Company Profiles Global Off-Grid Lighting Association (GOGLA) The Global Off-Grid Lighting Association (GOGLA) is a neutral, independent, not-for-profit association created to promote lighting solutions that benefit society and businesses in developing and emerging markets. GOGLA acts as the industry advocate and supports the industry in growing and strengthening the market for clean, quality off-grid lighting and electrical systems. Its main objective is to support industry in scaling the sector based on principles of the triple bottom line, thus contributing to the objectives of Sustainable Energy for All (SE4All) and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Formed in 2012 as public-private initiative, GOGLA was conceived out of a joint World Bank/IFC Lighting Africa and private sector effort to accelerate market development for energy access. GOGLA’s unique position as an advocate for off-grid lighting outside the philanthropic area enables it to complement the work of partners and to continue where the World Bank / IFC Lighting Global program stops. The association welcomes the participation of all stakeholders within the off-grid lighting sector. 2 Industry Profiles Company Profiles - Industry Azuri Technologies Legal status: Limited company Contact person and email: Emily Ord [] Website: Country of incorporation: Business start date: Core business areas (including types of products): Azuri Technologies Ltd. is a commercial provider of PayGo solar home systems to rural off-grid communities across sub Saharan Africa. Geographic scope of activities: enya, Uganda, Ethiopia, South Sudan, Malawi, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Togo, Ghana, Tanzania, Rwanda and Sierra Leone Number of employees: Estimated turnover: England 2012 25 ☐ Below $1 million ☒ $1 million - $5 million ☐ $5 million - $15 million ☐ Above $15 million Company Profiles - Industry Barefoot Power Legal status: Limited company Contact person and email: Rick Hooper, CEO [] Website: Country of incorporation: Business start date: Australia 2005 Core business areas (including types of products): Off-grid energy company, leading in solar home system and accessory design & distribution. Specialized in large scale electrification projects based on pico PV, providing end-to-end solutions including financing, installation, maintenance and lifecycle management Geographic scope of activities: East and West Africa, India, Latin America Number of employees: Estimated turnover: 90 ☐ Below $1 million ☐ $1 million - $5 million ☒ $5 million - $15 million ☐ Above $15 million 5 Company Profiles - Industry BBOXX Legal status: Limited company of England and Wales Contact person and email: Mansoor Hamayun [] Assistant: Natasha Cooper []. Website: Country of incorporation: Business start date: England 2010 Core business areas (including types of products): BBOXX is leading The Solar Revolution by offering an ongrid experience in an off-grid world powered through a unique financing model to sell solar home systems to the mass market on a monthly payment plan. BBOXX leads and manages all aspects of its business operations – engineered in London, manufactured in its factory in China, followed by distribution to partners in 35 countries and 30 local shops in Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda. Geographic scope of activities: Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda, with partners working in Sierra Leone, DRC, Tanzania, Pakistan, South Sudan, Malawi, Senegal, Burkina Faso and Ivory Coast. Number of employees: Estimated turnover: 130 ☐ Below $1 million ☒ $1 million - $5 million ☐ $5 million - $15 million ☐ Above $15 million 6 Company Profiles - Industry BRIGHT Products Legal status: Limited Company Contact person and email: Ingun Berget, CEO [] Website: Country of incorporation: Norway Business start date: November 11. 2011 - Commercial launch May 2014 Product development and sale of multi-functional solar Core business areas (including types of products): lamps, phone chargers and solar powered accessories. Primary market - Off Grid consumers/users through commercial distributors and UN/Aid & Relief organizations Secondary market: Consumer market in Scandinavia, EU and US/CA through outdoor/camping/boating retailers Geographic scope of activities: Global. Currently sold in East Africa, Angola, EU and US. Long term agreement with the UN. 210.000 units sold Number of employees: 6 ☐ Below $1 million ☐ $1 million - $5 million ☒ $5 million - $15 million ☐ Above $15 million Estimated turnover: 7 Company Profiles - Industry Centre for Research in Energy and Energy Conservation Legal status: Company Limited by Guarantee without share capital Contact person and email: Moses Kakooza [] Website: Country of incorporation: Uganda Business start date: December 3, 2010 = registration, but operating since 2001 Core business areas (including types of products): Applied research, training and consultancy in rural electrification, energy for productive use, household energy, energy entrepreneurship and energy efficiency. In addition CREEC operates two testing labs: one for cook stoves and one for solar PV equipment and system Geographic scope of activities: East Africa Number of employees: Estimated turnover: 10 ☒ Below $1 million ☐ $1 million - $5 million ☐ $5 million - $15 million ☐ Above $15 million 8 Company Profiles - Industry Fenix International Legal status: Incorporated Contact person and email: Mike Lin [] Website: Country of incorporation: USA, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania Business start date: 2009 Core business areas (including types of products): Fenix designs, manufactures, and distributes mobile payment enabled lease-to-own solar solutions for off-grid households and businesses. Fenix ReadyPay Solar kits vary in size and are uniquely upgradable to add solar panels, phone chargers, LED lighting, radios and LCD TVs. Geographic scope of activities: East Africa Number of employees: Estimated turnover: ~80 ☐ Below $1 million ☐ $1 million - $5 million ☒ $5 million - $15 million ☐ Above $15 million 9 Company Profiles - Industry Nadji.Bi Legal status: Limited Company Contact person and email: Julien Potron [] Website: Country of incorporation: Senegal Business start date: 2011 Core business areas (including types of products): We are designing, manufacturing and selling solar devices in West Africa (Senegal). We have 3 type of products: Solar Lamps, Solar Home System (6W) and Solar Streetlights. Geographic scope of activities: We have companies in Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Senegal and France. We are selling mainly in French speaking countries and in Ghana and Nigeria. Number of employees: Estimated turnover: 35 ☒ Below $1 million ☐ $1 million - $5 million ☐ $5 million - $15 million ☐ Above $15 million 10 Company Profiles - Industry Nokero Legal status: Private sector. Limited Company Contact person and email: Matt Clark, General Manager [] Website: Country of incorporation: Business start date: Hong Kong 2010 Core business areas (including types of products): Nokero Solar is a for-profit company with a mission to provide affordable solar technology solutions for poor, offgrid communities around the world. Since 2010, we have sold over 1,000,000 solar lightbulbs in over 120 countries worldwide. Geographic scope of activities: Global, with emphasis on Africa, Southeast Asia and Latin America. Number of employees: 15+ Estimated turnover: ☐ Below $1 million ☒ $1 million - $5 million ☐ $5 million - $15 million ☐ Above $15 million 11 Company Profiles - Industry Nova Lumos Legal status: Limited liability company Contact person and email: Daniel Ben Yehuda [] Website: Country of incorporation: Netherlands Business start date: 2012 Core business areas (including types of products): Pay per use solar power systems. Geographic scope of activities: West Africa Number of employees: 50-100 Estimated turnover: ☐ Below $1 million ☐ $1 million - $5 million ☒ $5 million - $15 million ☐ Above $15 million 12 Company Profiles - Industry Omnivoltaic Legal status: Incorporated in Hong Kong SAR Contact person and email: Xiaojun Kang [] Website: Country of incorporation: Business start date: Hong Kong SAR May, 2013 Core business areas (including types of products): Development and marketing of solar powered off-grid products and solutions, with a focus on product innovation and quality. Currently selling off grid lighting, home systems, and independent hybrid power stations. Geographic scope of activities: Africa, SE Asia, Oceania, Latin America Number of employees: Estimated turnover: 20 ☐ Below $1 million ☒ $1 million - $5 million ☐ $5 million - $15 million ☐ Above $15 million 13 Company Profiles - Industry One Degree Solar Legal status: Corporation Contact person and email: Gaurav Manchanda [] Website: Country of incorporation: USA Business start date: 2012 Core business areas (including types of products): 1) Design and manufacture variety of solar products (micro-SHS, portable lamps, and accessories) 2) Develop & provide distributors access to software tools for management of customers, inventory & financials (ERP/CRM, SMS service platform, PAYG) 3) Provide advisory services to national distributors Geographic scope of activities: East Africa, Pacific Islands Number of employees: 6 Estimated turnover: ☐ Below $1 million ☐ $1 million - $5 million ☐ $5 million - $15 million ☐ Above $15 million 14 Company Profiles - Industry OSRAM Legal status: Publicly listed company Contact person and email: Christina Schmöe [] Website: Country of incorporation: Business start date: Germany 1906 Core business areas (including types of products): OSRAM is one of the two leading light manufacturers in the world. The company's portfolio covers the entire value chain from components – including lamps, electronic control gear and opto semiconductors such as light-emitting diodes (LED) – as well as luminaires, light management systems and lighting solutions. Geographic scope of activities: Global Number of employees: Estimated turnover: > 34,000 ☐ Below $1 million ☐ $1 million - $5 million ☐ $5 million - $15 million ☒ Above $15 million 15 Company Profiles - Industry Product Health Legal status: Limited company registered in the UK Contact person and email: Tamara Giltsoff, VP Business Development [] Website: Country of incorporation: UK Business start date: July 2013 (although R&D since 2012) Remote monitoring and data analytics on Solar Home Systems and batteries. Core business areas (including types of products): Product Health sells intelligence on products as a software service to manufacturers and distributors of those products, such as Solar Home Systems and batteries. Product Health Service connects remotely to a product, analyses data from it and then triggers status alerts. Customers can know how the product is being used, if the product is healthy or if it is getting into trouble. They can act on this intelligence and control the product remotely. Geographic scope of activities: global but currently monitoring units in East and West Africa with customers distributing there. Number of employees: 8 fulltime, 2 part time. Estimated turnover: ☒ Below $1 million ☐ $1 million - $5 million ☐ $5 million - $15 million ☐ Above $15 million 16 Company Profiles - Industry Philips Legal status: Publicly listed company Contact person and email: Harry Verhaar [] Website: Country of incorporation: Business start date: Netherlands 1891 Core business areas (including types of products): Royal Philips (NYSE: PHG, AEX: PHIA) is a diversified health and well-being company, focused on improving people’s lives through meaningful innovation in the areas of Healthcare, Consumer Lifestyle and Lighting. Headquartered in the Netherlands, Philips posted 2013 sales of EUR 23.3 billion and employs approximately 112,000 employees with sales and services in more than 100 countries. The company is a leader in cardiac care, acute care and home healthcare, energy efficient lighting solutions and new lighting applications, as well as male shaving and grooming and oral healthcare. Geographic scope: Global Number of employees: > 34,000 ☐ Below $1 million ☐ $1 million - $5 million ☐ $5 million - $15 million ☒ Above $15 million Estimated turnover: 17 Company Profiles - Industry Solarkiosk Legal status: German Holding Company, Corporation Contact person and email: Andreas Spiess, CEO [] Website: Country of incorporation: Business start date: Germany, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Ghana 2012 Core business areas (including types of products): SOLARKIOSK technology design, the E-HUBB, is an energy service provider, a community distribution hub, and becomes the market center of a BoP community. SOLARKIOSK’s profit centers are based on three revenue streams: products (solar, FMCGs), services (charging, cooling, etc.), and productive use (salon, cyber café, etc.). Geographic scope of activities: Worldwide; Specialized: Sub-Saharan Africa, Asia Number of employees: Estimated turnover: Approx. 60 ☐ Below $1 million ☐ $1 million - $5 million ☒ $5 million - $15 million ☐ Above $15 million 18 Company Profiles - Industry Solarway Legal status: Private Limited Company Contact person and email: Shantanu Dutta, Marketing Manager [] Website: Country of incorporation: Business start date: United Arab Emirates Nov 2012 Core business areas (including types of products): Solar Powered Lights and Phone Charging Products for domestic and personal usage. Geographic scope of activities: Africa and Middle East Number of employees: Estimated turnover: 30 ☐ Below $1 million ☐ $1 million - $5 million ☒ $5 million - $15 million ☐ Above $15 million 19 Company Profiles - Industry Sinoware Legal status: Private Limited Company Contact person and email: Tommy Huang [] Website: Country of incorporation: China Business start date: 2008 Core business areas (including types of products): Africa, Middle east, Asia, (products: Solar lamp, solar lantern, solar lighting system) Geographic scope of activities: Africa, Indonesia, Middle East, India Number of employees: 100 Estimated turnover: ☐ Below $1 million ☐ $1 million - $5 million ☒ $5 million - $15 million ☐ Above $15 million 20 Company Profiles - Industry Solar Works! Legal status: Limited Company Contact person and email: Arnoud de Vroomen [] Website: Country of incorporation: Business start date: / The Netherlands December 2008 Core business areas (including types of products): Geographic scope of activities: Number of employees: Estimated turnover: Solar Lighting, charging and Direct Current power provision for areas where there is no or limited access to electricity. We stand out in: - Making sure products don’t work only on solar - Products for “slum environments” - Low cost housing - Product development in Delft, The Netherlands - Marketing and sales in Southern Africa (about 10 countries) 8 ☒ Below $1 million ☐ $1 million - $5 million ☐ $5 million - $15 million ☐ Above $15 million 21 Company Profiles - Industry SunnyMoney Legal status: Contact person and email: Website: Country of incorporation: Business start date: SunnyMoney Global Ltd No. 07788918. Ruth Dobson, Chief Financial Officer [] UK SunnyMoney was formed in 2008 and is wholly owned by the UK charity SolarAid Core business areas (including types of products): SunnyMoney specialises in entry level and multi-function (including phone charging) pico-solar light distribution and sales. SunnyMoney is product neutral and all lights are Lighting Africa approved. Manufacturers include d.light, GreenLight Planet, Marathoner and Barefoot Power. Geographic scope of activities: SunnyMoney operates in Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi and Uganda. It will start trading in Rwanda in 2015 Number of employees: 86 Estimated turnover: ☐ Below $1 million ☒ $1 million - $5 million ☐ $5 million - $15 million ☐ Above $15 million 22 Company Profiles - Industry Village Power Legal status: AG (Ltd) Contact person and email: Thomas Huth [] Website: Country of incorporation: Business start date: Switzerland End of 2013 Core business areas (including types of products): Solar Solutions for Rural Electrification (Solar powered Lanterns, Solar Home Systems, Off-Grid Packages, Mini-Grids, Solar Street & Security Lights, Solar powered Water Pumps). Geographic scope of activities: Sub-Saharan Africa (Currently Uganda, Zambia, Mozambique, Tanzania Number of employees: 20 ☐ Below $1 million ☒ $1 million - $5 million ☐ $5 million - $15 million ☐ Above $15 million Estimated turnover: 23 Company Profiles - Industry WakaWaka Legal status: B.V. (Limited Company) Contact person and email: Maurits Groen [] Website: Country of incorporation: Business start date: the Netherlands 2011 Core business areas (including types of products): Developing, manufacturing, and distributing solar devices for off-grid areas, light and chargers. Geographic scope of activities: Europe, USA, Haiti, Liberia, Sierra Leone, the Gambia, Rwanda, Kenya, Mali, South Africa, Uganda, Syria, Iraq, Indonesia, the Philippines, and many other countries. Number of employees: Estimated turnover: 18 ☐ Below $1 million ☒ $1 million - $5 million ☐ $5 million - $15 million ☐ Above $15 million 24 Investor Profiles Company Profiles - Investors Acumen Contact person and email: Website: Sean Moore, [] Focus sector/s: Agriculture, Education, Energy, Healthcare, Housing, Water & Sanitation.. Assets under management: Business stage of portfolio companies: ~$60 million Venture and early growth Type of offered investment: Equity, convertible debt, debt Average ticket size investment: $250k - $750k for venture stage; $750k - $3.0M for early growth stage Current/past experiences with offgrid energy companies: Current energy portfolio consists of 10 companies with an aggregate IUM of ~$10 million. Portfolio contains 5 solar energy product companies (lanterns, home systems, water heaters) and 5 mini-grid companies (biomass and hydro). 26 Company Profiles - Investors Allotrope Partners Contact person and email: Website: Focus sector/s: Assets under management: Business stage of portfolio companies: Type of offered investment: Average ticket size investment: Alexia C. Kelly [] Solar, Wind, Biomass, Oil and Gas, Hydropower, Sustainable agriculture, Energy efficiency software Allotrope Solar: Start-Up; Blue Lake Round Stock: Start-Up; Big Sky Wind Energy: Start-Up; VFlare/VFuels: Start-Up; Natel Energy: Start Up. Merchant banking company: provides advisory and capital to early stage companies and develops and operates low carbon assets Varies $25,000- $1 million+ Current/past experiences with offgrid energy companies: 27 Company Profiles - Investors Anthos Asset Management Contact person and email: Lori Scott, Impact Investing Consultant, [] Website: Focus sector/s: renewable energy, health, education, agroforestry, sustainable land use, financial inclusion. Assets under management: Business stage of portfolio companies: N/A Type of offered investment: Growth or later stage Range of investment types; initially investing into funds, limited direct investments Average ticket size investment: EUR 5 million Current/past experiences with offgrid energy companies: Skopos is a new impact investment fund managed by Anthos that launched in 2014. One of the first commitments made in late 2014 was to the responsAbility Energy Access Fund. 28 Company Profiles - Investors Arc Finance Contact person and email: Yara Akkari [] Website: Focus sector/s: Assets under management: Business stage of portfolio companies: The mission of Arc Finance is to promote and expand access to financing for energy, water and other basic needs to build the income and assets of poor people around the world. Note that we are a non-profit organization, and we receive funding from USAID among other big donors, to promote renewable energy In developing countries. We provide grants and technical assistance to many companies around the world. Big companies with interest in scaling up, introduce an energy component to their portfolio (example MFIs, or MTOs or banks) Type of offered investment: Technical assistance and grant Average ticket size investment: $100,000 Current/past experiences with offgrid energy companies: We have several projects in different parts of the world – India, Haiti, Uganda, among others. 29 Company Profiles - Investors Armstrong Energy Contact person and email: Andrew Newman [] Website: Focus sector/s: Investment firm that manages renewable energy assets for investors and family offices, particularly large scale solar. Assets under management: £150 million under management for investors 100MWp of solar PV in the UK and India Business stage of portfolio companies: Armstrong Energy Global is a new company to deliver solar and CHP investments in India, with first solar farm connected. Type of offered investment: Equity and debt. Average ticket size investment: £1 – 10 million Current/past experiences with offgrid energy companies: Armstrong Energy Global Foundation has been created by the founders of Armstrong Energy to improve access to energy for off-grid communities in rural India. The first two micro-grid projects funded are under construction in Karnataka. 30 Company Profiles - Investors BIX Fund Contact person and email: Jeroen Blüm [] and Claudia Doets [] Website: Focus sector/s: Impact fund that invests in household appliances for the World's least affluent people. Assets under management: Anticipated AuM of 100m USD with first close at 30m USD Business stage of portfolio companies: Ready to be brought to scale Type of offered investment: Impact based pre-finance Average ticket size investment: 1m USD per deal, preferably multiple deals per investee Current/past experiences with offgrid energy companies: BIX Fund is built on a pilot portfolio of 5m USD invested in prefinancing cookstoves of Envirofit throughout Africa and India. The pipeline of BIX Fund includes a variety of off-grid energy companies. 31 Company Profiles - Investors Blue Haven Initiative Contact person and email: Lauren Cochran [] Website: Focus sector/s: Renewable Energy, Financial Inclusion, focus on Sub Saharan Africa with opportunistic investments made in other regions. Assets under management: N/A Business stage of portfolio companies: Seed, Series A-C Type of offered investment: Equity, Debt Average ticket size investment: $500,000 - $5 million Current/past experiences with offgrid energy companies: Significant number of investments in portfolio in the US, in the process of closing first off-grid investment in Nairobi. 32 Company Profiles - Investors Consultative Group to Assist the Poor Contact person and email: Camilo Tellez [] Website: Focus sector/s: Assets under management: PAYG Energy, Digital Finance, Water N/A Business stage of portfolio companies: Type of offered investment: Average ticket size investment: Current/past experiences with offgrid energy companies: Grant 50-100 Current projects with 3 PAYG energy start-ups in East Africa. 33 Company Profiles - Investors CrossBoundary Energy Contact person and email: Matt Tilleard [] Website: Focus sector/s: Solar installations that serve Commercial and Industrial customers in Africa through PPA or similar agreement Assets under management: Available upon request Business stage of portfolio companies: CrossBoundary Energy provides developers with fully integrated financial solutions for C&I projects in Africa Type of offered investment: Average ticket size investment: Integrated equity and debt to finance, own, and operate solar assets under PPAs and lease-to-own agreements with clients Current/past experiences with offgrid energy companies: US$500,000 to US$10m (renewable energy installations of approximately 250 kW to 5 MW) Through our financing platform, Solar4Africa CrossBoundary Energy has commenced operation and is actively financing construction of our first projects in Kenya. We intend to expand to two further countries in the next 12 months. 34 Company Profiles - Investors DEG Deutsche Investitions- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH Contact person and email: Mr. Rolf Grunwald, [Rolf.Grunwald@deginvest] Website: Focus sector/s: Agribusiness, Financial Institution and all industry sector including energy companies Assets under management: Approximately, 6 billion EUR Business stage of portfolio companies: Portolio companies are in all stages: development, construction and operational Type of offered investment: Equity, mezzanine loans and senior loans Average ticket size investment: Between EUR 10 mn to 30 mn, in special cases smaller Current/past experiences with offgrid energy companies: So far only concessional support like EUR 500.000 up-scaling 35 Company Profiles - Investors Deutsche Bank Global Social Finance Contact person and email: Website: Focus sector/s: Assets under management: Amy Wang [] Deutsche Bank Global Social Finance manages a series of debt funds focused on funding emerging market solutions within the affordable energy, healthcare and financial services industries Approximately USD 228 million in committed capital Business stage of portfolio companies: Seed, Growth, Mature Type of offered investment: Debt Average ticket size investment: USD 1 – 5 million Current/past experiences with offgrid energy companies: Current energy portfolio consists of four companies with an aggregate committed capital of $6 million. Portfolio includes three small scale solar product companies and one cookstoves company. 36 Company Profiles - Investors DOB Equity Contact person and email: Toine Huijbers [] Website: Focus sector/s: Agribusiness and food, Natural resources, Retail & distribution, Waste, Mobile technology enabled services, Clean energy. Assets under management: € 15,000,000 Business stage of portfolio companies: Early Stage, Growth Stage Type of offered investment: Equity, Mezzanine Equity and debt Average ticket size investment: € 1,500,000 Current/past experiences with offgrid energy companies: Barefoot Power, M-KOPA 37 Company Profiles - Investors DOEN Foundation Contact person and email: Daphne Pit [] Website: Focus sector/s: DOEN Themes: Green & Inclusive Economy and Culture & Cohesion Assets under management: Approx. EUR 100 mln in equity portfolio Business stage of portfolio companies: Early stage Type of offered investment: Grants / Debt / Convertible debt / Direct Equity / Fund in Fund Investments Average ticket size investment: Current/past experiences with offgrid energy companies: EUR 50k – EUR 5 mln Amongst others: Simpa Networks, Selco, Emergence Bio Energy, Devergy, FRES, Frontier Markets, SunFunder. 38 Company Profiles - Investors Elea Foundation Contact person and email: Stefan Kappeler [] Website: Focus sector/s: elea Foundation is a professional and active philanthropic impact investor that fights absolute poverty with entrepreneurial means, capitalizing on the benefits and opportunities of globalization and creating measureable, lasting impact. Assets under management: Business stage of portfolio companies: Type of offered investment: Average ticket size investment: Current/past experiences with offgrid energy companies: Undisclosed Early and growth stage Equity and loans USD 100k - USD 400k Yes 39 Company Profiles - Investors Global Partnerships Contact person and email: Peter Bladin [] Daniel Stokley [] Website: Focus sector/s: Microfinance, health, agriculture, green technology, education Assets under management: $56 million (as of 12/31/2014) Business stage of portfolio companies: Growth stage Type of offered investment: Debt Average ticket size investment: Current/past experiences with offgrid energy companies: $1 million ($250K - $3 million) Partners in Latin America include MFIs, off-grid solar distributors, and PAYG models. Currently invested in global manufacturer Greenlight Planet, and building pipeline in East Africa 40 Company Profiles - Inestors Invested Development Contact person and email: Alex Bashian [] Website: Focus sector/s: Early-stage financing for tech companies in the renewable energy, agriculture, and mobile/ICT sectors. Assets under management: Business stage of portfolio companies: Seed - Series A Type of offered investment: Mainly equity Average ticket size investment: $350K Current/past experiences with offgrid energy companies: Equity investments in Solar Now (Uganda), Simpa Networks (India), EGG Energy (Tanzania), Promethean Power 41 Company Profiles - Inestors LGT Venture Philanthropy Contact person and email: Natija Dolic [] Website: Focus sector/s: Agriculture & Forestry, Education, Health & Sanitation, ICT, Renewable Energy Assets under management: USD 113.1m capital committed as of January 2015 Business stage of portfolio companies: Growth Stage Type of offered investment: Equity, Convertible-debt, Debt, Grants Average ticket size investment: USD 1.5m Current/past experiences with offgrid energy companies: We currently have 3 active investments in off-grid energy companies. Our first investment in this sector was in 2009, and we have 1 partial exit as of today 42 Company Profiles - Investors Oikocredit Contact person and email: David ten Kroode Website: Focus sector/s: Microfinance, Agriculture, Renewable Energy Assets under management: €831 million Business stage of portfolio companies: Type of offered investment: debt and equity Average ticket size investment: €5 million Current/past experiences with offgrid energy companies: equity investment in Barefoot Power 43 Company Profiles - Investors Persistent Energy Capital Contact person and email: Dirk Muench [] Website: Focus sector/s: Distributed energy in sub-Saharan Africa, energy access, offgrid energy services. Assets under management: $4m Business stage of portfolio companies: Early stage Type of offered investment: Equity and debt Average ticket size investment: n/a Current/past experiences with offgrid energy companies: Invested in Off.grid:electric, FENIX International, Devergy; incubated PEG Ghana; managed over 45 investments in the offgrid sector; published research on sector. 44 Company Profiles - Investors PanAfrican Investment Co. Contact person and email: Jon Saunders - Website: Focus sector/s: Renewable energy / agriculture / manufacturing / technology / education / healthcare Assets under management: $35mm Business stage of portfolio companies: flexible Type of offered investment: Equity / quasi equity Average ticket size investment: $1mm - $3mm Current/past experiences with offgrid energy companies: 45 Company Profiles - Investors Quadia SA Contact person and email: Kostis Tselenis [] Website: Focus sector/s: All sectors, impact related, sustainability and social impact footprint a necessity. Quadia is a regulated investment manager specialized in social and environmental finance. With more than CHF 70 million invested in over 20 companies, Quadia is a leading and pioneering impact investor. Assets under management: Not disclosed. Over CHF 70m in investments in the last 4 years. Business stage of portfolio companies: Proof of concept / product / market Type of offered investment: Equity, debt Average ticket size investment: Flexible Current/past experiences with offgrid energy companies: Yes. 46 Company Profiles - Investors ResponsAbility Investments AG Contact person and email: Vivian Kotun [] Website: Focus sector/s: Finance, agriculture, energy, health and education Assets under management: USD 2.4 billion as of October 2014 Business stage of portfolio companies: Across several stages, from early growth stage to mature businesses Type of offered investment: Debt and equity Average ticket size investment: Typical range of $500,000 to $10 M, across sectors Current/past experiences with offgrid energy companies: In selected investments. Aim is to launch a debt fund targeting energy access companies in Q1 2015. 47 Company Profiles - Investors Sovec Africa SME Fund Contact person and email: Paul van Aalst [] Website: Focus sector/s: Clean energy, health, education, housing. Assets under management: Business stage of portfolio companies: Growth capital for start-up and expansion. Type of offered investment: Debt and equity. Average ticket size investment: USD 500k – 1.5 million. Current/past experiences with offgrid energy companies: Solar PV, solar heating, small hydropower, biogas, biomass, cookstoves, LPG, windenergy. 48 Company Profiles - Investors USAID: DiV Contact person and email: Website: Focus sector/s: Open to all sectors, for example: energy, health, education, financial inclusion, agriculture, democracy, water & sanitation Assets under management: Disburse between $20M-$30M annually Business stage of portfolio companies: Range from proof of concept through early growth stage Type of offered investment: Average ticket size investment: Current/past experiences with offgrid energy companies: Grants stage 1: $150K limit, stage 2: $1.5M limit, stage 3: $15M limit Over 4 years have funded organizations in the space at proof of concept and early growth phases, including Off-Grid Electric Tanzania., Simpa Networks, Mera Gao Power, Gram Power, Azuri, Angaza, EGG energy, Buen Power Peru, etc. 49 Company Profiles - Investors Zouk Capital LLP Contact person and email: John Higelin [] Website: Focus sector/s: Energy and resource efficiency. Assets under management: €600m Business stage of portfolio companies: Growth Type of offered investment: Preferred Equity Average ticket size investment: €10m - €30m Current/past experiences with offgrid energy companies: Invested in one of Africa’s leading off grid solar companies.. 50 GOGLA’s Membership Base Industry Members Associate Members Contact: Global Off-Grid Lighting Association (GOGLA) Nieuwekade 9 3511 RV Utrecht The Netherlands Email: Phone: +31 30-6006-142
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