- Giorgio Roffo

Giorgio Roffo
Ph.D. Student - Department of Computer Science, University of Verona
Research Interests
My primary research interests are in the area of pattern recognition and machine learning. Within
these areas, my work focuses on developing novel strategies of feature selection and on analyzing
data from social media. Feature selection methods provide us a way of improving the prediction
performance of the predictors, reducing computation time, and providing a better understanding of
the underlying process that generated the data. I have worked on identifying users from soft-biometric
cues and then on inferring some personality traits, such an analysis paves the way to new intelligent
user profiling techniques. I have developed expertise in different domains and I have been using a
variety of tools including probabilistic graphical models, kernel methods, linear regression techniques,
and recently I am approaching to deep learning architectures. I have applied these models to a
variety of applications in natural language processing for text classification and for recognition and
verification of users’ identity from encrypted samples of text chats. I have also worked on object
recognition, information/image retrieval, among other pattern recognition applications.
Research & Work Experience
2014-2015 University of Verona, School of Computing Science, Ph.D. Student, Advisor: Prof.
Marco Cristani.
{ High innovative research on feature selection and data analysis.
{ Statistical analysis of personality and identity in chats: ICMI 2014, ECCVw. 2014.
{ Fast user recognition and verication from written conversations: ICCVw 2013.
July 2014 International Computer Vision Summer School, From Fundamentals to Applications, Ragusa (Italy).
2012 University of Glasgow, G12 8QB Glasgow (United Kingdom), Internship, Advisor:
Prof. Frank Pollick Co-Advisor: Prof. Alessandro Vinciarelli.
{ A statistical analisys of visual attentional patterns for video-surveillance applications, CIARP 2013.
July 2012 International Computer Vision Summer School, 3R’s of Computer Vision:
Recognition, Registration, Reconstruction, Ragusa (Italy).
October 2012 3rd PAVIS School on Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, and Image
Processing, Genoa (Italy).
Strada Le Grazie 15 – City, Verona - 37134, Italy
H +39 (340) 371 0485 • B giorgio.roffo@univr.it • Í giorgioroffo.it
2012 Italian Institute of Technology (IIT), 16163 Genoa (Italy), Fellowship, PAVIS
Advisor: Prof. Marco Cristani
{ Re-identification and behavioural analysis of text chats. We suggested a set of
novel stylometric features for authorship attribution purposes: ACMM 2012 &
AVSS 2013 .
Education and Training
2012 - 2013 M.Sc. in Computer Game Development, University of Verona.
{ Augmented Reality: YouTube: AR-Book
{ Portfolio MGDev projects
2009 - 2011 Master of Science in Engineering and Information Technology, Specific field
in Visual Computing, University of Verona.
{ Master’s programs: Machine Learning & Pattern Recognition, Computer Vision,
Image-based 3D Reconstruction, among others.
{ Thesis: A framework for automated video rating prediction using hybrid generativediscriminative classifiers
{ Degree awarded in the first available session of the academic year.
2006 - 2009 Bachelor of Science in Information Technology, Specific field in Multimedia,
University of Verona.
{ Bachelor programs: Digital Image and Sound Processing, Computer Graphics,
Object-oriented programming (OOP), Software Engineering.
{ Thesis: Design and implementation of an interactive visualization system for video
{ Degree awarded in the first available session of the academic year.
Other Experiences
2014 Klimble.com, Social Networking Community, University of Verona.
{ The social network has been developed by applying the Model-View-Controller
software pattern, for research purposes. – Klimble.com –
2013 Clover S.R.L., Natural Languange Processing, Rome.
{ Developed an automated information retrieval systems by using Apache Lucene
in a 6 months collaboration.
{ The search engine has been enhanced with machine learning techniques such as:
2011 Activision Italia S.P.A., Competition, Advisor: Prof. Andrea Fusiello.
{ Shadow removal algorithm for textures by pyramid-based restoration process.
2006 National Civil Service, Department of Youth and the Italian Civil Service, Verona.
{ Data analysis: from september 2005 to August 2006 I worked on the Enterprise
Resource Planning (ERP) of the City Council of Verona.
Strada Le Grazie 15 – City, Verona - 37134, Italy
H +39 (340) 371 0485 • B giorgio.roffo@univr.it • Í giorgioroffo.it
Technical skills and competences
{ Image processing: contrast adjustment, morphological filtering, deblurring, and
other image enhancement techniques. Region analysis, texture analysis, pixel and
image statistics. Color space conversions, image description (HOG, SIFT, FV,
VLAD) and visual vocabulary construction such as BoVW.
{ Machine Learning: discriminative models (support vector machines, linear regression, boosting among others), bayesian networks: representation, inference and
learning (hidden markov models and kalman filters), sampling methods (markov
chain monte carlo), multiple kernel learning, knowledge of neural networks and
convolutional neural networks.
{ Pattern Recognition: principal component analysis, feature selection methods
(relief-F, SVM-RFE, fisher-FS, FVS), probabilistic latent semantic analysis.
{ Programming & Scripting: Java (IDE: Eclipse, tools: MAVEN, Hibernate,
Subversion SVN, Apache Lucene); C/C++ (IDE: Visual Studio, Library used:
OpenGL, OpenCV, WSA, FMOD, tools: TortoiseSVN); Matlab; PHP; JavaScript;
Linux Bash scripting.
English Lev. B2 (CEFR), TOEFL iBT Certified
November, Statistical Analysis of Personality and Identity in Chats Using a Keylogging
2014 Platform, G. Roffo, C. Giorgetta, R. Ferrario, W. Riviera and M. Cristani, 05/2014;
16th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction.
September, Just The Way You Chat: Linking Personality, Style And Recognizability In
2014 Chats , G. Roffo, C. Giorgetta, R. Ferrario and M. Cristani, 06/2014; ECCV 5th
International Workshop on Human Behaviour Understanding.
December, Trusting Skype: Learning the Way People Chat for Fast User Recognition
2013 and Verification, G. Roffo, M. Cristani, L. Bazzani, H. Q. Minh, and V. Murino,
12/2013; In proceeding of: 2013 IEEE ICCV International Conference on Computer
Vision Workshops, At Sydney.
November, Statistical Analysis of Visual Attentional Patterns for Videosurveillance, G.
2013 Roffo, M. Cristani, F. Pollick, C. Segalin and V. Murino, In proceeding of: 18th
Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition (CIARP 2013), LNCS 8259 Springer,
Advances in Pattern Recognition and Applications Havana (Cuba).
August, Reading Between the Turns: Statistical Modeling for Identity Recognition
2013 and Verification in Chats, G. Roffo, C. Segalin, V. Murino and M. Cristani, 10-th
edition of the IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal-Based
Surveillance (AVSS 2013), 2013..
October, Conversationally-inspired stylometric features for authorship attribution in
2012 instant messaging, M. Cristani, G. Roffo, C. Segalin, L. Bazzani, A. Vinciarelli, and
V. Murino, In Proceedings of the 20th ACM international conference on Multimedia,
MM ’12, pages 1121-1124, New York, NY, USA, 2012. ACM..
Strada Le Grazie 15 – City, Verona - 37134, Italy
H +39 (340) 371 0485 • B giorgio.roffo@univr.it • Í giorgioroffo.it