May 2015 Regional June is Great Outdoors Month!ааWhat Will You

What Will Your Girl Scout Do This Summer?
Stay Connect
May 2015
Summer Friendship
Fest­Save the Date!
We happily invite you to our
Second Annual Summer
Friendship Fest. This fun and
festive event will feature live
music, upscale BBQ fare, a
wine & beer garden, and
silent & live auctions. This
event is catered by Life's
Kitchen. Hope to see you
there! Adults only, please.
Date: June 27, 2015
Time: 5:00 ­ 9:00pm
Venue: Kleiner Memorial
Park (1900 North Records
Avenue, Meridian)
Tickets: $45 each
To purchase tickets, click
here or call Jennifer Spencer
at 208­377­2011, ext. 115. Bring the World to Your
Family­ Host an
International Student
Each year, EF High School
Exchange Year connects
thousands of international
exchange students with
caring host families across
the United States.
Together they bring cultures
together, open communities
to the wider world, and create
June is Great Outdoors Month! What Will You Do?
Did you know Saturday, June 13 is National Get
Outdoors Day? What a great time for Girl Scouts to
work on one of their many outdoor related badges. For
example, Brownie's Hiker Badge, Junior's Geocaching
Badge or Cadette's Trailblazing Badge. Coming in June, Girl Scouts will offer five new badges: Brownie: Outdoor Adventurer (a choice of outdoor activities,
including things like bike riding, wading in a creek, developing a
camp skill, and more)
Junior: Horseback Riding
Cadette: Archery
Senior: Paddling (canoeing, kayaking, or paddle boarding)
Ambassador: Ultimate Recreation Challenge (a choice five
outdoor challenges such as rock climbing, zip lining,
waterskiing, and more
Staying connected with your girls throughout the summer with outdoor
activities benefits the girls in many ways. With the connection with
their sister Girl Scouts, they look forward to the next membership
year, increasing the retention rate of Girl Scouts. With the weather in
Idaho, we are also limited to how many months we have of awesome
weather. The type of weather that is ideal for some of these badges. It can be difficult to find bugs for the Brownie Bugs badge in the
middle of winter. Lastly, being outside builds immune systems,
provides exercise, stimulates imaginations, promotes problem solving
skills and provides vitamin D. So instead of saying good­bye to your troop at the end of the school
year, challenge your troop to meet at least once a month during the
lifelong friendships that span
the globe. And you can be a
part of it! Their students are
15­18 years old and come
from more than 13 different
countries. They carefully
select each and every one,
so you know your student
will be motivated, proficient
in English, and excited to be
part of your family!
Hosting an exchange student
with EF High School
Exchange Year is rewarding
in so many ways­ here are
three of our favorites! 1. Hosting a student brings
your family closer together.
You spend more time with
each other because you're
sharing your life with a new
family member. 2. If you have children of
your own, hosting an
exchange student introduces
them to other cultures and
opens their eyes to the world.
3. If you choose to host a
student who shares your own
cultural heritage, it's an
amazing way to connect with
your family history.
Please contact Marla at if you
are interested in hosting a
student. Students are placed
in high schools in your area
and throughout the Treasure
What Will Your Girl Scout Do This Summer?
summer break.
More information about Great Outdoors Month can be found HERE.
Get Outdoors Challenge
To support the benefits of being outside, we are promoting a "Get
Outdoors" Challenge. We have created a list of 100 fun outdoor
Complete 25 to receive a Outdoors Challenge Certificate
Complete 50 to earn the Get Outdoors patch
Complete 75 to enter a drawing for fun outdoor items
All prizes are cumulative. The "Get Outdoors" Challenge form can be
found Here.
Venture Out!
What is Venture Out? Venture Out! is an online adventure that lets
volunteers explore different ways of taking girls outside in Girl
Scouts. Here, you'll encounter the kind of challenges (and
successes) that only the outdoors can bring: bad weather, encounters
with wildlife, distracted girls, new discoveries and life­changing
events. Along the way, you'll find tips for getting girls outdoors, plus
real­life stores and advice from other volunteers. It's interactive, filled
with possibility, and learner­led­just like Girl Scouts!
Visit the Venture Out! site Here.
Girl Scout Ranger Program
Will your troop or family be visiting one of the National
Parks this year? Participate in a Girl Scout Program!
Discover your national parks; learn about the mission of
the National Park Service; help protect the nation's
natural, cultural, and historical resources.
Earn a certificate or patch by participating in educational programs or
volunteer service/action projects.
For more information or to find a list of participating parks, click
Girl Scouts and Roaring
For Girl Scouts, leaders and
families. Please show proof
at the ticket window to
receive discount (sash, shirt,
pin, etc.)
Saturday ­ June 20, 2015 Full
Day Admission 11am­8pm ­
$16.99 + tax
Friday ­ August 7, 2015
PM Plunge Admission 3pm­
Save the Date! 1st Annual Teen
What ­ Girl Scout Teen Conference
When ­ Saturday, August 1, 2015
8:30am­4:00pm ­ Lunch provided
Where ­ Boise State Student Union Building
1700 University Drive, Boise ID 83725
Cost ­ $25 per girl (non­registered girls, add $25 for membership
registration) Cookie Dough can be used for event registration and
Overnight accommodations will be available at the BSU dorms, for
What Will Your Girl Scout Do This Summer?
8pm ­ $13.99 + tax
those traveling from out of town. This will be for Friday night only.
Dorms will be an additional $21 per person and girl/adult ratio must be
met. If needing to stay Saturday night too, we will have limited
accommodations at Friendship Square. Please contact
jpattan@girlscouts­ for more information on lodging.
Attention All Teen Girl Scouts (entering 9th grade and up)! Come
together for an awesome day in Boise that is just for teen Girl Scouts! This is an event planned by teen girls for teen girls. You will be
inspired and energized to set goals and dream big! We will have
workshops on topics such as yoga, self defense, leadership, resume
building, preparing for interviews, and so much more. All workshops
and activities will be created with you in mind. Save the date and
invite a friend. Registration opens June 1, 2015. Watch for your
Girl Scout Cadettes Program Aide (PA) and
Senior/Ambassador Volunteer In Training
(VIT) Awards
Do your Cadettes, Seniors or Ambassadors look for more leadership
opportunities? We have programs just for them. Cadettes can help
plan a program for younger girls and Seniors/Ambassadors can help
run a troop for younger girls. We were very excited this year to pilot
our first Daisy troop ran by our teen Girl Scouts. This helped us with
the girls waiting for a troop.
We are looking for troops that would be interested in this opportunity
for the fall. This not only helps us serve more girls, but what a great
leadership experience for the teens. Colleges and employers look for
leadership experiences. If you would like more information on the PA
or VIT program, please contact jpattan@girlscouts­
If you have a story or community partner that you would like to share,
please email us at program@girlscouts­
Jeannie Pattan
Girls Scouts of Silver Sage
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Girls Scouts of Silver Sage | 1410 N. Etheridge Lane | Boise | ID | 83704