015
Missions Committee
Thank you to everyone who donated items for the Easter Basket Drive and
helped make it a great success! A total of 90 Easter treat boxes were assembled
by the children’s Sunday School classes, and will be delivered to the
UMOM Watkins Homeless Shelter and the Sidewalk Sunday School at 1st UMC
of Scottsdale. The children who receive these treats for Easter will be delighted!
Volunteers are needed to help cook and serve the evening meal at
UMOM Watkins Homeless Shelter in Phoenix on Saturday, April
11th. No experience is needed! We cook in the church kitchen from
2:00-4:00pm and then load up and carpool to the shelter. We serve
the meal from 5:00-7:00pm and are usually cleaned up and done by
7:30pm. The sign up sheet is located on the rolling Missions
Committee kiosk in the activity center. Children 6 and over are
welcome with a parent, but for safety reasons only those 16 or older
can work in the kitchen. For questions, or to sign up, please
contact Laura Contreras at 480-203-0297.
Mother's Day Purse Drive
Throughout the month of April, the Missions Committee will be collecting supplies to support women in domestic
violence shelters. New or gently used purses along with gifts to fill the purses are needed. Suggested items
include: unused make-up, lotion, shampoo, perfume, deodorant, sunscreen, comb, toothbrush/
toothpaste. Please drop items off at the Missions table or in the bin in the activity center.
Church Recycling Programs
The church provides a number of opportunities to recycle. The large green bins in the southeast corner of the
front parking lot, near the activity center, accept paper of all kinds, including newspapers, magazines, junk mail,
flattened cardboard boxes, etc.
There are marked baskets in the activity center entryway for the collection of used toner and ink cartridges and
empty juice pouches (Capri Sun). There is also a marked basket to collect empty cosmetic and hygiene
containers such as lipstick tubes, compacts, toothpaste
tubes, lotion and shampoo bottles, etc.
Throughout the campus you will find containers for the
collection of empty soda cans, plastic water bottles, and
miscellaneous papers.
In the kitchen, there is a large recycling container for the
collection of empty cans and other recyclables.
The church collects all recyclables and is able to receive
cash for these items, which in turn, is used to fund
church programs.
Bringing your recyclables to church has an impact not
only on our church ministries but also this wonderful
world that God created!
April 2015
Christian History Adult Sunday School
We have completed a six month study on the birth of
Christianity and early Christian history. We will not meet on
Easter Sunday, April 5th. The next Sunday, April 12th, the
class will decide on a new course of study.
The class will choose from a list of courses the direction our
studies will take us. The options include a list of books
written by Christian historians. Studying Christian History
always includes how Christian theology was impacted and
the evolution of belief.
Look for our announcement in the Sunday bulletins
beginning April 19th for the determination the class made
regarding our choice of historical study.
We meet in room 201 at 9:30am.
Living the Questions - LTQ
In April, the LTQ adult Sunday class will continue to hold its small group discussions. Video-based,
the topics will include traditional and alternative Christian views of the rapture, our responses as
Christians to environmental concerns and our role in social justice issues. Written by local Methodist
ministers and used around the world, this material encourages open minds, open discussion and
reflection. We meet at 11:00am each Sunday in room 142. You may join us on any Sunday. For
more information, contact Odus or Diana Elliott at 480-786-0055 or dbelliott@msn.com. NOTE: we
will not meet Easter Sunday.
Homebuilders Class
Our next session will be from the author John Ortberg. In this six-session small group
Bible study, If You Want to Walk on Water, You’ve got to Get Out of the Boat, you’ll
learn how to move beyond fear to discover God’s unique calling for your life.
Peter may have been the first one out of the boat, but Jesus’ invitation to walk on
water is for you as well. But walk on water? What does that mean? This study helps
you answer Christ’s call to greater faith, power-filled deeds, and a new way of
knowing how to discern God’s call, transcend fear, risk faith, manage failure, and
trust God. Relating to the story in Matthew 14 to life today, John Ortberg invites you
to consider the incredible potential that awaits you outside your comfort zone.
The class meets each Sunday in room 142 at 9:30. All are welcome.
Gray Matter
Adult Sunday School Class
The 11:00am adult Sunday School class is studying Growing a
Spiritual Family by Dennis and Barbara Rainey. Where is your
family headed? Is your goal in life to live in a gated suburban
community and to achieve wealth, status, and to have your kids
go to a high profile university in order to repeat this cycle? All of
us want the best for our children. Is there more to life than
gaining the most toys? Come and share the experience of
growing a spiritual family. The class meets in room 133 each
week and is led by class participants.
Page 12
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April 2015
Faith, Family, and Fearless
The 9:30 Sunday morning parenting class is studying Fearless
Conversations. Can we really beat temptation? What does it really mean to
follow Jesus? How can I know Jesus is really alive today? These are all
questions that we will tackle in this first 13-week series. Come and meet with
other parents for fellowship and support and to foster your personal
relationship with God. The class meets in room 136. Please contact Vicki
Hanson at vlhunter@hotmail.com for more information.
The Three Colors of Spirituality
Have you ever wondered what living a spiritual life would be like? Do you
consider yourself to be a spiritual person, or would you like to explore that
concept? Join us for a new class, The 3 Colors of Spirituality. It is written
by Rev. Beth Galbreath, a Methodist Deacon, who has developed the
concept of 3 Color Christians from a study by Christian Schwarz, who
asks, "What if we see the Trinity as not just about God, but also about the
way God connects with us and we connect with God?" The 6 week class
will meet on Wednesday nights at 6:30pm in room 202 beginning April
15th. Questions? Contact Molly Hahn, facilitator, at hahn926@cox.net.
Making Sense of the Bible
Where does the Bible fit into my life? When does the Bible fit into my life? These
are questions asked by spiritual leaders and parishioners throughout our lives.
Beginning Wednesday, April 8th, Pastor David Harriss will teach a 7 week course
entitled Making Sense of the Bible, by acclaimed author Adam Hamilton. We will
study both the Old and New Testament and address perplexing issues such as How
Does God Speak to and Through Us? Is the Bible Inerrant and Infallible? Can We
Trust the Gospel Accounts of Jesus? & What Is the Role of Homosexuality and the
Bible? We will dig deep in order to address these controversial taboo questions and
concerns. If you hope there is a better way to read, live by, and invest yourself in
God’s Holy Word, please make a commitment to this class. No registration is
necessary. The cost of the book is $16.00. Our classes will begin at 6:30pm in room
District Survey
Your Sunday Coupon
Booklets are Needed!
The Leadership & Personnel Committee of
the Central East District of the Desert
The P&G, Smart Source, and Red Plum
Southwest Conference is conducting a brief
booklets found in the Sunday morning
online survey for those who attend churches
newspaper are used to purchase food for
in the Central East District. They are asking
Arms Food
5 inGilbert
room 133
at 7:30am.
Bob Family
your help. Please access the link below
and take a short survey.
place at
the480-786booklets on the
to participate in this discussion/fellowship group. For additional information
Odus Elliott
wire shelf in the activity center
0055 or ovelliott@msn.com.
entryway. Last year, using the booklets,
almost $1,000 worth of food was
purchased for $344. Please help this
project continue.
Wednesday Morning Men’s Bible Study
Page 14
April 2015
2015 Spring Camping Trip
April 24-26,
Ponderosa Campground near Payson, AZ
The Spring Camping Trip is quickly approaching! FUMC-Gilbert will
be camping at the Ponderosa Campground near Payson, AZ from
April 24-26, 2015. The cost of the trip is $35.00 per tent per family,
and $45.00 for a trailer spot (three available). The registration for
the camping trip is now open for all. You may register at the table
on the front patio or via e-mail at youthministry@gilbertumc.org. To
register, we will need to know how many members of your family
there will be, if you’ll be tent or trailer camping, and what meal team
you’d like to be on (Saturday or Sunday). Space is very limited so
make sure you register as soon as you can! If you have any
questions, please contact Ryan Collins at
Helping Other With A Meal
Sewing Enthusiasts
Through Food Tidings, our church provides meals to
those in our congregation experiencing an illness,
death, unexpected
crisis, or birth of a new
baby. Food Tidings is
an online program that
allows us to schedule
meals for families in
need, listing which days
meals are needed, food
allergies, etc. And just a
reminder that take out
food is ok, too! If you
would like more
information about the
program or would like to
be involved, contact
Vicki Hansen at
If you are interested in sewing and/or quilting, you will
want to be part of a group that meets on the second
and fourth Wednesday morning from 9:00-11:00am in
the church library, room 142. Come and see what fun
projects are being planned next. We will meet on April
8th and April 22nd. If you will need child care, please
notify the church office one week in advance. For more
information, email Carol Miller at
Carolsews14@cox.net, or call (480) 273-7171.
Time Capsule
To commemorate our 100th anniversary on August 15, 2015,
the Centennial Celebration Team is collecting items to be
included in a time capsule which will be placed during our
Centennial weekend and opened in 25 years. The team is
looking for letters, documents, photographs, and artifacts.
Please bring whatever you might think is important to put in
the time capsule. The team will sort, select, and put items that
need archival acid free paper together. These items may be
placed in the box in the church office by April 30th. Please
contact Nancy Masterson at gmasterson1@cox.net with any
Page 15
April 2015
History and Centennial Committee
In April, we will have an opportunity to participate in the Gilbert Community
Service Day. This will be a way to show that our "100 years of Serving the
Generations" spirit will continue on. Contact Gayle Disch, 480-892-3168 or
gayledisch@cox.net if you or your family are interested in helping with one of
the activities in the community.
To commemorate our 100th anniversary in 2015, the History and Centennial
Celebration Team is putting together a time capsule. Start collecting any items
you would like to submit to be placed in the time capsule. The deadline for
items is April 30, 2015, which will allow us time to prepare the capsule and it's
contents for placement on the weekend of August 15th. Please contact Nancy
Masterson, 602-206-0365, for further information or to submit an item.
Staff Parish Relations
We have hired a new Financial Secretary and
we are interviewing for a Nursery Coordinator
and a Director of Children's Ministries. We ask
for your prayers for our Committee as we go
about the work of 1st United Methodist Church
of Gilbert.
A Special Thank you………
Roberta Dean sends her love and thanks for the visits, phone
calls, prayers and cards during her recent hospitalization.
Weekly E-News
Would you like to receive the current news of
activities and events at First United Methodist
Church of Gilbert? Sign up to receive our weekly
E-News and monthly newsletter! To sign up,
please visit the church website at
www.gilbertumc.org/news/newsletter or contact
Dina in the church office at
secretary@gilbertumc.org or 480-892-9166. If you
would like to receive the weekly Children’s Ministry
or Youth Ministry E-News, please let Dina know.
Want to get to know your church family? Consider
hosting coffee hour on Sunday mornings! We are in need
of volunteers to set up coffee hour, host coffee hour
between church services, or to take down coffee hour.
You may sign up to serve once a month or on a more
occasional basis. Call or text Kim Fairley at 480-4957158 to sign up or for more information.
April 2015
Page 16
Page 17
April 2015
One of the easiest financial gifts you can make to your church is to donate a portion of your 2014 tax refund. To
make it even easier, you can give it electronically. Use your smart phone to access the church’s giving site
through the QR code below, or visit the church website, gilbertumc.org, and click on the online giving logo. If
you need help, call the church office.
General Fund Financial Summary at
February 28, 2015
General Giving
Other Income
Total Income
Total Expenses
Income Over/(Under) Expenses
YTD Actual
YTD Budget
Variance to Budget
Favorable or (Unfavorable)
Operating Cash on Hand
Desired Minimum Operating Cash on Hand (2 months of expenses)
Average weekly giving income YTD at 2/28/15
Average weekly giving income YTD last year (at 2/28/14)
Average weekly giving needed to meet our approved 2015 expense budget
General giving was $4,300 over budget for February, resulting in our $4,135 year-to-date variance over budget.
Year-to-date giving was about $6,400 ahead of 2014 giving for the same period. Year-to-date expenses were
$10,529 under budget. This was due primarily to some vacant positions, with the remaining variance due
primarily to timing differences. We had a year-to-date net deficit of $12,633, which was almost $14,000 better
than the budgeted deficit.
Janet Bose, our Financial Secretary for the last three years, has stepped down from that role as she has moved
into a full-time position elsewhere. We thank Janet for her dedicated service as Financial Secretary, and wish
her much success in her new endeavor. We are pleased to have MaryEllen Chuk join the staff and Finance
Committee as our new Financial Secretary. If you have any questions about your giving or giving statements,
please contact MaryEllen at financialsecretary@gilbertumc.org. MaryEllen is in the church office on Tuesdays.
If you have any questions about the church’s finances, please contact Garin Campbell, Finance Chair (623-3630662, Financechair@gilbertumc.org) or Deanna Helland, Church Treasurer/Accountant (480-892-9166,
Thank you for your faithful financial support of our church.
April 2015
Page 18
Book Club
The Book Club meets the 4th Thursday of every month at 11:30am at the home of
June Morrison. Bring a lunch to enjoy while discussing the current book. Please
RSVP to June at 480-892-4777. Please contact Molly Hahn at hahn926@cox.net with
any questions or for more information. The following books have been selected for this
April 23
The End of the Spear by Steve Saint
May 28
Out of Range by C. J. Box
June 25
Same Kind of Different Than Me by Ron Hall
Columbarium & Healing Garden
Our healing garden is a place of healing of mind, body and spirit. It was designed using the Beatitudes, Matthew
5: 3-10, as a tranquil retreat for those facing difficult times, as well as a place of peace in which to honor and
remember loved ones.
Single niches, including an urn and engraving of face stone
are available for $1,500 for church members and $1,700 for non
-members. Double niches, including two urns and engraving of
face stone are available for $1,750 for church members and
$2,250 for non-members. For those who are buried
elsewhere, we offer memorial wall plaques for $300. Other
garden fixtures including benches are available.
Contact John Bowers at jfbowersjr@yahoo.com for more
information or stop by the church office for an information
Imagine No Malaria
In 2012 our church made the decision to commit $45,000 to the
efforts of the United Methodist Church to completely eradicate
malaria on this planet. In this year of “ 99 years and
Counting,” we would like to complete this covenant we made with
our conference and with the world. WE CAN DO THIS! We can
do it especially if we find 99 families or combinations of family
units that will pledge and give just $30 per month for one year.
This gift can be given monthly, quarterly, or as a lump sum
($360). If you are willing to help, let Pastor David know.
Christian Women’s
Fellowship Group
The Christian Women’s Fellowship Group will meet on Thursday, April 2nd
at 9.30am in room 142. All women are invited. Refreshments will be
Page 19
April 2015
April Birthdays
Lenita Shamsiddeen
Emma Stazz
Victoria Whittington
Leroy Johnson
Liam Comstock
Christina Tesarek
Drew Wiemers
Jessica Utton
Freddie Vasquez
Dana Corban
Kelly McClain
Agnes Begley
Gloria Eggen
Jordan McClain
Hannah Pettengill
Alexis Winkler
Jean Langdon
Tim Sheahan
Austin Curran
Dennis Hazelrigg
Nathan Lamb
Carol Scharff
Christine Bayer
Stephanie Helland
Matt Ramirez
Ernestine Tesarek
13 Kelsey Bayer
James Kimbrough
Phyllis Foutz
Ava La Rose
Johnny Schmidt
16 Jeff Snyder
17 Debbie Anderson
19 Samantha Foote
Joe Norris
Andy Sovchik
20 Mary Ann Kolmer
John Lawson
Patty Lee
21 Lara Fink
22 Jan Grindle
23 Jonathan Chuk
Diane Gardner
Matthew Olson
24 Savanna Taj
25 Dawn Kopp
27 Lily Smith
28 Drew Harvey
29 Tanner Lang
Scott & Jan Grindle - 31 yrs
Gilbert & Aryn Peppin - 11 yrs
Tim & Junette West - 29 yrs
Ray & Gerri Crawley - 19 yrs
Nickie & Sue Gepgert Bonenfant - 1 yr
Robert & Margaret DeBolt - 23 yrs
Glen & Jan Compton - 11 yrs
Scott & Sini Ouellette - 9 yrs
Paul & Susan Prosser - 19 yrs
Dirk & Patty Smith - 2 yrs
Allan & Nancy Peters - 53 yrs
Ray & Jenny Vallera - 20 yrs
Joe & Lora Norris - 23 yrs
Mike & Ashley West - 12 yrs
Ryan & Amber Lamb - 2 yrs
Mike & Keela Clark - 26 yrs
If we have inadvertently missed your
birthday or anniversary, contact Dina at
480-892-9166 or secretary@gilbertumc.org.
Altar Flowers
The Sunday morning altar flowers may be donated “in
memory of” or “in honor of” a special person or event. The
cost for each bouquet is
$32.40. Only a few
Sundays in 2015 remain
available for donation
including September 20,
September 27, October
25, and November 8. If
you would like to donate
the flowers on one of
these Sunday, please
contact Dina in the
church office at
or 480-892-9166.
Pray for our Churches
You are encouraged to pray for the churches
and pastors of the Central East District of the
Desert Southwest Conference. Please pray
for the following churches in March:
Sun Lakes UMC
The Fountains UMC, Fountain Hills
Tongan UMC, Mesa
Chaplains, Counselors, and Staff of the
Central East District
First United
Methodist Church of
331 S. Cooper Rd.
Gilbert, AZ 85233
Fax: 480-892-3545
We’re on the web at
News, sermons, events are being posted all the time.
Forms for youth and children are available on the site.
We are posting updates to events, news, spiritual quotes
and encouragement. Don’t miss a thing.
Postings are going up regarding volleyball, upcoming events,
pictures and other crazy things.
Don’t miss out because you didn’t check here!!
Help us create boards, become a follower, or just help!
Email volunteer@gilbertumc.org