Newspaper and Online Sponsor Content Feature 2015 NATIONAL Best Workplaces in Canada PUBLICATION DATE: April 10, 2015 SPACE CLOSE: March 20, 2015 MATERIAL DUE: March27, 2015 Product: Standard PubDate: 04-17-2014 Zone: GTA Edition: 1 Page: A1 ( News_1151665) User: cci Time: 04-16-2014 23:01 Colour: C K Y M G Farewell Jim Flaherty State funeral 9 Former finance minister ‘sacrificed himself’ for his country FOLIO, PAGES A10-A11 Great Place to Work® Canada will soon announce its annual Best Workplaces in Canada list. Operating in 50 countries worldwide, Great Place to Work has established itself as an industry leader in research, consulting and training. The organization uses its innovative best practices and globally tested methodologies to help leading organizations’ strategy and people managers create better workplaces. This April, your organization will join the prestigious list of Canada’s Best Workplaces and be profiled both in print, on premium glossy paper, and on T H U R S D AY , A P R I L 1 7 , 2 0 1 4 UKRAINE INSIDE Kiev troops disobey orders, weakening grip on region The refusal 9 Ukrainian soldiers defy command to crack down on Moscow-backed separatists The response 9 NATO announces plans to increase land, sea and air forces near the Russian border ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... side of the border. NATO – unwilling to fight a war to defend Ukraine – tried to assuage the rattled nerves of alliance members in Eastern Europe. “Today, we agreed on a package of further military measures to reinforce our collective defence and demonstrate the strength of impossible for Kiev to regain conAn effort by Kiev to restore its from pro-Russian militants, a allied solidarity,” NATO Secretarytrol of the region unless it comcontrol over the industrial cities reversal that resounded all the General Anders Fogh Rasmussen mits to a greater military of Slavyansk and Kramatorsk colway to Brussels, where NATO said after a meeting in Brussels. operation that seems certain to lapsed into disaster when a coannounced it would bolster its A the SPECIAL NATIONAL THE GREAT INSTITUTE 9 will have more planes in the “We involve significantCANADA bloodshed• – GPTW lumn FOR of armour – three PLACE light TO WORK forces near Russian border. REPORT air, more ships on the water and fighting that could well draw in tanks and three APCs – were “The government sent the milimore readiness on the land.” the Russian army massed just an tary to kill the people, but the sol- seized by pro-Russian fighters hour’s drive away on the other after some 50 Ukrainian troops diers refused. Which means the Ukraine, Page 16 MARK MacKINNON SLAVYANSK, UKRAINE ................................................................ Product: Standard PubDate: 04-17-2014 Zone: Ott Edition: 1 T H E G L O B E A N D M A I L • T H U R S DAY, A P R I L 1 7 , 2 0 1 4 The man in the mask, sitting atop a captured armoured personnel carrier, had a simple explanation for Ukraine’s spectacular failure to retake gritty factory belt Page: E9 this ( SPReport_1151598) government was wrong,” the man in the mask shrugged, hopping down from Ukrainian APC No. 847, which now flies the whiteblue-and-red flag of Russia, as well as the black-blue-and-red banner of the recently declared apparently refused their orders to crack down on the Moscowbacked separatists that control swaths of the Donetsk region. The failed push left the Ukrainian government’s hold on the southeast of the country appear- weakerC People’s of Donetsk. 16:04 ing User: cci Republic Time: 04-15-2014 Colour: Kthan ever. It now looks Y M CALGARY STABBINGS The “Best Workplaces in Canada” special feature is the key platform to raise awareness of your company’s commitment to creating a great place to work. By placing your congratulatory ad in the supplement, you’ll maximize this outstanding promotional environment. S. C. Johnson and Son, S Limited 41 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES / STAFFING & RECRUITMENT Head office: TORONTO, ON Employees: 28,700 (969 Can) • Openings: Now: 42 / 2014: 400 Times on Cdn list: 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 Also ranked in: Austria, Greece, Spain 43 U Morningstar Research Inc. 45 GLOBE CONNECT RATES APPLY BUSINESS & NEWS Adecco Employment Services Limited 46 Kiewit Connect with us: High-performing Adecco employees can participate in the Short-Term Exchange Program and work in another country for one to six months. The employee receives continuation of salary and benefits, paid accommodation in their host country and and a cost of living allowance. About a third of Kiewit employees are stockholders. Kiewit stock is not traded on the open market, and no one is allowed to take it with them when they leave, which leaves ownership of the company in the hands of those respon* sible for its success. 2.97 Moores Clothing for Men hires first for cultural fit, knowing that candidates who exemplify the company’s values are more likely to succeed. A comprehensive training program bolsters this approach, giving candidates exposure to the specific skills they need. Fairness Management is competent at running the business 77 Globe readers are qualified candidates… 51% of print and 29% of web readers are university-educated • Edelman Public Relations Worldwide Canada • Hilti (Canada) Corporation • Royal LePage Performance Realty • Ryan ULC • Traction on Demand • Wynford/EventSimple No matter what, people here are treated fairly • AOL Canada Corp. • Environics Communications Inc. • Google Inc. • NetApp Canada Ltd. • PYR Software Limited • True North Automation Inc. Subscribe at (HDFFC|00004Z /b.g Get your mortgage down to size. Nestlé provides ongoing support and resources to Food Banks Canada by donating excess product, which is then distributed to member food banks across the country. Save thousands and pay off your mortgage sooner with the 4-year CIBCGroup fixed rate mortgage. Acosta Mosaic Zone: Atl Edition: 1 Page: E1 ( SPReport_1151602) User: cci Time: 04-15-2014 15:56 Colour: C K Y M ADVERTISING MARKETING Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is based on a new $275,000&mortgage with a 25-year amortization assuming a Property Valuation Fee of $250. Mortgage must fund within 90 days of the application date. Other conditions apply; ask for details. CIBC may change or cancel this offer at any time. A SPECIALHead NATIONAL REPORT FOR office: MISSISSAUGA, ON THE GREAT PLACE TO WORK INSTITUTE CANADA Employees: 37,000 (3,486 Can) • Openings: Now: 1,000 / 2014: 9,000 Times on Cdn list: 2010, 2011, 2012, 2014 SECTION GPTW Special RESULTS Credibility ................................................................ access is FREE to all 5-6 day subscribers. Talk to us today • • 1 800 973-1858 Carswell is committed to an Open Culture, where employees feel safe to speak up, voice ideas and challenge the status quo. To support this, Carswell created an Open Culture VIP (Very Important Peer) Award to recognize those who exhibit open culture behaviours. • Habanero Consulting Group • Intuit Canada • McDonald’s Restaurants of Canada Limited • Mercedes-Benz Financial Services Canada Corporation • SaskCentral (Credit Union Central of Saskatchewan) • Tri Fit Inc. Toronto: High 8, Low 3 Complete Forecast: Page 16 MANUFACTURING & PRODUCTION / FOOD PRODUCTS / BEVERAGES Head office: NORTH YORK, ON Employees: 339,000 (2,353 Can) • Openings: Now: 20 / 2014: 50 Times on Cdn list: 2012, 2013, 2014 Also ranked in: Greece 2.99%. I am respected as an individual ONTARIO EDITION Nestlé Canada Inc. T H U R S DAY, A P R I L 1 7 , 2 0 1 4 Respect Prentice, Page 16 Moores Clothing for Men Product: Standard PubDate:50 04-17-2014 RETAIL / SPECIALTY *APR Head office: ETOBICOKE, ON Employees: 17,000 (1,828 Can) • Openings: Now: NA / 2014: NA Times on Cdn list: 2014 Employees and stakeholders are encouraged to have their say by participating in The Mosaic Panel, which is 2,300 members strong. Mosaic Panelists are engaged to answer surveys two to three times per month and are rewarded with points that can be redeemed for gift cards. WINNERS: BEST WORKPLACES FOR WOMEN Honouring category winners 77 The Globe reaches over 1 million readers each weekday and 4.1 million monthly UVs % MEDIA / PUBLISHING & PRINTING Head office: TORONTO, ON Employees: 50,000 (962 Can) • Openings: Now: 20 / 2014: 100 Times on Cdn list: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 hile there is no one right way to become a great place to work, research shows that there are five common themes found in the Best Workplaces: Credibility, Respect, Fairness, Pride and Camaraderie. This year, the Great Place to Work Institute has recognized six organizations that demonstrated excellence in each of these categories. Here are the winners – in alphabetical order – that earned this special recognition: 47 @globeandmail CONSTRUCTION, INFRASTRUCTURE & REAL ESTATE / CONTRACTING Head office: EDMONTON, AB Employees: 11,547 (2,077 Can) • Openings: Now: 119 / 2014: 237 Times on Cdn list: 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 Also ranked in: USA 49 Former Harper cabinet minister Jim Prentice is seriously considering a run for the leadership of Alberta’s beleaguered Progressive Conservative Party. Sources close to Mr. Prentice, who left federal politics in 2010 for one of Canada’s Big Five banks, say he is actively preparing the ground for a campaign in the event he should decide to throw his hat into the ring. A number of high-ranking PC party members and Calgary business leaders are actively pushing Mr. Prentice to run in the party’s leadership contest, forced by Alison Redford’s resignation last month. They believe he can not only win the leadership vote, scheduled for September, but also has the best chance of getting the long-governing party out of the political doldrums before the next provincial election in 2016. ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... BUSINESS / EMPLOYMENT SERVICES Head office: TORONTO, ON Employees: 31,000 (342 Can) • Openings: Now: 5 / 2014: + Times on Cdn list: 2014 Also ranked in: Belgium, Denmark, Luxemburg, Norway, Sweden, The Netherlands, UK Carswell, a division of 48 Thomson Reuters Canada Ltd. WHY SHOULD YOU CONSIDER PROMOTION IN THIS SPECIAL OPPORTUNITY: Disney Interactive/ Club Penguin 44 FINANCIAL SERVICES & INSURANCE / INVESTMENTS Head office: TORONTO, ON Employees: 3,734 (116 Can) • Openings: Now: 3 / 2014: 15 Times on Cdn list: 2013, 2014 Rather than having a prescribed number of paid vacation days, Morningstar trusts people to make a good judgment in terms of what is appropriate. All employees are encouraged to take at least three weeks off each year. Don’t miss out – speak with your Globe and Mail Account Manager today. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Head office: TORONTO, ON Employees: 200,000 (8,013 Can) • Openings: Now: 380 / 2014: 940 Times on Cdn list: 2006, 2007, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 Also ranked in: Mexico, USA, Uruguay GARY MASON Meetings are held on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays Last year, Deloitte launched a recruitment competition for ............................................................... to keep .teams aligned with each other and their weekly accounting students called The Apprentice. Candidates CALGARY and monthly goals. The week starts on Friday, with the completed three challenging tasks and were eliminated ............................................................... forecast .of what is to be attained in the subsequent week. each week by a panel of Deloitte representatives. The winniversity of Calgary presiner was awarded a summer internship with the firm. dent Elizabeth Cannon was at home Tuesday morning indulging in habits that have become customary before work – scanning e-mails, drinking coffee, reading the newspaper – when her husband Gérard called out from another room. MEDIA / ONLINE INTERNET SERVICES “Elizabeth,” he said. “I think you’d better come and see this.” Head office: KELOWNA, BC always fluid. Few things are pre- The victims history, the University Employees: of Calgary175,000 It was a television item about (300 Can) • Openings: Now: 5 / 2014: 25 dictable.Times Theon only is 2014 is still reeling from the news. It five university students being Cdn certainty list: 2011, 2012, Friends and relatives has joined an unfortunate group that much of the work will be stabbed to death at a house difficult. of academic institutions around party. The prime suspect, also a remember those On Wednesday afternoon, Ms. student, was said to be in custo- the world to be struck by tragewho lost their lives was preparing to make dy of this nature and dy. ClubdimenPenguin hostsCannon an Annual Exposé to showcase all seriesThis of year, heartbreaking phone sion. While reportskinds of the Instantly, Dr. Cannon knew of employee atalent. the event was hosted NEWS, PAGE A4 to the parents of thewere three murders ignited emergency this was going to be a day like at the localprotheatre calls and employees and alumni victims who attended the tocols on campus that have no other, for either her or her invited to attend and bring as many family members and school. (Two more attended oth- Left to right: Kaitlin Perras, long been in place,friends a school cancould! university. as they er postsecondary institutions). never fully prepare for a crisis Twenty-four hours after the Jordan Segura, Zackariah Rathwell, HABANERO CONSULTING GROUP ahead of time. The situation is worst mass murder in the city’s Mason, Page 4 Josh Hunter, Lawrence Hong Last year, S. C. Johnson moved their employee communication meetings offsite to the local movie theatre. Employees enjoy the reclined seating, free popcorn, candy and beverages while listening to business updates. The movie screen makes the presentations larger than life! Prentice mulls making run for leadership of Alberta PCs ................................................................ Deloitte 42 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... MANUFACTURING & PRODUCTION / PERSONAL & HOUSEHOLD GOODS Head office: BRANTFORD, ON Employees: 13,000 (400 Can) • Openings: Now: NA / 2014: NA Times on Cdn list: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 Also ranked in: Central America & Carribean, Italy, UK, and 3 more POLITICS STEVEN CHASE OTTAWA KELLY CRYDERMAN CALGARY As the University of Calgary reels from tragedy, its president strives to find the right response Randstad Canada Canadiens win Game 1 Montreal opens playoffs with 5-4 OT thriller Globe Sports ................................................................ TOP 50 LARGE & MULTINATIONAL COMPANIES WITH > 1000 EMPLOYEES WORLDWIDE continued from page 7 Legend: +: hiring but number not available; NA: info not available; W Top 25 best workplaces for women 40 RATES CONTEXTUAL PLACEMENT: • C A N A DA ’ S N AT I O N A L N E W S PA P E R Canada’s Best Workplaces following companies have earned recognition for practices W The that enable women to advance themselves personally and professionally, and better address some of the complex challenges women face, including balancing career and family responsibilities. Royal LePage Performance Realty Top 50 1.2.medium Vega 3. Tri Fit Inc. companies 4. Wynford/EventSimple Online Business Systems • 360incentives with < 6.5.1000 employees Brand Momentum • AbbVie 7. Intelex Technologies Inc. • Biogen Idec Canada in Canada 8. McDonald’s Restaurants of Canada Limited • Brand Momentum Inc. Pride I have pride in what I do 9. Ariad Communications 10. SaskCentral (Credit Union Central of Saskatchewan) 11. Environics Communications Inc. 12. Intuit Canada 13. Edelman Public Relations Worldwide Canada INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 14. Ames Tile & Stone Ltd. / SOFTWARE I enjoy the people 15. Benefits by Design (BBD) Inc. that I work with Head office: WHITBY, ON 16. Credit Counselling Society Employees: 106 • Openings: Now: 6 / 2014: NA 17. LMC Diabetes & Endocrinology Ltd. • G Adventures Times on Cdn list: 2013, 2014 18. Admiral Insurance • JOEY Restaurant Group 19. DEL Property Management Inc. • The PEER Group Inc. 20. Ontario Hospital Association • Vega At 360incentives, employees receive a rock star 21. new G Adventures • Wishabi Inc. welcome on their first day! Upon arrival, The&Final Count- Services (ISIS) 22. Immigrant Settlement Integration • Yum! Restaurants International through the stereo down by Europe 23.blares Microsoft Canada Inc. as the new hire (Canada) moves through24. theYum! crowd, getting high-fives and being Restaurants International (Canada) introduced over a megaphone. 25. Stryker For more, visit • Microsoft Canada Inc. • Vermilion Energy 1 360incentives Camaraderie It’s possible. You have everything you need to create a great workplace culture. The organizations featured in this report are guiding the way. These are the Best Workplaces in Canada Top 50 large & multinational companies with > 1000 employees worldwide Google Inc. 1 MEDIA / ONLINE INTERNET SERVICES Head office: TORONTO, ON Employees: 42,089 (430 Can) • Openings: Now: NA / 2014: NA Times on Cdn list: 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 Also ranked in: Argentina, Brazil, India, Japan, Latin America, Mexico, Switzerland, USA Through a partnership with the Jamie Oliver Food Foundation, Google offers a number of programs to help Googlers eat and cook well at home. Last year, Googlers around the globe participated in cooking classes, community gardens and cooking demonstrations from local chefs. 2014; they represent different sectors and geographies, and they include medium and large union 360INCENTIVES 77 Our readers have transferable skills… nearly 40% of print and 26% of web readers have managerial or professional experience 2 Habanero Consulting Group INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY / IT CONSULTING Head office: VANCOUVER, BC Employees: 78 • Openings: Now: 2 / 2014: 3 Times on Cdn list: 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 77 They are also active in the job market… • Over 200,000 print/web readers will be seeking new employment opportunities in the next year • Over 170,000 new or soon-to-be graduates may be looking for their first job Habanero Consulting Group donates 1% of its profit to charity; two-thirds of this is committed to the Dr. Peter AIDS Foundation in a three-year corporate giving term. This regular donation commitment means DPAF can use funds in a more planned and deliberate manner. 3 Traction on Demand INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY / IT CONSULTING Head office: BURNABY, BC Employees: 85 • Openings: Now: 8 / 2014: 45 Times on Cdn list: 2014 Traction on Demand provides an area for employees to work with their children. Included are some toys, a crib and space for children to play and sleep while their parent is working. This creates flexibility for parents in difficult situations. Continued on page 4 CAMILLA PUCHOLT and non-union firms. The one thing they all have in common is a high- 2 trust workplace where employees pride in what they do, and enjoy the people they work with. Inside, you will find snapshots of the Best Workplaces and the practices now enabling them to outperform on A certified yoga instructor comes to the Toronto office twice per week to offer free yoga classes during lunch. The main boardroom, designed for this purpose, is converted into a Zen yoga room, with curtains to ensure privacy and comfort. multiple levels. 3 FOR COMPLETE COVERAGE – including W in-depth articles and other insight – see the special feature, now online: Legend: +: hiring but number not available; NA: info not available; AOL Canada Corp. MEDIA / ONLINE INTERNET SERVICES Head office: TORONTO, ON Employees: 4,100 (101 Can) • Openings: Now: 9 / 2014: 9 Times on Cdn list: 2013, 2014 Also ranked in: Ireland trust the people they work for, take Intuit Canada INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY / SOFTWARE Head office: MISSISSAUGA, ON Employees: 9,000 (349 Can) • Openings: Now: 26 / 2014: 50 Times on Cdn list: 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 Also ranked in: India, UK, USA Employees were asked to identify a big problem facing non-profit organizations through the We Care and We Give Back Grand Challenge. Three Canadian teams are among the nine finalists, and later this year, one project will be selected to focus on in the coming year. W Top 25 best workplaces for women Continued on page 3 This report was produced by RandallAnthony Communications Inc. ( in conjunction with the advertising department of The Globe and Mail. Andrea D’Andrade, Manager, Special Reports and New Product Development, 77 Globe print readers are 75% more likely and web readers 20% more likely to work in HR Source: PMB/comScore 2014 Fall Fusion 2 Year (A18+) GlobeConnect offers comprehensive packages that reach key audiences through hyper-targeted content. Print, web, mobile, social and search are offered with each ad package. Available extension onto Alliance partner sites truly optimizes the impact of your brand message. Plus, all GlobeConnect reports that are hosted on our site receive rotational promotion on the homepage of for one full month. Call your Globe and Mail representative for more information or to book your space TELEPHONE SONJA LEIGH ADVERTISING SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE TORONTO ONTARIO & MANITOBA 1.800.387.9012 EASTERN CANADA OTTAWA REGION, QUEBEC & ATLANTIC CANADA 1.800.363.7526 WESTERN CANADA ALBERTA & SASKATCHEWAN 1.403.245.4987 or 1.403.774.8024 BRITISH COLUMBIA 1.800.663.1311 NORTHWEST TERRITORIES & NUNAVUT 1.604.685.0308 416.585.5368 EMAIL TELEPHONE 416.585.5629 EMAIL INTERNATIONAL UNITED STATES AND WORLDWIDE 1.212.946.0219 To learn more and for specifications and formats for newspaper, magazines, digital, mobile and video, please visit January 2015 | KC ANDREA D’ANDRADE MANAGER I SPECIAL REPORTS AND NEW PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT
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