DCHS HIRING RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE 2015-2016 SCHOOL YEAR: Airheart, Rhonda Brown, NaDean Buckley, Ryan Carbajal, Greg Dryden, Mike Forcella, Stefanie Gard, Virginia Hoffer, Desiree Jacobson, Justin Kolobakken, Brent Krug, Bruce Lindgren, Richard McLaren, Thomas Myers, Dean Naasz, Todd -'A time at DCHS Nelson, Laurie Person, Jim Selvig, Anita Svenvold, Mary - Vi time at DCHS imple, Jim Temple, Tom Tennant, Christie Tuma, Aaron -Yz time at DCHS Viegut, Jordan ^ LINCOLN certified teachers JEFFERSON certified teachers Bowlds, Jean Cunningham, Linda Dawes, Carrie Johnson, Whitney Kirl<patricl<, Geri Kreiman, Angie Milne, Tammy Mires, Trish Mitchell, Jean Myran, LauraLee Rathert, Jana Rennie, Ivy Silha, Angie Stanhope, Valerie Strehlow, Sue True, Eloise White, Cora White, Katelyn Wicker, Jacqueiyn Adams, Lindsay Adams, Marcy Barthel, Kara Berg, Breon Bunn, Lisa Carbajal, Jill Damron, Val Emmert, Teresa Geiger, Kolette Gentry, Beth Gilliland, Mark Hopfauf, Amy Johnson, Julie Julin, Jim Mayer, Jennifer McDowell, Kim Myers, Christi Ohs, Carol Peabody, Carol Ree, Amy Skillestad, Melissa Smith, Annie Togni, Cindi Wahl, Marisa WMS certified teachers Anderson, Robert \, Annie Cunningham, Katelyn Hellman, Shanon Hoffman, Kodi Houck, Casi Knudson, Melissa Kurtz, Bridget Lynn, Kaitlin Lytle, BreAnn Mast, Brenda Miller, Lee Naasz, Todd -Vi time at WMS Nielsen, Lorelei Nissley, Sherri Pedersen, Nancy Sackman, Kyla Schaaf, Donnetta Simasko, Nicole Svenvold, Mary -/z time at WMS Tuma, Aaron-/2 time at WMS Yrjo, Brady Zimdars, Mary Superintendent's Report 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. LaNette, Anne and I met with Alan Doane at the Day of Advocacy in Helena on the 16"^. We expressed our concerns regarding funding issues, private schools, charter schools and the legislation relating to common core and testing. This is that time of the year when hirings and resignations seem to capture our attention. By the time this season is over we will have attended seven job fairs. In fact, Mr. Murphy is currently in Minneapolis at a regional job fair looking for the much sought after math teacher. We also continue to get applications from local sources and the internet. Still, it is hard to find math and special education teachers even with all of the extra effort. In addition to the teacher openings we have Special Ed Director/School Psychologist, Curriculum Director, k-12 Activity Director, Speech Pathologist and other administrative positions yet to hire. I am enclosing a copy of the policy 43 3 OF Fee Schedule for Various Facilities at Glendive Public Schools for your review. As we discussed last month, this fee schedule will need to be adjusted but perhaps at another meeting. I have accepted resignations from: Sandy Grey Eagle, Special Ed Director/School Pyschologist; Linda Schlotfeldt, elementary teacher; Katie Kringen, Speech Pathologist at this point. We are looking ahead to the K-12 Activity Director position. We are trying to make the best use of the person in that position. Washington Middle School April 13, 2015 Board Meeting 1. Current Enrollment: PK 6 7 8 Boys Girls Total 20 40 56 56 2 40 60 55 22 80 116 111 Building T o t a l 329 2. Smarter Balance Testing began at WMS on March 30 and will continue throughout much of the month of April. 3. Mrs. Schaaf and our 7* and 8*'' grade Student Council members will be attending the state conference in Helena on April 15-18. Our student council also did a pet food drive for the animal shelter in March. 4. Mrs. Begger will be taking our 7'^ and 8**' grade Academic Olympic team to Glasgow for their competition on April 15'*^. 5. Mrs. Simasko and her 8'^ grade English classes are raising funds for the Dawson County Food Bank. Money will be counted on April lO'*'. 6. On Thursday, April 23'^'^ our National Junior Honor Society students will help set up tables and chairs at the EPEC for the Quilt Show. 7. Mrs. Svenvold and our 6'^ grade choir will perform during the Quilt Show at the EPEC on April 23'". T Lincoln Elementary School Respectful, Responsible, and Ready to Learn Board Report April13, 2015 1. Enrollment - Enrollment stands at 293. Third Grade - 98 Fourth Grade - 95 Fifth Grade - 1 0 0 2. SBAC Testing - Lincoln students began SBAC testing today with fifth grade starting the ELA test. The testing takes each classroom 5-6 computer lab sessions and 2 classroom sessions making scheduling and completion of the testing difficult. All grades should be done testing the first week of May. Results of the testing will be available three weeks after the test window closes. The test window closes on June 12 which means we won't have results until around the 4th of July. Results will be sent to parents this fall. 3. CRT Testing - Lincoln School fourth grade completed the science CRT testing with make up testing the week of March 11-14. Thanks to LauraLee Myran and the fourth grade staff for all of their hard work and organization in administering the test. The results will be available to the school district this spring with results going to the parents next fall. 5. Reading - Our Reading Recognition Assembly was held on Wednesday, April 1 to recognize the 177 students who achieved their 3'" quarter reading goal. We greatly appreciate Stockman Bank and their continued support of this program. Teachers have met with students and established reading goals for fourth quarter. Students achieving their goal were placed in a drawing for a tablet and a Barnes and Noble gift certificate that will be given away for each grade level at the fourth quarter awards assembly. The tablet and certificate are sponsored by the Masons. 6. BUG Students - BUG Awards (Bring up Grades) were presented to fourth grade and fifth grade students on Friday, March 27. Thirty-four students were recognized for bringing up their grades in at least one academic subject area during the third quarter or receiving straight A's. Awards were presented to the students by members of the Kiwanis Club and by members of the DCHS Key Club. The students were treated to pizza for lunch that day courtesy of the Kiwanis Club. Thanks to the Kiwanis Club for their continued sponsorship of the BUG program. 7. Food Banic Donation - Lincoln School participated in the Cenex Harvest States "Harvest for Hunger" food drive. Ms. Dawes's fifth grade class donated the most food and won a pizza party courtesy of CHS. 8. PIR - Lincoln School teachers will be attending the Ruby Payne presentation on April 17 for the 1/2 day PIR. 9. Puberty Education - Planning is being done to provide puberty education instruction to fifth grade students later this month. DATES TO REMEMBER April 17 - NO SCHOOL (PIR for Teachers) April 27 - Fourth Quarter Mid-term Reports Sent Home Jefferson School Board Report-April 2015 ENROLLMENT: Jefferson -340 students K-2 Preschool-19 Kindergarten-99 1^*-127 2"<J-ii4 RECYCLING ASSEMBLY-On March 9, Bill Pedersen from Department of Environmental Quality made a presentation about recycling. We calculated our recycling for the SMART SCHOOL CHALLENGE and Jefferson School recycled 5,000 pounds of paper, cardboard, tin, plastic and aluminum. KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION- The event will be held on April 1 at Dawson County High School. We will be extending registration through the week of April 6-10. MAP TESTING-Jefferson School will be conducting MAP testing during the months of April and May. BUDDY READERS-The kindergarten students will have Buddy Reading with the 4^ graders on April 10. CHARACTER COUNTS-PILLAR FOR APRfL-TRUSTWORTHINESS WHICH INCLUDES FOUR PRINCIPLES: hitegrity, Honesty, Promise Keeping and Loyalty. April 1-3-Keep your promises April 6-10-Admit the truth April 13-17-Follow instructions April 20-24-Refrain from gossips and whispers IMPORTANT DATES APRIL 1 and 6-10- KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION APRIL 5-EARLY OUT APRIL 6-9-NO SCHOOL-SPRING BREAK APRIL 17-NO SCHOOL Wade Murphy 900 N. Merrill Avenue PO Box 701 Glendive, MT 59330 (406) 377-5265 (406) 377-8206 Fax Principal Stephen Schreibeis Assistant Principal Jim Person Athletic Director Board Report April 13^ 2015 1. The gym doors are completed! 2. Attached is a policy referencing the DCHS drug testing policy. 3. Attached are recommendations for staff hires for the 2015-2016 school year. Ruby Payne's "Frameworl< for Poverty" presentation will be provided for our staff on Friday, April 17"' at DCC. Our spring assessments are in full swing. Currently, SBAC and MAP testing along with the ACT will be administered this month. So far things have been going smoothly. 6. Spring activities are off and running. We have had two track meets at our new facility and so far have had some very positive comments and results! 7. Below is a list of the awards our Key Club picked up at convention last month! 100% Reporter's Reporting Award 100% Secretary's Reporting Award Major Emphasis Project Award Ladder Award- First Place Man-Mile Award Eliminate-Bronze Patch $925 Donated Walter Zeller Mother's Day Eliminate Award $1,200 donated Project Life Award 2nd Place Ronald McDonald Playhouse 7 for 75 Award Service Hour Award- 1st Place 13 Distinguished Members- Haylee Storlie, Jacob Westenskow, Mya Winters, Shelby Dolch, Mac Haggerty, Spencer Thornton, Cheyenne Damron, McKenna Begger, Sam Burman, Freddie Geiger 5 four year members- Sam Burman, Haylee Storlie, Baylee Huschka, Lauren Phipps, Freddie Geiger 1st Place Essay- Shelby Dolch, Moves on to International Level Outstanding Treasurer- Cheyenne Damron Outstanding Secretary- Spencer Thornton Outstanding Sergeant-at-Arms- Sara Hilbert Distinguished President- Haylee Storlie Wade Murplny 900 N. Merrill Avenue PO Box 701 Glendive, MT 59330 (406) 377-5265 (406) 377-8206 Fax 2nd Place Scrapbook Hayiee Storlie received $1,000 scholarship she can renew up to four years Best Division Caucus Room Spirit Award Club of the Year ( 4th year in a row) Past District Leadership from Glendive: Freddie Geiger- District Secretary/Treasurer Baylee Huschka- Lieutenant Governor of Division 5 New District Leadership from Glendive: Spencer Thornton- District Governor Mason Hutchinson- Lieutenant Governor of Division 5 Out of 42 clubs in the state and we got club of the year! 22 awards total Principal Stephen Schreibeis Assistant Principal Jim Person Athletic Director
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