May 2015 Cheshire Border BORDERLINES Notes from Claire Worth, our County Commissioner. It seems hard to believe with so many guiding events taking places in the last month that we have just enjoyed a break over the Easter holiday. Guides and Senior Section members have been busy taking part in DofE expeditions and the Cheshire Hike. Congratulations to everyone taking part and a huge thank you to all our volunteers who support them through the trainings, preparation and actual expeditions. Our annual presentation evening was a superb way to reflect on all that happened in 2014 and to celebrate the achievements of our members. We welcomed several dignitaries and ambassadors to the evening who were delighted to see the positive effects of guiding and the confidence with which our girls spoke about their adventures. It was also a special privilege to be able to present Bronze, Silver and Gold DofE Awards and Queens Guide Awards, as well as long service awards, Thanks badges and Good Service Awards. Olivia’s Circus Well done to all the Rainbow units who sent in badge design entries. They were all fantastic. The winner was Chloe from 1st Sandbach West Rainbows who won the competition with a lovely juggling clown. Egerton Hall Strawberry Fair Wednesday 17 June 2015, 7.00 - 9.00pm Variety of Stalls including Cakes, Crafts, RSPB and more plus Raffle. Join us for Strawberries and Cream and summer Drinks. Admission £2.50, children £1 The garden at the Hall is looking lovely at the moment and hopefully we will be able to enjoy it at the Strawberry Fair (weather permitting of course) and you may even get to eat your strawberries and cream outside. If it is your unit night why not bring the girls? County Weekend at Waddow Hall, Clitheroe, Lancashire 11 – 13 September 2015 Come along and join us, come on an adventure, make new friends and have some fun. The closing date for bookings is 30 June 2015. After this date any spare places may be booked by members of the Trefoil Guild. On the Saturday evening we will be having a drumming workshop. The cost to Leaders is £70 or £45 if you have a training voucher to use and to Trefoil Guild members it will be £85. The booking form is available on our website and as an enclosure with this edition of Borderlines. If you would like to know more about Waddow Hall, one of our national training centres, please look at Page 1/6 May 2015 FABFEST 2015 26 – 28 June Units across the County are busy getting their applications in for this exciting event. Whether you’ve been before or this will be your first time, FABFEST 2015 will provide fun and excitement for all. Brownies will enjoy “All the Fun of the Fair” on the Friday evening. Guides arrive on Saturday morning to pitch their tents in the camping zone. After lunch the afternoon is filled with various activity bases. This year a BBQ meal will be provided for all participants before the music gig gets underway. The line -up is going to be great this year. Check out the website for up to date info! There’ll be a variety of stalls in the marketplace selling Girlguiding merchandise, sweets and drinks and providing activities like facepainting, glitter tattoos and photo opportunities so be sure to bring some spending money. There are some fabulous tee shirts which can be pre ordered – available in yellow, pink and blue with the Fabfest logo on the back. £8 each (£10 if bought at the event – limited availability). Deadline for ordering is 7 June 2015. Units or other groups can still apply to run a market place stall. Booking information and forms and lots more on the FABFEST 2015 website – – and you can catch up with other news on the FABFESTCheshire Facebook page. Make sure you and your unit members don’t miss out on this super event – get your booking in! Could we have the next Junior Bake Off Champion? CBBC is looking for junior bakers aged between 9 -12 years across the country to take part in the brand new You can find out more and download an application form HERE. All applications have to be in by Sunday 10 May. Leadership Support The next Leadership Qualification Support Get-together is on Thursday 18 June at New Life Church, Congleton. Special encouragement for Mentors to attend. View from a Trainer The County training morning was made even more special for the Trainers by having such a lovely lunch provided by our own Cheshire Border International girls. A big thank you to all those involved. A Safe Space Training for all Leaders on the LQ will shortly become available in our County. The dates will come through Division and District Commissioners so if you are on the LQ, do keep a look out. Please note – this training is a must for all Leaders in training and files may not be verified and the qualification completed until attendance is recorded. Any queries, please contact Page 2/6 May 2015 Roll Up Roll Up! Cheshire Border Rainbows are invited to join Olivia at the Circus! We have Magic, Circus Skills and lots of fun things to see and do! Saturday 13th June 10am-3.15pm At Olivia’s Circus, Eaton Bank High School, Congleton, CW12 1NT Rainbow Leaders can you spare a Saturday to enjoy a fun day out with your unit? It really is going to be a fantastic day, with dancing, circus skills, magician shows and much more! The event is £15 per Rainbow. Transport is not included. Rainbows will need to bring lunch with them. Closing date for bookings is strictly 16 May. All other Cheshire Border members, are you available to join us at Olivia’s Circus? Can you give a few hours of your time to help your Division team? Are you available to be first aider? Please contact for information. Thank you and we hope to see lots of you there! Get your booking form from our website. Campfire's burning ..... and other thoughts from the Going Away Team Are you thinking of taking your girls away ? Not sure where to begin? To try and simplify the process the GAT team are mirroring the same process as the Leadership qualification in 9 simple steps. Step 1: Contact your District Commissioner to tell her you are interested in a Going away with Qualification. Step 2: Your DC will arrange for a Mentor. If the DC is unable to find a Mentor, please contact the GAT team who will be happy to help. Step 3: Your DC will contact the GAT team and inform them that you would like to under take a going away with qualification and inform us who your Mentor is. Step 4: A “going away with” scheme book will be sent to your Mentor and they will arrange a meeting with you, to start you on your way. Step 5: Arrange, plan and do your qualification, with your Mentor’s support. More importantly HAVE FUN. The GAT team is always here for help support and guidance. Step 6: Complete your “going away with” modules. Ensure your Mentor signs them all off. Please include evidence for verification. Step 7: The appropriate GAT Adviser for the going away with team will receive your completed modules and evidence for verification, all being well, they will contact your Mentor and yourself with the award. WHOOP WHOOP! Step 8: The GAT team will ensure that your Go record is updated and your qualification registered in Borderlines. Step 9: RELAX !! Please remember that the GAT are here for help advice and support. We now have individual emails: Page 3/6 May 2015 The Trefoil Strollers On a perfect day the Strollers walked almost every inch of the beautiful gardens at Arley Hall. We admired the magnificent Magnolia trees, the vibrant coloured tulip beds, the great variety of well named flowering shrubs and the incredibly well cut avenue of pillared hedging before enjoying a good lunch in the Tudor Barn where three more Trefoilers were able to join us. The Bluebell woods will be ready in another two weeks. We will meet MONDAY 17 May at 10.30am in the Car Park at The Boddington Arms, Racecourse Road, Wilmslow SK9 5LR where Ann Harris will lead a walk on Lindow Common. Lunch will be 1pm at The Boddington Arms. Trefoil members and friends are most welcome to join us for walk/lunch. On THURSDAY 11 June at 10.30am we will meet at Audlem Car Park, Cheshire Street, Audlem. Jane Dale will lead a three mile circular walk which includes a canal stretch. Lunch will be at the Lord Cumbermere pub. Visit to National Arboretum Calling all Trefoilers for the visit to the National Arboretum on Monday 13 July for the day. It will cost £12.50 for the coach. If you fancy coming please let either your guild chairman or Louise Smith know by the end of June. County Spring Training—Thank You Just a note to say thank you very much to everyone who came to the County Spring Training on Saturday 25 April. It was a really good event and so nice to see both new and familiar faces there. I don’t know about you but the cakes the international groups provided to eat with your coffee break were wonderful. It was so good to see the girls who are gaining an international experience later this year helping with the refreshments. Thank you to them and their trip Leaders for helping the day run smoothly. I hope everyone learnt at least one new idea or helpful tip during the day I know I did, and that was without attending a training session. I thought I would give you some facts and figures about the day. It costs us £1700 to put on the day but we only had 121 trainees, so the training fees collected did not cover the costs of the day. The residue comes from the budget that the County gives me to run Adult Support within the County. A third of the cost is for the hire of the school, (we need venues with plenty of rooms) then the other main expense is for the training materials used and the travel expenses of the Trainers, some whom travel a long way to come and train for us. A breakdown of the trainees is: Rainbow Leaders 30, Brownie Leaders 48, Guide Leaders 18, Senior Section Leaders 6, Young Leaders 17 and 2 Commissioners. 36% of applications came in after the closing date which makes it very difficult to ensure we have enough Trainers to accommodate everyone on the day. I look forward to seeing you all again, and those who were unable to attend the County Spring Training, at the training events that are held regularly throughout the year across the County. Dorothy Dentith – Chair of Adult Support. Page 4/6 May 2015 Outdoors Update The water team need volunteers to help staff the splash days. BCU level 1 coaches and a BCU level 2 coach as well as a first aid co-ordinator and volunteers to supervise on the days. You would be joining a strong team with excellent opportunities to further your own skills. The County has 6 GPS devices that may be borrowed to run a Geocaching event. We also have an indoor archery set for up to 18 young people at a time. This is a great way to inspire your Rainbows/Brownies/Guides with a view to taking part in a full archery session or just have a fun activity. We are looking for volunteers to attend a short training session so that they can lead this activity in their District. We are repeating the Taster Hike for 11 – 12 year old Guides wanting to experience the joys of an expedition without having to carry heavy bags. It takes place on 19 – 20 September 2015, venue to be confirmed. Cost £30 per person. There is an adult walking weekend booked in the Lake District 13 – 15 November 2015. There will be led walks to suit all abilities with accommodation in the Rydal Hall Youth Centre. Good food, good company and stunning scenery. Details to be confirmed. Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Gold Charlotte O'Brien Wilmslow Senior Section Capesthorne Emma O'Brien Wilmslow Senior Section Capesthorne Bronze Chloe Allan 6th Congleton Guides Bridget O’Connor 17th Crewe Guides Lily Porat Jodrell Senior Section Emily Young 17th Crewe Guides Caitlin Percy Holmes Chapel Rangers Moreton Weaver Capesthorne Weaver Moreton Leadership Award Module 1 Cheshire Hike 2015 Well done to Cheshire Border Intermediate Trophy Winners, Lucy Ferris and Imogen Hughes from Alderley Edge Guides. Rebecca Moore, Alsager Senior Section. Going Away Qualification Cath Webb Stephanie Jeffries, Joanne Stokes Julie Dixon 11th Macclesfield Brownies - Module 6 - Brownies 2nd Mossley Brownies - Modules 5, 6 ,7 1st Sandbach Rainbows - Modules 1-4 5th Wilmslow Brownies - Modules 1 - 7 Good Service Awards - for excellent service to guiding. The following people were given Good Service Awards at our recent County Celebration Evening. Sally Clipsham Central and Sutton District Middlewood Julie Johnson Poynton District Middlewood Liz Kerr Alsager District Moreton Julia Short Congleton West District Moreton Ros Schofield Crewe North District Weaver Page 5/6 May 2015 Guides learn Golf Members of Mottram St Andrew Alderley Edge Guides are on a golf coaching course at Wilmslow golf club for eight to ten weeks. They are being taught by two of the professional coaches how to play the game of golf. The girls are really enjoying this and at least two are planning to join the club as junior members. Middlewood Stall at Macclesfield Treacle Market Middlewood Division had a stall at Macclesfield Treacle Market on Sunday 26 April. The sun shone all day and fun was had by all. They raised £179.08 (over 500 sweets and choccies !) which will be divided amongst the Districts. The next Treacle Market is on 31 May. JUNE Mon 1 Tues 2 Wed 3 Sun 7 Mon 8 Tues 9 Wed 10 Thurs 11 Sat 13 Sun 14 Wed 17 Thurs 18 Trefoil Country Dancing Egerton Hall Committee Fabfest Committee Splash Day Border Crafters PR Meeting County Executive Trefoil Strollers & Campfire Circle Rainbow Day Splash Day Strawberry Fair D of E Team Meeting LQ Get Together Sat 20 First Aid Training Sun 21 Splash Day Tue23 & Wed24 Cheshire Show Fri 26 Fabfest – Brownies Sat 27 – Fabfest – Guides and Sun 28 Senior Section Sun 28 Splash Day Dates for your Diary Further Details are on our County calendar. MAY Tues 5 Thurs 7 Sun 10 Wed 13 Thurs 14 16 – 18 Sat 16 Mon 18 Mon 18 Campfire Circle Commissioner Mentors First Aid Training Border Crafters Adult Support DofE Expeditions Region Trefoil Meeting Trefoil Strollers Finance Meeting New on the website this month: Updated County Directory Opportunity to Camp in Poland - August 2015 NWE Trefoil holiday at Foxlease - April 2015 Trip report from The Gambia Junior Bake Off details Training > Outdoor trainings Please check all Opportunities, Coming Soon/Trainings and Latest News on the home page. As always we are eager to get your news and photos and do our best to get them onto the website quickly. Copy date for next Borderlines is 31 May 2015 Articles for Borderlines should be sent directly by email to: or, by post to PO Box 555, Macclesfield, SK10 9EF. Flyers and forms to go in Borderlines’ envelopes to: Chris Revett, email: Articles or photos for the website should be sent to Joan Wilson. email: Mailing list amendments to: Graham Palmer at Page 6/6 May 2015
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