February 2015 Thank You Food and Beverage! TABLE OF CONTENTS Food & Beverage ................................Cover GlenLakes Upcoming Events......................4 GlenLakes Continuing Events.....................5 Chef Mik’s Corner .......................................6 GlenLakes Dress Code & Rules .................6 GlenLakes Ladies’ Golf Association .....7 & 8 Divas & Divots Tournament.........................8 GlenLakes Tennis .............................10 & 11 2014 Holiday House Tour ..........................11 Garden Club .....................................12 & 13 Valentine’s Day Dinner/Dance ..................14 Italian Renaissance Club .....................15-17 Game Night ...............................................15 GlenLakes Scarlett Belles .........................18 Pickleball Update ......................................18 Super Bowl Party ......................................19 Calendar ...........................................20 & 21 Kayak Club................................................22 Sock Hop ..................................................22 Thank Yous ...............................................22 Singles Club ..............................................23 GlenLakes Photography Club ...................23 Investment Club ........................................23 ITEMS ADVERTISED (INCLUDING INSERTS) ARE SUBJECT TO THE RULES AND REGULATIONS OF GLMHA. BEFORE ANY WORK IS PERFORMED PLEASE CONSULT YOUR RULES & REGULATIONS BOOKLET. 2 WHY LIST WITH GLENLAKES REALTY? Special golf and social memberships are available exclusively to buyers of GlenLakes Realty listed homes. D L SO List with the agency that participated in more closed sales than any other agency in 2014. Ask any sales representative for more information. Our team of professionals look forward to serving you and will be delighted to do a Competitive Market Analysis for you. Call Today 352-597-9000 D L O S D L O S D L O S Vicki Glover Sylvia Scebba Understanding the make up of GlenLakes Golf & Country Club is important to the marketing of resale homes within our community. This resale market requires specialized knowledge, not only of the homes themselves, but of the entire community. GLENLAKES Realty, concentrates solely on homes exclusively in GlenLakes. We do not promote other communities and their homes. Be part of the “SOLD” statistics, list your house with us! 3 ITEMS ADVERTISED (INCLUDING INSERTS) ARE SUBJECT TO THE RULES AND REGULATIONS OF GLMHA. BEFORE ANY WORK IS PERFORMED PLEASE CONSULT YOUR RULES & REGULATIONS BOOKLET. ADVERTISING DEADLINE Feb. 13, 2015 GlenLakes Upcoming Events The Eagle is published monthly by SignTime and mailed free via USPS bulk mail to every home in GlenLakes. SignTime reserves the right to refuse any advertising which may be deemed objectionable or is not in keeping with our policies. Reproduction of any artwork or copy, in whole or in part, prepared by SignTime is strictly prohibited without the written consent of the publisher. All rights reserved. SignTime will not be responsible or liable for misprints, typographical errors, unplaced ads, misinformation, etc. herein contained. GULF OF MEXICO HERNANDO BEACH SPRING HILL DR. SUPER WAL-MART PUBLIX 19 WEN D YC T. LOR I HAMPTON INN DRIV E APPLEGATE DR. SignTime HUNTERS LAKE RD. February 1st Super Bowl Sunday Party PUBLISHER AND ADVERTISING SALES February 13th Valentines Dinner with Entertainment SignTime 352-683-5629 1260 Lori Dr. Spring Hill, FL 34606 (in the Sir Speedy Plaza) February 18th, 19th & 20th GLLGA 2015 Member/Guest Tournament signtime@tampabay.rr.com Articles and photos submitted for The GlenLakes must be received by the 10th of each month. Thank you. Please note: Articles and photos from pre-approved clubs may be submitted to the publisher through email. The email address is sspeedy@tampabay.rr.com. February 24th Bingo Night (People Helping People) GlenLakes Hours of Operation Tennis Courts and Swimming Pool: 8:00 am-10:00 pm, Daily Golf Shop: 7:00 am-5:00 pm, Tuesday-Sunday; Closed Monday Golf Course: 7:30 am-Dusk, Tuesday-Sunday Shot Gun Monday Driving Range, Putting: 7:30 am-Dusk, Monday-Sunday Fitness Room: 5:00 am-10:00 pm, Daily Presentation Center: 9:00 am-5:00 pm, Monday-Saturday, 11:00 am-5:00 pm, Sunday April 5th Easter Brunch May 10th Mother’s Day GlenLakes Staff & Phone Numbers Addison Homes .....................................................597-7676 Accounting .............................................................596-6444 Craighead, David (Operations) ...............................596-6444 Gate House .............................................................596-0544 Golf Shop ................................................................597-1118 Latoria, Dan (Builder, Addison Homes) ...................597-7676 Latoria, Roseann (F&B & Banquets).......................597-9200 McCrary, Tom (Golf Professional) ............................597-1118 Rood, Ron (Golf Course Maintenance)....................596-3611 Reservations - Lori .................................................597-9200 Sales (New Home & Resales) .................................597-9000 Scebba, Angelo (Homeowners Assn.)....................596-6351 Strings & Things (Tennis Pros) ....................(352) 232-0321 Wagner, Mik (Chef)....................................................597-9200 DANA’S RAILROAD SUPPLY SETS • KITS • PARTS • DECALS • DIGITRAX PAINTS • BOOKS • REPAIRS • LIONEL • SHIP & AIRPLANE MODELS FLEA MARKET & SWAP MEET February 14th 9:00 am to 2:00 pm Open House 9:00 am to 3:00 pm 352-684-2484 Upcoming Flea Market & Swap Meet Date: March 14 Web Site: danasrailroadsupply.com Website: www.glenlakes.com ITEMS ADVERTISED (INCLUDING INSERTS) ARE SUBJECT TO THE RULES AND REGULATIONS OF GLMHA. BEFORE ANY WORK IS PERFORMED PLEASE CONSULT YOUR RULES & REGULATIONS BOOKLET. 4042 Deltona Blvd. P.O. Box 5557 Spring Hill, FL 34606 4 Now carrying Vallejo Paints Continuing Events Continuing Events are open to GlenLakes Club Members only. Art Classes: Call Linda Wilk at 596-0937. will be February 5th and March 5th. Bellydance Classes With Shazadi (Julie): Tuesdays from 10:15 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. and Wednesday nights from 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Classes meet in the aerobics room. New students are always welcome! Please contact Shazadi (Julie) for more info. jshazadi@hotmail.com or 346-5918. Italian Renaissance Club of GlenLakes: Meets the last Thursday of the month except July, August, November and December. Meeting registration is at 6:30 p.m. Events are held throughout the year. For membership information, contact Marita Hickey at 556-3399 or maritamh@tampabay.rr.com. Book Club: Meets on the 2nd Tuesday of every month from 10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Please contact Lois Oberlander for more information. Kayak Club: Meets first Thursday of the month, February through November with monthly group paddles. Contact Curt Reilly at 596-2737 or curtreilly@yahoo.com for information. Ceramics Classes: Ceramics classes are held every Monday and Tuesday morning from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. $3.50 per person. Just show up. Knitters and Crocheters of All Kinds: We meet at the Club every Tuesday at 1:00 pm in the Ladies’ Lounge near the workout room and the Library. Everyone welcome, just show up or call Teresa Karas (352) 592-1035. Chess Club: Is now active and plays Chess on the first and third Tuesday evening of every month starting at 7:00 p.m. To join or for more information, please contact Vince Ferraro at 596-8555. Ladies’ Bridge: The ladies’ bridge group meets every Wednesday morning at 9:00 a.m. If you are interested in January, call Cynthia Chew at 5562796. If you are interested in February, call Kim Casey at 293-4804. Chinese Mah Jongg: Each month, several members get together at the clubhouse to play st Chinese Mah Jongg. The game is held on the 1 and rd 3 Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. Just show up! Ladies’ Canasta: Meets every Wednesday morning at 9:00 a.m. at the Clubhouse. Call Caryl Meyer at 556-3051 or email her at: carylm@aol.com to sign up or cancel. Learners’ table is available. Couples Canasta: Meets the 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month at 6:30 p.m. If you wish to play, call Lynn Butters at 352-596-9508. Mah Jongg: Ladies meet on Monday afternoons at 1:30 p.m. There is no charge to partake in this fun and exciting game. Euchre: Meets the 4th Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the Clubhouse. Any questions or for game rules, call Dick and Mary Jane Wools at 5961302 or e-mail to dickandmarywools@yahoo.com. Model Yacht Club: Meets every Wednesday and Friday at 1:15 p.m. on the pond across from the Clubhouse. Everyone welcome. GlenLakes Garden Club: Please contact Marita Hickey at 556-3399. Pinochle: Meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month. If you are interested in pinochle in the month of February please contact the Frankels at 592-9854. GlenLakes Singles Club: Meets the 1st Tuesday of each month at 4:30 p.m. on the second floor. Singles who are GlenLakes Club Members are welcome to attend. Please call Dona Gilbody at 508-523-5307 if you wish further information. Tai Chi Class: Wednesday, 7:45 a.m. in the aerobics room. New students welcome. $35.00 per month. First class is always complimentary to see how you like the class. For more information, call 727-9459223. Investment Club: The GlenLakes NAP Investment Club meets the first Thursday each month (except July) at the club-usually in the Bar Room at 9:00 a.m. If you are interested in investing and meeting a bunch of savvy investors we invite you to attend one of our meetings. Just show up, we would be happy to have you join the group. The next two meetings Zumba, Body Sculpting, Circuit Training and more: See schedule in Fitness Center. $5/class or $20/month. Call Cecile with questions at 597-8376. 5 ITEMS ADVERTISED (INCLUDING INSERTS) ARE SUBJECT TO THE RULES AND REGULATIONS OF GLMHA. BEFORE ANY WORK IS PERFORMED PLEASE CONSULT YOUR RULES & REGULATIONS BOOKLET. GlenLakes Clubhouse Chef Mik's CORNER Lunch Is Served In The Grille Room Tuesday Through Friday. Menus posted at the mail boxes. Limited Bar Menu served Monday - Saturday, 2:00 - 5:00 pm Dress Code Rules Executive Chef Mik for Grille Room Sunday / Grille Room Ala Carte Brunch 7:30 am – 2:30 pm Bar Opens at 10:00 am • Bloody Mary Sunday Sunday Through Saturday Day And Evening Casual, Nice Jeans And Golf Attire Monday / Grille Room as of October 27th, Main Bar Opens at 2:00 pm Dinner Served 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm No Reservations Needed No Tank Tops Collared Shirts please Tuesday / Grille Room Lunch 10:00 am - 2:00 pm Dinner Served 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm Bar Opens at 2:00 pm No Reservations Needed Saturday Evening / Grille Room Fine Dining No Shorts – No Jeans No Tank Tops Collared Shirts please Wednesday / Grille Room Lunch 10:00 am - 2:00 pm Bar Opens at 2:00 pm 5:30 pm – 8:00 pm Reservations Please International Buffet / Ballroom 5:30 pm – 8:00 pm Reservations Please Saturday Evening / Casual Dinner Main Bar Casual, Nice Jeans Golf Attire Thursday / Grille Room Lunch 10:00 am - 2:00 pm Pasta & Pizza Night • 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm Delivery Available 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm Call 597-9200 Bar Opens at 2:00 pm No Reservations Needed UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES Short Shorts, Tank Tops, Bathing Suits or Hats In The Grille Room Or Ballroom Friday / Grille Room Lunch 10:00 am - 2:00 pm Prime Rib Night 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm Reservations Please Bar Opens at 2:00 pm Saturday / Grille Room Lunch 10:00 am - 2:00 pm No Pets In Or Around The Clubhouse Fine Dining/Grill Room: 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm Main Bar / Casual Dinner: 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm Bar Opens at 2:00 pm Reservations please Chef Mik’s Specials Every Evening!!! For reservations, please call 352-597-9200 or email: lorigl@tampabay.rr.com roseanngl@tampabay.rr.com ITEMS ADVERTISED (INCLUDING INSERTS) ARE SUBJECT TO THE RULES AND REGULATIONS OF GLMHA. BEFORE ANY WORK IS PERFORMED PLEASE CONSULT YOUR RULES & REGULATIONS BOOKLET. No Smoking In The Clubhouse 6 GlenLakes Ladies Golf Association By Honora Browne Unfortunately, our opening day on January 8, proved too cold for us to play either a 9 hole or 18 hole tournament. But that did not deter us from going to lunch and holding our meeting and installation of officers for 2015. Honora Browne, outgoing President thanked all her committee chairs for their outstanding work the past year. Judy Potter gave a handicap report explaining equitable stroke control and asked everyone to continue to hand in score cards and report your scores correctly. She then announced the winner of “Most Improved Golfer for 2014” – Becky Whitaker. Sharon Jordan reported on Flight winners for Ringers. They were: Flight A: 0-18 Handicap Front: Pat Gallagher, 33 Back: Judy Voiers, 33 Flight B: 19-25 Handicap Front: Alma Chaffman 34 Back: Nina Bryant – 34 Flight C: 26-32 Handicap Front: Sharon Jordan – 36 Back: Sharon Jordan & Judy Potter – 36 Flight D: 33-40 Handicap Front: Kerin Morin – 40 Back: Betty Provost 41 Pat Gallagher was also awarded the Most Birdies for the Year - 6 She also gave out pins to the following gals for “Chipin” Birdies: Karen Markey, Joyce Thomas, Mary Kay Heath, Carol White, LuAnn Cavanaugh, Dee Phillips, Honora, Sandy O'Dell, Alma Chaffman and Judy Voiers. Pat Gallagher was awarded a pin for her Eagle this past year. Raye Wentworth reported on the progress of the 2015 Member/Guest. The event will be held February 18 (practice round and cocktail party), February 19 (first round of play) and February 20th (second round of play immediately followed by awards cocktail party and dinner). It is always a premier event With this year's theme of “Divas and Divots,” it will again be a wonderful affair. After conclusion of the reports, Honora swore in the 2015 Executive Board. Mary Vuolo, 2015 President; Honora Browne, 2014 President 2015 Executive Board: Jessie Helton, Treasurer; Judy Potter, Secretary; Sandy O'dell, Vice President and Mary Vuolo, President The 2015 Officers and Committee Chairs are as follows: Executive Board President Mary Vuolo Vice President Sandy O'Dell Secretary Judy Potter Treasurer Jessie Helton Handicap Chair Kay Broyles Membership Chair Dottie Haney Tournament Co-Chair Mary Kay Heath Karen Markey Past President Honora Browne Committees Birdies & Ringers Nina Bryant Communications Pam Yonker Handbook Nelly VanBerlo Holiday Invitational Pat Rhodes/ Becky Whitaker Outside Invitationals Karen Morin Member/Guest 2015 Nancy VanGilder continue to next page 7 ITEMS ADVERTISED (INCLUDING INSERTS) ARE SUBJECT TO THE RULES AND REGULATIONS OF GLMHA. BEFORE ANY WORK IS PERFORMED PLEASE CONSULT YOUR RULES & REGULATIONS BOOKLET. GlenLakes Ladies Golf Association cont’d Parlimentarian/Rules Publicity/Eagle Scrapbook Sunshine Judy Voiers Honora Browne Nancy VanGilder Fran McCarron March 12 – 9 Hold Scramble/Skills Clinic March 19 & 20 – Spring Member/Member – Major Tournament March 26 – Quota Points A short note from President, Mary Vuolo I want to thank last year's board and all the boards prior to that, for laying a strong foundation for a great association. I hope this year brings new and exciting things to our fine group of ladies. The objective of our association is to promote sociability and interest in the game of golf among the members. Our tournament chairs have worked very hard in putting together a schedule of games for 2015 that I hope everyone will support and enjoy. I am committed to the membership and open for any suggestions you may have. Be sure to check in the locker room for weekly sign up sheets, outside invitationals and who to wish a happy birthday to during each month. Sign Up and Join in the Fun – Support the GLLGA You'll be glad you did! Results for December 11, 2014: Red & Blue – 9 Holes This was the culmination of Red and Blue team competition for the year. The Red Team came back from being down after the first two competitions and won the event for the Fall season. All competitors who played in any of the Red & Blue events for the year were treated to a luncheon in the Grill Room which was paid for by the league. A great sandwich and salad spread was prepared by Mik and his staff and great comraderie between the teams was evident. Results for December 18, 2014 – Net Skins This was an individual game. The lowest net score on the hole won the skin. Full handicap was used. Winners by flights were: Winner Mary Vuolo Honora Browne Pat Gallagher Pat Gallagher Honora Browne Judy Voiers Honora Browne Honora Browne Honora Browne Flight 2 Hole Net 1 4 5 5 6 2 7 2 9 4 15 3 17 3 18 4 Winner Carole Groechel Joyce Thomas Carole Groechel Carole Groechel Carole Groechel Joyce Thomas Nancy Anderson Carole Groechel DIVAS & DIVOTS Flight 1 Hole Net 1 3 2 4 4 1 6 4 9 4 12 2 13 3 15 3 16 2 Birdies for December were as follows: December 4 – Holiday Invitational Tournament Chip In Birdie: Alma Chaffman #7 December 11 – RED & BLUE (9 HOLES) Birdies: Nina Bryant #12, Judy Voiers #18, Carol White #10 December 18 – Net Skins Chip In Birdie: Judy Voiers #12 Birdie: Pat Gallagher #4 Upcoming Games February 5 & 6 – Winter Eclectic – Major Tournament February 12 – Sweetheart Scramble – Pick your own partner February 19 & 20 – MEMBER/GUEST February 26 – Two Net Best Balls March 5 – Red & Blue – Two Net Best Balls ITEMS ADVERTISED (INCLUDING INSERTS) ARE SUBJECT TO THE RULES AND REGULATIONS OF GLMHA. BEFORE ANY WORK IS PERFORMED PLEASE CONSULT YOUR RULES & REGULATIONS BOOKLET. GLENLAKES LADIES’ 2015 MEMBER/GUEST 8 February 18, 19, 20 9 ITEMS ADVERTISED (INCLUDING INSERTS) ARE SUBJECT TO THE RULES AND REGULATIONS OF GLMHA. BEFORE ANY WORK IS PERFORMED PLEASE CONSULT YOUR RULES & REGULATIONS BOOKLET. GlenLakes Tennis News allege that Babolat made false claims in its advertising on the Internet, in magazines and other publications and on television that tennis professionals who endorse Babolat tennis request play with the same racquets available for sale to the public. However, the plaintiffs allege that the professionals' racquets are allegedly different from the retail versions available in the United States. The plaintiffs also allege that Babolat labeled some tennis racquets with GT Technology as containing tungsten even though they allegedly did not contain tungsten. Babolat denies wrongdoing but has agreed to settle to avoid litigation. Class Members of the Babolat tennis racquet class action settlement include consumers who purchased for personal use any of the following tennis racquets between January 1, 2009 and November 11, 2014. Up to $500 with proof of purchase (either receipt or serial number), may claim up to 10 racquets. Up to $60 without may claim up to 3 racquets. Distribution will be as follows: $50 per adult racquet with proof of purchase $25 per junior racquet with proof of purchase $20 per adult racquet without proof of purchase $10 per junior racquet without proof of purchase This is the web site for more information: https://babolatsettlement.com/mainpage/Home.aspx Judy's Contact Numbers Judy Jeanette Cell: 352-232-0321 (call or text) Email: jjeanette3saj@aol.com Tennis News from Roving Reporter Velma George Can you believe this great tennis weather? We've had a few cool and overcast days, but for the most part we've been very lucky. Hope March doesn't roar in like the proverbial lion. Time is flying by and it will soon be time for us snowbirds to think about flying north or in my case, northwest. We mentioned last month that “Miss” Ida Marshall used hand signals to keep score. It seems that she is not the only GL tennis player who does this. As this wiser generation becomes wiser, we sometimes have difficulty hearing the score called by our opponents. Of course we all know that the difficulty isn't with our hearing, it is the result of mumbling by our opponents, the screech of sand hill cranes, the sound of the wind moving through the trees, well you get the idea. In deference to the continue to next page By Judy Jeanette, Director of Tennis and USPTA Elite Professional Happy Valentine's Day to all our Tennis Members, Pickleballers and even Golfers! Wow, in approximately 10 short weeks we will be saying farewell to our snowbirds as they prepare to make their migration to the north. I bet you are really enjoying your winter stay at GlenLakes. With our great tennis courts (thank you Auggie) the new Pickleball courts and lots of great GL friends, does it get any better? I wanted to thank all the GL Tennis Members that have and continue to seek out my Strings and Things Pro Shop business for new tennis racquets and repair. I appreciate your support and loyalty, especially in this tough economy. I am aware of the big box stores that have opened in our area….however be careful…these are NOT specialty stores. They are slightly upscale Wal-Mart's. If you are not aware, I have DEMO racquets at your request...and at better than internet pricing for Babolat, Prince, Wilson and other major brands in both new and slightly used frames. I have many 2014 DEMO racquets on sale at very fair prices. I will help you through the process of selecting the right racquet for you and your game. I will also fit and string your racquet specifically for you. I offer 24 hour expert USRSA Master Racquet Technician Certification stringing and repair. I can order shoes, ball machines and court equipment. I always carry overwrap, grips, shock absorbers, Pickleball balls and paddles with me. I am a full service “mobile” pro shop. You want it, I will get it. And the price will always be more than fair. The special tennis news alert below is an example of today's marketing and how the companies get you to buy their products. They make BIG claims. Let me help you cut to the chase when purchasing a new racquet. In the case below you may get some money back. Thank you for allowing me to be at your service. Special Tennis News Alert This may interest many of our GL Tennis Members that are playing with a Babolat racquet. Adhoot v. Babolat VS North America Inc. & Clark v. Babolat v. North America Inc, CV13-02823 GAF (VBKx) & Case No. CV13-7898 GAF (VBKx) District Court for the Central District of California Case Summary This settlement resolves two different lawsuits where the plaintiffs allege that Babolat falsely advertised the qualities of some of their tennis racquets. The lawsuits ITEMS ADVERTISED (INCLUDING INSERTS) ARE SUBJECT TO THE RULES AND REGULATIONS OF GLMHA. BEFORE ANY WORK IS PERFORMED PLEASE CONSULT YOUR RULES & REGULATIONS BOOKLET. 10 GlenLakes Tennis News cont’d 2014 Holiday House Tour By Joyce MacMillan Approximately 250 guests toured seven beautifully decorated homes on the Holiday Tour in December. There were many nativity scenes, Santas, angels, snowmen, reindeers, Christmas carolers and beautifully decorated trees. Before heading out on the tour, guests enjoyed a delicious buffet luncheon, arranged by Roseanne, Chef Mik & the serving staff in the beautifully decorated ballroom with festive music in the background A special THANK YOU to the seven residents who, so graciously opened their homes, each home had its own special attraction: at Nancy & Jim Denney's there were homemade “six foot tall nutcrackers”; Pat Schoppmeyer displayed four hand painted nativity scenes” painted by her late husband; Joyce & Fran Thomas displayed a large collection of “Byers Choice Carolers” throughout the house; Audrey & George Friel had a “memory tree” with antique ornaments; MaryAnn Kaiser displayed a beautiful collection of angels, carolers and a Christmas village; Irene Adjan's home was ornately decorated with silver and turquoise throughout; and lastly, at Lya & Joe Christie's home we caught Mr & Mrs Clause in the master bedroom and bath…Mrs was in the bathtub surrounded by bubbles (clear glass ornaments)!! These were just a small part of each home that had beautifully decorated themed trees, pointsettias, garlands and teddy bears. Thank you to my co-chair: April Rupp.. To volunteers who were hostesses: Annette Davis, Hope Smith, Linda Mills, Maureen Follansbee, Jenny Kemp Linda Curow, Marcella McNamara, Fran McCarron, Dana Montgomery, Patti Radison, Linda Sutton, Janet Breithaupt, Peggy Sullivan, Mickey Smith, Ellen Frank, Donna Balut, Beth Murtha, Sally McManis, and Betty Rogers. Thank you to those who manned the registration desk: Laura Webb, Grace Widmar, Millie Lange, Anne Kitchen and Lynn O'Dom, Marilyn McInerney To the raffle ladies: Mary Vuolo and Linda Wilson who gathered many amazing items and to those who donated those items; they brought in $1000. To Jessie Helton with the 50/50 (we had two winners of $200 each). All in all, it was a very successful day! We raised $4,010 with half for “People Helping People” and the other half to “The Dawn Center.” Four large boxes of non-perishable items was collected for the organizations! THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!! “hearing” issues, Mississippi George has devised a series of hand signals that should be adopted by GL tennis. The following is Mississippi George's “Hand Signal Guide to Nonverbal Score Keeping”. The first rule is: #1. Keep it simple by using the right hand only and displaying the server's score first. #2. Extend the thumb and forefinger (looks like an L) to opponent for “love” #3. Five fingers up for 5 (denotes 15) #4. Three fingers (pinky, ring and middle) for 30 #5. Four fingers (no thumb) for 40 #6. Two fingers (“V for victory” or “peace”) for deuce #7. Hand to chest for “our ad” or “ad in” # 8. Point at opposing team for “ad out” Way to go George. Thanks for your “Hand Signal Guide” and as you said this should eliminate some of the shouting and confusion. I have one additional hand signal that shouldn't be added to “George's Guide”, but has been used universally (noooooo, not that one). The thumb and forefinger are extended to look like an L, but it doesn't signal love. This signal placed on the forehead means “loser.” Its okay when you are calling yourself a loser, but be nice and refrain from using that signal toward you're opponents. Also those of us in the wiser generation are using some unique and creative excuses for mishits and a total swing and miss. Don't know who came up with this one, but it's really great: “I couldn't see the ball because of my cataracts”. I've used the bifocal excuse too. No one really believes these excuses, but we continue to use then. Then there's the “the ball must have hit a lump on court to take that crazy spin”. Give your opponents some credit, some of the GL players intentionally put tremendous spin on the ball. Case in point: German George's famous drop shots. Sometimes we get great spin by striking the ball with the frame instead of the strings. That could result in a point for you, but it isn't nice to celebrate too much since it was an accident and not skill. I just noticed that I've said “Be nice” twice in this article. I guess I'll just say it again: Be nice to everyone you know and love and those you meet in your daily lives. Treat everyone with respect and love and the respect and love will be returned to you. See you on court. 11 ITEMS ADVERTISED (INCLUDING INSERTS) ARE SUBJECT TO THE RULES AND REGULATIONS OF GLMHA. BEFORE ANY WORK IS PERFORMED PLEASE CONSULT YOUR RULES & REGULATIONS BOOKLET. GlenLakes Garden Club Anchors Aweigh! The Garden Club began its 2015 “Cruise of Activities” on Friday, January 9th at the Club GlenLakes Garden Club Ballroom. Over 50 members were in attendance for a continental breakfast, Annual Business meeting, and a wonderful program. K9 Partners for Patriots, was chosen by the club as this spring's charity donation recipient, from the proceeds of the annual Fashion Show. Mary Peter, founder and trainer, of this organization along with her dog, “Shasta”, gave a very inspiring presentation. She spoke of the need, history, training process, and success of this program located in Hernando County. The examples of the effectiveness, a trained dog has on a war veteran suffering from post-traumatic syndrome or head trauma, pulled on our heart strings. Mary has received much well-deserved recognition and praise from Law Enforcement Agencies as a dogtrainer. Alicia Karam installed the slate of officers for the coming year with a charge of duty as well as to the membership, to support the activities of the club by participation. Officers are: President, Gail Anderson; V.P., Helen Connors; Secretary, Chris Tharp; Treasurer, Joy Holme. plaque inscribed identifying GlenLakes Garden Club. Discussion of the month's philanthropic events and worker sign-up sheets for Bingo on the January 27th and People Helping People dinner Sunday, February 1st were all filled. The next destination on our member's cruise will be on Friday, February 6th, as we celebrate being a Valentine, with teas and lunch at the newly relocated, “Tilted Teacup” in Brooksville. Other ports of call this spring are: March 13th – Tour of Chinsegut Manor; April 17th, the Spring Luncheon and Fashion Show, and May 8th - a visit to Johnson's Daylily Gardens. The Garden Club always welcomes new members regardless of your gardening prowess or interest. “Good Works and Good Times” are our focus. See application form below. GlenLakes Garden Club Membership Information Garden Club Membership is open to GlenLakes Club Members A motion was made and vote taken to purchase a bench for Weeki Wachee Springs State Park with a 2015 Dues $15.00 cover the period Jan-Dec 2015 Payable by check to GlenLakes Garden Club Name: __________________________________ Phone:__________________________________ E-mail: _________________________________ Most patient guest! K9 Partner K9 Partner for Patriots Owner, for Patriots Mary Peters Special with her K9 working Attendee partner and Gloria Allison Mail to: Joy Holme 9310 Fox Hollow Lane, Weeki Wachee, FL 34613 Garden Club Annual Meeting ITEMS ADVERTISED (INCLUDING INSERTS) ARE SUBJECT TO THE RULES AND REGULATIONS OF GLMHA. BEFORE ANY WORK IS PERFORMED PLEASE CONSULT YOUR RULES & REGULATIONS BOOKLET. 12 GlenLakes Garden Club Meeting Raffle ladies Alicia, Gail, and Helen Two new Garden Club Members with other ladies GlenLakes Check anywhere in the world first, but check with Chad last! ON US 19 just 20 EASY Miles North of your Front Gate!! Exclusive Sales and Service Offers COUPON For GlenLakes’ Honda and Acura Owners OIL • LUBE • FILTER Previous - Current - First Time Customers • Includes 27 Point Inspection For an oil change Inspection & Battery Test at other dealers, • Includes up to 5 quarts of conyou will pay ventional oil & Pennzoil oil filter up to $49.95 Synthetic oil extra $ At LOVE You Pay Only Add Tire Rotation $10 WIPER BLADES 19 FREE INSTALLATION $ 99* Starting at 6 95* GL GL WIPER BLADES FREE with service of $50 & up GL â Shuttle Service Available â 10% Discount on Labor Sales up to $100 â FREE Current Market Appraisal â Best Price Guarantee on all new Hondas â Ongoing Referral Program â FREE Pit Stop (Call) Call GlenLakes homeowner Bryan Delbert 352-584-5037 for Details and other Specials!! LOVE HONDA — 2219 S. Suncoast Blvd., Homosassa, FL 34446 352.628.4600 *Plus tax & shop supplies where applicable. Must present coupon at time of service. Not valid with any other coupons or advertised specials. 13 ITEMS ADVERTISED (INCLUDING INSERTS) ARE SUBJECT TO THE RULES AND REGULATIONS OF GLMHA. BEFORE ANY WORK IS PERFORMED PLEASE CONSULT YOUR RULES & REGULATIONS BOOKLET. My Valentine’s Dinner at Glen Lakes Friday, February 13th, 2015 with “POLO, Romantic Guitarist & Son” Hot Kettle (Asparagus Brie) $4 Oyster on the Half Shells $12 Shrimp Cocktail $12 Tequila Rosa Salad or Caesar Salad $4 Entrees Wolfish Never Been Kissed $16 Basil Seared Northern Pacific Fish Fillet with Langoustine Butter Sauce Adam’s Prime Rib $19 Roasted Black Angus Prime of Beef Cedar Plank Scotchman Salmon Lover $17 Parmesan Crusted Scottish Salmon served with Lemon-Butter Sauce Flounder Around for You $17 Roasted True Flounder Fillet with New England Clam Sauce I Do Duckling $17 Roasted Duck Breast and Crispy Confit with Orange-Soy Reduction Tomato-Basil Vealentino Scaloppini $17 Tender Sautéed Veal Cutlets with Mushroom-Tomato Dem i Honey Roasted Tender Lamb Chop $16 Slow Roasted Bone-in Shank in Pan Sauce until Tender Choice of sides: Baked Potato, Baked Sweet Potato, Rice, Garlic Tortellini Desserts Mike’s Key Lime Pie $5 To Die for Peanut Butter Pie $5 Cappuccino Fantasy Torte $5 Cheese Cake Brulee $5 ITEMS ADVERTISED (INCLUDING INSERTS) ARE SUBJECT TO THE RULES AND REGULATIONS OF GLMHA. BEFORE ANY WORK IS PERFORMED PLEASE CONSULT YOUR RULES & REGULATIONS BOOKLET. 14 GlenLakes Italian Renaissance Club The year is off to a great start. As this article goes to press we will have attended the Frankie Valli Tribute and had our January meeting which included a wonderful program on "Opera." Now that's Italian! You can read about these events in the March issue. As always we ended our events of 2014 with a fabulous Christmas Party at the Club. What a party it was! The committee, namely Annette Davis, Amy Racioppo and Ann & Eli Frankel did a splendid job on planning this event. Tante grazie, many thanks! The music was provided by Southern Exposure, featuring our very own Vince Ferraro. They were outstanding. The dance floor was packed. We enjoyed the sounds of Christmas as well as some Italian favorites too. The sing along was a nice touch and everyone enjoyed singing along with Vince. And oh what a treat it was when La Befana a.k.a. Annette Davis stopped by for a visit with some great gifts. According to Italian folklore Befana is an old woman who delivers gifts to children throughout Italy on Epiphany Eve (the night of January 5) in a similar way to St. Nicholas or Santa Claus. Also, a beautiful basket with wonderful Italian treats inside, created by Joanne Reilly, was won by Matt & Barbara Roseanu. Many thanks also to our paparazzi Joe Racioppo and Rich Kennedy for taking some great photos which are included in this article. You can see our members enjoying themselves. It truly was a buona festa, happy feast. Our next big event is Game Night on February 26, 2015. Helen Connors is planning a fun evening for all of us complete with prizes. Watch for further details in this issue. Ci vediamo! The Italian Renaissance Club presents NIGHT La Trattoria de GlenLakes Thursday February 26, 2015 Times: 5:30 - Registration 6:00 - Food Service 6:30 - Game should begin and end around 8:30 Game will be all about Food Trivia and Prizes will be awarded. Seating: 10-12 tables of 8 (no more than 8 per table as prizes go to the team of 8) There will be an $8.00 fee for the game. Please contact Helen Connors for further details on food service/pricing (to be applied to your member number) and to reserve your place. Attendees must participate in both Game and Food Service. You can contact Helen at travelinghmc@gmail.com or call 596-9255 by February 12, 2015. Don't miss out on the fun, make your reservation now! A Signature Limousine, Inc. Personalized Service P.O. BOX 6368 SPRING HILL, FL 34611 asignaturelimo@hotmail.com OFFICE (352) 683-1215 CELL (352) 585-1280 TOLL FREE (888) 683-1215 www.asignaturelimo.com 15 ITEMS ADVERTISED (INCLUDING INSERTS) ARE SUBJECT TO THE RULES AND REGULATIONS OF GLMHA. BEFORE ANY WORK IS PERFORMED PLEASE CONSULT YOUR RULES & REGULATIONS BOOKLET. GlenLakes Italian Renaissance Christmas Party We hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season! ITEMS ADVERTISED (INCLUDING INSERTS) ARE SUBJECT TO THE RULES AND REGULATIONS OF GLMHA. BEFORE ANY WORK IS PERFORMED PLEASE CONSULT YOUR RULES & REGULATIONS BOOKLET. 16 17 ITEMS ADVERTISED (INCLUDING INSERTS) ARE SUBJECT TO THE RULES AND REGULATIONS OF GLMHA. BEFORE ANY WORK IS PERFORMED PLEASE CONSULT YOUR RULES & REGULATIONS BOOKLET. Scarlett Belles Several Scarlett Belles set out to the Stage West Community Playhouse on December 13, 2014 to enjoy Nuncrackers: The Nunsense Christmas Musical. It was a hoot and for many of us, brought back a lot of memories of our days being taught by the nuns. It was a good hearted spoof of just about everything connected with the holiday - homeshopping channels, last minute shopping, hilariously misunderstood song lyrics and of course the beloved Nutcracker ballet. All walked away from the theatre with smiles. Afterwards we gathered at the Tartan Table for some wonderful Scottish fare. The restaurant was beautifully decorated for the holidays and our waiter was charming and wore his kilt to complete the ambiance of this lovely venue. There we got to chat with each other about the show and holiday plans. Our Game Day has already taken place as of this writing. Hope to have some word about it in the next Eagle article. Looking forward we have tentatively planned a Walking Tour of Brooksville on February 20, 2015 with optional lunch at The Rising Sun Café. Full details of this event will be posted once confirmed. Your contact person for this event is Marie F r a n c o a t mariejfranco@gmail.c om or 352-592-4460. Yo u r a c t i v i t i e s planning committee has worked very hard to plan activities that are both fun and interesting such as Game Day in January, Brooksville Wa l k i n g To u r i n February, Jolly Trolley Outing in March, Starlite Cruise in April, Tilted Tea Cup in May, Hard Rock Casino in June, Game Day in August, Luncheon at the Club in September, Bus Trip to Winter Park in October, Lunch and Shopping at The Villages in November and a Victorian Christmas Stroll in December. And as if that isn't enough, our regional chapters may have more in store for us. You may have noticed we left out July so we can take a little break before moving on to other activities. So be on the look out for further details on all these events. New members are welcome! If you wish to join us, please contact our Duchess of Membership, Barbara Roseanu at broseanu@tampabay.rr.com. Red Hat Hugs! Marie Franco, Vice Queen Pickleball Update We are there! The final surface on the pickleball courts is finished and play has begun. Yipee!!! We do have some extra paddles so do come and give it a try. Open play is scheduled on Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 8:30 am. Other court times can possibly be arranged. ITEMS ADVERTISED (INCLUDING INSERTS) ARE SUBJECT TO THE RULES AND REGULATIONS OF GLMHA. BEFORE ANY WORK IS PERFORMED PLEASE CONSULT YOUR RULES & REGULATIONS BOOKLET. 18 B I N G O SPONSORED BY Super Bowl Party PEOPLE HELPING PEOPLE TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24th 6:30PM GLEN LAKES CLUBHOUSE Sunday, February 1st in Grille Room and Bar 5:00pm-10:30pm • $17++per person Culinary Station GlenLakes Residents, Guests & Friends Nacho and Burrito Profits will help to Take a Bite Out of Hunger in Hernando County. Chili, Pulled Pork, Nacho Cheese. Red Rice, Refried Beans, Diced Tomatoes, Red Onions, Jalapeños, Shredded Cheese, Black Olives, Salsa and Shredded Lettuces. Free Bingo sheets given to anyone dining at the Clubhouse on Bingo Night. Bring your receipt to the game. Crispy Hot Wings and Barbeque Ribs READ ALL ABOUT IT! Celery, Blue Cheese and Ranch Dressing. Patio Grill Half Pound Steak Burgers, Beer Brats, Coleslaw and Assorted Topping. Oysters on the Half Shell on Ice Cocktail, Chili Sauce, and Lemons. Chilled Caesar Salad Pesto Croutons and Creamy Garlic Dressing. Popcorn and House Made Chips Cookies, Cake and Ice Cream 37 19 ITEMS ADVERTISED (INCLUDING INSERTS) ARE SUBJECT TO THE RULES AND REGULATIONS OF GLMHA. BEFORE ANY WORK IS PERFORMED PLEASE CONSULT YOUR RULES & REGULATIONS BOOKLET. JOHNSON INSURANCE AGENCY J.G. Edwards Corporation John Edwards-Owner jgedwards@tampabay.rr.com Gle n Res Lakes 16 ident Yea rs A&B Haircuts WINDOW CLEANING Glass • Acrylic 352-688-6700 442-0983 FOSTER’S ROOFING SUNDAY Pat Mulholland Project Consultant Cell: 352-585-2384 1 CCC1327265 MARIANNE’S Landscape, Maintenance & Garden Service Profes s Po ional Washwer in N g Availoaw ble Specializing In: Curb Appeal • Designing Let us Mulching • Planting do the sweating Pruning • Trimming Weeding • Yard Clean-Ups for you! 352-597-8480 MONDAY 7:30am-2:30pm À la Carte Brunch Grille Room Bar Opens 10am - 6pm Pro Shop Closed Main Bar Opens at 2:00pm 4-8pm Happy Hour 5:00pm Dinner 8 9 10 THE EYE CENTER Spring Hill Dr Medical & Surgical Eye Care Beverly Ct. Caribbean Dr. County Line Rd. Carpet: 100s of Styles, 1000s of Colors Ceramic Tile: Over 1000 Colors & Sizes Laminates: Mohawk • Armstrong • Wilsonart, 20-30 year Warranties Vinyl: Mannington over 300 colors / Wood: Bruce & Mohawk (352) 688-4346 FINANCING AVAILABLE HOURS: M-F: 10-5 Sat: 10-3 TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 6 3 4 5 10am-2:00pm Lunch Grille Room 2-5pm Bar Menu 4-8pm Happy Hour 5:00pm Dinner 352-688-8889 SATURDAY 7 10am-2:00pm Lunch Grille Room 2-5pm Bar Menu 4-8pm Happy Hour 5:30-8:00pm International Buffet - Low Country 10am-2:00pm Lunch Grille Room 2-5pm Bar Menu 4-8pm Happy Hour 5-8pm Pasta Night Grille Room Delivery available 5-8pm 10am-2:00pm Lunch Grille Room 2-5pm Bar Menu Dinner 5:00-8:30pm Reservations Please 10am - 2:00pm Lunch Grille Room 2-5pm Bar Menu 5:30-8:30pm Saturday Night Grille Room Dining/19th Hole Lounge Reservations Please 11 12 13 14VALENTINE’S DAY 10am-2:00pm Lunch Grille Room 2-5pm Bar Menu 10am-2:00pm Lunch Grille Room 2-5pm Bar Menu GlenLakes 4-8pm Happy Hour Valentines Dinner 5-8pm Pasta Night Grille Room with Entertainment Reservations Only Delivery available 5-8pm 10am - 2:00pm Lunch Grille Room 2-5pm Bar Menu 5:30-8:30pm Saturday Night Grille Room Dining/19th Hole Lounge Reservations Please 7:30am-2:30pm À la Carte Brunch Grille Room Bar Opens 10am - 6pm Pro Shop Closed Main Bar Opens at 2:00pm 4-8pm Happy Hour 5:00pm Dinner 10am-2:00pm Lunch Grille Room 2-5pm Bar Menu 4-8pm Happy Hour 5:00pm Dinner 10am-2:00pm Lunch Grille Room 2-5pm Bar Menu 4-8pm Happy Hour 5:30-8:30pm International Buffet - French 15 16 17 18 19 20 10am-2:00pm Lunch Grille Room 2-5pm Bar Menu 4-8pm Happy Hour 5:30-8:30pm International Buffet - Thai 10am-2:00pm Lunch Grille Room 2-5pm Bar Menu 4-8pm Happy Hour 5-8pm Pasta Night Grille Room Delivery available 5-8pm 10am-2:00pm Lunch Grille Room 2-5pm Bar Menu Dinner 5:00-8:30pm Reservations Please 10am - 2:00pm Lunch Grille Room 2-5pm Bar Menu 5:30-8:30pm Saturday Night Grille Room Dining/19th Hole Lounge Reservations Please 21 7:30am-2:30pm À la Carte Brunch Grille Room Bar Open 10am - 6pm Pro Shop Closed Main Bar Opens at 2:00pm 4-8pm Happy Hour 5:00pm Dinner 10am-2:00pm Lunch Grille Room 2-5pm Bar Menu 4-8pm Happy Hour 5:00pm Dinner 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 10am-2:00pm Lunch Grille Room 2-5pm Bar Menu 4-8pm Happy Hour 5:30-8:30pm Mexican Menu in the Grille Room 10am-2:00pm Lunch Grille Room 2-5pm Bar Menu 4-8pm Happy Hour 5-8pm Pasta Night Grille Room Delivery available 5-8pm 10am-2:00pm Lunch Grille Room 2-5pm Bar Menu Available Prime Rib Night 5:00-8:30pm Reservations Please 10am - 2:00pm Lunch Grille Room 2-5pm Bar Menu 5:30-8:30pm Saturday Night Grille Room Dining/19th Hole Lounge Reservations Please 352-600-8623 7:30am-2:30pm À la Carte Brunch Grille Room Bar Open 10am - 6pm Pro Shop Closed Main Bar Opens at 2:00pm 4-8pm Happy Hour 5:00pm Dinner 10am-2:00pm Lunch Grille Room 2-5pm Bar Menu 4-8pm Happy Hour 5:00pm Dinner 29 30 31 , Merrill Lynch makes available products and services offered by Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated (“MLPF&S”), a registered broker-dealer and member SIPC, and other subsidiaries of Bank of America Corporation (“BAC”). CFP® is a certification mark owned by the Certified Financial Planning Board of Standards, Inc., and is awarded to individuals who successfully complete CFP Board’s initial and ongoing certification requirements. © 2014 Bank of America Corporation. All rights reserved. ARTRNKJD | AD-04-14-0532 | 470944PM-0514 | 05/2014 Russ & Evelyn Little Free Estimates Free Shop-At-Home Service Palace Grande 392 Beverly Court Spring Hill “One Call - We Do It All” Castignoli Court #1 - 6213 Deltona Blvd. • Next to Circle K 2 pmulholland317@gmail.com Anita Barbara Family Owned & Operated Fun Zone Dairy Queen PRESSURE CLEANING Driveways • Pool Areas • Houses Fax: 352-688-6704 see and e in Com olly - ce 7215 Forest Oaks Blvd. M tie Offi Spring Hill, FL 34606 Wes t our Masco http://johnsoninsurancefl.com DIAMOND HOME CLEANING US 19 For all the important things in your life 7:30am-2:30pm À la Carte Brunch Grille Room Bar Open 10am - 6pm 20 Pro Shop Closed Main Bar Opens at 2:00pm 4-8pm Happy Hour 5:00pm Dinner 10am-2:00pm Lunch Grille Room 2-5pm Bar Menu 4-8pm Happy Hour 5:00pm Dinner 10am - 2:00pm Lunch Grille Room 2-5pm Bar Menu 5:30-8:30pm Saturday Night Grille Room Dining/19th Hole Lounge Reservations Please February 2015 10am-2:00pm Lunch Grille Room 2-5pm Bar Menu 4-8pm Happy Hour 5:30-8:30pm Buffet 10am-2:00pm Lunch Grille Room 2-5pm Bar Menu 4-8pm Happy Hour 5-8pm Pasta Night Grille Room Delivery available 5-8pm 10am-2:00pm Lunch Grille Room 2-5pm Bar Menu Available Prime Rib Night 5:00-8:30pm Reservations Please ITEMS ADVERTISED (INCLUDING INSERTS) ARE SUBJECT TO THE RULES AND REGULATIONS OF GLMHA. BEFORE ANY WORK IS PERFORMED PLEASE CONSULT YOUR RULES & REGULATIONS BOOKLET. 21 Joseph C. Militello, M.D. Board Certified Ophthalmologist Cataract, Eyelid, Laser Surgery Diseases of the Eye 352-683-4500 www.youreyecenter.com 120 Medical Blvd., Suite 101 (Spring Hill Medical Mall) Custom Cut Lawns & Landscaping, Inc. Complete Lawn Maintenance Serving Licensed and Insured for Hernando County for Residential & Commercial Ground Maintenance Over 20 Years e-mail: skerrigan24@hotmail.com Ideal for the absentee home owner! 352-428-8093 Grab your Valentine and join us for a Sock Hop to benefit K-9 Partners For Patriots! Thursday, February 12th 6:00pm to 9:00pm at the GlenLakes Country Club. Call 352-597-9200 for reservations $5.00 cash donation at the door Food available • Cash Bar Music by Tampa Bay Rocks and Silent Auction/Raffle Partners for Patriots provides and trains service dogs for Vets with PTSD at no charge to the vet! entary Complimeening! Vein Scr LIMITED SPACE AVAILABLE Call NOW for Appointment! GlenLakes Kayak Club 352-621-0777 The GLKC season kick-off meeting will be on Thursday, February 5th from 4:00-5:00 pm in the Sand Hill Crane Room at the Clubhouse. Photos and Paddle Plans for the 2015 season paddles will be presented. The Officers have invested a large effort into planning paddles that are nearby and “different”, in an attempt to increase member participation. Monthly meetings this year will also include a brief instructional video on Kayaking techniques. At the conclusion of the meeting, there will be an opportunity to pay the $5pp Kayak Club 2015 dues and to sign-up for the February and March 2015 paddles (personal checks are preferred for the paddle sign-ups). Up to date information, contact information and photos of recent activities are available on the Kayak Club page of the GlenLakes Community Web Page at www.glenlakes.com. 7767 S. Suncoast Blvd.,Homosassa The Only Vein Center to Exclusively Treat ALL Vein Disorders Premier Vein Center Experienced & Reliable US Hwy 19 Just North of Hwy 98 Sweetwater Plaza Insurance Accepted PremierVeinCenter@tampabay.rr.com • All Work Guaranteed! Don’t be left in the dark. Call today! (352) 683-5904 ITEMS ADVERTISED (INCLUDING INSERTS) ARE SUBJECT TO THE RULES AND REGULATIONS OF GLMHA. BEFORE ANY WORK IS PERFORMED PLEASE CONSULT YOUR RULES & REGULATIONS BOOKLET. 22 GlenLakes Singles GlenLakes Photography Club Happy New Year from the GlenLakes Singles Club! We are officially into the New Year, and we are pleased to announce that our year ended with a festive Christmas cocktail party held at the lovely home of our past President Kathie Oberst. Following all hte tasty and delightful goodies, we were treated to a candle light installation of the 2015 new officers. They are, starting from left to right: President - Dona Gilbody, Vice President of Events - Janet DiVico, Secretary - Carol Sachs and Treasurer - Bob Lee. By Don Henkel Plans are underway to form a photography club here in Glen Lakes for those that enjoy this activity. It would be an informal group that would meet twice a month for about two hours in mid-morning or early afternoon at the GlenLakes Clubhouse. The gettogethers would be an opportunity to share our photographs and learning experiences. Combined with this would be a photo field trip about once a month. If you are interested, please email me at donhenkel@frontier.com. We are delighted that they accepted the positions. Soon our calendars will be filled with new and exciting events. Looking back on the past year, we must thank our previous board, all the people that served as committee heads and those that are always right there to lend a helping hand. The Singles Club always welcomes new members. We encourage you tojoin us and take part of the many activities that are offered. Detailed information on dates of all meetings and all upcoming events are posted at every mail kiosk. Together is the nicest place to be! If you have any questions about the meetings or are interested in becoming a member, you may call Dona Gilbody at 508-523-5307. The GlenLakes NAP Investment Club is open to new members. If you are interested in stocks and investing please come and join us at our next meeting. We meet the first Thursday of each month (except July) at the club usually in the Bar Room. Our next two meetings will be February 5th and March 5th beginning at 9:00 a.m. Please consider joining us and seeing for yourself our investment strategies, low buy in, great camaraderie and a lot of fun. For additional information/questions, please contact Lynn Pittman, Art Haywood or Dan Dub (all in GL directory). WE WELCOME ALL GlenLakes RESIDENTS! 23 ITEMS ADVERTISED (INCLUDING INSERTS) ARE SUBJECT TO THE RULES AND REGULATIONS OF GLMHA. BEFORE ANY WORK IS PERFORMED PLEASE CONSULT YOUR RULES & REGULATIONS BOOKLET. ALLSONS WILDLIFE CONTROL AND PREVENTION Bob Brosseau owner FEBRUARY 28, 2015 ITEMS ADVERTISED (INCLUDING INSERTS) ARE SUBJECT TO THE RULES AND REGULATIONS OF GLMHA. BEFORE ANY WORK IS PERFORMED PLEASE CONSULT YOUR RULES & REGULATIONS BOOKLET. 24 10% OFF First Service Only $100 Expires Minimum Order 9-30-12 Required Errands @ Your Service As a resident of Glen Lakes I’m proud to serve you exclusively. • Grocery/Personal/Shopping • Travel/Passport/Visa Services & More • Airport Pickup & Drop Off • Prescription & Postal Pickup • Elderly Care-Peace of Mind Visits Based on hourly rates - Please inquire by calling... Brenda Scott • 352.600.8540 Hearing something in your attic? FREE INSPECTION TERMITE & PEST MANAGEMENT 352-600-7979 o We Als e iz il t Fer Lawns! MEMBER: www.CitarellaPest.com Attic Restoration Disinfect, Decontaminate and Replace Damaged Insulation Remove and Exclude Rodents 25 Rodents are more active in the winter months! • • • • Carry Chew Chew Chew Disease through Duct Work through Wiring through Drywall $100 DISCOUNT WITH THIS AD ITEMS ADVERTISED (INCLUDING INSERTS) ARE SUBJECT TO THE RULES AND REGULATIONS OF GLMHA. BEFORE ANY WORK IS PERFORMED PLEASE CONSULT YOUR RULES & REGULATIONS BOOKLET. THIS OFFER IS EXCLUSIVE TO GLENLAKES RESIDENTS! ITEMS ADVERTISED (INCLUDING INSERTS) ARE SUBJECT TO THE RULES AND REGULATIONS OF GLMHA. BEFORE ANY WORK IS PERFORMED PLEASE CONSULT YOUR RULES & REGULATIONS BOOKLET. 26 DONNA CLEVELAND’S Cleaning Services General Cleaning & Windows General For Estimates Call Same Location For 21 Years Donna Owner (352) 796-6150 (352) 585-2380 cell Kim Manager Same352-942-9151 Location For 21 Years exp. 2/28/2015 s ’ Frank DEEP CARPET CLEANING Since 1994 Lic/Ins Owner-Operated NO GIMMICKS... KS... JUST HONEST PRICES! exp. 2/28/2015 All Services Include Deep Scrub & Steam Extract Environmentally Safe 352-650-5091 $20.00 Per Room 3 Room Minimum FREE Deodorizer UP TO 200SQ FT PER ROOM / REFERENCES www.frankscarpetandupholsterycleaning.com Sanko’s sERVICES Gardens • Lawns • Pools Design and/or maintenance for your garden beds and landscaping. Pool Service and Lawncare also available. Full Liability Call Christine 352-449-9191 Let me do the dirty work for you! Free Estimates One company is all you need for your monthly outdoor needs 27 ITEMS ADVERTISED (INCLUDING INSERTS) ARE SUBJECT TO THE RULES AND REGULATIONS OF GLMHA. BEFORE ANY WORK IS PERFORMED PLEASE CONSULT YOUR RULES & REGULATIONS BOOKLET. Wondering what to do in today’s stock market? Tired of paying high fees? Looking for personalized Investment Management? Then call... W HITNEY & COMPANY 9610 Southern Belle Drive William G. Shaheen, RIA President & CEO Weeki Wachee, FL 34613 (585) 232-6200 (352) 596-3269 Check our NEW Showroom! Just 2 Blocks South of our original location. 7826 Rhodes Road Hudson, FL 34667 (Just off US 19 at blinking light at NAPA) Hours: Mon.-Fri. 9:00am to 6:00pm / Saturday 10:00am to 4:00pm / Sun. Closed Free Pick Up & Delivery to GlenLakes We offer parts and service for all your Golf Cart needs! BRICK PAVER RESTORATIONS & INSTALLATIONS ITEMS ADVERTISED (INCLUDING INSERTS) ARE SUBJECT TO THE RULES AND REGULATIONS OF GLMHA. BEFORE ANY WORK IS PERFORMED PLEASE CONSULT YOUR RULES & REGULATIONS BOOKLET. 28 Surgery Does Not Have to Be Your First Option We treat each patient like fine wine – we do no surgery before its time. “When I first went to Dr. Higgins I was impressed with his willingness to listen to me and understand my lifestyle. I appreciated that he wasn't one to rush into a surgical solution. Although he did tell me that surgery was in my future, he was willing to use less invasive techniques to give me more time. Dr. Higgins periodically monitored my condition and informed me when he thought it was time to do the surgery…I am so thankful to be the recipient of the God-given knowledge, skills, talents and compassion that Dr. Higgins used to give me back my life.” – Debbie O. Dr. Higgins specializes in non-operative and operative management of general orthopaedic conditions and the spine. Michael W. Higgins, DO, PA Board Certified in Orthopaedic Surgery Fellowship New York University/The Hospital for Joint Diseases Residency at Peninsula Hospital, Far Rockaway, Florida Internship at Palmetto General Hospital, Hialeah, Florida Medical School at College of Osteopathic Medicine at Nova Southeastern University, North Miami Beach, Florida 4055 Mariner Boulevard, Spring Hill, Florida 34609 352-688-6035 www.HernandoOrthoSpine.com 29 ITEMS ADVERTISED (INCLUDING INSERTS) ARE SUBJECT TO THE RULES AND REGULATIONS OF GLMHA. BEFORE ANY WORK IS PERFORMED PLEASE CONSULT YOUR RULES & REGULATIONS BOOKLET. Curb it 727.271.0198 352.596.0083 Landscape Designs & Borders curbitdesigns@yahoo.com • Continuous Concrete Borders FREE ESTIMATES 15% OFF 150 Ft. or More Not Valid With Any Other Offer Dentistry with a personal gentle touch We offer comprehensive state-of-the-art dental care for your entire family Dr.Grothe Dr. Gosen •Implant Restorations •Cosmetic Dentistry •Crown •Bridgework •Root Canals •Extractions •Partial Dentures •Dentures •Same Day Denture Repairs •Silver Fillings •Tooth-Colored Fillings •Cleanings New Patient Gift Certi? cate Present this certi? cate at your ?rst visit for One Dental Examination(0150) One Full Series of X-rays(0210) and Consultation for $30.00 (normal cost $159.00) Our staff of caring professionals look forward to meeting you and your family. Call our of? ce for an appointment and let us help you smile! 8454 Northcliffe Blvd., Spring Hill (1BlockEast of US 19) 686-1122 LakesideFamilyDentalCare.com B. H JO WIT ITEMS ADVERTISED (INCLUDING INSERTS) ARE SUBJECT TO THE RULES AND REGULATIONS OF GLMHA. BEFORE ANY WORK IS PERFORMED PLEASE CONSULT YOUR RULES & REGULATIONS BOOKLET. 30 31 ITEMS ADVERTISED (INCLUDING INSERTS) ARE SUBJECT TO THE RULES AND REGULATIONS OF GLMHA. BEFORE ANY WORK IS PERFORMED PLEASE CONSULT YOUR RULES & REGULATIONS BOOKLET. For all the important things in your life JOHNS ON INSURANCE AGENCY J.G. Edwards Corporation Personal and Commercial Insurance Proudly Serving The State of Florida Since 1985 AUTO/ HOME es Lak nt n e Gl side rs Re Yea 16 d see n a e in Com olly - ce M tie Offi Wes t our Masco RResidential • Condos • Mobile Homes Rentals • Tenant Autos • Boats • Motorcycles • ATV’s • Golf Carts Antiques & Collectibles • Life BUSINESS Coom Commercial Buildings & Contents • General Liability • Bonds Worker Compensation • Commercial Vehicles • Special Events - EPLI 7215 Forest Oaks Blvd. Spring Hill, FL 34606 Phone: (352) 688-6700 • Fax: (352) 688-6704 http://johnsoninsurancefl.com “Old Fashioned Service with Today’s Technology” MIKE’SQuality AUTO BODY AND REPAIR Collision Colli Repair and Full Service Mechanical Mechanica Repair All in One Facility Been in an Accident? Call Spring Hill’s Finest! Approved Auto Repair • Computerized Laser Frame Measuring • Foreign and Domestic • All Insurance Claims Welcome • 24/7 Towing • Nationwide Lifetime Warranty • Free Courtesy Van • Enterprise Car Rental on Site $19.95 Oil Change and FREE Tire Rotation! On select vehicles Not to be used with other coupons 15320 County Line Road Spring Hill, Florida 34610 Pasco: 727-862-9474 Hernando: 352-688-0889 Monday to Friday: 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Saturday: 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Visit our website at: www.mikesautobodysh.net ITEMS ADVERTISED (INCLUDING INSERTS) ARE SUBJECT TO THE RULES AND REGULATIONS OF GLMHA. BEFORE ANY WORK IS PERFORMED PLEASE CONSULT YOUR RULES & REGULATIONS BOOKLET. 32 NOW OPEN!!! 238-8532 springhillcleaning@yahoo.com Interior & Exterior Cleaning Services Sales • Repair • Rentals • Consignment Enclosures • Seat Covers • Wheels/Tires INTERIOR: • Weekly • Bi-Weekly • Monthly • One Time Clean • Spring Clean • Vacation Rental Clean n • Windows Custom Golf Carts 19 Co mm erc ial Wa y Pizza Hut Timber Pines West Side of US 19 Next to Pizza Hut 2999 Commercial Way Spring Hill, FL 34606 EXTERIOR: • House Wash • Driveways/Walkways • Gutters (inside & out) • Pool Decks • Patios • Yard Debri Removal • Sidewalks • Windows Licensed, Bonded & Insured 19 Phone: 352-340-5969 / Fax: 352-835-7590 golfcustomcarts@gmail.com 33 ITEMS ADVERTISED (INCLUDING INSERTS) ARE SUBJECT TO THE RULES AND REGULATIONS OF GLMHA. BEFORE ANY WORK IS PERFORMED PLEASE CONSULT YOUR RULES & REGULATIONS BOOKLET. A+ Rated ITEMS ADVERTISED (INCLUDING INSERTS) ARE SUBJECT TO THE RULES AND REGULATIONS OF GLMHA. BEFORE ANY WORK IS PERFORMED PLEASE CONSULT YOUR RULES & REGULATIONS BOOKLET. 34 COFFEE CLUB You are invited to join us for our current market update and educational work shop. Receive Wells Fargo Advisors market update and learn about Wells Fargo Advisors Envision®*Planning Program. Date: Time: Location: Presented by: February 23, 2015 (meets last Monday of month) 7:30am-8:30am Glen Lakes Country Club Complimentary coffee, tea and light breakfast items Jason D. Sullivan, AAMS® Financial Advisor/ Assistant Vice President Seating is limited. RSVP (requested but not required) to Jason Sullivan at 352-592-7932 or jason.d.sullivan@wellsfargo.com Envision ® is a registered service mark of Wells Fargo and Company and used under license Jason D. Sullivan, AAMS® Financial Advisor 4319 Commercial Way, Spring Hill, Florida 34606 352-592-7932 jason.d.sullivan@wellsfargo.com www.wfadvisors.com/Jason.D.Sullivan Securities and Insurance Products: NOT FDIC Insured NO Bank Guarantee MAY Lose Value Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC, Member SIPC, is a registered broker-dealer and a separate non-bank affiliate of Wells Fargo & Company. ©2014 Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC. All rights reserved. E6762A 0914-03936 Hair9579 and Nails Commercial Way GRAND G OPENIN Weeki Wachee, FL 34613 (352) 610-4485 15% Discount for Full Service Pedicure WE USE Reg. Price $22 Walk-Ins Welcome Monday - Friday 10:00 am - 7:00 pm Saturday 10:00 am - 6:00 pm • Sunday Closed Whirlpool Jet & Liner System Now Hiring: Nail Techs, Hair Stylists & Massage Therapist Flexible Rent Space 35 ITEMS ADVERTISED (INCLUDING INSERTS) ARE SUBJECT TO THE RULES AND REGULATIONS OF GLMHA. BEFORE ANY WORK IS PERFORMED PLEASE CONSULT YOUR RULES & REGULATIONS BOOKLET. • Cleaning • Sealing • Staining Before • Re-caulking g • Floors, Tubs bss • Showers After $99 . FLOO00 DEAL R Lic. # CGC1519547 Floor Coverings 4200 Commercial Way, Spring Hill www.yeagerflooring.com 1.877.YEAGERS (932-4377) $25 Off 2 Room Minimum HOURS: Mon.-Sat. 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. U S A TREE SERVICE LLC Shower Cleaning or Re-Caulking GL GL RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL 727.569.8347 TRIMMING REMOVAL NG STUMP GRINDING 4th Annual How can we help you? What do you want your property to look like? What wouldd make k you happy? CALL FOR A FREE ESTIMATE Hernando $15 Off Floor Cleaning Service Citrus Pasco 352-596-1333 352-726-0521 727-816-9060 Valentine’s Day Discount 10% OFF with This Ad NOT TO BE COMBINED WITH ANY OTHER OFFER A+ Financing g e Available $1,000,000 Liability • $1,000,000 Workman’s Comp • Bonded de ded ed d Saturday, March 28, 2015 Silverthorn Country Club Music by Southern Exposure Family Medicine - Board Certified Services offered include: la Se Hañbol a Esp New Patients Welcome! • • • • Minor On-Site EKGs • MRA Spirometry Pap Smear Surgery • Immunizations • Diabetic Care • Hypertension Call 352-596-6114 to schedule appointment. 10045 Cortez Blvd., Suite 154 54 TW Brooksville, FL 34613 LOCAT O TO SERIONS V 12587 Spring Hill Dr. YOU E Spring Hill, FL 34609 LINDO MEDICAL CARE, LLC L Oscar Lindo, M.D. M.D M D. Oscar Lindo, M.D. ITEMS ADVERTISED (INCLUDING INSERTS) ARE SUBJECT TO THE RULES AND REGULATIONS OF GLMHA. BEFORE ANY WORK IS PERFORMED PLEASE CONSULT YOUR RULES & REGULATIONS BOOKLET. 6:00 PM PHP celebrates our helping take a bite out of hunger in Hernando County Buy Tickets: $40 - 352-686-4466 or phpinhc.org Platinum Sponsors: Islamic Center of Hernando, Rick Matthews Buick 36 EXPIRES 2/28/2015 EXPIRES 2/28/2015 EXPIRES 2/28/2015 EXPIRES 2/28/2015 EXPIRES 2/28/2015 EXPIRES 2/28/2015 IT’S ALL ABOUT THEM LIPS You Invited to Our 3rd Annual “Pucker “PPPucker cker Up” E ent! Y Your p Event! · Enter to win $500 of “Juverderm” from now until February 4th, 2015. · Like our Facebook page & share the post to enter lottery. · You MUST SHARE the post on our page to be entered. · No Internet or Facebook, Come in before Feb.4th to win.* · Winner will be announced on Feb 5th. *No Phone Entries Please. Monday through Friday: Monday Friday: 9-5 Saturday and After Hours Available by Appointment Dr. Marc Polecritti, Plastic Surgeon Stacie Laviano, A.R.N.P. B ella e lla Med Spa www.bellafacciamedspa.com 37 F accia 12224 Cortez Blvd. Brooksville, FL 34613 352-610-9906 ITEMS ADVERTISED (INCLUDING INSERTS) ARE SUBJECT TO THE RULES AND REGULATIONS OF GLMHA. BEFORE ANY WORK IS PERFORMED PLEASE CONSULT YOUR RULES & REGULATIONS BOOKLET. ITEMS ADVERTISED (INCLUDING INSERTS) ARE SUBJECT TO THE RULES AND REGULATIONS OF GLMHA. BEFORE ANY WORK IS PERFORMED PLEASE CONSULT YOUR RULES & REGULATIONS BOOKLET. 38 Regenerative Injection Therapy Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) and Stem Cells Derived from Your Own Body • Degenerative Joints • Tendon Injuries, Pain • Hair Loss • COPD • Peripheral Vascular Disease • Facial Skin Rejuvination Joints, tendons and ligaments deteriorate with age and injury. Medical intervention may then become necessary to lessen pain or improve the condition. Elderly patients sometimes cannot take the risks of extensive major surgery or are reluctant to undergo joint replacements. Athletes also seek to achieve the maximum result with minimum down time. Platelet rich plasma (PRP) contains huge reservoirs of biologically active proteins and growth factors that are vital in accelerating tissue repair and regeneration for non-operative treatment of degenerating joints and or injuries. Stem cells taken from your own bone marrow and/or fat may also be used in conjunction with PRP. This combination of therapy injection into painful, degenerative or injured tissue can regenerate the tissue and is frequently effective in relieving pain. When used in the early stages of degeneration or injury this therapy may reduce the need for surgery before the damage progresses. New, cutting-edge procedures are generally not covered by Medicare or commercial insurance companies. Therefore the cost of the treatment is at the expense of the individual. The cost and number of treatments required will vary based on the individual response to treatment. The Institute of Interventional Pain Management under the guidance of Dr. Deborah H. Tracy is now providing PRP and Stem Cell Therapies for multiple conditions including: degenerative joint disease, tendonopathies, ligamentous sprain or tears, hair loss, facial rejuvenation, ischemic peripheral vascular disease and COPD. Call (352) 597-0907 To Schedule a Free Telephone Consultation Institute of Interventional Pain Management • 11319 Cortez Blvd., Brooksville, FL 34613 39 ITEMS ADVERTISED (INCLUDING INSERTS) ARE SUBJECT TO THE RULES AND REGULATIONS OF GLMHA. BEFORE ANY WORK IS PERFORMED PLEASE CONSULT YOUR RULES & REGULATIONS BOOKLET. bout Ask Atudio Our Scials! Spe ITEMS ADVERTISED (INCLUDING INSERTS) ARE SUBJECT TO THE RULES AND REGULATIONS OF GLMHA. BEFORE ANY WORK IS PERFORMED PLEASE CONSULT YOUR RULES & REGULATIONS BOOKLET. 9000 GlenLakes Blvd. Brooksville, FL 34613 1-800-222-9003 PRST STANDARD US POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO 6097 TAMPA FL
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