2015 Summer Camp Catalog – PDF Version

About Our Camps2
Camp Cottaquilla5
Camp Coleman 9
Kanawahala Program Center 13
Camp Trico17
Registration Information21
Registration Forms 24
Girl Scouts of
North-Central Alabama
Campership/Scholarship Form26
Corporate Office
105 Heatherbrooke Park Drive
Birmingham, AL 35242-8008
T 205-980-4750 or 800-734-4541
F 205-980-4753
Camp Cottaquilla
2508 Cottaquilla Road
Anniston, AL 36207
T 256-365-2970 or 800-734-4541 x 1902
Camp Coleman
4010 Camp Coleman Road
Trussville, Al 35173
T 256-365-2970 or 800-734-4541 x 1902
Kanawahala Program Center (KPC)
831 Girl Scout Road
Chelsea, AL 35043
T 205-490-2252 or 800-734-4541 x1601
F 205-678-8679
Camp Trico
315 Trico Drive
Guntersville, AL 35976
T 256-365-2970 or 800-734-4541 x 1902
FREE online registration for all summer
camps begins February 21, 2015.
Need more information? Check out our website.
Get detailed information about summer camp at Girl Scouts of North-Central Alabama’s
website. Included are specific lists of program activities available at each campsite, health
and safety standards, packing lists, general camp rules, registration information and forms.
Return packets will also be available online—just click on your program/session number to
get all the details.
Summer Camp 2015
amp is a place to embrace
the natural environment,
promote community, teach
critical thinking, and create leaders.
Girl Scouts of North-Central Alabama
about our camps
This summer, Girl Scouts of North-Central Alabama (GSNCA)
will offer summer camp sessions at four of its six camp locations: Camp Cottaquilla near Anniston/Jacksonville, Camp Coleman in Trussville, Kanawahala Program Center (KPC) in Chelsea, and Camp Trico in Guntersville. Each camp offers unique
features, activities and traditions, while standardized operating
procedures enable camps to consistently meet and exceed the
expectations of parents and campers.
ACA-Accredited Camps Set the Standard
GSNCA camps and the American Camp
Association (ACA) form a partnership
that promotes summers of growth
and fun in an environment committed to safety. All GSNCA camps operate in compliance with ACA standards.
Two of GSNCA’s camps (Camp Cottaquilla and KPC) are currently ACA Accredited. ACA accreditation requires a peer review
process that evaluates complete camp operation. For more
information about the value of camp and the ACA accreditation
process, visit acacamps.org/accreditation/benefit.php.
Health & Safety
The health and safety of campers is always GSNCA’s primary
concern. Camps are inspected by county boards of health and
operate in compliance with their standards, along with those
outlined by the ACA, the Alabama Department of Health, and
Girl Scouts of the USA Safety Activity Checkpoints. Programs
and activities are supervised by qualified staff and conducted
according to professional standards set forth for the program.
The camp health manager is on duty to provide first aid when
needed, supervise routine healthcare and manage campers’
medications. The health manager is a registered nurse or is
currently certified in American Red Cross First Aid and CPR.
Camp health managers have access by telephone to a network
of health-care resources including the camp’s physician on-call.
Arrangements are made with area hospitals and local emergency response personnel for complete emergency services.
Additional procedures designed to enhance campsite security
will be implemented this summer at all GSNCA campsites.
Camp counselors at all locations will be trained in standardized
supervision procedures. All staff will be equipped to practice
diligent care and attentive supervision of campers. A system of
Summer Camp 2015
regular head counts, scheduled unit check-in reports, and, at
night, a system of routine monitoring and bed checks will be
implemented. Access to campsites by unscheduled visitors will
be limited to daylight hours only. All visitors will be required to
check-in, provide a valid photo ID, receive a visitor permit, and
remain in the company of a staff person at all times.
About the Camp Staff
GSNCA’s year round staff is responsible for recruiting, hiring,
training and supervising seasonal camp staff. Seasonal camp
staff includes unit leaders and counselors, lifeguards, cooks and
kitchen staff. Specially trained and certified instructors supervise and lead specialized program activities. At GSNCA camps,
all staff is carefully selected through a meticulous screening
process which includes application, voluntary disclosure statement, interview, references and background check. Prior to the
camp season, staff participates in training designed to prepare
them for working with campers.
Camp Activities
Boating and Swimming on Natural Bodies of Water
For all swimming activities, a currently certified lifeguard will
be on duty. All boating activities (canoeing, kayaking, pedal
boating), will be supervised by a staff person or volunteer who
holds current American Red Cross lifeguard certification. At
least one activity leader must have experience specific to the
type of craft used and the site-specific conditions. For all powerboat activities, the vessel will be operated by an experienced
boat driver with a current Alabama Boat Operator’s license and
a currently certified lifeguard will be on board.
All campers at GSNCA camps, regardless of swimming ability,
are required to wear a properly fitted USCG-approved personal
flotation device (PFD) for all swimming and boating activities
that take place in or on natural bodies of water (lakes, rivers,
etc.). Inability to perform advanced swimming skills will not
necessarily preclude participation.
Camper Grade Levels
Lodging assignments will be made based on campers’ age. As
much as possible, grade level will be the determining factor
when cabin assignments are made. Some programs are available to two different grade levels of campers. In this case, the
program activities will be determined by the grade the camper
will enter in the fall.
Trading Post
The trading post (camp store) offers drinks, snacks, souvenirs,
and T-shirts for sale. Campers visit the trading post at least once
per day to purchase items. Parents should deposit a minimum
of $15 per camper, per week. Campers will be able to use their
accounts throughout the week. Please do not leave cash or
credit cards with campers! Remaining trading post balance can
be carried over to future camp sessions at the same camp by
requesting a carry-over form at check-out. NOTE: If not carried over, a refund of remaining trading post balance must be
requested at check-out. If remaining balance is not carried over
or requested at check out, it is non-refundable.
Campers with Special Needs
Please call the camp office before registering so we can discuss
how to best meet your child’s special needs. Girl Scouts of NorthCentral Alabama is committed to including campers with special
needs. In order to provide the best care for your child, it is imperative that camp staff members be aware of any condition that may
impact the camper’s experience. Unfortunately the camps are
unable to provide individual staff for those requiring one-on-one
assistance. For campers who need individual assistance, families
should provide a qualified adult aid.
Camp Rules
ff No one may bring firearms, explosives, incendiary devices,
illegal drugs or pets onto camp property. (Service animals
are welcome.)
ff No one may ride in the back of a pick-up truck on camp
ff Campers may not bring alcohol or cigarettes.
Campers may bring their technology devices! Cell phones,
laptops, tablets, video players, iPod,s games, etc. At check-in,
devices will be collected, labeled with campers’ names, and
stored under lock and key. During allotted times, campers will
be able to check out their device for use. Limited WiFi access
will be available at some locations. Devices will be returned to
parents at check-out.
Resident Camp Programs
Traditional sleep-away/resident camp programs are available at
Camp Cottaquilla near Anniston/Jacksonville, Camp Coleman
in Trussville, Kanawahala Program Center in Chelsea, and Camp
Trico in Guntersville.
Resident camp is for girls only and provides a unique experience that allows girls to meet new friends, master new skills,
and become more independent. Camp activities are designed
to provide intentional opportunities to encounter new challenges, experience success, develop leadership, improve selfesteem, and build life skills. Spending a week at camp can build
character and help girls develop qualities that will serve them
all their lives—strong values, social conscience and conviction
about their own potential and self-worth.
Mini Camps
Mini Camps are available at
Kanawahala Program Center and
Camp Trico. Evening check-in is
between 5 and 6 p.m; dinner is
provided. Check-out time will be
from 4-6 p.m. on the designated
day. At check-out be sure to check
for ALL of your child’s belongings,
secure medication, and pick up
your child’s remaining trading
post money.
Check In/Check Out
Most campers attending resident
camp sessions will check in on
Sunday afternoon between 5 and
6 p.m. Dinner will be provided.
Check-out will typically be on
Fridays during the 1 to 6 p.m.
timeframe, depending on the
session. (Please check the packet
that will be mailed to you upon
registration for assigned check
out time.) At check-out, be sure
to check for ALL of your child’s
belongings, secure medication,
and pick up your child’s remaining
Girl Scouts of North-Central Alabama
about our camps (continued)
trading post money.
Programs for Teens
New! C3
C3 is a council-wide Outdoor Program initiative for teens,
designed to provide intentional opportunities for leadership
development. The name C3 was selected from the Girl Scout
mission - courage, confidence, and character. The program
content includes many of the same activities included in
nationally recognized leadership development programs for
teens. Additionally, you will shadow experienced camp leaders; provide supervision and leadership for a group of younger
campers; and learn how to engage and inspire those around
you. Participation looks great when listed on your scholarship,
college, or job application.
Counselor In Training Programs
GSNCA camps offer Counselor-in-Training (CIT I & II) programs
for older girls. These two-week residential programs are available at all four resident camp locations and are designed to
help prepare teens for camp staff positions. Participants attend
both weeks but leave camp on the weekend and return the following Sunday night.
Accommodations at Cottaquilla,
Coleman, and Trico
For resident camp sessions at Camp Cottaquilla, Camp Coleman, and Camp Trico, campers are housed in bunkhouses or
cabin clusters. Younger campers and those enrolled in certain specialty programs at Camp Coleman, Camp Cottaquilla
and Camp Trico
may be housed
in bunkhouses.
Bunkhouses are
larger cabins with
bunks for up to 25
people housed all
in one room. The
Financial aid is available for all sumunit staff sleep in
mer camp programs by filling out a
the same building
Campership/Scholarship Application.
with the campers,
Assistance is available to registered
but their bunks
Girl Scouts only and the deadline for
may be separated
receiving completed forms—by email,
by a divider or they
fax or mail—is no later than February
may be housed in
1, 2015. The form may be found here.
an adjoining room.
Camp Coleman
and Camp Trico
each have two air-conditioned bunkhouses which are usually
used for the very youngest camper groups.
Assistance Campership
Most campers at Cottaquilla, Coleman and Trico are housed
in clusters of open screen cabins (referred to as units.) Units
typically have three to seven rustic cabins. The smaller cabins
sleep four to six campers and the largest cabins sleep 10 each.
Parents and campers should expect cabins to be rustic. They
are not air-conditioned, but do have electricity and outlets for a
fan. Campers are seldom in the cabins during the day. At night
with a fan, the cabins are actually very comfortable and camp4
Summer Camp 2015
ers may even need a light blanket.
Most cabins are constructed of wood siding with large areas of
open screening. All of the cabin clusters are arranged in close
proximity allowing camp staff to easily monitor all the cabins
in the cluster. Bathroom and shower facilities are located in a
building nearby. Each cabin unit has a covered picnic pavilion
that is used for unit activities and provides a place for campers
to gather.
Accommodations at Kanawahala
Program Center
At Kanawahala Program Center (KPC), most resident campers
are housed in one of two dorm-style facilities. With 10 rooms
each, the two bunkhouses provide air-conditioned sleeping
space for campers and staff. Each room has two sets of bunkbeds and either two single beds or a small sitting area. Four to
six campers stay in each room and the counselors stay in another room. Rooms are fully enclosed, air-conditioned and connected by a breezeway. The breezeway connects to the troop
house, which includes bathrooms with showers, a large indoor
meeting space, a small kitchen and a covered porch with picnic
tables for unit activities.
What About Rest Hour?
GSNCA camps do not schedule a specific rest hour for campers
and staff. Instead, a full program day is scheduled, but there
are usually breaks during the day. For example, while campers
are waiting for their turn to shower, they can visit with other
campers, write letters or read a book. In the event a scheduled
activity is canceled because of weather, campers may enjoy a
brief downtime to socialize with others or may be scheduled for
alternate activities. Some activities may be rescheduled when
the weather improves, but it may not be possible to reschedule
all activities. This will depend on the overall schedule and the
availability of the activity at other times.
Day Camp Programs
Day camp is open to girls and boys, and is a smart option for
families looking for an alternative to traditional daycare. Day
camp is available at all four locations. While attending day
camp, girls and boys are able to enjoy the camp experience
while spending the night at home. Specialty horse day camp
sessions are available at Camp Coleman and include daily
equestrian activities and riding instruction.
Day Camp Arrival and Departure
The first scheduled activity starts at 9 a.m. each day, and the
last scheduled activity concludes at 4 p.m. Drop-off times are
between 7:30 and 9 a.m. Check-out time for day campers at
all locations is 4–6 p.m. At check-out, be sure to check for ALL
of your child’s belongings and medications. At the end of the
week, pick up your child’s remaining trading post money or fill
out a form to have it carried to the following week. Lunch is
available for an $25 additional fee during resident camp only.
To take advantage of this option, be sure to check the box
when you register and pay the additional fee.
Camp Cottaquilla
amp Cottaquilla is located in the foothills of the Appalachian
Mountains in Calhoun County near the highest point in
Alabama. Since 1948, campers have enjoyed everything
that Camp Cottaquilla offers: sprawling hardwood forests, soaring
mountains, hiking trails and 1,800 acres to explore. A tranquil lake
near the middle of camp provides an ideal location for canoeing,
pedal boating, kayaking and fishing. The swimming pool and huge
screened porch on the dining hall offer a welcome reprieve from
the summer’s heat. The camp also features an archery range,
riflery range, low ropes course, nature nook and campfire circle.
Camp Cottaquilla is currently accredited by the American Camp
Association (ACA).
For more information, contact Outdoor Program Manager Beth
Gable at 256-365-2970 or 800-734-4541 x 1902 or
Open House — Saturday, April 11 , 2015, 2–4 p.m.
Girl Scouts of North-Central Alabama
camp cottaquilla (continued)
Journey Camps &
Girls EZ – Troop Camps
April 17–18
Let the Journey Begin*
Time: Fri., 6:30 p.m.–Sat., 11 a.m.
Cost: $25 per girl; includes Journey book, snack, lodging and
breakfast; $10 per adult (Troops that sign up five or more
girls will receive the leader guide for the Journey FREE)
Registration deadline: March 26, 2015
Brownie Journey: A World of Girls—Brownies will have fun
exploring how stories and games can link them to the wide
world of girls and how they belong to this wide world of girls,
too! Juniors Journeys: aMUSE—Think about all the roles you
play every day. You’re a girl, a student and a Girl Scout Junior.
You may also be a tech whiz, athlete, chef, singer and writer—
maybe even a diva.
*Use Program Registration form on page 32 and 33 of Pathways
Opportunities to register for this session. Mail to: ATTN: Registrar 1515 Sparkman Drive NW • Huntsville, AL 35816
Fax: 256-882-1750 Email: registrar@girlscoutsnca.org
May 29–30
EZ Camp*
Time: Fri., 5:30 p.m.–Sat.,4:30 p.m.
Location: Camp Cottaquilla
Grade level: All
Min/max: 36/80
Cost: $60 per camper; $35 adult chaperones
Registration Deadline: May 14, 2015
Enjoy the fun of camp without all the work! Girls will experience
a variety of activities like hiking, camping skills, crafts, teambuilding activities and more led by camp staff. Before bed there
Summer Camp 2015
will be s’mores and songs around the campfire. Additional
activities including archery and canoeing may be available.
*Use Program Registration form on page 32 and 33 of the
Pathways opportunities to register for this session. Mail to:
ATTN: Tonya Sails, 105 Heatherbrooke Park Dr., Birmingham, AL
35242-8008. Fax: 205-980-4753 Email: tsails@girlscoutsnca.org
Day Camp Programs
Girls & Boys
Day camp is for girls and boys entering grades 1–7. Day camp is a
smart option for families looking for an alternative to traditional
daycare. Campers may attend one week or multiple weeks.
Lunch can be included for an additional $25 per week fee, OR
campers may bring their own lunch. Transportation to and from
day camp is the responsibility of the parent/guardian and is NOT
Arrival and
Schedule of Day Camp Programs at
Camp Cottaquilla
The first scheduled
Program #
activity starts at 9
June 1-5
a.m. each day, and
June 8-12
the last scheduled
activity concludes
at 4 p.m. Drop–off
times are between 7:30–9 a.m., and departure times begin at 4
and end no later than 6 p.m.
Daily swimming plus crafts, games, boating, and nature study.
Each week will alsoinclude age specific camp activities like archery, canoeing, pedal-boating, and low ropes. Some activities
will be repeated from week to week. Cost: $125 per week
Resident Camp Programs
Girls Only
May 31–June 5
WOW Water Fun!
Is the water your favorite place to be? Join us for a week of
fun around the waterfront. Swim, fish, play some water games
(maybe even create a game or two of your own), and learn
how to be safe in the water. Learn about water and make new
friends. You will still have time for other camp activities. You will
work on WOW Wonder of Water Journey.
Entering grades 1–3 (12 participants) #503106
Start your leadership journey HERE! During CIT, you will explore
leadership styles and experience group dynamics in action.
What does it take to lead by example? When is it appropriate
to lead from the rear? How can you engage and inspire those
around you? As a CIT you will shadow experienced camp staff
members, provide supervision and leadership for groups of
younger campers, and learn about careers in Outdoor Recreation.
Entering grades 9+ (8 participants)
All American Girl
Are you an All American Girl? Learn about girls in the past and
present. You can bring any doll to camp; it does not have to be
an American Girl doll. Make matching jewelry for you and your
doll. The week will end with a red, white and blue party. You
will have plenty of time for swimming, canoeing, crafts, and
more. Brownies will earn the Making Friends badge and Juniors
will earn Playing the Past
Entering grades 1–3 (12 participants) $349
Are you ready to embark on the Quilla Games? Learn shelter
building, camouflage, plant identification, orienteering, outdoor cooking, and lots of archery! You’ll even have the option
to spend the night in a shelter you built yourself. At the end of
the session, participate in a tournament to test your new skills.
Entering grades 4–5 or 6–10 (12 participants) $359
Camp Whatever
Do you want to do whatever you want while you are at camp?
Swim twice a day or sleep under the stars. Have an art show or
decorate cup cakes. Shoot archery before breakfast or canoe
in the dark. Do whatever! The choice is yours. Girls will work
together as a team to plan their week. What will it be?
Entering grades 4–5 or 6–8 (12 participants) $359
Another step in the leadership journey happens HERE! Continue to define your own unique leadership style and discover
the challenges and rewards of being a leader. Intentional activities improve problem solving and strengthen communication
skills. Learn how to share your expertise and passion with those
around you. Create your own ‘pocket portfolio’ so you’ll never
be at a loss for tricks, tips, songs, games, and activities.
Entering grades 10+ (8 participants)
C3 is a council-wide Outdoor Program initiative for teens,
designed to provide intentional opportunities for leadership
development. The name C3 was selected from the Girl Scout
mission - courage, confidence, and character. The program content includes many of the same activities included in nationally
recognized leadership development programs for teens. Additionally, you will shadow experienced camp leaders; provide
supervision and leadership for groups of younger campers; and
learn how to engage and inspire those around you. Participation looks great when listed on your scholarship, college, or job
application. *Fee is minimal since service is being performed.
Entering grades 6–9 (8 participants) $150*
May 31 & June 7–12
June 7–12
Olaf and Friends
If you like the movie” Frozen” then this is the camp for you! Fun
melted activities. Have a snowball battle. Make a frozen snack.
Swim in the frozen pool. Many more frozen activities. If you
have frozen costumes bring them along.
Entering grades 1–3 (12 participants) $349
Fairy Wings and Sparkly Things #503202
Discover the magic of camp! Make fairy houses, search for
Quilla and her fairy friends in the woods, make a fairy wand,
and have your very own fairy picnic! Discover some of the real
magic of nature.
Entering grades 1–3 (12 participants)
Girl Scouts of North-Central Alabama
camp cottaquilla (continued)
Want a more relaxed week at camp? We will have iPods rocking
and flip-flops popping poolside. You’ll be able to try as many
camp activities as you like, while also having plenty of time to
relax. Bring along your iPod, favorite flip flops, sketch pad, or
books. Between iCamp sessions, you’ll have the opportunity
to work with younger girls and complete some of the requirements for your First Aide pin.
Entering grades 4-5 or 6–8 (12 participants)
Take Aim
Want to be like Katniss? How about trying your hand at using
a bow and arrow? During this session you will spend at least
an hour each day learning safety, range etiquette, and basic
archery techniques. In addition to hanging out on the range,
you’ll get to have fun swimming, boating, hiking, climbing and
much more!
Entering grades 4–5 or 6-8 (12 participants) C3
C is a council-wide Outdoor Program initiative for teens,
designed to provide intentional opportunities for leadership
development. The name C3 was selected from the Girl Scout
mission - courage, confidence, and character. The program content includes many of the same activities included in nationally
recognized leadership development programs for teens. Additionally, you will shadow experienced camp leaders; provide
supervision and leadership for groups of younger campers; and
learn how to engage and inspire those around you. Participation looks great when listed on your scholarship, college, or job
application. *Fee is minimal since service is being performed.
Entering grades 6-9 (8 participants) $150*
Summer Camp 2015
camp coleman
amp Coleman is conveniently located just
off I-59 near Trussville and features 140
acres of pristine woods, meadows, creeks
and trails. The camp was established in 1925 and
has been providing summer camp programs for 90
years. Camp Coleman has a state-of the-art low
and high ropes course, a historical swinging bridge,
swimming pool, lots of traditional camp activities
and plenty of room to explore. Camp Coleman is
close to the Cahaba River, which offers a wonderful
resource to learn about biodiversity and local
ecological systems. The campsite also includes
a spacious dining hall and large open-air gym for
activities and rainy day events.
For more information, contact Outdoor Program
Manager Beth Gable at 256-365-2970 or 800-7344541 x 1902 or bgable@girlscoutsnca.org
Open House — Saturday, May 2, 2015, 2–4 p.m.
Girl Scouts of North-Central Alabama
camp coleman (continued)
Day Camp Programs
Girls & Boys
Day camp is for girls and boys entering grades 1–7. Day camp is a
smart option for families looking for an alternative to traditional
daycare. Campers may attend one week or multiple weeks.
Lunch can be provided for a fee of $25 per week only during
resident camp (June-15 19 and June 22-26) or campers may
bring their own lunches. Transportation to and from day camp is
the responsibility of the parent/guardian and is NOT provided.
Arrival and Departure
The first scheduled activity starts at 9 a.m. each day, and the
last scheduled activity concludes at 4 p.m. Drop–off times are
between 7:30–9 a.m., and departure times begin at 4 and end
no later than 6 p.m.
Day camp activities include crafts, games, hiking, canoeing,
marshmallow roast, creek stomp, and nature plus daily swimming. Each week will also include age specific camp activities
like archery, canoeing,climbing wall, orienteering, low ropes,
riflery, and high ropes. Some activities will be repeated from
week to week.
Summer Camp 2015
Schedule of Day Camp Programs at
Camp Coleman
Program #
May 26-29
June 1-5
June 8-12
June 15-19
June 22-26
Schedule of Horse Day Camp
Programs at Camp Coleman
Program #
June 1-5
June 8-12
June 15-19
June 22-26
Resident Camp Programs
Girls Only
June 14-19
Sparkly Things and Fairy Wings
Get ready for Sparkly Things and Fairy Wings! Start your week
by creating your very own Fairy Wings! Then take a hike to Fairy
Rock, learn the legends of the Guardians of Camp and have a
magical tea party with the fairies!. Program includes plenty of
fun camp activities like swimming, crafts, games, hiking and
Entering grades 1-3 (12 participants) $349
All American Girl
Are you an All American Girl? Learn about girls in the past and
present. You can bring any doll to camp; it does not have to be
an American Girl Doll. Make matching jewelry for you and your
doll. The week will end with a red, white and blue party. You
will have plenty of time for swimming, canoeing, crafts, and
more. Brownies will earn the Making Friends badge and Juniors
will earn Playing the Past.
Entering grades 1-3 (12 participants) $349
Coleman's Imaginarium
Open your mind to the possibilities around you! Create your
own camp, inspect the foundation of the Camp Coleman Fort,
and engineer a raft to cross the Cahaba River… at Coleman’s
Imaginarium the possibilities are endless! Includes fun camp
activities like swimming, crafts, canoeing, climbing wall and
Entering grades 4-5 or 6-8 (12 participants) Take Aim
Want to be like Katniss? How about trying your hand at using
a bow and arrow? During this session you will spend at least
an hour each day learning safety, range etiquette and basic
archery techniques. In addition to hanging out on the range,
you’ll get to have fun swimming, boating, hiking, climbing
and much more!
Entering grades 4-5 or 6-8 (12 participants) $359
Equestrian Intro
You'll learn to ride, groom, saddle, and care for horses. Your
equestrian adventure awaits! You will still have time for all
the other fun camp activities. (Special footwear is required.)
Entering grades K-3 (12 participants) $399
Horse Crazy
Are you horse crazy? This is the camp for you. Your equestrian adventure awaits! You'll learn to ride, groom, saddle
and care for horses. You will still have time for all the other
fun camp activities. (Special footwear is required.)
Entering grades 4-5 (12 participants) $399
Equestrian Adventure
If you love horses this adventure is just for you! You'll learn
to ride, groom, saddle and care for horses. You will still have
time for all the other fun camp activities. (Special footwear
is required.)
Entering grades 6-8 (12 participants) $399
C is a council-wide Outdoor Program initiative for teens,
designed to provide intentional opportunities for leadership
development. The name C3 was selected from the Girl Scout
mission - courage, confidence, and character. The program
content includes many of the same activities included in
nationally recognized leadership development programs
for teens. Additionally, you will shadow experienced camp
leaders; provide supervision and leadership for groups of
younger campers; and learn how to engage and inspire
those around you. Participation looks great when listed on
your scholarship, college, or job application. *Fee is minimal
since service is being performed.
Entering grades 6-9 (8 participants) $150
June 14-19 & June 21-26
Start your leadership journey HERE! During CIT, you will
explore leadership styles and experience group dynamics
in action. What does it take to lead by example? When is it
appropriate to lead from the rear? How can you engage and
inspire those around you? As a CIT you will shadow experienced camp staff members, provide supervision and leadership for groups of younger campers, and learn about careers
in Outdoor Recreation.
Entering grades 9+ (8 participants)
Another step in the leadership journey happens HERE! Con
Girl Scouts of North-Central Alabama
tinue to define your own unique leadership style and discover
the challenges and rewards of being a leader. Intentional activities improve problem solving and strengthen communication
skills. Learn how to share your expertise and passion with those
around you. Create your own ‘pocket portfolio’ so you’ll never
be at a loss for tricks, tips, songs, games, and activities.
Entering grades 10+ (8 participants)
June 21-26
Equestrian Intro
You'll learn to ride, groom, saddle, and care for horses. Your
equestrian adventure awaits! You will still have time for all the
other fun camp activities. (Special footwear is required.)
Entering grades K-3 (12 participants) $399
Horse Crazy
Are you horse crazy? This is the camp for you. Your equestrian
adventure awaits! You'll learn to ride, groom, saddle and care
for horses. You will still have time for all the other fun camp
activities. (Special footwear is required.)
Entering grades 4-5 (12 participants) $399
Equestrian Adventure
If you love horses this adventure is just for you! You'll learn
to ride, groom, saddle and care for horses. You will still have
time for all the other fun camp activities. (Special footwear is
Entering grades 6-8 (12 participants) $399
Olaf and Friends
If you like the movie” Frozen” then this is the camp for you! Fun
melted activities. Have a snowball battle. Make a frozen snack.
Swim in the frozen pool. Many more frozen activities. If you
have frozen costumes bring it along.
Entering grades 1-4 (12 participants) $349
Are you ready to embark on the Coleman Games? Learn shelter
building, camouflage, plant identification, orienteering, outdoor cooking, and lots of archery! You’ll even have the option
to spend the night in a shelter you built yourself. At the end of
the session, participate in a tournament to test your new skills.
Entering grades 4-5 or 6-8 (12 participants) $359
Want a more relaxed week at camp? We will have iPods rocking
and flip-flops popping poolside. You’ll be able to try as many
camp activities as you like, while also having plenty of time to
relax. Bring along your IPod, favorite flip flops, sketch pad, or
books. Between icamp sessions, you’ll have the opportunity
to work with younger girls and complete some of the requirements for your First Aide pin.
Entering grades 4-5 or 6-8 (12 participants) $359
Camp Whatever
Do you want to come to camp and do whatever you want to?
Swim twice a day or sleep under the stars. Have an art show or
decorate cup cakes. Shoot archery before breakfast or canoe
in the dark. The choice is yours to do whatever. Girls will work
together as a team to plan their week. What will it be?
Entering Grades 4-5 or 6-8 (12 participants)
C is a council-wide Outdoor Program initiative for teens,
designed to provide intentional opportunities for leadership
development. The name C3 was selected from the Girl Scout
mission - courage, confidence, and character. The program content includes many of the same activities included in nationally
recognized leadership development programs for teens. Additionally, you will shadow experienced camp leaders; provide
supervision and leadership for groups of younger campers; and
learn how to engage and inspire those around you. Participation looks great when listed on your scholarship, college, or job
application. *Fee is minimal since service is being performed.
Entering grades 6–9 (8 participants) 12
Summer Camp 2015
kanawahala program center
anawahala Program Center (KPC)
encompasses approximately 600 acres of
wooded hills and valleys loaded with hiking
and biking trails. With its 40-acre private lake and
junior Olympic-sized swimming pool, KPC is perfect
for campers who love water activities. There’s also
mountain biking, pedal boating, canoeing, kayaking,
pontoon boat rides and a 35-foot climbing tower
with attached high and low ropes course elements.
The modern conference center overlooks Lake
Alice and houses a large dining room, commercial
kitchen, archery and crafts program areas, a
covered area for activities and rainy day events, a
storm shelter and the camp’s health care facilities.
Established in 1975, KPC is located just off Highway
280 in Chelsea and is accredited by the American
Camp Association (ACA).
For more information, contact the camp director at
205-490-2252 or 800-734-4541 x1600.
Open House — Sunday, April 12, 2015, 2–4 p.m.
Girl Scouts of North-Central Alabama
kanawahala program center (continued)
Summer Programs
Troops & Families
35242-8008. Fax: 205-980-4753 Email: tsails@girlscoutsnca.org
Entering grades 1+ (80 participants)
$60 per camper; $35 per chaperone
May 8-9
Day Camp Programs
Girls & Boys
Mom & Me/Family Camp*
Want to have fun and adventure? Try this one-night camp with
your mom or family. KPC’s trained staff will provide all activities
and meals (dinner, breakfast and lunch); parents will provide
This program offers you an opportunity to experience fun camp
activities such as archery, nature studies, swimming, climbing
wall, high ropes, canoeing, pedal boating, pontoon boat rides,
kayaking, hayrides and more.
*Use Program Registration form on page 32 and 33 of the
Pathways opportunities to register for this session. Mail to:
ATTN: Tonya Sails, 105 Heatherbrooke Park Dr., Birmingham, AL
35242-8008. Fax: 205-980-4753 Email: tsails@girlscoutsnca.org
All grade-levels are welcome (80 participants)
$60 each
May 29–30
EZ Troop Camp*
Time: Fri., 5:30 p.m.–Sat., 4:30 p.m.
Bring your troop to KPC for summertime fun. Let the staff do
all the work while your troop gets challenged with fun and
adventure. Your troop might canoe around the island, climb in
the treetops, hike the 600 wooded acres, swim out to the floating dock, take a dip in the pool, or choose from other traditional camp activities. Trained staff will provide all activities and
meals; troop chaperones provide supervision of campers. No
special training is required. Includes lodging, three meals and
activities. One chaperone for every six campers may attend at a
reduced fee; extra adults pay the regular camper fee.
*Use Program Registration form on page 32 and 33 of the
Pathways opportunities to register for this session. Mail to:
ATTN: Tonya Sails, 105 Heatherbrooke Park Dr., Birmingham, AL
At KPC, day camp is for girls and boys entering grades 1–7. Day
camp is a smart option for families looking for an alternative to
traditional daycare. Campers may attend one week or multiple
weeks. Lunch can be provided for a fee of $20 per week or
campers may bring their own lunches. Transportation to and
from day camp is the responsibility of the parent/guardian and
is NOT provided. See chart below for dates/program numbers.
Schedule of Day Camp Programs at
Kanawahala Program Center (KPC)
June 29–July 2*
July 13-17
Program #
* Due to the holidays, this week of day camp
is shortened; fees reflect the shorter week.
Cost: $125 per week for a 5 day session.
Lunch can be provided to day campers for a
fee of $25 per week.
Arrival and
The first scheduled
activity starts at 9
a.m. each day, and
the last scheduled
activity concludes
at 4 p.m. Drop–off
times are between
7:30–9 a.m., and
departures begin at
4 and end no later
than 6 p.m.
Friday check-out will be 4–6 p.m. At check-out, be sure to check
for ALL of your child’s belongings, pick up any medication you
may have dropped off at the beginning of the week and pick
up your child’s remaining Trading Post money or carry forward
to another week.
Day camp activities may include crafts, climbing wall, swimming, archery and more. Each week will also include specialized, age-specific activities like low and high ropes course,
slip-n-slide, pedal boating, kayaking and/or canoeing. Swim
and Trading Post are scheduled daily.
Resident Camp Programs
Girls Only
June 28- July 2
Check-in Sunday 5:00-6:00 p.m.
Check-out Thursday 4:30-5:30 p.m. (5 Day Camps)
How brave are you? Are you brave enough to blaze your own
Summer Camp 2015
C is a council-wide Outdoor Program initiative for teens,
designed to provide intentional opportunities for leadership
development. The name C3 was selected from the Girl Scout
mission - courage, confidence, and character. The program content includes many of the same activities included in nationally
recognized leadership development programs for teens. Additionally, you will shadow experienced camp leaders; provide
supervision and leadership for groups of younger campers; and
learn how to engage and inspire those around you. Participation looks great when listed on your scholarship, college, or job
application. *Fee is minimal since service is being performed.
Entering grades 6–9 (8 participants) $150*
July 7-10
Check-in Tuesday 5:00-6:00 p.m.
Check-out Friday 4:30-5:30 p.m. (4 Day Camps)
Land of Oz
trail, explore the forest looking for wisps, and learn how bears
and other wild animals live? Don’t worry, you will work on
improving your archery skills and explore the lake which will
make your bravery soar. There will be time for all the other fun
camp activities too!
Entering grades 1-3 (18 participants)
The Case of the Missing Chocolate
Chip Cookie
Who took the cookie from the cookie jar? Follow the clues and
secret messages to help solve this mystery. Clues may require
that you canoe to a secret location, search for evidence on
trails, lead you to the top of the climbing wall and more. Brownies will work towards their Brownie Senses badge
.Entering grades 1-3 (12 participants)
C.S.I. - Camp Scene Investigation
Arrive at camp just after a mysterious event has happened.
The mystery will be solved using forensic science methods to
collect and analyze evidence to find out who did what and
why. Following leads may take you on an adventure through
the high ropes course, canoeing across the lake, examining
the pool, and determining how archery was used in this event.
Junior Girls will work towards their Junior Detective badge.
Entering grades 4-5 or 6-8 (12 participants)
Maximum Capacity
How much adventure can you cram into five days at camp?
You’re about to find out! This week will be jam-packed with
everything you want to do this summer — canoe, kayak, hike,
improve your aim or challenge yourself on the high ropes
course. There’s never a dull moment when you are operating
at maximum capacity. Top off your adventure with a lake swim
and campfire under the stars.
Entering grades 4-5 or 6-9 (18 participants)
We’re off to see the wizard! Challenge yourself while climbing in
the trees and zip on the “Kids Playground” like the flying monkeys. Paddle to a hidden cove and make some magical crafts.
Hike deep into the forest to discover the witch’s lair and search
for her broom. Write a skit as you work on the Drama badge
then make a costume to wear in a “Wizard of OZ” skit. Stay up
late, enjoy an after-hours snack, and watch the movie. You’ll
still have time for all the other fun camp activities like archery,
hayride and swimming.
Entering grades 1-3 (12 participants) $239
Pamper Me!
Sit back and chillax as you are pampered. Lounge around the
pool. Spend all day beautifying yourself with a makeover, new
hairdo and painting your nails. Have breakfast in bed. Create
fab jewelry and have a girl’s night movie party. You will still be
able to canoe/ kayak, shoot archery, and take a stroll through
the woods. Don’t forget to bring flip flops, drinks and snacks.
Entering grades 1-3 (18 participants) $239
Night Owls #504203
Become nocturnal at camp as you stay up late and sleep in.
Glow in the dark games, moonlit zip lining, and midnight
madness parties can only be done in the dark. Be sure to bring
your iPod, flip flops, sodas, and snacks. There will be some time
during the day for all the usual camp activities like canoeing,
archery and more.
Entering grades 4-5 or 6-8 (12 participants)
Absolutely Aquatic
Its all about the splash, 'bout the splash, 'bout the splash! Start
with some well-known water adventures like canoeing, kayaking, and swimming. Add in a few rare water activities like synchronized swimming, water rodeo, and water balloon games.
Make up your own water activity and you will leave camp a
little waterlogged.
Entering grades 4-5 or 6-8 (12 participants)
Girl Scouts of North-Central Alabama
kanawahala program center (continued)
You Can’t Do THAT at camp!
Oh, yes, you can! Stay up late, watch a movie, order room
service, raid the dining hall, enjoy a pool party, paint your
nails and play glow-in-the-dark games. Bring your flip-flops,
stuffed friends and favorite snacks. Work together as a team
to design your own twist on some of the normal camp activities like archery and climbing wall.
Entering grades 1-3 (18 participants)
Harry Potter
July 8-10 & July 12-17
Start your leadership journey HERE! During CIT, you will explore
leadership styles and experience group dynamics in action.
What does it take to lead by example? When is it appropriate
to lead from the rear? How can you engage and inspire those
around you? As a CIT you will shadow experienced camp staff
members, provide supervision and leadership for a group of
younger campers, and learn about careers in outdoor recreation.
Entering grades 9+ (4 participants)
Another step in the leadership journey happens HERE! Continue to define your own unique leadership style and discover
the challenges and rewards of being a leader. Intentional activities improve problem solving and strengthen communication
skills. Learn how to share your expertise and passion with those
around you. Create your own ‘pocket portfolio’ so you’ll never
be at a loss for tricks, tips, songs, games, and activities.
Entering grades 10+ (8 participants)
July 12–17
Check-in Sunday 5:00-6:00 p.m.
Check-out Thursday 4:30-5:30 p.m. (5 Day Camps)
(6 Day Program)
Bring flip-flops, sunglasses, and sunscreen! Spend the day
splashing in Lake Alice, competing in water balloon games,
dippin a line, slippin-N-slidin, lounging at the pool and go on a
pontoon boat ride in the moonlight. You and your friends can
sing karaoke, or watch an outdoor movie. There will even be
time for climbing wall, pedal-boating or canoeing, crafts and
Summer Camp 2015
Entering grades 4–5 or 6–9 (18 participants)
Kamp Katniss
You’ve read The Hunger Games books and seen the movies
now come experience the excitement for yourself! Work with
your unit to learn survival skills to help prepare for an overnight
camp-out under the stars. Practice your archery skills, challenge
yourself, climb 35 feet up in the forest canopy. Work with a
team on a geocaching treasure hunt to get more goods. Learn
how to collect and purify water and how to build a shelter to
stay dry. Bring your skills to the group to help everyone stay
together. Remember, “May the odds be ever in your favor!”
Entering grades 4-5 or 6-9 (12 participants)
C is a council-wide Outdoor Program initiative for teens,
designed to provide intentional opportunities for leadership
development. The name C3 was selected from the Girl Scout
mission - courage, confidence, and character. The program content includes many of the same activities included in nationally
recognized leadership development programs for teens. Additionally, you will shadow experienced camp leaders; provide
supervision and leadership for groups of younger campers; and
learn how to engage and inspire those around you. Participation looks great when listed on your scholarship, college, or job
application! *Fee is minimal since service is being performed.
Entering grades 6–9 (8 participants) Aqua Adventures
Entering grades 1-3 (12 participants)
Are you an aspiring Hogwart’s student? Join us for a magical week filled with wand-making, quidditch-playing and
potion- creating fun inspired by J.K. Rowling’s best-selling
novels! Upon arrival, the Sorting Hat will be there to sort you
into your cabins. Bring your Hogwart’s best, show your House
colors and compete in activities for the House Cup. There
will still be time to enjoy all the other adventures camp has
to offer like flying through the trees, walking on air, soaring
from a giant’s swing, hiking through the Forbidden Forest
and swimming with the merpeople. If you’re ready for a week
of magical fun, this is for you!
camp trico
amp Trico, near Guntersville, consists of
over 100 scenic acres, resting on a wooded
peninsula on the shores of beautiful Lake
Guntersville. Camp Trico features picturesque
waterfront views, an aquatic recreation area,
swimming pool, and miles of hiking trails. Halsey
Lodge overlooks the lake and includes commercial
kitchen facilities, an air-conditioned dining room
and a large storm shelter. Lake Guntersville has
long been recognized as a popular recreation
destination for birdwatchers, wildlife observers,
fishermen and families.
For more information, contact Outdoor
Program Manager Beth Gable at 256-3652970 or 800-734-4541 x 1902 or bgable@
Open House — Sunday, April 19, 2015, 2–4 p.m.
Girl Scouts of North-Central Alabama
Summer Programs
Troops & Families
Camp Trico- Father/Daughter*
Friday–Saturday, May 15–16, 2015
Time: Fri., 6 p.m.–Sat., 4 p.m.
Location: Camp Trico
Grade level: Entering first grade and above
Min/max: 28/56
Cost: $60 per participant
Registration deadline: April 30, 2015
Bring your dad to camp for a weekend getaway! You and your
dad (or other significant adult male age 18 or older) will be
teamed up with others your age to form a “tribe.” Tribes will
compete in fun and somewhat unusual challenges designed
around traditional camp activities like swimming, archery,
canoeing, fishing, crafts and more. You and your dad will be
housed together. All activities are weather-permitting.
*Use Program Registration form on page 32 and 33 of the
Pathways opportunities to register for this session. Mail to:
ATTN: Tonya Sails, 105 Heatherbrooke Park Dr., Birmingham, AL
35242-8008. Fax: 205-980-4753 Email: tsails@girlscoutsnca.org
Resident Camp
Girls Only
Day Camp Programs
Girls & Boys
Day camp is for girls and boys entering grades 1–7. Day camp
is a smart option for families looking for an alternative to
traditional daycare. Campers may attend one week or multiple
weeks. Lunch can be provided for a fee of $25 per week or
campers may bring their own lunches. Transportation to and
from day camp is the responsibility of the parent/guardian and
is NOT provided.
Arrival and Departure
The first scheduled activity starts at 9 a.m. each day, and the
last scheduled activity concludes at 4 p.m. Drop–off times are
between 7:30–9 a.m., and departure times begin at 4 and end
no later than 6 p.m.
Day camp activities include crafts, games, boating, and nature
study plus daily swimming. Each week will also include age
specific camp activities like archery, canoeing, pedal-boating,
and sailing. Some activities will be repeated from week to week.
Schedule of Day Camp Programs at
Camp Trico
Program #
July 13-17
July 20-24
July 10–11
Check-in Friday 6:00 p.m.
Check-out Saturday 4:00-5:30 p.m.
Mini Splash
Your days will be spent at the pool and lake. Spend extra time
at the lake and throw a pool party! Every day will be filled with
some new water adventure outside of the pool, too. You will
still have time for many more fun camp activities.
Entering grades 1-3 or 4-6 (12 participants)
Mini Tie-Dye Time
Blue, yellow, green, what color combination will you try? Tiedye projects are such fun. There will be water games, board
games, and minute-to-win-it. There will be time for other
fun camp activities, such as archery, canoeing, pedal boating,
swimming and more. Bring a t-shirt to tie-dye!
Entering grades 4-5 or 6-8 (12 participants)
Summer Camp 2015
Mini Camp Whatever
Do you want to come to camp and do whatever you want to?
Swim or boat all day. Have an art show or decorate cupcakes.
Shoot archery before breakfast or canoe in the dark. The choice
is yours to do whatever. Girls will work together as a team to
plan their camp. What will it be?
Entering grades 4-5 or 6-8 (12 participants)
July 12-17
WOW Water Fun! #506201
Is the water your favorite place to be? Join us for a week of
fun around the waterfront. Swim, fish, play some water games
(maybe even create a game or two of your own), and learn
how to be safe in the water. Learn about water and make new
friends. You will still have time for all the other fun camp activities. You will work on WOW Wonder of Water Journey.
Entering grades 1-3 (12 participants)
All American Girl
Are you an All American Girl? Learn about girls in the past and
present. You can bring any doll to camp; it does not have to be
an American Girl Doll. Make matching jewelry for you and your
doll. The week will end with a red, white, and blue party. You
will have plenty of time for swimming, canoeing, crafts, and
more. Brownies will earn the Making Friends badge and Juniors
will earn Playing the Past.
Entering grades 1-3 (12 participants)
Are you ready to enbark on the Trico Games? Learn shelter
building, camouflage, plant identification, orienteering, outdoor cooking, and lots of archery! You’ll even have the option
to spend the night in a shelter you built yourself. At the end of
the session, participate in a tournament to test your new skills.
Camp Whatever
Do you want to come to camp and do whatever you want to?
Swim twice a day or sleep under the stars. Have an art show or
decorate cup cakes. Shoot archery before breakfast or canoe
in the dark. The choice is yours to do whatever. Girls will work
together as a team to plan their week. What will it be?
Entering grades 4-5 or 6-8 (12 participants)
C is a council-wide Outdoor Program initiative for teens,
designed to provide intentional opportunities for leadership
development. The name C3 was selected from the Girl Scout
mission - courage, confidence, and character. The program content includes many of the same activities included in nationally
recognized leadership development programs for teens. Additionally, you will shadow experienced camp leaders; provide
supervision and leadership for groups of younger campers; and
learn how to engage and inspire those around you. Participation looks great when listed on your scholarship, college, or job
application.! *Fee is minimal since service is being performed.
Entering grades 6–9 (8 participants) $150
July 12-17 & July 19-24
Entering grades 9+ (8 participants)
Another step in the leadership journey happens HERE!
Continue to define your own unique leadership style and
discover the challenges and rewards of being a leader.
Intentional activities improve problem solving and strengthen
communication skills. Learn how to share your expertise
and passion with those around you. Create your own ‘pocket
portfolio’ so you’ll never be at a loss for tricks, tips, songs,
games, and activities.
Entering grades 10+ (8 participants)
Start your leadership journey HERE! During CIT, you will explore
leadership styles and experience group dynamics in action.
What does it take to lead by example? When is it appropriate
July 19-24
Entering grades 4-5 or 6-8 (12 participants)
to lead from the rear? How can you engage and inspire those
around you? As a CIT you will shadow experienced camp staff
members, provide supervision and leadership for a group
of younger campers, and learn about careers in outdoor
WOW Splash
Our week will be spent at the pool and lake. Spend extra time
at the lake, have a floating lunch, and throw the best pool party
around! Every day will be filled with some new water adventure
outside of the pool too. You will still have time for all the other
fun camp activities.
Entering grades 1-3 or 4-6 (12 participants)
Olaf and Friends
If you like the movie” Frozen” then this is the camp for you! Fun
melted activities. Have a snowball battle. Make a frozen snack.
Swim in the frozen pool. Many more frozen activities. If you
have frozen costumes, bring them along!
Entering grades 1-4 (12 participants)
Epic Adventure
Clues, excitement, and suspense are just part of the fun. Secret
codes, scavenger hunts and unlocking mysteries a wait you!
Girls will work towards their Junior Detective badge.
Entering grades 4-5 (12 participants)
Take Aim
Want to be like Katniss? How about trying your hand at using
a bow and arrow? During this session you will spend at least
an hour each day at the archery range learning safety, range
etiquette and basic archery techniques. In addition to hanging
out on the range, you’ll get to have fun swimming, boating,
hiking and much more!
Entering grades 4-5 (12 participants)
Want a more relaxed week at camp? We will have iPods rocking
and flip-flops popping poolside. You’ll be able to try as many
camp activities as you like, while also having plenty of time to
relax. Bring along your iPod, favorite flip flops, sketch pad, or
books. Between iCamp sessions, you’ll have the opportunity
Girl Scouts of North-Central Alabama
to work with younger girls and complete some of the
requirements for your Program Aide pin.
Entering grades 4-5 or 6-8 (12 participants)
C is a council-wide Outdoor Program initiative for teens,
designed to provide intentional opportunities for leadership
development. The name C3 was selected from the Girl Scout
mission - courage, confidence, and character. The program content includes many of the same activities included in nationally
recognized leadership development programs for teens. Additionally, you will shadow experienced camp leaders; provide
supervision and leadership for groups of younger campers; and
learn how to engage and inspire those around you. Participation looks great when listed on your scholarship, college, or job
application! *Fee is minimal since service is being performed.
Entering grades 6–9 (8 participants) $150*
Summer Camp 2015
registration information
How to Register
Fax registrations with credit card info to:
Registration begins at noon, ­Saturday, ­February 21, 2015.
Online registration is the preferred method for registration, and
there is no additional fee.
Registrations mailed or faxed will be processed after those
entered online.
ff All camp programs and sessions have limited availability
and will be filled on a space-available basis.
Online Registration at girlscoutsnca.org/camps
Online registration will be available beginning at noon on
Saturday, February 21, 2015, on GSNCA’s website and here . In
order to register, you must pay the required deposit at the time
of registration.
Registration by Mail
Paper registrations (found on the following pages) will be accepted by mail only at the Birmingham office. Mailed registrations will not be processed until Tuesday, February 24, after
online registration has begun. When submitting paper registration, please complete a separate form for each camper and
for each program. Registrations for resident camp programs
submitted by mail must include a $100 check, money order or
credit card deposit. Registrations for day camp or family/troop
camp programs must be accompanied by a check, money order
or credit card deposit of $20 per person per session.
The deposit is refundable only if the selected session is full or is
canceled due to lack of registrations.
Mail registrations to:
ATTENTION: Camp Registrar
Girl Scouts of North-Central Alabama
105 Heatherbrooke Park Drive
Birmingham, AL 35242-8008
Registration by Fax
Registrations will be accepted by fax only at the Birmingham
office 205-980-4753. Faxed registrations will not be processed
until Tuesday, February 24, after online registration has begun.
Registrations submitted by fax must include credit card payment information so that the deposit can be charged.
ATTENTION: Camp Registrar
Girl Scouts of North-Central Alabama
FAX: 205-980-4753
For details, contact Tonya Sails at 205-453-9526, 800-734-4541 x
1028 or tsails@girlscoutsnca.org.
Waiting Lists
Registrations will be accepted as long as space is available in
the selected session or two weeks before the starting date of
the session, whichever comes first.
During online registration, if space is not available in the selected session, you will automatically be placed on the waiting list
and your deposit will not be processed. Waiting lists are usually
short and campers are almost always placed from the waiting
list. You will be notified by email when space becomes available. At that time your registration deposit will be processed.
The required $100 deposit for resident camp programs and/or
$20 per person deposit for family/troop/day camp programs
must be paid at the time of registration to secure a place in the
selected session. The deposit goes toward the total camp fee.
For example, if the listed camp fee is $400, you pay the $100
resident camp deposit at registration. The balance owed is
$300. The deposit is refundable only if the selected session is
full or is canceled due to lack of registrations.
Cancellation & Refund Policy
Please notify Tonya Sails, camp registrar, immediately if a
camper will not be able to attend a session for which they are
registered (tsails@girlscoutsnca.org or 205-453-9526 or 800734-4541 x1028).
The registration deposit is non-refundable and may not be
transferred to another camper. The balance of fees paid above
the registration deposit will be refunded under the following
ff The cancellation is made at least three weeks prior to the
selected session and the refund is requested in ­writing and
Girl Scouts of North-Central Alabama
registration information (continued)
clearly states the reason(s) your child is unable to attend the
camp session. Send refund request to the camp registrar.
ff OR on the recommendation of a physician. Send a copy of
the physician’s statement with your written refund request
to the camp registrar.
Health History & Health Exam Record
To complete the registration process, ALL campers, both
children and adults (day, resident and special programs), must
complete a current Health ­History Form. The online form
should be filled out by the parent and is required for all campers, even if the Health Exam Form is still on file from last year.
Resident campers must also submit a Health Exam Record.
The Health Exam Record may be found online on the Forms
and Resources page on girlscouts­nca.org with return packets. It
must be filled out by a licensed physician or nurse practitioner
and requires a physical examination within the past 24 months.
If your exam is on file from last year, please indicate this on
the form. (Blue immunization card may not be substituted for
Mail or FAX registrations to:
ATTENTION: Camp Registrar
Girl Scouts of North-Central Alabama
105 Heatherbrooke Park Drive
Birmingham, AL 35242-8008
FAX: 205-980-4753
Summer Camp 2015
Would you like your child to
attend camp for FREE?
Camp Staff Needed
Would you like your child to attend camp for FREE? If you are
interested in a volunteer position at one of the GSNCA camps,
we can use your help! For adults who are willing to serve one week
(or more) as camp health manager (with 1st Aid/CPR), kitchen assistant, or specialized program activity leader (with certification),
free tuition is available for one child for one week of resident or day
camp. The camp health manager oversees camper health, manages medications and must be currently be certified in American
Red Cross First Aid and CPR (or be a Registered Nurse), and must
reside on the campsite from Sunday evening through Friday afternoon.
For more information, please email lelliott@girlscoutsnca.org.
My Notes
Girl Scouts of North-Central Alabama
Registration Form
Mail or FAX registrations to:
Resident Camps&
Girl Scouts of Day
ATTENTION: Camp Registrar
Girl Scouts of North-Central Alabama
105 Heatherbrooke Park Drive
Birmingham, AL 35242-8008
FAX: 205-980-4753
Middle initial
Date of birth
Entering grade in fall 2015
I wish to be placed with (cabinmate preference)
Have you ever been to one of our summer camps before? q Yes q No Where?
Are you a registered Girl Scout? q Yes q No Troop #
Troop level
Have you ever been a registered Girl Scout? q Yes q No Gender: q Female q Male
Phone (cell)_______________________________________________________Will your phone receive text messages? q Yes q No
Email (required)
Please complete a SEPARATE registration form for EACH
Resident Camp or Summer Program your child wishes to attend.
Cost of Resident Camp, Summer Program
or Day Camp
Camp Location
One-time non-member/insurance
fee (out-of-council GS members
also required to pay fee): $20
Program Name
Trading Post (min. $15)
Program #Fee
Purchase provided lunches for Day Camp
Sessions ($25 per week)
Total Cost$___________
Return Packets may be found at girlscoutsnca.org. They contain
check-in times, what to bring to camp, and health forms.
Summer and Resident Sessions
Deposit Amount (see chart, below left)
Day Camp
Deposit Amount ($20 per week)
Type of Camp
Deposit Amount
Insurance Fee
Resident Camps
$100 per session
Summer Programs
$20 per participant
Day Camps
$20 per session
Contact Tonya Sails at tsails@girlscoutsnca.org, 800-7344541 x1028, 205-453-9526 or go to girlscoutsnca.org/camps.
Balance Due*
*Summer and Resident Camp Sessions: If balance due is not received
by three (3) weeks before the session begins, space may no longer
be available for your child. If space is available, a late fee of $25 will
be charged. *Day Camp Sessions: If balance due is not received by
Wednesday of the week before the session begins, space may no longer
be available for your child. No monies will be accepted on mornings of
Make checks payable to Girl Scouts of North-Central Alabama.
q Check q Money order q Cash (do not mail)
To pay by credit card:
q MasterCard q VISA q Discover q American Express
Name on card
Credit Card #
Expiration date
u Back of registration form must also be completed.
Summer Camp 2015
Security code
3-digit # on back of card
Camper Information
Are there any special problems that may confront your child at camp (homesickness, sleep-walking, bed-wetting, anxiety,
moodiness, etc.)?
Parental Permission
In the event of illness, injury or emergency, and I cannot be reached, I authorize the following person to act on my behalf:
Phone (cell)_______________________________________________________Will your phone receive text messages? q Yes q No
My child is under the custodial care of: q Both parents q Mother only q Father only q Others ______________________
The following person(s) HAS PERMISSION to pick my child up from camp:
The following person(s) DOES NOT HAVE PERMISSION to pick my child up from camp:
My child has permission to participate in all phases of camp activity and trips from camp. He/she may be photographed or videotaped
and you may use his/her picture/image for publicity purposes. I have read the camp brochure and agree to abide by all regulations and
procedures. Enclosed is the registration deposit, which I understand is non-refundable.
I understand that membership in Girl Scouts of the USA is automatic for girls who are non-members when I pay the additional $20 fee
with my registration deposit.
In addition, I give full permission for EMERGENCY MEDICAL TREATMENT and/or anesthesia to be administered by qualified personnel as deemed necessary by the camp health manager or the camp director. I also grant permission for medications to be given as
stated on the health examination card or directed by me.
Parent/Guardian SignatureDate
u Registration deposit must accompany this application.
For more information:
Contact Tonya Sails at tsails@girlscoutsnca.org, 800-734-4541 x1028, 205-453-9526 or go to girlscoutsnca.org/camps.
u If registration is less than three (3) weeks prior to camp session, payment in full is required with registration.
Mail or FAX registrations to:
ATTENTION: Camp Registrar
Girl Scouts of North-Central Alabama
105 Heatherbrooke Park Drive
Birmingham, AL 35242-8008
FAX: 205-980-4753
Girl Scouts of North-Central Alabama
Deadline: February 1, 2014
To Request Financial Aid for Summer Camp 2015
Girl’s NameAgeGrade
Parent/Guardian's NameRelationship
Phone (cell)Will your phone receive text messages? q Yes q No
CityStateZIPEmail (required)
Is she a registered Girl Scout? q Yes q No How many years? ______ Troop # __________ Troop level _______________________
Troop Leader’s NameService Unit
Name of camp sessionSession #Total fee $
Reason for requesting assistance
Child is living with: q Single parent q Both parents q One or more grandparent and/or
q Under supervision of grandparent at least 20 hours per week q Other (please specify) __________________________________
Number of family members living in the home ________ # of adults ________ # & ages of children _____________________________
Is there any additional information you feel the committee should know about your daughter or your circumstances?
Your daughter’s participation in the Girl Scout Cookie Program is essential as it gives her an opportunity to help herself.
How many boxes of cookies did your daughter sell in 2014?
If none, why?
Family’s annual income $ ________________________
(Include income from all sources to determine your annual income. Income information must be provided in order to process your a
­ pplication
and is for Campership Committee use only. It will be deleted upon completion of the campership review process.)
Camp session fee
$ __________________
Amount family will pay
– $ __________________
Amount girl can pay or earn
– $ __________________
Amount of Campership/Scholarship requested
= $ __________________
I certify that the information provided is accurate and complete.
Parent/Guardian SignatureDate
Campership/Scholarship Committee
Girl Scouts of North-Central Alabama
105 Heatherbrooke Park Drive
Birmingham, AL 35242-8008
This application must be completed in full and received no later than February 1, 2015, to be considered for
­financial assistance.
Summer Camp 2015
Girl Scouts of North-Central Alabama
Camp Open Houses
Enjoy an afternoon getting acquainted with our camps! Meet the staff and get answers to
questions about summer camp programs. These events are intended for children and their
families who are considering attending summer camp. ­­Pre-registration is not necessary.
Camp Cottaquilla – Saturday, April 11, 2015, 2–4 p.m.
Camp Coleman – Saturday, May 2, 2015, 2–4 p.m.
Kanawahala Program Center – Sunday, April 12, 2015, 2–4 p.m.
Camp Trico – Sunday, April 19, 2015, 2–4 p.m.
Summer Camp 2015
Girl Scouts of North-Central Alabama
Girl Scouts of
North-Central Alabama
105 Heatherbrooke Park Drive
Birmingham, AL 35242-8008
205-980-4750 or 800-734-4541