Short and Sharp 9 June 2015 Greetings Everyone This week we

Club of Glenferrie inc.
Robert Winspear
Michael Berry
Carol Benson
Ian Dobson
Please forward copy for the bulletin
as a PDF to
Tuesdays 6pm for 6.30pm
Kooyong Lawn Tennis Club
489 Glenferrie Road
Kooyong Vic 3144
Melways Map Ref 59 C3
Bookings Email Cheryl Pisterman
Contact Cheryl Pisterman for all
attendance matters by midday
Friday prior to the Tuesday meeting.
If you do not attend a meeting and
have not informed Cheryl Pisterman
of your absence by mid-day of the
previous Friday, you will be obliged to
pay for the meal. If you wish to bring
a partner, visitor or guest, please
inform Cheryl no later than mid-day
of the previous Friday.
Glenferrie Rotarian
Issue: Vol 43 #2
30th June, 2015
7th July
Elaine Saunders
Listening & Communicating
Newton Langford
14th July
The magic of your mind
Don Moore
21st July
Raelene Hunt
Jane Gilchrist
28th July
Chris De Fraga
How not to crash a car
Ian Salek
Support the Club and bring your spouse or your friends to our weekly meeting.
Everyone welcome.
Thank you to all members who contributed to the discussion at the club
forum this week. I felt a lot of interesting ideas were put forward to improve the club
To keep getting the good speakers John Suriano has been able to bring to
the Club, he feels we sometimes have to give them more time than twenty minutes.
To make more time we may not have the sergeants’ session every week and talking
to members it is felt that it has developed more into a quiz session rather than
fines for members misbehaviour. To make it fun if you have any odd stories to tell
about members getting up to mischief, just drop me an email and I will pass it on
anonymously to the sergeant for the next meeting.
Main points of discussion were about the necessity to find another fund
raiser in case we lose the Farmers Market. Although this is unlikely. It was suggested
that we should make patrons at the market aware of where the money raised is
distributed on a display board. I am sure the Farmers Market Committee will consider
Various suggestions were put regarding new members from looking at
different ethnic groups in the community to having the introducing member sit in on
the interview.
The more discussed issue of the evening was about how often the Club
should meet. Gabe Hau our ADG responded to this, advising that the District has
softened its attitude and it may not be required for clubs to meet weekly. I have
spoken to many members individually on this topic and very different and divisive
views are evident. As it was only voted on seven or eight months ago I feel there are
more important things to do getting a new administration settled before we look at
this again. If members raise it then it will have to be in the second half of the Rotary
I attend the last of the cluster clubs change over meetings this week. The
DGs who have to sit through these hot air sessions one after another deserve a
medal. It has made me very aware of keeping things brief and to the point. I hope
for your sake I can achieve this.
Keep safe, take care.
Club of Glenferrie inc.
Glenferrie Rotarian
Issue: Vol 43 #2
30th June, 2015
Set up /Down
7th July
Brendan Rice
JCheryl Pisterman, Ian Salek
Helena Wimpole
14th July
Richard Blakeman
Hugh Bowers, Don Moore
Carol Benson
21st July
Michael Berry
Bob Scott, Norm Fary
Don Heath
28th July
Jeremy Romanes
Michael Hills, John Hudson
Janie Pirret
4th Aug
Newton Langford
Hugh Bowers, Brendan Rice
Salvo’s Bread Run Roster.
Note: The key safe number has changed in Jan
At 6.30pm meet at Bakers Delight, Camberwell
& deliver the bread to the Salvation Army in
Bowen Street
9th July
Rae Pang & Richard Blakeman
16th July
Helena Wimpole & Janie Pirret
23rd July
Don Moore & Michael Hills
30th July
Wayne Worladge& Charles Tran
6th Aug
Ian Dobson & Jane Mitchell
13th Aug Michelle Boden & Richard Blakeman
20th Aug
John Hudson & Janie Pirret
Attendance for 30th June, 2015
One year, I decided to buy my mother-in-law a cemetery plot as a
Christmas gift...
The next year, I didn’t buy her a gift.
When she asked me why, I replied,
“Well, you still haven’t used the gift I bought you last year!”
And that’s how the fight started.....
--------------------------------------------------------------------My wife and I were watching Who Wants To Be A Millionaire while we
were in bed.
I turned to her and said, ‘Do you want to have Sex?’
‘No,’ she answered. I then said,
‘Is that your final answer?’
She didn’t even look at me this time, simply saying, ‘Yes...’
So I said, “Then I’d like to phone a friend.”
And that’s when the fight started...
--------------------------------------------------------------------My wife and I were sitting at a table at her high school reunion, and she
kept staring at a drunken man swigging his drink as he sat alone at a
nearby table.
I asked her, “Do you know him?”
“Yes”, she sighed,
“He’s my old boyfriend.... I understand he took to drinking right after we
split up those many years ago, and I hear he hasn’t been sober since.”
“My God!” I said, “Who would think a person could go on celebrating
that long?”
And then the fight started...
Apologies: Ted Baillieu; Hugh Bowers; Keith Duncan; Mark Ellis; Jane Gilchrist; Bruce Gough; Don Heath; Thelma Hutchison; Trevor Mackey;
Paul Nugent; Rae Pang; Brendan Rice; Terry Rolleston; Jeremy Romanes; Ian Salek; Geoff Wood.
Visting Rotarians: Gabe Hau (DG’s Rep)
Farmers’ Market Roster 2015
current as at 2/7/2015
July 18th early (6:30­10.00am) Winspear, Robert Captain July 18th late (10:00am­1:30pm) Salek, Ian Captain Mitchell, Jane Whitehead, Helen Hutchison, Thelma Romanes, Jeremy Rice, Brendon. Salek, Heather Romanes, Jeremy Suriano, John Dobson, Ian Langford, Newton Swinburne Rotaract (1) Foundation Boroondara (2) Foundation Boroondara (2) August 15th August 15th early (6:30­10.00am) Mackey, Trevor late (10:00am­1:30pm) Captain Pisterman, Cheryl Captain Ellis, Mark Wimpole, Helena Mackey, Brenda Fary, Norm Moore, Don Fary, Barbara Pirret, Janie Suriano, John Winspear, Robert Tran, Charles Swinburne Rotaract (1) Foundation Boroondara (2) Foundation Boroondara (2) August 29th early (6:30­10.00am) Langford, Newton Captain August 29th late (10:00am­1:30pm) Gregory, Paul Captain Ellis, Mark Whitehead, Helen Harries, Peter Hogan, Robert Hutchison, Thelma Hogan, Miffy Scott, Robert Volunteer required Worladge, Wayne Wimpole, Helena Swinburne Rotaract (1) Foundation Boroondara (2) Foundation Boroondara (2) Farmers’ Market Roster 2015
current as at 2/7/2015
September 19th early (6:30­10.00am) September 19th late (10:00am­1:30pm) Captain Suriano, John Captain Bowers, Hugh Gilchrist, Jane Langford, Newton Gregory, Paul Mackey, Brenda Hutchison, Thelma Rice, Brendan Duncan, Keith Willmott, Ian Duncan, Ineke Willmott, Fran Wischer, John Gate Swinburne Rotaract (1) (2) Foundation Boroondara (2) Mackey, Trevor Foundation Boroondara October 17th October 17th early (6:30­10.00am) Moore, Don Captain late (10:00am­1:30pm) Rice, Brendan Captain Berry, Michael Baillieu, Ted Heath, Don Fary, Norm Heath, Glenis Hills, Michael Hutchison, Thelma Hills, Janet Winspear, Robert Rice, Lorraine Rolleston, Terry Swinburne Rotaract (1) Foundation Boroondara (2) Foundation Boroondara October 31st early (6:30­10.00am) Mackey, Trevor (2) Gate October 31st late (10:00am­1:30pm) Captain Pisterman, Cheryl Captain Benson, Carol Blakeman, Richard Dobson, Ian Fary, Norm Bowers, Hugh Fary, Barbara Mackey, Brenda Spencer, Lynette Wimpole, Helena Pisterman, David Swinburne Rotaract (1) Foundation Boroondara (2) Foundation Boroondara (2) Farmers’ Market Roster 2015
current as at 2/7/2015
November 21st early (6:30­10.00am) Benson, Carol Captain November 21st late (10:00am­1:30pm) Hogan, Robert Captain Ellis, Mark Blakeman, Richard Gilchrist, Jane Hills, Michael Scott, Robert Hills, Janet Willmott, Fran Hogan, Miffy Willmott, Ian Worladge, Wayne Wischer, John Swinburne Rotaract (1) Foundation Boroondara (2) Foundation Boroondara (2) Gate December 19th early (6:30­10.00am) December 19th late (10:00am­1:30pm) Captain Pisterman, Cheryl Heath, Don Baillieu, Ted Heath, Glenis Pisterman, David Mackey, Trevor Romanes, Jeremy Mackey, Brenda Spencer, Lynette Moore, Don Willmott, Fran Pirrett, Janie Willmott, Ian Rolleston, Terry Swinburne Rotaract (1) (2) Foundation Boroondara (2) Berry, Michael Foundation Boroondara Captain Gate Queen Victoria
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For more information :
Rowan McClean
0412 996 006
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