MORE IN THIS SERIES DYNAMIC GROUND PROTOCOLS GLOBAL MINE DESIGN EXCAVATION DESIGN & MONITORING 001 EARLY STAGE ADVICE INFORMATION SHEETS 004 ECONOMIC MINE DESIGN 006 003 ROCKMASS RESPONSE 002 ADVICE TO CIVIL ENGINEERS 005 007 WO R K I N G I N DY NA MIC G RO U ND CO NDITIO NS Global Mine Design Ltd (GMD) has specific experience working in dynamic ground from some of the most deep and high stress mines in the World. Working under such conditions takes skill and discipline. Creating robust protocols to keep personnel and assets safe is a trusted task that we take very seriously. DYNAMIC GROUND CONDITIONS UK +44 (0)7983 454 361 North America: +1 807 707 0740 Australia: +61 (0)429 859 540 LEFT: ROCKBURST DAMAGE OVERPOWERING GROUND SUPPORT, RIGHT: ROCKBURST DAMAGE CONTAINED BY GMD GROUND SUPPORT SOLUTION. The onset of change from a benign, highly productive orebody to potentially damaging conditions of ravelling rockmass, rockbursts and seismic events can be sudden. Managing these changing conditions and staying on top of production targets can be a testing and often confusing task. GMD specialises in being able to distinguish influential ground properties. Using in-house evaluation techniques, including the latest modelling and data analysis software, we aim to find the reason why conditions have changed and offer solutions based on minimal risk to personnel, capital assets and ore reserves. GMD can assist clients operating in dynamic conditions in various ways: • Studying ‘rockmass response to mining’ - in order to determine where, why and when hazards exist • Re-designing ground support to withstand dynamic forces and displacements • Evaluating seismic data • Creating re-entry protocols for crews following significant seismic events • On-site training on the behaviour of active ground, and how both management and workers should to respond to large-seismic events • Assessing operational risk at sites that are, or which may become, at risk from large-scale seismic events, including those within earthquake zones © GLOBAL MINE DESIGN 2015 | DESIGNED BY STEPHANIE GREEN GRAPHIC DESIGN “ Using in-house evaluation techniques, including the latest modelling and data analysis software, we aim to find the reason why conditions have changed and offer solutions ” PHIL EARL TECHNICAL DIRECTOR, GMD R EGI S TER ED OFFI CE: 2 0-22 WENL OC K ROAD, L ONDON, N1 7GU , U K. GLO BA L MINE DESIGN IS A COMPANY REGISTER ED I N EN GL A N D A N D W A L ES , W I T H C O MPA N Y N UMBER 8665416.
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