Nil learer, My God, to th«e" la foandpon the story of Jacob's journey [Ten In the twenty-«lgtith chapter SPECIALTIES OF 5TA+E3 The coy state—I*. The oldest state—Ark. I0UNT PUBUX THEATRES Tht sickliest state—III The mining state—Ore. Majestic Vaudeville Has Public Approval Fine Acts Being Presented By Management Of Paramount Publix House.- George and the South Seat By H. LOUIS RAYBOLD HowOneWonuui Lost 10 Lbs. in a.Week SHE WAS— A dentist's <1ntight»r-thafl > why she hsd so mnch poll. A bntchfr's daughter—that's why she lilted to meet everybody. It Is mor* profit able. In pn tuning h»ppln<»«a. to pursue ? «k an*2Si whnt yon rnn mm* •at *«y ta* mntti ta r*wmmn« It." np with In the pr*» Ta Uka «ff fat *a*lly, SAFSXY M l HAftMLIMLV-taka m half taaM af KraMhwi hi a f*Ma tt ft«t r "< ''lOKGE ABBOTT w*» a very much The bunco state—Conn. ttta way ta h m utMlfMty l M t ttM M A bookkeeper's daughter— There in only one place to see good ^-* engaged young man. His nance*, and ana hHtm aHtm that that Isst* Isst*4 wailnn«wta «wta PERTH AMBOY that's why «!ia knew where to kwt a trHto. <tt <t*t It at any d d m * * * . l» l Vaudeville in the Raritan Bay Dis>r*tty Surah M«k«p««ce, had her own Bnrdva of Small Car** The cleanest state—Washf Amartca. If thlt « n t battta fa III to draw the line. trict and that IF at the Paramount OTlng ways of occupying his ateThe palm tN» grows beneath > pon- awtvlm* r*u » « • I* tlw M«Mt way to Publlx Majestic theatre in Perth ilngg anA Mi office hours were fr*derons weight, and even so the char b*a fat—mo M y back. The deep in debt state—a tut b* a i m • * < f * t K n M t M tana Amboy. A newspaper headline writer's uently punctuated by telephone tails acter of man. The petty pang* of small —JmHatlvna a n numraui an4 y w fltmt Week after week the Majestic rranglnir to met him for lunch or tataguard jraur h t N h daughter—that's why sb* was dally caree have often beat the charStarting Saturday The most medical state—Md. theatre hag been presenting only the downtown after work on this errand acter of mm, bnt cresjt mlsfortnnes "A L o w by Day . . . finest acts in Vaudeville. People arc seldom—Knamth. nd that. And because George reallj The most paternal state—Pa. — A dM-lfled Adv. coming by the thousands from all . . . At Nif+it a Fiend" sections of the state to see these nets. loved her and knew in advance what The most egotistical state—He. Many ask why the Majestic Vaude- a capable, thrifty little wife she was "Dr. JEKYLL ville is so popular. The re&aon is that some day going to be to him. he never And only the finest acts from the big var- hought of protesting that tier apron The most maidenly state—Ills*. iety theatres in booked for Perth Am- strings were s bit tiring. Mr. HYDE" Never, that Is, until that memorable The most self-confldent state— i>oy. With 1 Every man in the Paramount Pub- night when they r«ad aloud to one Kan.—Capper • Weekly, FREDRIC MARCH ix's booking office "is constantly, on another a fascinating story of the Miriam Hopkint hig toeS to sen'd to Perth Amboy only ever alluring South sea*. Ro«e H o W t Some men are so fixed that they the all stair attractions. RepresentaWhen George had kissed Sarah good Walt Is a hard word to the hungry. tive* from the office visit the big have no oae (or i moTlng ran. . night three times, he turned slowly Broadway theatres daily in search STRAND The shortest answer Is doing toe of new acts for Perth Amboy. Unless homewards. Thoughtfully, too. For Pkone I-, A. 4-1MI The practical farmer raises better n act meets the high standard of the first time It struck him that there thing. Smith It. crops that the theoretical one. eanty, refinement and entertain ware distant lands to be seen, distant' ment set by Paramount for its at- seas to be voyaged, distant peoples Even side remarks shouldn't b* too The fish dealer ha* no reason to tractions no bookings for Perth Am to be met—that Is, by those who were one-Bided. consider Friday an nnlncky day. oy are available. free and had the price. A review of the acts that have He nnlthpr wn« free to go. nor had The late husband catches the earlyThe man who acknowledges that played the Majestic theatre must the money, as far as that went. Both morning lecture. Son. - Mem. - THMT" he Is a champ has began to acquire onvince the theatre going public he and Snrah, who gave music lessons Feb. « - : - « - » that Paramount is giving only the fin- In between being engaged to him, were wisdom. HELEN TWELVKTKKRS He who Is looking for security will est entertainment possible. However, ROBERT ARMSTRONG vjng every possible cent towards fight shy of & king Job. ' If yon want a man to hare faith the booking office does irkt have the a nest egg ori which to marry. "PANAMA FLO" last word in the selection of th In your Judgment Just tell him that When Oeorge reached his room, h» What the country needs chiefly l l Perth Amboy shows. Manager A. S. Wrd. - Thur.. - Frt. he Is smart. Frh. 10 - 11 - 1! Goldsmith and his corps of assistants found slipped nnder his door a white a better buy-word. • _ POLA NEGR1 in view each act personally upon its ar- envelope addressed to himself In handA woman's understanding ban a rival in this city and if an act is n d writing only faintly familiar. Curious"A WOMAN COMMANDS" Perhaps what we really need Is to with ROLAND V(HN(i great deal to do with her Ideas of up to the Majestic standard it is can ly, he opened It, and rend the letter take the politicians out of politics. formerly $8.7$ H. 11 WARNER dress reform.—Chicago News. celled and another artist or group o that was enclosed. artists substituted. CRESCENT The average "modern politician'' Is "My dear nephew"—so read the r™.(iui...u. rrum Not only must Hit' acts be good bu l:J0 to 11 p. M. considerably below the average. Sugar In Daily Food letter— all the talking pictures shown with No Increase in price if 70a One-flfth of the daily food require- them must reach as high a state of "I'm not dead yet nor thinking of In Russia every qne is free to do ments of the American Is estimated perfection. Much time IR taken b; dying. But I'm playing the dead aunt pay $1 when yon order by oacterlologlsts to be supplied by re- Manager Goldsmith in selecting th to my heirs. That Is, I'm giving away exnctly what Mr. Stnitn tells him to do. Jwayt A Good Show and $1 a month with your fined Bugar. picture attractions for the Majesti now what you'd probably get later, A fresh-looking woman is .much showing. Ordinary pictures are cas each one of you. Please spend it to light bilL nicer than one who acts that way. aside. A well balanced program is the gratify some secret wish." secret of good shipmanship, thereAttached to the Inner sheet by a tore, a strong Vaudeville bill must Death anil taxes—they seem to be wire clip was a folded check for Save an exceptional picture. standing more and more for the same $2,000. To prove this "fact Manager Gold It Is significant that George did not thing. smith announces today that "Thi THEATRE at once telephone the good Dews. In Champ," a picture featuring Wallaci PERTH AMBOY Figuratively speaking, some people | Reery of "The Big House" and Jac * way, It made their marriage an Im- are No. 1, while others are not even kie Cooper of "Skippy" fame wil mediate possibility and surejy on* •tart. Sat. Feb. 6th 3 Da 7 * Start. Wad., Feb. 10 play at the Majestic for four day; would expect that any engaged young I. 2. 8. beginning Saturday, February 18 man's secret desire would He In that 1157 This is one of the World's great pic direction. tures. On the contrary, several days went —Please mention this paper when by and still George said nothing to buying from advertisers.— HAPPY THOUGHTS Sarah of the windfall. If he appeared distrait the very next time he 4S7 Fools rush In wfiere wise men fea saw her, she gave no outward sign of noticing the fact ' to wed. To tell the truth, Oeorge was an It'8 as useless to worry as to advise enigma to himself. Here for months In he had been longing to marry Sarah others not to, and now, at the Instance of a silly jtUPERT HUGHES' In A girl often turns a man's head by yarn dealing largely with beating surf NATIONAL NOVEL and honey-colored moons and dusky turning her own. maidens, ^ne was yearning to take a The only thing that comes to him little trip all by himself ana postpone settling down for a year or two. His who waits Is trouble. unexpected legacy seemed to render With Qome men keep their Ideals high by legitimate th|s desire, yet bow could he explain to Sarah? putting them on a shelf. The obvious thing to do would be It Is easier to provide for the Inner to get married and then, U he must A Powerful . . . . blow the money In such a way, make man than for the outer woman. . . . , Mystery Drama the Journey In Sarah's company. He In the game of life It Is better to loved Sarah, he was lnBanely Jealous 4 Day! Starting Sat., Feb. 13 If Sarah looked sldewlse at anyone score by honors than by tricks. WALLACE BEERY else, and yet—how he wanted this last JACKIE COOPER To get through married life without mad fling of Irresponsible youth all In PLUS by himself 1 a cross word would be a puzzle. "1 HE CHAMP" Suddenly he made np his mind to » — The man who alms at nothing In get It over with. He opened his mouth, shut it. cleared his throat and particulnr always hits his mark. was nbout to speak when Sarah, layFoola are likely to discern the faults Ing down her work, leaned forward and regarded him. if others and overlook their own. and fiUbr finticttd) "George," she said solemnly, "TTS The self-admiration of. some people something to tell you. It's hard to iroves there's no accounting for taste. say, but—well, I've changed my mind WITH about getting married. I feel—well, Eland-holding does not appeal to the before I settle down, t d like to go modern woman unless It's -the whip 'somewhere, do something, see someAUTOMATIC CLUTCH* ami SILENT GEAR SELECTOR hrfnd. body—" * "See somebody—" echoed George, The woman who says she does not feeling as If the bottom of things were believe in Idle rumor menns she does falling oqt. FREE WHEELING • SILENT SECOND GEAR • LOW not believe in letting It renwiln Idle. . "Yes," nodded Sarah, and Into b»r ayes came a faraway ecstatic expresCENTER OF GRAVITY • MONO-PIECE STEEL BODY What silly people they are who spend sion. "Sometimes I dream of distant money they have not yet earned on lands where the off-shore surf beats WE HAVE QUITE A NUMBER OF REAL BARthings they don't need to Impress peo- on the coral reefs, where honey-colored DOUBLE-DROP BRIDGE-TYPE FRAME > moons rise out of a velvet ocean, and .INS. EXCELLENT IN APPEARANCE AND CON- ple they don't like. strong, bronzed men in spotless suits, HYDRAULIC BRAKES white helmets and Victoria crosses on ION. POINTED PARAGRAPHS their chests—" i "Sarah!" by this time Ceorge had GREATER SIZE, POWER md BEAUTY Why isn't a fireman a hose-tupportriBen. Then, with an effort to swalerT USED CARS ADVANCE IN PRICE WITH THE low his Indignation, "Just how would ISON AND DEMAND, AND THIS IS TRUE EVEN Proofreaders are _ practical type- you do all this?" he asked. "Well," said Sarah, 'Tve nearly Tighten. thousand dollar^ I was saving toward* IIS YEAR. • Riches formerly had wings but now the house andr-" "And you'd use that!" they hive wheels. "Perhaps when I c,ome back," said IT IS OUR ADVICE TO BUY NOW AND EFFECT Spare the rod and you miss half the Sarah gently, "I'll not mind marrylnf you. But first—oh, I want one last pleasure of fishing. REAL SAVING. mad fling!" Rising, she threw her . Woman's chief aim seems to be at slender arms towards the ceiling. Then she found herself selied and a target called man. her arms falling, /ell on George's , Charity never begins at home while shoulders. "Sarah," he \yas saying Bternly house-cleaning IH trolnp on. "Enough of this nonsense! I've Just been left $2,000 by an aunt who Isn't dead yet and we are going to be marMBANS genuine value and performance «o great that DR. PHIUP WOLFMAN ried at once. Tell me you do lovt me!" 19S Marlut Street you cannot afford to buy any motor car regardless of So Sarah told him she did love him. Perth Amboy, N. J. What give did not tell him was that EYE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT price without first seeing and any girt knowB when her lovar has SPECIALIST. Glaue. furni.hed. (something on his mind and Intuition C*!l P. A. 4-4255 for Appointment plus some guess work will (soon help driving the new Dodge Six her discover what it Is. OUR OWE WEEK EXCHANGE POUCY IS STILL Three weeks later, George's aunt reand the new Dodge Eight ceived a letter. IE BEST GUARANTEE AVAILABLE. IT PROTECTS "Dear Aunt: NBfV LOW PRICUS-Nxr DODGK SIX $1VS f SS9S. NBW DODOt SKUm $1W*SUSS. "Your welcome gift made powlbl* a * K t t l tatttry. UwiUUvmdpricu. CnvatnttmHFlat wirt*rd*mtmulMt w*»iw*mb. I AGAINST A BAD BARGAIN. trip to Niagara falls, a lpvely little LIQUID - TAltlKTH - HALVE blue runabout, and first payment on a w «**• out. DuplaU ta}4ty fbl* iLut ml *tw l*m piin. * A t t k Chtfk *a44 Md Liquid or T a W i u x d luternaltr and .. > Bve-roou) bungalow." •« Shut. ClusJ m«Uli fact»rywir*d (»r fUUfTnmtitn, tmij ft I Halva aiternally, maks a A New Low Price! Westinghouse Adjustomatic Electric Iron NOW $ 6' 7 5 PVBLIC SCREEN role Lombard Paul Lukas ONE MAN' rdo Cortez fJuliette Compton SERVICE SCREEN William Collier, Jr. Una Merkel Zasu Pitts DODGE DEPENDABILITY "THE SECRET WITNESS" DEPENDABLE USED CARS LIBERAL TERMS 666 fAYETTE USED CAR MART The Old Lehig-h Valley Freight House. & Elm Sts,, on New Bruns. Ave. Wume £2703 PERTH AMBOY, N. J. II c«eaUve treatment Ivr Cold*. lift n i l , UcC'lura Newapapac cClura pp Syndicate) (WNUSrvlca) (WNUSarvlca.) Most Speedy Remedies Known v D O D G E T R U C K S . . . V . TO S T O N S . . . $ 3 7 5 A N D UP — Please mention thta paper whan buying from advertisers. — bcmrar-sliop Tim, counM In »pplylu« tor pauau. pso'l ruk *•l i j In prolMUiu four 14M4. Bind iMtoh or uiod*l tor Instruction* or vrlU fur rKKK IBQI. "Uow w Obtain • Pnuni" kjid "Record of InvtuUuu" to™. No ch*i|« lor U>forbiKMoti ou 1IQW to pruccw). cumamnica* Mow WfkUy tMiina«nti«L prompt. eu*(ul, • O s l u l Hrrlcf. CLARENCE A. O HflUN Raglatarad Patant AttarMV U-4 SmiUir »»»i«»> • C FRANK VAN SYCKLE 153 New Brunswick Ave. Perth Amboy Phone P. A. 4-0591
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