The European Structural Funds in the Defence Sector Objectives To identify innovative ways of funding dual use R&T projects, in order to promote innovation across the EDTIB To support defence SMEs; ESF is one of the key actions included in EDA’s Action Plan for SMEs 2 EDA actions In 2013 EDA developed actions to: Raise awareness of Ministries of Defence and defence industry/SMEs as regards the use of ESF; Identify and support eligible pilot projects in R&T and industrial capabilities for the European Structural Funds; Develop a methodology to be used by defence stakeholders to increase eligibility for future projects. 3 Structural Funds and Cohesion Policy in 2007-2013: A brief overview Structural Funds (2007-2013) ► Structural Funds : Financial instruments through which EU Cohesion Policy is implemented to reinforce economic and social cohesion within the EU ► Support the need to strengthen competitiveness and innovation ► Contributes to raising the EU’s longterm research and innovation performance based on smart specialization 4 EUR 347 B The three main funds under which research and innovation activities can be supported are: ► European Regional Development Fund (ERDF): EUR 201 B ► European Social Fund (ESF): EUR 76 B ► Cohesion Fund: EUR 70 B These funds are linked to 3 main objectives: ► Convergence: EUR 283 B ► Regional competitiveness & employment: EUR 55 B ► European Territorial Cooperation: EUR 9 B The EU investment for innovation and research in 2007-2013 amounts to around EUR 86 B. Dual-use technologies European Commission’s definition: Goods and technologies are considered to be dual-use when they can be used for both civil and military purposes. Cluster mapping linked with defence/security dual-use technologies Defence expenditure is not eligible for Structural Funds. However: ► Security has become a top priority for the European Union ► Dual-use technologies that are transversal to both defence and security can be eligible ► Key enabling technologies can be applied to several sectors Navigation & avionics Marine equipment Telecommunications Encryption Electronics Aerospace & propulsion equipment 5 ICT Materials processing equipment Sensors & lasers Raising awareness • In 2013 EDA organized 4 workshops in 4 Member States (PT, PL, BG, IE) • Main objectives: To familiarize and mobilize key stakeholders at regional level in academia, research institutes, defence and security industries especially SMEs; and To influence better use of European Structural Funds for dual application projects in the field of defence and security. 6 Raising awareness (2) More than 700 key experts, SMEs, universities, federal and regional administrations in charge of structural funds, innovation, defence and security, technology attended those seminars. The outcomes of these seminars were : A first positive dialogue between MoDs and the Ministries managing Structural Funds A knowledge transfer to the military and civilian R&T community Creation of good contacts with operational stakeholders in charge of the coordination of Cohesion Policy and ERDF programmes Initiate a new mind set and cooperation spirit regarding dual use R&T projects 7 Supporting eligible projects 72 potential projects from 12 MS were identified 6 criteria: EDA key priorities for MS 7 projects selected, with focus on key R&T priorities Project readiness Project consistency The selection process was composed by two main steps: Impact on EDTIB Economic & social impact Preliminary Dual use technologies Project holder and co-funding Assessment 6 criteria 8 Supporting eligible projects (2) Country Project Bulgaria Improvement of the urban security and defence through the implementation of advance detection sensors' system Poland Intruder detection and collision avoidance system for flight aircraft Germany Adaptation of SWIR technology for high resolution hyper spectral and imaging applications Portugal Turtle: increased sustainability of operations in the sea bottom by developing key technologies France European icing testing platform for aeronautics United Kingdom Microwave Epitaxial Spain Underwater signature monitoring and analysis (USMA) Centre 9 Supporting eligible projects (3) • 2 projects submitted successfully/ Both announced eligible to financial support by the regional authorities • One of them received 770K ESF funds out of 1,2M eligible project budget (60% from ESF) • 4 projects have been prepared for the next programming period • Most important!! In all cases no obstacles identified in order to use ESF for dual use projects 10 Developing a methodology What • • Rationale of the project Main scope (general economic and social context and expected goals) Why • • • Project added value (at EU, MS and regional level ) Project objectives (general and specific) Relevance of the project in relation to the strategy of the OP • Project stakeholders (skills and expertise needed for the project; partners and involvement in the project development) For whom • Target groups (direct and indirect beneficiaries) How • • • Content (action plan to realise the project and resources used) Implementation (location and schedule) Financing plan and provisional cost For which results • The results (output / deliverables) Who EDA upon experience and results of work so far will continue in 2014 supporting defence stakeholders on accessing ESF 11 Way ahead Capacity building- Transfer of know-how • In 2014, EDA upon MoDs invitation, will continue organizing ESF seminars and training activities in the MS • Training or informative sessions on ESF will be organized also in the frame of the regular EDA working groups, with the participation of MS, industry and academia • 1stQ 2014 EDA will publish a Handbook with practical information/steps to be followed by defence stakeholders to access ESF • EDA will take advantage of EU, government or B2B events to promote use of ESF for dual-use projects 12 Way ahead (2) Supporting eligible projects • Upon EDA’s specific calls to be issued through the MoDs, EDA will collect, asses and select project proposals for further support • EDA will provide free of charge support to the project holders in developing the application folders • EDA calls will include among others: areas of priority, predetermined criteria, application format etc. • Unsolicited project proposals delivered to EDA outside the EDA calls, will not be assessed 13 The upcoming opportunities of the 2014-2020 programming period The next programming period will be slightly different from 2007-2013: Focus on Thematic Objectives 1. Research & innovation 2. Information & communication technologies (ICT) 3. Competitiveness of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) 4. Shift towards a low-carbon economy 5. Climate change adaptation & risk prevention and management 6. Environmental protection & resource efficiency 7. Sustainable transport & removing bottlenecks in key network infrastructures 8. Employment & supporting labour mobility 9. Social inclusion & combating poverty 10.Education, skills & lifelong learning 11.Institutional capacity building & efficient public administrations 14 Be based on regional and national Research & Innovation Strategies for Smart Specialisations (RIS3) The RIS3 requires national/regional authorities to identify the unique characteristics and assets of each country and region, so as to focus on policy support and investments received through Structural Funds. Stakeholder participation and ownership is essential to the development of these strategies. The upcoming opportunities of the 2014-2020 programming period The next programming period will be slightly different from 2007-2013: Focus on Thematic Objectives 1. Research & innovation 2. Information & communication technologies (ICT) 3. Competitiveness of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) 4. Shift towards a low-carbon economy 5. Climate change adaptation & risk prevention and management 6. Environmental protection & resource efficiency 7. Sustainable transport & removing bottlenecks in key network infrastructures 8. Employment & supporting labour mobility 9. Social inclusion & combating poverty 10.Education, skills & lifelong learning 11.Institutional capacity building & efficient public administrations 15 Be based on regional and national Research & Innovation Strategies for Smart Specialisations (RIS3) The RIS3 requires national/regional authorities to identify the unique characteristics and assets of each country and region, so as to focus on policy support and investments received through Structural Funds. Stakeholder participation and ownership is essential to the development of these strategies. For more information Vassilis Tsiamis Media & Communication EDA Project Officer European Defence Agency Rue des Drapiers 17-23 B-1050 Ixelles - Belgium European Structural Funds European Defence Agency Rue des Drapiers 17-23 B-1050 Ixelles - Belgium Tel: +32 (0)2 504 28 22 Tel: +32 (0)2 504 2950 Fax: +32 (0)2 504 2985 16 Thank you for your attention!
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