More Glendale Area Brown Families and Descendants Glendale, South Carolina 1860=1940 Census Enumerators listed names and dates as they understood the registrant who oft times had little or no education which led to numerous errors in names, dates and ages. I have tried to copy the census as recorded, where errors occur, I apologize. Death certificates are not available in Spartanburg for years before 1917 and Obituaries have not been put on microfilm for the years 1924 through 1929. <><><><><><><><> The Family of John G. and Frances Brown; The 1860 Spartanburg/Bivingsville Census listed the household as; John Brown 33, husband/farmer Wife; Frances 22 Child; M. Florence 4 The 1870 Spartanburg Township/Glendale Census listed the household as; John Brown 42, husband/farmer Wife; Frances 33 Children; Robert 10 John 8 Eliza 4 Coleman 2 The 1880 Spartanburg Township Census listed the household as; John G. Brown 51, head of household/farmer No listing of wife Children; Robert 19 John G. 18 Elijah 16 Henry C. 14 Robin E. 7 Francis B. 4 The 1900 Spartanburg Township Census listed the household as; John G. Brown 71, widower/head of household/farmer/born December, 1828 Daughter; Robin Brown Langston 27, born April, 1871 Son in-law; J. Wesley Langston 27, born January, 1873 Granddaughter; Frances L. Langston 1, born January, 1899 No obituary records were found. <><><> The Family of Robert L. Brown, son of John G. and Frances Brown; The 1900 Spartanburg Township Census shows he had been married 19 years and was the parent of 7 children, 6 living. The household was listed as; Robert L. Brown 39, husband, born July, 1860/cotton mill Wife; Annie 38, born September, 1861 Children; Guy G. 17, born March, 1883/carder Fannie C. 15, born December, 1884/carder 1 Florence E. 13, born March, 1887/spooler M. Viola 10, born September 1889/spooler John J. 6, born July, 1893 Cora L. 3, born July, 1896 The 1910 Spartanburg Township Census listed the household as; Robert L. Brown 49, husband, married twice Wife; Lollie M. 38 Children; John J. 16 Cora L. 13 No other records were found. <><><> The Family of Guy G. Brown, son of Robert and Annie Brown; The 1910 Spartanburg Township Census showed they had been married 5 years, no children. The household was listed as; Guy G. Brown 28, husband/farmer Wife; Ocelia 29 The 1940 Spartanburg Township Census listed the household as; Guy Brown 57/farmer Wife; Juliet O. 58 Adopted son; James E. 14 Obituary Records show that; Guy Glenn Brown died in April, 1961 Juliet Ocelia died at the age of 82 in December, 1963 <><><><><><><><><><> The Family of Elijah Brown, son of John G. and Frances Brown; The 1900 Spartanburg/Glendale Census shows that he had been married 12 years and was the father of 3 children. The household was listed as; E.Z. Brown, 34, husband, born February, 1866 Wife; Minnie 32, born March, 1868/weaver Children; Claude 10, born July, 1889 Eugene 7, born September, 1870 May 5, born August, 1894 Obituary records show that; E.Z. Brown died in March, 1912 No record of Minnie Brown’s status was found. <><><> The Family of H. Coleman Brown, son of John G. and Frances Brown; The 1900 Spartanburg Township Census listed the household as; H. Coleman Brown 31, husband, born February, 1869 Wife; Stella 22, born January, 1878 2 The 1910 Spartanburg Township Census shows that they had been married 12 years and were the parents of 2 children. The household was listed as; Henry C. Brown, 41, husband/barber Wife; Stella 32 Children; Curtis 5 Leonard C. 3 Obituary records show that; A Stella Brown died in October, 1911. I could not confirm that this was Henry’s wife but it appears to be. Following the death of Stella, Henry Coleman Brown married Beatrice McGraw; The 1930 Spartanburg/Glendale Census listed the household as; Henry C. Brown 61, husband Wife; Beatrice 39 Son; Leonard C. 23 Adopted daughter; Louise 8 H. Coleman Brown was a Spanish American War soldier. He died and left his wife, Beatrice McGraw Brown, an incompetent alone under court protection. This writer was appointed by the court as her guardian. She lived in her home across the river from the mill. Obituary records show that; Henry C. Brown died in April, 1932. Beatrice Brown died at the age of 84 in December 1976 and is buried in the Bethesda Baptist Cemetery. <><><> The Family of Leonard C. Brown, son of H. Coleman and Stella Brown; Obituary records show that he had married Thelma Milan. The 1940 Spartanburg/Glendale Census listed the household as; Leonard C. Brown 33, husband/barber Wife; Thelma 29 Children; Rachel 4 Kenneth 3 months Leonard C. Brown died at the age of 70 in March, 1977. Thelma Milan Brown died at the age of 79 in June, 1991. <><><><><><><><><><> The Family of Robin E. Brown Langston, daughter of John G. and Frances Brown; The 1910 Spartanburg/Glendale Census shows she had been married 12 years and was the mother of 3 children. 3 The household was listed as; John W. Langston 37, husband/farmer Children; Florida 11 Leone 7 Wife; Mary 39 Etogle 6 months The 1920 Spartanburg/Whitestone Census listed the household as; John W. Langston 46, widower/farmer Children; Leone L. 16 Etoyle E. 10 Jerome V. 2 years, 11 months No ther records were found. <><><> The Family of Francis B. Brown, son of John G. and Frances Brown; The 1910 Spartanburg Township Census shows that they had been married 9 years and were the parents of 5 children, 4 living. The household was listed as; Francis B. Brown 34, husband/farmer Wife Nannie 28 Children; Lloyd 7 Thelma 5 Everett 3 Annie L. 10 mo. The 1920 Spartanburg Township Census listed the household as; Francis B. Brown 43, husband/farmer Wife; Nannie F. 37 Children; Lloyd 16 Thelma 14 Everett C. 12 Annie P. 11 Iria H. 8 Madge B. 4 years, 3 months Obituary records show that; F. Bert Brown died at the age of 75 in July, 1951. Nannie Hatchette Brown died at the age of 75 in November, 1957. <><><> The Family of Everette Cohen Brown, son of Frances B. and Nannie Brown No census records found. Everette married Annie Hudgins. They were the parents of two girls, Mary and Martha Brown. Obituary records show that; Everette Cohen Brown died at the age of 81 in September, 1988. Annie Hudgins Brown died at the age of 85 in January, 1998. <><><> The Family of Mary Brown Smith, daughter of Everette C. and Annie Smith; Mary Brown married Larry Dean Smith, Spartanburg County Sheriff. No census records available. Larry Dean Smith died in July, 1995. Mary lives today in Spartanburg, S.C. <><><><><><><><><><> 4 The Family of Joseph and Martha Brown; The 1860 Spartanburg/Bivingsville Census listed the household as; Joseph Brown 46, husband/farmer Wife; Martha 38 Children; Harriet 14 Elizabeth 12 Sidney 10 Rosanna 8 Melissa 6 Perry 4 Nancy 2 The Family of Martha Brown, widow of Joseph Brown; The 1880 Spartanburg/Glendale Census listed the household as; Martha Fowler 55, widow/head of household Children; Harriet 31, cotton mill Sidney 28 cotton mill Melissa 25 Salline 17, cotton mill No other records were found. <><><> The Family of Perry Brown, son of Joseph and Martha Brown; The 1880 Spartanburg/Glendale Census listed the household as; Perry Brown 23, husband/factory worker Wife; Sarah 22 Daughter; Martha 1 The 1900 Spartanburg/Glendale Census showed that he had been married 22 years and was the father of 9 children, 8 living. The household was listed as; Perry D. Brown 44, husband/machinist/born April, 1856 Wife; Sarah 43, born November, 1856 Children; Minnie D. 19, spinner/born September, 1880 James L. 17, spinner/born September, 1882 Clarence 15, weaver/born November 1884 Willie 11, doffer/born September, 1888 Thomas 9, born October, 1890 Martha 8, born May, 1892 Bertha M. 6, born January, 1894 Susie 2, born July, 1897 <><><><><><><><><><> The Family of Mattie Brown, widow; The 1900 Spartanburg Township listed the household as; Mattie Brown 37, widow/born in 1863/farmer Children; Charley 16, born in December, 1883 Lula 13, born in December, 1886 Bennie 9, born in November, 1892 Oscar 6, born in September, 1893 Earnest 1, born in June, 1898 5 The 1910 Spartanburg/Pacolet Census shows she had been married 27 years and was the mother of 6 children. The household was listed as; Mattie Brown 46, widow/farmer Children; Benjamin T. 19/weaver Oscar 16, cotton mill Earnest 12, cotton mill The 1920 Spartanburg/Whitestone Census listed the household as; Mattie Brown 57, widow/farmer Children; Oscar 26, carpenter Earnest 21, farmer For more information on the Mattie Brown family; Click; Stephens Brown Family <><><> The Family of Charley Brown, son of Mattie Brown; The 1920 Spartanburg/Whitestone Census listed the household as; Charlie Brown 38, husband/farmer Wife; Callie 34 Children; George D. 12 Florence 10 Annie P. 7 Claud 4 years, 6 months Clarence 2 years, 2 months James O. 1 No other records were found. <><><> The Family of Lula Brown Motts, daughter of Mattie Brown; Lula Brown married Edgar Motts. For family history; Click; Stephens Brown Family <><><> The Family of Benjamin Brown, son of Mattie Brown; The 1920 Spartanburg/Chesnee Census listed the household as; Ben. T. Brown 27, husband/weaver Wife; Mattie 20 Mother in-law; Mary E. Harris 45, widow No other records were found; <><><> The Family of Oscar William Brown, son of Mattie Brown; Oscar W. Brown first married Lillian Morris. The 1940 Spartanburg/Glendale Census lists the household as; Oscar W. Brown 47, husband/weaver Wife; Lillian M. 39, weaver Obituaries show that Lillian Morris Brown died at the age of 54 in August, 1943. Obituary records show that Oscar W. Brown had married Eula Burgess. Oscar William Brown died at the age of 78 in July, 1971. Record of Eula Burgess status was not found. 6 <><><><><><><><><><> The Family of Edgar and Ida Brown; The 1900 Spartanburg/Glendale Census listed the household as; Edgar Brown 28, husband, born May, 1872/section man Wife; Ida 25, born August, 1874 Children; Hiram 4, born October, 1895 Florence 1, born November, 1898 No other records that could be verified were found. <><><><><><><><><><> The Family of Jessie and Elizabeth Brown; The 1900 Spartanburg/Glendale Census shows that they had been married 5 years and were the parents of 2 children’ The household was listed as; Jessie Brown 28, husband, born January, 1872/oiler in cotton mill Wife; Elizabeth 27, born February, 1873 Children; Lilly 3, born October, 1896 Walton 2, born March 1898 Obituary records show that; Jessie Brown, husband of Eliza Brown, died at the age of 59 in February, 1930. No records of Elizabeths status were found. <><><><><><><><><><> The Family of James H. and Malissa Brown; The 1900 Spartanburg/Glendale Census shows they had been married 39 years and were the parents of 10 living children. The household was listed as; James H. Brown 61, husband, born February, 1839 Wife; Malissa 58, born December, 1841 Children; Charlie 23, born October, 1878 /weaver Bessie 18, born February, 1882/weaver Leila 16, born June, 1883/weaver No other records were found. <><><><><><><><><><> The Family of John E. and Malissa Brown; The 1900 Spartanburg/Glendale Census shows that they had been married 20 years and were the parents of 5 children, 4 living. The family was from North Carolina. The household was listed as; 7 John E. Brown 44, husband, born in April, 1856/shop worker Wife; Malissa 42, born in June, 1857 Children; Mollie 21, born in October, 1878/weaver Mattie 19, born in April 1881/weaver William E. 17, born in February, 1883/cloth room Joseph 12, born in February, 1888/ cotton mill Aunt; Rina Norris 75, born in December, 1824 No other records were found. <><><><><><><><><><> The Family of Morris and Sarah Brown; The 1880 Spartanburg/Pacolet Census listed the household as; M.M. Brown 22, husband/ Wife; Sarah 20 Son; Clayton 8 months The 1900 Spartanburg Township Census shows that they had been married 21 years and were the parents of 7 living children. The household was listed as; Morris M. Brown 41, husband, born November 1858/farmer Wife; Sarah 40, born January, 1860 Children; Clayton 20, born October, 1879 Clifford 17, born September, 1882 Lizzie 14, born May, 1886 G. Walker 11, born May, 1889 Thomas 8, born March, 1892 Hydrick 4, born July, 1895 Boyce 1, born February, 1899 The 1910 Spartanburg Township Census shows that they had been married 31 years and were the parents of 9 children. The household was listed as; Morris M. Brown 51, husband/farmer Wife; Sarah 50 Children; George W. 20 Thomas M. 18 Ambridge H. 14 James B. 11 Buford R 8 Shuford M. 6 The 1920 Spartanburg Township Census listed the household as; M.M. Brown 61, husband/farmer Wife; Sallie 58 Children; Boyce 21 Buford 18 Mayfield 10 Grandson; Jessie Lee 13 Granddaughter; Myrtle Lee 11 Obituary records show that; Morris Augustus Moore Brown died at the age of 80 in January, 1939. 8 Sarah E. Harvey Brown died at the age of 80 in February, 1941. <><><> The Family of Clayton J. Brown, son of Morris and Sarah Brown; The 1910 Spartanburg Township Census shows that they had been married 6 years and were the parents of 3 children. The household was listed as; Clayton J. Brown 30, husband Wife; Genie 27 Children; Lawrence 5 Ellis 2 Lindsey L. 9 months Obituary records show that; Genie Brown died at the age of 54 in July, 1937. No other records were found. <><><> The Family of Clifford Brown, son of Morris and Sarah Brown; The 1920 Spartanburg/Campobello Census lists the household as; Clifford W. Brown 37, husband/farmer Wife; Laura 34 Children; Grace M. 15 Flora Bell 14 Emma R. 11 Annie P. 9 James E. 8 No other records were found. <><><> The Family of Hydrick Brown, son of Morris and Sarah Brown; The 1920 Spartanburg Township Census listed the household as; U. Hydrick Brown 24, husband/farmer Wife; Pearl M. 22 Children; Nellie 4 years, 1 month Lilly 2 years, 1 month The 1930 Spartanburg/Glendale Census listed the household as; Hydrick Brown 35, husband/carpenter Wife; Pearl 33 Children; Nellie 15 Ruth 12 Dorothy 4 years, 1 month Mother in-law; Gennie Hopper 60, widow The 1940 Spartanburg/Glendale Census listed the household as; U. Hydrant Brown 44, husband/machinist Wife; Pearl Daughter; Dorothy 14 Obituary records show that; Pearl Jones Brown died at the age of 76 in December, 1973. No records of Hydrick Brown’s death were found. Buried in the Glendale Community Cemetery; Grave marker; Billie Brown – July 21, 1922, Infant son of U.H. and Pearl Brown <><><> 9 The Family of Mayfield Brown, son of Morris and Sarah Brown; The 1940 Spartanburg/Inman Census listed the household as; Mayfield Brown 36, husband/owner of service station Wife; Margaret 24 Daughter; M. Alice 2 months Mother; Sarah Brown 79, widow No other records were found. <><><><><><><><><><> The Family of Theodore and Mary Brown; The 1900 Spartanburg Township Census shows they had been married 17 years and were the parents of 7 living children. The household was listed as; Theodore Brown 55, husband, born December, 1844/farmer Wife; Mary 44, born October, 1855 Children; Roland 20, born February, 1880 Forest 18, born August, 1881 Marvin 15, born October, 1884 Leonard 14, born September, 1885 Dalton 13, born January, 1887 Pearl 11, born September, 1888 Addie 10, born April, 1890 The 1920 Spartanburg/Clifton Census listed the household as; Mary Brown 64, widow Children; Pearl 28, weaver Addie 27, sales lady Obituary records show that; W.T. Brown died in August, 1910. (I was unable to confirm that this was Theodore Brown listed above but it appears to be) Mary M. Brown, widow of W.T. Brown, died at the age of 75 in July, 1931. <><><> The Family of Roland E. Brown, son of Theodore and Mary Brown; The 1910 Spartanburg Township Census shows that they had been married 2 years and were the parents of 1 child. The household was listed as; Roland E. Brown 30, husband/farmer Wife; Lemmie 20 Child; Vernon 15 months The 1940 Spartanburg Township Census listed the household as; Roland Brown, 60, husband/farmer Wife; Neomie 50 Daughter; Ruth 14 No other records were found. 10 <><><> The Family of Marvin E. Brown, son of Theodore and Mary Brown; The 1910 Spartanburg Township Census shows that they had been married 6 years and were the parents of 3 children. The household was listed as; M.E. Brown 27, husband/farmer Wife; Lura 24 Children; Marion 5 Flora B. 4 Emma R. 2 months No other records were found. <><><> The Family of Leonard Brown, son of Theodore and Mary Brown; The 1940 Spartanburg/Glendale Census listed the household as; Leonard Brown 33, husband/weaver Wife; Frances 29 Children; Rachel 4 Kenneth 3 months No other records were found. <><><> The Family of D. W. Brown, son of Theodore and Mary Brown; D.W. Brown married Ethel Mae Searcy. The 1920 Spartanburg/Clifton Census listed the household as; D.W. Brown 31, husband/carpenter Wife; E. M. 25 Children; Walter 10 Frank 8 John 5 Dalton Jr. 3 years, 1 month Sidney 1 year, 1 month Obituaries show that; Dalton Whetstone Brown died at the age of 89 in November, 1976. Ethel Mae Searcy Brown died at the age of 87 in January 1982. <><><><><><><><><><> The Family of H. Bascom and Trivia Brown; The 1910 Spartanburg/Glendale Census shows they were from North Carolina and had been married 4 years with one child. The household was listed as; H. Bascom Brown 28, husband/weaver Wife; Trivia B. 27 Child; John 1 month No other records were found. <><><><><><><><><><> The Family of Jessie F. and Pearl Brown; The 1910 Spartanburg/Glendale Census shows that they had been married 5 years and were the parents of 3 children. The household was listed as; 11 Jessie F. Brown 22, husband/meat market Children; Mattie 3 Joseph P. 2 Wife; Pearl 20 Dean H. 5 months The 1920 Spartanburg/Glendale Census shows that Jessie was born in South Carolina while his father was born in Poland. The household was listed as; Jessie F. Brown, 34, husband/farmer Wife; Katie Pearl 32 Children; Mattie 13 Joseph P. 12 Dean H.10 Furman Jr. 8 The 1940 Spartanburg/Walnut Grove Census listed the household as; Jessie F. Brown, 51, husband/cotton mill Wife; Katie Pearl 50 No children listed. The Obituaries show that; Jessie F. Brown died at the age of 68 in September, 1955 Katie Pearl Burnett Brown died at the age of 76 in November, 1963 <><><> The Family of Joseph P. Brown, son of Jessie F. and Katie Pearl Brown; The 1940 Spartanburg/Walnut Grove Census listed the household as; Joseph P. Brown 32, husband/frame hand Wife; Maggie 26, frame hand No children listed No other records were found. <><><> The Family of Hampton Dean Brown, son of Jessie F. and Katie Pearl Brown; The 1940 Spartanburg/Walnut Grove Census listed the ho9usehold as; Hampton D. Brown, 30, husband/frame hand Wife; Leila 28 Children; Earl 10 Charles 8 Billie 5 Buried in the Glendale Community Cemetery; Grave markers; Charles E. Brown-September 21, 1931=December 21, 1970 CPL. U.S. Army, Korea Leila Mae Brown- May 21, 1911=May 3, 1942 <><><> The Family of J. Furman Brown, son of Jessie F. and Katie Pearl Brown; According to the obituaries J. Furman Brown married Ada Louise Gee. No census records available; They both died in Louisiana. Buried in the Glendale Community Cemetery; Grave markers; Ada Louise Brown-February 26, 1911=November 25, 1963 12 John Furman Brown-September 13, 1911…no death date John Furman died at the age of 65 in October, 1976 in Louisiana. I do not know if he was returned to Glendale for burial. <><><><><><><><><><> The Family of W.H. and Laura Brown; The 1920 Spartanburg Township Census listed the household as; W.H. Brown 45, husband/farmer Wife; Laura 38 Children; Ida 15 James 5 No other records were found. <><><><><><><><><><> For the history of; Joseph A. Brown Family, Click Glendale Post Office and Joe Brown Family Eddie F. Brown Family; Click Eddie F. Brown and Descendants Albert Brown; Click Albert Brown and Family Jessie F. Brown; Click Jessie F. Brown and Family <><><><><><><><><><><><><> Writer’s comments; the Brown families were scattered throughout the Glendale area. Only a few families lived in the village. Some lived in farm houses owned by the mill. Some lived on the Glendale/Clifton road, some on the Lewis Chapel/Goldmine road, some on the Glendale Bethesda road and some on the Glendale/Cedar Springs road. All the Browns which I personal knew were fine, hardworking, community minded people. Written; March, 2015 Clarence E. Crocker 13
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