The Gleneden Beach Special Road District (i.e. the District) was formed in 1946. Its Board of Directors is comprised of three community volunteers who are appointed by the Lincoln County Commissioners in Newport, using input from applications and existing Board members. Terms are for a 3-year period and they are staggered so there is one position that comes up for appointment each January 1st. Because of the nature of being a volunteer organization and types of equipment used and owned, along with the size of the District in terms of miles of road and tax dollars available, the Board Members must be willing and able to serve in both an administrative and a policy management capacity. There are between 6-7 miles of public access roads maintained by the District, servicing close to 500 homes. The boundaries span from Salishan on the North to Coronado Shores (Hillcrest Dr.) to the South, the “Loop” Rd. on the East and Neptune (the Pacific Ocean) to the West. In addition to the “Loop” Rd, there are Stevens and Laurel, and the short connecting portion of Neptune that are county roads and maintained by Lincoln County. Two private roads, Worldmark Dr. and Moyer Ave., are also inside the District boundaries and maintained by “Worldmark”. Except for a few short gravel roads, the District roads are finished with a “chip seal” surface which is a layering of gravel topped off with hot oil to hold the gravel together. In 2001 the District invested in a tractor (with attachments) and a 40ft storage container, modified with electricity and air ventilation, to house the tractor and other maintenance equipment. The Districts income is derived solely from property taxes although historically, the District has made itself available as a collection point for homeowners, either collectively or individually, wishing to make road or right of way improvements beyond the scope of the annual District budget. DYK – Mar/Apr
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