Yoga Program Helps Students at the Jefferson School Live a Balanced Life “I feel so confident knowing I can do those poses.” “I’m strong enough to do that.” “I’m ready for my day, once I’ve had yoga” All of these statements were made by the residential and day students at The Jefferson School after completing their yoga sessions. The Jefferson School (TJS), one of 14 Sheppard Pratt special education schools, offered 45-60 minute yoga sessions twice a week for 10 weeks to promote recovery by improving resiliency, decreasing anxiety and encouraging self-regulation of behavior. Local yoga group, SOL, donated their time in providing the students with yoga instruction by Anne Quinlan through their Good Cause yoga program. Senior Occupational Therapist at TJS and avid yoga participant, Kelly Beins, and therapist in the day school, Laura First, also participated in the program with the students. Beins said, “I know these girls all have a hard time with boundaries and self-care. I have observed them at various times taking the initiative to stop or pause during a yoga session if a movement is beyond their physical capability and then, when they feel ready, reengaging without any cueing whatsoever. The topic of taking care of yourself and listening to your body in order to take care of yourself is a frequent topic. It’s nice to see these girls, who always seem to seek out others to meet their emotional needs, stopping and taking care of themselves, even if it’s just for a few minutes.” The group was organized and scheduled based on the research that even two hours a week can mend traumainduced brain function. 66% of the participants showed a decrease in anxiety post-session. “At the beginning of the group, whenever something new and challenging was presented, there was a lot of snickering, joking and fairly often refusals to try. As the group has progressed, the instructor has presented some very challenging activities and poses. Now the typical response is ‘Let’s do that one!’ or ‘I’m strong enough to do that,’” added Beins. The Jefferson School would like to incorporate the yoga program into their curriculum and continue to offer it as a positive component of the students’ physical well-being as a way to help cope with the stress in their lives. Please visit our website ( or use the enclosed envelope to make a gift to The Jefferson School. 2 MAKE A GIFT TODAY – – MAKE A GIFT TODAY
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