May 22-24, 2015 Are you hungry for the demonstration of the Spirit and of the power as spoken of in 1 Corinthians 2:4-5 “And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man’s wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power: that your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God”? We serve a supernatural, glorious God who performs supernatural acts and every believer should expect to live in and walk in the demonstration of that power! This year the emphasis is on the “mind and the heart of the Father” let the prophetic glory be released in His house– let Mercy & Truth be at the forefront and let the Fear of the Lord come! There is a global awakening and demonstration of the power and the fire of the Holy Spirit and His supernatural works by those who have been touched by the One they love! We believe that this fire is sweeping the globe and the “Midwest” region is about to be “rocked” for the glory of God! Jesus said, “The kingdom of heaven is at hand. Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give.” Matthew 10:7-8. God’s glory is pouring out of the portals of heaven, the revival winds are blowing and God’s people are being set on fire for Him! Join us, as we witness the fire of the Holy Spirit being poured out in Nebraska and the surrounding areas through the Prophetic & Apostolic Revivalist anointing on Paul Keith Davis, Terry Bennett and Randy DeMain on May 22nd-24th! See the Midwest set ablaze with the passionate heart of Father God releasing the fire of His love on His children! Paul Keith is a Prophetic Apostolic man of God who imparts the power & the revelation of the heavenly realm on to the hungry hearts of believers who won’t settle for status quo but cry out for more night and day! Randy carries a prophetic revivalist anointing to revive the hearts of men with the power and knowledge of God. Terry Bennett– a prophetic voice with an anointing to encourage the body of Christ to walk in the love of God in this season with no whitewashed gospel– truth in the inward parts! Come believing God to infuse you with His revelatory power during powerful times of teaching, impartation and ministry. Expect the miraculous, and expect the power and demonstration of the Holy Spirit to be released in your life and in those you love... come and experience the GLORY of God! Register at or send payment w/ name, email & phone # to PO Box 390428 Omaha, NE 68139-0428 Registration is $45.00 -$60 (see schedule attached) Questions? Call Glory Christian Center @ 402-896-5333 ‘Encounter His Presence– Prophetic Conference Glory Christian Center– 14227 U St. Omaha, Nebraska– 402-896-5333 Speakers: Location: Glory Christian Center 14227 U St Omaha, NE 68137 Parking in rear and shuttling from Millard Plaza will be available Group Rates for motels please see our schedule Friday May 22nd 2 & 7 PM Saturday May 23rd10 AM, 2 PM & 7PM Sunday May 24th 10 AM Paul Keith has written numerous articles appearing in various Christian publications, including the MorningStar Journal, Charisma and Church Growth International. He has also written four books including “Thrones of Our Soul,” “Engaging The Revelatory Realm of Heaven,” and “Books of Destiny,” all dealing with prophetic mandates placed upon the end-time generation. His newest book, "Angels That Gather," provides a biblical outline for the harvest and insight to help access our end of the age inheritance. Paul Keith has a unique gift for imparting prophetic understanding of times and seasons with a message of preparation and expectancy for the Lord's Empowering Presence. He spent many years in extensive study highlighting the ministry of revelation and power exemplified throughout the church ages with an emphasis on the 20th century church. His heart’s desire is to see the full restoration of Biblical Apostolic ministry manifested through the Spirit of Truth residing in God’s people, expressing salvation, healing and deliverance to the Glory of God and His Christ. Randy is from Austin Texas and has been preaching the gospel for over 25 years, Randy has served as pastor, teacher, and church planter. For the past several years, he has traveled full time as an Apostolic Revivalist. Randy regularly conducts harvest and healing crusades, training events, and speaks at conferences worldwide. He has written several books & is the founder of Kingdom Revelation Ministries. His heart is to see the body of Christ operate, not just in word only, but in demonstrations of the Spirit and power. G l o r y C h r i s t i a n Ce n t er Registration rate: early bird by April 1st $45 Late registration (after April 1st)- $55.00 At the door-$60 Sorry no refunds! Attention: Register early as there is limited seating available For more than 30 years, Terry and his wife Donna have served in full-time ministry. They have pioneered and pastored a number of churches during this time, as well as participating in Shiloh, an international prophetic ministry based in Kansas City, MO. Terry has a B.A. in Biblical Studies from Central Bible College, Springfield, MO. Terry has traveled extensively since the late 90’s both internationally and across the United States ministering in churches, conferences, and to individuals to encourage them in knowing the Lord and living in His love. Today, he travels with his son Josiah as they minister to the body of Christ and challenge the church to come out to the Lord and prepare herself for her Bridegroom. Encounter His Presence –Prophetic Conference May 22nd– May 24th, 2015 Cost - $45 per person (full conference early bird rate) or $20 per session – (after April 1st $55) (Cost at the door is $60.00) Please be advised register early– limited seating! Register on line at OR - Send payment, with name, address, phone number, and email to: Glory Christian Center PO Box 390428 Omaha, NE 68139-0428 SCHEDULE Friday, May 22nd 2:00 pm - Prophetic Word– Speaker Randy DeMain 7:00 pm - Meeting - Speaker Paul Keith Davis Saturday, May 23rd 10:00 am– Randy DeMain 1:30 pm– Q & A Panel Discussion with Paul Keith, Randy and Terry 2:00 pm– Terry Bennett 7:00 pm– Paul Keith Davis Sunday, May 24th 10:00 am– Terry Bennett Location: Glory Christian Center 14227 U Street Omaha, NE 68137 NOTE there will be no childcare at the conference Group rates for rooms at Hampton Inn LaVista 402-895-2900 & Americinn 402-391-5300 available until April 22nd for GCC guests
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